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NBER Working Papers

From National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
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23862: Marijuana legalization and disability claiming Downloads
Johanna Maclean, Keshar Ghimire and Lauren Nicholas
23861: The Effect of House Prices on Household Borrowing: A New Approach Downloads
James Cloyne, Kilian Huber, Ethan Ilzetzki and Henrik Kleven
23860: ProPelled: The Effects of Grants on Graduation, Earnings, and Welfare Downloads
Jeffrey Denning, Benjamin Marx and Lesley Turner
23859: The Effects of Accountability Incentives in Early Childhood Education Downloads
Daphna Bassok, Thomas Dee and Scott Latham
23858: What Lies Beneath: Pipeline Awareness and Aversion Downloads
Evan Herrnstadt and Richard Sweeney
23857: Agricultural Trade Reform, Reallocation and Technical Change: Evidence from the Canadian Prairies Downloads
William Brown, Shon Ferguson and Crina Viju
23856: Attribute Substitution in Household Vehicle Portfolios Downloads
James Archsmith, Kenneth Gillingham, Christopher Knittel and David Rapson
23855: Environmental Consequences of Hydrocarbon Infrastructure Policy Downloads
Thomas R. Covert and Ryan Kellogg
23854: Flood Risk Belief Heterogeneity and Coastal Home Price Dynamics: Going Under Water? Downloads
Laura A. Bakkensen and Lint Barrage
23853: The Productivity Slowdown and the Declining Labor Share: A Neoclassical Exploration Downloads
Gene Grossman, Elhanan Helpman, Ezra Oberfield and Thomas Sampson
23852: The External Costs of Transporting Petroleum Products by Pipelines and Rail: Evidence From Shipments of Crude Oil from North Dakota Downloads
Karen Clay, Akshaya Jha, Nicholas Muller and Randall Walsh
23851: Vocational and Career Tech Education in American High Schools: The Value of Depth Over Breadth Downloads
Daniel Kreisman and Kevin Stange
23850: How Credit Cycles across a Financial Crisis Downloads
Arvind Krishnamurthy and Tyler Muir
23849: What Goes Up May Not Come Down: Asymmetric Incidence of Value-Added Taxes Downloads
Youssef Benzarti, Dorian Carloni, Jarkko Harju and Tuomas Kosonen
23848: Who Really Benefits from Consumption Tax Cuts? Evidence from a Large VAT Reform in France Downloads
Youssef Benzarti and Dorian Carloni
23847: Central Banks: Evolution and Innovation in Historical Perspective Downloads
Michael Bordo and Pierre Siklos
23846: Premium Levels and Demand Response in Health Insurance: Relative Thinking and Zero-Price Effects Downloads
Rudy Douven, Ron van der Heijden, Thomas McGuire and Frederik T. Schut
23845: East Asian Financial and Economic Development Downloads
Randall Morck and Bernard Yeung
23844: Employment Hysteresis from the Great Recession Downloads
Danny Yagan
23843: The Decline of Big-Bank Lending to Small Business: Dynamic Impacts on Local Credit and Labor Markets Downloads
Brian S. Chen, Samuel Hanson and Jeremy Stein
23842: Returns to Pharmaceutical Innovation in the Market for Oral Chemotherapy in Response to Insurance Coverage Expansion Downloads
Caroline S. Bennette, Anirban Basu, Scott D. Ramsey, Zachary Helms and Peter B. Bach
23841: International Credit Supply Shocks Downloads
Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Andrea Ferrero and Alessandro Rebucci
23840: Comparing 2SLS vs 2SRI for Binary Outcomes and Binary Exposures Downloads
Anirban Basu, Norma Coe and Cole G. Chapman
23839: Longitudinal Determinants of End-of-Life Wealth Inequality Downloads
James Poterba, Steven Venti and David Wise
23838: General Equilibrium Effects of (Improving) Public Employment Programs: Experimental Evidence from India Downloads
Karthik Muralidharan, Paul Niehaus and Sandip Sukhtankar
23837: Keynesian Economics without the Phillips Curve Downloads
Roger Farmer and Giovanni Nicolò
23836: Macro Needs Micro Downloads
Fabio Ghironi
23835: Default Risk, Sectoral Reallocation, and Persistent Recessions Downloads
Cristina Arellano, Yan Bai and Gabriel Mihalache
23834: Too Much of a Good Thing? Labor Market Imperfections as a Source of Exceptional Exporter Performance Downloads
Carsten Eckel and Stephen Yeaple
23833: The Economic Implications of Housing Supply Downloads
Edward Glaeser and Joseph Gyourko
23832: Are CEOs Different? Characteristics of Top Managers Downloads
Steven Kaplan and Morten Sorensen
