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They call him Gee-Oh-Dee
And he the big daddy
He look like me
But he more beardie

Primus is the creator-god of the Transformers. An ancient and ethereal being whose origins date back to the beginnings of the universe itself, Primus is a multiversal force for good, his life force existing across multiple realities and infinite alternate universes. In each one, he is the final defense against his fallen sibling, Unicron the Chaos-Bringer.

Primus eventually transformed himself into the planet Cybertron; from its surface, his creations have risen to defend and patrol the galaxy. Within the depths of Cybertron, the mega-computer Vector Sigma serves as his internal mainframe, and a gateway for select Transformers to access his power. A portion of his lifeforce resides within the Matrix, which often determines the leader of the Autobots. Prophecies of a war to come were written down in his holy covenant as well. The spark of each Transformer is a small piece of Primus's essence, and together they form his lifeforce, the Allspark.

Though wise and powerful beyond measure, Primus is neither infallible nor without weakness. At times he has been deceived by mere mortals, has made miscalculations which jeopardized all of existence, and has been betrayed by one of his earliest creations. Indeed, even the intended agents of his grand plan, the Transformers, have all too frequently become mired in endless civil war. Still, in most realities, he has managed to hold the line against Unicron and other threats, either directly or through his innumerable children.

Until all are one!Primus to his children, "Trap"


Conceptual history

Primus original.jpg

The Primus/Unicron backstory first originated in the Marvel Comics The Transformers series under the pen of author Simon Furman. Before reaching its present form, the mythos went through several distinct versions over the course of the series' original run. The first take on the myth was recounted by Unicron himself in the 1988 UK story "The Legacy of Unicron!". Per Unicron's telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe who led an army of Dark Gods against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods. Primus had defeated Unicron at the dawn of time by trapping them both within asteroids on the physical plane. Primus then reshaped his own body into Cybertron, before creating the Transformer species and imbuing them with a portion of his divine essence through the Matrix of Leadership. In this original story, Primus serves less as a character and more a conceptual idea: As merely a counterpart to Unicron, he exists as a way to explain where Transformers came from and what the Matrix actually does, and gives Unicron a motivation that ties him to the Transformers.

The role of the Light and Dark Gods diminished with each subsequent retelling of the story: When the Keeper told the story in Marvel US #61, he noted that Primus and Unicron were the last members of their respective pantheons, holdovers from a prior age of gods. Around here, too, Primus is now a god worshipped by the Transformers. The third iteration in Marvel US #74 explained that Unicron had destroyed the "old realms" that had existed before the present-day universe, and that the "sentient core" of the universe created Primus to defend the universe from Unicron, with the Light and Dark Gods no longer referenced. Since all three of these versions of the Primus/Unicron backstory were first given after the concurrent The Transformers cartoon had ended in 1987, Primus missed out on appearing in said cartoon (which had already made its own creation backstory for the Transformers). But when the later-made Beast Wars cartoon began airing its second season, Primus received a few namedrops as the Maximals' equivalent of saying "God help us" or the like. The third season's two-part series finale even introduced a sacred prophetic tome called the Covenant of Primus. However, nothing within the cartoon suggested that Primus was actually a real being, nor was his old origin ever mentioned; the cartoon's writers had merely taken the name from an alt.toys.transformers post with little idea that there was any backstory to it.[1]

In 1999, the Primus myth was fully revisited for the BotCon storyline Reaching the Omega Point, which firmly plonked the myth into the Beast Wars show continuity. The Omega Point version, which resembled the Marvel US #74 version (but with a pantheon of gods existing in the old universe), was first recounted in the 1999 "Covenant" prose story. Here, before enacting his initial plan to trap both Unicron and himself within asteroids, Primus devised a dry run for his later plan of creating mechanical life, which brought about a group of twelve Transformers called the Covenant, the first of Primus's children. In 2004, the third issue of the Transformers: The Wreckers comics series saw the first attempt of merging the Primus creation story of the G1 comics with the Quintesson creation story of the Generation 1 cartoon, stating that the Quintessons had come to Cybertron (as opposed to building it like the cartoon claimed) and sought to control Primus's power in order to create the Transformers. The supercomputer Vector Sigma, which had given life to the Transformers in the cartoon, was stated to the be the physical embodiment of Primus, and that the ancient Oracle computer from the Beast Machines cartoon was itself a Quintesson creation, the means through which the aliens had subjugated Vector Sigma/Primus. Though, the contemporaneous Transformers: Universe fiction (set chronologically after The Wreckers) instead depicted the Oracle as yet another aspect of Primus and an instrument of his will.

Starscream Vs Primus.jpg

The first modern interpretation of the myth came from a set of Armada trading cards released by Fleer, which introduced the idea that the two were originally brothers, created to explore the universe by an extradimensional entity called the "All Spark". When he wrote The Ultimate Guide, Simon Furman expanded upon this version of the tale by incorporating aspects of the original Marvel stories, and established the name of their creator as "The One". It was also established at this point that Primus had created the original Thirteen Transformers to defeat Unicron (with Furman utilizing a new version of the same concept he had used in creating the aforementioned backstory of the Covenant) and that Primus himself could transform from Cybertron into a robot mode like Unicron, but preferred not to, choosing to remain connected to the universe on a planetary level. This became the definitive version of the Primus/Unicron myth, which went on to influence fiction such as the aforementioned Universe comics and Fun Publications' Cybertron comics. Notably, Fun Publications established that Primus was a multiversal singularity; across all the myriad dimensions in the Transformers multiverse, there was only one Primus who existed simultaneously across many timelines.

Around this time, TakaraTomy began to take a good hard look at the Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity and, seemingly in accordance to the "Primus exists in all worlds" concept (and following his formal introduction to Japan via the Energon and Cybertron cartoons), it was decided to bring the character into this universe through a series of retcons that saw multiple separate characters and concepts merged into one entity. Like The Wreckers comics, Vector Sigma was made into a form of Primus, along with the Oracle and, uh, the Oracle, the ape-like assistant of Primacron (the creator of Unicron in the Generation 1 cartoon) who seemed to have some undisclosed connection to the Matrix of Leadership. In short, this version of Primus started as Primacron's unwitting assistant, escaped from his master in the form of the Matrix, became the energy-like Generation 1 Oracle, was converted into Vector Sigma and controlled (via the Matrix) by the Quintessons, and eventually evolved into the Beast Machines Oracle. A 2019 comic then saw the Oracle recreated into a new version of Vector Sigma to tie in with its appearance in the later-set Beast Wars Neo cartoon.

After the end of Universe, the Unicron Trilogy, and the Unicron-heavy Dreamwave Productions comic books, Hasbro eased off on Primus and Unicron stories for a while: the major new universes created in western media between then and 2010—those of the IDW Publishing comic books, the live-action movie and the Transformers Animated cartoon—all eschewed use of the Primus creation myth. When IDW Publishing's first universe debuted in 2005, author Simon Furman, likely tapping into some of the fatigue regarding the Primus/Unicron myth, announced that this new universe would have no Primus or Unicron; in Stormbringer, the characters swear by Primacron instead.[2] Animated and the films established the AllSpark as the supernatural mechanism by which new Transformers could be created, while Transformers Animated did not mention Primus at all due to series art director Derrick J. Wyatt's dislike for the character.[3]

In the meantime, the Aligned continuity family featured the return of the Primus and Unicron creation myth in full force, which appeared in several episodes of the Transformers: Prime cartoon and the tie-in book The Covenant of Primus. Now, Unicron and Primus were the opposite aspects of a preexisting singular being, who split off from each other to become their own entities. Primus merges with the core of Planet Cybertron and creates the Thirteen for the specific purpose of battling and defeating Unicron, with exposure to his corruptive energies gradually influencing and eventually tearing the group apart. This version of the myth, with this interpretation of the Thirteen, went on to be referenced in such series as the Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons and the Transformers: Cyberverse cartoon.

When Furman left IDW Publishing, different writers were free to reinterpret the rules of the universe, and James Roberts's "Chaos Theory Part 2" introduced Primus as a mythological deity, one of many gods of unclear quiddity worshipped by the Cybertronian race. This then tied into an entirely new version of the Primus creation myth in the 2012 More Than Meets The Eye annual: Primus was the first god who split himself into a pantheon known as the "Guiding Hand", and he had taken the form of Vector Sigma after a vicious battle against Mortilus.

Generations Selects Primus.jpg

In 2016, Fun Publications finally did away with multiversal singularities through the "Another Light" stories, which threw the entire thing out through the in-fiction concept of the Shroud. This meant that Primus no longer had to exist in all realities; future Transformers stories may include or exclude him as they see fit, or dramatically reinterpret his origins and personality. Indeed, this very phenomenon occurred in the final issues of IDW's first universe: the last few issues of Lost Light revealed that the Primus of that reality was never really a god, nor even a particularly powerful being: he was merely the first Cybertronian ever created, a humble 'bot who now went by the name of Rung.

From 2019 to 2021, the Japanese-exclusive Generations Selects Special Comic series introduced an entirely new backstory for the Japanese Generation 1 cartoon version of Primus by establishing him as having once been the leader of the heroic Primus Vanguard in a previous universe (during which time he resembled his Rodimus Prime-redecoed Lucky Draw toy). This was further connected to his aforementioned Japanese Generation 1 history by establishing his time with the Vanguard as preceding his time as Primacron's assistant, with Primacron trapping Primus's essence inside the Matrix and then placing it within the Pretender-like body of a primitive. He was further revealed to have originally been an energy being simply named "Oracle" (represented by the design of a 2012 promotional toy named "Vector Oracle"), as well as the very source of the wondrous Angolmois Energy that Primacron had used to create Unicron.

Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

"No, Frenzy is blue!"

As the universe began in its existence and life was beginning to form, it was under threat by the greatest evil: last of the Dark Gods, Unicron. The Primal Scream However, this fledging life had a protector created by the sentient core of the universe The Void! in the form of Primus, Lord of the Light Gods, who needed to defeat Unicron before he could take his place in the Omniversal Matrix. However, this clash of the opposing gods caused galactic devastation, against Primus's wishes. Thus, he conceived of a trap; Primus moved from his weakened energy form to the astral plane for apparent further battle, and Unicron followed. Before Unicron could finish him off and extinguish his "lifeglow", Primus returned to the physical world and Unicron followed again... only to find them both materializing in "tiny, barren lumps of space junk". Primus closed off their path, separating the two gods from their energy forms for all eternity and trapping them in their stone prisons. However, both possessed the ability to reshape their prisons—while Unicron created his into a new body, the first Transformer, Primus instead chose to form his physical form into the planet Cybertron and created a native race with converting capabilities mimicking those of Unicron's. Further, Primus infused his essence into a "Genetic Matrix" to create further generations of Transformers with "lifeglow". It was passed down from leader to leader within his children and was the one thing that could destroy Unicron. To prevent Unicron from attacking before his children were ready, Primus underwent slumber to close off the psychic link between the two deities. The Legacy of Unicron! The Primal Scream Before entering his eons-long slumber, Primus created the Last Autobot, and posted the dormant guardian in a hidden location on Cybertron. The Last Autobot?

