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Sideswipe (G1)

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The name or term "Sideswipe" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sideswipe (disambiguation).
Sideswipe is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
I've never done anything important, but people love me anyway! Sweet!

Sideswipe is not nearly as much of a sociopath as his brother Sunstreaker, but he is every bit as skillful. He's more into battle for the sport of it. A bit of a jock, Sideswipe most craves a glorious fight to the finish as a test of his mettle.

With a little reckless edge in his tactics, Sideswipe makes rash decisions that may endanger him, all in the name of possible victory. When everything is on the line, nothing is out of the question for Sideswipe, even cheating. Although his reckless attitude has not changed over time, his cause has: once in it solely for the glory, he's now driven by the desire to defend freedom and the innocent.

Used to be, it was good guys versus Decepticons—the end. Reason enough to live, and simple goals.Sideswipe, The Life of Sideswipe



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
My shoulders are black because this is where my toy's wheels go!

Sideswipe, along with his brother Sunstreaker, was part of the original crew of Optimus Prime's Ark. When the Decepticons attacked the ship, it crashed on Earth, and Sideswipe, along with the rest of the combatants, lay dormant for 4 million years. When the volcano that housed the Ark erupted, the Ark's internal mechanisms revived all Transformers, making no distinction between Autobot and Decepticon. Sideswipe was alive again. The Transformers

When the Autobots went to retrieve their fallen comrade Bumblebee from Sparkplug Witwicky's garage, they were attacked by Decepticons. Against his brother's better judgment, Sideswipe employed his fuel-gobbling rocket backpack to take the fight right to the Decepticon jets, blinding Thundercracker with his flare gun. The 'Cons were driven off, but without a source of fuel to recharge on, several Autobots, including Sideswipe, were left virtually empty after the battle. Power Play! Having sustained some damage during the battle, Sideswipe rode along with Hound in Optimus Prime's trailer back to the Ark to conserve fuel. Prisoner of War!

Sideswipe mirage enemy within.jpg

While the Autobots busied themselves repairing the Ark, Brawn was subjected to a violent electrical feedback. This shock altered his mind, and he lashed out towards his fellow Autobots. Among his victims was Sideswipe, who was man-handled by his erratic comrade, leaving him confused as to whether it had been something he had said which had sent Brawn into a rage. Sideswipe and the Autobots tracked Brawn down as he rampaged through a nearby town, and managed to return him to normal with another electrical shock. Unfortunately, they had no proof that he was his old self, and Brawn was put through trial by combat against Starscream to prove his loyalties. Sideswipe was depressed when he thought that the duel had ended with Brawn's demise, only to be overjoyed to see him intact afterwards, his death having been a ruse orchestrated by Mirage and Optimus. The Enemy Within! Though he could not go on missions, Sideswipe was still able to defend the Ark from invasion when the Decepticons came right to his doorstep. He was confronted by that junk-punk Rumble's earthquake-making ability and turned the tables on him, overpowering Rumble with his pile-driver punches. Raiders of the Last Ark At some point, he helped protect Sherman Dam from some Decepticons, although the Autobots were ultimately unsuccessful at preventing its destruction. Sideswipe and his teammates raced ahead of the resulting flood in order to evacuate a nearby town before the waters reached it. In his vehicle mode, Sideswipe transported many humans to safety, racing against Jazz all the while. Decepticon Dam-Busters!

Sideswipe was present when it was discovered that the human Sparkplug Witwicky had given the Decepticons the fuel they needed to defeat the Autobots. Soon afterwards he was interred into one of the Ark's Tubes of Transference, using his fuel to bolster the power of Optimus Prime, Huffer, Ironhide, Bluestreak and Mirage as the Autobots' last line of defence. Although they were able to defeat Megatron's forces, they didn't count on the reappearance of Shockwave, who took over the Ark and deactivated all the Autobots in the ship. The Last Stand Along with his fellow Autobots, Sideswipe was left hanging from the Ark's ceiling like a slab of beef. The New Order Upon infiltrating the Ark, Ratchet beheld his fellow Autobot in this sad state. Warrior School! After the medic regained control of the Ark for the Autobots, he was able to revive Sideswipe to full functionality in short order, and their new deal for fuel with G.B. Blackrock kept them energized. DIS-Integrated Circuits! He was possibly part of the group of Autobots who battled Devastator when Soundwave and the newly built Constructicons assembled a transdimensional radiowave scrambler to contact Cybertron. Though the Autobots managed to destroy the scrambler, The Decepticons managed to get most of their message through to Cybertron nonetheless. The Next Best Thing to Being There!

So you've read my profile.

Though Shockwave was ultimately evicted from the Ark, he still had Optimus Prime's head held captive in his Blackrock Aerospace Plant headquarters. When the Autobots overheard that Optimus Prime's head had outlived its usefulness and would be disposed of, Sideswipe was part of the large group of Autobots who departed the Ark to rendezvous with the drop-off point. Brainstorm! Sure enough, the Decepticon drone Jetfire approached with the head, though Sideswipe initially proposed blowing it out of the sky. Prowl's caution at first seemed prudent, as Jetfire dropped Prime's head into the swamp in front of them, but their minds changed after they waded into the swamp, retrieved the head, and placed it on Prime's body. The head was in fact a Decepticon decoy that took control of Prime's body and attacked them. On top of that, a strike team led by Soundwave quickly joined them, and Sideswipe soon found himself at the mercy of Ravage, who began tearing out his back with his jaws. Fortunately for the Autobots, Prime's real head was returned, and Sideswipe was one of first to rise from the onslaught to witness their costly victory. Prime Time! These events were observed by the time travelling Dicet Alpha-zero. The Quest!

Sideswipe dinobot hunt.jpg

Sideswipe was aboard the Ark when it came under attack by a flying Transformer—the missing Swoop who had fallen under the control of the human Professor Morris. After attempting to restrain Swoop using non-lethal force, the Autobots discovered that Swoop's primary cybo-dendrons had burnt out during his years in the tar pit, meaning that all the Dinobots were due to going berserk. The Icarus Theory During the subsequent Dinobot Hunt, Sideswipe traveled to Doonstown with Huffer and Bluestreak on a mission to capture the feral Grimlock. They proved unable to subdue their quarry, and were left battered and beaten in the ruins of the town. Dinobot Hunt! Sideswipe was seen in Ratchet's repair bay along with several others. Ratchet remarked to Optimus Prime that some of them might never be battle-capable again. Optimus Prime told him to do his best for Sideswipe and the others, and then promptly left to oversee the creation of their replacements. Rock and Roll-Out!

On a mission to build friendly relations with the people of Pinewoodsville, a now-functional Sideswipe and several other Autobots were hit with a strange blast of energy that reversed their personalities. The group rampaged through the town, ruining months of goodwill work. Tracking the source of the blast to England, the Autobots flew overseas to put an end to what they assumed was a Decepticon plot. But the Decepticons had also been affected by the blast, and were likewise tracking its origin. Sideswipe, Prowl, Jazz, and Mirage holed up inside Optimus's trailer to conserve energy, but were shaken out of their hiding spot by Starscream, just as another personality-reversing blast hit the group. Optimus was sent crashing into a tree off the road, and his troops began calling for a violent mutiny. Sideswipe was the first to return to his senses, just in time to stop Jazz from executing their leader. Nonetheless, Optimus was left too banged-up to carry on with the mission; he hid in a tunnel while his troops soldiered on. The culprit behind the energy blasts turned out to be a human invention, the "PARD." It was destroyed, along with a spy trying to steal it, after Starscream battled Jazz over both. With the threat neutralized, the Autobots carried Optimus back to their UK Base, where Ratchet was waiting to fix him up. To a Power Unknown!

