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Breakdown (WFC)

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The name or term "Breakdown" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Breakdown (disambiguation).
Breakdown is a Decepticon from the Aligned continuity family.
He ain't nobody's leg any more.

Despite a level of skill to match any Decepticon warrior's, Breakdown is almost crippled by a persistent paranoia, especially when he is in crowds. He is much happier working alone, away from the eyes he is sure are watching him at every moment. That said, he is quick to come at Megatron's call, as his fear of his powerful leader may be the only thing outreaching his agoraphobic tendencies.[1]

After spending most of his time on Cybertron in a smaller form, the scout later upgraded to a bulkier, more threatening body following a clash with Bulkhead, a clash which initiated a heated rivalry between the two.[2] Breakdown has brought that rivalry to present-day Earth, where he assists Knock Out in his various misdeeds. The two have become good friends in their long partnership, and seem to value each other as much as any pair of friends could.

Since joining the war on Earth, Breakdown has proven to have some quite intriguing depths to his character, besides his deep friendship with Knock Out. He doesn't treat the cannon fodder Vehicons as such, and even chats to them about romance and is sure to thank them for their hard work. He also has a healthy dose of respect for his foes, as well as gratitude. However, these noble traits are tempered by his boisterous temper; always eager to join a fight or pound some dents into someone, even on his best days.

Never run when you can fight.

—Breakdown, "Operation: Breakdown"



Cartoon continuity

IDW Prime comic

His self-esteem ruined by his small size, Breakdown resorted to steroid use.

Breakdown was on Earth when he received Starscream's signal. He found the air commander buried under rubble by a little Autobot, whom he promptly pummeled. An even smaller, blue Autobot shot at Breakdown, which pleased him, because it meant he was going to kill two Autobots today. At Starscream's insistence, Breakdown got him out of the rubble, and they began chasing and shooting at the Autobots. Breakdown finally cornered them and overwhelmed them with his missile launcher. As they lay dying and Starscream was about to finish them, Optimus Prime got the jump on him and shot Breakdown into the face of a mountainside, causing him to flee to fight another day. Transformers: Prime

Prime cartoon

Voice actor: Adam Baldwin (English), Atsushi Imaruoka (Japanese), Alexander Kovriznyh (Russian; season 1), Sang-hyeon Eom (Korean), Fábio de Castro (Portuguese), Christoph Banken (German), Walter Rivetti (Italian), Arturo Cataño (Latin American Spanish), Jaime Roca (Castilian Spanish), Juhani Rajalin (Finnish), Adam Krylik (Polish, "Operation: Breakdown" and "Metal Attraction"), Bruno Bulté (French)
"Shiny. Let's be bad guys."

Breakdown had a long history with the Autobot known as Bulkhead, Deus ex Machina to the point one would call them "archenemies". During their rivalry, Breakdown caused Bulkhead great pains. Operation: Breakdown

When Starscream requested that Knock Out and Breakdown come to the Nemesis, Breakdown was much too busy trying to track down an energon trace. He reached an excavation site in Greece, where he encountered an old friend—Bulkhead—and spotted a depiction of an Energon Harvester on an ancient fresco. After breaking the fresco with Bulkhead's head, Breakdown proceeded to the Nemesis, where Soundwave located the device in a museum. As the Autobots had surrounded said museum, Knock Out and Breakdown drew them around to the front for a fight, where Breakdown caused Bumblebee and Arcee to collide with each other and sent Bulkhead flying into Knock Out. This distraction allowed Soundwave to sneak in the back and steal the Harvester. The Harvester was successfully obtained, and Breakdown and Knock Out accompanied Starscream to the energy vein in Greece to test it out. When Bulkhead turned up there to stop them, the two Decepticons attacked him but came off decidedly second-best, as Bulkhead managed to make Breakdown hit Knock Out by accident which allowed Bulkhead to steal Knock Out's Energon prod and use it to shock Breakdown into submission. They fled once the Harvester was destroyed and the other Autobots turned up. Deus ex Machina