The shot heard around the multiverse.

Eventually, millions of years later, Grimlock, Jazz, and Bumblebee found themselves transported to the center of Cybertron, where they discovered the sleeping form of Primus Yesterday's Heroes! and were told the tale of his and the Transformers' origins by the Keeper. Subsequently, Bludgeon's Pretenders attacked, and during the battle, a laser blast ricocheted off Grimlock and struck the essence of the sleeping Primus, causing a universe-shaking "Primal Scream" that alerted Unicron (who was located "outside the fringes of known space") to Primus's location. The Primal Scream Primus himself immediately slipped back into his sleep, but it was too late. Unicron was coming. Bird of Prey!

After Optimus Prime sent teams of Autobots to retrieve the lost Creation Matrix, the container of Primus' essence that could destroy Unicron, he communed with the Ark's Altar to Primus. Reaching out his mind to the Creation Matrix, the altar gave him a vision of a Matrix that had been tainted by evil. Kings of the Wild Frontier.

Unicron dispatched a group of heralds to attack Cybertron and pave the way for his coming, including a Galvatron plucked from an alternate future. Galvatron, however, was not content to serve under Unicron, and instead captured Autobot leader Emirate Xaaron, forcing him to fully awaken Primus, who possessed Xaaron's body and summoned Transformers from all across the universe back to Cybertron. Out of Time! Here, Primus spoke through Xaaron, telling the Transformers of his history with Unicron. Additionally, Primus chose Optimus Prime to lead both factions, united, against the Chaos Bringer. Primus knew this would draw out the Acolytes of Unicron among them, and Autobot and Decepticon were able to put aside their differences to defeat them. When Optimus Prime learned of Primus' ruse, his suspicions regarding his Creator's motives began to grow. Optimus wondered if the Transformers meant anything to Primus beyond being a means to an end. The Void!

Now you're like me.

Though their battle against the Unicron cultists did temporarily unite both factions, this facade shattered once the Planet-Eater arrived. Sheer terror prevented them from carrying out his desire, and the Transformers fled despite Primus' pleas. Primus instead made a stand himself, attempting to dupe Unicron into believing he still retained his full power, but Unicron saw through the deception, and destroyed Xaaron's body. Optimus Prime came to a realization, following Primus' destruction and his retrieval of the lost and contaminated Creation Matrix, that Primus did not mean only for the Transformers to fight his battles for him, but to carry on after he was gone. Flying into space with the Matrix, Prime unleashed the full measure of Primus's power, destroying Unicron. On the Edge of Extinction!

Though the Transformers were technically victorious, this victory came with a price. With Primus dead, and with the grievous wounds inflicted on Cybertron itself, the planet threatened to come apart. The Transformers made plans to flee it. Exodus! Ultimately, this was averted by the Last Autobot, who put into motion the planet's recovery, allowing the Autobots, who had finally won the civil war, to return to their home. End of the Road!

Letters page

When asked why Rodimus Prime looked like Primus and if it was because he was changed by the Creation Matrix, Grimlock agreed with this speculation and stated that Primus "recreated Hot Rod in his own image, calling himself Rodimus Prime". Grim Grams #160

Rhythms of Darkness!

In an alternate future, Unicron had destroyed Cybertron by the year 2009. Rhythms of Darkness!

Ask Vector Prime

However, Primus was not killed but rather his essence was dispersed among his children, now mostly represented by the Cybertronian Empire, which experienced a moral reformation. Autobot, Decepticon, and Cybertronian would later go on to unite as one and vanquish Unicron. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/24

Cybertron comic

The Primal Scream was heard multiversally, and awoke Unicron from his own slumber as well. Vector Prime: In the Beginning


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

The Last Autobot created a race of tiny beings, Mini-Cons, to rebuild and restore Cybertron so that it would be ready for the Autobots' return. Part of the Mini-Cons' job was to excise certain evolutionary throwbacks, remnants of Primus's earlier experiments, such as the Mutants, and this alarmed one Mini-Con. He suspected that one day that Primus would consider the Mini-Cons surplus to requirements as well, and he instigated an insurgency against their Creator and his followers. The New World

After being transported to the prehistoric Earth of another universe, Ultra Mammoth led his force to secure the legendary Origin Matrix. While his teammates occupied a rogue security system in the Matrix's underground hiding place, Ultra Mammoth entered the Matrix's chamber. Upon doing so, the system scanned Mammoth's mind and projected a hologram of Primus, who was held in esteem by Ultra Mammoth. The Primus simulacrum declared that the Origin Matrix would decide if he was worthy or not. Apparently the Matrix did, as Ultra Mammoth claimed it and used it to neutralize the security drones. Shattered Balance

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

In ages long past, Primus created the Demons as a test run of his creation powers. The Demons created a primitive society based around the worship of Primus only for their free will to cause them to turn on each other and destroy their civilization. Displeased, Primus enacted a cataclysm that rendered the Demons virtually extinct. In their place, Primus created the Transformers. Natural Selection, Part Four

Primus was destroyed in the battle with Unicron when his avatar, Xaaron, was blown to pieces by the Chaos-Bringer. His death left a vacuum in Zero Space, which was filled by the malevolent Dark Matrix creature. The Dark Matrix posed as Primus on several occasions following that, in order to manipulate Primus's children to its benefit. The War to End All Wars, Part 5

The rogue senator Jhiaxus had a low opinion of Primus, scoffing at the idea of the creator's grand plan, instead choosing to bring about order on his own terms. The War to End All Wars, Part 2 Once the Hub had been destroyed, Rodimus Prime realized that "Primus's" orders contravened order allowing him to deduce that the Dark Matrix creature was posing as the deity. The War to End All Wars, Part 4

Within the realm of Zero Space, Optimus Prime revealed to Rodimus that Primus still lived but that the destruction of his avatar had banished him from their reality. As Primus prepared to create a new universe based on the optimum aspects of all the others, the Dark Matrix entity sought to corrupt the new universe only for Rodimus to sever his reality from the larger multiverse, killing the entity and saving Primus's plan. Cut off from Primus however, the Cybertronians of that universe turned mortal and eventually passed of old age. The War to End All Wars, Part 5

Ask Vector Prime

When asked why Rodimus Prime looked like Primus, Vector Prime answered with "Nepotism?" Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/30

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

In addition to its occasional invocation in prayer or in righteous anger by the Beast Warriors, Bad Spark Primus's name was also lent to a set of prophetical datatrax, known as the Covenant of Primus. From this document, the Megatron of this era took his name, and the scriptures foretold the events which completed the Beast Wars. Nemesis Part 2

3H comics

Great, now he's going to become the Smoke Monster.

Before Primus became Cybertron, he plotted to create robotic life that would ultimately defeat Unicron, but first he needed to do a test run. He created twelve beings, the Covenant, on a small moon named Protos. These twelve would watch the Transformers from afar and only intervene when necessary. Covenant

Their intervention would become necessary when Shokaract used Unicron's essence, the Decepticon Matrix of Conquest, to conquer the future, threatening the end of all things at an important historical crossroads dubbed Point Omega. Though the Covenant's ranks were halved in the battle against Shokaract on prehistoric Earth during the Beast Wars, they were ultimately able to discover a way to defeat Shokaract and his Unicron-fueled power. The remaining Covenant members returned to their original Primus-spawned energy forms and entered Shokaract's Matrix of Conquest. Reconstituting as an astral form of Primus, they severed Unicron's link with Shokaract, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Terminus

Dispatched to an ice world in the far reaches of the galaxy by the orders of the Oracle, Primal Prime's Wreckers encountered the exiled Quintesson known as Al-badur, who revealed to them the full extent of his race's connection to Cybertron and Primus. Al-badur explained that, millions of years ago, the Quintessons sought to exploit the power of Primus for profit, and to that end, invaded Cybertron and set up numerous barriers to separate Primus from the Transformers. Their first attempt, the Plasma Energy Chamber, met with failure; next, the Quintessons targeted Vector Sigma itself, surrounding it with a shell program that acted as a barrier between the Transformers and the power and guidance of Primus. Disclosure Realizing that the Oracle itself was the Quintessons' shell program, Primal Prime began to fear that all that had come about as a result of its guidance—including Optimus Primal's mission to restore a techno-organic balance to Cybertron—was all part of a Quintesson plot, but Alpha Trion assured him that Primus worked in mysterious ways.

The Wreckers soon returned to Cybertron, discovering that in their absence, Optimus Primal had achieved his goal of recreating the planet as a technorganic world. In the wake of this overwhelming transformation, the Quintessons had invaded the planet, but they were not the only threat to Cybertron's safety: The Wreckers were also faced with Cryotek, who had used the legendary Divine Light to tap into the power of Primus and transform himself into a living god. During the course of the battle that ensued, Primal Prime and Apelinq were struck by a blast of Primus's power by Cryotek, which wound up merging them into Sentinel Maximus. At Al-badur's direction, Sentinel Maximus steered the battle to an interdimensional portal chamber far below the planet's surface, where Matrix Templars Rodimus and Cheetor began draining Primus's power out of Cryotek. To stop them, Cryotek shattered the Divine Light and absorbed Primus's energies directly into himself, where they could not drain it, but as he grappled with Sentinel Maximus, the fused Autobot forced them both through the portal, into a shapeless interdimensional void. Although unable to drain Primus's power any further, Cryotek was sustained in the void by the power he had absorbed, and he was ready to carry on the battle until Primus himself—now unshackled thanks to the destruction of the Oracle in the final stages of Optimus Primal's quest—took an active hand, spiriting Sentinel Maximus away to partake in another battle elsewhere in the multiverse.

