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Policy Analyses

From Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
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19-12: 한국의 신북방 경제협력 거버넌스 개선 방안 연구: 러시아를 중심으로(Study on the Improvement of Korea’s New Northern Economic Cooperation Governance: Focusing on Russia) Downloads
Joungho Park, Minhyeon Jeong, Boogyun Kang, Dongyeon Jeong, Cho Rong Kim, Sung Hoon Jeh, Sergey Lukonin and Ekaterina Zaklyazminskaya
19-11: 원청-하청 간 거래관행이 혁신에 미치는 영향: 독일ㆍ미국의 자동차산업을 중심으로(On the Impact of the Supplier-Buyer Relation on Innovation: Lessons from the German and the U.S. Automobile Industry) Downloads
Dong-Hee Joe, Gusang Kang, Hyuk Ju Kwon and Seongman Moon
19-10: 내국인 해외증권투자 확대가 외환시장에 미치는 영향(The Impact of the Residents’ Foreign Portfolio Investments on Foreign Exchange Market) Downloads
Tae Soo Kang, Young Sik Jeong, Kyunghun Kim and Eunjung Kang
19-9: 2016년 대북제재 이후 북한경제 변화와 신남북협력 방향(Changes in the North Korean Economy and Guidelines to New Strategies of Inter-Korean Cooperation after UNSCR since 2016) Downloads
Jangho Choi, Yoojeong Choi, Bumhwan Kim and Soo Ho Lim
19-8: 데이터 경제의 성장과 무역에 관한 연구(Economic Growth and International Trade in Data Economy) Downloads
Kyu Yub Lee, Jungu Kang, Ji Hyun Park and Hyun Park
19-7: 아세안 사회문화공동체와 한국의 분야별 협력방안(ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community and Policy Implications for Korea) Downloads
Jin-Young Moon, Seung Kwon Na, Jaeho Lee, Sunghee Lee and Eunmi Kim
19-6: 신흥국 산업인력 수요 전망 방법론 연구: 직업교육 ODA 사업의 효율화 방안을 중심으로( Approaches to Forecasting Labor Demand in Developing Countries and Their Implications for Korea’s ODA) Downloads
Young Ho Park, Jae Wook Jung, Yejin Kim, Minji Jeong and Gyu-Hee Hwang
19-5: 국제사회의 취약국 개발협력 성과와 과제(Foreign Aid to Fragile States: An Analysis and Implications for Korea) Downloads
Yul Kwon, Jisun Jeong, Yoon Sun Hur, Jihei Song, Aila Yoo and Mi Lim Kim
19-4: 중동 주요국의 여성 경제활동 확대 정책과 한국의 협력 방안: 사우디아라비아와 UAE를 중심으로(Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Middle East and Implications for Korea, with a Focus on Saudi Arabia and the UAE) Downloads
Jae Wook Jung, Sung Hyun Son, Yunhee Jang and Kwang Ho You
19-3: 남북러 지역개발 정책과 산업 정책 연계 방안(A Study on Linking Regional Development Policies and Industrial Polices of South Korea, North Korea and Russia Downloads
Hongyul Han, Sungwook Yoon, Jiwon Park and Eunlee Joung
19-1: 미국 통화정책의 국제전이: 뉴스와 노이즈 효과 분석을 중심으로(International Transmission of US Monetary Policy: Role of News and Noise Information) Downloads
Kyunghun Kim and Wongi Kim
18-32: 중국기업의 인수합병을 통한 해외진출 전략과 정책 시사점(Overseas Strategies of Chinese Enterprises through M&A and Their Implications) Downloads
Seungshin Lee, Sangbaek Hyun, Suyeob Na and Gowoon Cho
18-31: 사회통합형 통상정책 연구(Social Cohesion and Implications for Korea’s Trade Policy) Downloads
Chul Chung, Chankwon Bae, Jong Duk Kim, Kyong Hyun Koo, Min-chirl Chung, Shi Young Lee and Hongyul Han
18-30: 한·중 경제협력의 새로운 도약을 위한 정책과 비전(New Directions for Korea-China Economic Cooperation: Strategy and Policy Suggestions) Downloads
Soojoong Nam, Yunjong Wang, Soonchan Park, Soong Chan Park, Jungwon Cho, Jeong-In Kim, Jong Suk Choi, Dae-Won Oh and Jeong Weon Yu
18-29: 일자리 창출을 위한 유럽 주요국의 성공사례 연구(Job Creation Policy in Europe: Case Studies and Implications) Downloads
Sunghoon Park, Se-Hwa Ahn, Sae-Won Chung, Da Hin Kim and Geunhyo Kim