Breakdown was buffing Megatron's corpse body when Starscream asked him where Knock Out was. Knock Out, it turned out, had been street racing with the humans again. Some time later, Knock Out radio'd Breakdown to let him know there was another street race on. Much later still, Knock Out contacted him with the news that Bumblebee's human friend had been captured. Breakdown joined the other 'Con in setting a trap for the Autobots in a storage facility. Once Bumblebee and Bulkhead turned up, Breakdown ambushed them. He was able to hold his own against the two Autobots until Knock Out announced he was bugging out, and the distraction resulted in Breakdown being knocked into a wall by Bulkhead. Returning to the Nemesis, Breakdown bore silent witness to Starscream's "cosmetic punishment" of Knock Out. Speed Metal


During a Decepticon plan to melt a glacier to find some energon, Breakdown was hanging around on the hull of the ship when Bulkhead and Arcee appeared nearby. On Knock Out's order, he jumped from the ship and started fighting the two Autobots, unaware that it was a diversion while Optimus Prime scaled a nearby cliff face. He was still fighting them when Optimus caused the heat ray atop the ship to explode and was sent flying by the blast wave. Out of His Head

While out scouting an energon source, Breakdown took the opportunity to ambush Bulkhead. Though the Autobot fought back vigorously, Breakdown overcame him and was about to deliver the killing blow when he was zapped by an energy beam from a nearby helicopter. He came around to find himself a captive of the human organization MECH, the leader of which, Silas, informed him that they wanted to take him apart for his technology. Breakdown was defiant, but the MECH technicians disabled his pain receptors and began dismantling him, including removing his right eye. He was stunned when he was rescued not by the Decepticons, but by Bulkhead. The pair emerged from the rail tunnel to face the main MECH force, and when Silas's helicopter again fired its energy weapon, the 'Con knocked Bulkhead out of the way. After Starscream arrived and chased MECH off, he demanded Breakdown destroy Bulkhead. Breakdown was initially reluctant, but Starscream talked him into it. Though Bulkhead bested Breakdown and used his body to bash the Vehicons, Breakdown was still able to retreat, and Starscream later told him to remember the rescue when the time came to choose between Megatron's leadership and Starscream's. Operation: Breakdown

Major Bludd knows how you feel, Breakdown.

Breakdown took to wearing an eye-patch as a reminder of his failure. When Soundwave detected a magnetic signature, Breakdown saw the chance to redeem himself and insisted on being the one to retrieve the polarity gauntlet. Once there, however, he found himself under attack by Airachnid, who also coveted the device and made a failed attempt to trap him underground. The two fought over it until Arcee and Bulkhead arrived and joined in the party. Breakdown was able to use the gauntlet to magnetically stick the two Autobots together, but while he was on his way back to the Nemesis, Airachnid ambushed him and webbed him to a derelict gas station. He was freed when the Autobots turned up and the gauntlet was triggered, yanking him off the wall. At one point during the following battle, he got hold of the weapon and used it to hit Bulkhead with an oil derrick. After some more fighting, Airachnid tried to make a getaway with the gauntlet and Bulkhead threw her at Breakdown. Breakdown was forced to return to the ship without the gauntlet, but made up for it by presenting Megatron with Airachnid, who had become stuck to his back. Metal Attraction

Knock Out and Breakdown were sent with some Vehicons to secure a Cybertronian data cylinder, which the Autobots were also after. Breakdown not only got to fight, but got to be on the winning side for a change. Unfortunately when they got back to the Nemesis, they discovered that the cylinder's contents had already been discharged. After Megatron went to try and find Bulkhead, whose noggin held the data, Knock Out detected where Bulkhead was hiding out, and thus he and Breakdown went to the monster truck track. Bulkhead went and hid in the car park, so the two Decepticons started searching in their own ways—in Breakdown's case, smashing random vehicles. They eventually found Bulkhead, but the cylinder data was lost in the process. The pair were ready to take out some revenge until the arrival of more Autobots forced them to retreat. T.M.I.

