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NBER Working Papers

From National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
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1157: Financial Innovation and the Control of Monetary Aggregates: Some Evidence from Canada Downloads
Robert Lucas
1156: The Economics of Price Scissors Downloads
Raaj Sah and Joseph Stiglitz
1155: The Distributional Impact of Social Security Downloads
Michael Hurd and John B. Shoven
1154: Moral Hazard and Optimal Commodity Taxation Downloads
Richard Arnott and Joseph Stiglitz
1153: Inflation and Labor-Market Adjustment Downloads
Daniel Hamermesh
1152: The Dynamic Effects of Tax Law Asymmetries Downloads
Alan Auerbach
1151: Real Determinants of Corporate Leverage Downloads
Alan Auerbach
1150: Wage Contracts with Incomplete and Costly Information Downloads
Joshua Aizenman
1149: Models of Arbitrator Behavior: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Orley Ashenfelter and David E. Bloom
1148: Consumer Durables and the Real Interest Rate Downloads
N. Gregory Mankiw
1147: Inflexible Relative Prices and Price Level Inertia Downloads
Olivier Blanchard
1146: Life-Cycles in Income and Wealth Downloads
J. R. Kearl and Clayne L. Pope
1145: Investment Patterns and Financial Leverage Downloads
Michael S. Long and Ileen B. Malitz
1144: Shunto, Rational Expectations, and Output Growth in Japan Downloads
Herschel Grossman and William S. Haraf
1143: Contingent Claims Valuation of Corporate Liabilities: Theory and Empirical Tests Downloads
E. Philip Jones, Scott P. Mason and Eric Rosenfeld
1142: Debt and Equity Yields: 1926-80 Downloads
Patric Hendershott and Roger D. Huang
1141: Why Are Real Interest Rates So High? Downloads
Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Robert L. McDonald
1140: What Are the Determinants of Delayed Childbearing and Permanent Childlessness in the United States? Downloads
David Bloom and James Trussell
1139: Unionization and Productivity in Office Building and School Construction Downloads
Steven Allen
1138: The Forward Exchange Market, Speculation, and Exchange Market Intervention Downloads
Jonathan Eaton and Stephen J Turnovsky
1137: Capital Structure Change and Decreases in Stockholders' Wealth: A Cross-Sectional Study of Convertible Security Calls Downloads
Wayne H. Mikkelson
1136: Right-to-Work Laws and the Extent of Unionization Downloads
Henry S. Farber
1135: A Model of Exchange-Rate Determination with Policy Reaction: Evidence from Monthly Data Downloads
William Branson
1134: The Changing Relationship Between Aggregate Price and Output: The British Experience Downloads
Richard T. Froyen and Roger Waud
1133: Seasonal Adjustment with Measurement Error Present Downloads
Jerry Hausman and Mark Watson
1132: The Effect of Risk on the Firm's Optimal Capital Stock: A Note Downloads
Kevin J. Maloney, William J. Marshall and Jess B. Yawitz
1131: Interpreting Ex-Dividend Evidence: The Citizens Utilities Case Reconsidered Downloads
James Poterba
1130: The Substitutability of Debt and Equity Securities Downloads
Benjamin M. Friedman
1129: Current Account Dynamics and the Terms of Trade: Harberger-Laursen-Metzler Two Generations Later Downloads
Torsten Persson and Lars Svensson
1128: The Economics of Retirement Behavior Downloads
Olivia Mitchell and Gary Fields
1127: Monetary Policy in the Large Open Economy Downloads
Michael Darby
1126: Incentive Effects of Pensions Downloads
Edward Lazear
1125: Defining a Unitary Business: An Economist's View Downloads
Charles E. McLure, Jr.
1124: Services in the Domestic Economy and in World Transactions Downloads
Irving B. Kravis
1123: Which Effective Tax Rate? Downloads
Don Fullerton
1122: The Present Value of Profits and Cyclical Movements in Investment Downloads
Andrew Abel and Olivier Blanchard
1121: Commodity Prices, Overshooting, Money Surprises, and Fed Credibility Downloads
Jeffrey Frankel and Gikas Hardouvelis
1120: International Balance of Payments Financing and Adjustment Downloads
Willem Buiter and Jonathan Eaton
1119: Supply Shocks, Wage Stickiness, and Accommodation Downloads
Stanley Fischer
1118: International Liquidity and Monetary Control Downloads
Jacob A. Frenkel
1117: Stabilization Policies in Open Economies Downloads
Richard C. Marston
1116: The Impact of Right-to-Work Laws on Union Organizing Downloads
David T. Ellwood and Glenn A. Fine
1115: The Theorems of International Trade with Factor Mobility Downloads
Wilfred Ethier and Lars Svensson
1114: Monetary Instruments and Policy Rules in a Rational Expectations Environment Downloads
Michael Dotsey and Robert King
1113: Are Asset Demand Functions Determined by CAPM? Downloads
Jeffrey Frankel and William T. Dickens
1112: Empirical Studies of Exchange Rates: Price Behavior, Rate Determinationand Market Efficiency Downloads
Richard M. Levich
1111: Uncertain Parameter Values and the Choice Among Policy Options Downloads
Don Fullerton and Andrew Lyon
1110: The Desirability of a Dollar Appreciation, Given a Contractionary U.S. Monetary Policy Downloads
Jeffrey Frankel
1109: Survey Response Variation in the Current Population Survey Downloads
James Poterba and Lawrence Summers
1108: Wage Flexibility and Openness Downloads
Joshua Aizenman
1107: Adjustment to Monetary Policy and Devaluation Under Two-Tier and Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes Downloads
Joshua Aizenman
1106: On the Relevance or Irrelevance of Public Financial Policy: Indexation,Price Rigidities and Optimal Monetary Policy Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz
1105: A Relationship Between Regression Tests and Volatility Tests of Market ncy Downloads
Jeffrey Frankel and James Stock
1104: Characteristics of U.S. Manufacturing Companies Investing Abroad and their Choice of Production Locations Downloads
Robert Lipsey, Irving B. Kravis and Linda O'Connor
1103: Balance-of-Payments Crises and Devaluation Downloads
Maurice Obstfeld
1102: Taxes and Labor Supply Downloads
Jerry Hausman
1101: Trade in Goods and Factors with International Differences in Technology Downloads
James Markusen and Lars Svensson
1100: Intertemporal Price Speculation and the Optimal Current-Account Deficit Downloads
Maurice Obstfeld
1099: The New Nexus among Trade, Industrial and Exchange-Rate Policies Downloads
J. David Richardson
1098: U.S. Antidumping Policies: The Case of Steel Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Hans Van der Ven
1097: Real and Financial Decisions of a Firm with Bankruptcy and Default: An Integration Downloads
Fumio Hayashi
1096: Economic Incentives to Retire: A Qualitative Choice Approach Downloads
Olivia Mitchell and Gary Fields
1095: Unemployment and Insurance Downloads
Sherwin Rosen
1094: Some Aspects of the Taxation of Capital Gains Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz
1093: Causality and Innovations Between Fertility and Infant Mortality Downloads
Tadashi Yamada
1092: A Skeptical Note on the New Econometrics Downloads
Alan Blinder
1091: Inflation and the Role of Bonds in Investor Portfolios Downloads
Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Robert L. McDonald
1090: The Structure of Expectations of the Weekly Money Supply Announcement Downloads
Thomas Urich and Paul Wachtel
1089: Optimal Price and Inventory Adjustment in an Open-Economy Model of the Business Cycle Downloads
Robert Flood and Robert Hodrick
1088: Tax Analysis in an Oligopoly Model Downloads
Michael Katz and Harvey Rosen
1087: Currency Inconvertibility, Portfolio Balance and Relative Prices Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo
1086: Length of Service, Terminations and the Nature of the Employment Relationship Downloads
Katharine Abraham and James Medoff
1085: Length of Service and the Operation of Internal Labor Markets Downloads
Katharine Abraham and James Medoff
1084: Money, Credit Constraints, and Economic Activity Downloads
Alan Blinder and Joseph Stiglitz
1083: Deficits and Intergenerational Welfare in Open Economies Downloads
Torsten Persson
1082: Asset Substitutability and the Impact of Federal Deficits Downloads
V. Vance Roley
1081: Demand Variability, Supply Shocks and the Output-Inflation Tradeoff Downloads
Richard T. Froyen and Roger Waud
1080: A General Equilibrium Simulation Study of Subsidies to Municipal Expenditures Downloads
Roger Gordon and Joel Slemrod
1079: Rules, Discretion and Reputation in a Model of Monetary Policy Downloads
Robert Barro and David Gordon
1078: Deficits, Crowding Out and Inflation: The Simple Analytics Downloads
Willem Buiter
1077: Money, Real Interest Rates, and Output: A Reinterpretation of Postwar U.S. Data Downloads
Robert Litterman and Laurence Weiss
1076: Planning the Consumption Goods Market: Preliminary Disequilibrium Estimates for Poland, 1955-1980 Downloads
Richard Portes, Richard E. Quandt, David Winter and Stephen Yeo
1075: International Capital Movements Under Uncertainty Downloads
Gene Grossman and Assaf Razin
1074: World Equilibrium with Oil Price Increases: An Intertemporal Analysis Downloads
Nancy Marion and Lars Svensson
1073: The Taxation of Income from Capital: A Comparative Study of the U.S., U.K., Sweden and West Germany--Comparisons of Effective Tax Rates-- Downloads
Mervyn A. King and Don Fullerton
1072: The Relationship Between Diet, Parent"s Fatness, and Obesity in Children and Adolescents Downloads
Douglas Coate
1071: Is Optimism Good in a Keynesian Economy? Downloads
Torsten Persson and Lars Svensson
1070: Rational Expectations and Macroeconomic Forecasts Downloads
Victor Zarnowitz
1069: Retirement Flows Downloads
Alan Gustman and Thomas L. Steinmeier
1068: Productivity and R&D at the Firm Level in French Manufacturing Downloads
Philippe Cuneo and Jacques Mairesse
1067: Monetary Policy: Domestic Targets and International Constraints Downloads
Jacob A. Frenkel
1066: Modeling Deviations from Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Downloads
Joshua Aizenman
1065: The Short-Run Relation Between Inflation and Growth in Latin America Downloads
Sebastian Edwards
1064: Floating Exchange Rates, Expectations and New Information Downloads
Sebastian Edwards
1063: The Demand for International Reserves and Exchange Rate Adjustments: TheCase of LDCs, 1964-1972 Downloads
Sebastian Edwards
1062: Supplemental Social Insurance and the Health of the Poor Downloads
Paul J. Taubman and Robin Sickles
1061: Technical Problems in Social Experimentation: Cost versus Ease of Analysis Downloads
Jerry Hausman and David Wise
1060: Measuring the Average Marginal Tax Rate from the Individual Income Tax Downloads
Robert Barro and Chaipat Sahasakul
1059: Rational Asset Price Bubbles Downloads
Behzad Diba and Herschel Grossman
1058: The Taxation of Income from Capital: A Comparative Study of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, and West Germany--The Theoretical Framework-- Downloads
Mervyn A. King and Don Fullerton
Page updated 2024-12-21
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