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This article is about TV advertisements. For the bits between the show and the ads, see Commercial bumper.

And watch the cartoon, too! It's not nearly this pretty, but it gives you time to blink.

Despite the existence of comics, cartoons, and other media intended to advertise Transformers toys, Hasbro has routinely commissioned standard television commercials to promote their current toy lines. These commercials typically use a combination of animation and live-action film featuring the characters/toys in question.

During the Generation 1 days, animation used in the commercials consisted largely of newly commissioned pieces that told a story. Since then, nearly all animation featured in Transformers commercials can be classified as either re-used excerpts from the current cartoon or short animations used to merely introduce the ad. Live-action toy segments have stayed mostly the same, with most US and international ads showing kids (or a pair of hands) transforming the toys. Japanese ads, by contrast, have shown a much larger preference for stop-motion toy segments.

As the goal of any advertising is to influence the viewer into buying the advertised product,Transformers commercials have naturally played a large part in the perception of the Transformers brand. The narration of Victor Caroli, along with the animation, enabled Generation 1 commercials to create the idea of a Transformers world with many stories to be told. The Beast Wars ad campaign created a similar feel of a whole world waiting to be explored but this time with organic beasts. This recurring theme of a huge world of stories has captivated many a Transformers fan and is largely responsible for the brand's rabid fandom. More recently, the massive ad campaigns for the live-action film series and associated merchandise has kept the Transformers brand in the eye of the public, and made the films feel like the blockbuster events they were intended to be.

Each commercial entry includes a transcript of its narration. There are a number of different conventions used to denote different types of speech.
Italics are used to indicate when the narrator is speaking.
"Quotes" denote non-narrative speech such as a character or actor talking in-universe, a sound effect from a toy, or an excerpt from a cartoon.
{Curly braces} denote singing or rapping.
[Square braces] indicate on-screen text narration.


Generation 1

Generation 1's marketing is a master class in how to sell toys, with many of its ideas still being used in Transformers ads today.

Generation 2

Generation 2's marketing, much like the toyline itself, started as a redesign of it's predecessor. Also like the toy line, it became more quintessentially 90's as it progressed.

Beast Wars

The Beast Wars toyline represented a significant change in the direction of the brand, with changes in detailing, articulation and concept. The commercials had their own changes, with a new narrator, a different approach to showing off the toys and less animation.

Main article: Commercial/Beast Wars


Animorphs represented a brief throw back to the narration approach of the later Generation 1 ads by having the characters of Jake and Tobias provide narration. Unlike the earlier ads, which had Optimus Prime, Megatron or Galvatron sharing time with Victor Caroli and The Other Guy, Jake and Tobias are the sole narrators.




Narration: Two unknown kids, one portaying Tobias and one portraying Jake (possibly Shawn Ashmore as Jake).
Toy segment: Visser Three emerges from a large cardboard tube, transforms , flexes his spring loaded claw and then fires a missile from his other hand. His 'real' (a costume glove) hand is then shown before revealing his shadow on the side of a large holding tank. This is followed by Jake flipping his head to his halfway mode and Tobias flipping up his hawk mode head in order to show that "they can change too". Ax walks up to Visser Three, transforms and then fires his tail stinger missile to knockdown Visser Three. Marco, Jake, and Tobias watch Rachel launch Visser Three by pouncing onto a makeshift seesaw.
Notes: A brief explanation of the Animorphs story, with one of the characters saying "Animorphs, Transformers!" Features Jake, Deluxe class Tobias, Mega class Ax, Mega class Visser Three, gorilla Marco and Rachel. Some footage from the Animorphs TV series is seen, and an instrumental version of the series' theme plays underneath. The synthesized "Transformers!" digital voice (as with the concurrent Beast Wars ads, apparently taken from older Generation 1 ads) plays at the end. The toy segment is filmed in what bizarrely looks like a very fancy and poorly lit office with different organizers and other metal office supplies being used by the kids to create their imagined environment.
(Alternating, starting with Jake) "The alien invasion has begun, and it's up to the five of us to stop them. Animorphs Transformers! The evil Visser Three is the leader of the Yerks" "He can morph from evil Andalite." "To Inferno creature." "With grasping claws." "And firing jaws." "But we can change too, into any animal we touch. And when heroic Ax changes into a scorpion...Visser Three is gonna get stung." "To save the human race, we pounce like animals." "Make the change" Both: "Animorphs!"

Narration: Two unknown kids, one portaying Tobias and one portraying Jake (possibly Shawn Ashmore as Jake).
Toy segment: Jake is transformed from human to Tiger with the camera focusing in on his head as it switches between it's three states. A brief segment of Jake changing from the TV show is shown before cutting back to the toy's right claw gauntlet being put on and then the toy in tiger mode posed on a metal framework. Tobias gets the same style transformation shot, followed by a shot of the toys wings being expanded. This is followed by two sequences from the first commercial, the early part where Visser Three emerges, transforms and demos his features and the last part where Rachel pounces.
Notes: This ad is similar to the first ad, using most of the same Visser Three footage. It has a different, more energetic narration that actually discloses who the narrators are and gives Tobias a little bit larger role. There is a larger emphasis on Jake and Tobias and Ax is not featured at all.
(Alternating, starting with Jake) "The alien invasion has begun, and it's up to the five of us to stop them. Animorphs Transformers! We've been given an incredible power." "To morph, into any animal we touch!" "I'm more than just Jake now, I'm changing with the ferocious power of the tiger, my hands getting fierce claws!" "I'm Tobias, morphing from human to hawk, my wings FORMing for air attack!" "The evil aliens led by Visser Three are here and there's only one way to change his plans" "pounce like animals!" Both: "Animorphs!"

Animorphs Tri-Rex Commercial.jpg
Live action: Live action Cassie, Jake and Marco, having been startled by the shadow and roar of Visser Three, duck into a nearby museum. They touch the foot of a Tyrannosaurus skeleton and combine into Tri-Rex. Later a second clip is shown of the three forming Tri-Rex in front a black background with what looks like smoke effects.
Narration: Two unknown kids, one portraying Tobias and one portraying Jake (possibly Shawn Ashmore as Jake).
Toy segment: Visser Three transforms and prowls around a desktop with office supply diorama elements that looks similar to the previous ads. Tri-Rex transforms to T-Rex mode, demonstrates it's electronic roar, steps in front of Visser Three, and then shows off it's stomping electronic sounds by stomping through a sand pit and a "fence" that appears to be made from a number of unconnected pieces of sidewalk chalk standing on end.
Notes: It appears to be dark out when the three run from Visser Three, as well as in the museum, and no else seems to be around. This would seem to imply that they broke in. Might wanna destroy the security video after you deal with Visser Three kids!
Tobias: "To battle evil this big..." Both: Animorphs Transformers! Jake: "We have to morph into something bigger!" Tobias: "New Visser Three morphs to beast! And then to a creature even more terrifying." Jake: "Claws that fly!" Tobias: "To stop him, we pull together." Both/All: "Three fight better as one!" Jake: "To win big, you gotta get big. Tri-Rex!" Tobias: "Visser Three..." Both: "Prepare to get stomped!" Robot Voice: "Transformers!" Both: "Animorphs!" Jake: "New Visser Three and new electronic Tri-Rex each sold separately."

Beast Machines

For Beast Machines, Hasbro took a very minimalist approach to it's marketing by producing only three ads over it's two years of availability. This may have been impacted by also needing to spend on ads for Beast Wars and Animorphs in 1999. The toy ads marked a return to using children in the ads, as opposed to the "pair of hands" manipulating the toys from off-screen approach of Beast Wars and Animorphs. The children were featured in school settings, engaging in rivalries over whose toy was more "powerful". These debates also provided the narration for the ads, with traditional narration (if any) relegated to the static end frame. This began the current trend of having toy segments that do not make use of dioramas in some fashion. While Beast Machines was not the first line to have commercials featuring "Fast Motion" transformations, that honor going to the last year of Beast Wars ads, it was the first to go all in on them. The new tagline used in the toy ads was "The challenge is in the change.".

The move from syndication to network television resulted in new forms of advertising for the cartoon. The Fox Kids network would run short 10 second ads during the credits of their various shows to promote shows coming up later that morning. Occasionally, they'd even run the 10 second ads during normal commercial breaks. The changeover also resulted in "Network" versions of commercials with station agnostic narration. The same ads could have station specific versions as well. The end of the ad would just show a graphic for the show and the time, leaving it to the station to add narration and graphics. However, the biggest effect from the move to Fox Kids was that the cartoons now got promoted before they even aired. Fox Kids kicked off the marketing campaign on August 11th 1999 by advertising a "first look" at the show to air on August 14th during Digimon. This "first look" turned out to be the Evolution Revolution music video. The music video was re-aired the following weekend, both in a shortened version that ran twice and a replay of the original two minute version. Between the spectacle of a music video and the drastic differences in the animation style and character design, the video was quite the transformation revelation.



That kid in the back? Way too excited.
Animation: Cartoon excerpts showing Jetstorm firing at Optimus Primal and Optimus Primal jumping down from somewhere.
Toy segment: Two boys at school fight in the only honorable way — by badly transforming Optimus Primal and Jetstorm.
Older kid: "Three o'clock at the flag pole." Younger kid: "I'll BE there!" Older: "Beast Machines Jetstorm's gonna kick your can!" Younger: "Not if Optimus changes first. Optimus, ready for battle!" Older: "It's over monkey-boy!" Younger: "Your flight's been canceled! Who's next?" New Beast Machines Transformers, the challenge is in the change.


Animation: Cheetor and Rattrap emerging from the light of the Oracle.
Narration: Jess Harnell
Notes: This ad began airing on August 11th, 1999 and continued to air through the following Saturday morning of August 14th, leading up to airing of the Evolution Revolution music video. The linked version of the ad is the one that aired on Saturday morning.
Coming this fall...to Fox Kids...Beast Machines. Don't miss an exclusive first look.

It's a conversion re-version.
Animation: Excerpts from The Reformatting and Master of the House.
Narration: Coming this fall to Fox Kids! at the very end by Jess Harnell
Notes: The full video debuted on August 14th, 1999 and was replayed the following Saturday, August 21st. The shorter version of the video aired during two different breaks earlier that same morning.
It's a transformation revelation! It's Beast Machines!

  • Series premiere promo - 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts from The Reformatting and Master of the House.
Narration: Neil Ross
Notes: This ad first aired on August 28th, 1999. It would continue to be used after the premiere to advertise new episodes.
It's an all new show for a renegade group of Beast Machines. "You can teach an old ape new tricks." Who are now on Cybertron fighting unknown foes. "Welcome to Cybertropolis." With a whole new look... "Thought I had slick cat moves before? Check this out!" and a whole new attitude! "I am transformed!" Transform your Saturday morning when Beast Machines premieres September 18th at ten, only on Fox Kids.
Version Length Link
Premiering Sat. Sept. 18th 10:00am 0:30 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=10m35s
Premiering Sat. Sept. 18th 11:00am 0:30 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=11m09s
Station 0:30 STA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=11m41s
Premiering Sat. Sept. 18th 10:00am 0:20 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=12m11s
Premiering Sat. Sept. 18th 11:00am 0:20 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=12m36s
Station 0:20 STA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=12m55s
Premiering Sat. Sept. 18th 10:00am 0:10 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=13m18s
Premiering Sat. Sept. 18th 11:00am 0:10 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=13m30s
Station 0:10 STA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=13m42s

Animation: Various cartoon excerpts.
Narration: Tom Kane
An ape, a cat, a spider, a rat and a bat. Go wild with Beast Machines. This Saturday morning at 11, only on Fox Kids.

Hey look, they put the Void in the poster!
  • Master the Beast Sweepstakes - 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts of Blackarachnia transforming, Optimus Primal turning his head, Optimus Primal landing in beast mode, Megatron glaring, the Maximals together, Optimus Primal at the Oracle, Cheetor turning his head, Blackarachnia opening her eyes, Optimus Primal transforming, Rattrap in beast mode.
Narration: Unknown
Notes: This was an ad for the Master the Beast sweepstakes contest.
Does changing into Beast Machines sound cool to you? Then enter Fox Kids' "Master the Beast" sweepstakes. If you win, you're off to Vancouver, to check out the 3D animation, and get your face featured on a Beast Machines poster. Plus lots of Beast Machines and Beast Wars toys will be yours. One thousand others will win a Beast Machines action figure. To enter, watch Beast Machines on Fox Kids then write down your favorite character with your name and address and send it to Fox Kids Master the Beast PO Box 4040 Beverly Hills CA, 90213 by October 1st.

  • End of the Line promo - 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts from End of the Line.
Narration: Jonathan David Cook
Notes:: This spot aired several times throughout the morning of End of the Line's initial airing.
"The time has come. The final battle is at hand." This morning, all sides have the key to... "Worldwide armageddon!" "Doomsday." But who will be the first to turn it? "We finish this now Megatron!" Is this truly the end of the line? "End game." Be there for this all new Beast Machines.

Animation: Excerpts of the Optimal/Transmetal 2 and Beast Machines versions of Optimus Primal, Blackarachnia and Megatron from the respective series.
Narration: Edward Glen
Notes: Each characters' Beast Wars Season 3 form is followed by their Beast Machines form accompanied by the narrator describing the changes as though he's narrating a fashion show.
Makeover madness. Here's the old Optimus and here's the new Optimus for a new millennium! Fresh, fun and fabulous! "Of course!" Now Blackarachnia, shown here in Beasties, wanted a bold new look that screamed success. Isn't she stunning? She de-serves it! Everyone's favorite bad guy Megatron, always the egomaniac, went bigger and badder. Puh-lease! Everyone knows not to wear stainless steel after Labor Day! Beast Machines, tonight at seven-thirty. Keep it weeeeeeeeeeeird! On YTV.



Beast Machines Supreme Cheetor Commercial.jpg
Animation: Two excerpts featuring Cheetor transforming.
Narration: None, apart from "New Beast Machines Electronic Cheetor Supreme sold separately" by the Cheetor Kid.
Toy segment: Two kids face off in a gymnasium, surrounded by cheering friends. Megatron Kid makes threats to the other kid, who whips out Supreme Cheetor. Megatron Kid congratulates Cheetor Kid after losing their match.
Notes: The Cheetor toy is oddly referred to, not as a Supreme size Cheetor, but as Cheetor Supreme as though supreme is part of his name.
Older kid: "You up for a challenge?" Younger kid: "Let's do it!" Older: "Evil Megatron's gonna get—" Younger: "Stomped by Cheetor Supreme!" Crowd: "Whoa!" Younger: "He's huge as a cat, and ever bigger as a robot!" Older: "HO-LY—" Younger: "He's the biggest, baddest, Beast Machine ever. And watch this!" Beast Machines! The challenge is in the change! Older: "Nice match, big guy." Younger: "New Beast Machines Electronic Cheetor Supreme. Sold separately."

"Nightscream likes EXTRA ketchup." (Actual dialog)
  • Nightscream and Ultra Jetstorm - 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts of Jetstorm and Nightscream transforming.
Narration: None, apart from "New Beast Machines Electronic Jetstorm and Electronic Nightscream sold separately" by Jetstorm Kid.
Toy segment: Two kids ordering food are informed by the lady behind the counter that there is only one order of fries left, so they decide to fight it out with their Transformers. The "bad" kid grabs Ultra Jetstorm and shows it off for viewers' benefit, while the "good" kid transforms his Ultra Nightscream and shoots Jetty with his disk launcher. Nightscream Kid wins and tells Jetstorm Kid that "Nightscream likes EXTRA ketchup." on his fries. Jetstorm Kid warns him not to push it.
Small kid: "I'll take it." Slightly bigger kid: "No, I'LL take it!" Both: "Challenge!" Beast Machines! Bigger kid: "Jetstorm will strike. Like. Lightning." The challenge is in the change! Smaller kid: "No way! Nightscream's gonna— clip your wings." Bigger kid: "Your day is over Nightscream." Smaller kid: "You're grounded Jetlag!" <kids cheer> Beast Machines! The challenge is in the change! Smaller kid: "Nightscream likes EXTRA ketchup." Bigger kid: "Don't push it. New Beast Machines Electonic Jetstorm and Electronic Nightscream, sold separately."


Animation: Various cartoon excerpts.
Narration: Maurice LaMarche (?) and various local announcers.
Maximize your mornings for an all new season of Beast Machines! "Fantastic!" You'll meet new friends. "My name's Botanica" New enemies. "YESSSSS..." Plus a ton of a new thrills. "Blammo!"

Animation: An excerpt from Endgame Pt. III: Seeds of the Future as normal, then reversed in a loop.
Narration: Edward Glen (as Optimus Primal) in an intentionally doofy voice dub featuring any other voice removed and the original sound effects replaced with more comedic ones.
Notes: A bewildered Optimus Primal finds himself falling and then grabs onto some molding on the side of a building. The molding gives way and he falls down the side of the building. He mistakes the sparks created by his scraping fingernails as something shooting from his fingers. He finally catches another piece of molding as Megatron (in his Optimal Optimus body) strafes him. As he tries to explain that he's not King Kong, the scene reverses itself and he finds himself stuck in some sort of time loop. This ad doesn't mention anything about the series finale from which the animation is taken. In fact, this seems to be just a regular old promo for the show. Assuming this aired before Endgame Pt. II: When Legends Fall, anyone eagle-eyed enough to spot Optimal Optimus' jetmode would've caught a hefty spoiler.
(Falling) "Auuuuuugh, oof. Whoaaaa, oof. Heywhatarethosethingscomingatme—augh. Oh, these things—oh, hey, I'M NOT KING KONG I TOLD YOU I'M OPTIMUS, what the, oh I gotta hide, oh, ho, whatever those things are, augh, these beams gotta be stronger, auuuuuuuuugh, hey, oh no, here they come again, what is going on, I'm in a time warp, get me out of here! Augh. Oh no! These things are, auuuugh!" Beast Machines. Thursday at eight. Keep it weird. On YTV.


BM Battle for the Spark Sweepstakes Commercial.jpg
  • Battle for the Spark Sweepstakes 30 sec
Animation: Various excerpts from Endgame Pt. II.
Notes: This was a commercial for the Battle for the Spark sweepstakes.
"You're not getting these sparks." Beast Machines' Battle for the Spark continues. The challenge is to help them change. Enter the Fox Kids Beast Machines Battle for the Spark Sweepstakes. You and a friend could win lots of Beast Machines toys including a Night Slash Cheetor. Plus all the computer gear you need to maximize the power of your own Beast Machines toys. One thousand others win Beast Machines Rattrap and Optimus Primal toys. To enter, mail a postcard with your name and address by March 24th to Fox Kids Beast Machines P.O. Box 4040 Beverly Hills 90213. Brought to you by Hasbro and Fox Kids.

Robots in Disguise (2001)

Robots In Disguise featured a return to some of the distinctive traits of The Transformers, namely the "More than meets the eye" and "Robots in disguise" taglines and the use of Kidmation. The return to the original tag lines has continued to the present day, at least for the main toylines. The Kidmation involved both of the kids featured in the ad turning to the camera while each holding one of the toys up to it and mouthing along with the "Robots in disguise" lyric of the commercials' theme music. The theme song was unique to the ads, being a completely different song from that of the actual cartoon. Robots in Disguise's toy ads featured a distinctive video effect of letterboxing widescreen format footage of kids playing with toys. At the start of an ad, the top border would be red with text "Transformers" and the lower border would be blue with the words "Robots in Disguise". During the ad the borders would change to a single color (red for the Autobots, blue for the Decepticons) with a faction name at the bottom and character names rotating at the top. The toy segments themselves took place mainly in various indoors locations such as a basement or the upstairs and front lawn of a house. The Trainbots ad, appropriately enough depicts the kids as riding inside of a bullet train. The ads continued the use of "Fast Motion" transformations and added a new disclaimer noting that "actual change times may vary".

The cartoon advertising was very similar to Beast Machines, keeping many of the same tactics such as network versions of ads, shorter 10 second versions of ads and advertising during the end credits of other shows. Robots in Disguise got an advertising campaign for it's premiere episode, much like its predecessor. Unlike its predecessor, it sadly did not receive its own music video.



Neither golden retriever, nor lawn mower, nor white picket fence, nor bright of day, shall stay these kids from the swift completion of their appointed Prime.
  • Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus - 30 sec
Animation: Megatron transforms, and Optimus Prime finds himself surrounded by the Predacons.
Narration: Some dude.
Kidmation: The two kids featured in the ad.
Toy segment: Two kids who live next door to each other grab their respective Autobot Super figures and run into each other at full speed; as soon as they touch, they combine!
Notes: One of the kids had a poster for the 1986 animated movie in his room, and he is reading issue #12 of the original Marvel comic book. The whole commercial feels like an unfinished version that wasn't supposed to be released: the animation is meant to transition to the live-action segment by having screencaps of the action composited onto the comic as "panels" on its pages, but the effects are unfinished and the blank panels pasted onto the prop comic are left visible; the music (hilariously) abruptly stops and starts as the kids shout to one another; Optimus Prime isn't voiced by Neil Kaplan; and the narrator isn't the regular Steve Blum.
  • Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus 30 sec, 15 sec - The "finished" version of the previous wonky commercial, with Kaplan and Blum on vocals, intact music, and the blank panels in the comic book filled in appropriately.
"You can't get away this time Optimus Prime!" "Ultra Magnus, I need your help." Kids: "Ultra Magnus! I'm in trouble!" "I'll be right there!" Transformers! More than meets the eye! Beware Megatron, Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus combine to form the supreme warrior. Kids: "Omega Prime's unstoppable!"

Nope, still not fearsome or impressive.
Animation: CGI Optimus Prime transforms from truck to super-mode; Cartoon excerpts of Megatron (with correct voice) talking, Optimus transforming, and Sky-Byte taking a chunk out of the rear of a moving vehicle.
Narration: Steve Blum
Kidmation: The two kids featured in the ad.
Toy segment: Kids yell the names of the toys while showing them off or transforming them. They do this in what appears to be a poorly lit basement of some sort.
Notes: "Prowl" just does not sound fearsome or impressive no matter how much you growl when you yell it.
Megatron: "Optimus Prime, my Predacons will crush you into scrap metal!" Kid 1: "Sky-Byte, attack!" Optimus Prime: "Take on the Autobots and you'll be the one crushed, Megatron!" Kid 2: "Side-Burn!" Kid 1: "X-Brawn!" Kid 2: "PROWL!" Both: "GO!" Transformers, each sold separately. Actual change time will vary.

"We are VR!"
Animation: Cartoon excerpts - Team Bullet Train finishes forming Rail Racer; Galvatron says "Foolish Autobots! Bring it on!".
Narration: Steve Blum
Kidmation: The two kids featured in the ad.
Toy segment: Two kids play with the bullet trains aboard a subway car.
Notes: The narration names Midnight Express then Rapid Run, but they're shown on screen in the reverse order. Rail Racer, the Autobot combiner, is strangely described as "rampaging".
Transformers Combiners. Link up Team Bullet Train. Midnight Express, Rail Spike and Rapid Run become the rampaging Rail Racer. "Foolish Autobots, bring it on!" And tangle with the ten forms of the evil Galvatron. Transformers, actual change time may vary. Combiners robots are built from multiple figures. All sold separately.

RID 2001 Landfill and Ruination Commercial.jpg
Animation: None.
Narration: Steve Blum
Kidmation: The two kids in the front most desks of the classroom, turning around and holding out Ruination and Landfill to the camera.
Toy segment: A school bell rings at 1:30PM signaling...the end of a period? The beginning? Whatever it is, two kids at the back of the room take this opportunity to each pull out one of Heavy Load and Mega-Octane. After converting each to their torso modes, the two kids hand their robot to the kid in front of them to add the next robot. This continues down the line until the kids in front complete the fully formed combiners and turn to show them to the camera.
Notes: Seriously, what is the ringing bell signaling? It's 1:30PM so it's not the end of the school day. There's no teacher in the clasroom, so it could be the beginning. But the ringing is the kids cue to play, which they wouldn't do during class. Since a teacher is never seen, it could be the start of study hall, but then why wait for the bell? On top of all this, the kids in the background just appear to keep working the whole time like the bell doesn't matter. Argh. The order in which the components for Landfill are added appears to be Heavy Load, Grimlock, Hightower, Wedge. Hightower is assumed to follow Grimlock, since it's not clearly shown but the reverse order wouldn't make sense as two disconnected legs would have to be passed forward. The Ruination order is impossible to determine as Rollbar is initially shown as the first limb connected to Mega-Octane, but a later scene shows him being transformed alongside Ro-Tor before Ro-Tor is added.
Transformers: Combiners. One by one, five Decepticons combine to form the ruthless? Ruination. Four awesome Autobots become the unstoppable Landfill. What begins with one small robot, ends with one mighty machine! Actual change time may vary. Combiner robots formed from multiple figures, all sold separately.


