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Policy Analyses

From Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
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21-3: 아프리카 보건의료 분야 특성 분석 및 한국의 개발협력 방안(Analysis of the Healthcare Sector in Africa and its Policy Implication for Korea) Downloads
Young Ho Park, Munsu Kang, Yejin Kim, Kyu Tae Park and Young-chool Choi
21-2: 에너지전환시대 중동 산유국의 석유산업 다각화 전략과 한국의 협력방안: 사우디아라비아와 UAE를 중심으로(Petroleum Industry Diversification in the Middle East and Its Policy Implications for Korea in the Era of Energy Transition) Downloads
Kwon Hyung Lee, Sung Hyun Son, Yunhee Jang, Kwang Ho Ryou and Dawoon Lee
21-1: 디지털 전환 시대의 디지털 통상정책 연구 (Digital Trade Policy in the Era of Digital Transformation) Downloads
Kyu Yub Lee, Wonseok Choi, Ji Hyun Park, Jun Hyun Eom, Minji Kang and Unjung Whang
20-35: 중국의 통상환경 변화와 국가별 상품 간 수출 대체가능성 연구 (Multidimensional Substitutability Measurement and Analysis: With an Application to Trade between China and South Korea) Downloads
Wonho Yeon, Sangbaek Hyun, Minsuk Park, Hyojin Lee and Yunmi Oh
20-34: 한·중·일 소재·부품·장비 산업의 GVC 연계성 연구 (A Study on GVC Linkage of Materials, Parts, and Equipment Industries in China, Japan and Korea) Downloads
Hyung-Gon Jeong, Hong Bae Lee, Hyong-Kun Lee and Minsuk Park
20-33: 동아시아 금융협력의 비전과 과제: CMIM 20년의 평가와 새로운 협력 방향 (East Asian Regional Financial Cooperation: Visions and Challenges) Downloads
Deok Ryong Yoon, Sungbae An, Hee-Yul Chai, Yeongseop Rhee and Woosik Moon
20-32: MERCOSUR와 태평양동맹(PA)의 향후 전개방향 및 시사점 (Economic Integration of Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance and its Implications for Korea) Downloads
Yeo Joon Yoon, Sungwoo Hong, Jino Kim, Jonghyuk Kim and Jimin Nam
20-31: 이민이 EU의 노동시장에 미친 영향과 정책 시사점 (Impact of Migration on the Labor Market of the EU and Its Implications for Korea) Downloads
Dong-Hee Joe, Cheolwon Lee, Hyun Jean Lee, Minji Jeong and Seongman Moon
20-30: FTA 신통상규범에 관한 통상법적 쟁점과 경제적 영향: 환경과 노동을 중심으로 (New High Standard for Environmental and Labour Provisions in FTAs: Law and Economic Perspectives) Downloads
Cheon-Kee Lee, Jukwan Lee, Hyeri Park and Yoo-Duk Kang
20-29: 아세안 역내 서비스시장 통합의 경제적 영향과 시사점 (Asean Economic Integration on Services: An Analysis of Economic Impacts and Implications) Downloads
Meeryung La, Jaewan Cheong, Mingeum Shin and Jegook Kim
20-28: 국내 증권시장에서 외국인 자금 이동 결정요인 분석: 금리와 환율을 중심으로 (Determinants of Foreign Security Investment: Focusing on Interest Rates and Exchange Rates) Downloads
Deok Ryong Yoon, Wonho Song and Jinhee Lee
20-27: 신용공급 변동이 경제성장 및 금융위기에 미치는 영향 (A Study on Credit Supply, Economic Growth and Financial Crisis) Downloads