Years later, Sideswipe was seen again on board the Ark when the new Autobot leader Grimlock threatened the lives of some human children to smoke out the "traitor" Blaster. Spacehikers! Soon after, he left the Ark with the rest of its crew to watch the battle between Blaster and Grimlock on Earth's moon. The assembled Autobot forces were attacked during the duel, a devastating first blow bringing down several of them. Blaster and Grimlock were able to put aside their differences long enough to drive off Ratbat's forces however, and Sideswipe was among those still standing in the aftermath. Totaled! He also joined the Autobots in answering a distress signal sent by Buster Witwicky near the Decepticons' Arctic base, resulting in an ambush. Dark Star

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Sideswipe stranglehold ghosts.jpg

During a conflict with the lingering forces of Bludgeon, Sideswipe and the Autobots were rushed off-world by the guardian of an ancient civilization. Ghosts

The war seemingly over, Sideswipe joined the Firestormers, a group of Autobots who aimed to hunt down the last few pockets of Decepticon resistance. He, Broadside, Hound, Blades, and the Dinobots attacked Decepticon Outpost B-67, where they met great numbers but minimal resistance. He expected the liberated citizens of Nexus Seven to be more grateful, but Hound pointed out that their rescuees looked more frightened than pleased, and blamed their group's bloodthirstiness.

Black is the new "I have more words in this single panel than I did in the past 80 issues."

But the Firestormers' quest led them to the staggering discovery that these scattered Decepticon outposts were actually just the tip of the iceberg. There were just seventeen conquered and recolonized planets in that sector of space, suggesting that there was something bigger on the horizon than the remnants of Bludgeon's old team. After Optimus Prime was called to hear this news from Sideswipe and the other Firestormers, they were suddenly attacked and captured by a ship in orbit. Sideswipe and the others were put in prison cells aboard the starship Twilight, which was under the command of Jhiaxus, the Liege Centuro of a forgotten race of Transformers. This revelation momentarily shook Optimus Prime's resolve, but after being brought back to his senses by Grimlock, the two Autobots freed Sideswipe and the others from their cells. They fought their way through the starship to an escape vessel and escaped without injury, though they were burdened with this new knowledge. War Without End!

Sideswipe was present when the Autobots met Jhiaxus's Decepticons in battle on a planet within the K'tord Nebula. At first, tempers merely flared, but soon both sides lost themselves in a violent, bloody rage. Before they were completely lost to their baser instincts, the source of their behavior was discovered to be tar-like emotional parasites. The parasites were removed, and both factions decided to leave peacefully. Primal Fear!

Chin cleft added to ensure badassery.

Grimlock, disobeying Optimus Prime's orders, led a covert team onto the Cybertronian Empire ship Twilight to defeat Jhiaxus and his army of "evolved Decepticons". Sideswipe was wary of their plan to steal a ship and slip on board, but Grimlock assured him that the plan was foolproof. Grimlock changed his tune when they soon learned that they were led into a trap, resulting in Red Alert's death and the Autobots' capture. Sideswipe and the others were rounded up onto a shuttle to be inspected by the Liege Maximo, but managed to escape their fate with assistance from Optimus Prime. Devices and Desires!

Later, while Optimus Prime and Megatron were discussing an alliance against Jhiaxus's Cybertronians, Sideswipe interrupted to tell them that they had received a distress signal from the planet Ethos. Tales of Earth Part Five Sure enough, upon arrival, the Autobots found an advanced civilization in ruins, but managed to repel the Cybertronians thanks to their new Decepticon allies. Escalation!

Finally, Jhiaxus took the full force of his Empire to Earth, where the Autobot/Decepticon alliance had camped. Sideswipe joined them in shooting their attackers out of the sky as they approached. Total War!

Fleetway Generation 2 comic

Sideswipe war without end.jpg

Years later, Sideswipe was part of Jazz's Special Commando Unit, summoned to Earth along with Optimus Prime by Grimlock when Bludgeon began open war on the humans. Prime decided to go after Bludgeon himself, and he assigned Jazz, Sideswipe and Skram to take down one Decepticon strike team at a time because the Decepticon forces were spread very thin. While still in vehicle mode, Sideswipe shot Flamefeather in the crotch, then transformed and hoped aloud that Prime would be okay in the face of Bludgeon's mysterious powers. War Without End

When the Skyscorchers left in the middle of battle, Jazz concluded they had another target to go after—which he and Sideswipe simultaneously realized to be Optimus Prime! The Skyscorchers had actually left to go after Bludgeon's enemy Megatron, whom Sideswipe and his comrades helped shoot at when they arrived in the middle of a fight between the one-time Decepticon leader, Prime, and the Dinobots. Following Megatron's retreat, Sideswipe helped secure prisoners and weapons for withdrawal to the Autobase hidden on Earth's moon. War Zone


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe joined Optimus Prime's crew on Earth after Megatron resurfaced. They braved the Ark's defenses in order to break inside and recover their lost comrade, Ratchet. Sideswipe unsealed him from the CR chamber Megatron had left the medic in, and together the twins carried him away to safety. At Fight's End

Subsequently, Sideswipe was stationed with several other Autobots in Canada within the Ark II. He was present one day when Rad reported from the Ironworks base in Oregon about a foiled attack by Gigatron and his Decepticons. Soon thereafter, due to the actions of an evil Ultra Magnus from another dimension, a rift of space time opened over Earth, causing catastrophes worldwide. Sideswipe, with the aid of his rocket pack, assisted his peers in evacuating a devastated city block. Invasion

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Sideswipe was part of an armed assault team that accompanied Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime to Earth to confront Megatron and his zombie army of lobotomised Transformers. On their return to Cybertron aboard the Valiant, the ship was threatened by the planet's defence systems under the control of Scorponok's troops. Natural Selection, Part Four After the missiles were aborted at the last minute, Sideswipe and the others prepared for immediate deployment upon landing, though Grimlock's efforts had already foiled Scorponok's Gene Key shenanigans. Natural Selection, Part Five

Later, Sideswipe and Tracks guarded Rodimus Prime as he met with Jhiaxus at Eugenesis Plaza. The War to End All Wars, Part 2

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Should I feel sorry for this pour guy?

An original member of the Autobots when they crash-landed on Earth, Sideswipe was a cool guy with jack-hammer arms, a rocket pack and little in the way of personality. Those accessories, though.

In a splinter timeline Sideswipe had more adventures, including one where he gained a new Binaltech body until time travel said otherwise. He continued serving the Autobots well into the year 2011, where he was stationed on both Athenia and Earth simultaneously, but nobody noticed. In the years that followed, he would mature and shed his rebellious nature, taking on covert missions out of a sense of duty rather than a desire to show off.

