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Policy Analyses

From Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
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14-21: 미국의 제조업 경쟁력 강화정책과 정책시사점 (Strengthening U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness and its Implications) Downloads
Bo Kim, Minsoo Han, Hee-Chae Ko, Jonghyuk Kim and Sung Hee Lee
14-20: 멕시코 경제환경 변화와 한·멕시코 경제협력 확대방안 (Mexican Economy on the Rise and Expanding Korea-Mexico Economic Cooperation) Downloads
Ki-Su Kwon, Jin-O Kim, Misook Park and Siun Yi
14-19: 인도의 FTA 확대가 한·인도 교역에 미치는 영향 (Effect of India's Expansion of FTA on the Korea-India Trade) Downloads
Woong Lee, Choong Jae Cho, Young Chul Song, Yoon-Jung Choi and Jung Mi Lee
14-18: 동남아 주요국 노동시장의 환경 변화와 우리나라의 대응전략 (Study on Recent Change in Labor Market Environment in Southeast Asia and Kora's Strategies) Downloads
Sungil Kwak, Chankwon Bae, Jae Wan Cheong and Jae-Ho Lee
14-17: 동남아 해외송금의 개발효과 분석 (Migrant Remittances and Development in Southeast Asia) Downloads
Yoon Ah Oh, Woong Lee, Mingeum Shin, Na Ri Park and Yoomi Kim
14-16: 중국의 문화콘텐츠 발전현황과 지역별 협력방안 (Development of the Cultural Sectors of China and its Regional Cooperation) Downloads
Su Yeon No, Jihyun Jung, Jungu Kang, Jonghyuk Oh, Hongwon Kim and Hanna Lee
14-15: 중국 신흥도시의 소비시장 특성과 기업의 진출전략 (Characteristics of Emerging Cities in China and Corporate Strategy to Enter the Market) Downloads
Furong Jin, Hyong-Kun Lee, Jinhee Pak, Hongwon Kim and Jiwon Choi
14-14: 중국 국유기업의 개혁에 대한 평가 및 시사점 (A Study on State-Owned Enterprises Reform in China) Downloads
Ik Joon Moon, Chang Kyu Lee, Pil Soo Choi, Su Yeob Na and Hyo-jin Lee
14-13: 일본의 FTA 추진전략과 정책적 시사점 (A Study on Japan's FTA Strategy and its Policy Implications for Korea) Downloads
Gyupan Kim, Hyong-Kun Lee and Eunji Kim
14-12: Post-2015 개발재원 확대 논의와 한국의 대응방안 (Study on the Financing for Development in Post-2015 Era: Policy Implications for Korea) Downloads
Jione Jung, Yul Kwon, Jisun Jeong, Juyoung Lee, Jihei Song and Aila Yoo
14-11: 주요국의 중소기업 해외진출 지원전략과 시사점 (Major Countries' Policies for Supporting Internationalization of SMEs and Their Implications) Downloads
Jeong-Gon Kim, Bo-Young Choi, Boram Lee and Minyoung Lee
14-10: 해외 곡물 확보를 위한 한국의 대응방안 (Measures to Secure a Stable Supply of Grain for Korea) Downloads
Jin-Young Moon, Yun-ok Kim, Sung Hee Lee and Minyoung Lee
14-9: 무역구제조치가 수출입에 미치는 영향 분석: 반덤핑조치를 중심으로 (The Impact of Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports and Exports: Evidence from Korea) Downloads
Joo Yeon Sun, Seungrae Lee, Hyeri Park and Jun Hyun Eom
14-8: 국내 R&D 투자가 수출 및 해외직접투자에 미치는 영향: 생산성 변화를 중심으로 (R&D Effects on Firm Productivity, Exports, and OFDI: Korean Firm-Level Analysis) Downloads
Seungrae Lee, Hyuk-Hwang Kim, Ji Hyun Park and Jun Won Lee
14-7: TPP 주요국 투자·서비스 장벽 분석: 기체결 협정문 및 양허분석을 중심으로 (An Analysis on the Services Trade Agreements of the TPP Members) Downloads
Jong Duk Kim, Jungu Kang, Jumi Lee and Jun Hyun Eom
14-6: 포스트 발리 DDA 협상의 전개방향 분석과 한국의 협상대책 (Post-Bali DDA Negotiations: Korea's Perspectives) Downloads
Jin Kyo Suh, Min-Sung Kim, Backhoon Song and Chang Soo Lee
14-5: 한국의 FTA 10년 평가와 향후 정책방향(A Study on the Decade of Korea's FTAs: Evaluation and Policy Implications) Downloads