Hyosang Kim, Sangyup Choi, Da Young Yang and Yuri Kim
20-26: 일방적 통상정책의 국제적 확산과 무역구조의 변화에 관한 연구 (A Study on Unilateral Trade Policy and International Trade Structure) Downloads
Moonhee Cho, Chankwon Bae, Kyu Yub Lee, Jungu Kang and Ji Hyeon Kim
20-25: 글로벌 금융위기 이후 중국의 지역경제구도 변화와 내수시장 진출 전략 (Changes in China's Regional Economic Structure and Strategies to Enter the Domestic Market after the Global Financial Crisis) Downloads
Jihyun Jung, Wonseok Choi, Hongwon Kim and Joo Hye Kim
20-24: 아시아-태평양 지역의 디지털화와 한국의 협력방안 (Digitalization in Asia-Pacific Region and Policy Implications for Korea) Downloads
Yungshin Jang, Sungil Kwak, Soyoung Kwak, Eunbin Park, Seongman Moon and Sang-yirl Nam
20-23: 개혁ㆍ개방 이후 중국의 제조업 분야 산업정책과 산업구조 변화 연구 (A Study on the Changes in China's Industrial Policies and Industrial Structures in Manufacturing Sector after China's Reform and Open) Downloads
Wonseok Choi, Pyoung Seob Yang, Jinhee Pak, Joo Hye Kim, Jiwon Choi and Xingwang Jiao
20-22: 푸틴 4기 한ㆍ러 투자 활성화 방안: 고부가가치 산업을 중심으로 (Plans to Activate Investment between Korea and Russia During Putin's Fourth Term-Focusing on High Value-Added Industries) Downloads
Joungho Park, Seok Hwan Kim, Minhyeon Jeong, Boogyun Kang, Cho Rong Kim, Sergei Sutyrin, Olga Trofimenko and Irina A. Korgun
20-21: 국제사회의 온실가스 감축 목표 상향과 한국의 대응방안 (Increasing Global Climate Ambition and Implications for Korea) Downloads
Jin-Young Moon, Soo Hyun Oh, Youngseok Park, Sunghee Lee and Eunmi Kim
20-20: WTO 체제의 구조적 위기와 한국의 신 다자협상 대응 방향 (Structural Paralysis of the WTO Multilateral Trading System and New Negotiation Strategies for Korea) Downloads
Jin Kyo Suh, Cheon-Kee Lee, Jukwan Lee, Jihyeon Kim and Myeonghwa Jung
20-19: 무역구조의 변화가 국내 고용구조에 미친 영향과 정책 시사점 (The Effects of the Increase in Korea's Trade with China and Vietnam on Korean Labor Market and Policy Implications) Downloads
Kyong Hyun Koo and Hyuk-Hwang Kim
20-18: 대외부문 거시건전성 정책 10년의 성과와 개선방안 (Korea's Macroprudential Policies for Cross-Border Capital Flows: Accomplishments and Road to Improvement) Downloads
Sungbae An, Tae Soo Kang, Kyunghun Kim and Eunjung Kang
20-17: 환율과 경상수지의 구조적 변화와 정책방향 (Structural Factors Behind Foreign Exchange Rate and Current Account Balances and Policy Directions) Downloads
Minsoo Han, Sungbae An, Hyosang Kim, Subin Kim, Jinhee Lee, Soyoung Kim and Ju Hyun Pyun
20-16: 저유가 시기 GCC 주요국의 경제정책 변화와 한국의 대응방안 (Changes of Economic Policies of GCC Countries in the Era of Low Oil Prices and Their Policy Implications for Korea) Downloads
Kwon Hyung Lee, Sung Hyun Son, Yunhee Jang and Kwang Ho Ryou
20-15: 신남방지역 온라인 플랫폼 시장 분석과 시사점 (Analysis on the Online Platform Markets and Policies in India and ASEAN) Downloads
