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Megatron (Movie)/toys

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Megatron got the Hollywood bad-guy treatment, and therefore got truckloads of toys too! He also became a truck later on. Funny, that is.



Transformers (2007)

Legends Class toys

Just what the hell do I turn into?
  • Megatron (Legends Class, 2007)
    • Japanese name: EZ Collection Megatron
Released in the second wave of Transformers Legends Class figures, Megatron transforms into a Cybertronian jet. This figure uses the pre-final head design from concept art and some ancillary media. Due to his transformation scheme, he has a swiveling waist. Despite its simplicity, this figure is far closer to Megatron's actual silhouette in the movie than most of his larger figures.
The figure is misassembled in the package, with the arms being swapped, putting paint applications and more sculpted detail on the wrong sides of his arms; it is a simple matter to rectify this though as his shoulders are easily popped off and swapped around. It should be noted that the arms & head are molded in softer, rubbery plastic. While they don't harden and break quickly like Legends Class Scorponok's stinger, the pieces can become loose around the hard plastic ball joints over time. Also, the parts are prone to photodegrading after a decade or so, even when it's new/MISB.
The figure is slightly mistransformed in the picture to the right, as well as all pictures depicting his vehicle mode below - the wingtips should be rotated 180° downwards, making for a more screen-accurate jet mode.
The toy was also later released as part of the blind-packed EZ Collection lineup, distributed via TakaraTomy's subsidiary Subarudo.

  • Generations Legends (Target exclusive multi-pack, 2007)
Megatron is quite beside himself.
A Target exclusive, this four-pack of Legends Class figures contains two versions of both Optimus Prime and Megatron, namely Legends of Cybertron Optimus Prime, Movie Legends Optimus Prime, Legends of Cybertron Megatron and Movie Legends Megatron.
His arms are still misassembled in-package.

"Quick, Bumblebee! You hold up Megatron, I'll just fight with the others!"
"...I hate you."
  • Battle for the Allspark (Toys'R'Us exclusive multi-pack, 2007)
A Toys"R"Us exclusive, this six-pack of Legends Class figures contains unmodified toys of Optimus Prime, Jazz, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starscream, and Barricade.
Like Bumblebee & Starscream, he was packaged in alternate mode. He still has the arms misassembled.

Look like both halves of Jazz will have a front bumper.
  • Battle Jazz vs. Ice Megatron (Legends multi-pack, 2008)
Ice Megatron is a, well, ice-themed redeco of Legends Class Megatron, which means his black paint applications have been replaced by blue. He comes packed with yet another redeco of Legends class Jazz, this time "battle damaged".

Voyager Class toys

Hey, I think I'm as weird as the War Within figures! ...nah, not there yet.
  • Megatron (Voyager Class, 2007)
    • Japanese ID number: MD-14
    • Accessories: Projectile
Released partway into the second wave of Transformers Voyager Class toys, Megatron transforms into an ice-covered version of his Cybertronian jet form, with transparent blue plastic forming large portions of his vehicle mode, such as parts of his wings. This ice design is carried onto his robot mode, with his legs, shoulders and chest having some kind of 'ice' plastic covering them.
With a significantly different (and simple compared to other figures of the same pricepoint) transformation sequence compared to his earlier Leader class toy, his chest frost lowers and his shoulders raise to robot mode position when you bring his lower body forward thanks to Automorph technology. He also has his fusion cannon in its entirety on his left arm which can fire a projectile. His wings feature flip-out "ice blades", and pulling on a tab in the back of his jet mode brings them forward like one giant pincer claw.
His feet are entirely spring-loaded, which means his foot and the two "rear toes" on each feet automatically close up when his weight is not applied to them. Surprisingly, this helps a lot with the posing, as the feet parts automatically position themselves for the perfect balance.
The stock photo on the toy's packaging depicts Megatron with the unused head that appeared in some concept art.

Wouldn't the toy above be much cooler with duller colours?
  • Megatron ("Premium Series" Voyager Class, 2007)
    • Accessories: Projectile
One of the first figures available in the Premium Series (although not explicitly identified on the packaging as such), Voyager Class Megatron was released exclusively at Best Buy on October 16th, 2007 alongside the North American launch of the Transformers movie DVD. Megatron (now packaged in robot mode, inside a special display box) has been completely redecoed, covering most of his previously grey parts with metallic silver paint and a black paint wash over the top of that. Black and gold highlights are used to offset all of the silver, while the transparent 'ice' parts are clear. These changes essentially make Megatron far more accurate to his movie appearance.

I'll crush you with my bare hands!
  • Battle Over Mission City ("Screen Battles" two-pack, 2008)
    • Accessories: Projectile
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
A Target exclusive redeco of Voyager Class Megatron in primarily beige and chocolate brown colors with brown paintwashes, this version replaces the ice colored translucent plastic with two shades of translucent orange to replicate a look that resembles Megatron's fiery demise (or atmospheric re-entry). Unlike the previous releases, this version's wings are painted to match the body color, so they give the appearance of molten slag. This version was only available in a two-pack with a mostly unchanged Deluxe Class Final Battle Jazz in reference to their fight on the skyscraper featured in the film.
As the colors on this Megatron are very similar to the colors on the Screen Battles version of Voyager Class Optimus Prime, it can be assumed that those two sets are meant to also represent the climactic final battle at the end of the film.

Leader Class toys

"Ohhhh! I turn into a big-boned guy!"
  • Megatron (Leader Class, 2007)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: MD-07
Released in the second wave of Transformers Leaders, Megatron transforms into a gray Cybertronian jet. Unlike the Voyager Class toy above, this mold does not feature any molded ice details; instead it uses metallic blue paint to represent his frozen form. In robot mode, Megatron's right "Rocket Claw" disconnects at the wrist to become the spiked end of the extendable "chain whip" weapon concealed within his forearm; pressing the black switch on the arm pulls the chain taut for a whipping attack. His arms also link together at the wrists to form a "fusion cannon," with the pod on his left forearm concealing the weapon's Automorphing twin barrels, exposed by pulling a switch. His other automorph features include his wings folding up as his vehicle nosecone is moved into place, and his feet unfolding as his knees are straightened. Finally, pressing the button on his waist activates a small friction motor, which moves various torso plates and blades on his back into place, accompanied by a metallic shrieking sound and flashing yellow lights.
Megatron's instructions summarily fail to actually tell the reader about how his gimmicks work. The whipping-action black switch for his flail is not mentioned; they do not detail how to connect the arms for fusion cannon mode; and the fact that the cannon is on a slider, allowing it to be center-aligned, rather than sitting off to one side, is also omitted.
There is an error in Megatron's legs, in that his left and right hip joints have been swapped for reasons unknown. Switching them allows for a slightly smoother transformation. In addition to that, both of Megatron's hands have a finger misassembly. Two pieces are molded to have two fingers, while one is obviously supposed to be a thumb–however, this thumb is on the 'outside' of his hands instead of the inside. The prototype on the packaging's stock photos show the correct assembly.
Possibly a dropped feature for safety reasons, the right hand (partly a projectile tethered to the arm) is designed to launch out of his wrist via a spring-loaded firing mechanism. However, the spring for the launching mechanism was removed, though the firing trigger remains.
The back of Megatron's box depicts him with the almost-used head from concept art. The panel that conceals his face in jet mode is sculpted to fit the face of that head, so while it still covers up his final head reasonably well, it is not a perfect fit.
In Japan, starting on July 19th, buying Megatron from JUSCO stores netted customers the exclusive promotional freebie Micron Torque Gain.

"Hey, I got a tan!"
  • Megatron ("Premium Series" Leader Class, 2008)
Premium Megatron is a redeco of the previously released Leader Class Megatron. The figure is now given far more movie-accurate paint applications of black, gold, & silver. Premium Megatron also features the classic transformation sound when the chest Automorph function is activated. The original "metal shriek" sound is retained when the sound button is pressed in vehicle mode.
In the promotional photos of the toy, this version was pictured with a new vehicle mode face cover that fit the new head better. However, this retool was apparently dropped before actual production but can still be seen on the box back photography. All manufacturing errors from the first release are still present.
Unlike some of the early "Premium Series" toys, Premium Leader Megatron was mass-released at a variety of retailers, instead of being an exclusive to any particular store.

  • Transformers Commemorative Box Set (Decepticon) (2008)
Released an an exclusive for Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACG, also known as Ani-Con) 2008, The Premium Series Megatron toy is released without any changes along with Deep Space Starscream, Premium Barricade, Premium Blackout, and a Brawl. The toys are packaged with a synthetic, leather-like box with a half-trimmed Decepticon Symbol, and it comes with a sheet of Certificate of Authenticity.
The boxsets are limited to 100 pieces.

Fast Action Battlers

Just back from filming Predator 3.
  • Fusion Blast Megatron (Fast Action Battler, 2007)
    • Japanese ID number:
    • Accessories: 2 projectiles
Fusion Blast Megatron is a simple version of Megatron with dorky-looking proportions in robot mode, and it turns into an even dorkier-looking vehicle mode. The transformation sequence manages to be even more simple and non-involved than the other Movie Megatron toys by means of an Automorph feature very similar to the early Beast Wars flipchangers. Moving his back section down causes the torso to flip up, hiding the head and positioning the arms skywards. Though the figure requires a little more repositioning and folding, most of the transformation is done with a single step.
The figure's packaging depicts Megatron with a different head sculpt and silver paint instead of unpainted gray plastic.