The Special Teams

After crashing on Earth in the Ark and remaining dormant for millions of years, Sideswipe, along with Optimus and Ratchet, were the first Autobots to awaken after the Decepticons’ own resurrection. These three helped the other Autobots repair themselves with the aid of the Ark's computer. The Special Teams

Sticker Adventures books

When the Decepticons attacked an Autobot construction site, Sideswipe helped his fellow Autobots in driving them back. Return to Cybertron

Marvel Storybooks continuity

Sideswipe was amongst the thirty-five Autobots active on Earth. When the Autobots engaged The Devastator for the very first time, Sunstreaker lead Sideswipe, Windcharger, Jazz and Mirage in the initial charge against him. Their attack was ineffective, and they were blasted away by the mighty gestalt. Battle for Earth


Upon hearing that his "twin Autobot" had been captured by the Decepticons, Sideswipe flew into a rage and vowed to rescue Sunstreaker himself. Grimlock advised Sideswipe to take Sludge and Slag with him, as they would surely encounter Devastator within the Decepticons' headquarters. The three Autobots made their way towards Decepticon territory, encountering numerous traps along the road. Sideswipe was almost done in by a land mine, but managed to transform in time to avoid being seriously damaged. When the trio arrived at the Decepticon camp, another obstacle presented itself in the form of a duo of Decepticon guards. Making short work of these two, Sideswipe's group entered the Decepticon basewhere they came face-to-face against Devastator, as anticipated. Despite their best efforts, the Autobots were overpowered by Devastator, and put in a holding cell alongside Sunstreaker. Later, Megatron announced that the Autobots had agreed to surrender, and brought out his prisoner to look upon the Autobots' peace offering; a life-size statue of Devastator. The surrender turned out to be a ruse however, and Autobot reinforcements burst forth from within the Devastator statue. Sideswipe joined the battle between Autobots and Decepticons that followed. The Autobots were ultimately victorious, and Sideswipe was amongst the Autobots still standing in the aftermath. Optimus ordered his troops to gather the wounded, and the Autobots returned home. The Autobots' Secret Weapon

Marvel coloring books

A long time ago, on the planet Cybertron, Sideswipe helped load a particularly large shipment of Energon onto the Ark. The shipment would eventually become lost when the Ark crashlanded into Mt. St. Hillary. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron

With Sparkplug acting as their referee, Sideswipe and Bluestreak raced one another in order to determine who was the fastest. The race ended in a tie, with Sparkplug declaring them both winners. Just then, Thundercracker and Starscream swooped down onto the trio, and cast Sleep Nets unto them, rendering them unconscious. Sideswipe was brought to Megatron's newly constructed prison, and was incarcerated within. Luckily, Bumblebee had not been captured, and managed to free the other Autobots. Upon their escape, Sideswipe and Bluestreak shot Starscream and Thundercracker out of the sky. Bumblebee to the Rescue!

Sideswipe was one of the many Autobots who prevented the Decepticons from killing Sparkplug and Buster on their latest attempt on the humans' lives. He later helped the Autobots protecting the Hoover Dam. The Deadly Fuel Shortage

Sideswipe was part of the Autobot convoy that followed Optimus Prime into battle when it was discovered that the Decepticons were using a molecular transfer device to steal fuel all around the globe. Summertime Coloring Book

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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A Message From Outer Space Bumblebee's Dangerous Mission

Sideswipe polished himself as he looked on at Gears casually lifting an elephant over his head. Later, when Gears had fallen into a Decepticon trap and gotten himself crushed, Sideswipe, Ratchet and Mirage somehow instantly knew of the situation and showed up on the scene. Sideswipe kicked up some dust into Ravage's joints, paralyzing the Decepticons. The three Autobots managed to beat back the Decepticons and rescue Gears, who was fixed right up by Ratchet. The Autobot Smasher!

Sideswipe (or Sunstreaker) was part of a small strike team of Autobots assembled by Ultra Magnus to help the Dinobots, who were currently engaged in battle against the Decepticons, just outside of Autobot City. After they defeated the Decepticons, Sideswipe/Sunstreaker and the others were cheered on by the nearby oil rig workers as they drove back to Autobot City. Battle at Oil Valley

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Hot Rod's Escape

Big Looker storybooks continuity

Upon awakening on Earth after being offline for about 65 million years, Sideswipe met Sparkplug and his son Spike. With the Decepticons still not in the know of what forms the Autobots had taken, Sideswipe was one of the troops that Optimus led into the desert in order to ambush their enemies. Though they successfully took by surprise a squadron of Decepticons, the Autobots had not anticipated a second group flying in from the opposite direction. Thanks to a warning from Spike and Sparkplug, the Autobots managed to fend off the Decepticons, and came to accept Earth as their new home. Battle for Cybertron

Sideswipe really enjoyed fighting Decepticons. When the other Autobots went on a mission to rescue Grapple from Insecticon mind control, Sideswipe was sure to remind them that beating Decepticons was very important too. Insecticon Attack!

When the Decepticons invaded a car show at the Coliseum, Sideswipe was one of the robots in disguise who infiltrated the show to thwart the Decepticon plot. Car Show Blow Up

Deadly Paradise


Sideswipe was surprised to find himself accused of destroying the Nova Suspension Bridge. He claimed he was not guilty of the act, but with several eyewitnesses proclaiming otherwise and the Autobot-Human relations strained by the crime, Optimus Prime had no choice but to deactivate him. Prowl later discovered that the Sideswipe who had destroyed the bridge was in fact a clone controlled by Megatron. He and a team returned to Autobot headquarters with the evidence necessary to clear Sideswipe's name, who was presumably reactivated afterwards. Deadly Paradise

The Battle for Planet Earth

Voice actor: Peter Marinker (English)

Sideswipe was one of the group of Autobots who explored for energy in South America, and engaged in a battle with the Decepticons on Mount Sheelah shortly before the volcano erupted. Terror of Mount Sheelah After a hard day's work repairing the Ark, he and the other Autobots were relaxing and watching television when they learned the Decepticons had started kidnapping humans. Sideswipe favored mounting an attack, but it was pointed out that that would endanger the humans. Bumblebee to the Rescue

Following the Decepticons to Stanley Lake dam, Sideswipe used his flare gun to lure them out in front of the dam. After a brief fight, the Autobots retreated and flooded the valley with water, washing the Decepticons away. Menace at the Dam After Starscream defected to the Autobots as a trick, Sideswipe showed him a box supposedly containing the Deuterium Orbital Laser Tracing System. Starscream, in reality spying for the Decepticons, sent Megatron's forces on a wild goose chase, and Sideswipe and the other Autobots took the opportunity to destroy the Decepticon base. Espionage!!!!!

Ladybird Books continuity

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe marveled at Spike's explanation of electricity that comes from the sky. Autobots' Lightning Strike

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Dinobots Strike Back

In the path where Mirage used a hologram of Optimus Prime to lure the four cerebro-shell-controlled Dinobots over the edge of Bandit's Bluff and into the ocean, Sideswipe was one of the Autobots crewing Seaspray's destroyer mode. He helped haul the unconscious quartet aboard for safe transport back to the Ark.

If Optimus Prime chose to immediately attack the Dinobots without a real plan, Sideswipe responded to Prime's order to, "Bring them down fast and hard," by blasting Grimlock, who just wouldn't go down. He yelled to Sunstreaker for help, which he provided with a series of high-energy electron pulses, their combined attack ultimately knocking the Dinobot commander over and dislodging his cerebro-shell. Dinobots Strike Back

Attack of the Insecticons

Sideswipe was present, yet mostly uninvolved, in a number of possible adventures revolving around the Sun-Pak, a device invented by Sparkplug that would end the Autobots' energy woes. Attack of the Insecticons

Frito-Lay posters

When the Decepticons threatened Boulder Dam, Sideswipe rocketed into action! He extended his robots arms and swung them about wildly while still driving in vehicle mode. The Autobots successfully drove off the Decepticons in the end. Battle in the Desert Valley

Toy pack-in material

While cruising through a desert, Sideswipe and Jazz crossed paths with the Constructicons! Knowing they had to be stopped, Sideswipe led the charge against the enemy robots. His "cosmic clash" against Long Haul was subsequently heard around the world! Sweepstakes Offer!