The pair teamed up again to transport energon around. Though Breakdown was keen to GroundBridge out of there when the Autobots turned up, Knock Out reminded him that they were under orders to lead the Autobots on a chase so the foe would deplete their energon reserves. When Ratchet turned up and bashed their Vehicon escort around, Breakdown was ready to take on the newcomer, but he and Knock Out had to leave after the other Autobots attacked them. Some time later, Breakdown was chatting to a miner when Ratchet entered the cavern. The rematch was short lived as Ratchet overpowered Breakdown. Stronger, Faster

Breakdown and Knock Out watched Soundwave and Airachnid dispute over whether Megatron would return from a visit with Unicron. When Megatron came back to the ship, Breakdown was on the bridge to greet him, though the others had to restrain him when he saw that Megatron was being accompanied by Optimus Prime whom Megatron addressed as "Orion Pax". One Shall Rise, Part 3

The Decepticons, including Breakdown and Knock Out, hit a military base and managed to get away with the energy source they needed for their new space bridge, though they did accidentally let Arcee get on board the ship. Orion Pax, Part 1 Breakdown attempted to contact the Vehicons at the space bridge and, though he had trouble getting through at first, was told everything was fine. When asked how he was doing, Breakdown replied with surprising kindness and sincerity, responding that he was fine, acknowledging the Vehicons' thankless job and encouraging them to keep up the good work. Orion Pax, Part 2

STOP! Pick up the Hammer Time!

Sent with Knock Out to retrieve a hidden Cybertronian treasure, Breakdown was no doubt pleased to run into Bulkhead again. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 After their previous success, Breakdown and Knock Out went to secure the Forge of Solus Prime. Breakdown again found himself fighting Bulkhead, but during a moments distraction, Bulkhead hit him with the Forge. After Megatron secured the Forge, Breakdown retreated through the GroundBridge. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2

"We have a crime scene here."

Breakdown was assigned to accompany Dreadwing and Airachnid on a mission, the purpose of which was to get rid of Airachnid. Breakdown's quick temper proved their undoing, as Airachnid goaded him into attacking her. After spending a short amount of time trying to unstick the webbing from his face, Breakdown pursued her, leaving Dreadwing webbed to a tree. Though he caught up with Airachnid, it proved to be a trap, and she swiftly dismantled him. A short time later, a MECH team discovered him in pieces. They elected to bring the remains back to base. Crossfire (Prime)

After Silas was badly crushed, the MECH Surgeon intended to use Breakdown's body to revive him. Nemesis Prime

Knock Out would continue to hunt Iacon relics in Breakdown's memory, Tunnel Vision though he missed Breakdown's buffing. Hurt

While Breakdown was offline, MECH worked to rebuild and partially repair his body. Eventually, his body was reactivated and integrated with the remains of their leader, producing what Silas declared a "Cybernetic Life Augmented by Symbiosis", or "Cylas". This had the side-effect of bringing Breakdown's life signals back online, though they appeared corrupted to the Decepticon sensors. Cylas made good use of Breakdown's body, at least until he failed Megatron and was consigned to Knock Out's dissection table. The Human Factor

He's dead?! He's supposed to be a llama!!

Cylas had become Knock Out's guinea pig for virtually any test he could think of. Knock Out had no qualm about experimenting even further on Breakdown's corpse, believing that his deceased partner would approve of the situation's irony. Cylas became a new form of Terrorcon who fed on a host's Energon, and the ensuing plague ravaged the Decepticons' ranks and numbers. Cylas was finally killed when he freed Airachnid, who left Breakdown's inactive body a lifeless and, ahem, empty husk once more. Thirst

Titan Prime comic

Breakdown and Knock Out took over a TV studio which was filming Down and Out, and modified the course into a death trap which they then invited Optimus Prime and Bulkhead to take part in. To ensure they complied, they put the show's crew and audience into a box suspended over a pit of spikes, and Breakdown held on to Chuck Chuckles's unconscious form as extra insurance. Unfortunately for the pair, the death trap was less than deadly, and the two Autobots had brought Arcee, who shot the floor out from under the two Decepticons. It's a Knock-Out

Eaglemoss Prime comic

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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King of the Road

Japanese cartoon continuity

Japanese continuity does not include the final season of Prime.
Japanese Prime bios

Breakdown was a member of the Stunticons alongside Wildrider. Stunt Wildrider After a confrontation with Bulkhead, the comparatively smaller Breakdown took on a larger frame to match, with accompanying combat skills to boot. His hammer weapon was in actuality the Arms Micron, Zamu, unbeknownst to him. War Breakdown

Unite Warriors/Legends
...wait, never mind.