  • Series premiere promo - 30 sec
Animation: Various cartoon excerpts.
Narration: Koji Onishi (Jason Spisak), Optimus Prime (Neil Kaplan) and various other Autobots as a group, "ONLY on Fox Kids".
Koji: Strap in, because this ride's about to... "Transform." "Transform!" Transform! Shift it, make it, turn it, twist it! Koji: Predacons, you've messed with the wrong planet! Shape it, size it, live it, we got it! Koji: Autobots, Megatron's arrived on Earth "Coming." "Hahahaha..." "Optimus, battle mode NOW!" Fight it, take it, strike it, we stopped it! Koji: All right! "Let's do IT again!" Don't miss the premiere of Transformers: Robots In Disguise, Saturday morning, September 8th. ONLY on Fox Kids.

  • Series premiere promo #2 - 20 sec
Animation: Excerpts from Battle Protocol!
Narration: ONLY on Fox Kids
They came to destroy earth. NOW, the only ones strong enough to take them on, "Autobots, emergency!" are hiding right, under, your...HOOD! "Transform, NOW!" Don't miss the premiere of Transformers: Robots In Disguise, Saturday morning, September 8th. ONLY on Fox Kids.

  • Shift, Shape, & Save - 30 sec
Animation: Various cartoon excerpts.
Narration: Koji Onishi (Jason Spisak), Optimus Prime (Neil Kaplan), various other Autobots as a group, and John Garry.
Notes: While this ad is named "Shift, Shape & Save", the ad's narration says "Shift, Shape, and Strike". This commercial was aired in various lengths with various end tags. Version names below are confirmed, except where noted.
Hey, wanna lift? Because where we're going, these Autobots watch your back to protect you— "Now!" Whoaaa! —from the Predacons using three ultra mega moves! "Shift, shape, and strike!" "Here, lemme give you a hand." "Let's get out of here!" Alright, now that's what I call mass transit! Transformers: Robots In Disguise. All new, this Saturday morning at eight Eastern, seven Central and Pacific. ONLY on Fox Kids.
Version Length Link
All New Saturday 8E/7C&P 0:30 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=1m35s
Mon-Fri Afternoons & Saturday Mornings 0:30 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=2m09s
Station 0:30 STA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=2m41s
All New Saturday 8E/7C&P 0:20 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=3m14s
Mon-Fri Afternoons & Saturday Mornings 0:20 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=3m36s
Station 0:20 STA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=4m00s
Coming Up (unconfirmed) 0:20 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN4yssbZv5A
All New Saturday 8E/7C&P 0:10 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=4m23s
Mon-Fri Afternoons & Saturday Mornings 0:10 NET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=4m35s
Station 0:10 STA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qIkfT81hOA&t=4m49s
Coming Up (unconfirmed)</td><td>0:10 NET</td><td>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWnayVCMUC0

Animation: Excerpts of Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Scourge, Galvatron and the Commandos.
Narration: Koji Onishi (Jason Spisak).
Sit down, hold on and hush up, because in the battle for Earth, you're either gonna lead, follow, or get out of the way! "Tremble with fear, I AM GALVATRON!" "You're goin' down, down, down, down." "Transform!" Catch an all-new episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise, next Saturday morning only on Fox Kids!

Animation: Many of the same excerpts used in "Shift, Shape, & Save".
Narration: Don LaFontaine
This summer, Fox Kids will transform your TV into a blockbuster action machine. Transformers. Today after Digimon, on Fox Kids.

Animation: Many of the same excerpts used in "Shift, Shape, & Save" along with excerpts of Fortress Maximus and "Super" Side Burn.
Narration: Alternating unknown male and female announcers.
[Weight:] Male: "Fifteen tons." Female:"All muscle." [A.I.:] "Artificial intelligence." "It's real." [Engine:] "One hundred thousand horse power." "Real dominance." [Fuel:] "The Matrix powers." "High octane." [Speed:] "From zero to action." "In a flash." [Mission:] "To save Earth." "No surrender."


Go-Bots was not a large campaign for Hasbro with only two known ads. But it's notable nonetheless, because the rap is back! And this time without the tortured rhymes. The spots and their animation would be overseen by J.J. Sedelmaier and his company, J.J. Sedelmaier Productions.


Now if the guy had found a way to turn the "each sold separately" disclaimer into a rap too...
Animation: Cartoon excerpt of Aero-Bot transforming while Beast-Bot and Speed-Bot look on.
Narration: Rap Guy
Toy segment: The toys turn around on invisible turntables and transform.
{Sent to Earth from a world far away, Trans-for-mers Go-Bots can save day! Go Go Go Bots. Transformers: Go-Bots. A robot is what you see but that's not all that it can be. Aero-Bot, Beast-Bot, and Speed-Bot go! They only change, when you say so! Go Go Go Bots. When danger strikes, they rearrange. One, two, three, got the power to change! Go Go Go Bots. Transformers: Go-Bots.} Playskool plays cool. Transformers: Go-Bots located in the Playskool aisle. Sold separately.


Animation: Hauler-Bot departs a distant planet, then lands on Earth.
Narration: Rap Guy
Toy segment: Two boys playing with the Hauler-Bot components in front of green-screened techno-ish backgrounds of varying colors.
Notes: Yes, the race car Go-Bot being loaded into Hauler-Bot is in fact named Aero-Bot. We don't get it either.
{Sent to Earth from a world far away, Hauler-Bot Go-Bot saves the day! Go Go Go Bots. GoGoGo Go-Bots! Hauler-Bot is what you see, you can change him into three. Go Go Go Bots.} "Robot mode activated!" {Pteradactyl, turtle, robot go! They rearrange when you say so! Hauler-Bot's in trucking mode. Load Aero-Bot and hit the road. Go Go Go Bots.} Playskool plays cool. Hauler-Bot and other Go-Bots figures each sold separately. Located in the Playskool aisle.



Transformers: Armada carried through some of the Robots In Disguise advertising elements, using the red and blue borders (albeit thinner and without the character names) for the first years' ads and using a very similar theme song. In contrast to it's predecessor, it shifted away somewhat from having the kids and animation clips provide most of the narration. The majority of the ads have a formal narrator providing story context for the battle being waged by the children.


But when I looked behind me, I only saw... uh... nine sets of footprints?
Animation: From a sand background, CGI Sonar emerges from a Mini-Con storage panel. Sped-up cartoon footage of Megatron transforming.
Narration: Even Keel
Toy segment: Kids play with the toys in a sandy environment with a sunset background. Woo woo woo woo. "Swindle. Starscream. Missiles away. Powerlink Mini-Cons for maximum firepower!"
Kidmation: Terrifyingly large-mouthed kids hold the toys and mouth "robots in disguise" while the camera bobs drunkenly.
Newww Transformers: Armada. With Powerlinking Mini-Con warriors! Unite them with Transformers: Armada figures to unlock hidden features. Kid 1: "Longhorn, Powerlink to Red Alert!" Unlock new weapons, new attacks... Kid 2: "Swindle, Starscream, missiles away! Powerlink Mini-Cons for maximum firepower!" New battles in the fight between good and evil. Newww Transformers: Armada. Each sold separately, actual change time will vary.

Animation: From a watery background, CGI Grindor emerges from a storage panel. Cartoon excerpt: Optimus Prime stock footage.
Narration: Even Keel
Toy segment: Kids play with the toys in a sand-laden diorama environment. That can't be good for Prime's electronic innards.
Kidmation: The large-mouthed kids again, with different toys.
Newww Transformers: Armada. Join Optimus Prime and Megatron in the battle for the Mini-Cons. Kid 1: "Megatron, prepare for attack!" But Optimus Prime prevails in three modes: vehicle, base and super robot. YOU convert the truck cab, the trailer unfolds into a Mini-Con base station. Then convert again to build SUPER Optimus Prime. Kid 2: "Back off, Megatron!" Newww Transformers: Armada. Each sold separately, actual change time will vary.

Walky's dream job.
Narration: Even Keel
Animation: From an ice background, CGI Jolt emerges from a storage panel. Cartoon excerpts: Hot Shot stock footage; Demolishor and Cyclonus running and firing.
Toy segment: Kids play with the toys in a snowy diorama environment.
Kidmation: The large-mouthed kids yet again, with different toys.
Newww Transformers: Armada. With Powerlinking Mini-Con warriors that unlock newww attacks and weapons. Kid 1: "Laserbeak reporting, Decepticons in range!" Convert Hot Shot, then Powerlink with Jolt to fire missiles. Kid 1: "Now let 'em have it!" Kid 2: "Demolishor, Blackout counterattack!" The Mini-Con battle continues in a Transformer fight to the finish. Newww Transformers: Armada. Each sold separately, actual change time will vary.


Animation: Various excerpts from the first three episodes of Armada.
Narration: Peter Cullen
Notes: Armada's first three episodes were combined into a mini-movie for its premiere on Toonami. This ad was kind of a big deal to fans as it was the first time Peter Cullen had done any work related to Transformers in thirteen years, dating back to the Action Master ads. There's a bit of cognative dissonance between the narration describing the Autobots as "peaceful defenders" and the clip following being of Prime unleashing an attack.
For centuries untold, the Transformers have waged war across the universe. "Move out!" On one side, Autobots. Peaceful defenders of Cybertron. "Maximum blast!" The other, Decepticons. Destructive scourge of the galaxies. "You have no way to stop us." The prize? Mini-Cons. An ancient race of power enhancing Transformers. Inadvertently, two teens have activated a signal, bringing the chaos of this war to planet Earth. "You have something of mine." Whoever can possess the Mini-Cons will command their great power. Now, every Transformer in the universe will fight to claim them. Or die trying. "Give it up Megatron!" Transformers: Armada. Friday at four. MUCH MORE than meets the eye! "It's time to turn it up!" Only Toonami.

  • Five days a week promo 30 sec
Animation: Various excerpts from the first three episodes of Armada.
Narration: Peter Cullen
The age old battle between Autobots and Decepticons has shifted to Earth. "You have no way to stop us." Whoever can possess the Mini-Cons will command their great power. Now, every Transformer in the universe will fight to claim them. Or die trying. Now five days a week. Transformers: Armada. Starting next Monday at 5:30. Much more than meets the eye. "It's time to turn it up!" Only Toonami.

Animation: Various cartoon excerpts, plus a brief CGI scene of TOM 2.0.
Narration: None, just the sound bytes from the various cartoon excerpts and the text "Transformers: Armada" at the end.
"Time to settle this once and for all, Megatron!" "I intend to crush you!" "Move out!" "Alright!" "Transform!" "Let the games begin!" "There's no stopping us." "Transform!" "Transform!" "It is our destiny to take control of the Mini-Cons and bring the Autobots to their knees!" [Transformers Armada]

Animation: Various cartoon excerpts, plus a brief CGI scene of TOM 2.0.
Narration: TOM 2.0 (Steve Blum)
Notes: The phrase uttered by TOM at the end of the ad, "klaatu barada nikto" is a reference to the 1951 sci film The Day the Earth Stood Still. It appears this is meant to indicate that the marathon is an event so momentous it will make the Earth stand still. That or TOM is Earth's greatest hero.
"Transform!" "—form!" "Transform!" "Time to bring out the heavy artillery." Everyone loves transforming robots... "Yes, now you're talking." "Transform!" but sometimes twenty-two minutes isn't enough. "Transform now!" We're here for ya. "Nice." Toonami's giving you a Transformers marathon. "Give it to me right now." Four hours of Autobots versus Decepticons. "Right now Megatron!" Transformers: Armada. Sunday, December 8th, one to four. Klaatu barada nikto.



The Decepticon menace.
  • Galvatron, Scavenger, Jetfire, Optimus Prime 30 sec, 15 sec
Animation: Cartoon stock footage of Optimus Prime Powerlinxing with Jetfire.
Narration: Even Keel
Toy segment: In what looks like a Santiago Calatrava building, Scavenger takes on Galvatron; Jetfire and Prime combine to counterattack.
Kidmation: Two kids stand with their toys, back-to-back as if to make a final stand, while mouthing along with "robots in disguise!"
Transformers: Armada. The Autobots and Decepticons in action again, in the battle for ultimate control. Kid 1: "Jetfire reporting, Scavenger's in trouble!" Kid 2: "Good try Scavenger but not good enough." You can combine Jetfire with Optimus Prime for maximum firepower to take on the Decepticon menace. Kid 1: "Pick on someone your own size!" Transformers: Armada. Each sold separately, actual change time will vary. Batteries not included.

Narration: Even Keel
Toy segment: Kids play with the toys in some kind of modernist corporate office setting.
Kidmation: Back-to-back for the final stand again, this time against the corporate office's windows.
Notes: This commercial revealed Sideways to be a traitor long before the TV series did, spoiling the surprise for many fans.
Another battle for ultimate control! Kid 1: "Blurr attacks!" And Sideways betrays. Can Sideswipe save the day? Kid 2: "Blast him!" Each sold separately, actual change time will vary.

Animation: Cartoon stock footage of Optimus Prime combined with Overload and Megatron combining with Tidal Wave.
Narration: Even Keel
Toy segment: Kids play with the toys near a public water fountain.
Transformers: Armada. "Back off Autobot fools!" "It's over Galvatron!" "Not quite, Tidal Wave report! Ready for combination!" "Prepare for our combined wave of punishment!" "Whoa look out. Optimus, Overload, combine!" "Why don't you just wave goodbye?" Transformers. Each sold separately, batteries not included, actual change time will vary.

Johnny didn't do so well on his science project this year.
Animation: Excerpt from The Transformers: The Movie of Unicron slamming his hand down on Cybertron's surface, accompanied by a newly recorded voice-over proclaiming "The universe is mine!". Also has an excerpt of Optimus Prime stock footage with Optimus telling Unicron to "fight someone your own size."
Narration: Even Keel
Toy segment: A kid plays with the toys, first in front of a projected space background, then in something resembling an empty warehouse.
Notes: The thirty second version of the ad features both Unicron and Powerlinx Optimus Prime along with a number of Mini-Cons in the end shot but the 15 second ad has an alternate end shot that omits Powerlinx Prime and just has the Mini-Cons fanned around Unicron.
He devours entire worlds, his name is Unicron and he's headed for Earth. "Fight someone your own size Unicron." "Obviously, Optimus Prime, that would not be you!" Will he crush the Transformers in his evil grip? Or just blast them into oblivion? "The universe is mine!" Transformers. Each sold separately, batteries not included, actual change time will vary.

Animation: Cartoon excerpt of Optimus Prime pointing down a tunnel and then turning his head while commanding the Autobots to find the Mini-Cons.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Two kids playing with the building sets on the wood floor of what appears to be a basement.
Notes: The ad stresses that every set comes with real projectile launchers. The narration almost exclusively refers to Built to Rule! by it's BTR abbreviation, mentioning the full name only as a tag line.
B. T. R. Built to Rule! Introducing new BTR building sets, where you can create and construct your own Transformers vehicles. Optimus Prime: "Autobots, let's find those Mini-Cons!" Kid: "Jetfire, Decepticons up ahead!" BTR is the only building set that lets you build and convert your favorite Transformers vehicles into robots when the action heats up! Kid: "It's over Megatron!" And battle Autobots against Decepticons with real projectile launchers in every set. B. T. R. Built to Rule! You can find BTR in the construction aisle. Actual build time will vary. Each sold separately.


Narration: Unknown.
Notes: The ad opens with a McDonald's restaurant transforming into a robot. It continues with two kids playing with the toys on what looks to be a dining room table in an open concept living space. They leave their fries and drinks untouched.
McDonald's is taking on a whole new look, with the new Transformers: Armada Happy Meals. Eight Transformers robots, disguised as ordinary vehicles, loaded with hidden features. Where can you find one of these tricked-out toys? Only in a McDonald's Happy Meal.


Narration: Unknown.
Notes: The ad is composed of game footage with a rock soundtrack. Soundtrack is "Wishbone" by the band Dropbox, who are actually shown rocking out between excerpts of game footage.
Starscream: "There's no escape." The ultimate conflict begins. Transformers for the Playstation 2 console. Rated T for Teen.

  • PlayStation 2 Armada game trailer 1 2:04
Narration: No vocal narration, just some text.
Notes: Idyllic scenes of nature on earth are followed by scenes of the Decepticon army mobilizing with an epic choral tune playing the background. The mood shifts as scenes of the Autobots taking action are accompanied by a rock version of the Generation 1 theme. The "Transformers, robots in disguise" clip used in the rock rendition of the theme seems to be taken from the original G1 Season 1 theme song. This trailer is composed mostly of actual gameplay footage with a smattering of cut scene footage thrown in.
[Earth is not going to war.] [War is coming to Earth.] [War starts May 2004]

  • PlayStation 2 Armada game trailer 2 1:21
Notes: Scenes of nature are followed by the Decepticons' arrival and subsequent battles with the Autobots.
[The ultimate conflict begins.]

  • PlayStation 2 Armada game trailer 3 2:04
Notes: A Decepticon army is shown attacking on Cybertron. Megatron's fist defiantly raises up through an Autobot sigil. As missiles fly by, Hot Shot and Red Alert jump down from a high door. They land and look up to see Megatron and Optimus Prime engaging in a hand to hand battle. Megatron gets the upperhand, picks up Prime by his head and utters a famous line about eternity. He then looks over to see Hot Shot and Red Alert now looking down over a Cybertronian freeway as battles rage on. Apparently, the Megatron/Prime battle was somehow not interesting enough. Megatron resumes his beating, whipping Prime into a wall. He then grabs Prime by the head again and thrusts him back into the wall. He continues reprising the famous conversation, declaring that "It's over, Prime.". Suddenly, a Mini-Con energy wave beams down between the two leaders, drawing Megatron's attention. It shows visions of the Mini-Cons landing on Earth. Megatron gives a command to the Decepticons (in general) to trace the wave's origin. Prime tells the Autobots that they must stop Megatron.
[Planet CYBERTRON] [NOW] Megatron: "I would've waited an eternity for this. It's over, Prime. The Mini-Cons...Decepticons trace the energy wave to it's origin." Optimus Prime: "Autobots, we must stop Megatron. Roll out!"


Transformers: Energon may have some of the least thematically consistent toy segments of any series' commercials. All of the ads feature kids playing with the toys on a nondescript table tops. Earlier ads featured the kids playing on tables in industrial office looking spaces, while the later ads opted for a white table with alternating colored backdrops, red for Autobots and purple for Decepticons. Most of the ads uses the toy footage in a straightforward manner but the Deluxe Autobots ad uses rotoscoping to drop the video clips into the frame. The Air Team ad is an even further departure, dropping the kids altogether and just showing the toys against a weird gradient backdrop with the frame fitted into a weird CGI metallic honeycomb design. In general, the use of cartoon excerpts was toned down. This is possibly due to the cartoon animation's very undynamic motion being unsuitable for trying to make the toys look exciting or interesting. Energon featured the cartoon theme as the commercial music (itself recycled from the Robots in Disguise commercials from a few years prior), the first time since Beast Wars that any part of the cartoon theme was incorporated into the commercial.



Energon Unicron? Where you been!?
Narration: Even Keel, with the cartoon's theme music.
Toy segment: Kids playing with the toys on tabletop in what looks like a basement or maybe a warehouse.
Notes: Energon Unicron appears in the static shot of the toys at the end, as well as in the background of some of the other toy scenes. This suggests that the full thirty second version of the ad would feature Energon Unicron in a more prominent way.
Transformers: Energon. Kid 1: "Earth's energon is mine!" Kid 2: "Not so fast Scorponok! Optimus! Powerlinx! Here's your energon!" Kid 1: "I'll be back Optimus Prime!" Transformers:Energon. Eachsoldseparatelybatteriesnotincludedactualchangetimewillvary.

Animation: Cartoon excerpt of Shockblast turning around after transforming.
Narration: Even Keel, with the cartoon's theme music.
Toy segment: Kids play with the toys on a tabletop.
Kidmation: Split screen of the two kids striking a pose and holding up their toys to the camera while mouthing along with "Robots In Disguise".
Autobots vs Decepticons. Transformers: Energon. Shockblast is on the hunt for power. Kid 1: "We're taking this planet's Energon!" Only Jetfire and Energon Ironhide stand in his way. Kid 2: "Powerlinx and prepare for attack! Hyper power blast!" Kid 1: "That's not enough power to stop Optimus Prime." Transformers: Energon. Eachsoldseparatelybatteriesnotincludedactualchangetimewillvary.

Narration: Even Keel.
Toy segment: Various kids on viewscreens are rotoscoped into the frame like members of some sinister corporation's executive board.
Kidmation: The three kids drop separately into the rotoscope and mouth along to the song while holding up Hot Shot powerlinxed with Rodimus, Starscream and Inferno powerlinxed with Prowl.
Notes: When the kids list off the deluxe Autobots, one of them yells Prowl. It's still not intimidating.
Transformers: Energon. Decepticons attack with Hyper Power. Kid 1: "It's Starscream and the Terrorcons." Kid 2: "Going somewhere Autobots?" But the Autobot combiners fight back. Kid 1: "Autobots Powerlinx!" Create your own Powerlinx combinations with... Kid 1: "Rodimus!" Kid 2: "Inferno!" Kid 3: "Hotshot!" Kid 1: "Prowl!" Transformers: Energon. Each sold separately, actual change time will vary.

Oddly better quality than the show.
Animation: Cartoon excerpt: Omega Supreme spins around in space.
Narration: Even Keel
Toy segment: Two kids play with the toys on a tabletop. The background color coordinates with the faction of the toy being shown, with the appropriate insignia being used when each color initially appears.
Kidmation: Two serious-faced kids on a split screen hold up Omega and Megatron, while mouthing along with the hard rock theme song.
Autobots vs Decepticons. Transformers: Energon. The Autobots' largest robot has arrived on Earth. Omega Supreme. A Transformers of such awesome size and power, no Decepticon can stop him. Not even Megatron. Kid 1: "Your weapons are useless against Prince of Space him!" Kid 2: "End of the line Megatron." Transformers: Energon. Actual change time will vary.


Animation: Various cartoon excerpts and a brief CGI scene featuring TOM 3.0.
Narration: TOM 3.0 (Steve Blum)
Every Friday at five, Toonami's got a little something special. Next Friday, "Must have Energon!" the battle to control the Earth's supply of Energon is raging so hard (phrasing!), we're giving Optimus and the gang some extra airtime. "Now they're in trouble!" Check out four all new episodes of Transformers: Energon from five to seven. He who controls the energon, controls the universe. "That's our cue boys!"
Why you're gonna wreck my holiday?
  • Thanksgiving Day marathon 30 sec
Animation: Various cartoon excerpts.
Narration: Unknown.
This Thanksgiving, all the world, will tremble. As the battle between good and evil escalates to galactic proportions. "Do it now!" Cartoon Network presents: a six hour marathon of Transformers: Energon. And be sure to watch the two world premiere episodes. "Whoa, that's incredible." Transformers: Energon. Thanksgiving Day from nine to three. Only on Cartoon Network.

  • Transformers: Energon on Miguzi 30 sec
Narration: Unknown.
"Move out!" "Yes sir!" Your favorite Transformers are battling it out for the universe. "It's just like old times, isn't it?" Log on to CartoonNetwork.com forward slash Transformers to check brand new episodes, download new episodes online now and watch Transformers: Energon on Miguzi starting October fourth at six. "That's our cue boys!" Apply online, watch on Miguzi.