Young Gui Kim, Hye Yoon Keum, Saebyul Yoo, Yang-Hee Kim and Han Sung Kim
14-4: 주요 통화대비 원화 환율 변동이 우리나라 수출경쟁력에 미치는 영향 (Impacts of Exchange Rates on Korea's Trade Balance by Industry and Region) Downloads
Deok Ryong Yoon, Su Bin Kim and Sammo Kang
14-3: 글로벌 금융위기 이후 국가간 자금흐름 분석과 시사점(Cross-Border Fund Flow after 2008 Financial Crisis) Downloads
Tae Hoon Lim, Dong-Eun Rhee and Ju Hyun Pyun
14-2: 글로벌 불균형의 조정 전망과 세계경제적 함의(The Prospect of Adjustment of Global Imbalance and Its Implications for the World Economy) Downloads
Jonghwa Cho, Dong-Eun Rhee, Da Young Yang and Su Bin Kim
14-1: 체제전환국의 경제성장 요인 분석: 북한 경제개혁에 대한 함의 (Determinants of Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Their Implications for North Korea) Downloads
Hyung-Gon Jeong, Byung-Yeon Kim, Jae Wan Lee, Ho-Kyung Bang and Yi Kyung Hong
13-39: 라오스의 무역분야 개발협력방안 (Development Assistance for the Trade Sector in the Lao PDR: Evaluations and Future Directions for Korea's Aid for Trade) Downloads
Yoocheul Song, In Soo Kang and Hosaeng Rhee
13-38: 인도네시아의 산업분야 개발협력 방안 (International Cooperation for Industrial Development in Indonesia) Downloads
Jongil Kim and Mikyung Yun
13-37: 베트남의 교육분야 개발협력 방안: 직업교육훈련을 중심으로 (the Educational Development and Cooperation Plan in Vietnam: Focusing on Vocational Education and Training) Downloads
Jae-Eun Chae and Myung-Suk Woo
13-36: 주요 선진공여국의 중점협력국 운영 및 관리체계 사례연구 (Case Studies on the Operation and Managing Framework of Country Partnership Strategy) Downloads
Chong-Sup Kim and Yeongseop Rhee
13-35: 중점협력국 선정 기준 및 방법에 관한 연구 (An Analysis on the Criteria and Methodology of Priority Recipient Selection for Country Partnership Strategy) Downloads
Bokyeong Park, Hongshik Lee and Jeong-Woo Koo
13-33: 대 중남미 중소기업 진출방안 연구: Oli 패러다임 분석을 중심으로 (Strategies for Korean Smes to Break into Latin American Markets: Based on the Oli Paradigm) Downloads
Seungil Kim, Hwaseok Oh and Hyun Seo Kee
13-32: 몽골 경제 발전전략: CGE분석 및 사례연구 (Mongolian Economy Development Strategy: CGE Analysis and Case Study) Downloads
Chang-Soo Lee and Backhoon Song
13-31: '러시아-북한-중국 삼각관계'의 전략적 함의: '미국 요인'과 한국에의 시사점 (The Russo-Sino-North Korea Triangle: The American Factor and Policy Implications for Korea) Downloads
Jung Chul Lee, Jun Kee Baek, Jae-Kwan Kim and Nam-Ju Lee
13-30: 한·인도 Cepa 확대를 통한 산업협력방안 연구:Ict 산업 중심으로 (The Effect of Opening ICT Industry and Cooperation by the Korea-India CEPA) Downloads
Hankyoung Sung, Sang-Joon Lee, Soon-Cheul Lee and Sung-Gul Hong
13-29: 다자원조의 효과적 실행을 위한 통합추진전략 (Korea's Multilateral Aid: Recent Developments and Future Challenges) Downloads
Yul Kwon, Jione Jung, Jisun Jeong, JuYoung Lee and Aila Yoo
13-28: 중남미 다국적기업을 활용한 대중남미 경제협력 확대방안 (The Rise of Multilatinas in Latin America and the Implications for Korea) Downloads
Ki-Su Kwon, Jin-O Kim, Misook Park, Siun Yi and Taekyoon Lim
13-27: 해외 정책금융기관 활용을 통한 아프리카 건설·플랜트 시장진출 방안 (The Role of International Development Finance Institutions in Financing Infrastructure in Africa and Its Implications for Korea) Downloads
Young Ho Park, YoungKee Kim, Jong-Moon Jang and Hyelin Jeon
13-26: MENA 지역의 보건의료산업 동향 및 국내 산업과의 연계방안 (The Healthcare Industry in the MENA Region and Its Policy Implications for Korean Companies) Downloads