While all of this was happening on Cybertron, elsewhere in the universe, on New Quintessa, Primus briefly possessed the body of Icebird so that he could address the Quintesson leader Judge Heirodyus. Primus shocked the Quintesson by revealing that he had allowed all that had transpired to occur, and he "thanked" Heirodyus for his race's role in the scheme, promising to call upon them again if he ever needed an "evolutionary crisis" to drive his children forward. Wreckers: Finale Part II

Alpha, Rita's escaped! Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

In the wake of the repulsion of the Quintesson invasion, Unicron began gathering Transformers from across the multiverse, forcing them to fight and harvesting the sparks of the losers to restore his power. With each spark devoured, Primus was weakened, and so, communing with Alpha Trion, he chose to summon Optimus Primal back from the Allspark, restoring the Maximal commander to life. Abduction Primal was charged with re-securing the battling captives from the Pit of Unicron and leading a team of multiversal warriors to put a stop to this soul-stealing scheme before it could cause the Allspark to collapse. Escape

Primus allowed Optimus Primal to choose any Transformer who ever existed—living or dead—for his army. This required considerable amounts of Primus's power, so Primal was told to choose sparingly. Primal chose his departed former troops Rhinox and Depth Charge. Homecoming Ultimately, however, Unicron's defeat came not as a result of their efforts, but as a consequence of another battle, happening in another corner of the Transformers multiverse. Revelations Part 2

Universe CD-ROM comic

In the future, Primals will travel on beams of light!

In a universe where Optimus Primal led the Autobots and Reptilion led the Decepticons, a ship arrived once a year, when the Transformers' civil war reached a fever pitch. The ship abducted every Decepticon it could find and promptly left.

These Decepticons were brought to Unicron, who was preparing them for an eventual, ultimate battle for the universe. But unknown to even Unicron, Primus, the sentient core of Cybertron, was amassing an army of Autobots that rivaled Unicron's army of Decepticons. Could Primus meet Unicron's challenge, or was the universe doomed? Universe CD-ROM

The Ultimate Guide

Is it safe to assume his planet mode has Seas of Cheese?

The One, a harmonious fusion of chaos and order, was witness to the beginning of the universe. Seeking to learn more of this new world, The One created Unicron, and then divided him into Unicron and Primus. Both creations "spread their entirety across new planets, throughout many realities, seeding the future". However, Primus came to realize his brother had become a force of Chaos and destruction. Primus took on the mantle of Order, protecting the universe by attacking Unicron with the powers granted to him by The One. Like his nemesis, Primus had a planet mode and a robot mode, although he preferred to remain in planet mode and leave the transformation to his own creations, the Transformers. He also possessed a separate astral form that resembled Rodimus Prime and his essence was contained within the Matrix of Leadership.

In one war with Unicron, Primus created 13 Transformers to optimize his defensive and tactical options in planet mode. However, one betrayed his master and attempted to sabotage Primus on behalf of Unicron, but ended up joining his new master in a black hole. The Ultimate Guide

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Generation One ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

When The Fallen's foul essence took root within Jetfire's spark, the Autobot became plagued by numerous visions. Among the events he bore witness to was Primus deconstructing The Fallen with a wave of his hand. The Enemy Within

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The old universe

Selects green Oracle.jpg

Existing in the universes prior to the G1 World, the Oracle (オラクル Orakuru) was an energy being made out of what would later be termed "righteous Angolmois Energy". Appointing him as the leader of the Primus Vanguard, the One granted him a golden body, and the Oracle became "Primus" (プライマス Puraimasu). Finale As leader, Primus received the Silver Matrix that could absorb the Star Power from the seven other Matrices possessed by the leaders of the individual orders within the Vanguard. Acting as his personal pet was Primacron, who acquired intelligence by his proximity to Primus and plotted against his master.

In the course of Primus's leadership, the Vanguard fought against the Specters, but, due to their enemy's nature as "inversions" of the lights they utilized, they came up short in permanently defeating them. They decided to shine their Matrices at their maximum power to extinguish all shadows, but this had the secondary effect of unifying the seven universes into one. This universe would come under attack itself, this time by the Vok, who sought to restart reality to their liking. Using the Black Legendisc to peer into the future, Primus found the next universe to be filled with death and cruelty and realized the origin of the Vok as the Specters he thought fully defeated. While dismayed at the thought of defeating them again only for them to ascend even further, Primus was confronted by Primacron, who revealed that he had extracted Angolmois Energy from the Silver Matrix and had plans to become the master of the next universe. Realizing that Primacron had created the next universe, Primus had a breakdown and concocted a plan to beat everybody to the punch and restart the universe himself for a glorious future. His ravings repelled away the commanders and marshals of the Primus Vanguard, who kept their Matrices with them. Lost, Primus came upon a realization—he could use warriors forged in the fires of the future universe as pawns for his plan to correct the future. Finale Prelude Using the Golden Age, a group of golden-hued warriors and his own direct hand, Primus gathered the worn-out Silver Matrix from the next universe, Abominus comic 2 along with Halfshell's Seacons and Turtler's Seacons. God Neptune comic 2

To defeat the Vok and gather the seven Star Powers, Primus collected Optimus Prime and Galvatron (as he could interface with the Vok's energies) from 2011 in the next universe. Star Convoy comic Primus gave Optimus Prime the future Silver Matrix. Super Megatron comic 1 Finale Prelude After revealing their deaths that would take place soon in their native spacetime, Primus sent Optimus and Galvatron to deal with the Vok attack on the Blue Planet and disappeared from their presence. Star Convoy comic

Primus Precursor World.jpg

Primus made his reappearance after Galvatron upgraded himself into Ultra Megatron, and his battle with Star Convoy forced him and the Blue Order to intervene. He filled in Star Convoy as to what the true nature of the universe they were in was—that its end would birth the next universe—Super Megatron comic 2 and warned the other orders of the Primus Vanguard to protect their respective Matrices after Ultra Megatron stole the Blue Matrix. After the Blue Order was destroyed by Straxuses' betrayal (the two sought to destroy the Primus Vanguard and end Primus's ambitions), Primus gathered the fallen blue warriors' sparks into his Golden Noah, stating that they would be reborn in the next universe.

On the Blue Planet, Primus watched on as events unfolded with the Seacons stealing the Matrices before the Megatron Omega/Straxus alliance could. The golden one explained that the Seacons were altered by Angolmois Energy brought here within Galvatron, prompting Primacron to show up and accuse the Oracle for using his creation and causing it to proliferate throughout the past universe. The smaller alien demanded to know what he was planning, God Neptune comic 1 to which Primus answered that he was out to stop Primacron's plans of using Star Power to control the birth of the next universe and become a god. To add to his convoluted machinations, Primus summoned the Primitive God Neptune comic 2 Dinobots from the 2050 of the next universe. Volcanicus comic 1

In response to the Dinobots, Primacron transformed the Blue Planet into a gigantic imitation of Primus, Neo Primus. Aboard the titanic robot, Primus arrived to the confrontation between Megatron Omega and God Neptune, eventually revealing them all to be pawns in his grand scheme. After asking Star Convoy to join him and getting the expected rejection, Primus revealed his Silver Matrix, the one native to this time, and used it to absorb the necessary Star Power from God Neptune, Purple Convoy, and the older Silver Matrix. With all seven lights under his control, Primus called for the universe to be recreated... Finale Prelude However, Primacron was quick to act and used Neo Primus to trap Primus in a vision of his fated beginning in the next universe. The former pet forced Primus to shed his golden shell, revealing the diminutive Oracle underneath. Initially dejected by his future existence of being constantly used by others, the Oracle was encouraged to persist by his former subordinate Convoys and Primes. Megatron Omega had other plans, absorbing Primus's servant Starscream's Golden Power to become "Gold Megatron". With the Silver Matrix, Gold Megatron sought to become the new Primus and even created a doppelganger Primus Vanguard to fulfill this goal. Seeing the dire straits they were in, the Oracle ordered the Golden Age to transform Star Convoy into Gold Primus Convoy so that he could fight against his equally golden nemesis. Thanks in part to Vector Sigma in the very far future commanding Lio Convoy to send the spark of the good Megatron of 2050 back to the Precursor World, Gold Megatron was eventually defeated and reverted to Galvatron. The Oracle brought them back to their native time, assisting Optimus Prime in defeating the resurrected Unicron with his positive Angolmois Energy. Thanking Optimus for making him realize the importance of preserving history, the Oracle promised to always protect life from evil Angolmois Energy. The Oracle sent all of the future visitors to their proper times and erased 2011's Optimus Prime and Galvatron's memories of their experiences in the Precursor World.

However, the Oracle was captured by Straxus and kept in a stasis tank at Darkmount, Finale where he was spotted when Magna Convoy invaded the base for the Matrix Sword, seemingly unaware of the trapped being's significance. Cybertron Magna Convoy prequel comic

Another life

CallOfThePrimitivces Primacron's assistant.jpg
The Oracle survived into the next universe as the Matrix along with Primacron, who had instigated this world. Keeping his promise to use the Oracle as his servant, the Matrix was installed Finale into an animal-type robot. Bonus Edition EX Grand Maximus Using the Oracle's powers of creating life (or, rather, the Matrix's lifeforce collected from those who existed in the previous universe), Primacron imbued various robotic races with life. Finale Prelude The Oracle and his master built the mighty robot, Unicron, Call of the Primitives out of copious amounts of Angolmois Energy Finale and who recognized that the Matrix could match his power. Not liking that scenario, Bonus Edition EX Grand Maximus Unicron rebelled against Primacron, destroying his base and seemingly killing the Oracle in the process. Call of the Primitives
That Matrix sure gets around!
The Oracle, however, was able to survive within the Matrix, fleeing to a planet in the center of the galaxy where he emptied his essence and fused with the sphere that would later be known as Cybertron. Bonus Edition EX Grand Maximus Seeing the threat of Tornedron in the future, the Oracle summoned the Primitives from 2010 and tasked them with using their simpler instincts to defeat Primacron's second great creation before sending them back to their proper time. Call of the Primitives The Oracle then transformed his planet into a verdant world. Kiss Players timeline

Vector Sigma

Voice actor: Toshiro Ishii (Japanese)

However, the planet was later colonized by the Quintessons using a mechaforming ray, and the Oracle was sealed into the supercomputer known as Vector Sigma. Using both the key and the Matrix, the Quintessons, led by It, were able to control the Oracle's life-imbuing energies. Through the Quintessons' machinations, the Oracle was able to experiment on the union of mechanical and organic life, which he considered necessary for universal peace. After his first creations, the Trans-Organics, were deemed a failure, he created an advanced computer that would carry out the mission in his place. This computer would end up controlling the transtector factory in G Nebula 89. Eventually, the Quintessons would use Vector Sigma to create what could be considered Primus's true children: the Transformers. Bonus Edition EX Grand Maximus Finale

In the following millions of years, Primus became known in Transformer mythology for his prophecies (such as through the Covenant of Primus) and was worshipped. Super Megatron comic 2