Breakdown managed to survive his repeated deaths and wandered Earth as a malicious zombie. The undead Decepticon's sheer malice attracted the attention of Unicron, Unite Warriors bio who would summon Breakdown, among others, to his universe to convince Galvatron to combine with them in lieu of using Unicron for his new "Grand Galvatron" body. Breakdown was resurrected in a new combiner body as "Zombie War Breakdown", and he could serve as a limb to Grand Galvatron. The assembled combiner team was ordered by Unicron to conquer Cybertron so that the planet would become Unicron's new body. Galvatron, not much for obeying anybody, ignored the order and set out to conquer in his own name as Grand Galvatron. Grand Galvatron Chapter While Breakdown was loyal to his new master, he sought to return to his universe and reunite with his partner. Unite Warriors bio

Cyclonus, the main component of Grand Galvatron, had the group undergo training by exposing them to the lava pools of Thrull, which Breakdown actually found enjoyable. Special Training in the Lava Baths of Planet Thrull!


Grand Galvatron attacked Cybertron only to be separated into his components by Trailbreaker. As the team continued the battle on foot, Breakdown was shocked to run into Knock Out on the battlefield and tearfully embraced him, unaware that his partner was merely a hologram projected by Hound as a distraction. After realizing his mistake, he rejoined the others and combined back into Grand Galvatron to fight Sky Reign. Sky Reign Chapter When the battle was interrupted by Megaempress, Grand Galvatron's limbs detached and fled out of fear, but Breakdown and Roller were cornered by Flowspade and forced to transform into giant fist weapons for her to wield. Megatronia Chapter Then Unicron showed up to conquer Cybertron himself, prompting the team to reform Grand Galvatron and participate in the battle with the Chaos-Bringer. After the battle was won, Breakdown was able to return to his home universe through a dimensional rift and was happily reunited with Knock Out. Ruination Chapter, Part Two

Knock Out later showed Breakdown the schematics to the Apex Hunter Armor. Epiloge

Toy bios

Breakdown wore the powerful Apex Hunter Armor, which was armed and upgraded with ancient weaponry given by the Predacons. Apex Hunter Armor with Breakdown

Kre-O online comic


Breakdown witnessed Megatron's little temper-tantrum over getting pummeled by a newly powered-up Optimus Prime. He also witnessed Megatron pummeling Knock Out after the latter's attempt to power-up Megatron went humiliatingly wrong. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! Optimus Power Up!? Following the embarrassing defeat of Devastator, Breakdown was one of those in charge of the Constructicons' tickle training. A New Menace! The Giant Soldier Devastator Appears! He was present during Megatron's (brief) takeover of Metroplex, now wearing an eyepatch. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight! Breakdown, again with two optics, was present during Megatron's Galvatron-helmet-induced rampage, and after it ended, he was horrified to see that Knock Out had learned nothing from the experience and was developing more new helmets for Megatron. Enter the New Emperor of Destruction!? Stop Galvatron's Rampage! He tried to warn Starscream about Airachnid's manipulative ways, to no avail. The Beautiful Flower Has Thorns? Temptation of the Female Soldier, Airachnid!

Precursor World

A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Breakdown was a member of the Blue Order of the Primus Vanguard. When the traitorous Straxus twins unleashed a rage virus to destroy the corps from within, he was slain in the ensuing brawl. Vanguard supreme leader Primus later loaded the Warrior's lingering spark into his Golden Noah in an attempt to ferry his soul to the next world. God Neptune comic 1 Unfortunately, this did not work. Finale


Transformers: War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

Voice actor: Crispin Freeman (English), Thierry Mercier (French), Antonio Abenójar (Spain-Spanish), Grzegorz Mikołajczyk (Polish)
I'm the fastest thing on 4 wheels.