Animation: Excerpts from Transformers: Energon.
Narration: Jim Cummings
Notes: Promotes the videos "The Battle for Energon" and "The Return of Megatron".
Hasbro and Paramount Home Entertainment present Transformers: Energon on DVD and VHS for the first time ever. In a world that is constantly evolving, change means power and power means everything. "Optimus Prime, super mode!" Especially on the planet Earth where a vital source of strength, energon, can be found. "The most powerful energy in the universe, Energon. It is in abundance on Earth." Now, the Decepticons need it to get stronger... "We'll need a lot more Energon. Bring us more, bring us more!" The Autobots need it to survive... "Protect the energon line at all costs." And when the eternal struggle continues, the countdown to extinction begins...Now Hasbro's Transformers: Energon is on DVD and VHS, with special bonus features only you can control. Transformers: Energon, available now on DVD and VHS. Look for more Transformers adventures coming soon. Transformers, more than meets the eye!


Animation: Cartoon excerpts: Optimus Prime forms his super mode; The Air Team forms Superion Maximus, then attacks Constructicon Maximus and Bruticus Maximus.
Narration: Dramatic Guy (30 second version), Fast guy (20 second version)
Toy segment: Various shots of the toys in their robot modes.
Notes: This commercial appears to represent an alternate continuity. Optimus Prime is implied to have created either combiners in general or just the Air Team in particular. The twenty second version of the ad features a different narrator with a slightly different spiel that doesn't mention Optimus creating the combiners/Air Team.
Transformers, robots in disguise, they're more than meets the eye! Optimus Prime. Autobot leader and protector of universal freedom. In the heat of the Powerlinx Battles, he creates a new way to fight in the quest for energon. Enter the Air Team. An elite group of five Autobot heroes. Using the power of combination, they create the ultimate robot to fight the Decepticon threat. Transformers: Energon. You can join the Powerlinx Battles. Available now. Each sold separately. Batteries not included.


Hasbro seemingly cut back on advertising quantity for Transformers: Cybertron with only two known full 30 second ads produced and three fifteen second ads, two of which were created by trimming down the thirty second Optimus Prime, Megatron and Starscream ads into different cuts. One was merely a shorter version of the full ad, while the other focused solely on Starscream. Quality however, was up with the use of a live action story segment in the first ad and a return to using dioramas to highlight the toys in the second ad. Cartoon Network's advertising, which had featured Peter Cullen mostly by coincidence since he was one of the main Toonami narrators, leaned into that synergy for it's ads in 2007. Presumably to help highlight and/or capitalize on his official return to the brand in that year's blockbuster film, Cullen's narration would begin to consistently end with him reprising Optimus Prime's famous "Roll out!" command.



And you thought Sari's AllSpark Key was impressive.
Narration: Dramatic Guy
Live-action segment: A kid runs down a laser-lit passageway with a frisbee-sized Cyber Planet Key, which he uses to unlock a giant door, which opens to reveal a giant CG Cybertron Optimus Prime!
Toy segment: Two kids playing with the toys in a very strange empty room with a shiny floor, red, blue and yellow lights shining from slighty above floor level on one end and apparently a single white light on the other end so you can see the toys. Optimus Prime uses his Cyber Key Power to take down Megatron, but the giant Starscream has his own Cyber Key!
The key to a new Transformers world is in your hands! Transformers: Cybertron! NEW! Cyber Planet keys unlock hidden powers! Optimus Prime launches an attack to battle the evil Megatron, but the giant Starscream has his own Cyber Planet Key and won't go down without a fight! Unlock the power. Transformers: Cybertron. Sold separately, batteries not included, you can go to Transformers.com! Ask your parents first.
  • Starscream 15 sec - Edited down from the previous commercial, with new narration focusing solely on Starscream.


Animation: Various cartoon excerpts and a CGI scene of a Clyde explorer robot spray painting the Cybertron logo and airtime on a wall.
Narration: TOM 3.0 (Steve Blum)
The destruction of Unicron has created a black hole, which threatens to swallow the planet. "Let's go!" Now the Autobots' only hope, is to find the ancient planet keys. "Prepare for battle!" But as usual the Decepticons aren't playing along. "Beat it, Megatron!" "Oh really?" Transformers: Cybertron. New episodes Saturdays at seven. Unlock the power. "Gotcha!" Only Toonami.

  • Cybertron on the Kids' WB Aftertoons Show 10 sec
Animation: Various cartoon excerpts, the Kids' WB rendering of the Warner Brothers' studio lot.
Narration: Mr. Action
Re-energize your weekdays with Transformers: Cybertron. All new Monday through Friday at four thirty. On the Kids' WB Aftertoons Show.



Somehow more exciting than the TV show.
Animation: Transformers: Cybertron logo flips to Autobot sigil which flips to Decepticon sigil.
Narration: Dramatic Guy
Toy segment: A whole little plot plays out in an impressive-looking diorama environment. Dark Crumplezone steals a silver-bordered Earth Cyber Key! He transforms into vehicle mode, uses the Cyber Key Power and races off with the heroic Autobots Downshift and Evac in hot pursuit! Oh noes! Crumplezone shoves Downshift off the cliff-edge road they are racing on. Downshift is transformed and grabs Evac's rescue rope, then blasts Crumplezone into oblivion. The Key is saved!
Notes: Oddly, and in contrast to previous commercials, Paul Oakenfold's Cybertron theme song is not used. Instead, they appear to have reverted to the music used for the Transformers: Armada commercials. This is the first Transformers commercial to feature a diorama since the Beast Wars Transmetals commercials. An alternate 30 second version of this ad dedicates the last 10 to advertising the Get Your Key To Cybertron sweepstakes without actually naming the contest. For that matter, it provided few other details besides saying to go to Transformers.com.
Transformers: More than meets the eye! An evil Decepticon steals a powerful Cyber Key and changes modes to make his escape! And the heroic Autobots, Downshift and Evac, are in hot pursuit! But when the battle swerves out of control, only Transformers can change defeat into victory!. Each sold separately, actual change time will vary. Ask your parents to take you to Transformers.com!

  • Excellion, Wing Saber, Cannonball & Sky Shadow 15 sec
Animation: Brief snippet of CGI Cybertron turning with a Transformers: Cybertron logo on it.
Narration: Dramatic Guy
Toy segment: Another little plot plays out, this time in a well done military airport diorama. Excellion is chased down a tarmac by Cannonball and Sky Shadow while time is running out...for something. However Wing Saber is right behind them and shoots down Sky Shadow with his electronics, causing him to crash into a mound of dirt off to the side. Wing Saber then transforms and lands in front of Cannonball and Excellion, kicking the former away.
Notes: Once again the Armada commercial music is used. This ad is the first (and so far only known) one to use the Primus Unleashed subline imprint.
Transformers! Excellion's one the run from a Decepticon double team and time's running out. But the Autobot Wing Saber has a new flight plan. To change defeat, into victory! Transformers: Cybertron. Each sold separately.Batteries not included.Actual change time will vary.



Animation: Various cartoon excerpts.
Narration: Peter Cullen
All set to transform this summer? "Bring it on!" Well Toonami's got just the thing for you! "Brace yourselves!" Next Saturday at seven, we're giving you four back to back episodes of Transformers: Cybertron. "You still won't defeat me." "Try me." All you have to do, is sit there on your couch. It's the Transformers marathon. Next Saturday night from seven to nine. Roll out! "Right!" Only Toonami. On Cartoon Network.

  • Sneak peek after the Cybertron marathon 30 sec
Animation: Various Cybertron excerpts.
Narration: Peter Cullen for the Cartoon Network section, unknown narrator for the movie disclaimer.
Notes: This spot promoted a sneak preview of Transformers that aired after a Saturday marathon of Transformers: Cybertron. Features several scenes from the movie, all of which were frequently used in promo spots.
Can't wait to transform this summer? "Bring it on!" Well, Toonami's hooking you up VIP style. "That's a good thing right?" This Saturday night, we're showing you a bright and shiny sneak peak at the new Transformers movie, after the Transformers: Cybertron marathon. How's nineish for you? Let's roll out! Only Toonami. On Cartoon Network. Brought to you by Transformers. Rated PG-13. In theaters July 3rd.

Star Wars Transformers

Now the space wizards are robots, too!

Star Wars Transformers advertising leaned heavily into the Star Wars themeing, using the same style as the regular Star Wars toyline ads of the time.


  • Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi 15 sec
Narration: 2006-2007 Guy.
Toy segment: Two kids, one pseudo-dressed as a Sith Lord in a black hoodie and the other as a Jedi Knight in a beige polo and brown hoodie, play with Darth Vader and Obi-Wan respectively.
Notes: Features excerpts of Darth Vader from Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
"I have you now!" NEW! Star Wars Transformers. Mech mode or vehicle mode. The battle for the universe rages on! "Most impressive." Star Wars Transformers. Each sold separately. Actual change time will vary.

Time to pull the wishbone!
  • Millennium Falcon and Slave I 30 sec
Narration: 2006-2007 Guy.
Toy segment: Two unseen individuals demonstrate the play features of the Millennium Falcon and Slave I in front of a "Death Star interior" background.
Notes: Features excerpts of Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon from Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
Star Wars Transformers. The Slave-1 and the Millennium Falcon locked in combat. Suddenly the Slave I unleashes it's secret weapon, changing into the deviously destructive Boba Fett mech. "Oh yeah, watch this!" But the Millennium Falcon has a surprise of it's own, doubling it's power by changing into the heroic Han Solo and Chewbacca mechs. "Great shot kid, that was one in a million!" Star Wars Transformers. Millennium Falcon and Slave I sold separately.


SWTF Death Star Commercial.jpg
Narration: 2006-2007 Guy.
Toy segment: An unseen individual demonstrates the toy's features in front of a space background.
Notes: Features an excerpt of the Death Star destroying Alderaan from Episode IV: A New Hope.
Star Wars Transformers. The Death Star has the firepower to destroy entire planets. And now another top secret weapon you've never seen before. The Star Wars Darth Vader Death Star, with a light up super laser. But this Death Star has Transformers technology, changing into the massive Darth Vader mech. "Join me on the dark side." Now you can control the most devastating power in the galaxy. Star Wars Transformers Darth Vader Death Star. Actual change time will vary.


A short lived tie-in with short commercials. No full 30 second ad has surfaced so far, only two slightly different versions of a fifteen second ad.


I don't know. I think Prime could take him.
  • Attacktix Intergalactic Showdown 15 sec
Narration: 2006-2007 Guy
Toy segment: Group of kids battle with Star Wars and Transformers Attacktix figures upon a table top.
"Optimus Prime beat Darth Vader? No. Way." Find out with Attacktix. New Transformers clash with Star Wars. You can pick your squad, pick your moves, and launch your attack in an intergalactic showdown. Who will be the last one standing? Attacktix battle figure game. Booster packs sold separately.
  • Attacktix Intergalactic Showdown 15 sec - Same as the previous commercial but with different toy footage, after the Cybertron Megatron/Darth Vader split screen, featuring Boba Fett, AT-RT and Omega Sentinel. Also has slightly different narration with "in an intergalactic showdown" replaced by the kids arguing "Star Wars!" "Transformers!".

Transformers (2007)

Fitting for a blockbuster movie event, Transformers had an advertising campaign bigger than any other Transformers had gotten before.


Transformers Animated continued the new diorama trend started by the Cybertron Dark Crumplezone ad, using city scape dioramas for all it's ads. It also continued the trend from Energon and Cybertron of using the cartoon theme song in the ads. Animation continued to be reduced, with only the first ad using anything beyond a clip of the logo from the cartoon intro.



"Here I come to save the day!"
  • Transform and Roll Out premiere 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts from Transform and Roll Out.
Narration: Peter Cullen
Bumblebee. Optimus Prime. "Roll out!" Megatron. And more... "Wanna see action kid?" ...like you've never seen them before! "We aren't programmed for this kind of action!" "Consider this an upgrade." The Transformers are getting a fresh start and we're kicking off the animated series with the premiere of the hour and half Transformers: Animated special. The day after Christmas at eight PM. They're more than meets the eye! Only on Cartoon Network.

Animation: Excerpts from Transform and Roll Out, The Thrill of the Hunt, and Along Came a Spider.
Narration: Peter Cullen
The Transformers are getting their own brand new series. "Whoa!" Check out Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Megatron and more in all new stories. "Optimus, look out!" All new action! "Evasive manuevers!" All new Transformers. "Not bad huh?" Transformers, the animated series, starting Saturday, January 5th at ten-thirty AM. They're more than meets the eye. "And I'm just getting warmed up!" Only on Cartoon Network.



Bulkhead isn't small! He's just faaaar away.
Animation: The logo screen from the cartoon intro and a cartoon excerpt of life in Detroit followed by Starscream swooping down and firing.
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: Inside a city diorama, the evil Starscream prepares to attack. He has the help of evil Decepticons Blackarachnia and... Lockdown? Luckily, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Prowl, and Bulkhead are there to save the day. Notice how Bulkhead is SHORTER than 'Bee.
Notes: Has an end tag advertising the 'Battle Begins' Optimus Prime/Megatron two-pack.
New Transformers Animated. In the future, humans and robots live in peace, but the Decepticons have come to destroy it all. Can anyone stop the sinister Starscream? Luckily, the city has new protectors. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and the Autobots. They team up to take down the Decepticons and save the city. Transformers Animated. Each sold separately, actual change time will vary. Now you can see where it all started with the Optimus Prime/Megatron DVD and figure pack.

Animation: The logo screen from the cartoon intro.
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: Optimus Prime races through a city diorama to meet Megatron and show off his "amazing auto-spin technology!" gimmick.
Note: An alternate 15 second version only features Rollout Command Optimus Prime. An alternate 20 second version of the commercial features Leader Class Bulkhead. And when Megatron attacks, Bulkhead is there for Autobot backup.
Transformers Animated! Guarding the city is a twenty-four hour job for Optimus Prime, because the Decepticons can strike at any time. Megatron hungers for power. Megatron toy: "Where is the Allspark?" But Optimus rolls to the rescue with amazing Auto-Spin Technology! Now Rollout Command Optimus Prime gets ready for battle like never before! Optimus toy: "Bring it on!" One swing from his thundering Ultra Axe, and Megatron's down for the count. Thanks to new Rollout Command Optimus Prime. Transformers Animated figures sold separately. Actual change time will vary


Animation: Scenes of the Elite Guard arriving on Earth, Captain Fanzone standing by Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime shaking the hand of Augustus Edsel, and Sentinel as just a head.
Narration: Edward Glen (as Sentinel Prime)
Notes: The animation is re-soundtracked with comedic background music and new narration from Sentinel Prime introducing himself to Captain Fanzone and explaining why it has to be robots.
Greetings Earth creatures. We're from Cybertron and we have come here to improve your lives. "Why did it hafta be robots?" Because we robots are big and strong and we like humans. We offer fashion tips. "Can't, not my size." We can help with exercises. Push, push, and two more, and two more. We can really help you get ahead in life. "Hhhhha ha ha!" "You promised you wouldn't laugh!" Get it? Ahead? Heh heh, eugh. Transformers Animated. Saturday at 11. Anime Crunch.

  • YTV promo 2
Animation: Excerpts of Jazz swinging his nunchucks, Megatron, Wreck-Gar & Lugnut, Sari & Bumblebee playing video games, Optimus Prime being sprayed in the face by water, Optimus Prime laughing at body-less Sentinel Prime, Bumblebee tapping his foot, Sentinel shaking the mayor's hand, Sari sneezing from a cold, Prowl and Bumblebee yelling "space barnacles!" and Jazz recoiling in fear from Sari.
Narration: Edward Glen
Notes: The narrator talks about all the ways humans and Transformers are alike, using the animation as examples.


Animated McDonalds Commercial Stunt McNugget.jpg
Notes: Ad starts with a segment titled "Stunt McNugget". A kid uses his Happy Meal milk bottle as mic while announcing the Stunt McNugget's attempt to jump a record seven apple slices. The Stunt McNugget, McNugget pierced on the end of straw with a helmet and cape attached, "flies" through a field with grandstands diorama the kids built from McDonald's food packaging and straws. Stunt McNugget overshoots and lands in dipping sauce, becoming "carmelized". The toy promo segment features kids playing with Animated Happy Meal Toys inside a giant, Happy Meal Box-shaped spaceship. Inexplicably, MOVIE Optimus Prime appears in the background.
Transformers toys change from vehicle to robot. There's one Transformers toy inside my McDonald's Happy Meal.

Animation: Various excerpts from the cartoon with stock licensing images mixed in.
Narration: Unknown.
Notes: The narrator gives some back story and describes the various game modes you can play to battle the dreaded Decepticons, led by Megatron and...Lockdown? Apparently he really is a Decepticon.
Your mission orders have come in. Help the Autobots save New Droid City. Join the Autobot team on your Nintendo DS, and battle the dreaded Decepticons led by Megatron and Lockdown. Choose your favorite Autobot to play as. Like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Bulkhead or Prowl. You can also play driving mode where you and the Autobot team race through the motorways in a face paced driving game. Or use teamwork to solve puzzles while fighting the enemy in combat puzzle mode. Plus, content you must unlock to see during your mission. Now you know your mission, grab your DS, join the team. Only available on Nintendo DS.

Notes:Various excerpts of gameplay and animation from the game are shown, interspersed with text narration and voice over clips from Megatron, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, and Prowl.
"The time has come to take back Cybertron." [In this time of war] "Ha ha ha ha ha ha." [Victory] [Depends on teamwork] "Bumblebee to Prime, Bumblebee to Prime!" "Nice teamwork Autobots!" [Choose your Autobot] "Autobots, attack!" [Combine your powers] "Your turn Bumblebee." "Outta my way!" [Race against the enemy] "Initiating pursuit." "Fastest thing on wheels comin' through!" "Whoohoo, yeah!" [Battle Megatron] "Decepticons will rise again." "It's still three against one Megatron!" [The fate of Earth and Cybertron] [Is in your hands] "Cybertron, here I come!" [Transformers Animated The Game] [Coming October 2008]



This is not the only trace we have of this commercial.
Animation: The logo screen from the cartoon intro.
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: Jetfire and Jetstorm fly through a city diorama before transforming and combining.
Transformers Animated. The new Autobot Elite Guards have arrived! Jetfire and Jetstorm. Twin brothers that go from jet to robot. But these heroes also have the power to combine, into the unstoppable Autobot, Safeguard. Double the strength, double the power! Keeping Earth safe from the Decepticons! Transformers. Actual change time will vary.


Animation: Excerpts from TransWarped
Narration: Saturday Crush Zone
Saturday Crushzone brings you a world premiere movie event. Transformers Animated: Transwarped. "This should be fun." When a traitor among the Autobots threatens to bring down Cybertron... "We...can't let that happen, can we?" You'll get more than one episode can hold. "You'll have to get past me first!" More than you bargained for. "Be careful what you wish for." And more than meets the eye. "Transform and roll out!" Saturday Crushzone presents Transformers Animated: Transwarped. Next Saturday at eight on Cartoon Network.

Transformers: Crossovers

Not much is known about the advertising of Transformers: Crossovers. To date, only one fifteen second ad for the first wave of Marvel toys has surfaced online.


Marvel Crossovers Commercial.jpg
Animation: Cyber-mechanical drums grab an image of the Marvel logo with normal versions of the heroes drawn above it and flip the image, turning into a Marvel Crossovers version of the same.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Spider-Man, Iron Man and Hulk are chasing Venom through a rocky canyon diorama before Venom spins out in front of a fence. Cut to a still of Spidey and Venom in robot mode. Then the drums reveal a set of three view screen panels showing steps of Spider-Man's transformation. Jump cuts to the same three panel layout are done for Venom, Iron Man and The Hulk in succession. Back in the canyon, a camera briefly pans around a scene of Venom in a face off with the three heroes.
Marvel Transformers Crossovers. The power to convert from vehicles to Marvel superheroes. The Spider-Man motorbike...and Venom muscle car. The Iron Man jet armor and the Hulk tech tank. Here come the first Marvel Transformers Crossovers ever. Each sold separately, actual change time may vary.

Revenge of the Fallen

Another blockbuster film (in scope at least), Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen got the heaviest push of any Transformers advertising campaign ever. It surpassed the original live action film's media blitz in every measure besides the number of film trailers.


The one-time official US Transformers convention aired commercials in the market of whatever city the convention was being held in that year. This was in order to drum up business beyond that of the diehard fans making their yearly pilgrimage. Additionally, they hired fan creators DR.SMOOV and Randall Ng to produce CGI shorts to promote the convention online. These shorts typically featured The Transformers characters in their original forms (sometimes based on modern toys of those forms), though occasionally other characters would show up.

  • Online Promos:
"BotCon 2009: Join the Elite Guard!"
"BotCon 2009!"
"BotCon 2010 - Generation 2: Redux"
"BotCon 2010 Promo"
"Mega Spice -- The Transformer Your Fan Could Be Like"
"Who is the Greatest Starscream Of All Time?"
"BotCon 2012: Figure Reveal!"
"Blaster VS Soundwave 2013"

BotCon 2009 Commercial.jpg
Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Footage recorded at previous conventions plays while our narrator tells us about all the things we can see and do at BotCon 2009. The footage used was taken at BotCon 2006 and BotCon 2007. One clip features Aaron Archer sitting at the Hasbro booth handing an unseen item to an unseen fan.
"Attention Autobots and Decepticons!" Get ready to roll out as the Transformers annual BotCon convention is coming to Pasadena. See actual movie vehicles and thousands of Transformers toys. Meet the designers of the Transformers toys and other special guests. Compete in exciting Transformers activities. Kids twelve and under get in free with an adult. The first one hundred kids get a free Transformers toy. Join us May 30th and 31st at the Pasadena Convention Center. Visit BotCon.com for more info. "Transformers roll out!"

Truth in advertising.
Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Footage recorded at previous conventions plays while our narrator tells us about all the things we can see and do at BotCon 2011. The footage appears to come from both the 2009 convention and BotCon 2010. Among the various clips is one featuring Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman at a panel from BotCon 2009. Correcting an oversight from the previous ad, this one has a clip of attendees doing what FunPub BotCon attendees do best: waiting in line.
Calling all Transformers fans. The Transformers annual BotCon convention is coming to the Pasadena Convention Center June 4th through June 5th. Come be a part of one of the largest gatherings of Transformers fans ever. Tons of Transformers activities. Get the inside scoop on the newest Transformers products. Meet the designers of the Transformers toys and other special guests. Kids four and under get in free. Visit BotCon.com for more info. Transformers, roll out.

War for Cybertron

The Transformers: War for Cybertron videogame, like most modern major game releases, had several trailers released for it. These include a cinematic trailer, a gameplay trailer, a multiplayer trailer and a trailer produced for E3.


IT'S MECHAGODZILLA, AND HE'S GOT....glowing chest lights?
Notes: A brief trailer showing a transmission from Cybertron before first contact with Earth. Optimus Prime speeds into battle, transforms in mid-air and charges with his fellow Autobots - slicing a Decepticon in half - and stopping as Omega Supreme launches his energy weapon.
[Recovered Transmission] [Source: Satellite Alpha Centauri Cybertron] [Transmission Date: Prior To First Contact With Earth] [Transmission Broken...] [Recover All Transmissions At TransformersGame.Com]

  • One Shall Stand Trailer 2:13
Notes: Optimus Prime tells the story of the Transformers' war on Cybertron while a battle takes place between the opposing sides. He then comes to the rescue of a group of Autobots under attack by Skywarp. Prime laments the war while Megatron feels the war is necessary. Their discussion of the war continues as individuals on both sides continue to fight. Eventually, the two factions form unified fronts and charge towards each other. The trailer ends just as Prime and Megatron start to clash. Narrated by Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime. The battle depicted in this trailer is the one shown in the transmission from the teaser trailer. This is the main trailer for the game.
Cybertron. Our home. For generations it has been a peaceful world. Until pride and a lust for power, divided us. Now we fight. Enemies, who were once our brothers. Our tragic war has ravaged Cybertron. "It is a necessary war to return us to glory." "The Autobots will never sacrifice freedom." "The Decepticons will bring this world to order." "Our defeat would mean the end of everything." "My victory will mark a brilliant new beginning!" "One shall stand." "One shall fall."