At some point, the Oracle foresaw that the evil Sparkbots would attempt to recreate Unicron following the planet-eater's destruction in the year 2005. Again calling himself "Primus", he attempted to stop the villains and their unwitting pawns, the human Kiss Players, appearing as a giant golden hand to snatch away the fragments of Unicron's lifeforce each time the Kiss Players recovered them. Kiss Players #45 Kiss Players #46 Unfortunately, this merely led the Kiss Players to pursue him through the timestream and resulted in them crashing into the "Wall of Time" and becoming scattered throughout the multiverse. Kiss Players #47 Knowing that the Kiss Players were innocent in this whole affair, having been duped by the Sparkbots, the benevolent Primus rescued them from the different regions of time and space they had wound up in, Kiss Players #47 and properly introduced himself, explaining the Sparkbots' treachery. Sparkbots Volume 4
He then took them back in time to prehistoric Earth, arriving just in time to witness the Sparkbots' successful restoration of Unicron to life. Primus transformed once more and unleashed the power of his mobile cannon platform, destroying Unicron's energy and sealing it and the Sparkbots deep within the planet. To ensure that Unicron would never be freed again, Primus created a mighty guardian, Brave Maximus, who would watch over it and the Earth. Ruination Chapter, Part One To allow others to activate Brave Maximus, the Oracle created the OOPArts as part of a complex system to wake the giant. The Final Key? Farewell, Ai With the battle over, Shaoshao asked about the Kiss Players' future, but Primus did not reply. After sending the Kiss Players back to their home time, Primus transformed into the golden sphere of Vector Sigma and returned to his world to sleep. Kiss Players #51 Sparkbots Volume 5

In 1985, seeking to combat the Autobots' rule of the roads, Megatron created the Stunticons and brought them to Cybertron with the intent of having Vector Sigma program them with true cybernetic personalities. Requiring Vector Sigma's activation key to bring the computer online, he stole it from Alpha Trion and successfully completed his plan. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 In retaliation, Optimus Prime constructed his own new team, the Aerialbots, but Megatron had already returned to Earth with the key still in his clutches, leaving the Autobots unable to reactivate Vector Sigma. As a first-generation product of Vector Sigma, Alpha Trion shared the mega-computer's computation matrix, and sacrificed himself by merging his lifeforce with it. This action reactivated the computer long enough for Optimus Prime to instruct it to program the Aerialbots with life. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

In 2010, Grimlock downloaded Vector Sigma's knowledge, in the process becoming a genius. It was with this knowledge that Grimlock was able to make the intelligent Technobots without Vector Sigma's direct intervention. Volcanicus comic 2


In 2011, one year after Optimus Prime drained the energies of the Matrix to cure the Hate Plague, the loss of the Matrix's energy caused Vector Sigma to destabilize, threatening Cybertron with destruction. The Decepticons—their forces bolstered with the recent addition of Headmaster warriors from the planet Master—sought to take advantage of the chaos that ensued, seeking to gain control of the unstable computer, thereby bringing Cybertron under their dominion again. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky


Determined to save the planet at any cost, Optimus Prime fought his way through the tunnels leading to Vector Sigma's chamber, led by the ghost of Alpha Trion, while Hot Rod and a group of Autobot Headmasters began searching for the Matrix, which had been left on Earth to recharge itself using the planet's natural energy. The Mystery of Planet Master Although they were successful in their mission, and the Matrix was even recharged by Alpha Trion, they were not fast enough to re-stabilize Vector Sigma with it, forcing Optimus Prime to sacrifice his life (again) by merging with the computer and restoring it to normal. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime

Not long thereafter, Vector Sigma began a series of experiments to create a new super-alloy. Soundblaster and his cassettes were able to penetrate Vector Sigma's chamber and learn of the experiments, which in turn prompted Galvatron to launch an all-out attack on Cybertron to secure the new alloy, Cybertonuron, for himself. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 However, Galvatron's ally, Headmaster leader Scorponok, was not enthused at the idea of Galvatron acquiring such a powerful weapon, and determined to keep the metal out both his hands and those of the Autobots through means most drastic—the total destruction of Cybertron itself. Powerful bombs were planted in Vector Sigma's chamber, and although the Autobots learned of the plot, they were unable to stop it, and Cybertron was reduced to a burnt-out husk. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2

Recreation and rebirth

Lynxmaster reformat.jpg

In the aftermath, the broken form of Vector Sigma was discovered by the Autobot Disaster Relief Team in the planet's wreckage. Still functioning, the supercomputer granted them new bodies and abilities to help rebuild the planet. Ten years later, Cybertron's restoration was completed. Vector Sigma had found a new chamber and aided Ratchet in resurrecting Optimus Prime. They were interrupted by the arrival of the vengeful Roller, which led to a battle between Sky Reign and Grand Galvatron. Sky Reign Chapter Vector Sigma succeeded in reviving Optimus Prime during the battle, but because of Prime's repeated deaths, the computer's best efforts were only able to grant him one week's worth of life. Megatronia Chapter As Unicron attacked Cybertron, Vector Sigma restored the Disaster Relief Team's combiner joints so that they could join the other combiners in fighting him off. Ruination Chapter, Part Two

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At some point in the 2030s, LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One Vector Sigma was stolen by The Fallen, who wished to absorb its power to create new life into himself. The orb rejected The Fallen's efforts, transforming into a robot mode as the Oracle. The Oracle lent its brilliant light to Overdrive and his Quantum Dial, allowing the Omnibot to summon new defenders from outside space and time to protect Vector Sigma. Overdrive vanished, but six new warriors appeared in the skies to battle The Fallen. Train Wars

These warriors were not enough to stop the new combined form of The Fallen, however. Apparently too drained for further resistance, the Vector Sigma orb was claimed by The Fallen, who began to assimilate its properties. Shouki used his partner Daniel Witwicky as an electrical bow to shoot Vector Sigma free of The Fallen, and Goshooter then kicked the spherical node right in The Fallen's stupid face. Alpha Trion merged with the power of Vector Sigma to empower Shouki into a "train bazooka" mode that Goshooter used to deliver the ultimate attack against The Fallen, defeating him. Train Wars 2

In the year 2050, the Oracle directed Grimlock to forge Magma Blades from the Angolmois Energy of the Earth, knowing they would be necessary to defeat Neo Primus when the Dinobots were transported back in time to the Precursor World. Volcanicus comic 1


Voice actor: Nobutoshi Canna (Japanese)
Oracle (The Reformatting).jpg

Three hundred years after the end of the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons, Vector Sigma had again changed form, this time taking up the "Oracle" moniker again. It was rediscovered by Optimus Primal and his small band of Maximals while they were on the run from Megatron, who had conquered the entire planet. To protect Primal's Maximals from the effects of the transformation virus Megatron had used to conquer Cybertron, the Oracle reformatted them into new technorganic forms. Resurrection of the Legend

Through the Oracle, Optimus Primal communed with the Allspark, the extradimensional source of all Transformer life to which the computer was connected, and believed that it was the will of the Allspark that Cybertron be restored to its organic beginnings. The Innards of the Machine In truth, Primal was incorrect—the Oracle actually desired a balance between the organic and the technological—but it would take the disastrous unleashing of the power buried within the computer to make him realize this. When Megatron's treacherous general, Tankor, discovered that Vector Sigma and the Oracle were one and the same, he used the sparkless Diagnostic Drone to circumvent the Oracle's "receptive spark" requirement, tapping into the Oracle's "Vector Sigma core" and acquiring from it the code for the mega-computer's legendary key. The Silence of Iron When Optimus next attempted to contact the Oracle, he found himself unable to do so, due to Tankor's tampering. The Water of Life

VectorSigmon digivolve to...

Tankor proceeded to arm his Tank Drones with the power of the Key to Vector Sigma, intending to use it to scour Cybertron of all traces of organic matter, but soon discovered that Megatron had taken control of the drones away from him. In order to trick Megatron into unleashing the key, Tankor had the Diagnostic Drone tap the Oracle once more and send Optimus Prime a false vision, guiding him to the Plasma Energy Chamber. Tankor gambled that Primal would never unleash the Chamber's descructive energy, but that the threat of it in his control would goad Megatron into activating the key. Tankor gambled wrong; after Megatron triggered the key, Optimus retaliated by unleashing the power of the chamber, and two energies violently cancelled each other out. The Moment of Truth Primal was killed by the energy backlash and travelled to the Allspark, but chose not to join it, now understanding what the Oracle truly desired. Primal returned to reality via the Oracle, and the computer vanished. The Cost of Victory Though, it was anomalously visible again a few times. The Spiral of Hatred Captured Souls Eternal Friendship

It would be some time before Primal realized it, but the Oracle had, in fact, transplanted itself into Primal's body. Megatron was first to realize this and targeted Primal, tricking him with a hologram of Optimus Prime and downloading a portion of the Oracle for himself. The Illusion's Guidance Using the power of the Oracle, Megatron attempted to merge all the sparks he had stolen from Cybertron's population with his own, but Primal's Maximals halted his scheme. Eternal Friendship

Optimus sought to consult with the Oracle one last time before his final showdown against Megatron's forces. The Oracle informed Primal that he already held the wisdom and strength of conviction to triumph and see Cybertron through to its destiny. It then relayed the strength of the sparks contained within the Matrix to give the Maximals new powers, to aid them in the upcoming confrontation. Hope's End As it would soon turn out, the Oracle had actually orchestrated this entire scenario, so that Optimus Primal and Megatron would both control a portion of its power: with its power split thusly, neither one would be able to obtain their goal without the other. It was Optimus Primal who ultimately claimed victory, driving Megatron into Cybertron's organic core and sacrificing both of them as he activated the Oracle and triggered a planet-wide reformatting of Cybertron into a technorganic paradise. The Course of the Future

The change to his planet also caused Vector Sigma to be reborn in a new physical form. In honor of Optimus Primal, the supercomputer created the "Convoy Type" Transformers to act as guardians for itself. Bonus Edition EX Blue Big Convoy

The far future

Voice actor: Chie Hirano (Japanese)
Vector Sigma's Blue Period.

