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Omega Lock

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That's one weird flowerpot.

Eons ago, the lifeforce of Primus was divided into the four Cyber Planet Keys and scattered across the galaxy. The Omega Lock is the device that the Keys join with to reawaken Primus's power.



Cybertron cartoon

When the colonization project began, the Omega Lock was loaded onto the starship Atlantis with one of the four Keys and travelled to Earth. Deep The Omega Lock was placed under a heavy security system that required seven Cybertronians to access (six of them Mini-Cons!). Likely due to the power and holiness of the relic, the system was wired into the ship's self-destruct system and would trigger if someone tried to steal the Lock. Ship

The craft was glimpsed by primitive humans, Deep who somehow became aware of the Lock's four-sided pattern. Fallen Atlantis eventually crashed into the ocean into what would one day become the Bermuda Triangle due to an undocumented technical failure. Deep Though the colonists had abandoned ship with the Cyber-Key, Retreat the Lock was left aboard undisturbed. Ship The ship's crashing into the ocean inspired a legend of "Atlantis" being a lost city beneath the sea, Deep with the four-sided pattern of the Lock becoming synonymous with the legend and a piece of human culture that would eventually appear on novelties such as t-shirts and album covers. Fallen Roughly around this period, imitations of the Omega Lock were constructed and eventually found their way to human settlements. Landmine Time

Ship – Megatron with the Omega Lock.jpg

The genuine article was rediscovered when a civilian Autobot discovered the signature Atlantis pattern on an object deep below the ocean, Search After Vector Prime rediscovered and warped Atlantis away from the Decepticons, Deep he led the Recon Mini-Con Team, Coby, Bud, and Lori to the device using his sword and the humans' natural sensitivity to the Omega Frequency. The seven found the device's resting place and disabled two of the three barriers to the security system. Before the third could be disabled, Megatron broke into the room and swooped up the device triggering the self-destruct. Optimus Prime soon arrived to battle Megatron for the ancient device and emerged triumphant where he handed it to Vector Prime. Contact with the member of the Thirteen caused the Lock to surge to life and send out a pulse which resonated with the Keys on Velocitron and Jungle Planet. After a sudden transmission from Red Alert urging Optimus to come to Velocitron, Optimus left the Lock with his men with orders to take it back to Earth. Ship

The Omega Lock sat in the Autobot base where Override brought the Planet Cup to it, the Lock causing the trophy to assume its natural form as a Cyber Planet Key. The surge of energy caused by the insertion was felt by both Megatron and Scourge in their respective domains while the Lock itself fed coordinates into the Autobots' computers directing them to the North Pole. Champion

When Leobreaker inserted the Key from the Jungle Planet, the two proved enough to partially reawaken Primus who told the Autobots to "protect the balance, until all are one" while the Lock took the opportunity to redirect the Autobots to the North Pole. When they traveled there, they assumed that the Omega Lock had been reacting to the presence of the Ancient Decepticons which Starscream freed and who promptly swore loyalty to him. Trap However, when Starscream used the force to openly invade Earth, Evac revealed that Earth was home to the third Cyber Planet Key, which he'd stashed at the North Pole, and it was that that the Omega Lock had reacted to. Invasion In light of the overwhelming opposition and their new information, the Autobots saw fit to abandon Earth for Velocitron before leading Starscream on a galactic chase for the Omega Lock. While Evac went to collect the Cyber Planet Key of Earth, Vector Prime was again given custody of the Omega Lock as the group readied at the space bridge. Despite Optimus Prime's best efforts however, Starscream however managed to claim both the Lock and the loose Key. Retreat

Retreating to a small volcanic island in the South Pacific, Starscream (with a great deal of drama) inserted the third key into the Lock. This time, the Lock opened a Space Bridge to Cybertron which projected an image of the black hole in the skies above Earth, Velocitron, and the Jungle Planet. The Lock also sent a signal to Cybertron itself with Primus beaming back a response to the Autobots to bring the Lock and three Keys to him but the message cut off before the why could be explained. Revelation The transmissions were intercepted by rogue Autobot Wing Saber who flew to Earth to investigate its origin. Assault

Starscream then began absorbing the power of the Omega Lock into his own Spark. During the process, the Lock sent out a beam of energy to a human military base so its energies could heal Red Alert, Hot Shot and Scattorshot who'd somehow managed to tap into its energies. The energy wave proved trackable however as Colonel Franklin's team tracked it to the South Pacific. Critical Both Autobots and Decepticons descended into the volcano to try and retrieve the Omega Lock only to retreat when it began erupting. Vector Prime however teleported right back in to try and retrieve the Lock himself. The source of the eruption was soon revealed to be Starscream, having absorbed a portion of Primus's spark through the Lock and become the size of a skyscraper. The chaos from the fighting above caused rubble to fall onto Vector Prime soon after he'd retrieved the Lock. Wing Saber rescued him and after the two had beaten off Thunderblast, they emerged from the volcano with the Omega Lock which Vector Prime insisted had to be taken to Cybertron to save the planet. Starscream Entrusting the Omega Lock to Override, Optimus told her to take Evac and Leobreaker to Cybertron. Detecting the Lock's energies on Override, Megatron saw fit to abandon the battle and pursue. Starscream detected his former leader's pursuit and sent Thunderblast to slay him and bring back the Lock. United