—Breakdown in his vehicle mode

"I always feel like somebody's watching meeeeee!"

Breakdown joined Megatron and Soundwave in the invasion of Iacon, attacking the Stellar Galleries behind the Autobot's front lines in order to acquire the Omega Key. When it turned out Zeta Prime had moved it, Megatron lead them on a run-and-gun mission through the city to the Vaults itself. Breakdown seemed most comfortable during their time in the train tunnels, even challenging Soundwave to a race. However, when Megatron told him in a paternalistic voice to "try not to get crushed by the trains", Breakdown was confused, wondering aloud if his leader had made a joke. After utilizing Dark Energon bombers to blast their way into the Vaults, the squad came up against Zeta Prime himself. He was utilizing a vast machine that rendered him unassailable, allowed him to control portions of the ceiling so they dropped to crush anyone in the room, and generated an arbitrary number of energon clones bearing his likeness that battled savagely in melee combat. Soundwave's interest in the clones caused Breakdown to deride him as a total nerdlinger, but he didn't have any words of mockery when Soundwave discerned the machine's weakness: a core that rapidly overheated and so had to open up to cool off. Even in defeat, however, Zeta Prime had put one over on the Decepticons, as they took from him not the Omega Key, but the device that activated it. And the Key was cranky about being woken up from its nap.

Though he had shot another soldier for daring to contradict him verbally, Megatron probably realized Breakdown's last-ditch maneuver to avoid crashing into Omega Supreme against Megatron's orders had saved all their lives, and so did not summarily execute him. Nor was Breakdown shot for his constant whining during the team's cat-and-mouse chase with Omega Supreme through the upper spires of Iacon towards a platform studded with some anti-air guns, which would hopefully give them a chance to fight back against the robot of unusual size. They managed to crack open Omega's armor with the emplacements, causing him to crash, but the behemoth remained on his feet—literally, as he transformed to robot mode to continue the fight. Breakdown continually expressed amazement and frustration at the seeming unstoppability of Omega Supreme, but Megatron's confidence was proven justified, as they sabotaged the means by which the giant had been repairing himself, apparently bringing him down. Seemingly unable to believe it despite having participated in the fight, Breakdown could only note, "Uh... all hail Megatron!" Yet even then, Omega Supreme was not defeated, badly damaged though he was. At that point, however, he was unable to continue repairing himself and his armor was badly damaged, allowing concentrated fire to finally overwhelm him.

Breakdown remained at Megatron's side as he tamed Omega Supreme, gaining access to Cybertron's core and infecting it with Dark Energon. Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: War for Cybertron - Decepticons (DS)

Voice actor: Steve Blum (English)
Breakdown is an unlockable character for the Nintendo DS version of War for Cybertron. He can be unlocked by beating Dam 6 in Arena Mode.

When Megatron and his Decepticons destroyed a dam they had been using, Breakdown confronted them. Breakdown declared if Megatron could prove to be tougher than he was, then he'd join the Decepticons. Breakdown was eventually defeated, and, true to his word, he joined the Decepticons. War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Breakdown does not appear in the campaign of Fall of Cybertron, however he is available in multiplayer.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (console)

Breakdown appears as an Escalation only character. His default ability is the Hover Slam, and the Scatter Blaster as his default weapon.

Rise of the Dark Spark (console)

Transformers Online

Breakdown found War Rotor to be creepy. Transformers Online

Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Breakdown and the other Decepticons attempted to prevent the Autobots from constructing a Pulsar Dish, which would destroy the Energon Drain that the Decepticons had built in an asteroid field. Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Transformers Prime: Decepticon Strike

Enraged that Optimus Prime had defeated Knock Out in combat, Breakdown faced off against the Autobot leader resolved to destroy him. He alternatively shot laser blasts, unleashed energy waves and charged Optimus Prime throughout their battle. He was defeated however, and sent running off. He later returned when Megatron did battle against Optimus, and aided his leader throughout combat. The Decepticons were defeated once more, and ran off again. Decepticon Strike