Throughout the tens of thousands of years following the Great Transformation, Emissary of the Fourth Planet Vector Sigma was recognized as the god of the Transformers and the ultimate authority over the planet of Cybertron. Day-to-day governance was delegated to the Great Convoys Big Convoy, Move Out while Vector Sigma lay within a mighty structure called the Tower of Light. The Final Battle At some point, Vector Sigma expressed its command to Lio Convoy that the Megatron Omega of 2050 be purified and sent to the Precursor World to stop his past self, Gold Megatron. Finale One day, Vector Sigma got wind of a group searching for Unicron's energy; it expected his resurrection and converted Cybertron back to being entirely mechanical to prepare for the upcoming war. Bonus Edition EX Blue Big Convoy Part of its further efforts was reining in the loner Big Convoy and forcing him to take on the task of training a team of Maximal recruits. Big Convoy, Move Out To keep watch on the Big Convoy Unit, Vector Sigma sent Heinrad undercover as a cadet. End of the Maximals!?

Through Big Convoy's Energon Matrix, Vector Sigma would often speak and dispense wisdom to them related to their latest adventure, Big Convoy, Move Out including relying on your own strength before giving in to fate and the gods, Chase the Mysterious Capsule reassuring Break that he was right in valuing his teammates over an Angolmois Capsule, Burning Heart Below Freezing telling them that trust is key to a team, Mirage of the Sand one should care for teammates over the mission, Duel in the Labyrinth learning about cooperation is still a success even if the mission wasn't, The Black Hole Crisis battle requires improvisation, Sub-Commander Longrack exceeding one's limit can result in miracles, Waa! They Got Eaten gathering information is important before setting out, Planet of Time thanking your crew for a job well done is important, Lonely Hydra one shouldn't judge a situation based on appearances, Break Is a Predacon? people can use their own painful experiences to help better others, Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!? teammates are at their strongest when they recognize each other's abilities, Planet of the Ultimate Weapon one's skills are only truly brought out when comrades trust each other, Attack! Randy sometimes it's better to just let stupid ones be, Hardhead Is Hardheaded give NAVI a break after a long day, The Stolen Gung Ho Big Convoy's recruits built themselves up after many adventures and battles, Survive the Hot-Blooded Instructor and that Big Convoy was apparently rash in battling the Blentrons. Mysterious Beast Warriors!? The influence of Vector Sigma was unknown to the Maximals, with the exception of Heinrad. Ship's Log

After the Blentrons resurrected Unicron in an energy body, Vector Sigma again spoke through Big Convoy to express its uncertainty about what Unicron was planning and how, during the Great War, Unicron's energy was removed from his body, which was sealed within the Triple Z Point. Assuming that Unicron sought to reunite with his body, Vector Sigma ordered the Maximals to travel there before that could happen. However, when the Maximals found the body to be in ruins, Big Convoy realized Unicron's true goal: To possess Cybertron through Vector Sigma and supplant it as the god of the Transformers! Fight! Maximals In defense, Vector Sigma sent Cybertron's Grand Fleet to meet the menace in orbit. Finally confirming its influence through Big Convoy, Vector Sigma offered Unicron the choice of being reborn as a Transformer if he gave up his Angolmois Energy and his ambitions. To little surprise, Unicron rejected the offer, and the Grand Fleet was sicced on him. However, it was of little use against the destructive power of Unicron, and the villain broke into Vector Sigma's chamber and took control of his eternal nemesis. As "Vector Sigma Unicron", Unicron took direct control of Cybertron, turning it against the Maximals. End of the Maximals!? Thanks to the intervention of Magmatron, though, Unicron was expelled from Vector Sigma and his threat ended by the Maximals. The Final Battle Vector Sigma's repair program healed the computer, and it kicked off the graduation ceremony for Big Convoy's cadets. As thanks for their victory, Vector Sigma offered to promote Lio Convoy and Big Convoy to Great Convoys; the former readily accepted, but the latter preferred to remain a lone wanderer, travelling space. Graduation Ceremony!!

Vector Sigma created Fire Convoy and God Magnus Forced Fusion! God Fire Convoy and granted Fire Convoy his Energon Matrix. Enter! God Magnus After being defeated by God Fire Convoy in 2000, it was decided that Gigatron, the Destrongers, and the Combatrons were to be taken by Brave Maximus to stand trial before Vector Sigma for their crimes. Final Battle! Fire Convoy However, Black Convoy managed to escape from prison and steal an Energon Matrix from Vector Sigma. Bonus Edition EX Scourge

Vector Sigma created Neo Brave Maximus to act as the Dimensional Patrol's headquarters, allowing the original Brave Maximus to be returned to Earth in the early 21st century. LGEX Scourge Prologue Prowl 2 was also born when Vector Sigma infused the rebuilt Beta BT unit of Prowl with life. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/10

Hundreds of thousands of years later, as the G1 World neared its death, Vector Sigma ordered the Weaponizer Bluebolt to revive the dead Leo Prime using Earth's remnant Angolmois Energy. Dark Amber Leo Prime bio

Robot Heroes

Screw continuity, I don't see YOU with a Matrix!

Primus, considered to be the very first Transformer, created the Matrix of Leadership and personally gave it to Optimus Prime. I Am Optimus Prime

2005 IDW continuity

Main article: Rung (G1)
The Great Creation Myth.

Most Cybertronian religions held that Primus—"The Celestial Architect" and "The Mechanica Divine" Metastasis—was a mighty warrior-god who emerged from the planet Cybertron in the planet's earliest days; You, Me, and Other Revelations a reaction to the creation of his "opposite". Some sects believed that Primus had dueled and vanquished this villainous being in the days before the creation of the universe, and subsequently became Cybertron. Last Stand Origin Myths Others claimed that he had created Cybertron in the year 5 billion BCE. Crisis Intervention

The most important myth that surrounded Primus was that of the "Guiding Hand", the benevolent pantheon of gods that Primus had supposedly brought forth from his own essence. Old-school religions referred to his primordial state as the "clenched fist", Anomie and from this form Primus split his body into five new entities—Primus the life-giver, Mortilus the death-bringer, Epistemus, the embodiment of knowledge, Solomus, the embodiment of wisdom, and Adaptus, master of change. Supposedly, Primus believed that every Cybertronian had an obligation to do their part in society, and blessed each one with a second form to suit their surroundings. Ultimately, the alliance was undone by the "God War", turning the members of the Guiding Hand against one another in a cataclysmic conflict against the villainous Mortilus. Legend states that each member of the Guiding Hand was tricked and trapped, changing them into mundane items, and Primus himself became Vector Sigma, bringer of life to a new generation of Cybertronians. You, Me, and Other Revelations The God War

The truth behind these fantastic tales, however, was far more mundane. Rather than a supernatural warrior, Primus was but a simple robot, distinguished only by his unique serial number that marked him as the first of his kind. Primus's abilities were what allowed him to reproduce—his body was capable of manufacturing the photonic crystals that allowed more Transformers to come into being, creating the Guiding Hand and eventually igniting the hot spots that brought the first generation of Cybertronians to life. Ultimately, this utopian era would come to an end when the ambitious Adaptus triggered the events leading up to the God War. Events culminated in Adaptus unleashing a devastating electromagnetic pulse across the planet, giving rise to the neurological condition known as "information creep". Primus attempted to absorb as much of the blast as he could, but the sheer power of the pulse permanently garbled his memories, leaving him with no clue of his name or the role he had played in history. Forevermore, the 'bot who had been Primus would become "compulsively forgettable", and although emerging religious sects would subsequently distort what had truly happened into fanciful tales of warring deities, they were never aware that the Transformer they worshipped still walked among them, having adopted a humbler new name: Rung. The Unremembering

Wings Universe

While investigating the killing of a delegation from the Twin Star Continuum, Apelinq had a vision of the word "Hunter" on a wall and pointed it out. Devcon did not believe him and scoffed that if Apelinq squinted hard, then he could see the face of Primus.

Apelinq also thought, "Primus help us." when the Cybertronian Knights were called in for a mandatory meditation session with Alpha Trizer. Apelinq's personal logs

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

If Unicron is Orson Welles, Primus must be Marlon Brando.

Primus was one of many living, transforming planets spawned from the first of such worlds, Daiakuron. Earth: R.I.P. When Cybertron fell to war, the battles left Primus starved of energy. As the war wound down, Megatron managed to acquire the Matrix of Leadership and bonded it to his spark. The talisman led him to Primus's face where the tyrant erected a temple that subjected the weakened deity to Megatron's will, causing Primus to begin reformatting Cybertron into Megatron's likeness. Expelled from the Garden

When G.I. Joe member Bazooka ate some technorganic plant on Cybertron, sprouted from the humans' efforts to terraform the planet, he was taken on a psychedelic trip, in which he beheld visions of Primus. Form Follows Function His visions pushed him to draw out a map to the chamber of Primus, hidden deep within Cybertron. Following it, Bazooka, Duke, Cover Girl, Tripwire, Rodimus, Brawn, and Mirage discovered Primus' face and Megatron's plan. Expelled from the Garden

Traveling into Primus's head, the Autobots and Joes met the Keeper, who revealed to them the planet's origins. Earth: R.I.P. As Megatron used his control of the Matrix to steer Cybertron towards the sun, Primus awakened and transformed into robot mode in order to feed upon the star. The Autobots and Joes within him fled to the surface, narrowly avoiding being crushed by his changing form. Escape from Primus During the ensuing battle to end Megatron's control over the god and save the sun, Ultra Magnus emerged from Primus's eye socket and recovered the Matrix for Optimus Prime, but even so Primus continued to feed, with even Prime being unable to quell his hunger. When all seemed lost, Earth transformed into its own robot mode, Primus's sibling Atlas, and knocked him out with a mighty interplanetary punch. In the aftermath, Prime left Rodimus to guide the impaired but functional Primus out of the solar system and back to his original orbit. The War Never Ends

Prime Wars Trilogy continuity

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material

Sovereign, the most powerful of the Titan Masters, had the ability to grant the power of Primus to whomever he linked. Titans Return Sovereign toy bio

Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons

Primus created the Thirteen to fight Unicron at the dawn of time. His whereabouts by the present day were unknown but when Unicron possessed Rodimus, the Chaos Bringer swore to destroy the Matrix of Leadership and what remained of Primus. When the Matrix transformed Optimus Primal into "Optimal Optimus", Unicron recognized Primus' work and cursed his brother's name. Megatronus Unleashed

Beast Wars: Uprising

According to the scriptures, Primus, along with several other bizarre deities, had held court beneath the Sonic Canyons. The First Church of Primus was erected in Dodecahex where the order debated how Primus was interpreting the current situation and how the atrocities fit into the god's infinite wisdom. Derailment

2019 IDW continuity

RadicalTime Primus.jpg

According to the Matrix of Leadership's Mediator program, Solus Prime's forging of it was an act guided by Primus himself, claiming that it was Primus' intent that the Matrix be an echo of the Allspark made of his own essence. War World: Prime