Jeong Gon Kim, Seung Kwon Na, Jaeho Lee, ChiHyun Yun and Eunmi Kim
20-14: 코로나19 이후 중국의 분야별 변화와 시사점(Changes by Field in China Since Covid-19 and Implications for Korea) Downloads
Jaichul Heo, Pyoungseob Yang, Jihyun Jung, Sangbaek Hyun, Wonho Yeon, Wonseok Choi, Gapyong Yang, Dongryul Lee, Sanghoon Lim, Dongwon Yoo, Jongseok Yoon and Jungjin Kim
20-13: 인도태평양 전략과 신남방정책의 협력 방향 (Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea's Perspective) Downloads
Ina Choi, Sungil Kwak, Jaewan Cheong, Jung-Mi Lee, Nayoun Park, Mi Lim Kim, Jaehyon Lee and Won Deuk Cho
20-12: 일본의 '사회적 과제 해결형' 4차 산업혁명에 관한 연구 (Japan's 4th Industrial Revolution Efforts in Response to Social Challenges) Downloads
Gyupan Kim, Hyong-Kun Lee, Boram Lee, JungEun Lee and Wonju Son
20-11: 지식재산권의 국제 논의 동향과 영향에 관한 연구 (The Impact of Intellectual Property Protection Through FTA on International Trade) Downloads
Hyunsoo Kim, Sangjun Yea, Hyeyoon Keum and Minji Kang
20-10: 인도 스타트업 생태계 분석과 정책 시사점 (The Indian Startup Ecosystem and Policy Implication) Downloads
Hyoungmin Han, Jeong Gon Kim, Doyeon Kim, Sunghee Lee and Jong Hun Pek
20-9: 중국의 금융개방 환경 변화와 대응방향 (Changing Environment for Opening of Chinese Financial Sector and Response Measures) Downloads
Sang Baek Hyun, Suyeob Na, Youngsun Kim, Ko Un Cho and Bongkyo Seo
20-8: 산업간 융ㆍ복합 시대 미국과 EU의 경쟁정책 분석 (Analysis of Competition Policies between U.S. And EU in the Era of Inter-Industry Convergence) Downloads
Gusang Kang, Yungshin Jang, Taehyun Oh and Jeewoon Rim
20-7: 동남아 CLMV 국가의 체제전환 평가와 북한에 대한 함의: 체제전환지수 개발과 적용 (Implications of the Transitional Outcomes of Southeast Asian Countries CLMV for North Korea) Downloads
Jangho Choi, Yoojeong Choi and Halin Han
20-6: OECD 개발원조위원회(DAC) 가입 10주년 성과와 과제 (Korea as an OECD DAC Member: 10-Year Achievements and Way Forward) Downloads
Jione Jung, Jisun Jeong, Ju Young Lee, Jihei Song, Aila Yoo and Hyeon-Yang Choi
20-5: 신북방시대 한국·몽골 미래 협력의 비전: 분야별 협력과제와 실현방안 (The Vision of Future Cooperation between Korea and Mongolia in the New Northern Era: Cooperation Tasks and Practical Methods by Sector) Downloads
Hong-Jin Kim, Bora Kim, Jung-Hoo Park, Wonsoo Yu and Pyungrae Lee
20-4: 미ㆍ중 간 기술패권 경쟁과 시사점(U.S.-China Technological Rivalry and Its Implications for Korea) Downloads
Wonho Yeon, Su Yeob Na, Minsuk Park and Young Sun Kim
20-3: 중국 국가전략의 변화와 한·중 관계에 대한 함의(Changes in China’s National Strategy and Its Implication for ROK-China Relations) Downloads
Nam Ju Lee, Ikjoon Moon, Chiyoung Ahn, Dongwon Yoo and Youn Mi Jang
20-2: 주요 중소ㆍ중견 기업의 대중국 전략 분석 Downloads
Chang Kyu Lee, Young-Rok Cheong, Jun Yeop Lee and Bongkyo Seo
20-1: 중국 산업구조 고도화에 따른 한·중 경쟁력 변화와 대응전략(Korea-China Competitiveness Changes and Our Strategies According to the Industrial Upgrading of China) Downloads