The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual

In the early days of the war, Sideswipe served with the civil defense forces in Vos. He was nearly killed when Megatron's army cut a swath through the city-state, and vowed revenge against the Decepticons. Sideswipe's The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual profile

This suggests that something similar to "State Games" occurred in the past of this Annual's micro-continuity, although little elaborated upon.

On Earth, Sideswipe participated in an Autobot sting operation against the Decepticons. They tricked the Decepticons into boarding a rigged shuttle on Table Mountain in Africa and launched them up into the stratosphere. Day of the Decepticons

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Events from The Transformers Trilogy novels are in italics.

Before the war, Sideswipe was a trader who liked to con his customers. The Ultimate Guide He was one of the few Autobots to continue operating under that title during the Dark Ages of Cybertron, after Optimus Prime and Megatron had both disappeared into a prototype space-bridge. Fragmentation Sideswipe was one of the elite warriors serving under Prowl and as such was chosen for the mission that sent him against the newly constructed Decepticon battle station, Trypticon. Though the Autobots believed they would be able to find the station before it was fully operational, Trypticon revealed himself to already be battle-ready. Devastation Despite throwing everything they had at the titan, the Autobots weren't able to even slow it down. Prowl ordered his troops to try and outrun Trypticon, which Sideswipe misinterpreted as meaning they would try to "run it in circles and then pop it one in the exhaust vent." Neither tactic worked in any case, and the Autobots were only spared because Trypticon suddenly received a transmission recalling him to the neutral zones, and broke off from the fight to respond to it. Revelation Sideswipe and his teammates returned to their headquarters for repairs, where Sideswipe received a communique from Swoop, explaining that both Grimlock and Jetfire had mysteriously vanished. The cause of these disappearances then made itself apparent, as The Fallen broke into the Autobase and abducted Blitzwing from one of its holding cells. Confrontation Once The Fallen's base of operations was uncovered, Sideswipe joined a cross-faction army in rushing it to put an end to the ancient Transformer's scheme. Ultimately, The Fallen was defeated by the power of Primus himself, and all factions agreed to keep the chamber The Fallen had tried to breach sealed to prevent anyone from further abusing the power held within it. Conflagration

Some time later, Megatron returned to Cybertron with an army of Air Warriors backing him. He quickly took over the planet, and enslaved the majority of Autobots. Sideswipe was among the many unfortunates captured, and put to work in Internment Camp Pi. The Age of Wrath Pt.2

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Optimus returned to Cybertron, and the Autobots were freed from slavery. The Age of Wrath Pt.6

"This is what Skyfire was whining about? Loser."

Sideswipe was part of Operation Liberation in 1998, a joint human-Autobot effort to defeat the Earth-bounded Decepticons. At the end it was a success, and the captured Decepticons along with the Autobots and a human crew departed Earth en route to Cybertron in the Ark II. The ship, however, was sabotaged and exploded upon liftoff.

A few years later, Megatron and other Transformers, including Autobots, were seen causing havoc. It was discovered that Lazarus, a scientist who participated in the Ark II project, was responsible for the sabotage of the ship and the resurrection of several Transformers under his control via technological tampering. Prime Directive #1

General Hallo of the US military contacted Spike Witwicky to ask him if he could do something to help them reactivate Optimus Prime, whom they had recovered locked in a state of stasis. Spike managed to reactivate Optimus with a portion of the Matrix that Optimus had given him prior the ill-fated journey of the Ark II. Optimus subsequently went to the Arctic and used the Matrix to reactivate several Transformers, including Sideswipe. Prime Directive #2

We're trying to look dynamic, but all these puffy proportions are putting a stop to that.

Sideswipe accepted the new task at hand and fought alongside his brother when the Autobots faced the Decepticons at Lazarus' ruined base (punching Starscream in the face for attacking Wheeljack) before Hallo betrayed the Autobots by attempting to destroy both factions with a nuclear weapon. Prime Directive #3 The Autobots survived when Megatron's technovirus absorbed the blast, and Sideswipe helped his comrades recover the captive Autobots imprisoned inside the base.

As Jazz's unit worked on Megatron's virus, Sideswipe followed Optimus Prime to San Francisco for the last battle against Megatron and his Decepticons. Prime Directive #4 When Superion was taken down, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker heroically (though foolishly) charged at Devastator, and they were smashed between the giant Constructicon's palms for their trouble. After Optimus Prime brought Devastator down with a blast to the head, Sideswipe was restrained by the surviving Decepticons. Prime Directive #5 However, through human intervention, Optimus Prime freed his Autobots and the battle was rejoined. Sideswipe tag-teamed with his brother to pummel Soundwave, though the Decepticons eventually escaped when Superion sacrificed his life to save the city from General Hallo's unauthorized nuclear missile launch. Prime Directive #6

Months later, after Optimus Prime, Megatron, and an assortment of other Transformers and humans vanished in a flash of light from Tokyo, Japan, the world went on high alert. When the U.S. military detected Starscream in the Nevada canyons, Sideswipe accompanied a flight of jets in confronting the Decepticon. Their battle led down a tight box canyon, and Sideswipe had some difficulty chasing Starscream while also coordinating with his military wingmen, as he tried to limit the human casualties. Eventually, Sideswipe was led straight into Devastator, who had been hiding in the canyon on Starscream's order. The combined surprise firepower of Starscream's arsenal and a near-pointblank blast from Devastator's solar energy rifle left Sideswipe in several charred pieces. Hardwired

Sideswipe was eventually repaired by Ratchet, and returned to duty just in time to fight in Nevada once more. This time, the Autobots and Decepticons had joined forces against an ambush arranged by the President of the United States, who hoped to rid his country of the Transformers. Sideswipe waded through General Michelle Grajkowski's troops, heavily routing her Delta Team, but the deconstructionite weapons being used by the U.S. Armed Forces were too much of a surprise for the Cybertronians—they were clearly on the losing end of the battle as many of their number fell before the severity of the weaponized nanites became evident. Sideswipe and Prowl helped load the injured Autobots into Prime's trailer as they made their getaway. Fusion

Hi, I'm a jock.

