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NBER Working Papers

From National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
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30362: Of Academics and Creative Destruction: Startup Advantage in the Process of Innovation Downloads
Julian Kolev, Alexis Haughey, Fiona Murray and Scott Stern
30361: Does Environmental Policy Uncertainty Hinder Investments Towards a Low-Carbon Economy? Downloads
Joëlle Noailly, Laura Nowzohour and Matthias van den Heuvel
30360: Do Collusive Norms Maximize Profits? Evidence from a Vegetable Market Experiment in India Downloads
Abhijit Banerjee, Greg Fischer, Dean Karlan, Matt Lowe and Benjamin N. Roth
30359: Locus of Control and Prosocial Behavior Downloads
Mark Andor, James Cox, Andreas Gerster, Michael Price, Stephan Sommer and Lukas Tomberg
30358: What Can Time-Series Regressions Tell Us About Policy Counterfactuals? Downloads
Christian Wolf and Alisdair McKay
30357: What Do Long Data Tell Us About the Inflation Hike Post COVID-19 Pandemic? Downloads
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martín Uribe
30356: Overreaction and Diagnostic Expectations in Macroeconomics Downloads
Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer
30355: Gendered Ageism and Disablism and Employment of Older Workers Downloads
Joanne McLaughlin and David Neumark
30354: Invention Value, Inventive Capability and the Large Firm Advantage Downloads
Ashish Arora, Wesley M. Cohen, Honggi Lee and Divya Sebastian
30353: Imagining the Future: Memory, Simulation and Beliefs about Covid Downloads
Pedro Bordalo, Giovanni Burro, Katherine B. Coffman, Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer
30352: Corporate Political Spending and State Tax Policy: Evidence from Citizens United Downloads
Cailin R. Slattery, Alisa Tazhitdinova and Sarah Robinson
30351: Consumer Demand with Social Influences: Evidence from an E-Commerce Platform Downloads
El Hadi Caoui, Chiara Farronato, John Horton and Robert Schultz
30350: Genetic Endowments, Income Dynamics, and Wealth Accumulation Over the Lifecycle Downloads
Daniel Barth, Nicholas Papageorge, Kevin Thom and Mateo Velásquez-Giraldo
30349: Agency, Gender, and Endowments Effects in the Efficiency and Equity of Team Allocation Decisions Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps and Bereket Kebede
30348: Externalities in the Wildland - Urban Interface: Private Decisions, Collective Action, and Results from Wildfire Simulation Models for California Downloads
Howard Kunreuther, Artem Demidov, Mark Pauly, Matija Turcic and Michael Wilson
30347: Dynamic Price Competition: Theory and Evidence from Airline Markets Downloads
Jose M. Betancourt, Ali Hortacsu, Aniko Oery and Kevin Williams
30346: Causal Narratives Downloads
Chad Kendall and Constantin Charles
30345: Overconfidence and Technology Adoption in Health Care Downloads
Diego Comin, Jonathan Skinner and Doug Staiger
30344: Scapegoating and Discrimination in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Airbnb Downloads
Michael Luca, Elizaveta Pronkina and Michelangelo Rossi
30343: The Next Wave of Energy Innovation: Which Technologies? Which Skills? Downloads
David Popp, Francesco Vona, Myriam Gregoire-Zawilski and Giovanni Marin
30342: How Worker Productivity and Wages Grow with Tenure and Experience: The Firm Perspective Downloads
Andrew Caplin, Minjoon Lee, Søren Leth-Petersen, Johan Saeverud and Matthew Shapiro
30341: Intergenerational Spillover Effects of Language Training for Refugees Downloads
Mette Foged, Linea Hasager, Giovanni Peri, Jacob Arendt and Iben Bolvig
30340: Bank Liquid Assets, the Portfolio Motive, and Capital Requirements Downloads
René M. Stulz, Alvaro G. Taboada and Mathijs van Dijk
30339: The Benefits and Costs of U.S. Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Downloads
