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NBER Working Papers

From National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
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9760: Measuring the Well-Being of the Poor Using Income and Consumption Downloads
Bruce Meyer and James Sullivan
9759: Household Risk Management and Optimal Mortgage Choice Downloads
John Campbell and Joao F. Cocco
9758: Equilibrium Asset Prices Under Imperfect Corporate Control Downloads
James Dow, Gary Gorton and Arvind Krishnamurthy
9757: Auctions Versus Negotiations in Procurement: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Patrick Bajari, Robert S. McMillan and Steven Tadelis
9756: The Regulation of Labor Downloads
Simeon Djankov, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez- de-Silane, Andrei Shleifer and Juan Botero
9755: The Labor Demand Curve is Downward Sloping: Reexamining the Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market Downloads
George Borjas
9754: The impact of new drug launches on longevity: evidence from longitudinal disease-level data from 52 countries, 1982-2001 Downloads
Frank Lichtenberg
9753: James Tobin: An Appreciation of his Contribution to Economics Downloads
Willem Buiter
9752: Just and Reasonable Treatment: Racial Treatment in the Terms of Pauper Apprenticeship in Antebellum Maryland Downloads
Howard Bodenhorn
9751: The Negative Income Tax and the Evolution of U.S. Welfare Policy Downloads
Robert Moffitt
9750: Does Misery Love Company? Evidence from pharmaceutical markets before and after the Orphan Drug Act Downloads
Frank Lichtenberg and Joel Waldfogel
9749: Voice and Growth: Was Churchill Right? Downloads
Peter Lindert
9748: Parochial Interests and the Centralized Provision of Local Public Goods: Evidence from Congressional Voting on Transportation Projects Downloads
Brian Knight
9747: Implementing Optimal Policy through Inflation-Forecast Targeting Downloads
Lars Svensson and Michael Woodford
9746: A Quantitative Analysis of Tax Competition v. Tax Coordination under Perfect Capital Mobility Downloads
Enrique Mendoza and Linda Tesar
9745: Why Parents Play Favorites: Explanations for Unequal Bequests Downloads
Audrey Light and Kathleen McGarry
9744: Airline Schedule Recovery after Airport Closures: Empirical Evidence Since September 11th Downloads
Nicholas Rupp, George Holmes and Jeffrey DeSimone
9743: Market Reactions to Tangible and Intangible Information Downloads
Kent Daniel and Sheridan Titman
9742: Prodigals and Projecture: An Economic History of Usury Laws in the United States from Colonial Times to 1900 Downloads
Hugh Rockoff
9741: Why Are Prices Sticky? The Dynamics of Wholesale Gasoline Prices Downloads
Michael Davis and James Hamilton
9740: Firms, Contracts, and Trade Structure Downloads
Pol Antras
9739: Endogenous Tradability and Macroeconomic Implications Downloads
Paul Bergin and Reuven Glick
9738: Health Inequality, Education and Medical Innovation Downloads
Sherry Glied and Adriana Lleras-Muney
9737: Credit Market Imperfections in Middle Income Countries Downloads
Aaron Tornell and Frank Westermann
9736: Neoclassical Theory Versus Prospect Theory: Evidence from the Marketplace Downloads
John List
9735: Appropriability and the timing of innovation: Evidence from MIT inventions Downloads
Emmanuel Dechenaux, Brent Goldfarb, Scott A. Shane and Marie Thursby
9734: The Disclosure and Licensing of University Inventions Downloads
Richard Jensen, Jerry Thursby and Marie Thursby
9733: Sprawl and Urban Growth Downloads
Edward Glaeser and Matthew Kahn
9732: Fifty Years of Mincer Earnings Regressions Downloads
James Heckman, Lance Lochner and Petra Todd
9731: Prospects for Improving U.S. Patent Quality via Post-grant Opposition Downloads
Bronwyn Hall, Stuart Graham and Dietmar Harhoff
9730: Adoption of New Technology Downloads
Bronwyn Hall and Beethika Khan
9729: Distance, Time, and Specialization Downloads
