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Minion Pig

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Minion Pigs are Bad Piggies and Deceptihogs from the Angry Birds Transformers continuity family.
ABTF4 AllSpark and MinionPig.jpg

Dumb as rocks and just as numerous, Minion Pigs form the overwhelming bulk of the Bad Piggies' forces. Though they are all spineless (both literally and figuratively) simpering sycophants, they all share an immense love for their homeland, and loathe to see any harm come to it. They also savor the taste of those tasty eggs guarded by the Flock, though King Pig and his higher-ups always hog all the goods.

When the AllSpark crashed on Piggy Island, some Minion Pigs were granted the form and power of Decepticons like Starscream, whilst many many many more were transformed into robotic servants of the Eggbots.

The upgraded Deceptihog Minion Pigs display similar personality traits to that of their namesakes, with Starscream Pig notably proving that the name goes hand-in-hand with a lust for power and unbridled ambition... though thankfully for King Pig, that one didn't get any smarter than he was before the upgrade.



Angry Birds comic

ABTF1 MinionPigSnout.jpg

Four Minion Pigs were holding up King Pig's throne when Chuck burst into Moustache Pig's latest building. The bird's entrance interrupted King Pig's latest attempt at cooking the Flock's eggs, and the entirety of the Bad Piggies were sent fleeing. As they ran, King Pig remarked that the Birds had only managed to forestall his next meal, which was of little consequence since he wasn't even hungry yet. One of the Minion Pigs interjected that King Pig had said the he was starving just a few moments beforehand. King Pig told him to shut up. Foreman Pig also chewed out the Minion Pigs, since it was obviously their fault that his building hadn't held up. The Pigs then stumbled upon the EggSpark. One of the Minion Pigs was overwhelmed with sadness upon seeing the destruction the artifact had caused by crashing into Piggy Island. All of the other Pig Minions agreed that they loved the island, and hated to see any harm come to it. King Pig steered the conversation back onto the topic of his next meal, and ordered Chef Pig to find out whether or not the EggSpark could be used as an egg-cooker. Chef Pig passed the task onto one of the Minions, shoving him into the EggSpark. Upon touching the artifact, the Minion Pig became Starscream Pig!


Despite King Pig's disgust over his subordinate's new form, Starscream Pig was ecstatic. He flubbed his first attempt at transforming, however, assuming the form of a jack-in-the-box. His second attempt was more successful, and Starscream Pig flew off in the form of a jet. He then amused himself by creating scribbles in the sky with his exhaust fumes. Though most of the other pigs touched the EggSpark in order to be granted robotic bodies, none of the other Minions did so. The pigs were soon joined by a couple of birds who were similarly upgraded upon touching the EggSpark. Megatron Pig ordered a retreat, and the remaining three Minion Pigs were tasked with carrying Lockdown Pig, as he was unable to transform out of his "toilet mode." Angry Birds Transformers #1

ABTF1 StarscreamPig vehicle mode.jpg

The Minion Pigs must've become tired of carrying Lockdown Pig, as Galvatron Pig was next seen carrying him instead. Starscream Pig began questioning Megatron Pig's authority, demanding to know why HE shouldn't be in charge of the Deceptihogs instead. One of the Minions wholeheartedly agreed with Starscream Pig, while another pessimistically stated that Starscream Pig would only succeed in incurring Megatron Pig's wrath. The last Minion Pig began to formulate his own ideas, stating that maybe leadership should be granted to those who merit it... They were all told to clam it by Megatron Pig.

As the Deceptihogs argued between themselves, a Terror Tower sprung up from beneath them. Though Starscream Pig managed to fly away, the rest of the Deceptihogs became trapped inside of it, thanks to Galvatron Pig's recklessness. Lockdown Pig deduced that the tower's appearance had been caused by the EggSpark's ongoing influence on Piggy Island. The Minions became gravely upset when they learned that their beloved island was imperiled. Grimlock Bird then burst in and attacked the Deceptihogs. He was defeated in short order, but no sooner was Grimlock Bird taken out that the rest of the Autobirds arrived. The three Minions took on Bluestreak Bird in the ensuing fight. However, the fight came to an abrupt end when the Flock's eggs suddenly sprouted mechanical limbs, multiplied, and proved themselves to be hostile. Starscream Pig then called his leader to inform him that Piggy Island's transformation was now fully underway. Age of Eggstinction!

