Pandôo 1
[Sepe]- (Sêndâ-saterê) mabôko
- She stood with her right arm extended and her palm forward to indicate “Stop!”
- mabôko (tî bongö)
- …one arm of this jacket streamed behind him like the broidered arm of a huzzar’s surcoat.— (Herman Melville, Moby-Dick , 1851)
- (Zäzämä) ngangü
- The secular arm.
- mabôko (tî ngendë)
Pandôo 2
[Sepe]arm \ɑːm\
- (Tôwâ) tôwâ
- A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.— (United States Bill of Rights , 1789)
[Sepe]arm \ɑːm\
[Sepe]- Karan, Elke, Kêtê bakarî tî Sängö: Farânzi, Angelëe na Yângâ tî Zâmani, 1st ed. , 1995 → dîko mbëtï