Maddalena Ferranna, Lisa Robinson, Daniel Cadarette, Michael Eber and David Bloom
30338: Climate Change Around the World Downloads
Per Krusell and Anthony Smith
30337: The Macroeconomic Consequences of Natural Rate Shocks: An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martín Uribe
30336: Internationalizing Like China Downloads
Christopher Clayton, Amanda Dos Santos, Matteo Maggiori and Jesse Schreger
30335: Lessons from U.S.-China Trade Relations Downloads
Lorenzo Caliendo and Fernando Parro
30334: Superiority-Seeking and the Preference for Exclusion Downloads
Alex Imas and Kristóf Madarász
30333: Noisy Foresight Downloads
Anujit Chakraborty and Chad Kendall
30332: Green Energy Jobs in the US: What Are They, and Where Are They? Downloads
E Curtis and Ioana Marinescu
30331: The Returns to College Major Choice: Average and Distributional Effects, Career Trajectories, and Earnings Variability Downloads
Rodney J. Andrews, Scott Imberman, Michael Lovenheim and Kevin Stange
30330: Depression and Loneliness Among the Elderly Poor Downloads
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Erin Grela, Madeline McKelway, Frank Schilbach, Garima Sharma and Girija Vaidyanathan
30329: Unconventional Monetary Policy According to HANK Downloads
Eric Sims, Jing Cynthia Wu and Ji Zhang
30328: Fiscal Histories Downloads
John Cochrane
30327: Independent Contracting, Self-Employment, and Gig Work: Evidence from California Tax Data Downloads
Annette Bernhardt, Christopher Campos, Allen Prohofsky, Aparna Ramesh and Jesse Rothstein
30326: The Political Economy of the Decline of Antitrust Enforcement in the United States Downloads
Filippo Lancieri, Eric A. Posner and Luigi Zingales
30325: Quality Regulation and Competition: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets Downloads
Juan Pablo Atal, José Ignacio Cuesta and Morten Sæthre
30324: China's Financial System and Economy: A Review Downloads
Zhiguo He and Wei Wei
30323: When the Kids Grow Up: Women's Employment and Earnings across the Family Cycle Downloads
Claudia Goldin, Sari Pekkala Kerr and Claudia Olivetti
30322: The Wage Curve After the Great Recession Downloads
David Blanchflower, Alex Bryson and Jackson Spurling
30321: Taxing Externalities: Revenue vs. Welfare Gains with an Application to U.S. Carbon Taxes Downloads
Matthew Kotchen
30320: Do Funding Agencies Select and Enable Risky Research: Evidence from ERC Using Novelty as a Proxy of Risk Taking Downloads
Reinhilde Veugelers, Jian Wang and Paula Stephan
30319: Origins of International Factor Structures Downloads
Zhengyang Jiang and Robert Richmond
30318: Non-Tariff Barriers in the U.S.-China Trade War Downloads
Tuo Chen, Chang-Tai Hsieh and Zheng Michael Song
30317: Globotics and Macroeconomics: Globalisation and Automation of the Service Sector Downloads
Richard Baldwin
30316: Fertility and Labor Market Responses to Reductions in Mortality Downloads
Sonia Bhalotra, Atheendar Venkataramani and Selma Walther
30315: Spending and Job-Finding Impacts of Expanded Unemployment Benefits: Evidence from Administrative Micro Data Downloads
Peter Ganong, Fiona E. Greig, Pascal J. Noel, Daniel M. Sullivan and Joseph Vavra
30314: Social Capital II: Determinants of Economic Connectedness Downloads
Raj Chetty, Matthew Jackson, Theresa Kuchler, Johannes Stroebel, Nathaniel Hendren, Robert B. Fluegge, Sara Gong, Federico Gonzalez, Armelle Grondin, Matthew Jacob, Drew Johnston, Martin Koenen, Eduardo Laguna-Muggenburg, Florian Mudekereza, Tom Rutter, Nicolaj Thor, Wilbur Townsend, Ruby Zhang, Mike Bailey, Pablo Barberá, Monica Bhole and Nils Wernerfelt
30313: Social Capital I: Measurement and Associations with Economic Mobility Downloads