The Autobots were entrenched against Megatron's forces when agents from the united Cybertron led by Shockwave arrived on Earth. Despite using his pile-drivers to send some of these attackers for a tumble, Sideswipe found himself severely overpowered by the newcomers, along with the rest of the Autobots. He and the others retreated as the Decepticons were taken in as war criminals. Optimus Prime split his forces so that their wounded could be tended to while a small scouting party was sent out to investigate further Shockwave and his followers. Sideswipe was among those who returned to the Ark, where the Autobots discussed whether they could take Shockwave's word at face value. New World Order As Prime and many other Autobots traveled back to Cybertron with Shockwave, Ultra Magnus and their crew, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker remained on Earth with several other Autobots under Jazz's command. Brothers' Burden

After the end of Shockwave's despotic rule over Cybertron, the Autobots on Cybertron made contact with Sideswipe's crew for an update and promised to send supplies. Generation 1 #0 Unfortunately, Starscream arrived on Earth first, backed up by a small cadre of soldiers. Sideswipe and company managed to stave off an initial attack from the Decepticons, only for Starscream to unleash his trump card on the battlefield: Bruticus. Sideswipe was deactivated in battle with the combiner, and was left to rust at the bottom of a lake. Night of the Combaticons Warpath and Bumper later dredged him and the others up, only to be taken into custody by Earth Defense Command. The Omega Effect The Autobots were then taken to a secret underground facility by the humans. Atonement Jazz, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker were reactivated to help Marissa Faireborn and her team in investigating several mysterious disappearances (with extraterrestrial involvement suspected) in small-town America. During their trip out into the field, Sideswipe game the much less experienced Bumper a hard time for his fretting and worrying, but rushed to the little guy's rescue after he was attacked within the town's movie theater. As he did so, the Autobots found out what they were dealing with was an outbreak of Insecticons. Infestation Sideswipe and Sunstreaker wound up in an underground hatching chamber, filled with Insecticon eggs. Wandering about while his brother contemplated the hatchery, Sideswipe came upon some fully-grown Insecticon clones and attacked them... only to inadvertently blind himself by bringing down a wall, allowing light to flood in and overwhelm his night-vision. Though Sunstreaker came to his rescue, the two brother wound up prisoners of the Insecticons nonetheless. Thankfully, Bumper, who had since found his courage, freed Sideswipe and Sunstreaker in time for them to participate in their team's last stand against the enemy swarm. Sideswipe took out Shrapnel in the fight by toppling an entire building atop of him. But the conflict culminated with the Autobots against an enemy they couldn't just beat down: the mind-controlled townspeople. Bumper once more came to his team's rescue by downing Bombshell, disabling his mind-control network over the town, allowing an Autobot victory. Extermination

After routing and capturing the Decepticons, Sideswipe and the other Autobots said their goodbyes to their EDC and departed in the Orion. Lost and Found Afterwards, they joined up with the returning team from Cybertron under Prowl's command, and began construction of Autobot City. The Route of All Evil

3H comics


Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker, Roulette, and Shadow Striker returned to the technorganic Cybertron after a prolonged journey and were welcomed by the Maximals. Unicron abducted these newly returned Transformers, in addition to many others from different times and universes, to start a final confrontation against Primus. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were rebuilt into new forms, Abduction corrupted by Unicron's influence, and set against one another in the Cauldron. Before either brother could land a killing blow, however, the fight was broken up by Optimus Primal. Sideswipe then fought his way out of Unicron alongside many other Transformers rescued by Primal and returned to Cybertron. OTFCC Live-Action Drama Escape

Back on Cybertron at the Oasis Research and Development Facility, Ratchet tried to remove the Unicron virus from Sideswipe to no avail. Homecoming

Some time later, Sideswipe was back in his original body and a member of Optimus Primal's Children of Primus. During the final battle with Minions of Unicron, Unicron began to dissolve beneath them (as a result of the Unicron Singularity). Sideswipe grabbed Sunstreaker and used his jetpack to get them into a portal presumably back to their native Cybertron. Revelations Part 2

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Sideswipe and Zartan GIJoevsTFs3.jpg
Prowl and Swideswipe BlackHorizon1.jpg

Along with several other Transformers, the dormant Sideswipe was found on the crashed Ark by Cobra, a human terrorist organization who soon reprogrammed the alien robots to serve them. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were rebuilt into Cobra Stingers and sent to assault the SPS Research Facility alongside Soundwave and his minions. The two brothers didn't succeed in their mission, though, as they were rammed aside by Wheeljack while charging at the building and were eventually ordered to retreat. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 Wheeljack later freed Sideswipe and the others from Cobra's control, and he helped Sunstreaker and Cliffjumper fight back against the similarly freed Decepticons and their former captors. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5

Two years later, Serpent O.R. took control of the Decepticon forces on Cybertron and captured Optimus Prime. Sideswipe joined a team of Autobots led by Hot Rod who were planning on charging in and rescuing their leader as soon as the opportunity came up. The Art of War #4 After reinforcements arrived in the form of G.I. Joe, the Autobots made their move and attacked Serpent O.R.'s Decepticon army, ultimately defeating it. The Art of War #5

Sideswipe returned to Earth a few months later, where he worked to keep Cybertronian technology from being misused by humans. During one mission to Cuba, he helped stop Destro from selling S.N.A.K.E.s to one Mr. Calandero, but failed to capture the arms dealer and returned to the Autobots' base, the Arc II. When the ship was attacked by the Pretender Monsters, Sideswipe was the first to fall. Black Horizon, Part 1 of 2 The crew later received medical attention at the Pit, where they'd eventually recover from their injures. Black Horizon, Part 2 of 2

The Beast Within

Sideswipe participated in a savage battle against the Decepticons. He was ganged-up on by several Constructicons early in the battle. The Beast Within

Q-Robo Transformer

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Q-Robo Transformer

Hearts of Steel

Sideswipe participated in the pursuit of Astrotrain, and partially transformed from artillery boxcar mode to robot mode in order to shoot down Scourge. He stated, "The name is Sideswipe." Hearts of Steel #4

For unclear reasons, in the original comic book issue, the Autobot who shoots down Scourge identifies himself as Ironhide, not Sideswipe. Sideswipe only appears in the trade paperback collection.

2005 IDW continuity

Mini Mayhem!

Some jerk in a Spider-Man outfit led a legion of Clone troopers to smash Sideswipe and Bumblebee's Star Wars Transformers: Crossovers toys. Sideswipe's pleas for him to stop were left unheeded.

Later, Sideswipe was seen waiting in line in anticipation for the live-action Transformers film. Mini Mayhem!

Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-

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Visualize Shot 1 Visualize Shot 8

Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga

You are stupid! You are stupid! And don't forget; you are stupid!

Sideswipe was chasing a mysterious plane that had stolen supplies of energon, using his rocket pack to catch up with it. But the next thing he knew, the plane was gone! The befuddled Sideswipe ran into Bluestreak, who was chasing a truck also charged with energon theft. Just then, the truck arrived before them, revealing itself to be the plane as well. It was the Triple Changer Octane! Though Octane tried to attack the two Autobots, Sideswipe blasted the Decepticon and knocked him to the ground. Henkei! Henkei! #6

Universe cartoon

When Optimus first discovered the Matrix of Leadership, Sideswipe looked on in amazement as the Autobot leader put the relic inside his chest. Sideswipe was one of the first Autobots to travel to Earth, and took on an alternate form to disguise himself amongst its populace. Action Blast 1

Near the end of Action Blast 1, as the Autobots are taking on their Earth modes, Sideswipe is shown in robot mode amongst the other Autobots, but not Tracks. When the cartoon cuts back to the Autobots, now in their vehicle modes, Tracks has inexplicably taken Sideswipe's place in the line-up.


Sideswipe was in attendance for a ceremony commending the Autobot Targetmasters and Headmasters after they had retrieved the cure for a deadly nano-virus infecting the Autobots stationed on Earth. The Fierce Fighting on Planet Nebulos

Kre-O cartoon

Note the lack of anything resembling a sword.