18-28: EU 혁신성장정책의 주요 내용과 시사점: 중소기업정책을 중심으로(Innovative Growth Policy of the EU and Its Implications for Korea: SME Policies) Downloads
Heungchong Kim, Taehyun Oh and Hyun Jean Lee
18-27: EU 혁신성장정책의 주요 내용과 시사점: 산업정책과 일자리 창출을 중심으로(Innovative Growth Policy of the EU and Its Implications for Korea: Industrial Policy and Job Creation) Downloads
Myungheon Lee, Hongyul Han, Sangyong Joo, Jun Ho Jeong and Martin Falk
18-26: 중국 인터넷융합 전략의 특징과 지역 사례 연구(China’s Internet Plus Strategy: Characteristics and Regional Case Study) Downloads
Sanghun Lee, Hongwon Kim, Joohye Kim and Jaehee Choi
18-25: 한국의 대(對)동남아 소비재수출 활성화 방안: 한중일 비교분석을 중심으로(Revitalization of Korea’s Exports of Consumption Goods to Southeast Asia) Downloads
Bo-Young Choi, Sooyoung Lee, Hyong-Kun Lee, Boram Lee and JungEun Lee
18-24: 자유무역협정의 구성요소가 교역에 미치는 영향 분석(The Contents of Free Trade Agreements and Their Effects on Trade) Downloads
Moonhee Cho, Young Gui Kim, Kyong Hyun Koo, Hyeri Park and Hyeyoon Keum
18-23: ASEAN 서비스산업 규제 현황과 시사점(An Analysis of Service Trade Regulations in ASEAN and Its Implications) Downloads
Meeryung La, Jaewan Cheong, Mingeum Shin, Minlee Shin and Jegook Kim
18-22: 금융불안지수 개발과 금융불안 요인 변화 분석(Constructing a Financial Stress Index and Changes of Financial Stress Determinants after the Global Financial Crisis) Downloads
Young Sik Jeong, Hyelin Choi, Dayoung Yang, Eunjung Kang and Deokki Ko
18-21: 개방경제에서의 금융혁신 파급효과와 블록체인기술 발전의 시사점(Impacts of Financial Innovations in an Open Economy and Implications of Blockchain Technology) Downloads
Sungbae An, Hyosang Kim, Kotbee Shin, Huisu Jang and Jisu Kim
18-20: WTO 체제 개혁과 한국의 다자통상정책 방향(Reshaping the Multilateral Trade Policy for Korea) Downloads
Jin Kyo Suh, Jong Duk Kim, Ji Hyun Park, Min-Sung Kim and Dukgeun Ahn
18-19: 한ㆍ중ㆍ일 산업협력 방안: 4차 산업혁명, 전자상거래, 문화콘텐츠를 중심으로(Strategies for Promoting Industrial Cooperation Between Korea, China and Japan: Focusing on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Cross-border E-commerce,and Contents Industry) Downloads
Gyu-Pan Kim, Hyun Tai Lee, Yunmi Oh, Seunghyun Kim and JungEun Lee
18-18: 국경 간 데이터 이동에 관한 국제적 논의 동향과 대응 방안(Cross-Border Data Flows:Discussions and Countermeasures) Downloads
Kyu Yub Lee, Moonhee Cho, Jungu Kang and Minji Kang
18-17: 신보호주의하에서 미국 무역구제제도의 변화와 주요 사례 연구(A Study on Recent Changes in U.S. Trade Remedies: Cases Against Korean Exports) Downloads
Chankwon Bae, Jun Hyun Eom, Minchirl Chung and Jang Wan Lee
18-16: 중국 공급측 구조개혁 평가와 시사점(A Study on China’s Supply-side Structural Reform) Downloads
Sangbaek Hyun, Minsuk Park, Jinhee Pak, Gowoon Cho and Furong Jin
18-15: 한국의 대인도 수출경쟁력과 애로요인 분석(An Analysis on the Competitiveness and Difficulties in Korea’s Export to India) Downloads
Choongjae Cho, Young Chul Song, Jung-Mi Lee and ChiHyun Yun
18-14: 북한의 무역제도 연구: 남북한 CEPA 체결에 대한 시사점(Study on North Korea’s Trade System: Implications for the CEPA between South and North Koreas Downloads
Jangho Choi, Yoojeong Choi, So Jeong Im and Hyo-young Lee
18-13: 푸틴 집권 4기 극동개발정책과 한ㆍ러 신경제협력 방향(Far East Development Policy in Putin’s Fourth Term and New Directions for Korea - Russia Economic Cooperation) Downloads
Joungho Park, Boogyun Kang, Iyoung Min, Sergey Lukonin and Olga Kuznetsova
18-12: 비핵화에 따른 대북경제제재 해제:분석과 시사점 Downloads
Hyung-Gon Jeong, Byung-Yeon Kim, Suk Lee, Nam Hoon Cho, Jung-Kyun Rhee and Bumhwan Kim
18-10: 중동 주요국의 중소기업 육성정책과 한·중동 협력 확대방안(SME Promotion Policies in the Middle East and their Implications for Korea - the Middle East Cooperation) Downloads