Raj Chetty, Matthew Jackson, Theresa Kuchler, Johannes Stroebel, Nathaniel Hendren, Robert B. Fluegge, Sara Gong, Federico González, Armelle Grondin, Matthew Jacob, Drew Johnston, Martin Koenen, Eduardo Laguna-Muggenburg, Florian Mudekereza, Tom Rutter, Nicolaj Thor, Wilbur Townsend, Ruby Zhang, Mike Bailey, Pablo Barberá, Monica Bhole and Nils Wernerfelt
30312: The Impact of the Clean Air Act on Particulate Matter in the 1970s Downloads
Maureen Cropper, Nicholas Muller, Yongjoon Park and Victoria Perez-Zetune
30311: The Race Between Education, Technology, and Institutions Downloads
Jonathan Vogel
30310: Screening with Multitasking: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Teacher Tenure Reform Downloads
Michael Dinerstein and Isaac M. Opper
30309: Social Protection and Social Distancing During the Pandemic: Mobile Money Transfers in Ghana Downloads
Dean Karlan, Matt Lowe, Robert Osei, Isaac Osei-Akoto, Benjamin N. Roth and Christopher Udry
30308: Still Worth the Trip? School Busing Effects in Boston and New York Downloads
Joshua Angrist, Guthrie Gray-Lobe, Clemence M. Idoux and Parag Pathak
30307: Stigma in Welfare Programs Downloads
Pablo Celhay, Bruce Meyer and Nikolas Mittag
30306: Social Media and the Behavior of Politicians: Evidence from Facebook in Brazil Downloads
Pedro Bessone, Filipe Campante, Claudio Ferraz and Pedro Souza
30305: Macroeconomic Forecasting using Filtered Signals from a Stock Market Cross Section Downloads
Nicolas Chatelais, Arthur Stalla-Bourdillon and Menzie Chinn
30304: The Causal Effects of Youth Cigarette Addiction and Education Downloads
Rong Hai and James Heckman
30303: The Effect of Vaccine Mandates on Disease Spread: Evidence from College COVID-19 Mandates Downloads
Riley Acton, Wenjia Cao, Emily Cook, Scott Imberman and Michael Lovenheim
30302: Long Story Short: Omitted Variable Bias in Causal Machine Learning Downloads
Victor Chernozhukov, Carlos Cinelli, Whitney Newey, Amit Sharma and Vasilis Syrgkanis
30301: Bringing Them In or Pushing Them Out? The Labor Market Effects of Pro-cyclical Unemployment Assistance Changes Downloads
Gerard Domènech-Arumí and Silvia Vannutelli
30300: Precautionary Protectionism Downloads
Sharon Traiberman and Martin Rotemberg
30299: Covering Undocumented Immigrants: The Effects of a Large-Scale Prenatal Care Intervention Downloads
Sarah Miller, Laura Wherry and Gloria Aldana
30298: Labor Misallocation Across Firms and Regions Downloads
Sebastian Heise and Tommaso Porzio
30297: Policy Uncertainty in the Market for Coal Electricity: The Case of Air Toxics Standards Downloads
Gautam Gowrisankaran, Ashley Langer and Wendan Zhang
30296: Sovereign Debt and Economic Growth when Government is Myopic and Self-interested Downloads
Viral Acharya, Raghuram Rajan and Jack Shim
30295: Rise and Fall of Empires in the Industrial Era: A Story of Shifting Comparative Advantages Downloads
Roberto Bonfatti and A. Kerem Coşar
30294: The Distributional Impact of the Minimum Wage in the Short and Long Run Downloads
Erik Hurst, Patrick Kehoe, Elena Pastorino and Thomas Winberry
30293: First Foot Forward: A Two-Step Econometric Method for Parsing and Estimating the Impacts of Multiple Identities Downloads
Andrew Hanks, Kevin M. Kniffin, Xuechao Qian, Bo Wang and Bruce Weinberg
30292: How Hybrid Working From Home Works Out Downloads
Nicholas Bloom, Ruobing Han and James Liang
30291: Simple Tests for Selection: Learning More from Instrumental Variables Downloads
Dan Black, Joonhwi Joo, Robert LaLonde, Jeffrey Smith and Evan Taylor
30290: American Agriculture, Water Resources, and Climate Change Downloads
Gary Libecap and Ariel Dinar
30289: Banking on Transparency for the Poor: Experimental Evidence from India Downloads
Erica M. Field, Natalia Rigol, Charity M. Troyer Moore, Rohini Pande and Simone Schaner
30288: The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Firm Decisions Downloads