Sideswipe was in the audience of a tag battle pitting Optimus Prime and Bumblebee against Megatron and Starscream. Last Bot Standing

Sideswipe was also part of a crowd that waited at the finish line of a race between Optimus, Bumblebee and Megatron. He cheered for Bumblebee as he finished the race, though it turned out Optimus had already won the competition. The Big Race

During the holiday season, Sideswipe and Optimus Prime sneaked a Bumblebee Kre-O set into Megatron's pile of presents, so Bumblebee could surprise the Decepticon leader. They later went and did the same to Starscream. A Gift For Megatron

Transformers: All Spark

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Another Episode, Part 1 Another Episode, Part 2 The Fated Rival, Once Again... To Earth Reunion and Parting Plans of the Emperor of Destruction Revenge Ray of Hope Great Aspirations Conclusion

Kre-O online manga

Sideswipe was supposed to search for the legendary Red Bucket alongside Bluestreak and Jazz, only to get himself lost in a forest. By the time he found the bucket, it was empty: the other two had beaten him to it and taken all the blocks home. Treasure Competition! Defeat with Block Power! Optimus Prime later borrowed Sideswipe's jetpack without permission, causing him much distress. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!

Transformers × Evangelion

Transformers Mode Eva ch 2.jpg

Sideswipe was among the Autobots who boarded Sky Lynx and traveled to Tokyo-3 on Earth, Mode "Eva" chapter 1 where he witnessed the ghost of Starscream possess the body of an Angel. Mode "Eva" chapter 2 When Optimus Prime scanned Evangelion Unit-01, growing greatly in size in order to take on Starscream, Sideswipe got anxious and asked Prime to confirm that he was feeling alright. Following Starscream's defeat, Sideswipe aided Nerv staff in renovating Prime's trailer into a mobile base. Mode "Eva" chapter 4

Q-Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Yūichi Nakamura (Japanese)

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Mystery of a Certain Explorer Mystery of Return of Convoy

Ask Vector Prime


In Primax 096.0 Beta during the Battle for Sherman Dam, Mirage and Sideswipe attempted to stop the Seeker Sandstorm from escaping with ill-gotten energon cubes. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/06

Sideswipe's coloration in this universe is based on his unreleased Generation 2 toy. See Sideswipe (G1)/toys#G2DiacloneUnreleased for further details.

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


On Cybertron, Sideswipe was a Ground Command Infantry Private, whose function was a soldier. Siege webpage[1] During the final days of the Great War on Cybertron, Sideswipe was deployed to investigate possible Energon reserves in Kalis—home to the subsurface fusion reactor that powered most of Cybertron's key locations. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files[1]

At some unknown point, Sideswipe was used as a template for a clone built for covert operations who was also made a member of the Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce. Final Strike Figure Series marketing material[2]

Closer than ever to reaching the AllSpark, the Autobots awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice Age Earth. While battling the Decepticons, both sides were joined by the Maximals and Predacons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies. Kingdom webpage[3]

During the collective battle, Sideswipe and Skywarp attempted to keep the Decepticon/Predacon threat at bay while being pursued by Scorponok. Kingdom Battle Across Time Collection marketing material[4]

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Autobots vs. Decepticons stop motion

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Mark Whitten (English), Mutsuki Iwanaka (Japanese), Yuri Tupper (Portuguese), Jean-Christophe Clément (French), Sebastian Kluckert (German), Aitor González (Castilian Spanish), Miguel Ángel Ruiz (Latin-American Spanish)

After being injured in battle, Sideswipe returned to the Autobot base to be patched up by Red Alert. Siege episode 1 After Ultra Magnus was taken captive, he sent a message to Autobot base that Megatron is looking for the AllSpark. Sideswipe was shocked that Optimus Prime would actually go look for it. Sideswipe was sent to the fake coordinates of the Allspark, which turned out to be a Decepticon ambush. He instantly attacked the Decepticons with Hound. He delivered an injured Cog to Red Alert after the battle. Siege episode 2 Sideswipe was part of the group sent to fix the Spacebridge. He was on lookout duty. Siege episode 4 Sideswipe and Chromia prepared for battle against the Seekers once Mirage's hologram hiding the Spacebridge finally failed. Siege episode 5 Sideswipe tried to hold the enemy back from the activated Spacebridge. Siege episode 5 Sideswipe was blasted during the battle. He was part of Elita-1's rally, allowing Optimus time to reach the Spacebridge. Siege episode 6

Sideswipe was rendered inactive aboard the Ark, following its journey through the space bridge. He was captured by Doubledealer and his Mercenaries, and was among the Autobots bought to Charr and hauled before Deseeus. Sideswipe was held back with the other Autobots as Optimus was bought alone to face the Quintesson. Sideswipe then aided with the escape from Charr and left the world aboard the Ark with the other Autobots. Earthrise episode 2 The Ark traveled to the Nebulon Station. He was part of a team that set-up explosives within the station. Sideswipe arrived and rescued Wheeljack from Scorponok. Scorponok then transformed into robot-mode, forcing the Autobots to flee him. They make it to a hall-way and sealed the door behind them, separating them from Scorponok. Earthrise episode 3. Scorponok broke through the door, forcing the Autobots to attack him again. Sideswipe helped fight against Scorponok until the arrival of the Decepticons. Optimus detonated an explosive charge which caused the Autobots to be sealed in with the station core. The Decepticons then showed up under the command of Starscream, who ordered them to attack the Autobots. who was supported by Optimus, arrived and ordered them to cease fire. He watched as Starscream and Megatron fought for leadership. Scorponok then attacked again, forcing Sideswipe to counter-attack. Once Scorponok retreated, Megatron ordered the Autobots to be terminated. Scorponok returned and attacked the Decepticons, allowing the Autobots to escape in all the chaos. Earthrise episode 4 Sideswipe was aboard the Ark when it was sent crashing down to Earth. Earthrise episode 6

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Kingdom, plus rewrite for Earthrise

Bumblebee graphic novels

Sideswipe was among the Autobots attempting to keep a cybertonium meteor out of Decepticon hands. At Optimus's prompting, he transformed to protect Bumblebee from enemy fire. He encouraged Bee to keep up before shooting down Thundercracker. Optimus then ordered him to speed around the enemies perimeter and fire on them. Go for the Gold Later he was in the Autobot base when Bumblebee returned from his test drive. Optimus sent him to retrive a component from Wheeljack's lab and bring it to him in Nevada in order to fix a radiation leak. Much later he was seen taking Vortex into captivity. Win If You Dare

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #3 (mentioned); #8 (full)

Sideswipe was forged after the War of the Threefold Spark. Joining Security Operations when he reached maturity, his eagerness to fight rubbed some of the war veterans the wrong way. The Change In Your Nature Part Two

TheCracksBeneathYourFeetPartThree SideswipeThermalLance.jpg

In the wake of Brainstorm's murder, Barricade and Sideswipe were tracking possible members of The Rise. The World In Your Eyes Part Three When Cyclonus crashed into Security Operations headquarters, Sideswipe came running, thinking a bomb had gone off. When the veteran revealed the existence of a Rise base beneath the Memorial Crater, Chromia told an overeager Sideswipe to open the armory. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two Arriving at the crater with Chromia and Windblade, Sideswipe salivated over the weapons he'd brought with him before Chromia dropped down into the base. Left on the surface, Sideswipe chatted up Windblade before Flamewar made herself known and one-upped Sideswipe's thermal lance. Quickly recovering, Sideswipe engaged the Riser in a duel before she took her leave, an act that heralded the base's violent death. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Three Retreating to headquarters, Sideswipe was tended to by Flatline whom he griped to about Flamewar's choice of insult, she'd called him "Slowswipe", with the doctor feeling he should get his priorities straight. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four