Kwon Hyung Lee, Sung Hyun Son, Yunhee Jang and Kwang Ho Ryou
18-9: 개도국 SDGs 이행 지원을 위한 개발재원 확대방안(Financing for Sustainable Development and the Implications for Korea’s Policy on Development Cooperation) Downloads
Jione Jung, Jisun Jeong, Ju Young Lee and Aila Yoo
18-8: 소득주도 성장 관련 유럽 및 미국의 정책사례 연구(Income-Led Growth: Policy Cases of Europe and the U.S.) Downloads
Dong-Hee Joe, Jonghyuk Kim, Heungchong Kim, Seongman Moon, Yeo Joon Yoon and You Jin Lim
18-7: 국제사회의 기후변화 대응 인프라 투자와 한국의 정책과제(Global Investment and Policy Implications in Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure) Downloads
Jin-Young Moon, Seung Kwon Na, Sunghee Lee and Eunmi Kim
18-6: 통화정책이 환율에 미치는 영향분석과 정책적 시사점: 기축통화 보유 여부를 중심으로(The Impact of Monetary Policy on Exchange Rate and Its Policy Implications) Downloads
Deok Ryong Yoon, Soyoung Kim and Jinhee Lee
18-5: ASEAN 지역의 인프라 시장 확대와 한국기업의 진출 방안(The Growth of the ASEAN Construction Infrastructure Market and Its Implication for Korean Construction Companies) Downloads
Sungil Kwak, Jaewan Cheong, Jaeho Lee, Jegook Kim and Mi Lim Kim
18-4: 미국 통화정책이 국내 금융시장에 미치는 영향 및 자본유출입 안정화방안(The US Monetary Policy Normalization: The Impact on Korean Financial Market and Capital Flows) Downloads
Tae Soo Kang, Kyunghun Kim, Hyunduk Suh and Eunjung Kang
18-3: 디지털 혁신의 국제비교와 시나리오별 무역 영향 분석(International Comparison and Trade Effects of Digital Innovation According to Various Scenarios) Downloads
Nakgyoon Choi, Kyu Yub Lee, Hyuk-Hwang Kim and Yoonjong Jang
18-2: 리쇼어링의 결정요인과 정책 효과성 연구(Determinants of Reshoring and Effectiveness of Reshoring Policies) Downloads
Sooyoung Lee, Hyelin Choi, Hyuk Hwang Kim, Minsuk Park and Sihoon Nahm
18-1: 글로벌 부동산 버블 위험 진단 및 영향 분석(A Diagnosis of Bubble Risk in the Global Real Estate Sector and Prospective Impacts on Financial Crises) Downloads
Young Sik Jeong, Kyunghun Kim, Hyosang Kim, Dayoung Yang and Eunjung Kang
17-28: 브렉시트 이후 EU 체제의 전망과 정책시사점 (Post-Brexit EU System: Forecast and Policy Implications) Downloads
Dong-Hee Joe, Cheolwon Lee, Taehyun Oh, Hyun Jean Lee and You Jin Lim
17-27: 국제 에너지시장 구조변화의 거시경제효과 분석(Changes in International Energy Market and Their Impact on the Korean Economy) Downloads
Sungbae An, Kihwan Kim, Subin Kim, Jinhee Lee and Minsoo Han
17-23: 중국의 제조업 발전 현황과 한국의 대응방안(China's Manufacturing Development and Korea's Countermeasures) Downloads
Hyuntae Lee, Jangho Choi, Hyelin Choi, Youngsun Kim, Yunmi Oh and Joonkoo Lee
17-22: 대외개방이 국내 분배구조에 미치는 영향(A Study on the Effects of Economic Openness on Korea's Income Distribution) Downloads
Young gui Kim, Sihoon Nahm, Hyeyoon Keum and Nak Nyeon Kim
17-20: 북한 외화획득사업 운영 메커니즘 분석: 광물부문(무연탄ㆍ철광석)을 중심으로 (An Analysis of Operation Mercanism of Foreign Exchange Acquisition Project in North Korea:Focues the Mineral Sector (anthracite, iron ore)) Downloads
Sooho Lim, Moonsoo Yang and Jungkyun Rhee
17-19: 디지털상거래가 무역과 고용에 미치는 영향(The Impact of E-commerce on International Trade and Employment in Korea) Downloads
Kyu Yub Lee, Chankwon Bae, Sooyoung Lee, Ji Hyun Park and Saebyul Yoo
17-18: 수출이 국내 고용에 미치는 영향(The Employment Effect of Exports) Downloads
Unjung Whang, Sooyoung Lee, Hyuk Hwang Kim and Youngho Kang
17-17: 인도 제조업의 세부 업종별 특성 분석을 통한 한·인도 협력방안 (Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector in India and its Implications for Korea–India Cooperation ) Downloads
Woong Lee, Chankwon Bae and Jung-Mi Lee
Page updated 2024-12-26
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