The Axeman Cometh.
  • Gameplay Reveal Trailer 1:35
Narration: Peter Cullen and text narration
Notes: Optimus Prime tells us that Cybertron has never seen war until now and declares that the Autobots must stand as one against the Decepticon army.
[Cybertron: Prior to first contact with Earth] Our home, Cybertron, has never felt, the wrath of war. It has never faced extermination, until now. Megatron and his forces will destroy this world and spread their tyranny throughout the galaxy. We must stand against this army as one. "Autobots, roll out!" [Experience the beginning] [Fight to the end]

  • Multiplayer Character Trailer 1:21
Narration: Text narration only
Notes: The ability to create a custom multiplayer character and battles featuring such characters are heavily featured amongst other multiplayer footage.
[Create your Transformers character] [Wage war online] [Become] [The Ultimate] [Weapon]

  • Multiplayer Overview Trailer 1:37
Narration: [Peter Cullen] and text narration.
Notes: The game's various multiplayer modes are demonstrated as Optimus Prime names each one of them.
[Wage war online] "Our victory is assured!" "Autobots never admit defeat." Team Deathmatch. Conquest. "Decepticons, attack!" "Rauuuuuughhauugh!" "Grenade!" "Incoming!" "Rauugh!" "Meet your maker Decepticon!" "Autobots win the match!" Countdown to Extinction "And stay down!" "Decepticons have the bomb!" "Target eliminated." "Gotcha!" "Raugh! Bomb planted!" "Decepticons win the match!" [Become the utlimate weapon]

  • E3 2010 Trailer 1:33
Narration: Text narration only
Notes: Various game scenes are shown as Optimus Prime and Megatron argue over whether the Autobots should leave Cybertron or stay and fight.
"We have the power to put an end to what remains of the Autobots!" "Our defeat would mean the end of everything." "Take your Autobots and leave Cybertron forever!" "This is our home Megatron. We will stay. We will fight. And we will win." [Fight to the end] [In the war] [That started it all] [Become the ultimate weapon]

So I walked in the room, held mah BOOMBOX high,
And what happened next will blow your mind!
  • Gamestop Exclusive TV spot 30 sec
Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Shockwave arrives to the location of Megatron, Soundwave and Starscream prompting Megatron to take off and leave Shockwave in charge. Pleased by Megatron's decision, Shockwave takes this opportunity to order Soundwave to transform into boombox mode and play music for him to shoot Autobots by. His choice of song? "The Touch"! Starscream is not enthused by this and asks "Why this song?". Shockwave replies that when Starscream's hit percentage exceeds Shockwave's then he can choose the soundtrack. Shockwave's Autobot blasting is in time to the song! Shockwave's voice is provided once again by Corey Burton.
Megatron: "Shockwave, you're in charge now." Shockwave: "Excellent." Starscream: "<sigh> Again?" Shockwave: "Soundwave, transform." Soundwave: "Affirmative." <transforms and starts playing The Touch> Starscream: "Why this song?" Shockwave: "When your hit percentage exceeds mine, you may choose the soundtrack!" Unlock the Decepticons' second in command, Shockwave, only when you preorder Transformers: War for Cybertron at Gamestop. Power to the players. Rated T for Teen.

Notes: Gameplay footage of the DLC soundtracked to Stan Bush's Till All Are One.
[Onslaught] [Scattershot] [Shockwave] [Jazz] [Demolishor] [5 New Characters] [4 New Multi-Player Maps] [New Map and Character Pack Available 07.27.10]
Errors: Scattershot is seen attacking Autobots, and Jazz and Silverbolt are seen in District, a Decepticon map.

2010 Transformers toyline

This was the first time an entire Transformers toyline was advertised without there being some type of media directly tied to it. Since the toyline was a mishmash of styles, it only makes sense that the commercials were a bit of a stylistic mismash as well. They generally stuck to the idea of showing off the toys in outdoor cityscape dioramas, except for the Reveal the Shield ad that opted for a spaceship wreckage type diorama, but the graphical transitions and narrative styles varied considerably.


It's time to duel!
Narration: 2006-2007 Guy
Toy segment: Huffer and Smolder seem to fly by buildings in robot mode while side-by-side in their own camera shots. Then Skyburst flies to his drones before transforming, first to robot mode and then to combiner torso mode, in order to demonstrate Power Core Combination. Bombshock combines with his drones and other Power Core Combiners are shown in their combined forms.
Power Core Combiners! The battle between the Autobots and Decepticons is changing! New combiner technology lets a commander lead his Power Core drones OR combine forces with them to create a Bigger, BADder, BOT! With Power Core Combiners, the battle is always changing! More robots! More possibilites! More power at your command! Power Core Combiners.

Narration: 2006-2007 Guy
Toy segment: Starscream is located and hunted down by Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Sideswipe.
Notes: The toy segment is followed by a plug for the Hunt for the Decepticons online game.
NEW! Transformers: Hunt for the Decepticons! Starscream has been located on Earth, preparing to attack. And the Autobots need your help to hunt him down. You can look for codes in specially marked packages. Enter them at Transformers.com, then hunt, locate and battle the Decepticons! Together, you and the Autobots have the power to stop Starscream! Transformers: Hunt for the Decepticons. Each sold separately. Change time may vary. Ask a parent before going online.

Animation: Bumblebee flipping his mask down and looking at the camera for the introduction, Bumblebee continuing to look at the camera for the end.
Narration: 2006-2007 Guy
Toy segment: A four-way split screen shows clips of Bumblebee in all four of his modes, with one mode per quadrant. The quadrants then pull to the exterior to reveal a full size clip of his Guardian vehicle mode, followed by his Battle vehicle mode as the narrator begins to describe the four modes. He continues as a pair of hands transforms Bumblebee to his two robots modes and demonstrates the electronics for both modes.
NEW! Battle Ops Bumblebee is a four in one warrior. Racing into action with two vehicles modes! Guardian and Battle! Bumblebee stands tall, converting into supersized robot guardian! Bee toy: "I will protect you." But when the Decepticons attack... Bee toy: "Shields down." ...he powers up, ready to fight in battle mode! Bee toy: "Let's rock!" Four modes, one powerful Autobot! New Battle Ops Bumblebee! Change time may vary.

2010 McDonalds Commercial.jpg
Notes:Three kids, one has curly hair, one has long hair and one has short hair, sit at a kitchen table eating their McDonald's Transformers Happy Meals. The curly-haired kid gets up to leave and declares "Bumblebee is gonna guard my McNuggets. If you take anything, he'll blast you back to Cybertron!". His friends call his bluff and, much to their surprise, find themselves floating in space.
"Bumblebee is gonna guard my McNuggets. If you take anything, he'll blast you back to Cybertron!" "Yeah, right." You can take on the Decepticons with Transformers action figures. There's one inside your McDonald's Happy Meal. "I thought he was kidding."

Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Cyclonus, Lugnut and Rodimus strike dynamic poses in a poorly lit area resembling spaceship wreckage while the narrator provides the backstory. The spot ends with Rodimus, Solar Storm Grappel and Autobot Jazz stare down Cyclonus, Lugnut, ...and Turbo Tracks? This must be total war.
Notes: To be fair, Tracks being with the Decepticons does play into the whole unknown allegiance gimmick.
New Transformers are arriving on Earth, to join the battle. Each one scans a unique vehicle form and brings new powers to the fight. But whose side are they on? Autobot or Decepticon? It's up to you to discover their alliegance. Reveal the Shield and find out.

Speed Stars

Being a new format for Transformers, Speed Stars ads made sure to point out that these toys were found in the vehicle aisle.


Stealth Force Prime Ad.jpg
  • Stealth Force Optimus Prime 20 sec
Animation: Optimus Prime driving out from behind the Speed Stars logo.
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: Optimus Prime patrols a city street in Stealth Mode before switching Battle Mode to take on Megatron. He is then joined as he speeds down the street by Bumblebee and Inferno.
Introducing Speed Stars. Optimus Prime patrols the streets in stealth mode. And with a push of a button, he shifts into battle mode. Ready to take on Megatron! Speed Stars Transformers are gearing up and taking the battle to the road. New Speed Stars Transformers. Each sold sepearately, in the vehicle aisle.

Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: A kid plays with Bumblebee, having him zoom along his track set on a mission with an undisclosed purpose.
Notes: A clip from Revenge of the Fallen of Optimus Prime decking Megatron is used to help highlight the set's smashable Megatron figure.
Introducing Speed Stars. Bumblebee's on a mission, in the new Bumblebee Track Set. Launch into action. Crank it up! Max out the speed and defeat Megatron. Kid: "Yeah!" The new Speed Stars Transformers Bumblebee Track Set. Comes as shown. In the vehicle aisle.


Main article: Commercial/Prime

Dark of the Moon

The third entry in the live action movie franchise, Transformers: Dark of the Moon had a hefty ad campaign like it's predecessors.


Kre-O flipped the animation/toy segment proportion of previous Transformers ads around. It focused almost entirely on CGI animation of the building sets, with only brief segments of the actual bricks being assembled and disassembled in fast motion. Kre-O's animation snippets started with straight forward action scenes. Beginning with the "The Great Brick Giveaway" contest ad however, they shifted to being more comedic with the Decepticons being depicted as largely hapless. It resulted in some of the most memorable Transformers ads since Beast Machines.


  • KRE-O Transformers teaser trailer 30 sec
Animation: CG Kre-O Transformers duke it out.
Narration: KREO-O Deep Voice.
Notes: Uploaded June 30, 2011. Bumblebee's voice is not provided by any of his previous voice actors. In fact it sounds similar to the voice Seth Green uses for Chris Griffin.
They came to our world... most have come to destroy us... some have come to protect us... and now there's a whole new way to battle, because the Transformers have never been built like this. New K-Reo Transformers. The Transformers battle has never been bigger. Bumblebee: "Never been smaller either." The battle begins at KRE-O.com. As your parents before going online. "KRE-O!"

Animation: Same as the teaser trailer.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: The Bumblebee set is assembled, disassembled and reassembled.
Notes: Very similar to the trailer, but with a different narrator, a slightly different narrative and an added toy segment briefly showing the Bumblebee set being built and rebuilt in fast motion. An alternate version of the ad has the same animation and narrative script but spoken by a different narrator.
New KRE-O Transformers construction sets. They came to our world...most have come to destroy us...some have come to protect us... The Transformers are BUILT. TO. BATTLE. New KRE-O Transformers. Build in robot mode, rebuild in vehicle mode. And race to the next battle! New KRE-O Transformers construction sets. Each sold separately. "K-REO!"

  • KRE-O Transformers Online Exclusive 30 sec
Uploaded June 30, 2011.
Animation: Starscream and Megatron battle Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Bumblebee in the desert. The action scenes have scenes of the Bumblebee KREO set building itself and coming to life interspersed between them.
Narration: KRE-O Deep Voice
[The action builds...] [When you build!] The battle begins at KRE-O.com. "KRE-O!"

Animation: Starscream and Megatron battle Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Bumblebee in the desert. The action scenes have scenes of the Bumblebee KREO set building itself and coming to life interspersed between them.
Narration: Unknown,
Notes: Similar to the online exclusive with different narration. The narrator tells a whopper by saying "You've never been able to build Transformers in bricks before." AHEM.
New KRE-O Transformers building sets. You've never been able to build Transformers in bricks before. Now, you can build Optimus as a vehicle and rebuild him as a robot, to take out the Decepticons. Rebuild Bumblebee from a robot to a vehicle, to chase down the enemies and launch a full out attack. Build your favorite Transformers character with new KRE-O Transformers building sets. Each sold separately. "KRE-O!"

Animation: Optimus Prime walks through a desert and up to a huge stack of boxed KRE-O Transformers sets. As he walks, he tells us about the contest and dispenses with attacks from Starscream, Megatron and Shockwave in succession. Bumblebee talks about the contest rules in front of a flat screen monitor, on top of the giant stack of boxes.
Narration: Unknown actors as Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. The actor for Bumblebee is the same from the previous KRE-O ad.
Optimus: It's a great brick giveaway at KRE-O.com! And there's a chance to win one prize every hour for six straight weeks! That's one thousand KRE-O construction sets! Bumblebee: With your parents' permission visit KRE-O.com for official rules. No purchase necessary, many will enter, few will win. "KRE-O!"


  • "Battle for Energon" building set 30 sec
Animation: Tank Driver steals a shard of Dark Energon being held inside a bank. He is chased out by Security Officer and runs into the foot of Megatron, knocking him onto his back. Megatron grabs the Dark Energon shard, but Tank Driver hangs on, even with energy beginning to radiate from the crystal. Megatron gets decked by Optimus Prime. Somewhere else in the city, Optimus Prime speeds through an intersection and carelessly rams Megatron in his tank mode while a human watches from the nearby sidewalk. The collision results in an explosion which forces the human to flee from projectile debris. Optimus and Megatron then duke it out in robot mode, with humans fleeing the scene. A kick to Megatron's face allows Prime to recover the dark energon. Kreon Optimus throws Kreon Megatron behind bars with Tank Driver occupying an adjacent cell.
Narration: Dynamic!.
Toy segment: Sped up footage of the Prime and Megatron sets being built into robot form, torn down and then rebuilt into their vehicle forms.
Notes: Uploaded October 30, 2012.
NEW. KRE-O Transformers building sets. The dark energon has been stolen. By Megatron. And only Optimus Prime can stop him! You can build these Transformers in robot mode. Or rebuild them in vehicle mode. Taking the Transformers battle to the streets! It's Megatron versus Optimus Prime in the Battle for Energon! New KRE-O Transformers building sets. With Optimus Prime, Megatron, and new Kreon figures. "KRE-O!"


The 2013 Kre-O Transformers building sets were tied into the Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters subline. No other Kre-O ads are known to have been produced that year.

  • KRE-O Transformers Micro Changers and Combiners Construction Sets 30 sec, 15 sec
Animation: A huge Kreon battle takes place on a lightly forested field. Springer takes down Ripclaw. Silverbolt pounds Swindle into parts, then blasts Headlock. This happens just before Singe drives up, then transforms and leaps into a corkscrew spin, ending with a missile blast. Someone with a high pitched voice: (in dismay) "No, they're combining!" The Combaticons and Predacons combine. A blue generic, Springer, Warpath, and Singe are chased by Predaking and Bruticus. This causes the generic and Warpath to run into each other and Silverbolt, of all bots, to complain that the combiners are showoffs. Ripclaw torches Springer's backside.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A pan through half of the Wave 1 Microchangers plus Silverbolt and Firestrike. Fast motion transformation of Singe, Springer, Bludgeon, and Airachnid to vehicle mode. Fast motion combination of the Predacons and Combaticons into Predaking and Bruticus, respectively. A pan through various Preview Wave, Wave 1, and Combiner Microchangers.
Notes: Uploaded March 19, 2013. Silverbolt is not voiced by Charlie Adler. Involved in the mega battle scene are a number of duplicates, presumably due to the cost of working up a whole bunch of different CGI models. The scene includes two each of Spinister, Torox and Headlock, three each of Ripclaw (one without wings), Springer, and Brawl, four Divebombs, five Warpaths and six each of Silverbolt and Singe. Know that, surprisingly, there's only one Razorclaw.
New from KRE-O! Transformers: Microchangers! "Catch ya on the flip side!" "Yeah!" You can build new Microchangers as robots, or rebuild them as vehicles for battle. "You're nothing!" "No, they're combining!" Watch out for all new combiners! Microchangers Combiners build together, into colossal Transformers robots! "IIIIII got them. I got them!" "Showoffs!" Collect them all and build your battle at KRE-O.com! Ask a parent first. All new KRE-O Microchangers and Combiners. Each sold separately. "KRE-O!" "Ow ow ow ow ow ow!"


All of the 2014 Kre-O building sets were tied into that year's live action movie, Transformers: Age of Extinction. As such all of that year's Kre-O advertising focused on those sets and the limited amount of non-AOE Kre-O product did not receive ads. There was a generic Kre-O ad however, which featured both the Transformers and Dungeons & Dragons Kre-O themes.

  • K-REO: Build With Attitude 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts from previous Kre-o Transformers and Dungeons & Dragons ads.
Narration: Unknown.
In a world...built out of small plastic bricks... "Hit the bricks bud!" K-REO! Brings you an exciting way to build and play! "Time to build up!" From the robots of KRE-O Transformers, who are always armed and ready for a fight, to the orcs of KRE-O Dungeons & Dragons who find new ways to battle. Look for more Kreon videos and games at K-REO.com. Ask a parent first. K-REO, build with attitude. "K-REO!"


Animation: Autobot logo built from Kre-O bricks. Grimlock finds out, to his surprise, that "With new Kre-o Battle Changers, you can build and convert!". Grimlock pauses from bashing Decepticons to test the claim by switching Bumblebee between modes until he breaks in half. Bumblebee reacts with audible disappointment: "Aw man!".
Toy segment: Fast motion assembly and conversion of Bumblebee.
Notes: Bumblebee is voiced by his usual unknown KRE-O voice actor. Grimlock is voiced by an unknown actor taking inspiration from Gregg Berger's portrayal. The ending "KRE-O!" yell is handled by Grimlock this time instead of Bumblebee. We're guessing Bee was beside himself.
With new KRE-O Battle Changers you can build and convert! "Me can? Robot! Car! Robot! Car! Robot!" "Aw man!" Build! Convert. And kick butt with new KRE-O Transformers Battle Changers. Each sold separately. "KRE-O!"

Rescue Bots

Rescue Bots brought back musical narration for its advertising, the first two years using a melody unique to the commercials, thereafter switching to shorter bits of singing to the tune of the cartoon theme. Rescue Bots also went back to the traditional balance of animation and live action segements, with some animation at the start of the ad followed by footage of kids playing with the toys.



Optimus' hopes of defending his 200 mechanometer title were dashed by a pulled hamstring.
  • Rescue Bots Online Exclusive trailer 1:20
Notes: Uploaded August 2011. The narrator introduces the concept of the Rescue Bots while a young boy plays with the toys and demonstrates their features.
{New from Transformers, Res-cue-Bots!} Rescue Bots are fun, easy to use Transformers toys, especially designed for your little hero. Perfect for preschoolers, Playskool Heroes brings the excitement of big boy brands to little boy hands with the all new Transformers Rescue Bots. Each Resuce Bot converts simply, so preschoolers can easily do it themselves, using gross motor skills to test twisting, pulling, and prying. Pull both ends of Bumblebee to change from car to robot. Then simply push them back together for vehicle mode. Bend Optimus Prime's legs down like a lever to convert into a robot and then push back to covert to truck. With Chase the Police Bot, you pull the lightbar to convert to robot, then push the light bar to change to vehicle mode. Use Heatwave's ladder like a lever to change into a robot. Push the ladder back down to covert to firetruck. Twist Blades' helicopter knob to change into a robot. Twist it the opposite direction to convert back to helicopter. And Boulder the Construction Bot. Pry his arms apart to turn into a robot. Then, push his arms back to change into a bulldozer. Transformers: Rescue Bots. All the fun of Transformers, made for little heroes. {Res-cue-Bots!}

  • Rescue Bots figures and Fire Station Prime 30 sec
Animation: CGI Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Heatwave, Chase, Blades, and Boulder come running (or flying) out of Fire Station Prime. Prime, Bumblebee and Chase watch as Heatwave puts out a fire. The whole group gets into a heroic V-formation.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A pan over of Fire Station Prime, Optimus Prime, Bee, Boulder, and Blades. Close up of two sets of hands transforming Chase and Heatwave to robot mode simultaneously. Cody Burns is placed into Heatwave and driven out of Fire Station Prime. Fire Station Prime is transformed. Heatwave is transformed to robot mode again. Fire Station Prime is transformed again. Jack Tracker rides the elevator with his jetpack. The Fire Station's water cannon is used to put out a fire. Cody Burns slides down the fire pole. Chase transforms to car mode.
Notes: The narration of this ad consists of an unknown singer singing about the heroism of the Rescue Bots and what's going on in the toy and animation clips.
{New from Transformers! Res-cue-Bots! Rescue Robots sa-ving the day. Working with humans, the Rescue Bot way. Fire station changes to Optimus Prime. Heatwave! Put out those fires crew. Rescue Bots ready any time. To put out fires and team up with youuuuuuuuuu! Res-cue-Bots! Rescue Robots sa-ving the day. Working together, the Rescue Bot way. Res-cue-Bots!} Transformers: Rescue Bots. Fire Station Prime and figures each sold separately. Heroes start here.


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Saturday! "Follow these coordinates." The Hub transforms your morning with an all-new sneak peak. "Robots! Transform!" New Autobots... "We are happy to join the battle sir." ...new adventures...brand new series. "Less talk, more action." Be the first to catch the hour long Hub sneak peak. "Thought you'd never ask." Transformers: Rescue Bots. Saturday starting at noon Eastern, 9AM Pacific. Only on the Hub. "Roll to the rescue!"



Animation: The same clip of CGI Autobots getting into a V-formation as used in the previous commercial.
Narration: Rescue Bot Guy
Toy segment: The ladder of the headquarters is raised with Cody Burns in the basket. The vehicle is converted to base mode and Cody is dropped into the passenger compartment of Optimus Prime. Prime rolls out from the headquarters.
Notes: The narration is a song again with different words but the same tune.
{Trannnsformers: Rescue Bots, it's time to roll. Chase and Heatwave out on patrol. Open up headquarters, don't delay. Roll out with Optimus and save the daaay! Res-cue-Bots!} Transformers Rescue Bots and Mobile Headquarters each sold separately. Batteries not included.

  • Bots & Robbers Police Headquarters 15 sec
Animation: CGI Autobots forming into a V-formation.
Narration: Rescue Bot Guy
Toy segment: Chase is deployed from the police headquarters; he returns to the headquarters and locks the criminal in the jail cell.
Notes: This ad has yet another narration song. The playset is referred to as the Rescue Bots Police Headquarters in the ad.
{Trannnsformers: Rescue Bots, are on the scene. First to respond, they work as a team. Chase the Police Bot speeds away, catches the robber and saves the daaay! Res-cue-Bots!} Transformers Police Headquarters and Rescue bots figures, each sold separately.


  • Season 1 premiere promo 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Coming to the Hub on Saturdays. When you're in need... "Rescue Bots, Roll to the Rescue!" They're the first on the scene. "Wherever there is an emergency, there are Rescue Bots." Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, and Blades! "Hi." They've got a mission to serve and protect our planet, and that's just what they planned to do! "Yeah, what he said." Roll out, with the Transformers Rescue Bots. Only on the Hub. Check local listings.

Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Saturdays on The Hub. "Rescue Bots, Roll to the Rescue!" They're the first on the scene. "Wherever there is an emergency, there are Rescue Bots." Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, and Blades! "Hi." They've got a mission to serve and protect our planet, and that's just what they planned to do! "Preferably with high speed pursuits." "Now you're talking!" Transformers: Rescue Bots. Check local listings, only on The Hub. "We are happy to join the battle, sir."

Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
"What did Morocco do to Griffin Rock?" "Whatever it was, we have to undo it." Saturday on The Hub. Bumblebee and Optimus Prime join the Rescue Bots. "We suspected you might need some assistance." And in order to foil Doctor Morocco's evil plan-- "Capture those robots." they'll need all the help they can get. "They've walled us in." A special 2-part episode of Transformers: Rescue Bots. "I like the sound of that." Check local listings. It can happen, only on The Hub.


  • Rescue Bots "Roll to the Rescue" DVD and The Adventures of Chuck and Friends DVD 15 sec
Animation: Excerpts from the Transformers: Rescue Bots and The Adventures of Chuck and Friends cartoons.
Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Excerpts of animation play as the narrator tells us about "two new DVDs rolling out tons of fun" that are "packed with fun-filled adventures and activities".
Two new DVDs, rolling out tons of fun. "Muffler's up!" "Friends for the long haul!" "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!" Packed with fun-filled adventures and activities. Now available at Target. Rated TV-Y and TV-Y7



Animation: Bumblebee and Heatwave race to the scene of a burning building and a road that's splitting apart. All the Autobots raise their Energize tools to the air; Bumblebee uses his jackhammer to demolish rubble. Heatwave uses his "water" cannon to put out a fire.
Narration: Rescue Bot Guy
Toy segment: Bee and Heatwave are pushed along, then Bee is transformed. Group shot of all the figures in robot mode. Bumblebee breaks through a wall in robot mode, then Boulder does the same in vehicle mode. Heatwave deals with a burning building. Two kids celebrate while all the figures stand in front of them.
Notes: Sadly, there's no catchy tune this time.
Emergency! Transformers: Rescue Bots respond! When disaster strikes, Rescue Bots convert to robots. With all new Energize tools. New tools, new rescues. Transformers: Rescue Bots. Each sold separately.


