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Bubbles is an Autobird from the Angry Birds Transformers continuity family.
The joy and the laughter

Somewhat of a ditz, candy-loving Bubbles is a cheerful and happy-go-lucky member of the Flock. He shares Hal's love for music.

This carefree attitude is amplified when he is upgraded into Jazz Bird. Highly expressive, his default facial setting appears to be a great big smile, though he is prone to wild takes in dangerous situations. In his robotic form, he displays some sweet dance moves and a dislike for violence, though it is a hang-up that is quickly overcome if his friends need back up in their feud against the Deceptihogs.

Bubbles has also been merged with other hip and swaggering Autobots like Ricochet, Blaster, Sideswipe, Red Alert, Sunstreaker and, uh, Mirage.



Angry Birds comic

ABTF1 BubblesandStella.jpg
After the Bad Piggies had stolen a batch of the Flock's eggs, Bubbles accompanied his fellow birds on a raid to retrieve them. Chuck managed to foul up Red's attack plan, causing the Bad Piggies' building to collapse on top of the Flock while King Pig and his minions escaped.
ABTF2 JazzBird Intro.jpg
Thanks to Bomb, Bubbles emerged from the rubble relatively unscathed, though he seemed somewhat shaken by the ordeal. Meanwhile, the Blues had flown off after the pigs on their own. The rest of the Flock began searching for the little birds, only for the Blues to find their way back on their own. Upon their return, they began blabbing about an "EggSpark" and "Deceptihogs." Angry Birds Transformers #1

By the time Bubbles reached the EggSpark, it had already transformed Chuck and Hal into Bumblebee Bird and Grimlock Bird respectively. Though it took some convincing, the rest of the Flock eventually agreed to touch the EggSpark as well, in order to be granted new robotic bodies. Bubbles became Jazz Bird, and found a newfound desire to simply cruise about Piggy Island and take in the sights. Nonetheless, he was ready to take on the Deceptihogs if the situation called for him to do so. Under the command of Optimus Prime Bird, the Autobirds transformed and rolled out into action. They soon caught up to Megatron Pig and his minions, and engaged them in combat. Jazz Bird took it upon himself to protect the Flock's eggs with his hand-held slingshot. As he watched over them, the eggs sprouted mechanical arms and legs. Jazz Bird nonetheless found the eggs to be adorable, and offered them some candy. In response, the Eggbots blasted his face with lasers, then multiplied and took off. Age of Eggstinction!

ABTF2 JazzBird vehiclemode.jpg
The Eggbots proved themselves to be an even greater threat than the Deceptihogs. The Autobirds and Deceptihogs joined forces to combat this newly arisen enemy. The battle's collateral damage soon became apparent to both Jazz Bird and a trio of Minion Pigs. It was decided that in order to stop the Eggbots' rampage, one of them had to be captured and studied. Jazz Bird was assigned to a team with this mission in mind. Their task was quickly compromised when fellow team-member Galvatron Pig began to run wild. Galvatron Pig first sent Heatwave Bird flying over the horizon before coming after Jazz Bird.
ABTF4 Birdsenjoyingmusic.jpg
The crazed pig was just about to blast Jazz Bird when Heatwave Bird came roaring back, and took out the bad piggy. Unfortunately, the shock-wave still knocked out Jazz Bird. Heatwave Bird carried Jazz Bird's unconscious form back to the rest of the birds and pigs, just as the island's transformation began to truly spiral out of control. Revenge of the Fowlin'!

Upon awakening, Jazz Bird found himself in the middle of a total war zone. On Optimus Prime Bird's order, he participated in one last mad dash for the EggSpark. Just as their goal neared, Galvatron Pig awakened and attacked Jazz Bird, putting him once more out of commission. Thankfully, the others managed to fling the EggSpark off-planet anyways, returning Piggy Island and all of its inhabitants to normalcy. As the Flock discussed the day's events, Bubbles joined Terence and Bomb in listening to Hal playing some tunes on his banjo. Hard Boiled

Commercial appearances

Jazz Bird was part of a raid on the Deceptihogs' headquarters after those big jerks had stolen the EggSpark. He, Optimus Prime Bird and Heatwave Bird burst in to find... The Deceptihogs using the EggSpark as a dance light as they had a crazy dance party. It was all very silly. Deceptihogs' Revenge


Angry Birds Transformers

Voice actor: Antti LJ Pääkkönen (Finnish)

As Jazz

  • Squad: Target: 2006
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: New Area (900 pigs) TelePod

Jazz Bird, king of the pop-and-lock breakin' 2 electric boogaloo, is a speedster character similar to Bumblebee Bird, though a little less on the speed and a little more on the toughness, with a higher overall set of stats once he's at maximum level. His missiles are plain with no effects and are a bit less rapid-fire, but make up for that with a much reduced "reload" time between salvos.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Halloween Hat (bat wings, top hat) Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Halloween Event exclusive
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive
Pudding Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Snowman Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Speakers Chest Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense
Hook Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +40% Clip Size
Pistol Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Ricochet

  • Squad: The Hotrods
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (5000 Tokens)

When taking on the persona of Ricochet Bird, things get a bit more... tense. Sure, he's still a dancing fool, but he's really touchy and prone to responding to personal slights with a caroming missile, especially if anyone questions his sharpshooting skills. He always enters the Advanced Autobird Autofire Accuracy Assertion to prove he's number one... and also because maybe this time the prize is candy. (Spoilers: it's never candy.)