NA megatron FAB.JPG
  • Night Attack Megatron (Fast Action Battler, 2008)
    • Accessories: 2 projectiles
A redeco of Fast Action Battler Megatron, this time cast primarily in black plastic, with opaque grey missiles.

Jollibee Kids Meal

  • Megatron (Jollibee Kids Meal toy, 2007)
Available only at Jollibee fast food chains in the Philippines, this Megatron toy is functionally an upscaled version of his Legends class figure though with minor transformation differences. It also has a new head sculpt which is markedly more detailed than the Legends toy but still has the concept design head rather than the final version in the film.

Revenge of the Fallen

Legends Class toys

After enduring countless "What do I turn into" captions, Michael Bay started from scratch.
  • Megatron (Legends, 2009)
    • Japanese ID number: EZ-02
Megatron transforms from a reasonably accurate version of his movie robot mode to a reasonably accurate version of his tank mode (with a teeny extra Megatron face in his groin, without paint details probably to avoid creepiness). He has ball-jointed shoulders and hips in robot mode, plus elbow and knee joints. His alt mode turret is formed by merging his left and right arms, which is a neat callback to the first movie's fusion cannon, but means the turret can't rotate side to side, only pivot at the barrel.
Several samples suffer from a disconnected lower left leg, which should be connected to the metal rod inside the upper leg. While the loose appendage cannot be repaired without extensive tooling, the upper leg is tight enough to prevent the leg from falling out during display or careful play. Speaking of legs, this Legends Class Megatron is somewhat prone to falling down with a light breeze of wind. The kibble on his robot mode back doesn't help the balancing at all.
Megatron also saw release as a blindpacked figure for the first wave of the Revenge of the Fallen EZ Collection sets. And like all first waves, He comes with a flyer advertising the TakaraTomy releases of the Revenge of the Fallen toyline. In Malaysia, this toy is also one of the four Legends Class figures to be released as promotional merchandise for the Petronas Gas Station. He can be obtained starting from the 12th of July along with Optimus Prime, via RM30 ($7.04) worth of gas or RM15 ($3.52) worth of foods and items in the Mesra Shop.

  • Megatron Damage Version (EZ Collection, 2009)
    • EZ Collection Number: EZ-10
A "Battle Damaged" redeco of the Legends Class Megatron appears in the second wave of EZ Collection, featuring more elaborate, weathered paint applications.

Voyager Class toys

First blue, then green. Watch, in the next movie, it'll be red.
  • Megatron (Voyager Class, 2009)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: RD-11
    • Accessories: Missile
The second mainline Revenge of the Fallen Megatron toy is more slender than the larger Leader-Class Megatron, as it was based (more or less) on the finalized Megatron design, and as such, features a sleeker tank mode, a large lobster-claw like right arm and a normal-sized left arm. Unlike the larger toy, the Voyager's firing missile is located on the left arm, though the end is still sculpted to look like a set of fingers, and he also wears the entire top of the tank as a kibble backpack instead of having jet turbines like the Leader class toy. For some reason, he's also green.
He features two Mech Alive gimmicks. Turning his waist turns internal gears in his chest, while bending his right elbow makes a blade extend in and out of his claw.
The highlighted box to the far right showcases one alternative to positioning his back kibble; this ultimately leads to a ton of junk protruding out from his back, but also makes his silhouette from the front look cleaner.

Pay no attention to my translucent parts!
  • Gathering At the Nemesis (Multi-pack, 2009)
    • Accessories: Missile
This Toys"R"Us-exclusive three pack includes a redeco of Megatron's Voyager-Class toy from the first movie in a scheme basically identical to the first movie's Voyager "Premium Series" version (but with much fewer paint details), as well as the Voyager-Class The Fallen and a redeco of Deluxe-Class Soundwave. The back of the box and samples shown before release portrayed this Megatron as using the unrevised original head design from the first film, but the final version has the same head as past Voyager-Class Megatrons.

ROTF UniteforUniverse Megatron toy.jpg
  • Megatron (Voyager Class)
    • ID number: MR-02
    • Accessories: Missile
Unite for the Universe Megatron was to be a screen-accurate silver redeco of Voyager class Revenge of the Fallen Megatron, but the toy (along with a Jetfire-armoured Voyager class Jet Power Optimus Prime) was canceled.
Both Megatron and the accompanying Jet Power Optimus Prime would have come with an issue of the Unite for the Universe comic book, but due to the cancellation of both figures, the comics were eventually included with the Movie Masterpiece releases of Leader class Starscream and Bumblebee. Of amusement is the fact the comics are essentially showcasing toys that have been canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Leader Class toys

  • Megatron (Leader Class, 2009)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: RD-01
    • Accessories: Missile
The first and largest Revenge of the Fallen Megatron toy is based on an earlier design for Megatron that differs slightly from the final CG model. This design is more bulky and hunchbacked than the final design, has a right arm with a shoulder pad that doubles as a bladed shield, and also has a very short and wimpy left arm. Like the Voyager Class toy, he also features feet that do not look like the CGI model, which has large two-toed feet formed by the tank treads rather than flat, clawed feet that resemble those of the first movie's design. Leaving the feet retracted creates a more movie-accurate appearance when the legs are viewed from the front (when viewed from the side, Megatron's legs look like stubs).
The figure transforms into a Cybertronian tank, though it lacks the wings seen in the film and is also less streamlined. In robot mode, Megatron's entire lower right arm is a spring-loaded missile launcher and the tank turret's armour/shroud can be mechanically repositioned to partially cover the cannon, with flip-out sword blade, as seen in the early concept design. Due to the amount of gimmickry involved, the right arm has no elbow.
Pressing the Decepticon symbol-emblazoned button on his chest activates his light, Mech Alive, and voice sound effects ("I am Megatron!"). The Mech Alive mechanics involve shaking his head to and fro while panels in his chest shudder. The European release (sold in the UK and non-English speaking countries) proclaims just simply "Megatron!" with laughter. After a month or two, the American release became available in the UK as well as the Canadian province of Quebec, while English Canada (which usually stocks the American release) somehow got the European version in some areas.
Interestingly, while other figures in the Revenge of the Fallen line suffered mold simplifications from budget cuts, Megatron got mold additions. Hasbro's stock pictures depict a vastly different and much smaller shield which lacks the outer claw prongs and has different detailing, and there is no evidence that the flip-down feet had been implemented at all. These late mold changes may have been done to slightly increase the toy's accuracy to his movie depiction and, in the case of the flip-down feet, to make Megatron look like he actually has feet rather than stubs to walk on.

Why do I have someone else with me?! My box looks the same, except with that guy sticking out!
  • Megatron with Autobot Camshaft (Leader Class value pack, 2009)
    • Accessories: Missile
This Walmart exclusive value pack featured an unchanged Leader-class Megatron sold with an unchanged Camshaft from the first movie toyline. They came packaged in a special wider box and were sold for the same price as a normal Leader toy.
Leader-class Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime was available in a similar value pack at the same time, which likewise included Camshaft.

I'm back in black...YES I'M BACK IN BLACK! OH!
  • Shadow Command Megatron (Leader Class, 2010)
    • Accessories: Missile
Shadow Command Megatron, as the name suggests, is a mostly black redeco of Leader class Megatron, which much resembles the previous Fast Action Battlers Night Attack Megatron redeco. The figure sports more paint applications than the first release. The voice chip has been changed, instead of saying "I am Megatron!" like the initial release, it says "There is no command but mine!". The blast sound effect has also been changed to a laser sound, and a G1-esque sound effect plays when rotating Megatron's legs during transformation.
Initial shipments of Shadow Command Megatron have a minor misassembly in his right shoulder that causes the laser sound effect to go off only when his arm is pointing backwards, as opposed to forward. It is fixable, but only after knocking out a pin.

Fast Action Battlers

I sure hope SNK don't sue...
  • Cannon Blast Megatron (Fast Action Battler, 2009)
    • Accessories: Projectile
Part of the first wave of Revenge of the Fallen Fast Action Battlers, "Cannon Blast" Megatron is a simplified figure that transforms into a Cybertronian tank. His right arm has a spring-launched missile fired via a switch on the side, as well a soft plastic blade that can be folded out. Twisting the figure's right arm produces a chopping action. Due to the weird design of the feet and weight distribution, Megatron is difficult to stand up unless he is hunched forward.

Battle Chargers

Two faces? Optimus is going to have a field day with this.
  • Megatron (Battle Charger, 2010)
Part of the Robot Powered Machines subline, Battle Charger Megatron is a rounded-off tank with a pull-back motor. When pulled back and let go, his turret flips open and a cutesified depiction of his robot mode pops out. Amusingly, because of the tank mode featuring Megatron's face, he ends up with two faces in "robot mode".

Power Bots

At least nobody’ll forget what faction he belongs to....
  • Megatron (Power Bot, 2009)
The Power Bots version of Megatron is a large, sturdy action figure for younger children. Pressing the various Decepticon symbol buttons activates battle phrases, sound effects and light-up eyes, although for the European release, almost all of the battle phrases were cut in order to avoid language barriers (except for the occasional nonsensical utterance of "Decepticon!" and "Megatron!" among a huge, long string of blasting noises).

Robot Replicas

I swear his chest is someone's face. Well, some 'bots can sympathize with that.
  • Megatron (Robot Replica, 2009)
This non-transformable Megatron action figure was supposed to be very movie-accurate, but is actually a combination of the bulkier, earlier design used for his Leader class toy and the more slender final design used for the Voyager class toy. Although his arms are normal-sized and the right arm has the "lobster claw" seen in the final design, Megatron appears hunchbacked due to the fact that he has no neck (though not to the same extent as the Leader class toy).
Strangely, the head sculpt of this figure is reused on the Stealth Force version of the character.