Saten Kumar, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Olivier Coibion
30287: Help Really Wanted? The Impact of Age Stereotypes in Job Ads on Applications from Older Workers Downloads
Ian Burn, Daniel Firoozi, Daniel Ladd and David Neumark
30286: Are Menthol Smokers Different? An Economic Perspective Downloads
Yu-Chun Cheng, Donald Kenkel, Alan Mathios and Hua Wang
30285: Were Small Businesses More Likely to Permanently Close in the Pandemic? Downloads
Robert Fairlie, Frank Fossen, Reid L. Johnsen and Gentian Droboniku
30284: World War II Blues: The Long–lasting Mental Health Effect of Childhood Trauma Downloads
Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel, Erdal Tekin and Belgi Turan
30283: Adverse Selection as a Policy Instrument: Unraveling Climate Change Downloads
Steve Cicala, David Hemous and Morten G. Olsen
30282: The Impact of Climate Change on Mortality in the United States: Benefits and Costs of Adaptation Downloads
Olivier Deschenes
30281: Fear of Appreciation and Current Account Adjustment Downloads
Paul Bergin, Kyunghun Kim and Ju Hyun Pyun
30280: Natural Disasters and Municipal Bonds Downloads
Jun Kyung Auh, Jaewon Choi, Tatyana Deryugina and Tim Park
30279: Measuring Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture: An Equilibrium Perspective on Supply-Side Approaches Downloads
Christophe Gouel
30278: Pricing Power in Advertising Markets: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Matthew Gentzkow, Jesse Shapiro, Frank Yang and Ali Yurukoglu
30277: Central Bank Communication with the General Public: Promise or False Hope? Downloads
Alan Blinder, Michael Ehrmann, Jakob de Haan and David-Jan Jansen
30276: Blending Theory and Data: A Space Odyssey Downloads
Dave Donaldson
30275: College Costs, Financial Aid, and Student Decisions Downloads
Susan Dynarski, Lindsay C. Page and Judith Scott-Clayton
30274: The Effects of Teacher Quality on Adult Criminal Justice Contact Downloads
Evan K. Rose, Jonathan T. Schellenberg and Yotam Shem-Tov
30273: Digital Public Health Interventions at Scale: The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Beliefs and Outcomes Related to COVID Vaccines Downloads
Susan Athey, Kristen Grabarz, Michael Luca and Nils C. Wernerfelt
30272: Tertiarization Like China Downloads
Xilu Chen, Guangyu Pei, Zheng Michael Song and Fabrizio Zilibotti
30271: A Study of Bid-rigging in Procurement Auctions: Evidence from Indonesia, Georgia, Mongolia, Malta, and State of California Downloads
Kei Kawai, Jun Nakabayashi and Daichi Shimamoto
30270: Liquidity, Financial Centrality, and the Value of Key Players Downloads
Arun Chandrasekhar, Robert Townsend and Juan Pablo Xandri
30269: Heterogeneity in Disease Resistance and the Impact of Antibiotics in the US Downloads
Justin Cook and Jason Fletcher
30268: What Motivates Leaders to Invest in Nation-Building? Downloads
Paola Giuliano, Bryony Reich and Alessandro Riboni
30267: A New Interpretation of Productivity Growth Dynamics in the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Era U.S. Economy, 1950-2022 Downloads
Robert Gordon and Hassan Sayed
30266: Firms and Unemployment Insurance Take-up Downloads
Marta Lachowska, Isaac Sorkin and Stephen Woodbury
30265: Fighting Climate Change: International Attitudes Toward Climate Policies Downloads
Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Adrien Fabre, Tobias Kruse, Bluebery Planterose, Ana Sanchez Chico and Stefanie Stantcheva
30264: New Pricing Models, Same Old Phillips Curves? Downloads
Adrien Auclert, Rodolfo D. Rigato, Matthew Rognlie and Ludwig Straub
30263: Carbon Pricing, Clean Electricity Standards, and Clean Electricity Subsidies on the Path to Zero Emissions Downloads
Severin Borenstein and Ryan Kellogg
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