ABTF3 StarscreamPigplots.jpg

The Autobirds and Deceptihogs joined forces to combat the newly arisen threat, though the battle did not go well. The Minions were once more upset over how much the collateral damage was being dealt to the island. Starscream Pig was ensnared by metallic tentacles that shot out of a nearby Terror Tower, and imprisoned within. The pigs and birds were forced to change tactics. The three Minion Pigs were tasked to a group who's mission would be to capture one of the Eggbots for study. Unfortunately, the crazed Galvatron Pig was also assigned to their group, and the pigs had their hooves full simply stopping him from wrecking everything in sight.

Elsewhere, Bluestreak Bird had also been captured by the Terror Tower, and brought to the same holding cell housing Starscream Pig. Though the Autobird lost his cool at first, Starscream Pig was able to give him a short pep talk that gave him renewed strength. Bluestreak Bird broke free of his bonds and began hauling Starscream Pig about. When the pair stumbled across a room containing several creepy-looking Eggbots, Bluestreak Bird panicked and dropped Starscream Pig, leaving him to be trampled by the out-rushing eggs.

ABTF4 UpgradedMinionPigs.jpg

Outside, the three Minion Pigs had achieved little success in stopping Galvatron Pig. Thankfully, Heatwave Bird was finally able to take out the rogue Deceptihog, though he knocked out the Minions in the process. They were brought back to the others by Heatwave Bird, just as Starscream Pig informed the others that Piggy Island's transformation was now spiraling out of control. Revenge of the Fowlin'!

Megatron Pig suggested that they simply let the transformation run its course. The Minions were against this plan, as it would mean that Piggy Island would surely die. The Autobird/Deceptihog alliance eventually settled on a different plan: by separating the EggSpark from the land, they theorized that everything would return to normal. As they made a mad dash for the EggSpark, Lockdown Pig noted that Starscream Pig was being suspiciously quiet. Little did Lockdown Pig suspect that Starscream Pig had already begun to plan to seize the EggSpark's power for himself.

ABTF4 EggSpark-powered StarscreamPig.jpg

Meanwhile, the three Minions had begun to undergo changes that matched their island's metamorphosis. They now possessed snazzy robotic helmets, and the ability to fly! They aided Bluestreak Bird in his search for the means to propel the EggSpark off-planet: a giant slingshot! But when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, the minions abandoned Bluestreak Bird, and left him buried underneath a monolith. Deciding they could simply "get over" losing their island, they attempted to leave it behind. As they reached the sea, they realized that they had betrayed their ideals, and doubled back to rescue their fallen ally. A sincere apology later, they were back on track to complete their mission. They rejoined the rest of the Autobirds and Deceptihogs, slingshot in tow, just as the EggSpark came within reach. Unfortunately, Galvatron Pig went berserk, and the terrified Minions fled once more.

Seizing the opportunity, Starscream Pig grabbed a hold of the EggSpark while everyone else was distracted. The artifact's power caused him to grow to gargantuan proportions. Starscream Pig then challenged Galvatron Pig to a one-on-one match, winner take all! The showdown never happened, as Bumblebee Bird stepped in, and used the giant slingshot to launch both Starscream Pig and the EggSpark off-planet. Starscream Pig reverted to his original form, traversed dimensions, and crashed through on of the Ark's windows. The Minion Pig then sheepishly asked if the Autobots aboard could give him a ride back home.

Back on Piggy Island, everything returned to the way it had been before the EggSpark's arrival. As the Bad Piggies went their own way, the three remaining Minions had to put up with another of King Pig's temper tantrums. Hard Boiled

Angry Birds storybooks


Energon Starscream Pig joined his leader on his plot to poach the EggBots. Robot Birds in Disguise

Energon Starscream Pig believed he could come up with the best battle plans, and snorted at all those who said otherwise! While scanning Piggy Island, he spotted Heatwave the Fire-Bot Bird cruising along by himself. The Minion Pig planned to catch him by surprise and swooped down to ambush him. At the last astro-second, the Autobird heard Starscream Pig coming and knocked him out of the sky with his ladder. Later, Starscream Pig participated in a great big clash against the Autobirds in the middle of a desert. The Deceptihogs were defeated and had to flee the battleground. Deceptihogs Versus Autobirds

Commercial appearances

A group of Minion Pigs carried their king to a confrontation against the Flock. Both groups were then upgraded into Deceptihogs and Autobirds by the power of the EggSpark. Angry Birds Transformers: Cinematic Trailer

A couple of Flying Pigbots pestered Optimus Prime Bird after he had been dropped off by Astrotrain. A few laser blasts later, both Pigbots were downed and left behind as Optimus Prime Bird continued on his adventure. Angry Birds Transformers Comic-Con trailer

Starscream Pig was part of a crazy dance party at the Deceptihogs' headquarters, where they used the EggSpark as a dance light. It was all very silly. Deceptihogs' Revenge

A swarm of Flying Pigbots pestered Bumblebee Bird, raining down laser blasts onto him. When one of their stray shots destroyed the little umbrella in Heatwave Bird's drink, who was relaxing nearby, the irate Autobird took them all out with a single blast of his cannon. Best Buddies

A swarm of Flying Pigbots chased Arcee Bird and Optimus Prime Bird to a cliff edge. The two Autobirds were out of ammo, and at the mercy of the Deceptihogs... until Bluestreak Prowl teleported in and started blasting them! Meet Bluestreak and Prowl!