Transformers (2010)

"Such heroic nonsense."
  • The Victory of The Fallen (Multi-pack, 2010)
Transformers: Hunt for the Decepticons Megatron is a redeco of the Revenge of the Fallen Legends Class mold, in khaki and with a dark brown chest.
He came in a Kmart-exclusive five-pack of Legends Class figures, packed in with redecos of The Fallen, Optimus Prime, Jetfire, and Starscream.

Sadly, this is the most accurate-looking one.
  • Megatron (Activator, 2010)
Activators Megatron is a simple, Deluxe-sized toy based on his Revenge of the Fallen incarnation. He features autotransformation from tank mode to robot mode, activated via the press of a button.

Man, this mold just doesn't want to be re-released at all...
  • Megatron Rising (Multi-pack, 2010)
  • Accessories: Missile
This retailer-exclusive multi-pack recreated the scene in Revenge of the Fallen where the Constructicons resurrect Megatron. The Megatron figure itself is a redeco of his Revenge of the Fallen Voyager class toy, partially cast in a metallic green plastic, to represent his time at the bottom of the ocean.
He was going to be packed with Legends Class figures of Long Haul, Mixmaster, Rampage, and a red redeco of Scrapper, who was probably intended to be Scrapmetal.
But he ultimately did not as the set was never actually released. It has never been revealed for which retailer this multi-pack was intended for.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

EZ Collection Real

  • Megatron (Real Color Ver) (2011)
  • Megatron (Metallic Color Ver.) (2011)
Released as part of The blindpacked EZ Collection Real by TakaraTomy's "TakaraTomy A.R.T.S", this Megatron is a redeco of the Revenge of the Fallen Legends Class figure. In comparison to the stock photos, the actual product has the entire plastic unpainted and applied with a number of paint details instead. Megatron comes with two variants: The "Real Color" features a yellowish-gray plastic, while the "Metallic Color" features a normal silver plastic instead.

Dark of the Moon


If you can't beat them, join them.
  • Megatron (Cyberverse Commander, 2011)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: 003
    • Japanese ID number: CV07
    • Accessories: Fuel tank halves/Double Cannons
Cyberverse Commander Class Megatron is an abbreviated version of his Voyager counterpart, transforming into a single piece fuel tanker. The fuel tank splits in half, forming hand-held double cannons which then can be combined into a large cannon, extremely reminiscent of his fusion cannon in the first movie. The C joint mounting clip of the fuel tank is on a swivel, allowing the large cannon to be mounted onto the smokestacks and used in vehicle mode. His head is also on a pivot joint, allowing him to look up and down.
Care must be taken while forming the rear cabin: The instructions tell you to fold the feet panels up after transforming the legs first, but it will cause some slight stress marks on the feet panels/smokestacks' joints. We recommend folding the panels up first while the legs are still separated.

Megatron might regret babysitting those hatchlings since they always puke onto his face.
Blast that Blastwave! *yyywaaawwwwwwn*
  • Megatron / Blastwave Weapons Base (Cyberverse Action Set, 2011)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: 003
    • Japanese ID number: CV13
    • Accessories: Missile launcher, missile, Africa
This version of Megatron uses the same mold as the single Cyberverse Commander toy, but lacks the fuel tank/Double Cannons accessory, and features some deco changes: Most of the paintable khaki plastic parts are replaced with silver plastic, the paint on the leg details are omitted, and the head now features a teal splat on the right side of his face, with his right eye paint being omitted. and of course, comes with the Blastwave Weapons Base.
This set's packaging includes a cardboard backdrop that is intended to be removed and reused for display. The backdrop depicts a field in Serengeti, Africa, with an elephant standing nearby in the left panel.

  • Bumblebee vs Megatron (Cyberverse 2-pack, 2011)
    • Accessories: Fuel tank halves/Double Cannons
Exclusive to Target, this release of Cyberverse Commander Megatron has a deco inspired by Generation 1 Motormaster. He has Cybertronian symbols around his body, one of which is the Dynasty of Primes'. He comes packed with a retool of Revenge of the Fallen Legends class Bumblebee.
This set was also sold in Turkey as a Carrefour exclusive.

Voyager Class toys

You know, I'm beginning to like this Megaweapon.
  • Megatron (MechTech Voyager, 2011)
    • Japanese ID number: DD01
    • Accessories: MechTech Blaster/Fusion Cannon, tarp/cape
Part of the first wave of Dark of the Moon Voyagers, MechTech Megatron now transforms into a disfigured Mad Max truck officially licensed Mack M915 Line-Haul Replacement Tractor and trailer, although it lacks many of the features in the movie, such as the spikes on the roof and the rope mesh on the hood. The forward half of the trailer-mounted oil tank converts into Megatron's MechTech Blaster, which in turn converts into a Fusion Cannon when the ladder is pushed in. Like all MechTech Voyager toys, his weapon can lock into this mode by pushing the ladder all the way in and rotating it to the right. Megatron has six MechTech 5mm post/MechTech ports in vehicle mode, including three on his MechTech weapon, two on the steps below the truck cab doors, and a self-covering port (which automatically fills in the hole when a weapon is not inserted) on the roof. Though the truck cab and its "trailer" are a single entity that cannot be separated, Megatron does have an articulation joint between where the trailer and cab connect where the fifth wheel hitch would be, despite being formed from his independently-jointed legs.
The rubbery tarp over the tanker is a two piece affair, with a detachable 'hood' accessory that slots into a port beside Megatron's neck. This deliberately obscures Megatron's badly mutilated face, a callback to the injuries he received at the climax of Revenge of the Fallen. In robot mode, two more MechTech ports become available on his legs, and two on the truck steps end up on his arms; all other MechTech ports from vehicle mode are still usable. Megatron's fusion cannon can even be mounted on his back, like in the movie, thanks to the truck's cab (and associated MechTech port) winding up on his back. Care should be taken when transforming the shoulders, as the tiny Mack dog hood ornament is prone to being snapped off by the shifting black bumper section. It is also quite difficult to get his chest to tab into his shoulder panels due to his arms getting in the way, and his already short pegs having to tab into very shallow holes.
Megatron was also sold in Universal theme parks in new packaging based on the ride, advertised as a Universal Studios Exclusive, but has no visible changes from his original widespread release.
The gun from the Evasion Mode Optimus Prime toy, released several years after, is intended to be compatible with this figure-not only is it sculpted to resemble the shotgun Megs used (twice) in the movie, a tab on the handle (not the post that was supposed to be the handle for Age of Extinction Optimus) allows him to wield it properly by slotting onto a slot on his hand. It even has 5mm posts on its side so that it can mount in movie-accurate fashion on his back!

  • Tritanium Megatron (MechTech Voyager, 2011)
    • Accessories: MechTech Blaster/Fusion Cannon, tarp/cape
This gold vacuum metallized version of Voyager Class Dark of the Moon Megatron is a prize in TakaraTomy's MechTech campaign. To qualify for winning this toy, one needed to enter the second batch of the campaign (12 August to 31 October). This toy is limited to 10 pieces.
In 2014, Tritanium Megatron is one of the prize figures that is re-issued (probably remaining stock) again for the Transformers Celebration 2014 event held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City store's Toys"R"Us.

Leader Class toys

  • Optimus Prime versus Megatron (Leader two-pack, 2012)
A re-release of the first Leader Class Megatron toy was released in a Taiwanese-exclusive Leader Class two-pack alongside the first Optimus Prime Leader Class toy.

Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

Hey look what I found continuity surfing last night!
  • Megatron: Dark Energon Edition (メガトロン:ダークエネルゴン エディション, Leader, 2012)
    • Accessories: Missile
A redeco of the Revenge of the Fallen Leader class toy in black, silver, and purple to represent his infusion with Dark Energon, (despite not existing in this continuity) Megatron: Dark Energon Edition is an Asian-exclusive release that's also available through online stores.
An identical knockoff of the toy is available, so buyers beware! The only way to identify is the packaging's very obvious "Transforms" and "Takasa Tony" logo, and the lack of "Megatron: Dark Energon Edition" text.

Nightmare Megatron.jpg
  • Nightmare Megatron (ナイトメアメガトロン, October 24, 2015/2017)
    • Accessories: Missile
A very similar yet distinct redeco of the Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class figure, this Megatron is largely identical to the Dark Energon release but features a much brighter, almost maroon-like purple, and with some deco differences, notably on the head and arms.
Originally released in 2015 through TakaraTomyMall and limited to 2000 pieces, Nightmare Megatron was later reissued in wider numbers in 2017.

Robo Power

Bash Bots
"Looks like I swatted a bee, and squashed a bug."
  • Bumblebee Vs Megatron (2011)
Bash Bots Megatron is a small, rock-em-sock-em-styled toy that transforms from a super-deformed truck into a robot by pulling or pushing the lever below its built-in stand. He & his stand can connect with any Bash Bots to fight with, especially the included Bumblebee, instead of his nemesis Optimus Prime.

owie owie i hurt my face
  • Megatron (2011)
Released as part of the Robo Power subline, Megatron possesses a one-step transformation: squeezing down on the purple section at the rear of his truck mode causes him to transform into robot mode, and squeezing down on it again will turn him back into truck mode. In robot mode, Megatron boasts both sculpted battle damage on his head and shoulder articulation.
Megatron was released in an open package that allowed children to touch the toy, but did not allow for transformation due to twist ties and a plastic tray being present.