When the three Autobots were pinned down, the Omega Lock empowered them to survive a journey through heavily warped space and reach Cybertron. No sooner had they arrived did Megatron promptly smack them all around before Optimus Prime's forces showed up. Challenging Optimus to a one-on-one duel, Megatron managed to steal the Lock and retreat back to the fire dimension. Optimus pursued him and managed to get Megatron to drop the Lock. Upon returning to Cybertron, Optimus and Vector Prime used the Omega Lock and Rhisling in concert to overcome the Armor of Unicron and destroy Megatron. The Autobots then brought the Omega Lock to an altar deep below the surface of Cybertron where Optimus used the energies of the Matrix of Leadership to substitute for the fourth Key. The resulting surge of energy triggered Primus's transformation into robot mode. Cybertron

Using the Lock, the Autobots were able to reactivate Primus's higher functions and the god explained the history of the Lock and the colonization project while also stating he needed the Lock and all four Cyber Planet Keys to close the black hole revealing the final Key was on the colony world of Gigantion. Balance

After coming back to life, Megatron made a run for the Omega Lock, Darkness while Starscream again had Thunderblast go steal it for him. Memory Megatron eventually decided to forego the Lock for the Atlantis. Escape When Override brought the Ogygia back to Cybertron, the Omega Lock was loaded aboard. Warp

When the Autobots retrieved Gigation's Cyber Planet Key, Optimus they were quick to place it into the Omega Lock. This time, the Lock reactivated the Lemuria and deactivated the anti-teleportation field of Gigantion so as to open a Space Bridge back to Cybertron. This proved a double-edged sword however as Megatron — now reborn as Galvatron — was able to teleport directly into the Autobots' midst and steal the Omega Lock. Though he had to fight Starscream for passage back to his native universe, Galvatron ultimately triumphed and boasted of his invincibility with the Omega Lock on his side. Showdown

Back in his own universe, Galvatron used the Omega Lock in concert with the Armor of Unicron to control the black hole sending its energies through the space bridge to destroy the Jungle Planet. He then flew back to Primus to slay the god before literally every Cybertronian in the galaxy arrived to stand in his way. Homecoming

This barely gave Galvatron pause as he simply used the Omega Lock to turn his followers into giants who proved able to hold off their species. Galvatron then flew back to the black hole only for Primus to bar his way. However, enhanced by the Omega Lock, Galvatron was able to best his weakened creator. When the Autobots caught up to him, Galvatron used the Lock to grow to an even larger size than his followers and revealed his plan to use the Lock to shield himself from total event collapse and use its powers to remake reality in his own image. Ultimately though he lost the following fight and settled on the next best thing. Throw the Lock into the black hole so as to send it out of control and destroy the multiverse. The Autobots managed to retrieve the Lock and Keys however which restored Primus to full power and the god was able to seal the black hole. He then transformed back into a new Cybertron with the Omega Lock being returned to its resting point, deep within the planet. End

Prime cartoon


Described by Optimus Prime as a conduit to the AllSpark, the Omega Lock was located in the Sea of Rust, disguised as a nondescript object in the barren wastes. When the four Omega Keys were brought to it, however, its true nature would be revealed. Regeneration

When Alpha Trion sent the Star Saber to Earth, he encoded within it a message about the Omega Keys Alpha/Omega and the Omega Lock, though he instructed his mentee not to inform the other Autobots about the Lock. Upon getting the Forge of Solus Prime, Optimus informed his troops about the Lock at the same time that the Decepticons, largely by random chance, found that the Omega Keys contained a map to the Omega Lock. Travelling to Cybertron, the Autobots managed to claim the Omega Keys from the Decepticons and bring them to the Lock, expanding it to its true form. Before the Autobots could activate the Lock, the Decepticons caught up with them, revealing that they had taken the human children as hostages. Regeneration

After the Autobots had been forced to trade the Omega Keys for the humans, the Decepticons activated the Omega Lock. After Megatron tested the Omega Lock by restoring a nearby ruin to pristine condition. Revealing his master plan, Megatron sent the Omega Lock's power through a space bridge to Earth, where it created a a new Darkmount. When Megatron revealed that he intended to cyberform Earth, Optimus used the Star Saber to destroy the Omega Lock's control module, causing a huge explosion. Darkest Hour

