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Child of Primus

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The Children of Primus are united by a single goal: preserving creation from the ravenous Unicron. Though they have been drawn from many warring factions, and indeed many realities, they have set aside their differences to confront a greater enemy. Led by the legendary champion of Primus, Optimus Primal, their battles against Unicron's Minions are known as the Universe War.

The Autobot sigil is frequently worn by Children of Primus, though this is hardly universal.




Universe CD-ROM

On an alternate Cybertron, that universe's Optimus Primal was leading the Autobots Snarl, Silverbolt, and Striker against the Decepticons Razorclaw, Reptillion [sic], Obsidian, Tankor, and Blackarachnia in the most intense day of fighting that year. Just as the combatants were really beating the slag out of each other, they were interrupted by a mysterious spaceship that swooped down, sucked the Decepticons up on beams of light, and flew away. None of the combatants realized that it was taking its captives to Unicron for use in a massive army. Meanwhile, Primus himself was preparing countermeasures against Unicron, including forming his own army. Universe CD-ROM

3H comics

Look, up in the sky! It's... an ape?

In response to Unicron abducting Transformers from across time and space to rebuild himself by harvesting their sparks, Primus and Alpha Trion of one universe brought Optimus Primal back from the dead to lead Primus's army in a multiversal war against Unicron. Abduction

Optimus Primal conducted his opening salvo against Unicron by infiltrating the Cauldron and aiding a mass jailbreak. OTFCC Live-Action Drama Escape

When the Maximal High Council refused to listen to Primal's warnings about the threat of Unicron, Alpha Trion offered Primal the choice of any two Transformers to begin his army. Primal eventually chose his deceased subordinates Rhinox and Depth Charge. While Rhinox was grateful for an opportunity to atone for his actions as Tankor, Depth Charge was furious to be resurrected to engage in more violence and stormed off. Alpha Trion assured Primal not to worry as he played his next card: calling in the mighty Omega Prime. Homecoming

Primus attempted to recruit the Magna Stampede and Stockade of Primax 509.28 Epsilon for his army, but unfortunately their reality proved resistant to this instance of interdimensional teleportation. Ask Vector Prime

Some time later, Rhinox built a device to deflect Unicron's attempts to pull victims from other universes. The Autobots deflected two such attempts, but were only partially successful: instead of being transported to Unicron, the victims ended up on a frozen planetoid. A rescue party consisting of Rattrap, Silverbolt, and Waspinator was deployed to help the victims, but Unicron sent Reptilion, Sunstorm, Ruination, and Perceptor after them as well.

The rescue party worked with the would-be abductees as well as the crew of Autobot stellar freighter OTFCC, accidentally pulled in from the past as a side effect of Rhinox's device, to defeat the Minions, and everyone was sent back to their proper realities and eras. Voice Actor Drama

At some point, Depth Charge changed his mind and joined the fight against Unicron, teaming up with King Atlas to run a secret refugee network within Unicron's body. Depth Charge's Universe bio

Optimus Primal took the Children on raids within Unicron's internal "prison cities", freeing more captives. Primal then embarked on an even more proactive venture, leading teams to other universes in anticipation of Unicron's strikes and setting up defensive measures before the Chaos-Bringer could gather more victims. Despite gaining more followers in this process, Primal and other veterans were being worn down by Unicron's corruptive influence. Certainly, those who had been abducted and reformatted by Unicron were affected, but some (such as Primal himself) who had been exposed to Unicron's nanotech virus and its accompanying radiation were also suffering. In order to avert madness and death, Primus reformatted Primal and several of his comrades. Not only was his new form immune to the virus and radiation, but it also possessed the Matrix of Purification, which could heal others of Unicronian corruption.

Months passed as the competing armies grew, their battles raging on a level comparable to the Great Wars. Cybertron itself remained stable, but only for a time. The planet fell victim to a massive invasion, later called "the Culling", in which Unicron's Minions swept across the globe in a killing frenzy, with the sparks of their victims feeding the Chaos-Bringer. Primal's army fended the invaders off, but, in the chaotic aftermath, Primal's earlier fears were realized as Megatron returned to lead the Predacons back to glory. He initially fought Primal, but he eventually called a truce to better face their common foe. Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal's bio

During the War, Decepticon Cyberjet Wind Sheer would record holofilms of the war as the Children's resident chronicler alongside Rook. Ask Vector Prime

Just watch, we'll manage to fit this image on every page somehow.

Continued raids saved many more captives and brought the Minions to near-defeat. Then as one raiding party of Children fought Minions in the Pit, Unicron suddenly began to disappear (as a result of the Unicron Singularity). The raiders rapidly teleported away, presumably back to safety on Primal's technorganic Cybertron. Unfortunately by this point, they had lost Gunbarrel and Sky Blast. Revelations Part 2

Not all of the Children ended up where they intended, though. Omega Prime was diverted mid-transport by Aurex Mini-Con sage Over-Run to save Primus's spark from Unicron's minions in Aurex 405.0 Epsilon. Revelations Part 1 Revelations Part 2 Meanwhile, Repugnus apparently ended up in Nexus 208.0 Epsilon Transcendent: Part 1 while Fireflight was stranded in Primax 509.28 Epsilon. Apelinq's personal logs


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Marked as Child of Primus in a 3H profile but not known to have been involved in the Universe War
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Identified by Ask Vector Prime as a Child of Primus but not known to have been a member of Optimus Primal's organized army.
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