Robo Fighters
  • Megatron (2011)
Robo Fighters Megatron is a non-transforming figure with four points of articulation. Sliding a switch on his right shoulder activates four extending barrels from his arm-mounted fusion shotgun. Unlike other Robo Fighters, Megatron lacks any gimmickry in his torso.


KreO Megatron.jpg
The large brick-built Megatron in this Kre-O set is based on the live-action film Megatron in his Dark of the Moon body; the robot can be rebuilt from a robot into what resembles a Mack truck. In truck mode, up to two Kreons can ride in the front of the cab, or be locked up in a cramped prison cell at the back of the cab. The truck also features a functioning trailer hitch. In robot mode, Megatron features hands with articulated claw fingers (built on top of a pair of regular fists), a shoulder-mounted pressure-launched missile launcher, as well as a small, rotating, back-mounted prison "box" of sorts.
Like many other Kre-O sets, the stock photography and package art feature robot construction that differs from the final product, as Megatron's upper arms have several of the extraneous parts, mainly his truck cab doors, added to the construction. Whether this is due to a change in the design or the photographers creative liberty with the figure is left to be seen. The sticker sheet also features an unused sticker depicting a bolted metal panel with an amusing message ("OPTIMUS PRIME WAS HERE! Symbol autobot reg.png") scrawled on it, although its shape and coloration suggest that it's meant to go on the back wall of the prison cell.

He somehow gets less sharp but brighter at the same time.
The only non-Galvatron Kreon of movie Megatron in the Kre-O line, Kreon Megatron is based on his Revenge of the Fallen body, which is odd since it's his Dark of the Moon body that shows up in the Ride (and as a photo-opportunity "mascot" character on the park grounds). He was available exclusively in a box set sold at the Transformers: The Ride – 3D gift shop at Universal Studios theme parks. After several years of only being available at the park proper, the 4-pack was eventually added to Universal's online store.
In 2015, a new run of the set was produced, this time using the revamped-from-the-head-down 2015-style Kreon bodies (and a logo-plate rather than the older 2x4 logo-brick). Megatron's tampographs are slightly sharper, with thinner black outlines, but are otherwise unchanged. This set would later see slight production changes; all of the figures' tampographs have gone back to thicker lines and being a bit sloppier, while Megatron's medium-pearlescent-gray plastics have been lightened considerably.
In mid-2020, the set was revamped again, now removing Evac and replacing him with the N.E.S.T. Sentry. This version of the set uses the latter version of the other three characters with the thicker tampograph lines and lighter medium-gray plastic.

All of the Age of Extinction Kre-O sets were exclusive to Toys"R"Us in the US... though some did eventually filter to closeout stores in mid-2015.
Why are drills my primary weapon, again? Did I use drills in the movie?
  • Galvatron (Custom Kreon, 2014)
    • Set number: A9230
    • Pieces: 30
    • Accessories: Rack, pistol, 2 clip-on drills, treaded backpack
Part of the second wave of Age of Extinction Custom Kreons, Galvatron comes with a buildable parts rack on which to hang/store his many many extra pieces. His "normal" helmet and two drills (attached to clip-on turbines/cannons) are chromed, plus he comes with an extra clear-plastic helmet, torso and legs. He also has a pair of extra arms (originally from the Kre-O Battleship aliens) and a spare hand, plus buildable tread-backpack, and a pistol (originally a Klingon disruptor from Kre-O Star Trek).

Where is the Kragle!?
  • Galvatron Factory Battle (Kre-O set, 2014)
    • Set number: A6952
    • Pieces: 388
    • Kreons: Bumblebee, KSI Worker (lab worker), KSI Worker (security), Dr. Littleman, Optimus Prime, Vehicon
The centerpiece of the "Galvatron Factory Battle" set, Galvatron is rendered as a large buildable super-robot, a sort of mega-Kreon, with a new hip piece using larger balljoints. He does not seem to be based on... anything. Certainly not something that would become a vehicle.
He's designed to fit on a large movable working slab in the factory playset.

And these arm-cannon things. They're neat sure, but did I lift them off of Ironhide's corpse at some point?
The first "normal" Kreon of Galvatron available, this one was only available in the "Grimlock Unleashed" set.
This set popped up at Toys"R"Us a few short weeks after the initial product without any advance warning... and retailed for a mere $25, despite the size of the set.

Yes, someone bought the movie just for the Kreons. We know. We know.
  • Transformers Kre-O + Movie Gift Pack (2014)
    • Accessories: 2 clip-on turbine/cannons
This Toys"R"Us exclusive Blu-Ray + DVD release of Age of Extinction includes a unique Galvatron Kreon, though at first glance you probably wouldn't realize that it's different from the "Grimlock Unleashed" version (see above). This version changes up which body parts use metal-flake medium-gray plastic and which use the metallic silver plastic (including his hands), has an even darker gray helmet, and completely new tampographs all around, possibly more movie-model-accurate? It's kind of hard to tell.
This set also included a similarly "just different enough to make you mad" Optimus Prime Kreon.


  • G1 Megatron & Movie Megatron (multi-pack, 2011)
    • ID number: CH02
    • Accessories: MechTech Blaster/Fusion Cannon, tarp/cape
This e-HOBBY-exclusive redeco of Dark of the Moon Voyager-Class Megatron comes in a two-pack with a reissue of the original Generation 1 Megatron toy. Chronicle Megatron replaces all of the pale brown and most of the light gray plastic with dark metallic olive-green, replaces the remaining gray plastic (including his tarp/cape) with a cooler shade, switches out the black for his wheels with dark brown, and redecoes his translucent red plastic into clear colorless plastic. Among other minor deco changes, he replaces the pale brown paint on his wheels and toolboxes/forearms with tan, features a silver-painted MechTech weapon, tanker, and front bumpers, and has some additional reddish "rust" paint details.

Chronicle EZ MegatronMovie.jpg
  • Megatron (EZ Collection, 2011)
A redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Legends-Class Megatron was released in Japan as part of the Chronicle EZ Collection line. This toy was only available blindpacked.

Bot Shots

Bot Shots S1 BP004 Megatron.jpg
  • Nemesis Prime / Megatron / Acid Storm (Multi-pack, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: BP004
      • Fist strength: 170
      • Blaster strength: 820
      • Sword strength: 625
Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 1 three-packs, Megatron is a teeny tank that borrows some elements from both the War for Cybertron and Revenge of the Fallen Megatron designs. He has a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front is pressed, and has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels.
He comes with Nemesis Prime and Super Bot Acid Storm. He shares parts with Decepticon Brawl and Shockwave.

  • Megatron Launcher (Launcher, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: BL002
    • Acessories: Trailer/ launcher base
      • Fist strength: 530
      • Blaster strength: 900
      • Sword strength: 210
Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 1 Launchers, this is a redeco of the Bot Shots tank Megatron mold in bronze. He comes with a large "trailer" tank body extension that transforms into a battle station with flip-out cannons and a launching mechanism. The large, main cannon on the launcher has detailing reminiscent of the original Megatron's fusion cannon, such as the "dials" on the sides.

Bot Shots Super Bot Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: Super Bot 003
      • Fist strength: 285
      • Blaster strength: 465
      • Sword strength: 870
Part of the third wave of Bot Shots Series 1 single-packs, "Super Bot" Megatron transforms into a semi-truck with trailer, taking inspiration from the Kre-O and Dark of the Moon Megatrons. As a Super Bot, he has more lopsided stats (sorta), and was shortpacked one per case.
This mold was redecoed into Motorbreath. He shares parts with Optimus Prime and Nemesis Prime.

  • Battle for the Matrix (Multi-pack, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: UB003
      • Fist strength: 875
      • Blaster strength: 330
      • Sword strength: 415
This redeco of the tank version of Megatron is cast in a warmer, non-metallic shade of black, with bronze details, a brighter silver face, and brighter red eyes. He comes with a redeco of his launcher, also in black, bronze, and silver.
The set also comes with Optimus Prime with his launcher, Decepticon Brawl, Bumblebee, and a Matrix prize.

Megatron doesn't need your puny windshields.
  • Megatron (2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: B018
      • Fist strength: 800
      • Blaster strength: 520
      • Sword strength: 300
Part of the fifth wave of Bot Shots Series 1 single-packs, this Megatron is a redeco of Super Bot Megatron in opaque plastics and with a painted "tanker" trailer section. The online Bot Shots checklist refers to this toy as "Megatron Cybertruck", a name not found on the packaging.

Infused with the power of DORK Energon.
  • Dragon Track (Playset, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: UB002
      • Fist strength: 480
      • Blaster strength: 735
      • Sword strength: 405
    • Accessories: Launcher
Available only with the Dragon Track set, this version of Megatron is a new Flip Shot mold, changing into a purple jet with animalistic styling on its nose, and featuring a robot mode that's inspired more by Prime Megatron. An impact to the front of the jet will cause Megatron to flip back into robot mode. He comes with a launcher that can be connected to the track, as well as Flip Shot Optimus Prime and his launcher.

"I—I stayed out in the sun too long, okay!?"
  • Decepticon Fire Assault Team (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: T016
      • Fist strength: 290
      • Blaster strength: 86?
      • Sword strength: 462
A redeco of the original Megatron mold in red and orange, this version of Megatron was available in a five-pack with similar redecos of Shockwave, Starscream, Barricade, and Lockdown.

