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NBER Working Papers

From National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
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17561: Testing Conditional Factor Models Downloads
Andrew Ang and Dennis Kristensen
17560: When Bonds Matter: Home Bias in Goods and Assets Downloads
Nicolas Coeurdacier and Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas
17559: A Sorted Tale of Globalization: White Collar Jobs and the Rise of Service Offshoring Downloads
Runjuan Liu and Daniel Trefler
17558: A Transparency Standard for Derivatives Downloads
Viral Acharya
17557: Identifying Demand with Multidimensional Unobservables: A Random Functions Approach Downloads
Jeremy Fox and Amit Gandhi
17556: Cost-Effectiveness of Electricity Energy Efficiency Programs Downloads
Toshi Arimura, Shanjun Li, Richard Newell and Karen Palmer
17555: The Effects of Quantitative Easing on Interest Rates: Channels and Implications for Policy Downloads
Arvind Krishnamurthy and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen
17554: School Resources and Educational Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Review of the Literature from 1990 to 2010 Downloads
Paul Glewwe, Eric Hanushek, Sarah D. Humpage and Renato Ravina
17553: A Unified Theory of Firm Selection and Growth Downloads
Costas Arkolakis
17552: The Costs of Financial Crises: Resource Misallocation, Productivity and Welfare in the 2001 Argentine Crisis Downloads
Guido Sandleris and Mark Wright
17551: The Stock of External Sovereign Debt: Can We Take the Data At 'Face Value'? Downloads
Daniel Dias, Christine Richmond and Mark Wright
17550: A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment Downloads
Pablo Fajgelbaum, Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
17549: On the Connections between Intertemporal and Intra-temporal Trades Downloads
Jiandong Ju, Kang Shi and Shang-Jin Wei
17548: A Theory of Asset Pricing Based on Heterogeneous Information Downloads
Elias Albagli, Christian Hellwig and Aleh Tsyvinski
17547: How Did the Recession of 2007-2009 Affect the Wealth and Retirement of the Near Retirement Age Population in the Health and Retirement Study? Downloads
Alan Gustman, Thomas L. Steinmeier and Nahid Tabatabai
17546: Unconditional Convergence Downloads
Dani Rodrik
17545: How Do Informal Agreements and Renegotiation Shape Contractual Reference Points? Downloads
Ernst Fehr, Oliver Hart and Christian Zehnder
17544: The Contribution of Chinese FDI to Africa's Pre Crisis Growth Surge Downloads
Aaron Weisbrod and John Whalley
17543: Supply-Side Policies and the Zero Lower Bound Downloads
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Pablo Guerron and Juan F Rubio-Ramirez
17542: Sovereign Debt, Government Myopia, and the Financial Sector Downloads
Viral Acharya and Raghuram Rajan
17541: The Trouble with Boys: Social Influences and the Gender Gap in Disruptive Behavior Downloads
Marianne Bertrand and Jessica Pan
17540: Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon: Background and Results from the RICE-2011 Model Downloads
William Nordhaus
17539: Policy-Instrument Choice and Benefit Estimates for Climate-Change Policy in the United States Downloads
Matthew Kotchen, Kevin Boyle and Anthony A. Leiserowitz
17538: Adverse Selection and Incentives in an Early Retirement Program Downloads
Kenneth T. Whelan, Ronald Ehrenberg, Kevin Hallock and Ronald L. Seeber
17537: Housing and the Macroeconomy: The Role of Bailout Guarantees for Government Sponsored Enterprises Downloads
Karsten Jeske, Dirk Krueger and Kurt Mitman
17536: The Composition and Draw-down of Wealth in Retirement Downloads
James Poterba, Steven Venti and David Wise
17535: Organizational Economics and Physician Practices Downloads
James Rebitzer and Mark E. Votruba
17534: Unemployment Insurance and Job Search in the Great Recession Downloads
Jesse Rothstein
17533: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Childhood Investments on Postsecondary Attainment and Degree Completion Downloads
Susan Dynarski, Joshua Hyman and Diane Schanzenbach
17532: The Value-Added Tax Reform Puzzle Downloads
Jing Cai and Ann Harrison
17531: The Tax Reform Act of 1986: Comment on the 25th Anniversary Downloads
Martin Feldstein
17530: Financial Sector Ups and Downs and the Real Sector: Up by the stairs, down by the parachute Downloads