Chuel Cho, EunMi Jung, Jongki Kim, Jun Lee, Sanguk Nam, Jaeyoon Lee, Eunchang Lee, Yongwon Cho, Yangpaeng Kim, Woojung Shim, Jayoung Yoon, Goeun Lee, Jayun Lee and Sugyeong Jeon
19-25: 중국산업, 얼마나 强한가?: 중국 산업경쟁력의 미시적 토대 분석(Analysis on Microeconomic Foundation of China’s Industrial Competitiveness) Downloads
Yunjong Wang, Pil Soo Choi, Sungho Rho, Jong-Hak Eun, Ik Joon Moon and Dae-Won Oh
19-24: 다국적기업 철수의 영향과 정책대응 방안(The Economic Effects of MNC (Multinational Corporation)Withdrawal and Policy Responses) Downloads
Minsoo Han, Hyuk-Hwang Kim, Hyelin Choi, Danbee Park and Jisu Kim
19-23: 주요국의 노동소득분배율 결정요인 비교 분석(The Determinants and Welfare Implications of Labor Share) Downloads
Sungbae An, Minsoo Han, Subin Kim and Jinhee Lee
19-22: 개방경제에서 인구구조 변화가 경상수지 및 대외자산 축적에 미치는 영향 분석 및 정책적 시사점(The Effects of Demographic Change on Current Account and Foreign Asset Accumulation) Downloads
Hyosang Kim, Da Young Yang and Eunjung Kang
19-21: 자산가격 변화가 경제적 불평등과 대외경제 변수에 미치는 영향 분석(Analysis of the Effects of Asset Price Changes on Economic Inequality and External Economic Variables) Downloads
Deok Ryong Yoon, Dong-Eun Rhee and Jinhee Lee
19-20: 중국의 창업생태계 발전전략과 정책 시사점(China’s Startup Ecosystem Policy and Implications)
Sangbae Hyun, Hyojin Lee, Gowoon Cho and Yunm Oh
19-19: 체제전환국의 FDI 유입 결정요인과 북한에 대한 시사점(Determinants of FDI in Transition Economies and Implications for North Korea) Downloads
Hyung-Gon Jeong, Cheolwon Lee, Minsuk Park and Bong Geul Chun
19-18: 중국 지방정부의 대외경제협력 사례와 시사점(Foreign Economic Cooperation Cases and Implications of China’s Local Governments) Downloads
Sanghun Lee, Hong won Kim, Jiwon Choi, Joohye Kim and Jae Hee Choi
19-17: 한국의 FTA 15년 성과와 정책 시사점(Fifteen Years of Korea’s FTA: Achievements and Policy Implications) Downloads
Moonhee Cho, Younggui Kim, Chankwon Bae, Hyeyoon Keum and Junhyun Eum
19-16: 포용적 무역을 위한 중소기업의 국제화 정책방향 연구(A Study on Policy Directions for the Internationalization of SMEs to Encourage Inclusive Trade) Downloads
Kyong Hyun Koo, Soo Hyun Oh, Hyeri Park, Min-Sung Kim and Unjung Whang
19-15: 주요국의 혁신성장 정책과 제도: 미국, 유럽, 일본을 중심으로(제1편 주요국의 혁신성장 정책)Innovative Growth Strategy in the US, Europe, and Japan / Part 1: Innovative Growth Policy Downloads
Gyu-Pan Kim, Gu Sang Kang, Jonghyuk Kim, Taehyun Oh, Hyun Jean Lee and Wonju Son
19-14: 신남방지역의 가치사슬 분석과 교역 확대 및 고도화 방안(Global Value Chain Analysis in the New Southern Region, Korea’s Trade Expansion and Upgrading Strategy) Downloads
Young Sik Jeong, Jeong Gon Kim, Hyoungmin Han, Jaewan Cheong, Jung-Mi Lee, Jegook Kim and Chihyun Yun
Page updated 2024-12-26
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