At least, we think it's a car.
  • Megatron (2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: B008
      • Fist strength: 725
      • Blaster strength: 220
      • Sword strength: 675
Part of the third wave of Bot Shots Series 2 single-packs, this new-mold Megatron transforms into a vaguely-animalistic black-and-silver car with wings, and with a robot mode that's also inspired by Prime Megatron. As a Spin Shot, one manually winds up his upper body beforehand when transforming him into vehicle mode, where striking the front of the vehicle will cause him to burst open and spin while auto-transforming.

Age of Extinction

Robots in Disguise

The Japanese releases of the toys below feature no changes from the American release, other than the packaging.

Movie-verse Grand Galvatron.
  • Galvatron (One-Step Changer, 2014)
Part of the fourth wave of One-Step Changers, Galvatron transforms into a licensed 2012 Freightliner Argosy truck cab. His transformation is triggered when you depress a tab on the back of his wind vane and spin the wind vane a full 360 degrees, deploying his robot mode. Rotating the wind vane clockwise changes him back into a truck. He features articulation at his shoulders.
  • Final Battle 4-Figure Set (Multi-pack, 2014-10-18)
    • Japanese ID number: LA-SP
Galvatron was later released in the Final Battle 4-Pack (along with Sliver Knight Optimus Prime, Slug, and Helicopter Drift) by Takara Tomy.

"Ignore me, it's better that way."
  • Megatron (One-Step Changer, 2014)
Part of the fifth wave of One-Step Changers, Megatron changes from Cybertronian tank mode to robot mode at the push of a button. He features articulation at his shoulders. As with many tail-end Age of Extinction products, Megatron saw poor distribution and is among the most rare figures from the line and demands crazy hefty sums on the secondary market.
Oddly, this toy is based on Megatron's Revenge of The Fallen body, is packaged in a card depicting his Dark of the Moon self, and was released in the Age of Extinction toyline. Confused yet?

A little hip articulation would have gone SO far.
  • Galvatron (Power Attacker, 2014)
    • Japanese ID Number: LA18
Released in the third wave of Power Attackers figures, Galvatron changes again into a licensed Freightliner Argosy. Pressing a tab on his back sends a rather intricate and ornate vortex grinder telescoping out of his chest.
Despite having a deluxe-sized robot mode, his vehicle mode is smaller than his one-step counterpart.
Galvatron is released in two different packaging variants: he is either released in open, bubble-less card in robot mode, or boxed packaging in vehicle mode.


KANNON NOT TRUKK (Hasbro Version pictured)
You want me, and you can have me. (TakaraTomy Version pictured)
  • Galvatron (Voyager, 2014)
    • Japanese ID number: AD22
    • Accessories: Cannon, Missile
Part of the second wave of Age of Extinction: Generations Voyager Class toys, Galvatron transforms into a 2012 Freightliner Argosy. Given that it would be impossible to emulate his on-screen transformation, he is a complete shell-former, with his truck mode folding up solely along his back and calves. As with Evasion Optimus Prime, he has a different paint scheme than seen on his packaging, with fewer paint applications on his body and weapon. His cannon can either be held like a gun or fitted on his hand in a way that appears as if it is coming out of his arm.
Due to his transformation scheme and design, his thighs are disproportionally short. The ankle hinges that fold his feet up in truck mode also make his lower legs extremely long by about half an inch, adding extra wire-like details that aren't present on his CGI model.
Galvatron's package is the only packaging in the Age of Extinction toyline that neglects to mention what his alternate mode is called. The only mention of Freightliner being involved with his alternate mode is in the tiny copyright information section of the box.
The Movie Advanced Series version adds some additional paint applications for a more screen-accurate look, most notably, a darker face with yellowish-red eyes. This mold was later retooled into JD.com exclusive JD Red Knight.


"No! Impossible! They're ruining everything!"
  • Galvatron (Dinobot Riders, 2014)
    • Accessories: Cannon
Galvatron is a smaller toy that transforms into a futuristic truck. Galvatron can ride any of the larger Dinobot sets. His vehicle mode is photographed backwards in the stock photos.
Like Starscream, Dinobot Riders Galvatron never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

  • Galvatron with ??? (Dinobot Warriors, 2014)
Galvatron is a larger set that transforms from a futuristic truck into a robot. He probably comes with a Dinobot partner that can change into accessories.
Unfortunately, Dinobot Warriors Galvatron never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.



C-81 Megatron is a retool of Transformers: Prime Silas Breakdown sans the Silas panel piece, a toy which was originally exclusive to Japan. Now with a new head that evokes both the original Megatron and the live-action Megatron, he transforms into his massive armored truck mode, which features a single C joint bar at the rear of the truck and multiple 5mm pegholes. He comes with three smaller partners: Scalpel, Heavyweight, and Boombox. This toy was previously retooled from regular old "War Breakdown," also exclusive to Japan.
According to Jesse Wittenrich, the BotCon team wanted to bring over the Japan-only War Breakdown mold, with Wreck-Gar, Cannonball and Motormaster all being considered. However, these bots, among others weren't selected as their heads would need to be shrunken down to fit the mold, forcing him to look into non G1 trucks, eventually leading to Dark of the Moon Megatron being selected.[1]
The above Motormaster based repaint of Megatron's Cyberverse figure also played a part.


Megatron was available exclusively in a five-figure box set, packaged with Battletrap, Packrat, Shattered Glass Stepper, and Oilmaster.

EZ Collection Gum

  • Megatron (EZ Collection Gum)
Released as part of the blindpacked EZ Collection Gum series, this Megatron is basically a clean version of the "battle damaged" figure seen in the second wave of the EZ Collection set.

Movie The Best

Wait, never mind.
  • Megatron (Voyager, 2017-02-04)
    • Japanese ID Number: MB-03
    • Accessories: Missile
Released as part of TakaraTomy's Transformers Movie The Best toyline to conclude the 10th anniversary of the live-action film series, this Megatron is an extensive redeco of his Voyager Class toy, featuring a screen-accurate/concept art-accurate deco unlike his two cancelled Unite for the Universe and Megatron Rising set's figure.
Like the rest of the Movie The Best figures, Megatron is packaged in Vehicle Mode.

You customized your figure already? too bad.
  • Megatron (Leader, 2018-2-24)
    • Japanese ID Number: MB-14
    • Accessories: Sword-axe, Fusion Cannon, two flame effects
This Megatron is a slight redeco of the Premier Edition Leader Class figure below, featuring a more screen-accurate gray plastic, and slightly darker gold paint details and a red mark on his right face, evoking his appearance in the film.

The Last Knight

Turbo Changers

TLK-toy TTC Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2017)
    • Series: 2
    • Bag code: B
Released in Series 2 of Tiny Turbo Changers, Megatron changes from robot to Cybertronian jet and back. This toy uses the design from The Last Knight and features ball-jointed shoulders and his hands are compatible with Cyberverse weapons and other small accessories.
The final product differs slightly from the promotional images, his arms are painted in a much darker grey.

  • Megatron (1-Step Turbo Changer, 2017)
    • Japanese Release Date: 2017-07-15
    • Japanese ID Number: TLK-16
Released as part of the second wave of Turbo Changers, Megatron is a Scout-ish toy that converts from Cybertronian Jet into robot in just one...no, a few steps, by folding his wings down, fold the whole jet into his robot mode, and flip out the legs.

  • 1-Step Turbo Changer 6 Pack (2017)
    • Accessories: Axe, Club, 2 spear-like weapons, Scimitar, Shield
This Megatron is a redeco of the figure above, featuring various Tech Spec-sque patterns on Jet mode nose and his pair of arms, which can be decoded with their transparent red weapons, which is molded in a sprue similar to the ones used for the Arms Microns kits & Robots in Disguise (2015) Mini-Con figures. Megatron is the only figure in this set who is actually left unarmed, but he can use the other Bots' weapons in this set. The deco appears similar to his Mission to Cybertron Legion class figure.

(Hasbro version pictured)
(TakaraTomy version pictured)
  • Megatron (Knight Armor Turbo Changer, 2017/2018)
    • Japanese Name: Big Megatron
    • Japanese ID Number: TC-03
    • Japanese release date: 2018-02-03
Knight Armor Turbo Changer Megatron is a Voyager-sized figure that transforms from a Cybertronian Jet to robot in just a few steps. His only articulation is the elbows, and he features 5mm compatible hands. He also features a "Knight Armor" gimmick, which consists of his mask popping out to his head with the press of the button on his back. Take note that you need to flip back the mask manually before you turn him back into Cybertronian Jet Mode. His arm-mounted Fusion Cannon is very, very small.
The TakaraTomy release of the figure features extensive paint applications to resembles his on-screen appearances, and his pop-out mask is now vacuum metallized with some metallic red and gold details.

Legion Class

"You were right, Diana, they don't deserve our help. They only deserve destruction."
  • Megatron (Legion, 2017)
Released in wave 2 of legion class figures, Megatron changes from Cybertronian jet to robot in a few simple steps. His nose cone rotates to reveal a sculpted fusion cannon barrel on his right arm. His hands are compatible with 3mm post weapons. For his size, he is quite well articulated, though most of it is used for his transformation scheme.
In Japan, Megatron was available as a giveaway item for Mitsui Shopping Park's Toys"R"Us stores located at Lalaport Tokyo Bay, and he can be obtained by purchasing 5000 yen worth of Transformers products. The figure is limited to the first 300 customers, by the way.