Revered as the creator-god of Cybertron, the Reversionists believed that Primus had become Cybertron, and therefore, every new Transformer forged was essentially the body and soul of Primus forged anew. The World In Your Eyes Part Four

A statue of Primus was destroyed during the War of the Threefold Spark, Orion Pax and Megatron clearing it away while indulging in some wordplay. Orion Pax: Free Fall

In the post-War era of peace, Windblade offered thanks to Primus that the power of the orbiting Titans had not been needed for ten megacycles. The World In Your Eyes Part One At an Ascenticon rally in Tarn, Megatron spoke of the great gifts that Primus had bestowed upon their race and of how the Nominus Edict limited those gifts. The World In Your Eyes Part Two

Following the unleashing of the rust worms, the Matrix's Mediator software summoned Optimus back into it, showing him a vision of Cybertron transforming into Primus' robot mode as it warned that the planet was preparing to die. Radical Time

Calm Sleep Stories

Regarded as the Cybertronian deity of creation, Primus was said to have created Cybertron using the AllSpark before using the energy of his own spark to create the Transformer race. His creations considered energon to be a remnant of Primus. History of the Transformers

Energon Universe

While trying to escape a Decepticon fortress, Elita One cursed Primus for its labyrinthine architecture. Transformers #8

Unicron Trilogy continuity family

Cartoon continuity

Armada cartoon

A "unique digital entity" came to exist eons ago. To search for other life in the universe, it sent out the Transformers as explorers. One of the first places the Transformers settled was on a planet that would eventually become known as Cybertron. First Encounter[4]

Energon cartoon

Voice actor: Ron Halder (English), Tesshō Genda (Japanese), Johan Hedenberg (Swedish), Ossi Valo (Finnish), Vittorio Di Prima (Italian), Juan Carlos Lozano (Castilian Spanish), Vilmos Papucsek (Hungarian, 2nd dub), Michel Dodane (French)
Primus eng.jpg

Primus was the living energy core of Cybertron, as well as the originator of the precious and ancient fuel, energon. Transformers of this universe believed the stories of Unicron, Primus, and Omega Supreme to be only myth and legend until the existence of Unicron was revealed in the Unicron Battles of 2010. With Cybertron left in a disastrous state after the chaos-bringer's attack, large amounts of energon were required to repair the planet, and to search for and acquire the mineral, the united Autobot-Decepticon forces entered into an alliance with the Earth Federation government.

Primus entered into the equation when the project's head scientist, Dr. Brian Jones, brought his son, Kicker, to Cybertron. Terrified of the giant robots surrounding him, Kicker fled, only to find himself tumbling through tunnels into a hidden chamber deep beneath Cybertron's surface. Primus awoke and saved Kicker from what would have been a fatal fall, and for his own reasons, imbued the child with a special gift—the ability to detect energon throughout the universe. Cybertron City Optimus Prime subsequently discovered Kicker in Primus's chamber, and the god chose to work with the Transformers quite directly, imbuing them with the Spark of Combination, which would allow the Autobots to Powerlinx and increase their powers. Energon Stars Primus went on to advise Optimus Prime on his actions in order to prepare for the future, including the Terrorcon invasion, the return of Megatron, and the impending return of Unicron. Battle of the Asteroid Belt Although vague at times, Primus would offer just enough information to allow his children to survive the threats they faced. Primus was often very weak due to the damage done to the planet's surface, and spent most of his time in a mode of stasis to preserve his energy and keep Cybertron's energy grid online.

When Unicron began lashing out after having been deprived of energon for too long, Primus summoned Arcee to help Optimus in getting the titan back under control. Survival Instincts Soon after, the Decepticons managed to breach Primus's chamber. Though Primus attempted to fight back, he was unable to prevent the Terrorcons from sapping him of enormous amounts of energon. The Autobots managed to flush out the Terrorcons themselves, but not before Megatron had acquired enough Energon to power up Unicron and transform him into his robot mode. Unicron Unleashed

With the aid of Rad White, Primus restored the fallen Autobot guard Wing Dagger, upgrading him into "Wing Saber" and imbuing him with a Spark of Combination. Open Fire!

With Megatron having succeeded in reanimating Unicron, most of the Autobot army was critically wounded in the ensuing battle. This prompted the sleeping Primus to awaken and infuse their armor with his power, upgrading them into new forms, Optimus Supreme and allowing Optimus Prime and Omega Supreme to grow to planetary size and defeat Unicron. Unicron Perishes Unicron's spark survived, however, and his consciousness took refuge within Megatron. After his massive output of energy, Primus returned to recovery mode, and became unable to answer Dr. Jones's calls for more energon as the Decepticons launched a surprise attack on Cybertron. Ambition Primus remained in recovery mode while the Decepticons took control of planet Cybertron, forcing the Autobots to turn to guerilla warfare to retake their homeworld. Galvatron!

Despite still being in this state, Primus was able to instinctively save Rad and Dr. Jones from a fatal fall when the two humans crashed through his chamber's ceiling. The Omega Train Some time later, Arcee temporarily revived Primus by shooting an energon star into his core. Upon awakening, Primus drove Mirage out of his chamber, allowing the Autobots to retake control of it. But the Energon dose was only enough to awaken Primus temporarily, and he slipped back into sleep mode. He was brought back fully online when Ironhide and the Omnicrons infused him with a greater supply of energon. Now conscious, Primus was able to remotely charge Optimus's spark of combination, giving him the strength to again combine with Omega Supreme. Ironhide Team Primus's power supply was once more depleted, however, when Optimus called upon his help to stop Cybertron from slamming into Plains Planet. Primus combined his power with the energon gas in Cybertron's atmosphere to once again grow Optimus to planetary proportions. Primus then became inactive, Formidable and began to fade once again. Galvatron Terror

After the Autobots gained control of the super energon pool hidden in Cybertron's underground, they converted the miracle fuel into super energon stars, and infused Primus with them. Though the process exhausted all of the Omnicons, Primus awakened once more. Spark Primus then came in telepathic contact with Kicker, preventing him from grabbing at Unicron's bare essence, now reduced to a tiny orb out in the void of space. Primus informed the boy that there had always been two sides to Unicron; one which brought forth creation, and the other which brought forth destruction. To Kicker's bafflement, Primus planned to harness Unicron's essence to create a new sun. Primus's essence then left its chamber, appeared at the super energon pool, and used what remained of the fuel to craft a new sun. The celestial mass was then brought to the center of Alpha Q's planetary system, and ignited when Galvatron plunged into it to rid himself of Unicron's influence once and for all. The Sun

Cybertron cartoon

Voice actor: Michael Donovan (English), Tesshō Genda (Japanese), Wolf Frass (German), Ossi Valo (Finnish), Francisco Andrés Valdivia (Castilian Spanish)
He who charted the universe when it was new! He who battled Unicron at the dawn of time! He whose spark formed the basis of all life on Cybertron, and Velocitron, and all the other Transformer colonized homeworlds! It can be no other! This... is... Primus!

Vector Prime, Cybertron

This looks familiar.

Primus's plan to contain Unicron's essence in the center of the sun failed when the star collapsed into a massive black hole which threatened not only Cybertron and the universe, but the entire multiverse itself. His energy drained to the point that he had once again been rendered dormant, Primus could now only be awakened and restored to full power by the four ancient Cyber Planet Keys, lost to the far reaches of the galaxy in a failed space bridge experiment eons ago. The magnitude of the threat posed to the multiverse was enough to summon Vector Prime—one of the original thirteen Transformers, who had been following Unicron through the multiverse and repairing the damage he had done—back to Cybertron to aid the Autobots in the quest for the keys.

After a while, the Autobots were able to find the focusing device, the Omega Lock, and the keys from Velocitron and Jungle Planet. Bringing all three together caused the group to be drawn into the consciousness of Primus, who spoke through the three Mini-Cons and told his children to "maintain the balance". Trap

Eventually, despite continued attempts by both Megatron and Starscream to steal the power of the Cyber Planet Keys, the Autobots were able to gather the keys from Velocitron, the Jungle Planet and Earth, and brought them and their focusing device, the Omega Lock, back to Cybertron. Coupling these three keys with the power of the Matrix, Optimus Prime was able to initiate Primus's transformation from planet to robot mode. Cybertron Communicating with the Autobots through the Mini-Con, Jolt, Primus explained that the destruction of Unicron, the embodiment of the force of evil, had unbalanced the universe, and that only he could seal the black hole and restore order—but to do that, the fourth Cyber Planet Key, from Gigantion, the Giant Planet, was required to reconnect Primus's spark with his body and restore his full power. Attempting to retrieve the Omega Lock, Starscream made a rather pointless attack on Primus, only to find the deity was not as powerless as he appeared, proceeding to casually overpower and hurl away his wayward son. Balance

I can see my house from here!

Still in a state of half-consciousness, Primus's inert form continued to function as Cybertron, still being the site of Autobot/Decepticon battles. Darkness Memory Escape Once the Decepticons had been chased away, the Autobots spent their time cleaning up any straggling Scrapmetal. Family

Eat this, in remembrance of Me.

