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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Jake (disambiguation), James (disambiguation), Jim (disambiguation), Blue (disambiguation).
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The Blues are Autobirds from the Angry Birds Transformers continuity family.

The three young and excitable Blues, individually named Jay, Jake, and Jim, (good luck telling which one is which, they are always seen together), often act in unison, finishing each others' sentences, and sharing the same goofy, giddy, childish attitude. It is of no surprise then, that when the EggSpark gave the members of the Flock robotic bodies, that the Blues wound up sharing their new upgraded form, based on Bluestreak, Prowl, Smokescreen and Beachcomber. Silly and sarcastic, the trio are always up for some trouble, which can lead to a little bit of personality clash with their new robot bodies, particularly the uptight Prowl and the pacifist Beachcomber.



Angry Birds comic

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The Blues joined the rest of the Flock in a raid on one of the Bad Piggies' buildings. As the Flock prepared to get their eggs back, Red and Chuck began to argue on how to proceed. The Blues to commented that they should be fighting pigs, and not each other. Due to Chuck's impatience, the Flock's attack went badly. The Blues wound up buried in rubble while the pigs made their getaway, the eggs still in their possession. Tired of the bigger birds' constant bickering, the Blues went off on their own, winding up crossing paths with Hal. They convinced the older bird to join them in another attempt to rescue the eggs. As the group approached the pigs, they were taken aback by Starscream Pig zipping past them. Figuring something big was going down, Hal urged the Blues to go fetch the rest of the Flock while he stayed behind to keep an eye on King Pig and his gang. The Blues did as the were told, and told Red and the others about what they had witnessed. Angry Birds Transformers #1

Hal and Chuck flew ahead of the group, and when the Blues had caught back up to them, the EggSpark had transformed them into Grimlock Bird and Bumblebee Bird respectively. The Flock puzzled over the artifact and the mysterious changes their friends had just undergone. Grimlock Bird had a sudden angry outburst, and declared the other Birds to be "useless." The Blues took offense, and expressed their confusion over their friend's sudden change in personality. Grimlock Bird insisted that birds who couldn't transform were useless, and to prove his point, changed into... a sort of "wheelbarrow" mode. The Blues were unimpressed, saying that a motorcycle mode would have been much more useful. Losing his temper once more, Grimlock Bird spewed forth a torrent of flame, causing the Blues to recoil in fear. Bumblebee Bird did a better job in demonstrating his ability to transform, and the rest of the flock agreed to touch the EggSpark to grant themselves robotic bodies.


The three Blues wound up sharing one body as "Bluestreak Bird." The rest of the Flock/Autobirds then compulsively began to deliver exposition over who they were and what their personalities were like, which immediately got on Bluestreak Bird's nerves. On Optimus Prime Bird's command, the whole group transformed and rolled out, and shortly caught up to the Deceptihogs. Rushing into battle, Bumblebee Bird received serious damage to his vocal processor, forcing him to communicate in beeps and squeaks. Bluestreak Bird remarked that Bumblebee Bird's new way of communicating was "gonna get old fast." The battle was soon fully underway, with Bluestreak Bird having to contend with three Minion Pigs at once. However, both sides had to put aside their differences when the eggs sprouted robotic arms and legs, began multiplying, and proved themselves to be excessively hostile. Age of Eggstinction!

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The two factions joined forces to combat the newly arisen threat, but Bluestreak Bird did not adjust well to working alongside the pigs. Nonetheless, and despite initially griping over it, they agreed to help rescue Starscream Pig after he had been captured by the Eggbots. They only wound up being captured themselves, bound by the same robotic tentacles that had stolen away the Deceptihog.

Finding themselves imprisoned next to Starscream Pig, Bluestreak Bird began to cry. Starscream Pig managed to console them, and with newfound strength, Bluestreak Bird broke free of their bonds. Slumping Starscream Pig over their shoulder, Bluestreak Bird began poking around the structure they were being held captive in. Just as they were commenting that things were suddenly too quiet, they stumbled upon an army of creepy EggBots lying in wait, dropped the pig, and made a run for it. Eventually, they found their way to the outside, and met back up with the rest of the Autobirds and Deceptihogs. Revenge of the Fowlin'!