True to his name, Ricochet's missiles ricochet off their initial target, which can set up some absolutely devastating chain reactions if shot at just the right angle, bouncing up to twice per missile. Given the amount of punch they pack (much higher than Jazz) and steady rate of fire with a very short reload time, Ricochet can obliterate blocks and eliminate enemies with ease. Aim for a Walking Mortar Tower behind a closer one, and let shots bouncing between them destroy them both in seconds. He's not as fleet of foot (or wheel) as Jazz, but he makes up for it with a bit more armor.

Ricochet was first available in the "Lock & Load" Challenge Event in mid-September 2016, and was a "free to play" character during the Event. He and all of the other Challenge Event unlockables were made available in the "2-Year Celebration" Event. On day three of this Event, the game offered the purchasable "Ricochet Bundle" for $14.99, which contained 25000 coins, 150 Gems, and Ricochet (or 5000 Tokens if you already owned him).

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Speakers Chest Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +20% Defense
Hook Arms Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +40% Clip Size

As Blaster

  • Squad: Instruments of Destruction
  • Mission Type: Investigation
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (7500 Tokens)

Bubbles-as-Blaster arrives with the new update of March 2017, which also introduces the new "Sparkrun" mode and Unicron Pig. As a re-skin of Chef Pig as Soundwave, Blaster fires multiples sonic blasts in rapid succession (up to five with proper leveling up), which pack more punch than all the Soundwaves' sonic blasts. However, due to reusing Soundwave's model he shares his voice clips as well, even though other characters following the "virtual redeco/retool" pattern later on don’t. Luckily, this oddity was fixed later.

Besides being in the game as a playable character, Blaster also appears in boom box mode as an accessory to Blurr, providing the latter with EMP rounds.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Rosanna Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Vehicle Time
Santa Hat Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Defense Holiday Event exclusive
Festive Deely Bopper Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Snowman Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Lion Hat Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Stripes Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +40% Faster Reload
Sundor Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Sideswipe

  • Squad: Speedsters
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (7500 Tokens)

Sideswipe's weapon is a pun on his name. The weapon is an anti-gravity gun that side-swipes (ha-ha) masses of blocks and pigs to the left. Good for clearing them away, and also obliterates almost everything that hits the ground or gets launched offscreen.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Cannon Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage One he uses in G1 and other incarnations
Pistol Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate

As Red Alert

  • Squad: Speedsters
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (10000 Tokens)

Red Alert, the security officer, is really more of a firefighter in Angry Birds. He's equipped with a water cannon whose arcing splashes can push pigs away and deal moderate... ahem... splash damage. Puns!

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Sirens Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense Appears only in vehicle mode
Cannon Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage actually mounted via a(hard to notice) wire thats attached to his back
Pistol Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate

As Sunstreaker

  • Squad: Speedsters
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event (10000 tokens)

Bubbles's amicable lightheadedness is no match for Sunstreaker's ego, turning the ditzy bird into kind of a jerk. Though the combination of the two is now even more flighty and capricious than you normally get from Sunstreaker.

First available in late February 2018, Sunstreaker has an instant-hit "stream" weapon like the Grimlocks and Epic Optimus. But his works as the opposite of Epic Optimus's tractor-beam gun, instead pushing targeted objects away with incredible force. The beam even has a lingering draining effect on targets' HP that lasts for a few short seconds after the direct damage stops. Even at level 1, Sunstreaker can drop towers and send Pigs flying away easily (and let's be real; it is extremely funny to see the piggies disappearing in the distance, where they then proceed to just fall out of existence since the game only goes back so far).

Like Elita One before him, Sunstreaker was also made available in a "bundle" during his original Challenge Event, bought with Gems rather than real money. The bundle's costs and contents varied from platform and player, with higher-cost bundles offering more Accessories and larger amounts of promotion-granting Spark.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Cannon Arms Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Weapon Cooldown
Hook Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Defense
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +10% Damage

As Mirage

Mirage Bird.jpg
  • Squad: Speedsters
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event (10000 tokens)

So would Bubbles really fit into the role of the stealthmaster Mirage? Probably not. But Mirage does pack a big punch. His weapon is Soundwave's soundwaves, firing in clips of three, which travel in the pattern that Strongarm's projectiles do, and which seem to have an EMP effect. Additionally, if you don't shoot, shortly after a blast, Mirage will activate invisibility features, stopping any Pigs from shooting him. And you don't even need an Energonicon to do so.