Joshua Aizenman, Brian Pinto and Vladyslav Sushko
17529: Allocating Time: Individuals' Technologies, Household Technology, Perfect Substitutes, and Specialization Downloads
Robert Pollak
17528: The Effect of FDA Advisories on Branded Pharmaceutical Firms' Valuations and Promotion Efforts Downloads
Rena M. Conti, Haiden A. Huskamp and Ernst R. Berndt
17527: Teaching Practices and Social Capital Downloads
Yann Algan, Pierre Cahuc and Andrei Shleifer
17526: Agricultural Policy, Migration, and Malaria in the 1930s United States Downloads
Alan Barreca, Price Fishback and Shawn Kantor
17525: Optimal Monetary Policy with Informational Frictions Downloads
George-Marios Angeletos and Jennifer La'O
17524: Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters Downloads
Amit Khandelwal, Peter Schott and Shang-Jin Wei
17523: A survey of venture capital research Downloads
Marco Da Rin, Thomas Hellmann and Manju Puri
17522: Government Policy and Ownership of Financial Assets Downloads
Kristian Rydqvist, Joshua Spizman and Ilya Strebulaev
17521: The Simple Analytics of the Melitz Model in a Small Open Economy Downloads
Svetlana Demidova and Andrés Rodríguez-Clarez
17520: Sticky Prices: A New Monetarist Approach Downloads
Allen Head, Lucy Qian Liu, Guido Menzio and Randall Wright
17519: Identification and Inference with Many Invalid Instruments Downloads
Michal Kolesár, Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Edward Glaeser and Guido Imbens
17518: Ending "Too Big To Fail": Government Promises vs. Investor Perceptions Downloads
Todd A. Gormley, Simon Johnson and Changyong Rhee
17517: The Real Effects of Hedge Fund Activism: Productivity, Asset Allocation, and Labor Outcomes Downloads
Alon Brav, Wei Jiang and Hyunseob Kim
17516: A Model of Mortgage Default Downloads
John Campbell and João F. Cocco
17515: Welfare Magnet Hypothesis, Fiscal Burden and Immigration Skill Selectivity Downloads
Assaf Razin and Jackline Wahba
17514: Spatial Determinants of Entrepreneurship in India Downloads
Ejaz Ghani, William Kerr and Stephen O'Connell
17513: A Forensic Analysis of Global Imbalances Downloads
Menzie Chinn, Barry Eichengreen and Hiro Ito
17512: Innovation and Growth with Financial, and other, Frictions Downloads
Jonathan Chiu, Cesaire Meh and Randall Wright
17511: Buyers, Sellers and Middlemen: Variations on Search-Theoretic Themes Downloads
Linda Wong and Randall Wright
17510: Endogenous Credit Cycles Downloads
Chao Gu and Randall Wright
17509: What do Boards Really Do? Evidence from Minutes of Board Meetings Downloads
Miriam Schwartz-Ziv and Michael Weisbach
17508: The Disappearing Gender Gap: The Impact of Divorce, Wages, and Preferences on Education Choices and Women's Work Downloads
Raquel Fernandez and Joyce Cheng Wong
17507: Fathers and Youth's Delinquent Behavior Downloads
Deborah Cobb-Clark and Erdal Tekin
17506: Speculation and Risk Sharing with New Financial Assets Downloads
Alp Simsek
17505: Lifecycle Portfolio Choice with Systematic Longevity Risk and Variable Investment-Linked Deferred Annuities Downloads
Vasily Kartashov, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell and Ralph Rogalla
17504: General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor-Market Outcomes over the Life-Cycle Downloads
Eric Hanushek, Ludger Woessmann and Lei Zhang
17503: Copyright Protection, Technological Change, and the Quality of New Products: Evidence from Recorded Music since Napster Downloads
Joel Waldfogel
17502: Capital Flows and Economic Growth in the Era of Financial Integration and Crisis, 1990-2010 Downloads
Joshua Aizenman, Yothin Jinjarak and Donghyun Park
17501: Traded and Nontraded Goods Prices, and International Risk Sharing: an Empirical Investigation Downloads
Giancarlo Corsetti, Luca Dedola and Francesca Viani
17500: Liquidity and the Threat of Fraudulent Assets Downloads
Yiting Li, Guillaume Rocheteau and Pierre-Olivier Weill
17499: The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy: An Introduction Downloads
Don Fullerton and Catherine Wolfram
17498: What Role for Trade in a Post 2012 Global Climate Policy Regime Downloads
John Whalley
17497: Role Reversal in Global Finance Downloads
Eswar Prasad
17496: The Wage Effects of Offshoring: Evidence from Danish Matched Worker-Firm Data Downloads
David Hummels, Rasmus Jørgensen, Jakob Munch and Chong Xiang
17495: Knowledge Growth and the Allocation of Time Downloads
Robert Lucas and Benjamin Moll