Shortly thereafter, when Primus was in the process of channelling some of his power into holding back the ever-growing black hole, Starscream tried again, plunging into the energy beam and absorbing more of Primus's power into himself, expanding in size until he was as large as Primus himself. After the Autobots inhabiting him had redirected Primus's internal systems, Primus properly awoke once more and proceeded to once again pound Starscream into submission, even using Cybertron's moons as makeshift weapons. Titans

When the time came for the Autobots to depart for Gigantion, Jetfire, in an attempt to avoid getting a vaccine, offered to stay behind and monitor Primus. The deity stepped in and told Jetfire that he would be fine on his own, so it was really no trouble for Jetfire to go. Warp Left to his own devices, Primus continued to try and hold back the black hole, firing periodic bursts of his power into it to delay its growth, City with diminishing returns for his efforts. Challenge Showdown When Vector Prime passed, Primus felt his demise. Guardian

When the Autobots returned to the main universe, Primus was left extremely weak from his efforts, only being able to advise Optimus Prime on what to do next. When the sheer magnitude of the threat was enough for every Cybertronian in the galaxy to unite, Primus was moved to combine the Atlantis, the Lemuria, the Hyperborea, and the Ogygia into the mighty Ark. Homecoming When Galvatron attempted to cause total event collapse, Primus tried to bar his path but found himself no match for his own Omega Lock and the Armor of Unicron. When the planet leaders managed to seize the Omega Lock and the Keys, Primus teleported them all back to him, restoring himself to full power. With the Ark as a conduit, Primus channelled all of his power into the black hole, collapsing it. With peace restored, Primus transformed back into Cybertron, now composed of aspects of all four colony worlds, going right back to sleep. End

Cybertron comic


While the Autobots were occupied with the quest for the Cyber Planet Keys, Unicron's heralds Ramjet and Nemesis Prime arrived on Cybertron, Balancing Act intent on unleashing the Dead Matrix—as the Matrix was the antithesis of Unicron, so too would the Dead Matrix ensure the destruction of Primus, thereby totally destabilizing the multiverse and reducing it to a sea of entropic chaos. For the first time, it would be possible for Unicron to strike at Primus in all realities simultaneously, ending their cosmic feud once and for all. Balancing Act, Part 2 Ramjet and Nemesis Prime were ultimately stopped by Vector Prime and allies Sentinel Maximus and Omega Prime, plucked from the midst of the Universe conflict by the multiverse-warping energies of the black hole. Revelations Part 1

The Dead Matrix, however, was cast into the heart of the black hole by Unicron's servant Soundwave, freeing Unicron's spark and allowing it to adopt a new, diminutive physical form. Revelations Part 4 Unicron participated in the escalating Mini-Con civil war on Cybertron's moons, Revelations Part 5 but when the planet transformed into Primus's robot mode, Unicron fled. Revelations Part 6

Fleer Armada cards

At the beginning of the universe, the All Spark sent his two sons, Primus and Unicron, to explore the new world, from one end to another. They discovered a region that acted as a fountain of "pure energon", a source of infinite power. Primus planned to tell their father of this wonderful discovery, but Unicron, desiring this power for himself, struck Primus and left his apparent corpse adrift in a nearby star cluster. Unicron card

Galaxy Force comic

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Galaxy Force Mission.9

Beast Wars Reborn

Before he took the form of a planet, Primus created the "Ancients" as the first clan of Transformers, possessing of power beyond their descendants. Planetfall Eons later, Primus, deep within Cybertron, sensed a strange temple somewhere in time and space and dispatched Vector Prime to see what was up. The Mysterious Temple in Space

When Optimus Primal came across the Cyber Planet Key of Animatron, he recognized it as a portion of Primus's lifeforce. The Extraordinary Reformat

Ask Vector Prime

In Aurex 006.0 Kappa, Vector Prime came to Primus's assistance while Primus was trying to block the dark matter emitting from the Unicron Singularity, though Vector Prime was waylaid by the Decepticon Spacewarp and her Mini-Cons. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/17

Shattered Glass

This is the evil version of Primus.

Live-action film series

The location on Cybertron that is named after Primus is surrounded by the Rad Zone and Uraya. Risk

Titan movie comics


Legend had it that the original seven Transformers were creations of Primus, though they themselves didn't think this. It was not said who started the legend. The Fallen Profile Optimus referred to Primus as his ancestor and the protector of the AllSpark. Accept No Substitutes!

IDW movie comics

The Primes thought they were "children of Primus". Tales of the Fallen #4

According to legend, when the AllSpark cube crashed into Cybertron, it gave life to Primus and his descendents, the Primes. Foundation #2 Primus was known as the first Cybertronian and, after the Dynasty of Primes was ended due to The Fallen's treachery, left behind his only legacy in Sentinel and, revealed much later, Optimus. Foundation #1

Rise of the Beasts movie

About to execute him, Scourge taunted Optimus Prime by saying that Primus would be disappointed in him for his weakness. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Animated continuity family

There are no Primuses in the Malgus Cluster itself. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/29

GoBots continuity family

In some parts of the multiverse, Primus created organic worlds around himself, with the inhabitants eventually becoming robotic lifeforms: such worlds include iterations of Gobotron. The inhabitants seem unaware of his existence.

Unicron created a body for himself in at least one of the Gobotron timelines. Ask Vector Prime

Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus

Primus and Unicron began life as personalities within a single omnipotent being that conversed with itself. While Primus saw beauty in life and found it sacred, Unicron found it pointless, cruel and needing to end. The divide between the two personalities grew and the being eventually split into Primus and Unicron. Unshackled, Unicron went on a cosmic rampage, destroying all he found, with the end goal of consuming reality itself while Primus grew ever more lethargic and withdrawn. Eventually however, Primus made a stand against Unicron but the two brothers found themselves evenly matched in a perfect stalemate.

Primus responded to this by creating the Thirteen to fight in his stead, the act causing him to fall into hypersleep, to turn the tide of his war against Unicron.

Primus stayed out of the War of the Primes, only acting when Onyx Prime merged with the Core. Using the Triptych Mask, Primus scanned all life in the universe and used it as a template for the Cybertronian race, using his AllSpark to birth a population in three days time. In the primitive era that followed, large religions and cults formed in Primus's honor.

At some point, the Matrix of Leadership found its way into Primus's possession. After being corrupted by Dark Energon, Primus inserted an untainted portion of his spark into the Matrix, entrusting it to Optimus Prime for safekeeping. The usage of the Omega Lock later restored Primus completely. The Covenant of Primus

Aligned novels

Primus is generally accepted to exist, though his thirteen children are considered a myth by some. Throughout Cybertron, devices carry out his will: the AllSpark creates the protoforms in the Well of All Sparks. The Sonic Canyons are believed to be his ears, feeding him knowledge of the universe via Vector Sigma, though that is actually beneath the gladitorial arenas of Kaon. And the Core produces his own physical emanation, Energon.

During the civil war, the AllSpark was ejected into space to keep it out of Decepticon hands, eventually floating into the Milky Way, while the Core was corrupted by the Dark Energon-imbued Plasma Energy Chamber. Optimus Prime removed the Chamber, but the damage was done, and the Core had to shut down and reboot to survive. But before leaving, Optimus was bestowed Primus's essence in the form of the Matrix. When the Autobots left Cybertron, the last original Prime, Alpha Trion, remained, stating Vector Sigma would keep him alive. Exodus

Prime cartoon

Oooh, continuity.

According to legend, at the beginning of time, Unicron and Primus battled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. Until, that is, Primus created the Thirteen: the original Primes. These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space. Primus then became one with the core of Cybertron, and brought life to new Cybertronians through the Well of All Sparks. Optimus Prime would later speak of Unicron as being a physical being that had likely transcended physical form, with Primus presumably being the same. One Shall Rise, Part 1

When Primus was poisoned from the result of the war, Orion Pax came into contact with Primus and was given the Matrix of Leadership. One Shall Rise, Part 3 During the war, Optimus removed the AllSpark, the source of new life creation on Cybertron, and sent it into deep space. Predacons Rising

Many thousands of years later, Primus was restored by Team Prime when they used the Omega Lock built into the Nemesis to restore Cybertron. Deadlock However Primus's awakening would cause his slumbering arch foe Unicron to reawaken and take control of Megatron's body, flying to Cybertron to destroy him. Raising an army of Terrorcons, Unicron sent them into the Well of All Sparks to destroy Primus, but they themselves disintegrated when Unicron was defeated. Predacons Rising

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

A thousand years ago, Windblade was sent to Earth by Primus himself, but not before receiving various upgrades that allowed her to go on her mission. The Buzz on Windblade

Cyberverse cartoon

In the ancient past, Primus was close enough to Nexus Prime to earn a spot in his omnicom contact list. The Immobilizers

Windblade swore by Primus when Shockwave's hacking forced her out of a cortical psychic patch. Sabotage Optimus Prime later invoked Primus' name when he channelled the power of the Matrix to blast the AllSpark out of Starscream. I Am The Allspark

One film


Long ago, Primus sacrificed his life force, transforming his body into Cybertron to give a home to his creations. He created the Thirteen Primes and bestowed Zeta Prime with the Matrix of Leadership.

When Sentinel killed Zeta and attempted to take the Matrix for himself, Primus judged him unworthy and disintegrated the Matrix before Sentinel's eyes.

After Orion Pax gave up his life for the greater good, Primus deemed him worthy of the Matrix of Leadership and bestowed a vision of the Primes and the artifact itself upon him, upgrading the former miner into Optimus Prime. One


Transformers Cybertron: Primus Unleashed

Faced with the growing threat of the black hole, Primus attempted to obliterate the dark matter before it spread further into the universe. Transformers Cybertron: Primus Unleashed

War for Cybertron

Voice actor: Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. (English), Paul Borne (French), Guillermo Morante (Spain-Spanish), Jacek Jasiński (Polish)
Get your icky tentacles away from me!

In the closing stages of the Great War, the Decepticon leader Megatron learnt of the existence of a powerful corruptive energy source known as Dark Energon located at an orbital station. After acquiring the station and manufacturing it through the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge, Megatron decided to corrupt the Core of Cybertron itself in order to win his war against the Autobots. To accomplish this feat, he first needed the Omega Key and thus laid siege to Iacon itself and journeyed into the Vaults where he battled Zeta Prime for the relic. It was only after the battle did he learn of Omega Supreme being the key to the Core and battled the gigantic Autobot as well as defeating him. With Omega Supreme defeated, Megatron forced the Guardian to open the Omega Gate and took his Decepticons to the Core. There, he used Corruptors to infuse the Core with Dark Energon which began to manifest all over the planet Cybertron, threatening its survival.

With the defeat of Zeta Prime, the High Council of Elders promoted Optimus to the position of Prime in order to lead the Autobots. Seeing the continued corruption of Dark Energon spreading across Cybertron, Optimus Prime decided to journey deep into the planet and purge the infestation at its source. Taking Ironhide and Warpath with him, they learnt that Space slugs were fighting a losing battle in cleansing the Core of Dark Energon.
The core of Cybertron talks! It's must be lonely being the core of Cybertron.
Furthermore, the trio of Autobots had to fight against a garrison of Decepticons left behind by Megatron to ensure that the Core remained corrupted. Despite their resistance, Optimus Prime and his team managed to reach the centre of Cybertron and kill a corrupted space slug, thus freeing the Core. There, the Core spoke to Optimus Prime and revealed that the corruption of Dark Energon had been too extensive and in order to conserve itself - the Core had to shut down and purge itself in a process that would take millions of years where it would no longer be able to produce large quantities of Energon.

This meant that the planet Cybertron would be barren as a result and insufficient energy would be present for those that remained on the surface. Despite claiming that the line of Primes had failed in their mission, the Core decided to impart the Matrix of Leadership to Optimus Prime stating that so long as it functioned; its own Spark would continue. With that done, Optimus Prime returned to the surface and began the Great Exodus of Cybertron, leaving only a small number of them behind who vowed to continue to fight Megatron's tyrannical rule.