23831: Optimal Financing for R&D-Intensive Firms Downloads
Richard Thakor and Andrew Lo
23830: Negative Bubbles: What Happens After a Crash Downloads
William Goetzmann and Dasol Kim
23829: How Efficient is Dynamic Competition? The Case of Price as Investment Downloads
David Besanko, Ulrich Doraszelski and Yaroslav Kryukov
23828: Deposit Insurance and Depositor Monitoring: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Downloads
Haelim Park Anderson, Gary Richardson and Brian S. Yang
23827: Ethnic Differences in Demographic Behavior in the United States: What Can We Learn from Vital Statistics about Inequality? Downloads
Michael Haines
23826: A Simple Approximation for Evaluating External Validity Bias Downloads
Isaiah Andrews and Emily Oster
23825: Two Great Trade Collapses: The Interwar Period & Great Recession Compared Downloads
Kevin O'Rourke
23824: Allocating Effort and Talent in Professional Labor Markets Downloads
Gadi Barlevy and Derek Neal
23823: Attention Manipulation and Information Overload Downloads
Petra Persson
23822: How Segregated is Urban Consumption? Downloads
Donald Davis, Jonathan Dingel, Joan Monras and Eduardo Morales
23821: March Madness: NCAA Tournament Participation and College Alcohol Use Downloads
Dustin White, Benjamin Cowan and Jadrian Wooten
23820: Smoking, Health Capital, and Longevity: Evaluation of Personalized Cessation Treatments in a Lifecycle Model with Heterogeneous Agents Downloads
Li-Shiun Chen, Ping Wang and Yao Yao
23819: Rural-Urban Migration, Structural Transformation, and Housing Markets in China Downloads
Carlos Garriga, Aaron Hedlund, Yang Tang and Ping Wang
23818: The U.S. Shale Oil Boom, the Oil Export Ban, and the Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Nida Cakir Melek, Michael Plante and Mine Yucel
23817: Signaling to Experts Downloads
Pablo Kurlat and Florian Scheuer
23816: Is There Still Son Preference in the United States? Downloads
Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, Peter Brummund, Jason Cook and Miriam Larson-Koester
23815: Search Engines and Data Retention: Implications for Privacy and Antitrust Downloads
Lesley Chiou and Catherine Tucker
23814: Mis-classified, Binary, Endogenous Regressors: Identification and Inference Downloads
Francis DiTraglia and Camilo García-Jimeno
23813: Racial Segregation and Southern Lynching Downloads
Lisa Cook, Trevon Logan and John Parman
23812: Changes in Corporate Governance and Top Executive Turnover: The Evidence from Japan Downloads
Hideaki Miyajima, Ryo Ogawa and Takuji Saito
23811: Complementary Bias: A Model of Two-Sided Statistical Discrimination Downloads
Ashley Craig and Roland Fryer
23810: Multi-generational Impacts of Childhood Access to the Safety Net: Early Life Exposure to Medicaid and the Next Generation’s Health Downloads
Chloe East, Sarah Miller, Marianne Page and Laura Wherry
23809: Anomalies Abroad: Beyond Data Mining Downloads
Xiaomeng Lu, Robert Stambaugh and Yu Yuan
23808: Network-Mediated Knowledge Spillovers: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis of Information Security Innovations Downloads
Lee Branstetter, Neil Gandal and Nadav Kuniesky
23807: Water, Health and Wealth Downloads
Nava Ashraf, Edward Glaeser, Abraham Holland and Bryce Steinberg
23806: Should Robots be Taxed? Downloads
Joao Guerreiro, Sergio Rebelo and Pedro Teles
23805: Who Owns the Wealth in Tax Havens? Macro Evidence and Implications for Global Inequality Downloads
Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen and Gabriel Zucman
23804: Enjoying the Quiet Life: Corporate Decision-Making by Entrenched Managers Downloads
Naoshi Ikeda, Kotaro Inoue and Sho Watanabe
23803: The Effects of Graduation Requirements on Risky Health Behaviors of High School Students Downloads
Zhuang Hao and Benjamin Cowan
23802: How do Credit Supply Shocks Affect the Real Economy? Evidence from the United States in the 1980s Downloads
Atif Mian, Amir Sufi and Emil Verner
23801: Market Power, Production (Mis)Allocation and OPEC Downloads
John Asker, Allan Collard-Wexler and Jan De Loecker
23800: The Origins of Financial Development: How the African Slave Trade Continues to Influence Modern Finance Downloads
Ross Levine, Chen Lin and Wensi Xie
23799: Understanding the Rise in Corporate Cash: Precautionary Savings or Foreign Taxes Downloads
Michael W. Faulkender, Kristine Hankins and Mitchell Petersen