That's a...spicy Meg-a-tron!
  • Burning Megatron (TV-Kun exclusive freebie, 2017-08-01)
Burning Megatron is a redeco of the Legion Class Megatron in entirely red with some hint of gold, and he was released as a freebie for the September 2017 issue of TV Magazine (along with a DIY Geed Riser paper craft from Ultraman Geed). Megatron also comes with cutout stands of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sqweeks, Grimlock, and Drift, which was reused from the main stock photos of the Takara release of the figures, printed with Ultraman Geed's cutout mask.
It should be noted that every photos of the toy featured in the magazine (including the commercial) is slightly mistansformed: his cockpit/cannon is not rotated in robot mode, although the magazine's 115th page shows that his cannon is rotated correctly. It didn't help that his illustrated appearances also utilizes the same mistranformation.
Explosive Burning Sword not included.

  • Megatron & Berserker (Mission to Cybertron 2-pack, 2017)
The unchanged release of Legion Class Megatron was available in a two-pack with Berserker, a redeco of Prime Legion Class Breakdown, under the Autobots Unite subline imprint. This set was intended to be exclusive to Walmart stores in the United States, but although it was stocked by the Walmart US online store, it supposedly never actually made it to brick and mortar Walmart stores, instead ending up at US discount retailers, primarily Ross stores. Internationally, it was available in Hong Kong (possibly as a non-exclusive general retail release), at Walmart's subsidiary Asda in the United Kingdom, as a Prisma exclusive in Finland, and as a Walmart exclusive in Mexico. It was also listed at the websites of Dutch retailers Bart Smit and Intertoys (owned by the same parent company), but again, it's unsure if it was ever actually released in the Netherlands.

  • Bumblebee VS Megatron (Mission to Cybertron 2-pack, 2017)
Available along with Bumblebee, this Megatron is a repaint of the Legion Class figure above, sporting the same paint mask as the original Legion Class release, but features blue blue-ish purple arms, feet and canopy. He features Cybertronic glyphs on the left side of his canopy, which translates as his own name.
He and Bumblebee was available as as Toys"R"Us exclusive, including Japan, which also makes the first Legion Class The Last Knight Megatron to be released in Japanese retail.

Titan Changers

This diet is killin' me! .....help me.
  • Megatron (Titan Changer, 2017)
Titan Changers Megatron is an all-new mold that transforms from a tall robot into a Cybertronian Jet in just 5 easy steps! He features a minimal articulation on the arms and 5mm-compatible hands, though he cannot hold weapons with longer handles/hilts due to the wing kibble.

Allspark Tech

No, not the AllSpark again!
  • Megatron (Allspark Tech, 2017)
Released as part of the individual carded Allspark Tech figures, This Megatron is a super-deformed styled robot that converts into a deformed Cybertronian jet and back. His chest also features a cavity for the electronic Allspark Cube (Oh, the irony!), which gives him different sound effects for his robot & vehicle modes. He also features 5mm compatible hands, but no weapon accessories.

Premier Edition

New Megatron
Is punishing
His Fusion cannon is illin'!
  • Megatron (Mission to Cybertron Deluxe Class, 2017)
    • Accessories: 2 wingtips/cannon
"Mission to Cybertron" Megatron is a redeco/new head retool of Generations Thrilling 30 Megatron (and also the first Deluxe Class Movie Megatron toy that is not a Fast Action Battler), featuring a new head based on his appearance in the movie, albeit in a Generation 1-ish style. He transforms from robot into Don Figueroa's stealth bomber design from IDW Publishing's The Transformers ongoing series (which resembles a Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit). In robot mode, his wingtips detach to combine and transform into his fusion cannon. The cannon can peg into 5mm ports on his hands and forearms. Many figures were erroneously released with two left fists. The instructions still depict his original mold's head.
As with most "Mission to Cybertron" figures, Megatron features Cyberglyphics on both sides of the wings/fusion cannon, which translate to his own name. He also comes with a card, with the glyphs being decoded as "ENERGON", while the back features a piece (which includes Megatron) for the 6-part "Mission to Cybertron" poster.
The figure also saw release in Japan, also as a Toys"R"Us exclusive (stealth Megatron), without any changes from the American release. This mold was also used to make Generations Dreadwing and Timelines Krok.

He's gonna axe you a question.
  • Megatron (Voyager Class, 2017)
Released in the second wave of Premier Edition Voyagers, Megatron transforms from robot to Cybertronian jet. It is armed with a weapon resembling the Ikakalaka weapon, and it can be stored on the robot's back which also can end up under the cockpit in jet mode if left place, or may be stored on the jet's top. While the fusion cannon on the right forearm is non-removable, it can be folded up against the back of his arm to replicate his ‘unarmed’ look in the movie. While the figure appears nearly black in promotional images, it's actually a metallic graphite gray with darker gunmetal gray paint applications. As with the other TLK Megatron figure, this one lacks the red facial "scar" from the film, but has red light piping in the eyes, forehead... and neck! The jet mode cockpit is also cast in transparent red. The port on the robot back/jet undercarriage is compatible with most figure flight stands. The jet mode lacks any sort of landing gear. There is a minor variant, in regards to the Decepticon symbol. While the stock photos and vast majority of the release feature the Decepticon symbol as it appears with its movie styling, some copies have been found sporting the traditional Decepticon logo, with the difference being in the eyes.
Some stock photos depict Megatron's sword handle as being an unpainted red, however the final release and later stock photos have it the same color as the rest of the sword. The stock renders also depict the sword's bladed section and several body details being painted silver.
The figure saw release in Japan as a Toys"R"Us exclusive. As with most Wave 2 Deluxes and Voyagers, Megatron's release was delayed in some territories, leading to scalping on the aftermarket.

  • Megatron (Leader, 2017)
    • Japanese ID number: TLK-19
    • Accessories: Konda sword, Fusion Cannon, two flame effects
Part of the first wave of Premier Edition Leader Class figures, Megatron changes from Cybertronian jet to robot and back. He includes a large sword-axe which can store on his back in robot mode, and on the top of his jet in his vehicle form. In addition, he also comes with two flame effects which can plug into his turbine exhausts in jet mode or his arm-mounted fusion cannon in robot mode. On the back of his head there is a lever that can be pulled up to rotate a portion of his head, and close in the tusks to form his battle mask; this he space limitations that this gimmick needs makes his unmasked jaw hilariously skinny. In jet mode, he has an opening cockpit and his nosecone can be opened up to expose the fusion cannon by the push of a button right behind the cockpit. Because this action is spring-loaded and the two halves of the nosecone are made of soft plastic, it does not hold together well. When the cannon barrel is retracted in robot mode, the fusion cannon vaguely resembles the shield he's seen wielding on the package art.
Of all the Megatron toys above, this Leader Class figure bears the largest jet mode in the lineup.
His battle axe was redecoed as a promotional campaign item, which used gold chrome. In 2018, Megatron is released along with either 1) Calibur Optimus Prime as part of the "Optimus Prime VS Megatron" set, or 2) Berserker and Decepticon Nitro as part of the "Decepticon Set". Both sets are exclusive to Takara Tomy Mall.

So, you have the blood of the old gods in you! The old gods died.
  • Megatron Gold Version (Leader Class, 2017)
    • Accessories: Sword-axe, Fusion Cannon, two flame effects
Available as a lottery prize for Taiwan TF Expo 2017, this Megatron is a vacuum-metallized redeco (this includes unpaintable plastic) of the Leader Class figure above.

Transformers Fan Book

This release of the Legion Class The Last Knight Megatron mold is a slight repaint of the original, with the chest and lower jaw being painted with the very same gold used for the toes and the canopy. He is packed with an unchanged version of The Last Knight Legion Class Optimus Prime mold as it appeared in the Mission to Cybertron 2-pack as part of the "Battle Set" freebie included in the 2020 edition of Kodansha's Transformers Fan Book.

Turbo Change Series

  • Megatron (April 21, 2018)
    • Japanese ID Number: TC-07
Turbo Change Series Megatron is essentially a re-release of the Turbo Changer figure with new packaging. Like most of the wave's Turbo Changers, Megatron is likely to feature a pin on the legs that is used to activate the second Battle Command Optimus Prime toy's gimmicks.
In 2019, the toy was given away free for the school kids who attended the ”The World Of Transformers” Exhibition held at the Parco Museum in Ikebukuro from March 15th to Monday, April 1st, 2019.