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Saturday at 12:00 PM Eastern. Have no fear, The Hub is here-- "Rescue Bots, Roll to the Rescue!" to save your Saturday! We're amping up your afternoon with eight episodes of Transformers: Rescue Bots right in a row. By adding action, diverting danger-- "It's go time." and saving your Saturday from total disaster. (explosion) "This is a job for heavy machinery." Transform your Saturday with Transformers: Rescue Bots. Saturday at 12:00 PM Eastern, 9:00 Pacific, only on The Hub.


"All right, Beatrice, there was no alien. The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus."
Animation: Brief cartoon excerpt of Optimus Prime saying "Optimus Prime, race to the rescue!", projected on the wall of the "closet".
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A young boy invites his friends to step inside...his closet? It turns out to be a surprisingly roomy closet that resembles a dimly lit warehouse. The boy inserts his Optimus Prime figure inside his Beam Box and tells his friends: "Prepare to be amazed!". Optimus Prime is then beamed into a magically appearing video screen. The narrator then proceeds to explain how the Beam Box "beams" the figures into various video games as the kids are shown playing the games.
Notes: The animation retains the original voice over from Peter Cullen.
"Guys, step inside. Prepare to be amazed." "Optimus Prime, race to the rescue!" Transformers all new Beam Box Gaming System! Insert your Beam Box Rescue Bot and magically beam him into your TV! For cool new Transformers games! And, you can play a new action packed adventure with each new Transformers figure! NEW! Transformers Beam Box. Into the box, out of this world! Comes with one figure. Others sold separately. Batteries not included.



  • Rescue Dinobots featuring Optimus Primal 30 sec
Animation/Kidmation: Kidmation is back! The boy playing with his Optimus Primal toy, becomes a Rescue Bots animated version of himself and directs Optimus and Heatwave to "roar and rescue" Chase.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A boy plays with Optimus Primal and Electronic Heatwave the Rescue Dinobot on a living room coffee table.
Notes: We're back to having a song, but now it's a variation of the cartoon's theme song..
{Rescue Bots! Optimus Primal!} Boy: "Activate Dino Mode!" Toy: "Transform and roar out!" {Change into dino, just one twist.} Boy: "Roar and rescue!" {Rescue Bots, save, serve, and assist. With you there to guide them and show them the way, Rescue Bots are sav-ing the dayyyyyy!} Boy: "Whoa!" {Rescue Bots! Res-cue Dinobots!} Transformers, Rescue Dinobots featuring Optimus Primal. Each sold separately. Batteries not included. {Rescue Bots!}

  • Mixable, Mashable Heroes 15 sec
Animation: Mr. Potato Head works on Optimus Prime in his garage when a transmission comes over the radio telling all Autobots to roll out. The two combine into Optimash Prime. At the end, a Mr. Potato head with a Starscream body has his Bumblebee helmet spin around his head.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Three boys mix and match Potato Head parts on a living room table.
"Calling all Autobots! Time to roll out!" NEW! Mr. Potato Head Transformers. Change this pocket size tater from vehicle to bot mode and mash him up as part Optimus Prime, part Bumblebee, and even Grimlock! New Mr. Potato Head Mashable Heroes, each sold separately. Mr. Potato Head is ready to save the day!


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Live action: A kid does a front flip on a mat in his living room.
(Cheering noises) "We're gonna need a bigger road." Saturday, March 1st. "Rescue Bots, Roll to the Rescue!" "I wanted to say that!" Your favorite Hub Network heroes are transforming with all-new adventures. (Grunt) "I can't believe it's real!" The all-new season of Transformers: Rescue Bots. Premieres Saturday, March 1st at 1:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 AM Pacific. Only on the Hub Network. "We're on our way!"

Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Live action: At the beginning, a mother grabs her son's face while holding a comb as if to approve his appearance. At the end, an older boy and girl do the robot dance.
This Saturday! "Ready, everybody?" "Yep!" The Hub Network's Transformers: Rescue Bots is all-new. "Our fans will want to see everything!" With adventure so incredible, there's only one word to describe it: "Interesting." "Awesome." "Incredible." "Fascinating." "Uhhh...Gremlins." (Gremlin squeals.) Okay, maybe not that word. "Let's move, team!" Don't miss an all-new Transformers: Rescue Bots. Check local listings. You don't wanna miss this, only on the Hub Network!

  • Season 2 Summer promo 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Live action: Shots of a group of kids jumping into and then swimming around in a pool, filmed from the pool's POV. Also a brief segment of the kids doing the robot in bathing suits, presumably poolside.
Saturday! The Hub Network is heating up your summer with all-new episodes of Transformers: Rescue Bots. "Hold the elevator, what?" All-new episodes of Transformers: Rescue Bots. Every Saturday! "Sounds great." The Rescue Bots are rolling to rescue your summer from boredom. "Because we're awesome." Because for them, that's what summer vacation is all about. "That sounds about right." Transformers: Rescue Bots, all new Saturday at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 Central. Only on the Hub Network. Making Family Fun.

  • Transformers July 4th Marathon 30 sec
Animation: Excerpts from Rescue Bots, Transformers Prime: Predacons Rising and The Transformers: The Movie.
Notes: This was a 2014 marathon featuring the re-titled Transformers: The Animated Movie, Predacons Rising, and various Rescue Bots episodes. It celebrated not only the American Independence Day holiday but also the thirtieth anniversary of the Transformers brand.
Friday, July 4th. Celebrate the Transformers' 30th Anniversary with the Hub Network. "Lock and load." Featuring three decades of Transformers action-- "Roll out." All. Day. Long. "Let's go for it." "Brace yourselves." There's fireworks a plenty-- "Boom." with the 4th of July Transformers Marathon. Friday, July 4th, starting at 11:00 AM Eastern, 10:00 AM Central. Only on the Hub Network.

  • Season 3 Exclusive Preview 30 sec
Premiered July 24, 2014 at San Diego Comic-Con. The first 30 seconds features Blades, Boulder, Heatwave, Chase and Optimus Prime transforming from vehicle mode to robot mode to dinosaur mode. The remaining 1:12 consists of various clips of Optimus Prime in dinosaur mode, set to an orchestral soundtrack.


Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Two kids play with the toys on the porch/deck of a beachfront house.
{Rescue Bots!} Kid 1: "Someone needs help!" Kid 2: "High Tide, convert to submode." {Transformers High Tide Rescue Rig.} Whoa, High Tide, convert to sub mode and save the day! "Surf to the rescue!" Transformers: Rescue Bots high Tide Rescue Rig comes with one figure. Other figures each sold separately. Adult assembly required.



Rescue Bots Griffin Rock Firehouse HQ Commercial.jpg
  • Griffin Rock Firehouse Headquarters 30 sec
Animation: Optimus Prime steps in front of the Griffin Rock Firehouse and states flatly that Red Warrior needs food "Rescue Bots need help".
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A boy runs into his bedroom which magically transforms into the command center of the Firehouse Headquarters. His clothes also magically transforms, into a swanky Rescue Bots jumpsuit. He plays with the playset sitting on a table in the center, issuing commands to the individual Rescue Bots. The end of the ad show him and his bedroom reverting back to their previous state as he continues to play with the toys.
Notes: Optimus Prime's voice is not provided by Peter Cullen. The jumpsuit is not for sale. Awww.
{Rescue bots! Firehouse headquarters!} Optimus: "Rescue Bots need help." For the first time ever you can take command of the new Rescue Bots Firehouse Headquarters. "Blades, permission to take off from the helipad. Convert and rescue! Boulder, activate the secret command tower and trigger the water cannon! Chase, need back up fast! Use the emergency vehicle launcher. Well done team." {Saving the day!} New Rescue Bots Firehouse Headquarters playset comes as shown. Other Rescue Bots figures sold separately. Jumpsuit not for sale. "Playskool. He-Roes!"

Animation: Hook and Ladder Heatwave, Medix, Hoist, and Drake take off from the Firehouse Headquarters.
Narration: Unknown narrator with an Australian accent.
Toy segment: Two kids play with the toys on a table, in front of a cityscape background.
Notes: This appears to be the first and only instance of a US Transformers ad using narration with a non-American accent.
{Rescue Bots!} Emergency! There's a fire! Roll to the rescue, and join the Transformers Rescue Bots on their mission. Be ready for action and team up to put out the fire. Then, transform the Rescue Bots and save the day! Rescue Bots figures and playsets, out now.


  • Season Four Trailer 1:47
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
[The Burns Family & Rescue Bots Are Back!] Chase: "Being a Rescue Bot is about saving, serving and protecting those in need." Dani Burns: "Get in, hurry!" [New Rescues!] Blades: "Let's go for it!" [More Action!] Medix: "Whoa...High Tide!" Chase: "Power up and energize!" [Plus A New Team Member] Hot Shot: "This. Is. Epic." Charlie Burns: "Noble!" Blades: "It's high five time!" Hot Shot: "Sweet!" Heatwave: "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!"


  • Optimus Prime Race Track Trailer 30 sec
Narration: Rescue Bots guy.
Toy segment: A father and son act out an avalanche emergency rescue in their living room, using pillows precariously piled on the back of the couch as the avalanche.
Transformers: Rescue Bots. Dad: "Rescue Bot reporting to base. We have an avalanche situation. Send back up immediately." Son: "Autobots, we gotta stop that avalanche. Extend the track, and roll out for rescue." Dad: "Hurry, the hillside's crumbling!" Son: "Bumblebee, Blurr, we're running out of time get ready to launch! Altogether now..." Both: "Push!" {Heroes at playayayay...!} Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime Race Track Trailer. Adult assembly required. Additional Flip Racers sold separately.

  • Optimus Prime Race Track Trailer 2 15 sec
Animation: A fluttering checkered flag with the Rescue Bots logo superimposed on top.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A boy and girl play with the playset in front of a raceway background.
Notes: The announcer does his best auto race announcer voice, complete with echo effect.
Boy: "It's here!" The Optimus Prime Race Track Trailer! Choose. Your. Flip Racer! Take your place... Boy: "And they're off!" Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime Race Track Trailer. Additional Flip Racers sold separately. Adult assembly required.


Rescue Bots Rescue Guard Bumblebee Commercial.jpg
  • Rescue Guard Bumblebee 15 sec
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A kid uses his toys and an obstacle course built from household items to retrieve tools for his Dad who's working on a car.
Notes: Talk about being on-brand, not only is the father wearing an Autobot logo t-shirt, but he has two Autobot logos on his toolchest: one on the front and one inside the lid!
Transformers: Rescue Bots. "Can you reach my tools?" "We have a mission! Clear the way! Gear up." Start your mission with Transformers Rescue Bots Rescue Guard Bumblebee.

Bot Shots

Bot Shots commercials used a blend of CGI animation and live action footage to set up a fictional world where all the Bot Shots characters are eager to bust out of wherever their human owners keep them, in order to fight. This led to the incongrous characterization of Optimus Prime being a hothead who can be goaded into a fight at the drop of the hat. Judging by their voices, all Bot Shots apparently have a habit of inhaling helium.


Round 1, FIGHT!
  • Bot Shots Online Battle Game teaser trailer 30 sec
Animation: Bumblebee and Starscream trade attacks.
Notes: A CGI Bumblebee and Starscream are used to explain the mechanics of the Bot Shots game. Each "x beats y" combination of attacks is shown followed by Bumblebee beating up Starscream with the winning attack. There is no narration in this trailer.
[Experience Transformers like never before!] [Small bots.] [Big attitude.] [Coming March 2012.] [Battle online at Transformers.com.]

Animation: CGI Optimus Prime and Megatron collide in vehicle mode, then transform and battle. CGI Bumblebee and Starscream have their own confrontation. Bumblebee bursts through the end shot.
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: Two school lockers, with Autobot and Decepticon logos, shudder and shake. Two bookbags, that also have Autobot and Decepticons logos, bulge and glow with red and purple light. The lockers then glow and bulge themselves before a Bot Shot bursts out of each one. Bot Shots break out of the bookbags too, shooting through several full bookshelves before colliding. The Bot Shots from the lockers collide in a hallway. The narrator then describes the Bot Shots while their features are demonstrated on a table...somewhere.
NEW Transformers Bot Shots! New Bots Shots are born to bash! Choose your power, launch into battle, crash your bot, and win! Or take the battle online at Transformers.com with parent's permission. New Bots Shots. Small bots, big attitude. Sold separately. Bumblebee: "Yeah, Bot-Shots!"

  • Battle For The Matrix 30 sec
Animation: The same Optimus Prime/Megatron and Bumblebee/Starscream scenes from the previous ad.
Live action: CGI Megatron goads Prime into a fight from the window of a neighboring house. Prime takes the bait and they charge at each other, ripping through the walls of the houses.
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: Demonstration of the Optimus Prime and Megatron figures battling and launching from their launchers.
Notes: Megatron and Optimus Prime both have high pitched voices created via sped up playback. As a result both sound similar to Bumblebee whose voice has the same processing.
NEW Transformers Bot Shots! Megatron: "Hey you!" Prime: "Who me?" Megatron: "Yeah, you! Bring it!" Prime: "Oh, let's do this!" "You want a piece of this?" "You got it!" New Bots Shots are born to bash! Choose your power, launch into battle, crash your bot, and win! Take the battle online at Transformers.com with parent's permission. Battle for the Matrix comes as shown. Other figures sold separately. Bumblebee: "Want some of this? Ha, huh! Yeah, Bot-Shots!"


Animation: Optimus Prime collides with Megatron, but this time it's the version of Megatron that comes with the Dragon Track.
Live action: Startled onlookers witness Scourge bursting through the door of a subway car in order to goad Optimus Prime into a fight. Being the macho idiot that he apparently he is in this universe, Prime takes the bait again and the two charge at each other.
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: The Dragon Track is demonstrated and the new moves it allows the Bot Shots to perform are highlighted.
Notes: The ad also includes a plug for "bashing new beasts" at Transformers.com.
NEW! Transformers Beast Hunters! "Bot Shots!" Scourge: "Hey Bot, it's go time!" Optimus Prime: "Oh yeah Beast? Bring it on!" The all new Dragon Track! A new Beast Hunter battleground and new moves let you flip, jump and spin! Collect them all! And you can bash new beasts at Transformers.com with parents' permission. New Transformers Dragon Track! Comes with two figures. Other figures each sold separately. Scourge: "Beast Hunters! Bot-Shots!"

Fall of Cybertron

Fall of Cybertron may be the most advertised Transformers video game of all time, exceeding its predecessor War For Cybertron with seven trailers and a tv commercial.


And here we see Yankee slugger Babe Ruth approaching home plate...
Notes: A series of black and white (with some red highlights) clips of Grimlock walking through a Cybertronian city, dragging his sword behind him. He then stabs the sword into the ground before transforming to dinosaur mode and roaring. There is no narration via voice or text, save for the Fall of Cybertron logo at the end.

Animation: Brief snippets of Prime looking stern, Ironhide decking Starscream, the Autobots standing together, Grimlock transforming, and Grimlock roaring.
[Prepare] [For The Fall] [Transformers: Fall of Cybertron] [VGA Video Game Awards 12.10.11 Live]

  • VGA Cinematic Trailer 1:48
Animation: Optimus Prime carries an injured Bumblebee away from battle. Starscream flies in, transforms, and tries to slice at Prime with his sword, only to get cut off by Ironhide's fist. Prime continues on, as Jazz fires a blast with his gun shoved into Soundwave's gut. He finally sets Bumblebee down in a clearing, standing up to face the battle alongside Jazz and Ironhide. Megatron stomps on a generic before looking up and noticing the Autobots looking down on the battlefield. He signals the Decepticons to attack Prime, Ironhide and Jazz. The Combaticons form Bruticus, but Prime has backup in the form of the Dinobots. They nod to each other, then Grimlock slams his sword into the ground and transforms to T-Rex mode. The trailer ends with him exhaling a massive amount of flame.
Notes: This trailer has no narration, instead being soundtracked by Puscifer's song The Humbling River. The trailer has a rather slow and dramatic pace to it. This trailer debuted during the 2011 Video Game Awards on December 10th, 2011.


Animation: A war rages on Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons. Jazz and the Dinobots take on Bruticus. Megatron and Optimus Prime battle their way towards each other, with Shockwave and Starscream joining Megatron. Optimus takes on all three, quickly dispensing with the subordinates before clashing with Megatron himself. After a brief skirmish, Prime takes a knee and pounds his fist into the ground, causing the ground to open up between Prime and the Decepticons. The opening "ground" turns out to be the Autobot City, Metroplex, heeding the call of the last Prime.
Notes: The ad has no narration, instead being soundtracked by Everlove's alt rock cover of Siouxsie and the Banshees' song Cities in Dust. The end features a plug for the G1 Retro Pack.
The story of this trailer seems to follow the VGA Cinematic Trailer above, since some of the story beats from the first trailer appears to be followed up on in the second.
"Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime."

  • Multiplayer Trailer 1:35
Notes: Features game excerpts of Snarl's dead torso, Warpath running, a firefight on a bridge, fast flipping between various character creation options, a pan out from a Titan style character build to a collage of multiplayer character builds, various other battle scenes, a series of pans around the multiplayer maps, Bumblebee getting blasted, Ratchet, Warpath & Prime coming to his aid, and another battle scene montage with another shot of the remnants of Snarl. The end features a plug for the G1 Retro Pack.
[Build Your Own Transformers Character] [10 Multiplayer Maps] [Co-Op Escalation Mode]

  • Launch Trailer 1:44
Notes: Cybertron has been ravaged by the war between the Autobots and Decepticons. Optimus Prime realizes the planet can no longer sustain them and that only one transport remains. Megatron places the blame for the current situation on Prime. Both sides make plans to journey to another planet. One, according to Shockwave, that is primitive but rich in raw energy. Grimlock disagrees with the idea of escaping to another planet, preferring to stand and fight. Metroplex heeds the call of the "Last Prime".
Cybertron. The homeworld we Autobots have strived to protect from the Decepticons, can no longer sustain us. I can only be certain of this: just one transport remains. [The Fall Of Their World] Megatron: "This is what you chose Prime, when you defied me! All this, is your doing." [Is The Beginning Of Their Legend.] Shockwave: "The world is primitive, but rich in raw energy." ["Most anticipated game of 2012" -EGMNow.com] Grimlock: "You're weak Optimus! You run when you should fight!" ["A must have game for all Transformers fans" -CBSNews.com Gamecore] Metroplex: "Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime." ["An E3 2012 Best of Show winner" -Game Informer]

  • Retro Optimus Prime trailer 30 sec
Animation: Starscream leads the Decepticons in an attack, only for G1 Optimus Prime to show up and recreate a scene from The Transformers: The Movie.
Notes: Starscream and Optimus Prime's voices are provided by their usual Fall of Cybertron actors.
Starscream: "Decepticons, attack, ATTACK!" <truck horn followed by familiar music cue> [Unlock history with the G1 retro pack] "Autobots, roll out!"

Animation: Optimus Prime carries Bumblebee away from a battle. He stands over Bumblebee with Jazz and Ironhide, ready for a fight. Megatron stomps and smashes a generic Autobot. He commands the Combaticons to attack and they combine into Bruticus. Swoop and Slug transform and take off. They join the other Dinobots to take on Bruticus while Prime goes for Megatron. Megatron starts to gain the upper hand and goes for a killing blow. Before he can land it though, Prime calls upon Metroplex.
["An E3 2012 Best of Show winner" -Game Informer] ["One of the biggest XBox 360 games of 2012" -IGN] ["The epic Transformers story we've been waiting for" -Playstation: The Official Magazine] [At The End Of Their World] [Their Last Stand Begins] [Experience The Battle] [That Changed Their Fate] [And Decided Our Future]

Transformers: The Ride - 3D

Universal Studios has marketed Transformers: The Ride – 3D pretty heavily for a theme park ride, going so far as to produce multiple trailers, at least one radio specifically tailored for the ride, and multiple commercials. The ride has even been advertised twice during the Super Bowl, one of the most watched television broadcasts yearly in the US. The first time was an ad specifically promoting the upcoming ride during Super Bowl XLVI. The second time was a celebrity endorsement of the Universal Studios parks in general, with former NFL quarterback Peyton Manning taking on the role of "Vacation Quarterback" and "leading" a group of park vistors to vacation success. Airing during Super Bowl LXII, the ad featured comedic segments of Manning coaching different visitors at different locations in the park. One of these was meeting the costumed Megatron actor in the area outside the ride.


  • Teaser trailer 1:04
Notes: After name checking the design team as the ones who brought you The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and King Kong 360 3-D, footage from the ride is shown. Evac drives alongside a security fence before transforming and hopping over it. Megatron kicks Bumblebee in the back, knocking what looks like a canister out of Bee's hands and into Evac's. Megatron bursts out of a floor. Devastator grasps at thin air while falling from a building. Laserbeak drags...something through a floor of an office building. Optimus Prime (speaking to the camera) congratulates some freedom fighters. Optimus Prime is not voiced by Peter Cullen.
[From the team that brought you The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man] [King Kong 360 3-D] [And now] [Transformers The Ride-3D] [Ride it this May] "Well done, freedom fighters."

  • Super Bowl XLVI Commercial 49 sec
Notes: Aired February 5, 2012. We appear to return to the broadcast of Super Bowl XLVI only to have the feed interrupted by a message from Optimus Prime. "Humans, you are in grave danger. The Decepticons have taken over, we need your help-" He is blasted then shoved out of the way by Megatron who "finishes" Optimus Prime's thought: "Earthlings, and soon you will all perish!" The feed goes out as on screen text instructs us to "Prepare for Battle" and the narrator tells us to ride the attraction at Universal Studios. Peter Cullen reprises his role as Optimus Prime while Frank Welker supplies the voice of Megatron.
"Welcome back to Super Bowl XLVI, live on NB-" <static> "Humans, you are in grave danger. The Decepticons have taken over, we need your help...augh!" "...Earthlings and soon you will all perish!" [Prepare For Battle] Transformers: The Ride. Ride it, at Universal Studios Hollywood.

  • Universal Resort Orlando Trailer 1:33
Notes: Optimus Prime delivers a warning about a Decepticon attack on Orlando and makes a plea for help from humankind, only to be interrupted by Megatron. This is an extended and modified version of the message and interruption from the Super Bowl commercial. As such, Peter Cullen and Frank Welker voice Optimus Prime and Megatron respectively. The ride footage from the teaser trailer is tacked onto the end.
"Humans, you are in grave danger. I, am Optimus Prime. I must warn you, that at this very moment the Decepticons are mobilizing to take over Orlando. Their plan is to destroy the human race. They will ravage your planet like they did our own, until it is consumed with death. But hope is not lost. We can rise against evil and defeat Megatron, but we cannot do it alone. Humans, we need your help to defend mankind before it is too late. Orlando, the time has come to prepare for battle-" "Earthlings, and soon you will all perish."

Narration: Ed Victor (45 second version only)
Notes: This is just the on screen text [Prepare For The Greatest Battle You'll Ever Ride] followed by an abbreviated version of the ride footage from the teaser trailer. The longer version has narration by Ed Victor at the end, including a plug for the "PrepareForBattle.com" website and the clip of Prime praising the freedom fighters.
[Prepare For The Greatest Battle You'll Ever Ride] Transformers: The Ride. Ride it at Universal Studios Hollywood. "Well done, freedom fighters." Enlist now at PrepareForBattle.com.


Narration: Ed Victor
Notes: A metal bar appears out of ice vapor. Megatron takes a swing at Optimus Prime and misses, slamming his fist into the ground. The metal bar rotates as more ice vapor eminates from the bar. Bumblebee rips a small Decepticon apart. A hand reaches for the metal bar. An unidentified arm (with the hand at the end of that arm holding a gun) moves towards Bonecrusher and shoots him in the face. Grindor? runs. The hand completes its grip on the bar. Two more hands grab the bar. Optimus Prime tries to restrain Megatron with a chain but Megs is able to fire his cannon at the camera anyway. The bar is revealed to be part of a theme park ride being held two men and a woman all wearing 3D glasses. Devastator sucks a car into his mouth. This ad came with either "Ride it [Month] [Day]" or "Ride it now" tags and was used for both Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Resort Orlando.
[Prepare] [For The Greatest] [Battle] [You'll Ever] [Ride] [Transformers The Ride-3D] Transformers: The Ride. Ride it. At Universal Studios Hollywood.