Carolyn Evans and James Harrigan
9728: Product Differentiation, Search Costs, and Competition in the Mutual Fund Industry: A Case Study of the S&P 500 Index Funds Downloads
Ali Hortacsu and Chad Syverson
9727: Incentives and Invention in Universities Downloads
Saul Lach and Mark Schankerman
9726: Identification and Estimation of Dynamic Games Downloads
Martin Pesendorfer and Philipp Schmidt-Dengler
9725: Defense R&D Policy in the Anti-terrorist Era Downloads
Manuel Trajtenberg
9724: Productivity Growth and R&D Expenditure in Taiwan's Manufacturing Firms Downloads
Jiann-Chyuan Wang and Kuen-Hung Tsai
9723: Vertical Production Networks in Multinational Firms Downloads
Gordon Hanson, Raymond J. Mataloni and Matthew J. Slaughter
9722: Executive Compensation and Short-termist Behavior in Speculative Markets Downloads
Patrick Bolton, Jose Scheinkman and Wei Xiong
9721: A Model of Add-on Pricing Downloads
Glenn Ellison
9720: Does the Format of a Financial Aid Program Matter? The Effect of State In-Kind Tuition Subsidies Downloads
Bridget Long
9719: Specialization, Firms, and Markets: The Division of Labor Within and Between Law Firms Downloads
Luis Garicano and Thomas N. Hubbard
9718: Footloose and Pollution-Free Downloads
Josh Ederington, Arik Levinson and Jenny Minier
9717: Business Method Patents, Innovation, and Policy Downloads
Bronwyn Hall
9716: The Role of Globalization in the Within-Industry Shift Away from Unskilled Workers in France Downloads
Vanessa Strauss-Kahn
9715: A Multinational Perspective on Capital Structure Choice and Internal Capital Markets Downloads
Mihir A. Desai, C. Fritz Foley and James Hines
9714: Annuities and Individual Welfare Downloads
Thomas Davidoff, Jeffrey Brown and Peter Diamond
9713: IS-LM and Monetarism Downloads
Michael Bordo and Anna Schwartz
9712: A Structural Empirical Model of Firm Growth, Learning, and Survival Downloads
Jaap Abbring and Jeffrey Campbell
9711: The Neighbor's Portfolio: Word-of-Mouth Effects in the Holdings and Trade of Money Managers Downloads
Harrison Hong, Jeffrey D. Kubik and Jeremy Stein
9710: Foreign Bank Entry and Business Volatility: Evidence from U.S. States and Other Countries Downloads
Donald Morgan and Philip Strahan
9709: Ideas and Education: Level or Growth Effects? Downloads
Steve Dowrick
9708: Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Theory and Practice Downloads
Joshua Angrist
9707: Job Loss in the United States, 1981-2001 Downloads
Henry Farber
9706: Is Tomorrow Another Day? The Labor Supply of New York Cab Drivers Downloads
Henry Farber
9705: Nonunion Wage Rates and the Threat of Unionization Downloads
Henry Farber
9704: Bank Integration and State Business Cycles Downloads
Donald Morgan, Bertrand Rime and Philip Strahan
9703: A Quasi-Experimental Estimate of the Impact of Financial Aid on College-Going Downloads
Thomas J. Kane
9702: Living Wage Effects: New and Improved Evidence Downloads
Scott Adams and David Neumark
9701: Relative Prices and Relative Prosperity Downloads
Chang-Tai Hsieh and Pete Klenow
9700: Economic Analysis of Welfare Economics, Morality and the Law Downloads
Steven Shavell
9699: Economic Analysis of the General Structure of the Law Downloads
Steven Shavell
9698: Economic Analysis of Public Law Enforcement and Criminal Law Downloads
Steven Shavell
9697: Economic Analysis of Litigation and the Legal Process Downloads
Steven Shavell
9696: Economic Analysis of Contract Law Downloads
Steven Shavell
9695: Economic Analysis of Property Law Downloads
Steven Shavell
9694: Economic Analysis of Accident Law Downloads
Steven Shavell
9693: Impacts of Eligibility Expansions and Provider Reimbursement Rate Increases on Child Care Subsidy Take-Up Rates, Welfare Use and Work Downloads
Ann Dryden Witte and Magaly Queralt
9692: Spaghetti Regionalism or Strategic Foreign Trade: Some Evidence for Mexico Downloads
Alejandro Ibarra-Yunez