Mirage was available in the event of the same name, again, for 10000 tokens.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Hat Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +30% Damage Angry birds Movie 2 exclusive
Sunglasses Face Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defence They're actually goggles
Cannon Arms Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Faster Reload actually mounted via a (not too hard to notice) wire thats attached to his back
Hook Arms Epic 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force

As Private Sideswipe

Hey look! The rust on my visor is symmetrical!
  • Squad: Operations
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

Optimus has had it with all of the Deceptihogs' wins, and sends another warrior to get the job done. Private Sideswipe leads the Autobirds now, and this master tactician is taking no chances. But will his quest for glory cloud his judgement? Sergeant Barricade will certainly be hoping so.

Private Sideswipe's weapon is the same-sideswipes(yet again, ha-ha) the target when hit.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Cannon Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage One he uses in G1 and other incarnations
Pistol Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate

As Private Mirage

Hope the rust doesn’t get in the way of my invisibility!
  • Squad: Ground Force
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

The war is closing in, and some of the old 'bots are here to fight as well. One of them is Private Mirage, whose invisibility is an upside to the Autobirds. He can bring his old money to the table, but a dangerous threat lurks in the shadows, which could mean Private Mirage's skills miiight not be up to the task. But all that matters to the Autobirds is winning, right?

Anyways, Private Mirage's weapon is basically the same as his original one, complete with invisibility.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Hat Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +30% Damage Angry birds Movie 2 exclusive
Sunglasses Face Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Defence They're actually goggles
Cannon Arms Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Faster Reload
Hook Arms Epic 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force

As Private Red Alert

  • Squad: Sawbones Squad
  • Mission Type: Intelligence
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

Called in to join the war against the newly turned-to-the-dark-side-again Captain Nemesis Prime, Private Red Alert is (probably) ready to go.

Following the trend, his weapon is the exact same as og Red Alert's weapon (so much for eighteen freakin' dollars), BUT this time the devs shaked things up a bit by giving the shots a little color variation.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Sirens Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense Appears only in vehicle mode
Cannon Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage
Pistol Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate

As Neon Sideswipe

Get this man a brick wall!
  • Squad: The Hotshots
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type:Prime Pass reward

Christmas War Pass character preview came early this year bi-month! Before War season 22 had even started, characters for season 23 could already be previewed as teammates, alongside the season 22 characters. One of these characters is Neon Sideswipe with the same old weapon.

As Neon Sunstreaker

  • Squad: Raiders Of The Last Ark
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type:Prime Pass reward

The war continues and the Autobirds send out Neon Sunstreaker as there new neoned up ally, looking like the sun has zapped him. However the Deceptihogs retaliate and send out Neon Skywarp

Being a Neon character he takes double damage but heals from Energon cubes


Angry Birds Transformers

  • AutoBird Jazz vs. Deceptihog Brawl (Telepods Racer 2-pack, 2014)
    • Accessories: Telepods base
Released as part of the second wave of the Toys"R"Us exclusive "Angry Birds Transformers" toyline, Autobird Jazz is a retool of Chef Pig and is a small figure that autotransforms into a sonic SUV with the robot bird head on top. When the head is pushed back, the toy pops back up into robot mode via spring-loaded mechanism.
His underside has a tiny code on the back that can be read by the Angry Birds Transformers app by placing it on top of a Telepod that has been placed on an iPhone/Android phone's camera lens. This allows you to scan him into the game and unlock him as a playable character, give the unlocked version a temporary stat boost, or speed up his upgrade/repair time.
And yes, you read that right. This is supposed to be Jazz, not Blaster, who actually does share a body type with Soundwave Pig. Of course, Bubbles-as-Blaster didn't exist when the Telepods came out, so there's that. Still strange, though.
He comes packaged with Deceptihog Brawl.


  • The Speakers accessory is based on the c joint speakers from the 2010 Transformers toyline version of "Special Ops Jazz" (which was also redecoed into United Stepper, aka Ricochet).
  • The Hook Accessory is based on the hook-and-winch tool Jazz used a couple of times in the "More than Meets the Eye" mini-series from the original cartoon.
  • Bubbles-as-Blaster uses Soundwave's character model, making him the first Flock member to have two completely different robot body styles, as well as the first Autobird to use a Deceptihog body. (Unless you count Windblade Bird, but she only shares a jet mode with the flying Pigs.)
  • As mentioned above, Bubbles-as-Blaster used to make the same sounds as Chef Pig, though this error was fixed...three or so years later. What has not been fixed is the fact that he still uses all of Soundwave's animations: he acts like a Deceptihog when thanking buddies, and seems to like twirling an invisible mustache.

External links

TFsource.com - Your Source for Everything Transformers!