Angry Birds Transformers

When the Allspark Egg crashed into Piggy Island, its hordes of Minion pigs were granted Cybertronic armor. Some got better gear including weapons though, and some even gained bodies based on the Decepticons Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker. Angry Birds Transformers

As Thundercracker

Zapzapzap! Kaboom! Yaaay!
  • Squad: The Seekers
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: New Area (900 pigs), TelePod

The first of the "Seekers" to be unlocked, Thundercracker Pig relies on speed more than power. His weapon is a rapid-fire machinegun-style blaster that never needs reloading and doesn't overheat, but also doesn't do a whole lot of damage overall unless you concentrate your fire on a single target. It can push a stone block pretty decently, but it's best not to focus on hard targets like that. The blaster actually works better against glass and wood towers with a hold-and-swipe motion rather than a tap-aim one (especially if you have explosive rounds installed), spraying the field with blaster fire and doing widespread damage, letting gravity take care of the Piggies up top. On his feet, Thundercracker Pig isn't all that fast, but as a jet, he can really move!

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Mohawk Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20-40% Damage
Halloween Hat (wizard, mouth) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive
Landlord Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Lion Hat Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins Explosive Rounds +12% Effect Damage
Null-Ray Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10-22% Damage
Shield Back Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20-28% Defense Actually mounted on shoulder-missile

As Energon Starscream

  • Squad: The Seekers
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: New Area (1500 pigs), TelePod

Soundwave Pig once fed Starscream Pig an Energon cube sandwiched in a burger bun, causing the aerial Deceptihog to become empowered with Energon. This Energon infusion means his weapon, a gatling-style non-stop blaster like Thundercracker's, packs more punch per pew-pew. Unfortunately it also means he can't take as much of a punch, taking more damage than most other characters. Thankfully, he can restore some damage mid-level every time he absorbs an energon cube from a de-cyberformed piece of scenery.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Crown Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense The one he used in the movie
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Mohawk Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Halloween Hat (wizard, bat wings) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Pilgrim Hat Head ??? ??? +20% Damage Thanksgiving Event exlcusive
Landlord Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Lion Hat Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Damage
Shoulder Pads Arms Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins Explosive Rounds
Null-Ray Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage

As Acid Storm

  • Squad: The Cybertronians
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (5000 tokens)

The arrival of the first Rainmaker in action. As one would expect, Acid Storm shoots acid pellets that deal steady damage to targets over time after the initial hit. The pellets have a splash effect (literally, in this case) on impact, spreading the acid to close by targets; the initial hit doesn't sting as much, but the "melt" rate is just as powerful. Acid Storm has the lowest rate of fire of all the jet-pigs, at roughly one acid blast per second. Thankfully though, the pellets themselves are very quick in flight.

He and his accessories were first available in the "Acid Storm" event, and later in the "2-Year Celebration" event. On day four of this event, the "Acid Storm Bundle" was available for $24.99, which contained Acid Storm, 500 gems, and his Kremzeek accessory.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Kremzeek Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Halloween Hat (top hat, bat wings) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Nemesis Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Null-Ray Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage

As Starscream

  • Squad: The Seekers
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (4800/5000 Tokens)

This non-energon-powered version of Starscream plays considerably different from his supercharged... cousin? brother? whatever... in that he has the power of the treacherous Decepticon's famous null-rays. These instant-hit laserbeams (terrific for taking down missiles) can be fired in short bursts with a very quick reload period, but do little damage per strike to anything stronger than a Glass Block. However, they are null rays, and as such will drop flying Pigs out of the air (after they take a certain amount of damage), temporarily shut down Walking Mortar Towers... and stop Monoliths in mid-fall. Wow. Boss Pig used to be vulnerable to the null ray, plummeting face-first into the dirt and exploding with only a couple blasts... but he's since gotten shielded to that. Oh well.