TheChangeInYourNaturePartOne SideswipeSpringer.jpg

When Sentinel Prime returned to Cybertron, he sent out literally every Security Operations agent to root out the Rise. Partnered with Springer, Sideswipe patrolled the regions around Crystal City before an alert came in from an energon processing station. Springer quickly changed to copter mode to reach the crime scene leaving Sideswipe to catch up on the ground, finding Springer having been made a fool of. As the Triple Changer picked himself up, he told Sideswipe to call in everyone. The duo trailed the group to a Titan corpse in the Cybertronian Mountains but quickly found the aggressors' superior firepower put them at a disadvantage. The Change In Your Nature Part One

When reinforcements arrived, Sideswipe took up a sniping position, being backed up by Kup and Strongarm, his lust for violence quickly earning Kup's ire. After Javelin had been struck, Flak fired a harassment barrage providing cover for Sideswipe who planted explosive charges on one of the Titan's airlocks. While Kaskade was knocked down, Lowload recovered quickly, using his drill tank mode to harass Kup and Strongarm. Sideswipe tackled the brute from behind, planting a grenade on him, but the wounded Riser managed to retreat back inside the Titan. Grumbling, Sideswipe requested heavier artillery. The Change In Your Nature Part Two

WarWorldPrime SideswipeSavesBumper.jpg

After the Tether had collapsed, Sideswipe helped clear debris from the A'ovan habitat where he requested a transfer into Hound's new counterterrorism unit only to be shot down. Joining up with Prowl's unit as they prepared for a raid on Swindle's, Sideswipe took up position on a nearby rooftop, Sideswipe tackled Storm Cloud, downing him with his thermal lance and allowing Security Operations to take him into custody. Swindle's

When the Decepticons revealed themselves and seized the Senate building, Sideswipe was part of the operation to retake it. Under Prowl's command again, he complimented Javelin's return to action after her injury and stood ready with the rest of his team to provide cover fire for anyone escaping the Senate building. After Clench turned a rail gun on the Autobots, Sideswipe moved in to rescue Bumper, who had been shot. Sideswipe took heavy damage carrying the wounded Bumper out of the line of fire. Prime

They both recovered and were soon back on security duty with Strongarm in Crystal City, watching over an experiment Perceptor performed involving Jumpstream. After having saved his life, Sideswipe now found Bumper annoyingly eager to impress him, and told the rookie to make a perimeter sweep of the building. Once Bumper ran off, Strongarm pointed out his obvious hero worship of Sideswipe, which Sideswipe seemed oblivious to. She told him he was a role model now, something Sideswipe didn't think he was cut out for. Before they could discuss it further, Jumpstream materialized before them briefly, Perceptor's new teleportation rig suffering a malfunction. Test Flight I

DustOfCrystals SideswipeCovering.jpg

Sideswipe was on sentry duty when the Decepticons attacked Crystal City. He and his group opened fire at the horde of enemies at their gates until an explosion destroyed their high ground and they were confronted by some of Strika's Heavies. Sideswipe was determined to make a last stand, with the impressionable and terrified Bumper ready to back him up. However, Strongarm reminded Sideswipe of his responsibilities and he instead told the others to retreat while he covered them. Sideswipe held off the Heavies with his thermal lance until being overwhelmed, with Windblade and Bumblebee managing to pull his injured body to safety before he was killed. A Dust of Crystals

After the Autobots began their trek to Darkmount, they were corralled by a Decepticon artillery barrage into the path of a horde of rust worms. Radical Time Sideswipe joined a group led by Chromia that attempted to scout an escape route, but they were cut off and turned back by airborne Decepticons that enforced the perimeter. They returned to the larger Autobot force and fought off the rust worms until a repurposed Insecticon clone swarm arrived to feast on the worms, allowing the Autobots to continue onward. End of Time

FateOfCybertron SideswipeBumper.jpg

Surviving a confrontation with Megatron and an imploder next, the Autobots finally arrived at Darkmount and began preparing for an inevitable Decepticon attack to prevent them from leaving the planet. Hunkered down behind ramparts and awaiting the battle, Bumper began nervously humming, which Sideswipe was initially annoyed by. The bigger Autobot quickly apologized and told Bumper to do whatever he pleased in the face of the coming fight. When the Decepticons attacked, Sideswipe and the others held the line until Computron made a last stand, buying the others time to board the Ark and blast off. Leaving Cybertron behind and headed for the Winged Moon, Bumper cheerfully suggested to Sideswipe and Strongarm that they ask Ironhide to join the Prime Guard. Sideswipe expressed hesitance, but Bumper assured his friend that he had his back. On approach to the Winged Moon, Sideswipe and the other Autobots listened to Optimus Prime deliver a speech about their future out among the stars. Fate of Cybertron

Transformers vs. The Terminator

One of the Autobots aboard the Ark, the ship's crash and the Decepticons' ransacking of the ship upon reactivation had left Sideswipe in deep stasis. He was eventually moved to the medical bay for repairs but this only wound up placing him at ground zero of one of the duplicitous T-800's pilfered bombs. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three

Transformers Go! Go!

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Search Quiz

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Commercial appearances

Sideswipe appeared in many commercials. The following had original footage of Sideswipe:

  • The very first Transformers animation, advertising the Marvel comic book. He drove out of a base alongside Jazz and Prowl; the three arrived at a power plant and counter-attacked the Decepticons. The Transformers #1 commercial
  • Sideswipe, Jazz, and Prowl encountered Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp in the middle of a desert. The two groups scuffled briefly. This was a toy commercial for all six of the featured characters. Decepticon jets & Autobot cars commercial
  • Footage from the previous two commercials was spliced in with new footage of Jazz, Sideswipe, and Prowl charging into battle alongside Optimus Prime in a commercial advertising toys for both Optimus and Megatron. Optimus Prime and Megatron commercial
  • Prowl, Jazz, and Sideswipe are once more seen together, this time storming the Decepticon base. But unknown to them, the inconspicuous micro-cassette recorder is the Decepticon communications officer, Soundwave! As soon as the Autobots are past him, Soundwave transforms and sics Laserbeak on them. Soundwave commercial
  • Sideswipe helped fend off Astrotrain alongside his fellow Autobots. Triple Changers and Perceptor commercial
  • Sideswipe was briefly seen driving alongside Jazz through a roller coaster city highway. Generation 2 jets and cars commercial


Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons

When Optimus embarked on his mission to rescue the Autobots' Minicar troops from the Decepticons, Sideswipe could come to Optimus Prime's aid, helping him move around the Decepticons' maze-like base. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game

The Transformers (PS2)

Sideswipe is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Autobot duplicates in the Decepticon campaign.