At least when you drop a buttload of cash to import it, you get a good toy.
  • War Breakdown (Voyager, 2012)
  • ID number: AM-12
  • Release date: June 30, 2012
  • Accessories: "Zamu" Arms Micron
For unknown reasons, Hasbro chose not to develop a full-size toy of Breakdown for the Prime toyline. Instead, it fell to TakaraTomy to produce their own. Released in the fourth wave of TakaraTomy's version of the Prime line, "War Breakdown" transforms into a massive armored truck of made-up model. He features a single C joint bar at the rear of the truck. As part of the line-wide Arms Micron gimmick, Breakdown has an incredible number of 5 mm post-holes to attach Arms Microns (or other accessories) to. He comes with his packed-in partner Zamu, who transforms into Breakdown's wrist-mounted hammer (though it actually attaches to the truck mode roof bit which flips up over his wrist, but it's a close enough approximation).
"War Breakdown" was notionally available for Hasbro to release in their line, but its production cost reportedly fell into a "no man's land",[3] stymieing Hasbro's ability to release it at one of their normal price points. The mold would eventually be released by Hasbro in 2020 as a Hasbro Pulse-exlcusive item for the U.S. and Canada (see below).
This mold was differently redecoed/retooled each time into Swerve and Silas Breakdown, the latter of which was retooled further into the BotCon 2015 Megatron.


IT'S... hammer time?
  • Breakdown (Cyberverse Legion, 2012)
  • Series/Number: 2 / 006
  • TakaraTomy name: War Breakdown
  • TakaraTomy ID number: EZ-14
  • TakaraTomy release date: June 30, 2012
  • Accessories: Blaster
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
Part of the second wave of Series-2 Legion-class Cyberverse toys, Breakdown is a tiny, simple toy that turns into an armored car as per usual. He comes with a large triangular-barreled cannon based on his roof-mounted vehicle mode cannon, which has multiple 3mm posts and holes so it can be combined with other weapons and vehicles.
As he is a Legion class toy of a bulky, broad-shouldered character, he is really, really, really short even compared to other Legions, let alone his rival Commander-class Bulkhead.
This toy was released in Japan, without notable changes, in the fourth wave of Prime: EZ Collection toys (the same days as his larger toy above, in the fourth wave of that product line).
This sculpt was also redecoed into Fallback, who features a recolor of the same weapon, and The Last Knight Berserker, who has no weapon at all.

  • Decepticon Set (EZ Collection 6-pack, November 24, 2012)
  • ID number: EZ-SP2
  • Release date: November 24, 2012
  • Accessories: Blaster
This version of "War Breakdown") is cast in an ever-so-slightly darker shade of plastic than his Hasbro counterpart. The silver paint operations are also a tad darker, the tampographed Decepticon insignia on his chest is significantly darker, his spare wheel is painted in glossy rather than flat black, and his regular wheels and upper legs are cast in dark gray rather than black plastic.
He was only available in a TakaraTomy EZ Collection six-pack with the Vehicon, Knock Out, Starscream, Megatron, and Terrorcon Cliffjumper.

I'm still alive?
  • Apex Hunter Armor with Breakdown (Cyberverse Vehicle, 2013)
  • Series/Number: 3 / 002
  • Accessories: Large missile-firing blaster, four missiles, small blaster
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
Part of the first wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse Vehicle playsets, the "Apex Hunter Armor" comes with a green redeco of Legion Class Breakdown. He retains the purple blaster accessory.