As the EggSpark continued to affect Piggy Island in more volatile ways, Bluestreak Bird participated in one last desperate dash to separate the artifact from the land. For his part in the mission, Bluestreak Bird was joined by three mechanically upgraded Minion Pigs. At the first sign of danger, the pigs abandoned Bluestreak Bird on the battlefield, and let him be squashed by a monolith. They soon came to regret their actions, and returned to excavate Bluestreak Bird out of the pile of rubble he was buried under. Bluestreak Bird was quick to forgive the pigs, and resumed course to fetch a "secret weapon..." A giant slingshot! With the device in tow, Bluestreak Bird and the Pigs rendezvoused with the others. Unfortunately, in his absence, Galvatron Pig had become even more volatile and irrational than he normally was. The deranged Deceptihog knocked out Bluestreak Bird with a powerful blow. Nonetheless, the Autobirds' plan worked out despite Bluestreak Bird's absence. The EggSpark was catapulted away from the planet, and the Autobirds reverted back into their original forms. As the Flock reflected on the day's events, the Blues and Chuck began to argue over who was more responsible for their final victory. Hard Boiled

Commercial appearances

The Blues and the Flock faced off against the Bad Piggies before the power of the EggSpark turned both groups into Autobirds and Deceptihogs. Angry Birds Transformers: Cinematic Trailer

Bluestreak Bird rescue Arcee Bird and Optimus Prime Bird from a swarm of Flying Pigbots, and looked real cool while doing it too! Meet Bluestreak and Prowl!


Angry Birds Transformers

Voice actor: Heljä Heikkinen and Lynne Guaglione (Finnish)

As Bluestreak

Putting the Blue in this Bluestreak.
  • Squad: Brothers In Armor
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Mission Prize, Special Event Prize

A middle-of-the-road bot in terms of speed, Bluestreak has a little time to pick his targets. Which is good, because his weapon has only two shots in it and a pretty slow reload time, so choose those targets wisely. Bluestreak's weapon draws from The Blues' normal method of attack, firing a single bomb that explodes into three smaller bombs on contact with the target... and at higher character levels, those bombs will split again if they hit a block or enemy. These mini-bombs arc out pretty wide, and in a cluster of blocks or pigs can really do significant damage. The best strategy is to aim at the base of block towers, letting the upward-arcing sub-bombs tear through everything above.

At first, Bluestreak Bird could only be unlocked semi-randomly by sending characters away on Space Bridge Missions: Bluestreak would sometimes appear as part of the roulette wheel of prizes for the longest time of 48 hours at a Mission Bridge. Later, Bluestreak would become an unlockable character in the "You've Got The Touch" special event (running from August 13 through August 19, 2016). This event involved surviving the onslaught of Unicron Pig, with big points to be earned by forcing him to put up his shields, and even more for sending him packing.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Halloween Hat (wizard, top hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Nutcracker Hat Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Pudding Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Red Face Legendary N/A +40% Defense Only in Golden Crates
Launchers Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Prowl

Bit of a shame the owl's (Dahlia’s) only in Angry Birds Stella.
  • Squad: Brothers In Armor
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Mission Prize, Special Event Prize

One would think the impulsive, gabby Blues wouldn't get along well with the quiet, contemplative mind of Prowl. One would be so right. The inclination to plan to the smallest detail runs headlong (ha ha) into the Blues' low boredom threshold. The only time the four minds really seem to gel is in a fight.

Prowl Bird is very similar to Bluestreak in his attacks, though he has a slightly larger clip, allowing him to launch three bombs before needing a reload. The mini-bombs don't have quite as wide an arc though, so the splash damage is a bit more localized, especially since they also lack the second split of Bluestreak's bombs.

At first, Prowl Bird could only be unlocked semi-randomly by sending characters away on Space Bridge Missions: Prowl would sometimes appear as part of the roulette wheel of prizes for the longest mission at a Bridge. Later, Prowl would also become an unlockable character in the "You've Got The Touch" challenge event.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Halloween Hat (wizard, top hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Nutcracker Hat Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Pudding Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Red Face Legendary N/A +40% Defense Only in Golden Crates
Launchers Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Smokescreen

Testing. Testing.
  • Squad: Brothers In Armor
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize
As The Blues are a precocious, eager-to-please and reckless bunch, they match very well with Smokescreen... no, not the one they look like... the other one. That one.
Smokescreen, like the other Blues-based characters, lobs fast clips of lone arcing bombs with no reload to damage targets. These bombs splits into two smaller bombs that falls directly downwards on impact. These bombs also erupt into huge clouds of smoke, which one may assume throws off enemies' targeting skills, but they actually work like Acid Storm Pig's projectiles in both fire rate and effect. But smoke breaks glass more effectively than acid. He's a slow runner with only moderate vehicle speed.
First unlocked in the 2017 "Chinese New Year" Challenge Event, Smokescreen costs 5000 Tokens, considerably less than the last few new characters.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Pipes Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Defense
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Red Face Legendary N/A +40% Defense Only in Golden Crates
Phase shifter Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Transform Recharge
Cannons Back Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Beachcomber

  • Squad: Brothers In Armor
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize

The Blues don’t really fit Beachcomber's pacifist personality, as they are more troublesome tricksters.