The Transformers

Transformers G1: Awakening

Gluawakening sideswipe.jpg

Sideswipe was among the Autobots who left Cybertron aboard the Ark, and spent four million years in stasis after it was shot down over Earth by the Decepticons. As one of the more badly damaged Autobots, Sideswipe was stored in Metroplex until the Autobots could gather enough energon to revive him. He was eventually revived in time to take part in the final assault on the Decepticons' Cybertron fortress to free the many enslaved Autobots. Transformers G1: Awakening

Kreon Chaos

Sideswipe joined his fellow Autobots after they had managed to retrieve the Optimus Prime Kre-O kit parts from within Decepticon headquarters, and assembled it into a colossal Optimus Prime. The group then went out and used some Decepticons as target practice. Kreon Chaos

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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"Earth" and "Moon" stages

Transformers Legends

Sideswipe was among the Autobots who thwarted Starscream's plan to destroy Earth, saving the planet by firing the Exponential Generator into orbit. Countdown to Extinction Sideswipe was the first of the Autobots to coat themselves in Electrum after finding a Golden Lagoon. The Golden Lagoon He was in charge of a Sun-Farming facility which Thunderwing's group decided to attack. Alerted, Sideswipe had the other Autobots hang back so that they could ambush the enemy, however the gambit ultimately failed. Sideswipe and his men were forced to abandon the facility, leaving it in Decepticon hands. Revalation

After the Decepticons succeeded in driving the Autobots off Earth, the badly-damaged Optimus and his men sought refuge on Cybertron. Optimus eventually recovered, and as they prepared a ship to return to Earth, Sideswipe and his team defended it against the Insecticon swarm. The Autobots eventually reached Earth and retook it from the Decepticons. All Hail Megatron

Angry Birds Transformers

Main article: Bubbles#As Sideswipe

Sideswipe appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events and cases. He is portrayed by Bubbles. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Devastation

Sideswipe TransformersDevastation.jpg
Voice actor: Michael Bell

Sideswipe joined a team of Autobots to investigate the strange goings-on in New York City. Sideswipe had by far the fastest vehicle mode among the Autobots under Optimus' command. His fighting style was oriented toward melee combat over ranged. His overdrive ability let him dash forward with temporary invulnerability; while his ultimate attack allowed him to use his shoulder-mounted rocket launcher for a short time to attack enemies, being the fastest ultimate attack to recharge as well. He possessed two unique weapons- "Sideswipe's Swords" and a Flaregun that functioned as a short-range flamethrower. Like his fellow Autobot Bumblebee, he wasn't strong enough to use heavy weapons such as most missile and grenade launchers available to the Autobots.

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Earth Wars

Aww, no Jetpack? And I look like my brother too? And you got my animation model wrong?

Sideswipe came to earth after a scouting mission of a mysterious base that had weird drones stationed around the base. Sideswipe had to avoid line fire and keep a cold trail after Viper came after him. Operation Snakebite

Sideswipe eventually made it to the Autobot outpost, and his brother Sunstreaker greeted him with open arms.

  • Class: Warrior
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 Star
  • Weapons: Sideswipe uses a standard issue laser rifle to blast targets, and then closes in and smashes it with his fists.
  • Ability: Shattering Charge - Rush into battle spreading Glass Gas along the way. All affected buildings take more damage for 7 seconds (Level 1)
    • Cost: 4 ability Points +3 for reuses.

Sideswipe at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Online (2017 video game)

Sideswipe thought Sunstreaker was the strongest Autobot on the battlefield, as the latter's performance was cold-blooded, ruthless, and merciless. Transformers Online [5]

Transformers: Forged to Fight

"Man, I'm good!"

Sideswipe was one of the Autobots pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! As a Scout, he jumpstarts the Power race at the start of the fight, and whenever he dodges projectiles. He deals Critical Damage at a high rate and Evades when attacked often. Transformers: Forged to Fight

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Sideswipe took part in a series of attacks against multiple Decepticon bases, destroying them and defeating all enemies in the process. 800 Armor, 800 Blaster Strength, Score x6, Coins x3, Blaster Speed: Medium Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Sideswipe was a reckless warrior who'd put anything on the line to defeat his enemies, confident that sacrificing himself in battle would allow him to join glorious the Cybertronian heroes of old. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook


Main article: Sideswipe (G1)/toys



  • Sideswipe's first Transformers toy was originally intended to be an Autobot-aligned release of the red version of the Diaclone toy "No. 1 Countach LP500S", alongside his brother, then named "Spinout", as a yellow "No. 15 New Countach LP500S" — that is to say, Sideswipe was supposed to look like a red Sunstreaker, and Sunstreaker was supposed to look like a yellow Sideswipe. This notion survived long enough into production that the original series bible and his published The Transformers Universe bio describe Sideswipe with features of Sunstreaker's toy. During development, the characters had their molds swapped, but not their colors, making the yellow Countach Sunstreaker and the red New Countach Sideswipe that we know today. This whole shebang resulted in discrepancies such as Sideswipe being noted for his jet pack (in reality, Sunstreaker's vehicle mode exposed engine) and Sunstreaker's red shoulder stickers (which were intended to match with an otherwise red toy). In the decades since, Hasbro and TakaraTomy have been inducting old Diaclone colorways into Transformersdom; the characters of Spin-Out and Tigertrack are modern updates of the toys that were intended for Sideswipe and Sunstreaker respectively.
I wanna bee-heee... your jackhammer!
  • Sideswipe's piston arms (apparently derived from the "rocket booster" missiles of the Sunstreaker toy) were, for whatever reason, drawn differently in pretty much every episode of the Generation 1 cartoon he utilized them in. A model sheet using the design from "S.O.S. Dinobots" did in fact exist as evident by its inclusion in The Ark series books, however; it would seem the model for the pistons was designed after Sideswipe's model was finalized, as they are absent from all of the known model sheets that have surfaced in the years since. Presumably, this piston model sheet was merely drawn up for that particular episode with the intent of it being discarded afterwards, much like the models used for other one-shot gadgets from other episodes, leaving the animators with no choice but to make up something the next time around.
    • Both the original design and the subsequent alternate designs have been realized in toy form: the first "A Plague of Insecticons" design came with Masterpiece Sideswipe; the "Dinobot Island" design was an Amazon-exclusive accessory for the Masterpiece toy; and the "S.O.S. Dinobots" design came with Masterpiece Clampdown.
  • In recent years, Sideswipe's shoulder-mounted rocket launcher has often been seen being relocated from his left shoulder to his right (most prominently in Transformers: Devastation, which featured a rare instance of it actually being used), or just as often being omitted from his design entirely.
  • Sideswipe's Japanese name, "Lambor" (ランボル) is derived from the name of his vehicle mode, a Lamborghini (ランボルギーニ). It may also be a word play on the Japanese word "ranbō" (乱暴), which means "reckless, violent, rough". Wouldn't be the last time Takara's done such word puns.
  • According to a story page in the October 1985 issue of TV Magazine, Sideswipe and Red Alert are brothers, with Sideswipe being slightly older than Red Alert. This connection may have been invented because, aside from Sideswipe and Red Alert sharing the same mold, Sunstreaker was not sold in the Japanese market outside of a special "versus" set with Skids and Buzzsaw. However, the familial dynamic between Sideswipe and Sunstreaker was not changed in the Japanese dub of the original Transformers cartoon, leading some Japanese fans to consider the three Lamborghini characters as triplets.
  • Sideswipe has the dubious distinction of being the only one of the European Autobot Classic Heroes range not to feature in Marvel UK's Earthforce stories, not even making a late appearance like fellow 1991 addition Tracks.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Lambor (ランボル Ranboru), Sideswipe (サイドスワイプ Saidosuwaipu)
  • Cantonese: Swipe (斯韋伯 Si Wai Baak)
  • Czech: Stěrač
  • French: Frérot (Canada, "Bro")
  • Hebrew: Métsóded (מצודד, "Sidler")
  • Hungarian: Csatár ("Striker")
  • Italian: Freccia ("Arrow")
  • Mandarin: Cèsǎo (Taiwan, 側掃, "Side Swipe"), Héngpào (China, 横炮, "Horizontal Cannon")
  • Portuguese: Esgalhador (Portugal comic), Surrupio (Brazil comic)
  • Russian: Apperkot (Апперкот, "Uppercut")
  • Ukrainian: Krutobiy (Крутобій, "Toughpuncher")


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