23798: FinTech Adoption Across Generations: Financial Fitness in the Information Age Downloads
Bruce Carlin, Arna Olafsson and Michaela Pagel
23797: Long-Term Care in Latin America and the Caribbean? Theory and Policy Considerations Downloads
Martín Caruso, Sebastian Galiani and Pablo Ibarraran
23796: Uncertainty Shocks as Second-Moment News Shocks Downloads
David Berger, Ian Dew-Becker and Stefano Giglio
23795: Where Modern Macroeconomics Went Wrong Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz
23794: Structural Transformation, Deep Downturns, and Government Policy Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz
23793: Can Financial Incentives Reduce the Baby Gap? Evidence from a Reform in Maternity Leave Benefits Downloads
Anna Raute
23792: High-Dosage Tutoring and Reading Achievement: Evidence from New York City Downloads
Roland Fryer and Meghan Howard Noveck
23791: The Accident Externality from Trucking Downloads
Lucija Muehlenbachs, Stefan Staubli and Ziyan Chu
23790: Tarnishing the Golden and Empire States: Land-Use Restrictions and the U.S. Economic Slowdown Downloads
Kyle Herkenhoff, Lee Ohanian and Edward Prescott
23789: Fiscal Stimulus and Fiscal Sustainability Downloads
Alan Auerbach and Yuriy Gorodnichenko
23788: How was the Quantitative Easing Program of the 1930s Unwound? Downloads
Matthew Jaremski and Gabriel Mathy
23787: Rational Inattention and Sequential Information Sampling Downloads
Benjamin Hebert and Michael Woodford
23786: The Second Era of Globalization is Not Yet Over: An Historical Perspective Downloads
Michael Bordo
23785: Historical Antisemitism, Ethnic Specialization, and Financial Development Downloads
Francesco D’Acunto, Marcel Prokopczuk and Michael Weber
23784: The Mortgage Rate Conundrum Downloads
Alejandro Justiniano, Giorgio Primiceri and Andrea Tambalotti
23783: The Paper Money of Colonial North Carolina, 1712-1774 Downloads
Cory Cutsail and Farley Grubb
23782: Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find? Downloads
Nicholas Bloom, Charles Jones, John van Reenen and Michael Webb
23781: Access to Long-Term Care After a Wealth Shock: Evidence from the Housing Bubble and Burst Downloads
Joan Costa-Font, Richard Frank and Katherine Swartz
23780: The Revolution of Information Economics: The Past and the Future Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz
23779: The Effects of Marijuana Liberalizations: Evidence from Monitoring the Future Downloads
Angela Dills, Sietse Goffard and Jeffrey Miron
23778: Pricing when Customers Care about Fairness but Misinfer Markups Downloads
Erik Eyster, Kristof Madarasz and Pascal Michaillat
23777: How Wide Is the Firm Border? Downloads
Enghin Atalay, Ali Hortacsu, Mary Jialin Li and Chad Syverson
23776: Biased Monitors: Corporate Governance When Managerial Ability is Mis-assessed Downloads
Benjamin Hermalin
23775: Personalized Pricing and Consumer Welfare Downloads
Jean-Pierre Dubé and Sanjog Misra
23774: Learning by Ruling and Trade Disputes Downloads
Giovanni Maggi and Robert Staiger
23773: Gravity in FX R-Squared: Understanding the Factor Structure in Exchange Rates Downloads
Hanno Lustig and Robert Richmond
23772: Tax Evasion and Inequality Downloads
Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen and Gabriel Zucman
23771: Strategy-proofness in the Large Downloads
Eduardo Azevedo and Eric Budish
23770: Primary-Market Auctions for Event Tickets: Eliminating the Rents of 'Bob the Broker'? Downloads
Aditya Bhave and Eric Budish
23769: High School Choices and the Gender Gap in STEM Downloads
David Card and A. Payne
23768: Reproductive Health Care in Catholic-Owned Hospitals Downloads
Elaine Hill, David Slusky and Donna Ginther
23767: The Evolution of Corporate Cash Downloads
John R. Graham and Mark T. Leary
23766: Financialization in Commodity Markets Downloads
Varadarajan Chari and Lawrence Christiano
23765: The Impact of Partial-Year Enrollment on the Accuracy of Risk Adjustment Systems: A Framework and Evidence Downloads
Keith Ericson, Kimberley Geissler and Benjamin Lubin
23764: Global Macro Risks in Currency Excess Returns Downloads
Kimberly Berg and Nelson Mark
23763: Early Childhood Health Shocks and Adult Wellbeing: Evidence from Wartime Britain Downloads
Jeffrey Schiman, Robert Kaestner and Anthony T. Lo Sasso
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