10 Year Anniversary

Scalpers receive double the Breakdowns!
  • War Breakdown and Vehicon 2-Pack (Multi-pack, 2020)
  • Accessories: "Zamu" Arms Micron
Released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Prime, this Breakdown is a re-release of the TakaraTomy Prime figure, sticker sheet and all. He also includes Zamu, his Arms Micron, who still comes as parts on a model kit sprue. There are a number of small differences between the two releases, the most noticeable being the addition of a production number stamp on his right heel, and his sticker sheet uses plastic-matching dark blue rather than dark purple. Other small differences include a lighter shade of dark gray plastic, and a more orange-tinted shade of red paint used for his face.
War Breakdown is packed with the similarly-previously-TakaraTomy-line-only Jet Vehicon (oddly just called "Vehicon" despite Breakdown carrying the "War" prefix from the Takara release). This set was exclusive to Hasbro Pulse in the U.S. and Canada, made available for preorder concurrently with Hasbro PulseCon 2020 on September 26, 2020. This set was also available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong.
Amusingly, despite being a Voyager-equivalent figure, War Breakdown was designated as part of the Deluxe Class for this release, and the set was priced accordingly. What a bargain!


Do you wish for Heavy to KILL YOU!? WISH GRANTED!
  • Breakdown (Scout, 2013)
  • Pieces: 45
  • Accessories: Axe
  • Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
Released in the third wave of Construct-Bots Scout-class kits, Breakdown comes as a pack of disassembled parts. He is then assembled into a skeleton of sorts, then once his armor is applied, he can transform into a truck and back without disassembly. His various parts are covered in 3mm bars and 5 mm post-holes to attach weapons to. As all of the first-year Construct-Bots joints are universal, you can swap parts and combine him with other kits to make some interesting combinations.
Breakdown is made up almost entirely of recycled parts from other figures. His vehicle hood, chest armor, and leg armor are all from Hound. His shoulder armor is Ironhide's thigh armor, and his feet, thigh armor, forearm armor, and axe are from Optimus Prime. His head is the only unique part of the toy, and it's just a retooling of Hound's with a snarling face being the only change.

Unite Warriors

  • Grand Galvatron (Multi-pack, 2016)
  • ID number: UW-06
  • Release date: April 30, 2016
  • Accessories: Axe, hand/foot/gun
Unite Warriors "Zombie War Breakdown" is a redeco of Combiner Wars Deluxe Class Decepticon Offroad, transforming into a 4x4 double-cab pickup truck. He includes a 5 mm handle axe weapon (which can form a side-mounted exhaust pipe for truck mode), and a larger accessory that can form a hand or foot for his limb modes or a gun for robot mode, and can also be mounted on a tab in the vehicle mode's truck bed to form a giant engine block.
As a Deluxe-sized Unite Warriors figure, Breakdown can form a limb for any Combiner Wars-style Combiner, or become one of Legends Godbomber's legs, although he is nominally part of Grand Galvatron. While the front hood/windshields are needed to be folded as kneecaps for his leg mode, the piece also has a tendency to dislodge if he collides with Optimus Prime/Motormaster's and Hot Spot's protruding foot while the legs are being swiveled in his standing position, unless the leg joints are bent down to lessen the problem. Thankfully, he does not have this problem with his normal Combiner team.
War Breakdown was sold in a TakaraTomy Mall-exclusive giftset of Grand Galvatron, along with Tactician Cyclonus, Ghost Starscream, Curse Armada Thrust, and Wandering Roller.
Combiner Wars mold: Offroad

Version 1:

  • Fun PublicationsCombiner Wars Grabuge

Version 2:

Version 3:


I even have space in my chest for Silas!
  • Prime Universe Breakdown / Windsweeper (Multi-pack, 2024)
Legacy "Prime Universe Breakdown" is a new-head retooling of his rival, Legacy Prime Universe Bulkhead, transforming into a squished version of a Rába H18 military truck. His vehicle mode has a tarp covering his back bed, which unfolds into a riot shield for robot mode. The tarp does not need to be removed for transformation, but doing so provides additional clearance.
He comes with the full complement of weapons from the Wreck N' Rule Collection Bulkhead, with the most Breakdown-appropriate being the hammer that was new to that version of the toy. His mace accessory opens up to wrap around his fist, and his (non-rotating) gatling gun can be mounted on either shoulder via 3mm peg, making this the first Breakdown toy to meaningfully include his shoulder cannon. Most of these weapons can stow under the tarp in vehicle mode; the hammer and gatling gun can be stored together, or the mace and gatling gun, but not all three. The mold is loaded with 5 mm post-holes so whatever isn't stored can go elsewhere.
He was only available in a multi-pack with Windsweeper, Cleansweep and Ozone, as part of the Mayhem Attack Squad-themed "Doom 'n Destruction Collection". These sets were an Amazon exclusive in the US, with a small number sold through Hasbro Pulse. This set was revealed and set up for preorder on February 29, 2024.