Notes: The Earth Defense Command has apparently taken over or been put in control of Universal Studios' marketing department and is using their advertising to get civilians into the park...for some reason.
...for this, Universal Studios: Hollywood is offering their "Buy a day, get 2012 free" pass to the public for a limited time. You and your family can enjoy the park, or what remains of it, all year long for the price of one day. And experience your favorite rides again and again. Like the intense King Kong 360 3D and be able to return this May to live the exciting arrival of Transformers: The Ride - 3D. This offer ends April 29th, 2012 so we ask all civilians to hurry and purchase their annual pass today. This was an official message from the EDC, Earth Defense Command against the Decepticons. Black out dates and restrictions apply. Go to UniversalStudiosHollywood.com for details.


  • Peyton Manning: Vacation Quarterback 1:13
Notes: Aired on February 4, 2018 during Super Bowl LII. Peyton Manning gives a pep talk to some Universal Studios visitors before the start of their day. He continues to guide the visitors in scenes from various locations in the park. The Transformers: The Ride 3-D scene has Peyton Manning run into Megatron. Megatron asks all to hail him, but Manning asks if he used to play for Detroit. Megatron is sickened by the sight of Manning.
Manning: "This is your moment. You are more than a team, you're a family! Now let's get out there and play!" All: "Yeah, woo!" Manning: "Hey, wait for me!" | Manning: "I'm gonna need all of you to push your vacation and go one hundred and ten percent." Boy: "But that's mathematically impossible!" Manning: "With an attitude like that, it sure is." | Manning: "You know, I really wanted to play Quidditch, but we're kind of a football family." | Girl: "Interception!" Manning: "Cheap shot. I don't deserve that." | Megatron: "All hail Megatron!" Manning: "Didn't you play for Detroit?" Megatron: "The sight of you sickens me." | Manning: "Akaio." Girl: "It's Accio." Manning: "Acceo." Girl: "Accio!" Manning: "I got it. Accio. No?" | Manning: "Fear is never an option." Boy: "Oh yeah it is!" Both: "Ahhhh!" | Manning: "Let's see your game face." | Manning: "Ever wonder how it feels to get the cooler dumped on you after the game?" | Manning: "Like that? No?" | Manning: "Whoaaa, son of a-" | Woman: "Is everyone ready? Manning: "Omaha!" The off season is on. So take your vacation game to the next level. Universal Parks and Resorts. | Girl: "Ugh, you're uncoachable."


Construct-Bots advertising featured a strange narration quirk, wherein the line between narration and fiction was heavily blurred. The narrator's voice and Bumblebee's voice are so similar, it becomes difficult to tell when you're hearing the advertising spiel and when you're hearing the character speak in universe. There's a distinct possibility that Bumblebee is supposed to be the narrator himself, and is actually making a sales pitch in and out of universe simultaneously. Construct-Bots, much like KRE-O and Bot Shots before it, relies more heavily on CGI animations of the toys than on actual toy footage.


Animation: Bumblebee breaking out of his package; Bumblebee does the Cabbage Patch as Megatron comes up behind him and knocks him down with a back legsweep. Megatron is quite amused by this until Bumblebee turns the table by stripping Megatron's parts off in a tornado of action, leaving him "naked". At the end, Bumblebee busts through the wall seen behind the Construct-Bots Bumblebee and Soundwave figures, does a somersault and then points at the camera: "Build your Bot!"
Narration: Dynamic!
Toy segment: The Bumblebee Construct-bot figure is built to robot mode, changed to vehicle mode and customized with parts from Soundwave.
Notes: The narration switches from the narrator to Bumblebee with very little change in voice. It's indicated by the animated Bumblebee's lips moving and a slight intonation change. Megatron's laugh, shriek and grunts are provided by an unknown voice actor. The animation was shared with the online video Switcheroo!
They're finally here! All new Transformers: Construct-Bots. "Now, you can build your bot your way!" Build! Change! Customize. You can even create your own. "Ooh, yeah." All new Transformers: Construct-Bots. Each toy sold separately. Download the Construct-Bots app, with parents permission. "Build. Your. Bot!"

Animation: The Bumblebee breaking out of his package intro is re-used here. Bumblebee transforms into his jet mode and flies around. Much to his dismay he encounters Megatron trying to shoot him down. He is saved by Optimus Prime ramming into Megatron in truck mode. Megatron is hit so hard, he not only goes flying but all his armor flies off, once again leaving him "naked". Optimus Prime transforms to robot mode.
Narration: Dynamic! and unknown describing the app.
Toy segment: The Construct-Bots app is demonstrated on a tablet PC. The Bumblebee figure is set down next to his package and that of Soundwave.
Notes: Again, there is little to no distinction between the narrator voice and the Bumblebee voice. Megatron again has a laugh and shriek provided by an unknown actor. Thanks to the amount of animation and the app demonstration, the only actual toy footage is a seven second or so stretch of the Bumblebee figure being set down and then still visible on screen as CGI Bumblebee breaks through the wall, rolls forward and begins speaking to the camera.
New Transformers: Construct-Bots. Bumblebee: "Unleash your ultimate Construct-Bots. Oh, no, Megatron." <truck horn> Megatron: "Aughhh!" Unleash your ultimate Optimus Prime! Other narrator: "Customize your ultimate Transformers Construct-Bots in the app, with parent's permission. And look for all new figures. Each sold separately." Bumblebee: "Unleash your ultimate Construct-Bots."

  • Cybertron Construction Zone on CartoonNetwork.com 30 sec
Animation: None.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Optimus Prime and Megatron laying on circular platforms with their parts spread out around them. A CGI robotic camera analyzes them, and the connected computer system counts 67 pieces for Optimus Prime, 68 for Megatron and declares that there will be no mixing. A set of human hands builds Optimus Prime but finishes by adding Megatron's faction symbol, to the astonishment of the narrator. The computer starts to flip out, noting that "This is against protocol." The narrator tells the computer to relax then instructs kids (with the help of their parents) to go to Cartoon Network's website to "construct, customize and convert your own ultimate custom bots."
Notes: The narrator refers to the camera/computer combo as 'Cyborg'.
Welcome to Cybertron Construction Zone. "Sixty-seven pieces for Optimus Prime, sixty-eight for Megatron. No mixing." Let's get to work kid. Hold on. That's, uh, Megatron's. "This is against protocol." Relax, Cyborg. Kids, grab a parent and go to CartoonNetwork.com/Transformers to construct, customize and convert your own ultimate custom bots. Should've tried that years ago.

Age of Extinction

Fourth movie, fourth movie sized marketing campaign.

Angry Birds Transformers

Angry Birds Transformers took a unique approach to advertising the game, by eschewing narration of any type and largely letting animation, gameplay footage and behind the scenes commentary do the talking. With characters as personality filled as the Angry Bird Transformers, the game's endearing brand of humor and a Transformers legend in the form of Vince DiCola on-hand, who needs a narrator? In addition to having DiCola help compose the music, the Angry Birds team also demonstrated their love of the 80's incarnation of Transformers by producing several animated trailers in the style of the original cartoon.



  • Comic-Con trailer 1:06
Notes: Uploaded July 24, 2014. Red is deployed by a familiar looking space shuttle onto a beach dotted with palms. He runs across the beach and into a jungle, taking out a trio of pigs as he goes. Red stops at the sight of a pile of rocks which transforms into a robot in order to attack him. Red tries to fight back but finds his attack to be ineffective. This prompts him to use a telepod to call in King Pig to help him. After defeating the robot, Red goes to shake Pig's hand. Pig does the old "pull hand away and slick back your hair" trick and then laughs at Red. Jerk.

Holy crap Prime. It's just a Taco Bell.
  • Cinematic trailer 1:18
Notes: Uploaded August 29, 2014. A comet?, streak of light? cross the universe and deposits the AllSpark Egg onto a planet much like our own. The Angry Birds and Pigs race toward a standoff in a rocky, desert-like area. The Allspark egg turns them into the Autobirds and Deceptihogs. Nearby eggs are turned into the Eggbots, who open fire on both groups. They also start turning rocks into automated gun turrets. Red and King Pig have a tense arm wrestling lockup which causes rocks to start flying. This is interrupted by the Eggbots who draw the Autobirds' full attentions. The Autobirds destroy the turrets and chase the Eggbots off towards a volcano. This trailer is an homage to the Season 1 title sequence of The Transformers complete with its own unique theme song (written in part by Vince DiCola himself), the title text coming out from behind the volcano, and what sounds like a recording of the transforming sound taken from the cartoon. The creators even went so far as to make the animation look like it's an authentic 1980's production ripped from a VHS tape with film defects and tracking issues.
Angry Birds! Transformers! Birds disguised as robots in disguise!

  • Gameplay Trailer 1:07
Notes: Uploaded September 25, 2014. A montage of gameplay footage. It is soundtracked to the Angry Birds Transformers theme from the Cinematic trailer.

  • Character trailers
Notes: Brief demos of the model for the highlighted character.

  • Behind the scenes with Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth! 2:22
Notes: Uploaded August 29, 2014. Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth talk about what went into creating the soundtrack for Angry Birds Transformers. Emulates a VHS tape with the 80's style logo screen from the Cinematic Trailer and distortion effects on the live action segments.

  • Launch trailer 1:00
Notes: Uploaded October 30, 2014. A mixture of footage from the Cinematic trailer, the Gameplay trailer, and the Character trailers combined with footage of Angry Birds cosplayers at New York Comic Con 2014, set to the Angry Birds Transformers theme song. The soundtrack and the new ability to take a teammate into events are highlighted features.
[Killer soundtrack!]


Angry Birds Telepods Commercial.jpg
Animation: CGI Red as Optimus Prime, Chuck as Bumblebee and Hal as Grey Slam Grimlock run across a desk chasing and shooting a group of Minion Pigs.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segement: A hand transforms the Optimus Prime racer, places it on it's Telepod stand and then uses the Telepod to transport it into the game. It then does the same with the Bumblebee racer.
NEW! Telepods Angry Birds Transformers gets the bot in the game! All these bots can take out the piggies, but which one to choose? Aw yeah, it's Optimus Prime time! Teleport different birds for different weapons in the game. And blast those Piggies to smithereens. Teleport 'em in for the power to win! You can collect them all and unlock their powers. Figures and app each sold separately, ask a parent to go online. Telepods, power up your game.



One shall stand, two shall fall?
  • Deceptihogs' Revenge 1:38
Notes: Uploaded January 14, 2015. Optimus Prime Bird and Megatron Pig fist-bump as they drive up to the EggSpark. Megatron Pig reaches it first, and is entranced by its glow. Optimus Prime Bird reaches out to him to be helped up... but Megatron Pig laughs maniacally in his face and pulls the fake handshake trick again as the EggSpark upgrades him into Dark Megatron Pig! Dark Megatron Pig kicks Optimus Prime Bird away, and returns to the Deceptihogs' lair. He is followed by the Autobirds, who burst in to find... the Deceptihogs using the EggSpark as a dancelight. This trailer is a sort of "sequel" to the Cinematic Trailer detailed above, animated in the same style. The gameplay footage highlights the "Deceptihogs' Revenge" update.

Notes: Uploaded April 28, 2015. Bumblebee Bird faces off against a swarm of flying Pigbots, barely holding his own... then spots Heatwave Bird relaxing nearby in a hammock. Perplexed, he goes up to his friend for help, but Heatwave Bird is uninterested... until a stray shot blows off the little umbrella from his drink. Heatwave Bird blows up the Deceptihogs with one shot, before going back to nursing his drink.

  • Arcee and Airachnid join the team! 42 sec
Notes: Uploaded May 21, 2015. Arcee Bird does some heavy-lifting at the gym. As she finishes up, she walks by Galvatron Pig, spotting Megatron Pig at a nearby weight station. Galvatron Pig is distracted by Arcee Bird, and picks up her discarded lollipop, while Megatron Pig struggles with the weight he attempted to lift. Airachnid Bird does some yoga stretches, surrounded by Japanese lanterns... but gets her leg stuck behind her neck. She hops past Megatron Pig, now at a punching bag. Optimus Prime Bird jogs across the countryside, and meets with Arcee Bird, Airachnid Bird, and Megatron Pig. They jump up in cheer together. Freezeframe.

  • Meet Bluestreak and Prowl! 1:00
Notes: Uploaded July 15, 2015. Optimus Prime Bird and Arcee Bird are on the run from some Flying Pigbots! Arriving at a cliff edge, they try to fight back, only to find that they are out of ammo. They duck behind a boulder for cover... And are rescued by Bluestreak Bird, teleporting in! Elsewhere, Heatwave Bird and Bumblebee Bird are driving by when... Aww, someone taped over this part with some gameplay footage! This trailer is yet another one made to look as though it was ripped from a VHS tape. In keeping with the theme, a short portion of another "commercial" can be seen before the Angry Birds: Transformers" footage begins.

  • Introduction to Energonicons 57 sec
Notes: Uploaded July 24, 2015. Nick from the Angry Birds Transformers team covers the subject of "Energonicons," a new feature included in the game as of its "1.6" update. Emulates a VHS tape with the 80's style logo screen from the previous trailers and distortion effects on the live action segments.

  • Introduction to Crafting 1:14
Notes: Uploaded July 27, 2015. Nick from the Angry Birds Transformers team covers the subject of "Crafting" a new feature included in the game as of its "1.6" update. Emulates a VHS tape with the 80's style logo screen from the previous trailers and distortion effects on the live action segments.

  • Introduction to Bluestreak 49 sec
Notes: Uploaded July 27, 2015. Nick from the Angry Birds Transformers team covers the subject of new character "Bluestreak" an addition to the game as of its "1.6" update. Emulates a VHS tape with the 80's style logo screen from the previous trailers and distortion effects on the live action segments.

Hero Mashers

Hero Mashers continues the long history of music in Transformers commercials. This time however, it isn't a rap or rock song. It's a parody of "The Hokey Pokey". That was also the theme of the Hero Mashers advertising in general. Between Transformers, Jurassic Park, multiple standard Marvel figure ads, and a Marvel micro figure ad, some poor songwriter has probably heard enough Hokey Pokey to last a lifetime!

No more, Optimus Prime! Grant me mercy, I beg of you! Use a breath mint!


Animation: Megatron battles it out on city street with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Grimlock. The three Autobots swap parts all the while and Prime borrows a few of Megs' parts at one point.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: None.
Notes: The narration bookends a parody of the Hokey Pokey, with the song doing the heavy lifting for describing the play pattern.
New Transformers Hero Mashers! {1,2,3,4!} (Briskly, to the tune of "The Hokey Pokey") {Optimus stumbles upon, pieces of Megatron. He tries them on for size, and they all fit to his surprise. More powerful than ever, enemies meet their demise, that's what it's all about. Autobots combine, Megatron's missiles miss. Using Grimlock's arms, they stop him with a dino fist. Taking bad guys down is easy, when you're mashing that with this. That's what it's all about.} Now there are even more ways to make your ultimate mashup. New Transformers Hero Mashers.

Battle Masters

Now boys, fight clean. No rough stuff. None of this. Or this. Or this. Or like so. Or this. Or this. Or this. You understand?


Animation: The announcer welcomes us to "Transformers Battle Masters Fight Night" as we see a shot of live action fans crowded around the arena with an advertisement of "Optimus Prime vs Megatron" on the flat screen marquee. He proceeds to talk about tonight's matchup as we see Optimus Prime sitting in his locker room, contemplating tonight's bout. The narrator says that after "months of intense training" the "night to settle the score" is finally here, as we begin to see a flashback training montage of Optimus Prime. The montage shows him bench-pressing a smashed SUV, heavy bag training using a metal shipping container as his heavy bag, and jumping rope in a warehouse using a large chain. Cutting back to the present, Prime throws a couple warmup punches in the air. As Megatron is being announced, he is shown using a standing monitor screen as a fast bag, bench-pressing an actual set of weights and absorbing energy from an unknown source. "The Calamity of Humanity" plays to the crowd and points to his bicep as he walks to the ring. Optimus Prime is announced as the "The Diesel Destroyer" and does a Hulk Hogan-like flexing taunt, with flames spewing from his exhaust pipes as he curls his arms in front of his chest. Megatron, being surprisingly sportsman-like, initiates the pre-match fist pound. The match starts off with Prime backup towards his corner to avoid several alternating hooks from Megatron. Prime then takes advantage of an opening, throwing a couple quick hooks and what can only be described as Roman Reigns' "Superman Punch" to stun Megatron and back him into his own corner. Prime follows this up with a flurry of body blows. Megatron puts a halt to Prime's assault by grabbing his hands and headbutting him, a move described by the announcer as "a cheap shot". This backs Prime off to the middle of the ring. The separation and stun allow Megatron to come out of the corner with a barrage of hooks, some involving him holding Prime's shoulder with his other hand as he wails on him. He finishes the barrage with a double axe handle, dropping Prime to one knee. Prime appears to be down and out, but Megatron's grandstanding allows him time to clear out the cobwebs. Megatron goes in to finish him but Prime blocks two of his punches before coming back with his own flurry. Prime ends it by dropping Megatron with a right cross to the jaw. Prime plays to the crowd, before a cut to the log. After cutting back, we end with Prime using two hands to hoist his rather generic looking title belt over his head.
Narration: Battle Masters Guy.
Notes: It's not exactly clear what type of combat Optimus and Megatron are engaging in. The announcer speaks in manner consistent with that of a boxing announcer, a headbutt is considered a cheapshot and Prime hoists his title like a boxing champion. But the manner in which Megatron and Prime play to the crowd as they enter, and their use of other tactics that would be considered illegal in boxing but not called out here as such, give the impression that they are having a professional wrestling match. Megatron using one hand to hold Prime in place while pummeling him, Megatron using a double axe handle and Optimus Prime using a "Superman Punch" (running, jumping up then throwing a hook punch on the way down) are techniques that perfectly valid in pro wrestling but of dubious legality at best in boxing.
Welcome to Transformers Battle Masters Fight Night. Tonight's main event promises to be the battle for the ages. After months of intense training, the night to settle the score is finally here. Two fighters will enter, but only one will walk out with the title. Introducing first, he comes from the darkest regions of Cybertron, he is the leader of the Decepticons, The Calamity of Humanity, Megaaatronnnn! And his opponent, the leader of the Autobots, The Diesel Destroyer, Optimuuus Prime! Fans, this promises to be a real slugfest. And there's the bell. Megatron comes out swinging. Oh! Optimus connects! Megatron is in trouble! Look out! A cheap shot from Megatron. And the tide of this fight is turned. The Decepticon is relentless. Optimus is down! OP-TI-MUS IS DOWN! This could be it! But don't count him out just yet, the Diesel Destroyer is fighting back. KO! KO! That's it, it's all over. Optimus Prime wins! Rule the ring, with Transformers Battle Masters. From Hasbro Games.

Animation: Optimus Prime sits in his locker room, pumping himself up to fight Megatron. After the fight, Prime hoists the title above a defeated Megatron.
Narration: Battle Masters Guy.
Toy segment: Two boys play with the Battle Masters in the center of a boxing ring.
Notes: This commercial was animated by Clockwork VFX
Transformers Battle Masters. Welcome to Fight Night. Now you can bring the battle home, with Optimus Prime and Megatron. This is gonna be the battle you've been waiting for. Control the action with Battle Masters and knock their head off to win! The new Transformers Battle Masters game. You can find it in the gaming aisle. Rule the ring!
  • Battle Masters 2 15 sec - A shortened version of the previous ad with a different narration.
Transformers Battle Masters. Now you can bring the battle home, with Optimus Prime, and Megatron. Control the action with Battle Masters. Go toe to toe with your opponent and knock their head off to win! The Transformers Battle Masters game. The new generation of fighters. Rule the ring!
  • Battle Masters Fight Night 20 sec
Animation: External and internal views of an arena, re-used from the trailer. Optimus Prime's fist smashing through the Battle Masters logo at the end.
Narration: Battle Masters Guy.
Notes: An ad for a three day promotion for the Battle Masters mobile game where if a player beat the tournament, they would unlock "The Brazen Brawler", Knockout. The promotion ran from August 15 to August 17, 2014.
Transformers Battle Masters! For three days only, August 15th, 16th and 17th, win the Fight Night tournament to unlock the newest virtual fighter. "The Brazer Brawler", Knockout! And add him to your collection. Ask a parent to download. Transformers Battle Masters. Rule the ring!

Robots in Disguise (2015)

Robots in Disguise went back and forth with it's approach to animation. The first toy ad in 2015 used live action footage with CGI characters, but subsequent ads in the same year utilized animation in the style of the cartoon. This continued with the first ad of 2016. The marketing team then switched back to the live action/CGI blend for the Power Surge subline and the remainder of the line. Robots in Disguise has the unique distinction of having three McDonald's promotions (the most of any Transformers franchise) and commercials for each of them. It also has the distinction of having the first (and to date only) promotional campaign for an officially licensed Transformers museum exhibit, with the brand having partnered up with the Children's Museum of Indianapolis in 2015.


  • Exclusive First Look 1:13
Notes: Premiered July 24, 2014 at San Diego Comic-Con. Features clips from Robots In Disguise set to a techno track without any dialogue or sound effects.

  • Season 1 trailer 1:04
Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Uploaded October 7, 2014 to the Hasbro Studios YouTube channel. Presented on October 9, 2014 at New York Comic Con.
Get ready... "I need you on Earth Bumblebee." "Optimus?" for a new mission... "We could be looking at a Decepticon army trying to take this planet." "Yeah I noticed that." with a new team... "Where's your squadron?" "I'm afraid we're it." "And I'm supposed to be the one with the faulty hiring, uh-wiring." and a new leader. "I'm not Optimus!" "Too bad because we could really use a Prime right about now." Coming in 2015... "Several of Cybertron's most wanted Decepticons are at large." "How many is several?" "Ohhh, a couple of hundred." a new team will roll out. "We're a team now, so let's do what we have to do." "Kinda wish I was a bigger bot." "If we're going to wrap these fugitives up, we need to look like something humans will accept. We need to be robots in disguise." Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Coming in 2015.



RID2015 One And Three Step Changers Commercial.jpg
Animation: Full CGI Bumblebee pulls into a parking lot near a beach as Steeljaw pops out of some sand behind a live action boy. Bumblebee battles Steeljaw, eventually tossing him into the ocean.
Narration: Standard RID 2015 Guy
Toy segment: Live action kid transforming One Step Steeljaw and Three Step Bumblebee.
Notes: Uploaded February 20, 2015 to the Official Transformers Channel. Bumblebee's voice is provided by Will Friedle.
  • One Step and Three Step Changers with Warrior Class Optimus Prime
An edited version of the commercial above, featuring a brief clip of Warrior Class Optimus Prime.
Notes: This Optimus Prime features unpainted thighs.
  • One Step and Three Step Changers 15 sec
An edited version of the original commercial, featuring One Step Grimlock instead of Steeljaw. The ending shot also is replaced with a new one, showcasing One Step Grimlock and Sideswipe (the second mold), Warrior Optimus Prime and Strongarm, and Three Step Bumblebee and Thunderhoof.
All new Transformers, are Robots in Disguise. Kid: "Get 'em Bumblebee!" Bee: "Why don't you...cool off Decepticon!" Kid: "Whoa..." Bee: "Booyah! Slam dunk!" Get on the action fast with One-Step, and Three Step Changers! Part of the new Transformers: Robots in Disguise Collection. Each sold separately. Bee: "Ha ha!" Kid: "Yeah!"

RID2015 Mega Optimus Prime Commercial.jpg
Animation: Optimus Prime takes on Divebomb, Airazor, and Fracture in their rampage.
Narration: Standard RID 2015 Guy
Toy segment: Kid in yellow hoodie transforms Optimus Prime after driving him through a diorama.
Notes: Uploaded June 16, 2015 to the Official Transformers Channel. Optimus Prime's voice is not provided by Peter Cullen, nor are Fracture, Divebomb and Airazor's voices provided by Kevin Pollak, Khary Payton and Roger Craig Smith.
New Transformers Mega Optimus Prime! Fracture: "Nothing can stop us." Airazor: "Ha ha ha ha..." Divebomb: "Uh-oh!" The ultimate Autobot is here. Divebomb: "Oh no!" Optimus Prime: "Take that! Decepticon." Mega Optimus Prime converts fast in 3 Steps, from bot to battle! Part of the Transformers: Robots in Disguise Collection. Each sold separately. Fracture: "Ohhh...." Airazor: "What happened?"