Kwon Hyung Lee, Sungil Kwak, Jaeeun Park and Sung Hyun Son
13-25: 인도의 경제개혁 이후 노동시장의 변화와 시사점 (Changes in the Labor Market Since India's Economic Reforms) Downloads
Woong Lee, Young Chul Song, Choong Jae Cho and Yoon-Jung Choi
13-24: 유럽의 사례를 통해 본 복지와 성장의 조화 방안 연구 (Harmonizing Social Welfare and Economic Growth: Case Studies of European Countries and Implications for Korea) Downloads
Yoo-Duk Kang, Tae Hyun Oh, Cheol-Won Lee, Hyun Jean Lee and Junyup Kim
13-23: 일본 재정의 지속가능성과 재정규율에 관한 연구 (A Study on Japanese Fiscal Sustainability and Fiscal Discipline) Downloads
Gyupan Kim, Hyong-Kun Lee, Eunji Kim and Young Kyoung Suh
13-22: 동남아 주요 신흥국가와의 산업협력 강화전략 (Strategies to Strengthen Industrial Cooperation with Major Emerging Countries in Southeast Asia) Downloads
Taeyoon Kim, Jae Wan Cheong, Jae-Ho Lee, Mingeum Shin, Na Ri Park and Yoomi Kim
13-20: 중국의 채권·외환시장 변화가 우리나라에 미치는 영향 (The Changes in China's Bond and Foreign Exchange Market and Their Effects on Korea) Downloads
Ik Joon Moon, Da Young Yang and In Hah
13-19: 중국의 신흥시장 진출과 한국의 대응방안: 동남아, 중남미, 아프리카를 중심으로 (China's Advance into Emerging Markets and Korea's Response -A Focus on ASEAN, Latin America and Africa) Downloads
Pil Soo Choi, Young Ho Park, Ki-Su Kwon, Jae Wan Cheong and Hyo-jin Lee
13-18: 중국의 녹색성장 전략과 한·중 무역에 대한 시사점 (China's Green Growth Strategy and Implications for Trade between Korea and China) Downloads
Ik Joon Moon, Jihyun Jung, Su Yeob Na, Hyun Jung Park and Hyo-jin Lee
13-17: 중국의 중장기 경제개혁 과제와 전망 (China's Long-Term Economic Reform: Perspectives and Implications) Downloads
Pyeong Seob Yang, Su Yeob Na, Soojoong Nam, Sang Hun Lee, Ho Lim Yoo, Hyun-Jun Cho, Eui-Hyun Choi, Hyukku Lee and Youngseok Jang
13-16: 중국의 정치경제 변화에 따른 북한경제의 진로와 남북경협의 방향 (Prospects of China's Political and Economic Changes and the Path Forward for Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation) Downloads
Dongho Jo and Young-Sook Nam
13-15: 러시아 극동바이칼 지역의 개발과 신북방 경제협력의 여건 (Development of Russian Far East and Baikal Region and Korea's New Northern Economic Cooperation) Downloads
Weon-Yong Sung, Sungkyu Lee, Youngil Oh and Pavel Minakir
13-14: 중국의 동북지역 개발과 신북방경제협력의 여건 (Development of China's Northeast Region and Korea's New Northern Economic Cooperation) Downloads
Dong Wook Won, Seungho Kang, Hong Gyoo Lee and Changdo Kim
13-13: 신북방 경제협력의 필요성과 추진 방향 (Necessity and Directions of Korea's New Northern Economic Cooperation) Downloads
Yeo-Cheon Jeong
13-12: 아·태 역내 생산 네트워크와 APEC 경제협력: 중간재 교역을 중심으로 (Production Networks and Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region) Downloads
Chul Chung, Kyong Su Lim, Soon Chan Park and Innwon Park
13-11: 녹색기후기금(Gcf)의 당면 과제와 우리의 대응방안 (Green Climate Fund: Current Issues and Way Forward for the Successful Operationalization) Downloads
Jione Jung, Jeongmeen Suh, Jin-Young Moon and Jihei Song
13-10: 국제 공유지의 효율적 활용을 위한 거버넌스 연구 (A Study on the Governance of the Global Commons) Downloads
Jin-Young Moon, Yun-ok Kim, Yi Kyung Hong, Bo Kim, Sung Hee Lee and Minyoung Lee
13-9: 대외개방이 국내 노동시장의 숙련구조에 미치는 영향 (Trade Openness, Skill Composition and Wage Inequality in Korea) Downloads
Chankwon Bae, Joo Yeon Sun, Jeong-Gon Kim and Jumi Lee
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