Starscream Pig could initially only be unlocked through the "Seek & Destroy" competition, alongside Skywarp and Sunstorm, each one costing 4800 Tokens. Considering the short run of this competition, good damn luck unlocking all three without spending a lot of Gems. He and all of the other Challenge Event unlockable characters were also made available in the "2-Year Celebration" Event. On day six of this Event, the game offered the "Starscream Bundle" for $14.99, which contained Starscream and his crown and shoulder pads accessories.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Crown Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense The one he used in the movie
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Kremzeek Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Halloween Hat (wizard, mouth) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Defense
Enhanced Null-Ray Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Enhanced because normal null-rays is his default weapon
Shoulder Pads Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate Actually mounted on shoulders

As Skywarp

Legendary prankster and photobomber.
  • Squad: The Seekers
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event prize
Loves to push pigs down block-built stairs.

Originally, Skywarp Pig needed incentive to joining the fight. Some of the Autobirds and Deceptihogs were able to summon him into battle with Energon cubes, at which point he would fly into the area with a carpet-bomb attack. The more cubes he was given, the grander the scale of damage he was able to do. This changed with the introduction of the Energonicons, and soon any member of the Autobird or Deceptihogs could summon Skywarp for a bombing run with Strikebot by their side. But he was eventually replaced in that role by a generic lavender-colored Seeker-type Minion when Skywarp became a fully-playable character.

As an in-the-field fighter, Skywarp launches a steady stream of incendiary missiles in a low arc with no reload time like all other seekers and like with Thundercracker and Energon Starscream, it's best to use the "drag" method of targeting to sweep across areas rather than tapping on individual objects. These missiles set anything they hit ablaze, doing steady damage well after the initial blast. This is especially useful against wood blocks, as the fire tends to spread from one flammable object to another. Naturally, it doesn't do a whole lot against stone blocks, and the glass blocks don't light on fire too well (luckily they can rarely take the initial hit anyway).

After the 2.0 update, Skywarp can sometimes be seen flying over the island, emitting a sound similar to Astrotrain blasting off at the end of an event. Tapping the poor guy makes him explode and it rewards the gruesome player with the grand total of 5 pigs. Such cruelty! Of course, have fun actually managing to hit him, because he flies really fast and seems to appear right after you exit a level.

In earlier builds of the game, players could spend a few Gems on the map to have Skywarp bomb a level out of playability, forcing the Eggbots to terraform a new area. This was mainly useful for if the intended character for an area was in the middle of a long upgrade you didn't want to interrupt, or to skip an unusually hard event. This has since been altered to spending a single Gem to have the game randomly pick a different character from your roster to play in the level.
Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Mohawk Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Halloween Hat (wizard, mouth) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +10% Explosive Force
Blaster Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Crystals +20% Damage
Null-Ray Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage

As Sunstorm

  • Squad: The Cybertronians
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (5000 tokens)

Sunstorm launches lobbed explosive missiles that arc much higher than Skywarp's, destroying stone blocks with ease upon impact. But they're not very powerful nor effective at mass block destruction, especially non-stone materials, making him pretty weak but hey a character decent at destroying stone right.

On day eight of the "2-Year Celebration" Event, the "Sunstorm Bundle" was available for $14.99, which contained Sunstorm, 250 gems, and 25000 coins. (Sorry, no Shrapnel).

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Shrapnel Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Halloween Hat (wizard, mouth) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Crystals +10% Damage
Null-Ray Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage

As Devastator

"Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall. This was the largest auto I could afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of fun?"
  • Squad: Combiners
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (10000 tokens), Gem Purchase, Bundle with Jungle Area

Devastator is HUGE. He barely fits into Astrotrain, and doesn't even try to at the end of a level. Instead like every other Combiner in the game, he dismembers himself and rockets off along with Astrotrain.

Playing as Devastator is significantly different than normal. He has no vehicle mode to avoid obstacles, so... he doesn't. Monoliths break themselves upon him leaving naught a scratch, and normal Missiles explode harmlessly on contact (ink missiles and the big missiles in Pig City can still do some damage). He also cannot use Energonicons at all.

Instead of all that, Devastator has a load of weapons. His normal fire is very similar to Ricochet's, a fast-moving high-damage missile with a lightly-curved arc that ricochets off anything it hits. He'll often automatically compliment this with a volley of high-arced bombs like Wheeljack's weapon, a wide spread with high damage but very little splash damage range. And finally, the "transform" button is replaced with a target button that places five reticles on random targets, then launches a black hole bullet at each. This attack can even be triggered after Devastator falls in battle during the "spend Gems to continue" animation, netting you a few more last-minute points. This attack resets after a short cooldown. And as for any blocks or Pigs that get directly in his path? He has a screen-shaking leaping fist-slam attack that obliterates just about everything in close range and creates a shockwave that can topple towers further in the background. Even early on, Devastator is a terror.