Despite or perhaps because of its semi-divine nature, Optimus Prime believed that the Lock could still be repaired using the Forge of Solus Prime. Despite being mortally wounded in the Decepticon's attack on the Autobot base, he commanded Smokescreen to use whatever power remained in the Forge to repair the Lock, and through it, Cybertron. Prey Smokescreen decided, against Optimus' intentions, to repair his fallen leader with the Forge. The upgrade, however, left the hammer powerless and thus, dooming yet another chance to revitalize Cybertron through the Omega Lock. Rebellion

When Megatron ordered Project Predacon destroyed after Predaking displayed intelligence, the destruction of the Predacon clones combined with the presence of Synthetic Energon resulted in a violent but effective cyberforming of the cave. Evolution As Megatron still intended to rebuild Cybertron and cyberform Earth, he commanded Shockwave to begin the reconstruction of the Omega Lock, seeing Synth-En as the means of achieving his goal. Given the severe damage to the drives, Shockwave opted to retrofit the Lock with compatible human technology rather than rebuild it from scratch. The list of required supplies included twenty tons of nuclear control rods and a particle collider synchotron. Minus One Once they had the raw materials, the Decepticons rebuilt the Omega Lock directly on the underside of their ship. With Shockwave struggling to complete the Synthetic Energon formula needed for the cyber-matter, the Decepticons abducted Ratchet, Megatron managing to persuade the medic to complete the formula for the good of Cybertron. Persuasion

Tfp deadlock omega lock.jpg

Using Cybertronian technology, Ratchet was able to quickly complete the formula. As the cyber-matter synthesized, Megatron ordered the Omega Lock moved into position to cyberform Earth before Ratchet lowered the Nemesis's defences, allowing the Autobots to board. Synthesis

Under Optimus' orders, the Autobot Stealth Team made their way to the Omega Lock and secure it only to be barred by Starscream while Optimus and Megatron's battle took them to the Lock's ring. When Bumblebee attempted to bring the Star Saber to Optimus, Ratchet called to the Prime to use the Saber to destroy the Lock again, causing Megatron to fire a lethal barrage at Bumblebee, sending him falling into the Omega Lock's energy field. The Omega Lock's power restored both Bumblebee's life and his voicebox, and he took the opportunity to terminate Megatron. With the warship fully secured and under the control of the Autobots, they fired the Omega Lock directly into Well of All Sparks, in order to reach Cybertron's core. The beam of energy struck the core, completely restoring Cybertron to a healthy glowing blue. Deadlock

The Omega Lock, still attached to the Nemesis at the time, was destroyed during the Autobots' confrontation with Unicron. Predacons Rising

Ask Vector Prime

In Aurex 1104.30-JM Zeta, the arsenals of Combatron proved valuable to the Autobots during the quest for the Omega Lock. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/23

After hijacking Vector Prime's Axiom Nexus News column, known liar Sideways claimed to have appeared in Gargent, tampered with Gobotron's Omega Locks, tuned into one of Primax 984.0 Gamma's splinter frequencies, and left before anyone could figure it out. Ask Sideways, 2015/07/01

One time, dimensional scoundrels Sideways and Gong decided to have a contest of dimensional manipulation via Omega Lock. While Gong tampered with the Omega Locks of the Primax Cybertron they had met on, Sideways did the same to the Gobotron of Gargent 186.0 Gamma. Their machinations caused the Primax universe to become an unstable Iocus reality incorporating both Transformers and GoBots. This posed a danger to spacetime during the historically-critical Unicron War, so Vec-Tor fought both dimension hoppers to set everything right. Echoes and Fragments


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

  • Primus (Supreme, 2006)
    • Japanese ID number: 00
Supreme Class Primus comes with a gray battery-operated Omega Lock that is required to transform Primus. The Omega Lock lights up red when inserted into any of the four Omega Lock ports, and the Lock features four slots at its base for accommodating the four Cyber Planet Keys, but doing so will not activate any additional features.


  • Cybertron Primus (Supreme, 2006)
The Cybertron Primus toy released in the Cybertron toyline is virtually identical to the original release, so the Omega Lock is still gray and unchanged.

  • Cybertron Primus (Supreme, 2006)
A later version of Supreme Class Cybertron Primus was exclusive to Walmart as a Black Friday 2006 special. His Omega Lock is otherwise unchanged.

Transformers (2010)

Primus 2010-OmegaLock.jpg
  • Creator Primus (Supreme, 2010)
This redeco of Primus now comes with a blue Omega Lock.

The Last Knight

  • Cybertron (Supreme Class, 2017)
The Cybertron toy is a redeco of Cybertron Primus, including a new deco for the Omega Lock. The set is exclusive to Toys"R"Us under the Mission to Cybertron banner.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Chip Square (Cybertron, チップスクエア Chippu Sukuea), Omega Lock (Prime, オメガロック Omega Rokku)
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