TransformersPrime Breakdown happymeal toy.jpg
  • Breakdown (Happy Meal, 2012)
    • McNumber: 6
Happy Meal Breakdown is a non-transforming SUV. Rotating the rear-mounted spare tire rotates the roof to reveal a cannon resembling the one he possessed on the show.

Breakdown is now an unofficial SPEEN enthusiast!
  • Breakdown (Happy Meal, 2013)
    • McNumber: 6
This Happy Meal Breakdown is a non-transforming robot. Equipped with a hammer for each hand, squeezing his legs will cause the upper torso and arms to spin.


Hammer this Superman!
  • He seems to have been initialy planned as a Barricade redeco in the War for Cybertron game, as seen in one concept art [5], ultimatly he got to have his own distinct model (although his transformation animation echoes that of Barricade with his feet as the front of the car, thrusters on his back).
  • Breakdown's model is usable in War for Cybertron multiplayer as the Racer-type chassis for Scout-class characters. His parts are also available in Fall of Cybertron, now classified as Saboteur-type components for the Infiltrator class (although his wheels can also be used by Destroyers).
  • While Breakdown's bulky design is largely dissimilar from his G1 counterpart, his red face and yellow eyes are directly lifted from his G1 toy, which had similarly colored features.
  • Promotional blurbs for the episode "Deus ex Machina" mentioned that Lugnut would be in the episode. Given that Breakdown acts as a rival for Bulkhead in the finished episode—which Animated Lugnut was played up as for Bulkhead in the original Animated Cartoon Network promotional material—the fandom concluded that Breakdown was meant to be Lugnut at some point in the episode's production. The Hub's Mike Vogel challenged this notion at BotCon 2011, claiming that Lugnut had been Knock Out's original name, which had been changed because "Lugnut" wasn't "sexy" enough for the character. The Prime Season 1 Blu-ray commentary, however, corroborated the original theory: Breakdown's place in the show was originally intended to belong to Lugnut, since a loyal Decepticon bruiser was desired, but the show creators wanted a land-based Decepticon instead.
  • Breakdown's license plate in "Deus ex Machina" is DGOT 441.
  • Breakdown's body parts were available to use in the Hub website's Vector Sigma Bot Builder online game. Normally, you cannot configure a generic 'bot using all Breakdown parts, but you can see what one would look like at right through the magic of Photoshop. While all the characters in the game are hue-shifted from their normal coloration, Breakdown ended up noticeably less-different than his peers, essentially just having a different face color.
  • The bio for the Japanese "War Breakdown" release explicitly ties together his War For Cybertron and Prime appearances, explaining that he had his physical form upgraded in order to better face Bulkhead.
  • Breakdown's appearance in the Kre-O online manga is, like most non-toy robot Kreons, made from preexisting Kre-O parts. He uses Megatron's helmet, the generic wheels on his legs, clip-on smokestacks on his arms, and some sort of apparatus to bulk up his torso.
  • According to Adam Baldwin, Breakdown was killed off in Transformers: Prime due to "budget cuts".[6]

Arms Up Modes

In the Japanese Prime toyline, Breakdown has named powered-up modes when given various Arms Microns in certain configurations:

  • War Mode (ウォーモード Wō Mōdo)
    • Arms Microns: Jida, Noji, Zamu
Breakdown's box-back Arms Up mode is just him using the Big Scissor weapon. Yep! Despite all his other link-points, it's just him using a hand-held weapon. Imaginative.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: War Breakdown (ウォーブレイクダウン Wō Bureikudaun)
  • Mandarin: Dǎjī (China, 打击, "Strike")

See also

You look familiar...

Versions of Breakdown have appeared in other continuity families, including:

For more information, see Breakdown (disambiguation).


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