Devastator is one of eight (as of this writing) characters who can be taken on a Challenge Run, which makes him a fairly valuable bot to upgrade and outfit as quick as possible. The post-knockout vortex bullet trick is definitely a nice bonus.

He uses a lot of Terence's animations, from the stompy-walk to the Riverdancing in the Barracks.

Devastator was originally available in the event of the same name for 10000 Tokens. He can also be unlocked at any time in a 3000-Gem package that also unlocks the Challenge Run and Jungle setting.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Mohawk Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Enigma Of Combination Chest Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Fire Rate
Kremzeek Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins EMP Rounds
Sentinel Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Incendiary Rounds
Shrapnel Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Acid Rounds
Ravage Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Explosive Rounds
Megatron Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Damage But he's a playable character right?
Badge of Leadership Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Defense

As Cyclonus

  • Squad: VIP
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event prize

Cyclonus carries a new type of weapon. By tapping the screen, the player makes him fire thin laser beams at the targets. The lasers deal considerable splash damage to the structures.

But that's not all, because our piggy friend has a secondary weapon! By tapping and holding the screen, the player will make Cyclonus fire the biggest laser beam you've ever seen! For real, the thing is huge! It might even be bigger than Warpath's laser. Downside to this laser is that it takes a very long time to charge up, which is understandable for a laser this big. After charging up, the player can fire the laser anytime they want, but Cyclonus can't hold his fire for too long because eventually it gets too hot and he'll have to release the charge.

And last but not least: he has a vehicle mode power: he does the whole vibrating-earthquake-thing that Alpha Trion also does.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Defense
Sunglasses Face Uncommon 5 Unommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Defense
Medallion Chest Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Weapon Cooldown
Nightstick Arms Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Weapon Cooldown Sits in hand in robot mode (as a pistol), sits on wing in vehicle mode (as a bot).
Nemesis Wing Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +10% Damage Nemesis is actually a huge starship, so this is kinda weird.

As Thrust

Shine bright like a diamond
  • Squad: Coneheads
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event (cost: 10000 Tokens), Gold Crates, gem purchase

Thrust is apparently the most important Conehead. The Conehead Challenge Event, which ran from 24 July to 30 July and featured all three freshly-added Coneheads, called him “Top Prize,” and he in particular was stated to be added to Gold Crates, even though so were the other two Coneheads.

His weapon fires clips of three conjoined soundwaves that travel in a wobbly dancing-esque motion before hitting the target. And if it's not enough, his soundwaves contain the paralyzing effects of EMP, and triggers targets to suffer damage over time for a short period. Although it might not seem enough.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Damage Tilted to the right
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Vehicle Time Tilted to the front
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense
Blaster Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage No, not that Blaster!
Shield Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense

As Dirge

I just nearly escaped death!
  • Squad: Coneheads
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event (cost: 10000 Tokens), Gold Crates, gem purchase

Dirge is definitely the most explosive Conehead of the three: he throws TNT boxes at his targets as a weapon, similar to Nightbird's weapon, which also focuses on yeeting in-game blocks at structures. He also has a drain effect on enemies where he regenerates health from popping all those piggies. And while his TNT boxes can easily completely demolish structures and take out entire swarms of flying piggies, they don't do a whole lot of damage to Mortar Towers(well, unless you upgrade him high enough). Luckily, there is a small reload time to this weapon and it will keep on firing TNT at the big guys until they eventually explode too. And as if one explosion wasn't enough, the boxes also split into two more TNT boxes after hitting a target, which means triple destruction!

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Damage Tilted to the right
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Vehicle Time Tilted to the front
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense
Blaster Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage No, not that Blaster!
Shield Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense

As Ramjet

  • Squad: Coneheads
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event (cost: 10000 Tokens), Gold Crates, gem purchase

Ramjet is obsessed with safety. Other than his more explosive Conehead brothers, he focuses on quickly taking out those scary gunner piggies so that he won't lose any of his precious health points. To achieve this goal, he carries a swirly instant-hit laserbeam that drags pigs and blocks in a random direction and damages them at the same time, similar to Alpha Trion's weapon. The color of this beam is red with black accents. To guarantee his safety even more, he sometimes randomly activates an energy shield which blocks all gun blasts and missiles and such.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Damage Tilted to the right
Traffic Cone Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Vehicle Time Tilted to the front
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense
Blaster Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage No, not that Blaster!
Shield Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense

As Captain Starscream

What do you mean there's a giant hole in my leg?
  • Squad: Officers
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass (Level 10)

The Deceptihogs just got word that the Autobirds are trying to get the Eggspark! In this Bird-Pig war, our green friends DEFINITELY can't permit that! And thus Lord Megatron decides to send in one of his most valuable officers: Captain Starscream!