Anyway, it seems to be working, because Beachcomber's weapon is a slightly altered version of Smokescreen's; instead it fires clips of two bombs that spread out in curved arcs over long distances. These bombs unfortunately lack the ability to split and cause additional damage. And instead of smoke, these bombs explode into sand that simply reuse the numbing effects of Acid Storm's pellets. Alas.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Pipes Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Defense
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Red Face Legendary N/A +40% Defense Only in Golden Crates
Pistol Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Roll Cage Back Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Defense Only appears in vehicle mode

As Major Prowl

To be, or not to be. That is the question.
  • Squad: Officers
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

After their defeat at the hands of Captain Starscream in the attempt to get the Eggspark, the Autobirds find themselves being chased by the vile Major Shockwave. They are counting on Major Prowl and his smart strategic moves and explosive abilities to exterminate any possible dangers, so General Optimus sends him ahead while the other Autobirds follow. What they don’t know however is that Major Shockwave possesses the abilities to hijack the Autobird comms, tricking Major Prowl and the rest of the flock into rendezvousing at the pigs' place of choosing...

Major Prowl’s weapon kinda combines Beachcomber’s and Smokescreen’s arsenals: three quick and destructive minibombs with, in a row horizontally and diagonally, (one per shot), a sand effect, a smoke effect, and no effect.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Halloween Hat (wizard, top hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Nutcracker Hat Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Pudding Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Red Face Legendary N/A +40% Defense Only in Golden Crates
Launchers Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Neon Prowl

I'm gonna need you to get down, bud
  • Squad: Cobalt Crew
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

As the Autobirds' defenses start failing once more, Optimus Prime re-energizes his staunch soldier Prowl with the power of Neon and orders him to deploy a comms blackout. This way, the birds can stay out of the Deceptihogs' vile hooves while they gather new resources and tend to their wounded. It is only a matter of time though before the devious Neon Soundwave hacks their location and the Autobirds need to make a run for it all over again. But even in that scenario, Neon Prowl will be ready to shield his peers until the very end.

Neon Prowl uses pretty much the exact same weapon as his earlier War Pass incarnation. Daring today, aren't we? Besides that, Neon Prowl experiences Energon effects in levels, meaning that he can't take as much of a punch but can heal himself by collecting that sweet sweet Energon on the field.

Despite being a Prime Pass character, which usually means you have to pay a proper large sum of money for getting to try and massacre enough pigs to unlock him, all players could get him for free near the end of the season thanks to a programming error: in the tie-in challenge event, players could first unlock Neon Soundwave for free, after which they could buy his Laserbeak accessory to unlock the Prime Pass, also free of charge. Yowza!

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Red Face Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense Red mask and pig snouts; also gotten as reward for reaching Prime Pass level 15
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Launchers Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force Also gotten as reward for reaching Prime Pass level 20
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Actually attached to his leg; also gotten as reward for reaching Prime Pass level 25


  • Like Stella-as-Arcee and Bomb-as-Drift, The Blues' depiction in media predates their actual appearance in the game, and thus the designs are significantly different. Way moreso than with Arcee, probably due to having three heads to try and figure out what to do with. Their vehicle mode in the comics resembles Animated Prowl's motorcycle mode.
    • In game, they all share the headspace, while in the comics they only had the dominant Blue as the head (presumably Jay) and the other brothers (presumably Jake and Jim) as the legs.
  • The Blues' Launcher Accessories have significant cosmetic differences between each character. Prowl's are closely based on the original Prowl toy's launchers. Bluestreak's are similar, they take inspiration from the Bluestreak cartoon model by putting a hole in the tip as if they were cannons. Smokescreen too uses the cartoon model launchers, which were significantly different in design from Bluestreak's.
  • Smokescreen is blatantly designed after Generation 1 Smokescreen, but his in-game bio describes his personality as that of Prime Smokescreen... complete with the use of the Phase shifter relic.
  • Beachcomber is one of the very few characters in the game to have a vehicle-specific accessory, a roll cage, in reference to the traditional look for him.
    • On top of that, The Blues shared personality barely fits Beachcomber as they are more prankster-type birds than pacifists.
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