Studio Series

Har, har, you bought Movie The Best Voyager Megatron didn't ya?
  • Megatron (Voyager Class, 2018)
    • Movie: Revenge of the Fallen
    • Hasbro ID number: 13
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-11
    • TakaraTomy release date: July 28, 2018
    • Accessories: "Forest Fight" backdrop (1st version)
Studio Series Megatron transforms into a Cybertronian tank and is generally more accurate to his appearance in Revenge of the Fallen. It features a flip-out sword for his death-lock pincer with an articulated thumb sticking out of the side to make up for his lack of a right hand, as well as side turrets for his tank mode. His tank mode is mostly accurate to the film, however, it does not include its wings. The figure also includes a cardboard backdrop depicting the forest battle in Revenge of the Fallen.
The lower rear leg panels fall off very easily due to the pegs being molded too short. Due to transformation, Megatron is left with a glaringly hollow robot mode if viewed from the sides; this problem can be somewhat rectified by gently forcing the turrets downward.
While some Toy Fair 2018 painted samples showed Megatron with a dark, metallic color scheme, the final product features light grey plastic. Likewise, the CG stock render depicts Megatron having brighter & duller gold parts instead of the final product's bronze, and his pair of turrets is depicted as being molded in black, among other minor deco differences, including a Decepticon symbol on his left shoulder that was omitted. The sword on the render is also bent impossibly far upwards, clipping into the rest of his cannon arm.
Unsurprisingly, the stock photo featured on many websites don't have the feet fully transformed (making them look long and flat). As shown in the accurately-transformed figure to the right: his toes can split in two; the back half of the foot must be folded down for accuracy; and the kibble that forms his face-guard in tank mode helps balance the feet out. Speaking of feet: the small wheel on Megatron's right foot in the CG stock render is molded in the same light gray color, while the other small wheels are molded in the same color as the treads.
Later issues of this mold have a problem with the left ankle - the pin holding it in place with the shin is inserted too far on the inside. With some figures, this issue severely affects the poseability of the left leg. Another as-of-yet unidentified issue in the right leg can also cause the right front treads to lift high off the ground in tank mode, which can be annoying.
Megatron is one of the earliest victims of rapid photodegradation; His unpaintable gray joints can potentially give a yellow tint.
In a rather bizarre case of parts reuse, several of this figure's parts (notably the arm joints and the hip pieces) were also used for Studio Series Leader Class Shockwave, whereas his chest piece was also used for Studio Series Voyager Class Megatron in his body from the 2007 film (see below).

So that's why he has a hollow torso.
  • Battle Damaged Megatron (Voyager Class, 2019)
Released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Revenge of the Fallen, this Studio Series Megatron is a redeco and retool of the figure above, featuring a metallic shade of plastic with some paint wash details, multiple parts casted in a very dark grey and metallic plastic, and a new damaged head representing his injuries from Optimus Prime at the end of the movie. The figure includes a cardboard backdrop depicting the Operation: Firestorm desert battle.
The figure was first stocked by Hong Kong online shops without any prior announcement from Hasbro. In March, the figure was listed in Toys"R"Us Canada's online store. Around the same time, the figure was released as a Target exclusive in the US. It later saw a re-release by Target in late 2021.

Homeless millionaire!
  • Megatron (Leader Class, 2019)
    • Movie: Dark of the Moon
    • Hasbro ID number: 34
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-27
    • TakaraTomy release date: March 23, 2019
    • Accessories: Cloak, chains, shotgun, Igor minifigure, "Serengeti Hideout" backdrop
This Studio Series Megatron transforms into a licensed Mack M915 Line-Haul Replacement Tractor and is accurate to his appearance in Dark of the Moon, complete with a new cloak accessory and chains. He also comes with a shotgun, a minifigure of Igor, and a cardboard backdrop display depicting the Decepticon camp in Namibia, Africa. The Igor figure can plug into small pegs behind his head in robot mode or on the truck mode's trailer.
Megatron's shotgun can store underneath the cab of the truck or on his robot back using a small peg. The shotgun is actually molded in beige plastic and then completely coated with gunmetal and silver paint for increased screen-accuracy. Care should be taken when tabbing in his shotgun to his hand as the hand's rubbery plastic can strip away the gun's paint, especially if left there for prolonged periods of time. While only the right hand is molded to be able to hold it via 5 mm post, a small peg near the handle allows him to wield the shotgun in his left hand by plugging it into a gap on his thumb, though it takes some fiddling with his fingers (which are also molded in soft plastic) to make it look presentable.
It can be difficult to get enough clearance in truck mode for the cab's rear wheels to roll freely, as the chest pieces hang very low to the ground when in alternate mode. In addition, due to the sheer length of the truck mode and the internal forces from plastic tolerances, it can be difficult to get all ten wheels on the ground at once. The peg that connects the truck frame together in prevents his left calf from sliding completely flush into his leg, but this does not affect posability.
Leaving Megatron in vehicle mode with the chains attached for an extended period of time can cause the forearm panels to warp just enough that they refuse to tab in properly in robot mode, but simply keeping him in robot mode for a few days can fix this issue.
The rubber chains take a bit of stretching to properly attach. Some orientations are easier to hook on than others, and the order of operations can also make it easier or harder to get all four eyelets hooked in place. As a result of the transformation, the truck cab is noticeably hollow, and cannot pivot at the trailer connection. As the front grills/spikes are molded in soft plastic, the pieces may warp in robot mode, in and out of package.
Presumably as a result of being accidentally assigned to the wrong toy during the same photo shoot, the Hasbro stock photos of Megatron depict Jetfire's cane as an accessory, rather than Jetfire's own stock photos.

Warning: Figure may shoot you if you attempt to do the Fortnite dance.
  • As Seen In Parks Megatron (Leader Class, 2019)
    • Movie: Transformers: The Ride – 3D
    • ID number: 48
    • Accessories: Shotgun, chains, "Megatron Wreaks Havoc on Universal Studios" backdrop
Planned as a Universal Studios exclusive, this Megatron is a redeco of the Leader Class figure above, featuring an entirely gray body meant to resemble the Megatron meet and greet in Universal Studios. Unlike the previous Studio Series Leader Class figure, he does not come with the cloak accessory or the minifigure of Igor. His backdrop depicts the door and queue area where the Megatron performer exits and greets park guests.
Though we're not entirely sure whether "As Seen In Parks Megatron" is indeed supposed to be the toy's official name, the "As Seen In Parks" descriptor is featured in the same location where other Studio Series toys have their prefixes, such as "Decepticon Stinger", "Autobot Ratchet", "WWII Bumblebee" or "Clunker Bumblebee", plus it's what the official Hasbro Pulse listing calls the figure, so...
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the toy was released as a "shared exclusive" between several online retailers such as Hasbro Pulse, BigBadToyStore and Entertainment Earth in the US.

I whip my chain back and forth, I whip my chain back and forth
  • Megatron (Voyager Class, 2019)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • Hasbro ID number: 54
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-46
    • TakaraTomy release date: March 28, 2020
    • Accessories: Flail, "Mission City Battle" backdrop
This Voyager Megatron sculpt is based on his body from the 2007 film, transforming into a Cybertronian jet and drawing some engineering cues from his Masterpiece figure. Like his wave-mate Soundwave, he's slathered in metallic silver paint. As such, exercise some caution if you don't want to get them scratched from handling.
Confusingly, his chest is redecoed from that of his initial Revenge of the Fallen Studio Series figure, making it inaccurate to its appearance in the 2007 film. In a bizarre reversal of this, Megatron's CG model render on the front of the packaging depicts his Revenge of the Fallen head photoshopped onto his 2007 chest and body. As a byproduct of his transformation scheme, his knee joints are placed extremely far back on his legs, resulting in unsightly gaps in some poses. Due to being hinge joints, the heel panels are sometimes not strong enough to support the weight of the figure.
There appears to be a minor sculpting mistake on his left toes: the bits near the top are offset rather than symmetrical like on his right toes. This error is not present on the toy's digital render or the movie CGI model.
Due to its transformation, the jet mode's fuselage is rather visually compromised, consisting of robot kibble instead of accurate detailing. The jet lacks his distinctive exposed head as well as the top spikes on the ends of his wings, though the latter may be for safety reasons. As he has no landing gear, the jet rests on Megatron's torso, which may scratch the paint. He does possess a 3mm stand port for jet mode, but unfortunately it is difficult to access.
This figure's flail, attached using a mushroom joint, differs from those of his previous Leader Class and Masterpiece toys; it uses a proper spiked head rather than repurposing one of his hands and is connected using two separate chains sculpted from a somewhat flexible material. The flail's chain assembly features a 5 mm post on each side for storage in jet mode and a special tab that is shaped to fit a slot in either of Megatron's wrists while his hands are folded, though its width also makes it compatible with most 5 mm ports. Unfortunately, he does not come equipped with his fusion cannon.
Lastly, he comes with backdrop display depicting the Battle of Mission City.
Like the rest of the Voyager figures in the same wave, Megatron first saw release in Hong Kong independent stores.

Clean back? All done without a hitch.
  • Galvatron (Voyager Class, 2022)
    • Movie: Age of Extinction
    • Hasbro ID number: 90
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-93
    • TakaraTomy release date: November, 2022
    • Accessories: Cannon, rocket cluster, "Hong Kong Pursuit" backdrop
Studio Series Galvatron is a Voyager Class figure, transforming into a licensed 2012 Freightliner Argosy. Like the original Voyager Class figure from 2014, he has truck kibble on his robot mode due to the impossible-to-emulate transformation on-screen; despite this, he comes out looking much cleaner in robot mode compared to his 2014 figure, even managing to replicate the back of his torso grinder and featuring (small) sculpted-in arm blades! Unfortunately, his feet form very noticeable kibble on his truck mode's trailer hitch as a trade-off.
He comes with his cannon and a rocket cluster. The cannon is designed to be used in his right hand. In vehicle mode, it can be stored under the truck using a slot in the left foot, but has no robot mode storage (officially). The rockets store in his chest in robot mode and under the cab in truck mode.
Omitted from the instructions but shown in his Instagram reveal, the rocket cluster can peg into his arms or the sides of his truck mode. Undocumented by either, the cannon sports another tab that also allows it to peg into his arm or the sides of the truck. Additionally, in robot mode, there is enough space to store both accessories in his chest with a bit of finagling.
Don't forget to rotate his head when transforming to truck mode, otherwise the roof will not sit flush.
Like all Studio Series figures in the Deluxe class and above, he comes with a backdrop, which depicts the chase in Hong Kong for the Seed.
Galvatron sports a several differences between his digital render and the final product, notably the sculpting on the upper parts of his torso panel and the stripes on his forehead (which ended up almost completely removed), as well as additional paint apps that did not make it to release.