His weapon throws stone blocks at the targets in high arcs. Yeah that's definitely an anticlimax. They are great at exploding everything in a large radius, however. Additionally, these blocks split into smaller blocks upon impact, helping to really spread damage. AND, they retain the same stunning EMP effects of his null-ray. This could only mean 'adios' for everyone else on the screen.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Crown Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense
Kremzeek Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Defense
Enhanced Null-Ray Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Ion Storm

ABTF Ion Storm.jpeg
  • Squad: Reinforcements
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event (cost: 10000 Tokens), Gem purchase

Another Rainmaker arrives in the form of Ion Storm. His weapon is similar to Ironhide's; it quickly rains down three lime colored diagonal beams on the powerless piggies. And to harness the power of storms even more, his beams are juiced with EMP effects. Wish an early prayer for all Walking Mortar Towers and piggies alike....

As Sergeant Thundercracker

Handsome boye
  • Squad: Operations
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (Level 10)

All these victories on the Deceptihog side have made the piggies very full of themselves. But with the arrival of Sergeant Chromia, they should start getting worried if they can stand their ground! Luckily, the Deceptihogs have a sergeant of their own, who patrols the high skies eliminating every danger that comes in his path. But will he be enough for the full Autobird force?

Sergeant Thundercracker shoots blue TNT boxes that float to the target in a straight line, seemingly yeeting the target off the face of the earth. And oh..if you're wondering why blue, then alright. These boxes can somehow trigger a massive EMP storm (yes, yet again) to all enemies alike on the screen-enough to leave 'em shocked. Well.

As Nova Storm

  • Squad: Reinforcements
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event (cost: 10000 Tokens), Gem purchase

While the previous female seeker to be added to the game was portrayed by Zeta, it is true that there are in fact female Bad Piggies on the island! One of these poor ladies got too close to the EggSpark and was cyberformed into the feisty Nova Storm!

Although it's unknown as to why the game depicts Nova as a 'male' as per her squad biodata.

As the last ever Rainmaker to be released in the game (and also original character), Nova Storm's weapon is a blue water bullet blaster that specializes in displacing the blocks of structures and any piggy bystander. These shots can cause even more misery with their splash damage effects. Additionally, upon higher upgrades, these water bullets upgrade to large purple ones, and towers and pigs on screen will simply blast out of oblivion upon getting touched by them.

As Sergeant Devastator

  • Squad: Specialist Raiders
  • Mission Type: Firepower
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

The war continues and the Deceptihogs decide to send in the ultimate weapon, a Combiner! Sergeant Devastator is massive and will do his best to take down the Autobirds. But the Autobirds have a titan their own- Sergeant Omega Supreme.

His weapon acts just like his original.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Mohawk Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Enigma Of Combination Chest Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Fire Rate
Kremzeek Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins EMP Rounds
Sentinel Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Incendiary Rounds
Shrapnel Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Acid Rounds
Ravage Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Explosive Rounds
Megatron Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Damage But he's a playable character right?
Badge of Leadership Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Defense

As Special Officer Skywarp

  • Squad: Sawbones Squad
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

After a gargantuan battle between the two Titans, Special Officer Skywarp is here and ready to take on Special Officer Hound. Being one of many Seekers, he can take to the skies as well.

His weapon is, disappointingly, just his original.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Mohawk Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +10% Explosive Force
Blaster Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Crystals +20% Damage
Null-Ray Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage

As Seeker Acid Storm

  • Squad: Sawbones Squad
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

The Deceptihogs once again need someone who can take to the skies in order to take down Scout Arcee, and so they send in their top Seeker, Acid Storm. With his acid rain as a weapon against the Autobirds, the Deceptihogs will surely win. Right?

His weapon is literally just the same as his original weapon. What is it with Rovio and these unchanged Warpass weapons lately?

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Kremzeek Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Nemesis Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Null-Ray Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage

As Seeker Nova Storm

  • Squad: Misfits Squad
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

Having just recently arrived on the island, Seeker Nova Storm is near instantly dragged into the violent Autobird-Deceptihog war as she is needed to counteract the appointment of Captain Alpha Trion as the new Autobird leader. Will her explosive attitude be enough to squash the old and wise Transformer?

Her weapon is unchanged. Nothing else to say.