Jetfire exclaimed Primus's name when he realized the orbital station was a living Cybertronian. Afterwards, Optimus thanked Primus when he managed to defeat Trypticon. War for Cybertron

Transformers Legends

Before he became Cybertron, Primus battled his evil brother Unicron, their blows against one another shaking the very foundation of the cosmos. A group of Transformers from the future then appeared, and joined in the struggle. Rodimus and his Autobots came to Primus's aid while the mad Galvatron ordered his troops to help Unicron. Primus eventually prevailed, and sent his brother into a retreat. Knowing that Rodimus and the others did not belong in the present, Primus sent them back to their proper place in the timeline. Battle of the Brothers

Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

The rod god/Popemobile and his Godebago.
  • Accessories: Photon Eliminator, spoiler, 2 gun shields
The first Primus figure was a "Lucky Draw figure" in Japan, a vacuum-metallized gold chrome recolored Rodimus Prime that was given away as a contest prize from the collector book, Transformers Generations Deluxe. Supposedly, only 100 pieces of these figures were manufactured.
As a redeco of a Rodimus (inspired by the resemblance of his astral form to Rodimus in the UK comics), Primus transforms into a futuristic truck resembling nothing so much as a Winnebago. Following the trend started by the original Optimus Prime toy, his trailer splits down the middle to transform into the Golden Noah, a battle station with an extending double-barrelled cannon. The figure comes with a large, hand-held blaster, and two blast-shield accessories that plug into the sides of his battle station cannon.
Being an extremely limited release, the figure doesn't include his own instruction booklet or sticker sheet and instead makes use of Commemorative Series Rodimus Prime's instruction booklet, and the sticker sheet included with the 2001 Rodimus Prime reissue by Takara.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven imag— You know what, just forget it. It's not like we have rules for a reason.
Designed by Hirofumi Ichikawa, Primus was developed by Hasbro and Takara as a toy for their joint Cybertron/Galaxy Force toylines, but was released in Japan in the Generation 1 Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line a few months after Galaxy Force had ended its run. This release can be considered a prerelease of the Cybertron toy because it features Hasbro's Cyber Key Codes that the Galaxy Force line lacked.
Primus is the first toy representation of the Transformers' creator as their home planet of Cybertron. In planet mode, he is considerably more detailed than Armada Unicron, with visible cities, including Iacon, based upon its appearance in the DK Publishing book, Transformers: The Ultimate Guide, and Kaon, specifically Kolkular, as seen in The War Within. On the "bottom" of the planet mode, there are four hard rubber legs, molded to be shaped like towers, allowing Primus to be displayed in planet mode, yet not require a flat base as Unicron did.
Primus's transformation is unusual, in many ways similar to a Powermaster, in that he requires the owner to insert his accompanying Omega Lock accessory into several special ports around the planet, then manipulate it to unlock his parts and transform him. When the Omega Lock is inserted into the "top" of his planet mode and pulled back, a transforming sound is heard, and two spring-loaded missile-firing "Stellar Converter Cannons" swing out. When it is inserted into his chest and pushed up, his head is revealed, his shoulder-pads pop-up, his eyes glow red, and a laser-type sound effect is played. The Lock itself lights up red when it is inserted into any of the ports.
In robot mode, Primus resembles both the Beast Wars Neo Unicron prototype as well as Don Figueroa's Primus concept, created for The War Within and used in The Ultimate Guide. He is bristling with weaponry in this mode, with the Stellar Converter Cannons ending up on his shoulders, and the Omega Lock revealing several banks of Gatling guns, lasers, and missiles in his shins and legs. Each of his legs also contains extendable articulated "manipulator arms". Unfortunately, despite being in the same size class as his brother, Primus's height is 2/3rds of Unicron's.
Primus also has what might charitably be called a third mode—a "battle station" mode, which is basically formed by transforming the figure halfway and leaving the head down and the legs backward. It features no dedicated parts or transformation steps, making it very obvious that it was created after the fact.
In any mode, he is armed with two double-barreled cannons which pop-up and extend when a Cyber Key is inserted. He has a special silver Cybertron-type Cyber Key, with the key code sp8u tampographed onto the back. His Omega Lock also features four slots at its base, which are meant to accommodate the four Cyber Planet Keys, although inserting them does not activate any features. There are also nine inactive Mini-Con 5 mm powerlinx posts on his person, including two on the claw arms on his legs.
This mold was later redecoed to make The Last Knight Cybertron, itself later repurposed as the non-sentient planet-base Neo Primus.


This was an expensive time for completionists.
  • Cybertron Primus (Supreme Class, 2006)
Cybertron Cybertron Primus is the North American version of Supreme Class Primus, released a few months after the Japanese version. The Hasbro version uses a softer, bendable translucent plastic for the blue part of Omega Lock, where Takara cast this part in firmer material. Furthermore, the Hasbro version uses common black plastic for the handle of Omega Lock as well as the "foot" of the planet mode, where Takara adds tiny debris with metal luster into the black plastic of these two parts.
In North America, Cybertron Primus was initially released in the second wave of Cybertron Supreme Class toys. This version came packaged with a very creepy "battle damaged" Unicron head based upon his Armada appearance, whereas the following wave did not come with the Unicron head. Unusually, both waves ended up shipping simultaneously. In Japan, the version including the Unicron head was available exclusively via e-HOBBY as a so-called "USA Edition".
Curiously, the Giant Planet Key is replaced with Optimus Prime's Key in the box art. This mirrors the show's opening in which an alternately coloured version of Vector Prime's Key is shown, instead of the Giant Planet Key.

  • Cybertron Primus (Supreme Class, 2006)
  • Accessories: Omega Lock, two missiles, silver Cybertron planet-type Cyber Key
A later version of Supreme Class Cybertron Primus was exclusive to Walmart as a Black Friday 2006 special, and included four bonus Mini-Cons: Strongarm, Knockdown, Nightscream, and Offshoot. These toys are physically identical to their Classics namesakes, but were later retconned as different characters.

Welcome to Transformers 2010

Oh. Your. God.
  • Creator Primus (2010)
  • Accessories: Omega Lock, two missiles, clear Cybertron planet-type Cyber Key
To celebrate the year 2010, Takara redecoed the Supreme Class Primus toy and released him as part of the Welcome to Transformers 2010 campaign, being packaged in a special box that is meant to go with the Unicron toy released the same year. "Creator Primus" is metallic gunmetal in planet mode, with metallic blue robot parts, and many black paint washes here and there. His Omega Lock is now blue.
Primus comes with a retooled Cybertron-style Cyber Key which was initially available with both Cybertron Planet Deluxe Class Optimus Prime and Cybertron Planet Deluxe Class Demolishor. This Cyber Key features a "smooth" central area with no molded insignia and a Mini-Con-style Powerlinx socket on the back. The Cyber Key included with this figure is entirely unpainted, aside from the tampographed Autobot symbol at the center.

Transformers (campaign item)

Significantly more literal than last time.
A redeco of Universe Nightstick, Transformers Vector Oracle transforms into a laser cannon that can be held by toys with 5 mm hands. His gun handle can also act as a Powerlinx port for a Mini-Con. He was offered at Japanese Toys"R"Us stores for purchasing 3,000 yen of Transformers toys on February 25 of 2012, and was limited to 4000 pieces.
Universe (2008) mold: Nightstick
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:
  • Million Publishing:


  • Primus is Latin for "first".
  • Simon Furman and Richard Starkings did not ask for approval from Hasbro regarding establishing the Transformers as divinely created by Primus; in "The Legacy of Furman" feature of The Transformers Classics UK Volume 5, Furman states "If we'd said, 'We want to do the origin of the Transformers', they'd have said 'I don't know about that...' But we thought if we presented it as a fait accompli in a script, along with some part-completed pages... In the end it didn't even show up on their radar." Primus looking like Rodimus Prime is due to the latter's presence as a main character in "The Legacy of Unicron!", grounding the origin in that story.
  • The idea of Primus transforming bears some resemblance to an early script for the original movie, in which Optimus Prime merges with Cybertron and transforms into a super robot to defeat Unicron.
  • Preproduction notes for Super Link/Energon detail early ideas the cartoon had for Primus's origin. They present Primus as an entity consisting purely of energon. Energon, the notes state, is the product of the "genetic material" of the sun interacting with planetary bodies.
  • The box the gold-chrome Lucky Draw figure was included in gives Primus a Generation 1-styled function before his name; that being: "God of Good" (善神, Zenshin). The box itself, on the other hand, features its own English translation, simplifying it to just "God".
    • Additionally, the Supreme Class Primus released in the Japanese Generation 1 toyline in 2006 gives him the function "Creator" (創造神, Sōzō-shin) instead. This ended up being the default function given to subsequent Primus toys released in Japan.
  • The Oracle's Train Wars body is a de facto "virtual" redeco of the Eggbot mold in chrome gold, having lost the fan poll to determine Million Publishing's next exclusive the comic was promoting to Goshooter with 28.9% of the vote.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Primus (プライマス Puraimasu)
  • Hungarian: Prímusz, Az Elem (first Energon dub, "The Element")
  • Korean: Primus (프라이머스 Peulaimeoseu)
  • Mandarin: Primus (Taiwan, 普萊瑪斯 Pǔláimǎsī), Shàngdì Lǎotiānyé (Taiwan Beast Wars cartoon, 上帝老天爺, "Lord God of Heaven"), Yuánshǐ Tiānzūn (元始天尊)

See also


  1. Forward's introduction to the Transformers: Matrix Quest TPB.
  2. [1]
  3. "HEY! I call FOUL! There is NO Primus in Animated!"—Derrick J. Wyatt, Twitter, 2009/05/11
  4. The "unique digital entity" was conflated with Primus in an edition of Ask Vector Prime in Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II.

Primus Vanguard

Leader: Primus | Matrix: Silver Matrix | Headquarters: Ivory Towers | Fleet: Sentinel Armada | Related Group: Golden Age | Energy Sources: Star Power | Golden Power


Leader: Red Sentinel Prime
Matrix: Matrix Buster
Base: Red Planet


Leader: Yellow Splendid Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Gauntlet
Base: Yellow Planet


Leader: Green Tender Convoy | Megatron
Matrix: Creation Matrix
Base: Green Planet


Leader: Blue Brightes Convoy | Blue Big Convoy | Magna Convoy
Matrix: α Matrix | Matrix Sword
Base: Blue Planet


Leader: Purple Wicked Convoy
Matrix: Purple Matrix
Base: Purple Planet


Leader: Black Go Prime | Deadlock
Matrix: Black Legendisc
Base: Black Planet


Leader: White Gallant Convoy
Matrix: Matrix Saber
Base: White Planet

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