  • Transformers 15th Anniversary Decepticon Multipack (Multi-pack, 2023)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • ID number: 54
    • Accessories: Flail, "Decepticon AllSpark Hunt" reversible backdrop
"15th Anniversary" Megatron is a seemingly unchanged re-release of the original SS-54 Megatron above, still sporting his inaccurate chest design. He comes with his flail.
This figure comes in an Amazon exclusive 4-pack alongside Studio Series Starscream, Blackout/Scorponok, and Barricade, released to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the first live-action Transformers film (though it was released after the 16th anniversary). The pack comes with a unique reversible backdrop depicting Hoover Dam on one side and battle of Mission City on the other. Notably, fellow Decepticons Bonecrusher, Brawl, and Frenzy are absent from this team pack.
The front of the box reuses the odd render of 2007 Megatron with his Revenge of the Fallen head from the original SS54 box.

I would have waited an eternity for this.
  • Concept Art Megatron (Leader Class, 2024)
  • Movie: Bumblebee
  • Hasbro ID number: 109
  • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-127
  • Accessories: Fusion Cannon, "Cybertron Falls" backdrop (3rd version)
  • Known designers: Sam Smith (Hasbro), Yūya Ōnishi (TakaraTomy), Emiliano Santalucia (concept artist)[4]
Released as the only Leader Class figure in the first wave of Studio Series in 2024, Megatron is one of the first figures in the "concept art" subset based upon unused designs and CAD from Bumblebee. This version of Megatron is also a triple changer inspired by the unreleased Animated Marauder Megatron! He transforms into a Cybertronian tank in 32 steps, as well as a Cybertronian jet in 39. He comes with a unique version of the "Cybertron Falls" backdrop that features three Seekers in battle position.
The fusion cannon features a 5mm barrel and can reconfigure for different vehicle modes or collapse to store on Megatron's back via one of two available 5mm ports. Megatron features extensive articulation for a mainline figure, including butterfly joint shoulders and the most expressive hands found outside of a Masterpiece figure. Each hand can point thanks to a separate index finger and the double jointed fingers allow for a much more anatomically correct clenched fist than you're likely to see on anything else that also has a 5mm hole. This feature does come at a cost, as getting Megatron's digits into the correct position to allow them to properly fold away into his forearms without snagging isn't straightforward; while the index finger folds into the regular "fist" position, the other three fingers must first be folded down at the knuckle as far as the joint can go, then the mid-finger joints should be folded down as if to cover his wrist with the fingertips.
Instead of the usual tiny wheels in the tank treads, he merely features little static nubs sculpted where they would be. You can't have it all.
In a small undocumented feature, the top fin (with a 5mm peg) on the fusion cannon can unclip and swivel out to 45°, which allows the cannon to angle down over Megatron's shoulder when pegged on to his back.
Megatron, alongside the first wave of 2024 Studio Series product, was revealed at MCM London 2023. He was then made available to attendees of Cybertron Fest at Singapore Comic Con 2023 before anywhere else.

Movie Edition

Why is my code "N"? I'm not "Negatron"!
  • Megatron (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2018)
  • Series: 4
  • Bag code: N
Released in Series 4 of Tiny Turbo Changers, Megatron is based off his appearance in Revenge of the Fallen and as such changes into a (very) rough interpretation of his Cybertronian tank alternate form. He features articulation in his cannon arm, but not his standard arm. His torso features a hinge through the top of his torso that is not used in his transformation and allows his whole upper body to split in half, but otherwise has no purpose.

TTC-toy Movie-Edition-Series-5-Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2019)
  • Series: 5
  • Bag code: B
Released in series 5 of Tiny Turbo Changers, this version of Megatron is based off an unused design that would have appeared in the Bumblebee film, transforming from Earth-ish tank of made-up model to a more "Generation 1"-inspired robot mode. He features ball-jointed shoulders and 3mm compatible hands.
Series 5 only barely made it to retail. Very few retailers and virtually no online outlets offered this Series, and the few places they could be found, like Target, apparently got very very few of them.

TTC-toy Megatron TLK Shadow.jpg
  • Shadow Spark Megatron (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2019)
    • Series: 5
    • Bag code: G
Also part of Series 5, "Shadow Spark" Megatron is a purple redeco of the Series 2 The Last Knight jet-Megatron design.


  • Megatron (Titan Changer, 2018)
The Last Knight Titan Changer Megatron toy is re-released with a new Bumblebee movie-themed packaging.

Energon Igniters

Taking "Peekaboo I see you" to the next level.
  • Megatron (Power Series, 2018)
Standing approximately 5-inches, Bumblebee Power Megatron shares an identical design to his Revenge of the Fallen body, transforming into a Cybertronian tank. Like other Power figures, he can interact with the Cores of larger Energon Igniters toys.
The original stock photography has his robot mode mistransformed: His legs are not straightened. Unlike the CG renders, the instructions do not mention that the wings must be flipped in vehicle mode. The renders also depict Megatron's (unpaintable) forearms and thighs as silver instead of a light metallic gray from the final product.
This was retooled into Blitzwing.

Masterpiece Movie Series

"Join the other wallets in extinction!"
Masterpiece Movie Series Megatron is a large (12" tall), complex, mostly screen-accurate mold, and for the first time in years is based on his appearance in the 2007 film rather than the sequels, transforming into a Cybertronian jet mode in 50 steps. He features die-cast in his feet and multiple pieces in his back. Both of Megatron's weapon gimmicks are based on his removable hands: he includes a rubber "chain" piece which can connect either hand to its wrist to represent his flail in the film, albeit closer to the Rocket Claw, as the flail end in the film is not his hand. The "Weapon Blaster", as the box calls it, can plug into a single wrist in its smaller "handgun" form, or into both wrists in its extended "fusion cannon" form. His blaster can also plug into the chain in order to represent the flail head, albeit oversized and lopsided. His hands can be stored on slots on his back (making them tower over his head), but they do not need to be removed for transformation. Both weapons have dedicated storage in robot and vehicle modes, with the blaster usefully filling out the jet's rear end.
Megatron also includes a silver-painted AllSpark cube containing die-cast, which, under a removable portion of his chest, can fit into his red translucent innards to represent his death at the end of the film. Like several other Masterpiece Movie Series figures, he has an articulated jaw. His transformation scheme allows his wings to be unfurled in robot mode, representing the brief scene in the movie when he carried Jazz to a rooftop before killing him.
Megatron was revealed and released alongside MPM-9 Autobot Jazz, as the two can replicate Jazz's death from the 2007 film.
Megatron's head is based on a unfinalized model that was often used in previsualization material in Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon. This is especially noticable as it lacks Cybertronian text on the back of his head, as well as sporting excessive material around the sides of his head and his crown.[5]
Exercise caution while transforming him into both modes: as many of his parts are painted, some of the sections are prone to chipping.

Premium Finish

Showing up again in 2022 means that I'll have at least a cameo in the next movie, right? RIGHT!?
  • Megatron (Voyager Class, December 29, 2021)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: PF SS-03 / PFSS 03
    • Hasbro ID number: SS-03
    • Accessories: Flail
As part of the third wave of TakaraTomy's Premium Finish subline, Megatron is a redeco of the Studio Series 2007 Movie mold to represent his appearance in Transformers. Notable deco changes include: The unpaintable plastic parts have been replaced with a similar shade with the paintable brown plastic, the silver paint operations are swapped with gray with silver weathering, and the paint operations on the legs, arms, torso, and head are altered.

Rise of the Beasts

Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film, again?!
  • Megatron (Power Plus Series/Spark Chargers, 2023)
    • Accessories: Igniter Core
The Power Series Megatron from the Bumblebee movie toyline has been repacked as part of the "Spark Changers" for the Rise of the Beasts Autobots Unite subline. While the figure is unchanged from the original release, Megatron comes with an additional Energon Core for his tank mode to roll with.

...you're buying this for the box art, aren't you?
  • Megatron (Titan Changer, 2023)
    • Accessories: Fusion Cannon
The Authentics Titan Changer Megatron is repackaged without any changes on the figure, and he transforms from a thin robot to a tank. The fusion cannon can be mounted on either arm or held in either fist via a 5 mm post. Like most Titan Changers, he only features articulation in his ball-jointed shoulders.
The packaging also featured the first look at what Megatron would've looked like in the Bumblebee movie. Yes, the render does resemble the Tiny Turbo Changer’s detailing.

  • Megatron (Legends of Cybertron, 2023)
This Megatron is another Rise of the Beasts-themed re-release of the Bumblebee Power Series Megatron, this time without the Energon core like the original release. Listings referred to these toys as "Legends of Cybertron." The packaging also features the same Bumblebee Megatron render as the Titan Changer toy above.


  1. "BotCon wanted to bring the Breakdown mold to the US, and were looking at everything from Wreck-Gar, Cannonball, to Motormaster. But a traditional design head wouldn't fit in the chest without being small, so I looked at non-G1 Decepticon trucks. Which led to DotM Megatron"—Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2024/03/02
  2. "This repaint of the Cyberverse Megatron toy also helped with the leap from Motormaster concept to DotM Megatron"—Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2024/03/06
  3. Sam Smith's Instagram posts about Studio Series Galvatron
  4. Design notes on Concept Art Megatron from Hasbro designer Sam Smith on Instagram
  5. Unfinalized 2007 Megatron CGI model used for animatic clips throughout the first three films.
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