9691: Social Security, Retirement, and the Single-Mindedness of the Electorate Downloads
Casey Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
9690: Marijuana Decriminalization: What does it mean in the United States? Downloads
Rosalie Pacula, Jamie F. Chriqui and Joanna King
9689: The Effect of Drug Prohibition on Drug Prices: Evidence from the Markets for Cocaine and Heroin Downloads
Jeffrey Miron
9688: Do Minimum Wages Affect Non-wage Job Attributes? Evidence on Fringe Benefits and Working Conditions Downloads
Kosali Simon and Robert Kaestner
9687: Globalization in Latin America Before 1940 Downloads
Jeffrey Williamson and Luis Bertola
9686: Local Revenue Hills: Evidence from Four U.S. Cities Downloads
Andrew Haughwout, Robert P. Inman, Steven Craig and Thomas Luce
9685: Local Does as Local Is: Information Content of the Geography of Individual Investors' Common Stock Investments Downloads
Scott Weisbenner and Zoran Ivkovich
9684: The Elusive Gains from International Financial Integration Downloads
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Olivier Jeanne
9683: Does School Choice Increase School Quality? Downloads
George Holmes, Jeffrey DeSimone and Nicholas Rupp
9682: Religion and Economic Growth Downloads
Robert Barro and Rachel McCleary
9681: Alcohol Prohibition and Cirrhosis Downloads
Angela Dills and Jeffrey Miron
9680: Cooperative Marketing Agreements Between Competitors: Evidence from Patent Pools Downloads
Josh Lerner, Jean Tirole and Marcin Strojwas
9679: Firm-Specific Human Capital: A Skill-Weights Approach Downloads
Edward Lazear
9678: Risk Aversion, Liability Rules, and Safety Downloads
Joshua Graff Zivin, Richard Just and David Zilberman
9677: Do Demographic Changes Affect Risk Premiums? Evidence from International Data Downloads
Andrew Ang and Angela Maddaloni
9676: Alcohol Advertising and Alcohol Consumption by Adolescents Downloads
Henry Saffer and Dhaval Dave
9675: Product Quality and Market Size Downloads
Steven Berry and Joel Waldfogel
9674: Diversification and the Taxation of Capital Gains and Losses Downloads
Richard J. Rendleman, Jr. and Douglas Shackelford
9673: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Latent Affine Processes Downloads
David S. Bates
9672: Inflation Targeting, Price-Path Targeting and Output Variability Downloads
Stephen Cecchetti and Junhan Kim
9671: Teacher Incentives Downloads
Paul Glewwe, Nauman Ilias and Michael Kremer
9670: Twin Fallacies About Exchange Rate Policy in Emerging Markets Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
9669: The Effects of Multinational Production on Wages and Working Conditions in Developing Countries Downloads
Drusilla Brown, Alan Deardorff and Robert Stern
9668: Globalization and International Commodity Trade with Specific Reference to the West African Cocoa Producers Downloads
Christopher L. Gilbert and Panos Varangis
9667: Inflation Targeting in Transition Countries: Experience and Prospects Downloads
Jiri Jonas and Frederic Mishkin
9666: The Monetary Consequences of a Free Trade Area of the Americas Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Alan Taylor
9665: The Determinants and Consequences of Child Care Subsidies for Single Mothers Downloads
David Blau and Erdal Tekin
9664: A No-Arbitrage Approach to Range-Based Estimation of Return Covariances and Correlations Downloads
Michael W. Brandt and Francis Diebold
9663: Do all networks facilitate international commerce? US law firms and the international market for corporate control Downloads
Simon Evenett
9662: The Role of Information in Driving FDI Flows: Host-Country Tranparency and Source Country Specialization Downloads
Ashoka Mody, Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
9661: Charitable Bequests and Taxes on Inheritance and Estates: Aggregate Evidence from Across States and Time Downloads
Jon Bakija, William Gale and Joel Slemrod
Page updated 2024-12-21
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