RID2015 Deployers Science Commercial.jpg
  • Deployers: 'Mini-Con' 30 sec
Animation: None, apart from CGI manufacturing robot arms manipulating toys into place for the end shot.
Narration: Standard RID 2015 Guy
Toy segment: Two kid scientists demonstrate the "science" of the Deployer gimmick, but end up fighting with their respective deployers when one of them accidentally knocks off their only beaker.
Notes: When the camera pans out to show the two kids fighting across the table, there's no sign of the beaker anywhere despite the entire room being visible. Speaking of the beaker falling, those kids must've REALLY souped up their Fracture's launcher to be able to shoot out the Mini-Con with enough force to move the beaker by hitting it at it's base.
Kid 1: "Welcome back to the lab." Kid 2: "We're testing out Transformers: Robots in Disguise Mini-Con Deployers and Mini-Con toys." Kid 1: "The science is rather rudimentary." Kid 2: "Just convert, load, launch." Kid 1: "Hey, that was our only beaker! Autobot Drift, Jetstorm, move out!" Kid 2: "Attack Fracture, you mighty Decepticon!" Oh yeah, now that's science! Collect all the Mini-Con toys. Part of the Transformers: Robots in Disguise collection. Each Deployer comes with one Min-Con. Deployers and additional Mini-Cons each sold separately.

RID2015 Deployers Commercial.jpg
Animation: Three different segments: Drift deploys Jetstorm; Fracture deploys Airazor and Divebomb; Drift deploys both Jetstorm and Slipstream (RID) and Fracture deploys his Mini-cons leading to a clash. Only the aftermath of the clash is seen with the Autobots standing tall over, and in the case of the Mini-cons standing tall on, the Decepticons.
Narration: Standard RID 2015 Guy
Toy segment: Two boys duel with Drift, Fracture and their Min-cons in a diorama.
Notes: Uploaded September 20, 2015. Diorama is the same one used for the Mega Optimus Prime ad. Divebomb's voice is supplied by his usual actor this time. Jetstorm and Slipstream's voices also seem to be their usual actors.
New Transformers Mini-Cons! Transformers Deployers and their Mini-Cons are ready for battle! Convert, load, launch, and take the battle to the next level. Divebomb: "Ha ha, Mini-Cons rule!" Convert, load, launch. Load and launch, as bot or vehicle. MINI. CONS. Divebomb: "You are going down!" From the Robots in Disguise collection. You can collect them all. Each Deployer comes with one Min-Con. Single Mini-Cons each sold separately. Jetstorm & Slipstream: "Mini-cons!"

RID2015 Super Bumblebee Commercial.jpg
Animation: Steeljaw approaches Bumblebee, and bee transforms himself into a bigger bot, and then plays Steeljaw like a toy.
Toy segment: A boy drives Bumblebee through a scenic diorama before transforming him. His scale with other figures and electronic features are also demonstrated.
Notes: The diorama is the same as the previous commercial. Steeljaw's voice is provided by his usual actor,
Steeljaw: "Bumblebee?" Su-per Bumblebee: converts fast! Steeljaw: "Oh, no!" New Super Bumblebee is the biggest converting Bumblebee ever with lights and sounds! Toy: "Roll up and roll out!" Super Bumblebee, part of the Robots In Disguise collection. Each sold separately. Steeljaw: "Augh, ow!"


Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Uploaded February 23, 2015 to the Official Transformers Channel.
"I need you on Earth Bumblebee." "Optimus!" "We could be looking at a Decepticon army trying to take this planet." "Ready for your backup plan, sir." "I don't have one!" "Why don't we just start punchin' and see how it turns out?" "If we're gonna wrap these fugitives up, we need to be robots in disguise." "Woah." Transformers: Robots in Disguise. A brand new series. Only on Cartoon Network.

Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Aired March 14, 2015.
"Playtime's over." The Transformers have a new mission. "And I'm stranded on Earth with two teenagers." Catch every fugitive Decepticon on Earth and get them back into their cells. "I could eat the whole planet. Just the crunchy parts." But it's not gonna be easy... "Roll up and roll out! I'll work on that last part." Transformers: Robots In Disguise. One hour series premiere. Tonight at six, five Central. On Cartoon Network.


Recruitment in the Cybertronian Civil Wars has really taken a hit.
  • Exhibit at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis 30 sec
Narration: Optimus Prime narrates, appealing to the citizens of Earth to join his team to defend the Earth from the Decepticons, who have been sighted near the museum. This narration accompanies various shots of the exhibit being enjoyed by children and their parents.
Notes: Optimus Prime's narration is provided by his usual cartoon voice actor, Peter Cullen.
"Citizens of Earth, Decepticons have been sighted at the children's museum. We need you to join our team. Are you Autobot or Decepticon? Where do you stand? You must choose. You must prepare yourself to explore our world. Train the young. Design new Transformers characters. To protect the Allspark, join me Optimus Prime, to defend Earth." "Transformers: Robots In Disguise, at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. Open now."

  • McDonald's Happy Meal 30 sec
Narration: Unknown.
Notes: Happy Meal box A pulls out a Yoplait Go-Gurt tube from behind his back, much to the delight of a second Happy Meal box. Happy Meal box B spins the GoGurt (and thereby also twists the arm of box A) like an airplane propeller. This causes box A to fly around like an airplane, eventually knocking down box B from behind. After B gets up and sees A fly away again, Bumblebee shows up. B hops into Bee's driver seat and starts pressing all around Bumblebee's interior touch screen controls, triggering his transformation. Once transformed, Bee is tickled by the Happy Meal box banging around inside him, trying to get out. Box B eventually manages to pop out of a hatch behind Bumblebee's head, and the zaniness of the whole thing gives both of them a good laugh. Box A flies through the still shot of the actual toys just before his arm propeller runs out of steam and he crashes.
Becoming a force for good, has never been easier. When you choose to team Bumblebee or another epic Transformers: Robots in Disguise toy with the goodness of Go-Gurt strawberry yogurt in your McDonald's Happy Meal.



Oh yeah!
Animation: Overload busts through the wall of a construction site, transforms to tank mode and deploys two Mini-Cons. Backtrack and Hammer transform and lunge at Bumblebee and Grimlock.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: A pair of hands demonstrates the toys inside a demolished construction site diorama.
Notes: The diorama does not feature any construction equipment and has strangely high number of rocks/boulders strewn about. It also seems to be mis-scaled such that the Deployers would be roughly the size of humans. Apparently, Overload was able to borrow Crazybolt's Minicon, Hammer. There is a single line of dialoge from the animated characters, a yell of "Mini-Cons!" used as a stinger at the end. It is not clear which Mini-Con utters it. Though Hammer does his mouth open, neither he nor Backtrack have been previously been shown to be capable of speech.
Transformers Cyclone Deployers are mightier with...new Cyclone Mini-Cons. Choose any Cyclone Mini-Con you want to roll into battle, and make your Cyclone Deployer even mightier with the Cyclone Mini-Cons! Part of the Robots in Disguise collection. Each deployer comes with one Mini-Con. Other Min-Cons sold separately. You can collect them all! Hammer?: "Mini-Cons!"
RID2015 Power Surge Prime Commercial.jpg

  • Power Surge Optimus Prime 15 sec
Animation: CGI Starscream lands in front of house where a boy comes out to defend it with his Power Surge Optimus Prime figure on a stormy night. Starscream then recoils in fear as Aerobolt being snapped onto the toy chest and activating its gimmicks causes the real Optimus Prime to show up.
Narration: Peter Cullen with the Standard RID 2015 Guy doing the figure description at the end.
Toy segment: Live action boy, flipping back the cab portion of the toy, then attaching Aerobolt to Prime's chest to trigger his pop-out wings and cannons.
Narrator 1: Transformers. When evil casts its shadow, step into the light to power up and be more than meets the eye. Narrator 2: Power Surge Optimus Prime and Weaponizer.

RID2015 Power Surge Bee Commercial.jpg
  • Power Surge Bumblebee 15 sec
Animation: CGI Thunderhoof transforms in the middle of a downtown intersection with a number of humans looking on. One of them, a young boy, steps up and holds his Power Surge Bumblebee figure up to Thunderhoof. This prompts the Decepticon to laugh and point at the child. The boy snaps Buzzstrike to the figure's chest to power it up. Thunderhoof is not swayed and continues laughing until he notices the real Bumblebee is standing behind him with Buzzstrike in-hand.
Narration: Peter Cullen with the Standard RID 2015 Guy doing the figure description at the end.
Toy Segment: Boy transforms Buzzstrike to chestplate mode and attaches him to Bumblebee.
Narrator 1: Transformers. Some forces will always try to stop you, but you have a choice. Power up and be more than meets the eye. Narrator 2: Power Surge Bumblebee and Weaponizer. Other figures sold separately.


  • Season 2 Trailer 1:08
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
Dark forces are gathering... Bumblebee: "There are Decepticons scattered all over the globe." A new power is rising... Optimus Prime: "Prepare yourselves for battle." And when a legendary hero is weakened... Bumblebee: "Stop you're tearing him apart!" The enemies of Earth grow stronger. Bumblebee: "Steeljaw is trying to build an army, and that makes him twice as dangerous." Steeljaw: "I want to assemble a different team, a better team." To defeat this evil... Glowstrike: "These elite warriors seem more than adequate." the Autobots that stood united... Windblade: "Optimus isn't up to this." Optimus Prime: "Your concern is unwarranted." Must face this enemy...divided. Strongarm: "Is this really a good idea sir?" Bumblebee: "My order stands." Saberhorn: "You are either undeniably brave or foolish." Grimlock: "I'm gonna go with the first one." Transformers: Robots In Disguise


  • McDonald's Happy Meal 30 sec
Narration: Unknown.
Notes:Four kids sit on the front steps of a house, eating their McDonald's Happy Meal. One kid pulls out a robot mode Optimus Prime figure, which is strangely not bagged, from his Happy Meal box. As he shouts "Whoa, cool!", one of the other kids pulls out a robot mode Steeljaw figure. A third kid then shouts "You're outnumbered now, Optimus Prime!" as he holds up his robot mode Thunderhoof figure. Kid number four takes a bite out of his McNugget and nods knowingly at kid number one. After the still shot of the four toys, we find out that in an incredible coincidence kid four got vehicle mode Bumblebee. He asks "Who's out numbered now?" and flicks the toy forward. As the toy leaves the frame, it's replaced by a yellow Chevy Camaro that the four boys take to be the real-life Bumblebee. The second half of the ad is a near totally unrelated plug for the return of Cuties in Happy Meals, featuring a CGI Happy Meal Box diving and swimming Scrooge McDuck-in-his-money-bin style in a farm trailer full of Cuties.
Kid 1: "Whoaaa, cool!" Kid 3: "You're outnumbered now, Optimus Prime!" Now in your Happy Meal, you can team up for good, with a Transformers: Robots in Disguise toy. Kid 4: "Who's out numbered now?" And the goodness of fresh Cuties. Only at McDonald's.



RID2015 When Bots Collide Commercial.jpg
  • Combiner Force: When Bots Collide 30 sec
Animation: CGI Optimus Prime & Strongarm collide and combine into Primestrong in a Southwestern U.S. desert. This happens behind a boy doing the same with his action figures.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: The animation segment is revealed to be a figment of the boy's imagination as a pan out from his eye shows him playing with the Combiner Force toys at what appears to be a picnic table.
New Transformers: Combiner Force. Crash! and combine forces to become more than meets the eye! Now you can have the power to turn two, into one. With new Robots in Disguise Crash Combiners ...and Activators. Transformers: Combiner Force. Each pair sold separately.

RID2015 Team Combiners Commercial.jpg
  • Combiner Force: Team Combiners 17 sec
Animation: CGI Team Ultra Bee combines, starting with Grimlock transforming into his legs, then Bee creating the torso and head and ending with Sideswipe and Strongarm becoming the arms.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: A kid plays with Team Ultra Bee on a picnic table. Suddenly, the shadow of the Menasor toy looms overhead. The kid looks up to see a hand holding Menasor. Cut to the animation segment of Team Ultra Bee combining. This is then shown, via a pan out through the kid's eye, to be all in his head. The kid smiles, and finishes the last steps of Ultra Bee by snapping the torso and arms onto the legs and then flipping up the head. It is then revealed that a second kid was the one holding Menasor and he sits down to join the first kid in a friendly toy battle.
Transformers. In the shadow of danger, four must combine to become stronger as one and be, more than meets the eye! Team Ultra Bee vs Menasor. Transformers Team Combiners. Each sold separately.


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
New enemies are rising... Drag Strip: "Show 'em how we rumble." Soundwave: "You have done well." New heroes are uniting... Sideswipe: "Blurr, shouldn't you be rescuing someone?" Blurr: "Thought I just did." And new forces are combining. Motormaster: "Show 'em we're serious." Fixit: "The human encountered two Stunticons that combined into one." Optimus Prime: "This power is a legend." Bumblebee: "Let's make it our mission to merge into one giant form." Grimlock: "Am I the bottom? I knew it." Motormaster: "No." Drag Strip: "It can't be!" Transformers: Robots in Disguise Combiner Force. New episodes air Saturday morning at 6:30. Only on Cartoon Network.


  • McDonald's Happy Meal 30 sec
Narration: Unknown male narrator for the first half, unknown female narrator for the second half.
Notes: Two kids eat their Happy Meals and play with their toys at McDonald's, with various zany sound effects accompanying them. The camera then pans out to show the sound effects are being provided by their dad sitting next to them. After the usual "narrator chimes in with a cut to professional photography of the toys" bit, we cut back to one of the boys trying to do the sound effects himself, with the dad affectionately mussing the kid's hair to show his approval. The second half of the ad is a promo for the McDonald's McPlay app with a different dad and his two kids sitting at a different McDonald's table. They demonstrate using the app on a smartphone to scan a Transformers toy from their Happy Meal to unlock "even more fun".
"Milk and apples <bew>, the ultimate alliance <bew>." Narrator 1: You can join the team, with the goodness of apple slices and a Transformers action figure or mask in every McDonald's Happy Meal. Narrator 2: The Happy Meal fun goes on and on, when you download the McPlay app. You can scan your Happy Meal toy unlock even more fun! Ask your parents to download McPlay today and you can enjoy it with the goodness of milk and apple slices. Only at McDonald's.

Combiner Wars

Combiner Wars ads showed a snippet of toy footage in between clips of CGI animation. Arguably, the CGI in the ads is actually more fluid than that of the supporting media. Combiner Wars is also the first toyline to have a trailer for one of its releases.


Uploaded June 28, 2015 to the Official Transformers Channel.
Animation: A head shot of Optimus Prime talking about the Aerialbots, while said team flies to the city to stop the rampaging Menasor. The Aerialbots combine to form Superion, and they battle against the Decepticon gestalt.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: The Aerialbots are combined into Superion, who faces off with Menasor. Optimus Prime's voice is not provided by Peter Cullen.
Notes: Powerglide only shows up in the toy segment after Superion is formed. It seems Scramble Power or something similar is at play in this universe as Prime doesn't mention a specific team when talking about the Decepticons forming Menasor nor when commanding the "Autobots" to combine into Superion.
Transformers: Combiner Wars. "Autobots, this is Optimus Prime. The Decepticons have formed Menasor. And the threat is bigger than ever. Autobots, combine. Into. SUPERION." Connect six Combiner Wars figures, to build even BIGger robots. And defeat the Decepticons. Transformers: Combiner Wars figures. Each sold separately. Courage is stronger when combined.

  • Transformers Generations: Combiner Wars: Defensor 30 sec
Animation: Same as the first Combiner Wars ad but with the Protectobots and Defensor replacing the Aerialbots and Superion as the Autobot combiner team taking on Menasor.
Narration: Unknown, same as the Superion ad.
Toy Segment: Same as the Superion ad, except now it's the Protectobots combining and facing off against Menasor.
Notes: Groove is not present on the first scene of the Protectobot's alt modes, and he later appears to form Defensor's chest. Once again, Prime does not specify specific combiner teams.
Transformers: Combiner Wars. "Autobots, this is Optimus Prime. The Decepticons have formed Menasor. And the threat is bigger than ever. Autobots, combine. Into. DEFENSOR." Connect six Combiner Wars figures, to build even BIGger robots. And defeat the Decepticons. Transformers: Combiner Wars figures. Each sold separately. Courage is stronger when combined.

  • Transformers Generations: Combiner Wars: Sky Reign 20 sec, 15 sec
Animation: An abbreviated version of the animation from the first two Combiner Wars ads, featuring Menasor and Superion as the combiners. Optimus Prime's lines have been shortened as well. This time, instead of referring to any specific Transformers (himself included), he merely says "Six Decepticons have formed a massive combiner. Autobots, you have the power to combine." The animation from the end of the commercial has been omitted completely.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: Sky Reign is formed and placed in a faceoff against Bruticus.
Transformers: Combiner Wars. "Six Decepticons have formed a massive combiner. Autobots, you have the power to combine." YOUR Combiner Wars figures connect together to form Sky Reign, to take on Bruticus and the Decepticons.even BIGger robots. And defeat the Decepticons. Transformers: Combiner Wars figures. Each sold separately.

  • Transformers Generations: Combiner Wars: Devastator trailer 52 sec
Animation: Excerpts from The Transformers.
Notes: The trailer is composed of text narration interspersed with snippets of the G1 cartoon and still frames of Devastators' various comic appearances all set to a background techno rock track. The cartoon snippets are occasionally accompanied by re-dubbed dialogue, presumably to avoid paying royalties for the use of the original voice actors' performances.
The original combiner was made of | TOUGH STUFF | His return from G-1 [sic] | Has been 30 years in the making "Constructicons, merge into Dev-a-sta-tor." And now | We bring you "Devastator is back!" Devastator

Titans Return

Titans Return takes an unusal, but quite appropriate given the line's gimmick, approach by focusing it's advertising on the more expensive items in the line (Titan Fortress Maximus, Leader class Powermaster Optimus Prime and Voyager class Optimus Prime) and how those toys can interact with the least expensive items, the Titan Masters. Again, the CGI animation produced for the ads is arguably more fluid than the cartoon.


  • Powermaster Optimus Prime15 sec
Animation: Sentinel Prime and Blurr transforming into robots with their Titan Masters forming their heads, with Fortress Maximus appearing from behind.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: An array of Titan Masters are shown standing in a row. Hyperfire is converted into Blurr's head, followed by a fast motion montage of various Titan Masters serving as Blurr's head. Apex is plugged in as Powermaster Prime's head, followed by shots of the full robot mode on a turntable and then the vehicle mode.
Notes: This commercial was first seen at Cybertron Con 2016. The array of Titan Masters includes, from left to right, Clobber, Loudmouth, Infinitus, Brawn, Skytread, Hyperfire, Crashbash, Nightbeat, Apex, Emissary, Terri-bull, and Apeface.
On Cybertron, the ancient Titans have returned. To control the battle, power up with the Titan Masters. Convert your Titan master to head mode. You can even take control of Powermaster Optimus Prime! Transformers Generations: Titans Return. Each figure sold separately.

Animation: Sentinel Prime and Blurr transforming into robots with their Titan Masters forming their heads, with Fortress Maximus appearing from behind.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: Similar to the Powermaster Optimus Prime ad, the segment starts with an array of Titan Masters standing in a row. Hyperfire is converted into Blurr's head, followed by a fast motion montage of various Titan Masters serving as Blurr's head. Fort Max is shown standing next to Sentinel Prime on a turntable, followed by a brief demonstration of Fort Max's lights and laser gun sounds. The segment ends with Sentinel Prime in spaceship mode and Blurr in car mode being placed next to Fort Max in his spaceship mode.
Notes: This commercial was first seen at Cybertron Con 2016. The array of Titan Masters includes, from left to right, Clobber, Loudmouth, Infinitus, Brawn, Skytread, Hyperfire, Crashbash, Nightbeat, Apex, Emissary, Terri-bull, and Apeface.
On Cybertron, the ancient Titans have returned. To control the battle, power up with the Titan Masters. Convert your Titan master to head mode. You can even take control of Fortress Maximus! Transformers Generations: Titans Return. Each figure sold separately. Batteries not included.


  • Transformers: Titans Return - "More than Meets the Eye" 20 sec
Animation: Sawback replaces Diac as Optimus Prime's head, then he shoots at Megatron. Megatron dodges, then Fangry becomes his head and he stomps the ground, making a quake that Optimus dodges. Hot Rod runs by, Ptero becomes his head and then he transforms.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: Diac is detached from Optimus Prime and transformed into robot mode, then Sawback is selected from an array of Titan Masters to replace him. Ending shot shows Optimus Prime, Hot Rod and Sawback.
Notes: The array of Titan Masters from which Sawback is selected also includes Xort, Loudmouth, Infinitus, Firedrive, a second Diac, Fangry, Ptero, Throttle, Daburu and Blowpipe
The Titans have returned. And the power to enhance the MIGHTY Optimus Prime, is IN YOUR HANDS! On Cybertron, Titan Masters increase Optimus Prime's Fireblast, Megatron's Strength AND Hot Rod's Speed! Become MORE than meets the eye, with Transformers: Titans Return. Each sold separately.

The Last Knight

Power of the Primes

Power of the Primes received two ads, taking drastically different approaches. The first uses the traditional format of animation followed by footage of the actual toys. The second is a live action story featuring a boy asking questions of a super computer and being shown video of toys. The animation in the first ad, much like that of the first two parts of the trilogy, manages to outdo it's respective cartoon.


POTP Commercial.jpg
Animation: Micronus lands on Cybertron. Jazz escapes from Starscream's attacks, then Micronus comes out and boosts Jazz's power.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: Starscream lands and aims at Jazz and Micronus. Micronus is pulled out from his Decoy Armor and placed inside Jazz's chest armor.
Notes: The 15 second version curiously uses a different final shot, adding Beachcomber to the mix.
Transformers: Power of the Primes. As a Prime Master lands on Cybertron, Autobot Jazz races to find it, before Decepticon Starscream. Legend has it, Prime Master Micronus has the power to give extra strength. Unleash the Prime to become more than meets the eye! Transformers: Power of the Primes, each figure sold separately.

POTP Leaders Commercial.jpg
  • Transformers: Power of the Primes Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime 30 sec
Narration: Each sold separately tag by the Super Computer.
Toy Segment: A kid asks a super computer how Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime became Primes. The computer answers that Orion Pax and Hot Rod became them by the power of the Matrix. The kid transforms the two toys, pulls out Optimus's Matrix and inserts Rodimus's into his compartment.
Notes: Multiple scenes from The Transformers: The Movie are shown in the super computer's screen. When validating the child's authority to access it, the computer scans the child's iris and states "Leader class confirmed." Funny, he doesn't look that tall.
Computer: "Leader class confirmed." Boy: "How did Optimus and Rodimus become Primes?" Computer: "Orion Pax and Hot Rod. Each legendary Autobot became a Prime using the Matrix of Leadership." Computer: Transformers Leader class Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime, each sold separately.

Studio Series

Studio Series has only had one ad so far, but one is probably all it needs. Since Studio Series is not driven by media, there's no need to update the ad as the marketing gimmick of the line (movie accurate sculpts) isn't changing. And with an adult target audience, not much advertising is needed when you're preaching to the choir.


For truth, justice, and the Autobot way.
  • Transformers Studio Series 20 sec
Animation: Brief clip of Bumblebee transforming from Transformers.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: Bumblebee, Ratchet and Optimus Prime are set in front of the cardboard backdrops included with them.
Discover the moments and bring home the characters that defined a generation! You set the stage... with Transformers Studio Series. More than meets the eye! Each sold separately.
Same as the previous ad, but Blackout replaces Ratchet.

Rescue Bots Academy

Rescue Bots Academy, like it's predecessor, had it's share of cartoon promos. Unlike it's predecessor, it does not appear to have produced any toy commercials. At least, we haven't found any yet.


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Text only.
Whirl: "Follow me team!" Hoist: "How about a tow?" Cody Burns: "Nice reflexes" [JOIN THE NEW RECRUITS] Hot Shot: "Oh yeah! Uh huh!" Whirl: "I'm Whirl. This is how humans meet each other. Or they do this. Or this!" [TRAIN WITH THE BEST] Hot Shot: "Optimus Prime?!?" Optimus Prime: "Rescue Bot Training Academy has chosen the best of the best to join it's first class." Whirl: "I can't believe we're going to be learning from the Heatwave!" [ROLL TO THE RESCUE] Whirl: "Whoa-hoa-hoa!" Medix: "I'm on it." Heatwave: "Roll to the rescue."