17494: Injecting Successful Charter School Strategies into Traditional Public Schools: A Field Experiment in Houston Downloads
Roland Fryer
17493: Aggregate Implications of Innovation Policy Downloads
Andrew Atkeson and Ariel T. Burstein
17492: Reserves and Baskets Downloads
Michael Bordo and Harold James
17491: Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha Downloads
Diane Del Guercio and Jonathan Reuter
17490: On the Network Topology of Variance Decompositions: Measuring the Connectedness of Financial Firms Downloads
Francis Diebold and Kamil Yilmaz
17489: Optimal Monetary Policy with Endogenous Entry and Product Variety Downloads
Florin Bilbiie, Ippei Fujiwara and Fabio Ghironi
17488: Using the Market to Address Climate Change: Insights from Theory and Experience Downloads
Joseph Aldy and Robert Stavins
17487: The Human Capital Stock: A Generalized Approach Downloads
Benjamin Jones
17486: If You Build It Will They Come? Teacher Use of Student Performance Data on a Web-Based Tool Downloads
John Tyler
17485: House Prices and Birth Rates: The Impact of the Real Estate Market on the Decision to Have a Baby Downloads
Lisa Dettling and Melissa Kearney
17484: Price Dividend Ratio Factors: Proxies for Long Run Risk Downloads
Ravi Jagannathan and Srikant Marakani
17483: Impatience, Incentives, and Obesity Downloads
Charles Courtemanche, Garth Heutel and Patrick McAlvanah
17482: Estimating Patients' Preferences for Medical Devices: Does the Number of Profile in Choice Experiments Matter? Downloads
John Bridges, Christine Buttorff and Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn
17481: Payout Taxes and the Allocation of Investment Downloads
Bo Becker, Marcus Jacob and Martin Jacob
17480: Separating the Opposing Effects of Bilateral Tax Treaties Downloads
Bruce Blonigen, Lindsay Oldenski and Nicholas Sly
17479: The Stock Market Crash of 2008 Caused the Great Recession: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Roger Farmer
17478: Evidence on the Efficacy of School-Based Incentives for Healthy Living Downloads
Harold Cuffe, William Harbaugh, Jason Lindo, Giancarlo Musto and Glen Waddell
17477: Sticking with What (Barely) Worked Downloads
Lars Lefgren, Brennan Platt and Joseph Price
17476: The Price Effects of a Large Merger of Manufacturers: A Case Study of Maytag-Whirlpool Downloads
Orley Ashenfelter, Daniel S. Hosken and Matthew Weinberg
17475: List Randomization for Sensitive Behavior: An Application for Measuring Use of Loan Proceeds Downloads
Dean Karlan and Jonathan Zinman
17474: Human Capital and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Healthcare Sector Downloads
Ann P. Bartel, Ciaran S. Phibbs, Nancy Beaulieu and Patricia Stone
17473: The Hidden Benefits of Control: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment Downloads
Craig Landry, Andreas Lange, John List, Michael Price and Nicholas Rupp
17472: Is There a 'Hidden Cost of Control' in Naturally-Occurring Markets? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment Downloads
Craig Landry, Andreas Lange, John List, Michael Price and Nicholas Rupp
17471: The Geographic Accessibility of Child Care Subsidies and Evidence on the Impact of Subsidy Receipt on Childhood Obesity Downloads
Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin
17470: Grossman-Hart (1986) Goes Global: Incomplete Contracts, Property Rights, and the International Organization of Production Downloads
Pol Antras
17469: State Gun Policy and Cross-State Externalities: Evidence from Crime Gun Tracing Downloads
Brian Knight
17468: Does Short-Term Debt Increase Vulnerability to Crisis? Evidence from the East Asian Financial Crisis Downloads
Efraim Benmelech and Eyal Dvir
17467: Do Stronger Age Discrimination Laws Make Social Security Reforms More Effective? Downloads
David Neumark and Joanne Song
17466: Who Offers Tax-Based Business Development Incentives? Downloads
Alison Felix and James Hines
17465: Grade Non-Disclosure Downloads
Daniel Gottlieb and Kent Smetters
17464: Political Uncertainty and Risk Premia Downloads
Lubos Pastor and Pietro Veronesi
17463: Corporate Acquisitions, Diversification, and the Firm's Lifecycle Downloads
Asli M. Arikan and René Stulz
17462: Racial Disparities in Job Finding and Offered Wages Downloads
Roland Fryer, Devah Pager and Jörg Spenkuch
Page updated 2024-12-21
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