As Seeker Ramjet

  • Squad: Raging Squad
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

Being part of the wide and expendable array of seekers, Ramjet hadn't really been doing much more than merely flying around looking for Autobird activity. But as all his skybound brothers are falling back to lick their wounds, the weight of the war drops hard on his shoulders. The Deceptihogs now count only on Seeker Ramjet to do what he does best: patrolling the skies and exterminating any Autobird scurrying around while the war slowly seems to be drawing nearer to some kind of conclusion...

Anyways, he uses his same old weapon, complete with his protective shield gadget.

As Neon Starscream

  • Squad: Weekend Warriors
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

After months upon months of victory, the Deceptihogs now find themselves slapped miles back at the hand of General Optimus Prime Neon. As the Autobirds celebrate and care for their wounded, Lord Megatron Neon hatches new plans and re-energizes his primary seeker with the power of Neon. Neon Starscream blasts off, out for Autobird guts.

Just like Starscream's earlier Energon version, Neon Starscream takes far more damage from attacks in levels, but can heal up again by chomping up some Energon cubes. And yes, he retains his shocking stone-throwing launcher. Nothing new.

As Neon Thundercracker

  • Squad: Cobalt Crew
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

Now that the Deceptihogs have set up their new supply HQ, all seems to be going well for the green-tinted army. There is one wee little problem though: Neon Chromia has investigated the new high-tech warehouse and is now plotting to infiltrate and incinerate! It is up to Neon Thundercracker now to protect the Deceptihogs' new pride.

Having drunk the evil juice, Neon Thundercracker now too experiences Energon effects. You know what that means. The blue TNT thrower still remains with him, though.

As Neon Skywarp

  • Squad: Raiders Of The Last Ark
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

The war is continuing and the Autobirds are sending out Neon Sunstreaker, the Deceptihogs fight back and send out Neon Skywarp, now looking more like Acid Storm

Having the powers of Neon he takes more damage but can heal from Energon cubes

As the Eggbot Army

You probably popped hundreds of thousands of these piggies. Millions in all the other Angry Birds games.

The overwhelming majority of King Pig's army joined the Eggbots in their goal of Cyberforming Piggy Island.

The most common Minions around are fragile as paper and have no offensive capabilities whatsoever, unless you count their annoying laughter. They simply bounce in place, waiting to be popped by weapons fire, by having blocks fall on them, or being dropped from a good height. (Although the damage they take seems a bit...janky, so sometimes they'll die just from falling a very short distance.) It would take just 1 Optimus Prime laser (mind you, un-upgraded) to send one of these to the depths of mechanical Hell. Well then.

Some Minions have developed guns, though! The red ones are known as “Stinger Pigs” and many can be spotted by their burgundy armor or boxy eye-obscuring helmets, but some are harder to spot! Their armaments range from simple green-laser projecting blasters to slow-but-volatile rocket launchers to multi-blast "shotguns". Their aim varies: some need a few moments to properly get their targets in their sights, but elite pigs (like the rocket launcher types) can readjust aims and be distressingly accurate even at long range. The shotgun variants, who don darker burgundy armor can be even more nasty, though- they fire quickly and are capable of shredding you with quick (but blind) blasts of pink laser quadruplets if you aren't prepared. These Minions tend to be a little tougher to pop, but thankfully a toppled but unpopped Minion generally can't right itself, and will just fire blindly in whatever direction it's facing. These Minions' shots can topple blocks and even injure their fellow Minions should they get in the way.

Some of these gunners grew propellers on their heads, making them dangerously mobile. These Minions like to pop up, sometimes in swarms, blocking your shots. They hover for a bit, fire simple blaster lasers at the player, and zip to a new location. If they are not popped quickly enough, they'll perform a kamikaze dive at the player which does a bit more damage than their blasters do.

Other Minions want to fly but can't, so they've settled for somehow getting way up high and tying balloons to themselves to float down gently. These Minions also lack blasters (man, what a bunch of losers), so instead they've attached sticks of dynamite to themselves (wait, what?!) so they can go kaboom once they get too close to an Autobird or Deceptihog. The quickest way to deal with them is by popping their supporting balloons, sending them falling helplessly to the ground.

And then there's the Sharktihogs, Minions who have taken on the properties of the Sharkticons. Found exclusively in the rivers of Cobalt Plateaus (and very occasionally at the beach, like in events), these piscine porcines lurk underwater with only their fins sticking out before levitating into the air. Thankfully, rather than trying to gnaw your face off, they shoot at you with simple blasters. They're not invulnerable while submerged either, so a sharp-eyed shooter can take them out before they strike! And well, if you ignore them for a period of time, they will simply disappear back into the water and cannot be targeted further.