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
Saturday... Optimus Prime: "I am here with a greater mission." Are your kids ready to master the powers of generosity, teamwork and responsibility? Hot Shot: "Oh you like that huh?" Then it's time to join the ranks of the Rescue Bots! Heatwave: "Welcome to the Rescue Bots Training Academy." Cause there's no rescue too big... Wedge: "Hit it Hot Shot!" And no hero too small. Whirl: "Yes, we saved you!" In the brand new Transformers Rescue Bots Academy. Saturday at 9 AM on Discovery Family.


  • Season Two Trailer 1:34
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: None.
Optimus Prime: "Recruits, congratulations on completing year one." Heatwave: "Welcome to year two of training." Hot Shot: "I got this thing down." Hoist: "What could go wrong?" Hot Shot: "Nailed it!" Optimus Prime: "Each of you will be partnered with a mentor who will guide you through year two." Hoist: "Chase, Blades, Bumblebee, Heatwave, and Grimlock!" Grimlock: "Hey Babybot, what's uuuuuup!?" Hoist: "Augh!" Optimus Prime: "Now, the real work begins." Heatwave: "Optimus chose you because you aren't bound by rules." Medix: "So nothing else unexpected should happen today!" Blades: "Huh? Whoa!" Heatwave: "I'm not even going to ask." Heatwave: "You'll need help developing your indvidual skills." Bumblebee: "That's why we're here." Hoist: "Power up and energize!" Heatwave: "It's time for you to learn to truly multichange." Hoist: "Whoa!" Wedge: "All three forms in one day!" Optimus Prime: "You've just scratched the surface of what the Multicog can do." Hot Shot: "It does more?!?" Bumblebee: "A rescuer has to play to their strengths." Whirl: "It doesn't matter what we do, as long as we do it together." Wedge: "You know what that means." Boulder: "Rescue Bot recruits roll out!" Medix: "Let's do this!" Hot Shot: "Sure, knock yourself out." Medix: "Why would I render myself unconcious?"

Rescue Bots Academy Cartoon Promo.jpg
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
It doesn't matter if your energetic... Hot Shot: "Activate. Sweet!" ...enthusiastic... Whirl: "Ohhh! I can't wait for the lessons to start!" ...competitive... Wedge: "Rescue work is about action!" ...analytical... Medix: "My servos are swiveling with excitement." ...or strong. Hoist: "Power up and energize!" There's a place for you at the Transformers Rescue Bots Academy. All-new, continues next. Only on Discovery Family.

  • Continues Next promo 2 15 sec
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
The Rescue Bots are back! Grimlock: "What's uuuuup!" With new adventures! Bumblebee: "This'll be your first spacewalk." Roll to the rescue with a brand season of... Transformers Rescue Bots Academy! Continues next, only on Discovery Family.

  • Continues Next promo 3 15 sec
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
At the Rescue Bots Academy, no challenge is too big... Hot Shot: "Boulder!" And no hero is too small. Wedge: "We gotta save them!" Transformers Rescue Bots Academy all-new continues next, only on Discovery Family.


Cyberverse seems to have picked up where Robots in Disguise (2015) left off by continuing with the blended CGI/live action toy segments. It is the first franchise since the original to regularly utilize animation unique to the toy commercials (albeit brief ones) with the character voices reprised by their cartoon actors. While there are trailers for each season, so far no commercials for the cartoon have surfaced online.



Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: A kid transforms Bumblebee and gasps at the activation of his car mode gimmick. He then transforms Grimlock too and activates his fire-breathing gimmick. This prompts Bumblebee to pop up from behind the sofa to gasp at it in unison with the kid.
New Transformers Cyberverse. Convert to activate Hive Swarm Attack. Boy (whispering): "Whoa!" "WHOA" is right. Feel that thrill. There's always more than meets the eye! Bumblebee (whispering): "Whoa!" GET MORE WHOA with new Transformers Cyberverse Action Attackers!


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: None.
Notes: The trailer seems to abruptly cut off after an animation montage rather than making a closing pitch.
Windblade: "Bumblebee, I'm going to access your memory." Bumblebee: "This is my mind?" Windblade: "Let's find some answers." [THE KEY TO THE FUTURE] Megatron: "Fellow Cybertronians, we stand together, 'til all are one!" [LIES IN THE PAST] Optimus: "This is not the way. Old friend." Megatron: "Then it will be war!" "You'd have made a good Decepticon." Bumblebee: "I made my choice a long time ago." Optimus: "Autobots, our long term survival has become critical." Grimlock: "Our immediate survival isn't exactly set in stone either." Windblade: "The Autobots are somewhere here on Earth." Bumblebee: "Then you and I have to find them." Slipstream: "Where are the Autobots? Is Optimus Prime with you?" Windblade: "Yeah, want me to call him for you?" Bumblebee: "Who-oa! I need one of those!"



Cyberverse Spark Armor Commercial.jpg
Animation: A jet swoops around as Optimus Prime is running a long a short cliff wall. Bumblebee is on lower ground running alongside Optimus and tells him to "power up with that jet."
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: Kid combines Elite Class Optimus Prime with his spark armor on top of a table in his backyard. CG Optimus Prime with spark armor walks up alongside him as he proudly holds out his combined toy. Optimus Prime does his best Kool-Aid Man impression: "Oh yeah!"
Notes: Bumblebee and Optimus Prime's voices are provided by their usual Cyberverse actors, Jeremy Levy and Jake Foushee respectively.
Bumblebee: "Optimus, power up with that jet!" With the energy of the Allspark, combine and convert to armor up Optimus Prime!" Optimus Prime: "Oh yeah!" New spark armor figures, from Transformers: Cyberverse. Each sold separately.

Cyberverse Ark Power Prime Commercial.jpg
  • Ark Power Optimus Prime 15sec
Animation: Optimus Prime stands on the edge of a cliff as the Ark flies overhead and Bumblebee yells from offscreen for him to "use the Ark to power up".
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: A kid plays with the toy on the front steps of his house. He then stands up in front of the house and holds out the combined figure as CGI Ark Power Optimus Prime walks up beside him and does his Kool-Aid Man impression again.
Notes: Bumblebee and Optimus Prime's voices are provided by their usual Cyberverse actors, Jeremy Levy and Jake Foushee respectively.
New from Transformers: Cyberverse. Bumblebee: "Optimus, use the Ark to power up!" With the energy of the ark, combine, and convert, to armor up Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime: "Oh yeah!" New Ark Power Optimus. From Transformers: Cyberverse.


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: Unknown.
Starscream: "After countless milennia of conflict, the Allspark is mine!" Slipstream: "Starscream's gone mad." Starscream: "Ha ha ha...!" Optimus Prime: "Starscream presents a danger to the Autobots and the Decepticons." Megatron: "We are in agreement." Optimus Prime: "As long as he's a threat, we must work together." Megatron: "Very well Prime." [SWORN ENEMIES] Windblade: "We can't trust them." Grimlock: "That my friend, is an understatement." [MUST JOIN FORCES] Starscream: "Optimus Prime, YOU'RE A LITTLE LATE!" Optimus Prime: "We fight not just for ourselves, but for all of Cybertron." Windblade: "RAUGGGGGGH!" Transformers: Cyberverse Season Two. The adventure continues.



There. Sure glad we don't look stupid in this.
  • Energon Armor Optimus Prime & Bumblebee 20 sec
Animation: In a rocky desert area, Bumblebee jumps back to avoid the blast of Shockwave. Optimus Prime rolls into view, transforms and leaps into the air before slamming his axe into Shockwave. At the end of the ad, Prime and Bee stand in ready poses and activate their Energon Armor.
Narration: Unknown.
Toy Segment: Two kids, in a fullscale diorama of the rocky desert, play with the toys on a table cleverly disguised as a large flat rock.
Notes: The very end of the toy segment shows the kids also having Ultra Class Hot Rod, Ultimate Class Shockwave, and Ultra Class Clobber on hand.
New from Transformers: Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures. Now you can. Convert and conquer with. Ultimate twist and change action. And activate Energon Armor. To totally own the battle. There's more than meets the eye. With new Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures figures. Each sold separately.

Cyberverse Battle Call Commercial.jpg
Animation: CG Battle Call Bumblebee and Optimus Prime running on a bridge, away from a live action kid standing in front of a tower and yelling "Go!". This takes place on what looks to be Cybertron (planet).
Narration: Unknown.
Toy segment: Two kids transform the toys and demonstrate their voice activated features in front of a green-screened Cybertronian door background. Every time the kids are shown giving a voice command, a sound wave (no, not a Soundwave) graphic is added to emphasize that the sound is coming from their mouths.
New Transformers: Cyberverse Battle Call. Voice activated play that turns your voice into a battle call. Kid 1: "Bumblebee activate Energon armor." Toy: "GO AUTOBOTS!" Convert, then command to: Both kids: "Power up!" Optimus toy: "Shield's up." Bumblebee toy: "You got this Optimus." With the new Transformers Battle Call figures. Each sold separately, batteries not included.


  • Season 3 trailer 1:12
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: None.
Optimus Prime: "Bumblebee...I have you seen you fight bravely in all corners of the universe. But now, our journey is at an end. Someday you will be called upon to be a leader. Before that day, you must return to Cybertron and restore life to our world." Bumblebee: "Optimus, nobody even knows what's down there." "This doesn't look like home." Megatron: "I arrived here LONG before you old friend." Bumblebee: "That's not good." [The War For the Allspark] Optimus: "Megatron, we end this once and for all." [Comes Home] Bumblebee: "Autobots, let's finish this." Megatron: "You have no chance." Bumblebee: "That's it!" Chromia: "Bee! Are you crazy?" Bumblebee: "Yes!"


Transformers: BotBots's catchy advertising jingle and fun and zany animation segments mesh perfectly with it's "gotta catch 'em all" type marketing gimmick.


BotBots Digital Commercial 1.jpg
BotBots Digital Commercial 2.jpg

  • Official Digital Commercial 54 sec
Animation: Pan down from the BotBots logo to show lighting shooting out from a cloud at night and striking a mall. Inside, the electricity crackles and flows into various storefronts leading to an explosion of light and dust. The BotBots start coming to life and the silhouettes of Point Dexter, Sticky McGee, Rootwing and Batsby are seen transforming outside a store while Remorsel transforms in full view. A series of shots are timed to the chorus of the song: Fomo, hangs off the 'B' in 'BOT' before pulling it over on himself while Dr. Moggly mogs, er, mugs for the camera; The letter 'O' from a different 'BOT' falls over and traps the The Plop Father inside; King Toots and Pucksie stand on either side of a third 'BOT', Toots shoots a few squares at the 'B' while Pucksie kind of turns his body from side to side before placing a hand on the T, causing the 'BOT' to expand into 'BOTBOTS' and push out the two BotBots. Goob Toob appears on security cam footage looking into the camera while a bunch of generic BotBots run around in the background. Cut to the food court where the Greaser Gang is tearing it up. S'up Dawg and Shredder Jack have a diving contest refereed by Fottle Barts. S'up Dawg jumps and transforms mid-air before landing perfectly in a cup of mustard. Almost simultaneously, Shredder Jack loses his balance and splats into a cup of tomato based sauce, breaking the cup. Fottle Barts gives them both a 10. Elsewhere in the food court, Duderoni drinks soda from a fountain machine while Twerple Burple uses the same machine to fuel her blaster as she shoots it into Angry Cheese's mouth. Duderoni rips off a belch while Angry Cheese becomes overloaded with soda, leading to it spraying out both of her eyes and both sides of her head. Meanwhile in a bathroom stall somewhere, the Toilet Troop gets into mischief. Sergeant Scrubadub log rolls on the toliet paoper dispenser as Frohawk draws poo grafitti on the base of the toilet. Poo Sham brings in a bar of chocolate and forms into a replica pile of poo. Just then, the toilet paper runs out, causing Sergeant Scrubadub to fall off and into the replica pile of poo. Chorus animation repeats, before a cut to a sporting goods store where the Jock Squad is having fun. Dinger is jumping "rope", the rope being the shoelace of a soccer cleat being twirled by Laceface. Kidd Klobber busts out of a nearby shoebox through the side, prompting Laceface to transform. This allows Kidd Klobber to placekick him through an animated basketball hoop placed at the end of a shelving unit. The kick is good and Dinger does a celebratory dance. Cut to set of shelves sitting behind a desk, presumably the mall's Lost and Found. Lost Bots Stinkeye Stapleton, Game Over, Bonz-Eye, Frostferatu, Dimlit, and Clogstopper along with Playroom Posse member Kikmee jump out of the shelves and towards the camera.
Narration: BotBot Guy
Toy segment: None
Notes: While most of the featured BotBots are series one, Dinger and Kikmee are from series three. Kikmee is also oddly out place, being grouped in with the Lost Bots instead of his actual subgroup, the Playroom Posse. To be fair though, the Playroom Posse subgroup wouldn't debut until series three either.
One stormy night, at a mall near by, Energon power fell from the sky. It hit the mall with it's powerful might and gave everyday objects robot life-fe-fe! {Here-a bot. There-a bot. Everywhere-a Bot Bot! Different tribes, throughout the mall. Started making mischief, big and small. The Greaser Gang went to town. Squirting condiments on whatever they found. The tribe in the bathroom the Toilet Troop, smashed choclate bars to look like- <squish> }Here-a bot. There-a bot. Everywhere-a Bot Bot! Deflating balls and making punts, the Jock Squad's up to wicked stunts. And then there's ones, that no one knows. The Lost Bots lurking in the sha-a-dows. You don't know where they're hidingyou'rein for a surprise! BotBots are more than meets the eye!} "BotBots." {Transformers!}

  • Frostferatu and Sprinkleberry D'uhnut 15 sec
Animation: The food court segment from the previous commercial.
Narration: BotBot Guy
Toy segment: A boy pops Frostferatu out of his package and onto his kitchen table. Zoom in on the boys hands transforming Frostferatu and then zoom in on another pair of hands transforming Sprinkleberry D'uhnut. Pan over the series one toys laid out on the table.
{Here-a bot. There-a bot. Everywhere-a Bot Bot!} Pop 'em out, convert and see what Bots you got. With new Transformers BotBots. You can collect 190 in 2019. Each sold separately. {Here-a bot. There-a bot. Everywhere-a Bot Bot!} Sprinkleberry D'uhnut: "What Bot you got?"

BotBots commercial - Goldrush Games.jpg
  • Goldrush Games Digital Commercial 27 sec
Animation: Gold Punch, Goldenberry D'uhnut, Goldsferatu, SPF Gold, Goldface, Goldie Rock, and Gold Dexter of the Winner's Circle sit in alt modes at the top of the mall's escalators. As the camera pans in, they transform. The camera pans out to showing members of the Backpack Bunch Fresh Squeezes, Spoiled Rottens, Greaser Gang, Jock Squad and Music Mob tribes in the courtyard area below, cheering at the gold Botbots. The Jock Squad, Fresh Squeezes and Music Mob transform, ready to compete. Batsby and Dinger transform. Dimlit grabs Batsby and hits Dinger sending him him flying! They Jock Squad charges forward. Sensei Spiny slashes a juice carton, making a puddle that Arctic Guzzlerush slips on. The Fresh Squeezes then run off. The Music Mob get ready, with Smooth Shaker transforming and shakes excitedly. She transforms back, grabbing a flag as Batterhead grabs Dingledeedoo by her handle. The Music Mob charge forward as well. The gold BotBots head down the escalator and head to the tiered podium, climbing up. They look left then right as Pop-O the Clown pokes their head in from the right side of the screen. He waggles his arms and the BotBots Goldrush Games logo appears on screen.
Narration: BotBot Guy
Toy segment: None
Notes: Gold Punch is missing his face details, showing it to be completely blank. Dimlit and Smooth Shaker of the Lost Bots are shown with the Jock Squad and Music Mob, tribes they were respectively lost from. A red version of Axwell is shown with the Music Mob. The mall itself is shown as being in scale with the BotBots. This either means the Botbots are all human size, or the mall itself is very tiny. Multiple duplicate BotBots can seen sitting in non tribal groups in the courtyard area. The tribal insignias for the Hibotchi Heats, Retro Replays and Techie Team be can be seen on store fronts in the background, though no members of those tribes appear in the commercial.
"Shiny new gold trophy BotBots are here....and every tribe wants one! Tribes will compete to prove they're the most mischievous, to try to win one of the gold trophy bots. Who will grab the gold with the all new BotBots Goldrush Games?

War for Cybertron Trilogy

The recent trend of shorter fifteen and twenty second toy commercials seems poised to continue based on the marketing for the War for Cybertron Trilogy. So far, Hasbro seems content to only commission ads for the first wave of product of a given year. Even the more child focused lines, Rescue Bots Academy and Cyberverse, seem to have fewer and shorter commercials. It is unclear if this indicative of a reduced TV advertising budget due to kids not watching as much TV, having to spread the budget across more simultaneous product lines than before (in addition to the aforementioned lines, Studio Series and BotBots are also simultaneously on shelves), or both.



Animation: Lionizer, Optimus Prime and Autobot Sixgun run past Sideswipe on a bridge on Cybertron during a battle. Prime jumps to a stop as Lionzier transforms into his sword and Sixgun weaponizes with Prime.
Narration: Unknown announcer and Jon Bailey as Optimus Prime.
Toy segment: The toys are shown in a Cybertronian city diorama. It starts with Prime in truck mode, having the roof of the toy flipped up before a jump cut to Prime in robot mode that pans over to Starscream in robot mode. The camera continues panning down and to the right to show Lionizer, then Sixgun a short ways in front. Prime has somehow teleported as the camera continues panning to the right to show him standing next to Sixgun. As the camera continues to pan further right still, we see Prime from the torso up, weaponized with Sixgun and holding Lionizer. The camera then does slight turn back to the left before panning backwards to show Hound, weaponized Prime, Ironhide and Sideswipe facing off against Shockwave, Megatron, Starscream and Refraktor. All these scenes appear to be greenscreened with first a doorway background and later an outdoor background with a collapsing tower animation.
Notes: Skytread can be seen standing on the bridge in the background as the Autobots are running.
Combine and weaponize with NEW Transformers War For Cybertron! "Calling all Autobots. The Decepticon siege has pushed us to the brink, but war rages on. Combine together and help protect what's left of Cybertron." New Transformers War for Cybertron. Each sold separately.


  • New York Toy Fair Netflix Teaser 1:46
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: None.
Ultra Magnus: "Cybertron is in ruins. I fear...the war is lost. Optimus, at this moment we must focus on surviving as a race. Not winning a war." Megatron: "Yet again, the Autobots have escalated this conflict to the point where must answer their aggression with force. I empower you Decepticons to bring this painful chapter of our history to a close." Ultra Magnus: "We're facing extinction at the hands of the Decepticons." Megatron: "Cybertron needs strength...MY strength." Optimus Prime: "Cybertron. NEEDS. FREE-DOM." "We must not allow Megatron to find the Allspark. With it, he will destroy everything we are." Bumblebee: "You're fighting to win and that's going to get you all killed." Optimus Prime: "The Autobots fight for the day we no longer have to fight." Elita-One: "This is not the life I imagined for us." Optimus Prime: "It's a life...worth fighting for."
Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: None.
Megatron: "I have done what I have to do to end this war... Honor will not win this war... This is the final day...of the Autobot resistance." Optimus Prime: "I...cannot help but ask myself: Is this a hopeless crusade? Have my actions led to the extinction of our people?" Ratchet: "The Allspark is a vessel of life." Optimus Prime: "In the hands of Megatron, there's no telling what he might do." Megatron: "The Allspark...yes." Shockwave: "A clean and decisive victory." [A NETFLIX ORIGINAL ANIME SERIES] Ultra Magnus: "If we continue on this course, no one will be left to win." [THE FINAL HOURS ARE HERE] Jetfire: "I've got him." [TWO LEADERS] Megatron: "The circle closes Prime." [MUST MAKE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE] "You are defeated." "We end this war...now."



Animation: CGI.

Astrotrain approaches Earth and flies overhead of Optimus Prime. Prime's trailer pops open to reveal Cliffjumper shooting at Astrotrain with Prime transforming to robot mode to follow suit.

Narration: Unknown announcer and Jon Bailey as Optimus Prime.
Toy segment: The toys are shown in a rather nice mountain forest diorama. Starscream and Astrotrain stand shoulder to shoulder on a rocky outcropping. At the base of a mountain? Ironworks and Hoist stand around while Cliffjumper, Daddy-O and Trip-Up hangout in car mode. Ironworks has his arm removed as he's pulled offscreen and replaced with one already in base mode. Hoist is shown standing on a rock, overlooking car mode Optimus Prime and Cliffjumper. A group shot is shown with Cliffjumper (with blast effect), Trip-Up, Soundbarrier, Optimus Prime, Ironworks (base mode), Daddy-O (car mode) and Wheeljack (holding Smashdown) all placed at varying levels amongst a group of rocks at the base of the mountain. The camera pans out to reveal Astrotrain and Starscream facing the Autobots.
Notes: Optimus Prime's narration makes it sound like all the Autobots can convert to battle stations. Curiously, despite Prime's urging to weaponize, that gimmick is not actually demonstrated. Instead Hoist is shown holding his gun in robot mode alongside Cliffjumper in car mode with his cannon mounted and Optimus Prime in truck mode, with... no weapons.
Build your battlefield with Transformers War For Cybertron: Earthrise. "This is Optimus Prime. Autobots, convert to battle stations. Weaponize, and prepare for battle...on Earth." New Transformers War For Cybertron: Earthrise. Each sold separately.


Animation: Excerpts from the cartoon.
Narration: None.
Doubledealer: "Anybody home?!" Deseeus: "Do you know who I am?." Optimus Prime: "I know what you are. That is enough." Deseeus: "Bring me the ugly one." Bumblebee: "Come on!" Optimus Prime: "Wheeljack!" [NETFLIX] Sky Lynx: "The future... is unwritten. Focus your mind. Take us to the AllSpark." Red Alert: "I hate to break it to the Decepticons, but they´ve already won the war." Chromia: "Not yet, they haven´t. There´s still some spark left in my circuits." Red Alert: "I´m so glad someone on our team can fly!" Sky Lynx: "You´ll never escape this dead place." "You must stay on the path... or a much darker future awaits." Galvatron: "I will guide you to your rightful destiny." "You will kill Optimus Prime and take the Matrix for yourself." Megatron: "I don´t trust you." Galvatron: "Good. Never trust anyone."

Stop Motion

  • Crashing the K-Wave 3:00
Animation: Stop Motion.
Optimus Prime sees that Megatron has become really popular on social media, getting furious. After seeing the Autobots watching Crash Landing on You on Netflix, he gets inspired to shoot his own K-drama starring Ironhide and Chromia.
The two portray a couple that falls in love during a rainy night in which Ironhide offers to cover Chromia from the rain with his umbrella as she walks back home. Once she arrives, the two lovers realize their feelings for each other and kiss, ending the story.
After the Autobots finish the shoot and celebrate their successful drama, the Decepticons watch it via Megatron´s phone with mixed reactions. Their leader leaves an angry comment after seeing the numbers it was making online and marches off.



Animation: CGI.
A kid summons Optimus Primal in his gorilla mode using the Golden Disk, Optimus Primal runs towards the camera and transforms, joining Cheetor and Optimus Prime in pointing their weapons at Megatron.
Narration: Unknown announcer.
Toy segment: On a rocky diorama, Optimus Primal is shown in his gorilla mode with his shoulder cannons flipped out, a kid picks him up and transforms him into robot mode. Cuts to a wider shot, showing Primal, Optimus Prime, and Cheetor, with Cyclonus (in jet mode) and Warpath (tank mode) in the background. It pans out to show Megatron in Tyrannosaurus rex mode, Paleotrex in skeletal Tyrannosaurus mode, alongside Blackarachnia and Rattrap, who are both in robot mode.
Unleash the power of the animal kingdom! Optimus Primal: "ROAR" With new Transformers: Kingdom figures! Convert from beast to robot mode, and rule the battle! Two epic worlds collide with new Transformers: Kingdom figures! Each sold separately.
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