Only in the newly discovered Caves, Bat Pigs are not mechanical, but bizarre dark green organic hybrids of pig and, well, bat. They barrel roll in front of the player and will eventually go kamikaze if not popped, which, surprisingly enough, doesn't do any damage. They are similar to Flying Pigs, except they literally do not do anything... other than just hover and they're much tougher. 750 of these are needed to unlock Nautica.

There's also a Boss Bat Pig. Definitely the big, fat, grotesque ringleader of the Caves, and definitely not harmless either. Same could be said for the endless Bat Pig 'missiles' he projects at the combating player. I'll let you do a further dossier on this guy, alright.

Unnamed Seeker


This piggy jet flies by and performs a carpet bombing attack when Strikebot is activated. He replaced Skywarp after our purple friend was added to the game as a playable character.

His jet design miiight be based on Needlenose. Well, based on the colors, anyways. The actual design is a carbon copy of the other Seekers.


Angry Birds Transformers

"You've got that right, buddy! I'm a cloud now! This was...my plan all along or something."
  • Energon Racers Pack (Telepods Racers multi-pack, 2014)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
As a Telepod figure, Energon Starscream Pig automatically transforms from jet to robot by pushing back his noggin, and back just by pushing him down. He has a scan-code on the bottom of his feet, which allows him to be scanned into the Angry Birds Transformers app when placed on top of a magnifying Telepods base, included with the set. Doing so repairs in-game Energon Starscream's damage, and powers him up for a short amount of time.
He was only available as part of a multi-pack with "Energon" versions of Optimus Prime Bird, Grimlock Bird, Lockdown Pig and Soundwave Pig.

  • Thundercracker Pig (Telepods Racer, 2014)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
Thundercracker Pig is a redeco of Energon Starscream Pig, transforming from robot to jet. Like all Telepods products, he is packaged with a Telepods base.

  • Optimus Prime Bird Raceway (Telepods track set, 2014)
A small, non-transforming figure of Starscream Pig in jet mode is included in the Optimus Prime Bird Raceway set. It can be mounted atop the raceway's flagpole, and is sent spinning when a Telepods Racer figure rolls past.

ABTF-toy StarscreamStinger-OPAttack.jpg
  • Optimus Prime Attack Game (Jenga game, 2014)
The Optimus Prime Attack Game includes two Minion Pig heads, one as Starscream Pig, and one as the curiously-only-exists-in-this-one-set Stinger Pig (it seems to be based on the enemies of the same name, but looks a bit different). They can be placed among Jenga blocks inside a Grimlock Bird frame to be knocked away by a launched vehicle. They can also be attached to any of the non-transforming Angry Birds Transformers Jenga vehicles... or any 5mm post in general. Because you know you want to put a Minion Pig head on every Transformer possible.
Don't lie. You do.
The set also comes with a mini-head version of Optimus Prime Bird with a flying truck vehicle.

Had the toyline continued, there may have also been a Seeker 3-pack.
  • Acid Storm Pig (Telepods racer, 2015)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
Acid Storm and the three other figures part of the "Turbo Energon" subline were listed on the Hasbro website, but ultimately never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Among the features the Pig army had in the earliest builds of the game that have long since been removed are: pigs with TV antennae, another kind of random-shooting box-helmeted pig, pigs with rapid-fire lasers, rapid-fire rockets, or deadly shotgun blasts of quick and accurate green lasers, balloon pigs with their dynamite/candles lit, with some having more than one balloon, and flying pigs with rockets, shotgun blasts, rapid-fire blasts, or even deadly lasers! Though Shotgun Pig was brought back to the game in the jungle update.
  • Every character in the game does a little dance when idling on the character upgrade screen. All of the jet-pigs do The Carlton.
  • As the player upgrades each playable character, their models can gain new pieces of armor. At level 7, all the jet-pigs' helmets start gaining protrusions resembling a familiar-looking crown. However, putting on a head Accessory removes this extra armor.
  • Thundercracker's Shield Accessory is based on Baro, the Prime Arms Micron. (A chrome-silver version of Baro was packed in with Prime Thundercracker.)
  • Tony Hale voiced a Minion Pig called Ross in the 2016 Angry Birds animated movie.
  • Rather than being added to the game separately, all three Coneheads were added at the same time.
  • Minion Pig is currently the character with the most incarnations in the game, even when not counting the Eggbot Army.
  • All of the Minion Pigs (except one) use edited versions of Ross' Bad Piggies voicelines.

External links

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