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Fusion cannon

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A release of lubricant is quite common when seeing this.

The fusion cannon is Megatron's signature weapon. It is attached to his right arm and is devastatingly powerful, as demonstrated by its sudden removal of Ironhide's head. (It's at least as powerful as Fortress Maximus's hands in comparison.) It strikes fear into the sparks of both Autobots and the Decepticons, though this description and its actual destructive capacity seems strangely uneven.



Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics
Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Transporting the Autobot Overlord to Iacon in the early days of the war, Megatron, Optimus Prime, Ravage, and Nightstalker were attacked by shock troops from the near-destroyed Tarn's military. During the ensuing battle, Megatron salvaged a fusion cannon from a fallen warrior and returned fire. State Games


Upon arriving on Earth, Megatron considered that the power of his fusion cannon gave him the edge against any potential treachery from Starscream. Prisoner of War! Indeed, when Starscream tested his patience shortly afterwards, Megatron blasted him with it, then went on to wreak his vengeance against the five remaining Autobots left standing, even blowing off Optimus Prime's arm with it. The Last Stand

Shockwave megatron the worse of two evils.jpg

After Shockwave took control of the Decepticons, Megatron challenged him for leadership and blasted him with the fusion cannon across Oregon into Vallemont. It didn't help, as Shockwave soundly defeated Megatron and retained control of the faction. The Worse of Two Evils! Megatron then led a large portion of the Decepticon troops to seize the apparently unguarded Ark but hadn't counted on Omega Supreme, whose wing shields were made of a hyper-dense crystalline alloy that was impervious to Megatron's fusion cannon. With his troops falling around him, it was only thanks to Laserbeak that Megatron was able to escape and regain control of the Decepticons. Command Performances!

While on a hunt for Optimus Prime, the Predacons betrayed Megatron. Divebomb stole Megatron's fusion cannon and the Predacons left Megatron to fight Optimus Prime with only his small backup gun. Megatron opened a space bridge which pulled both him and Prime to Cybertron where Megatron got a new fusion cannon. It is unknown what Divebomb did with the original. ...The Harder They Die!

Megatron predacons gone but not forgotten.jpg

Shockwave and the Predacons weren't quite done with Megatron just yet, however, as they conspired behind his back once more to wrest control of the Decepticons from him as the Decepticons moved to their new base in the Florida Keys. Ambushed by the Predacons as he awaited his transport, Megatron lost his fusion cannon in the ensuing battle, but recovered it in time to defeat Predaking in front of Shockwave and discover his treachery. Unfortunately, Megatron's increasing instability got the better of him when he summoned the space bridge to him and then shot it with his fusion cannon, leading to both his (and its) disappearance. Gone but Not Forgotten!

Megatron galvatron cannons altered image.jpg

Later, a clone of Megatron fought against the time travelling Galvatron and after an initial scuffle, insisted that they finish the battle by pitting fusion cannon against particle cannon. Unfortunately for the Megatron clone, Galvatron then transformed into his space cannon mode and blasted a building, collapsing it on top of his opponent, before persuading him to form a temporary alliance. Altered Image!

Marvel G.I. Joe comic

As part of an agreement with Cobra, Megatron's body was rebuilt to resemble an Earth-design tank with his fusion cannon replaced by a rail gun. Realignments

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon
Ravage casette.png    Fusion cannon
Megatron's fusion cannon from the Generation 1 cartoon. — 14 KB

When Megatron was first built, his fusion cannon was already affixed to his arm. Megatron used the weapon to kill the Autobot leader. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

As Megatron began to stockpile fuel for his early conquests, he turned his cannon on Orion Pax when the young dock worker tried to fight back. When Orion had been rebuilt into Optimus Prime, Megatron turned his cannon on the new Autobot leader only for the new Prime's armor to withstand the blasts. War Dawn

Nine million years later, when the Great War spilled over to Earth, Megatron fired his cannon twice at an oil rig, trapping various Autobots and humans. It was then fired once more to ignite the oil and create an enormous conflagration. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1

When the Decepticons invaded Sherman Dam the fusion cannon appeared again, and was fired into the roof. When the Autobots showed up, it was fired at the Autobots who managed to dodge the blast. A battle then ensued between Optimus Prime and Megatron on top of the dam, one where the fusion cannon was missing and Megatron used his energon mace, instead. By the time that the Decepticons returned to their base, Megatron had reaffixed his cannon. More than Meets the Eye, Part 2

When at a ruby crystal mines of Burma, Megatron used his cannon to blast through a collapsed mineshaft, freeing the Decepticons. After the debacle at the mine, Starscream got a little bit rebellious and tried to shoot Megatron who deflected the blast with a force field projected from the fusion cannon. Megatron then blasted Starscream in the shoulder (causing no visible damage) to punish him.

With the Decepticons needing only rocket fuel to escape Earth, the Autobots set up a fake rocket base to trap their foes only for Megatron to see through the ruse and double-bluff them. The fusion cannon was fired once at the Autobots' fake rocket base to make the double-bluff more convincing. It reappeared at the final battle outside the Decepticon space ship. Despite trying to blast Optimus Prime the fusion cannon was shot off Megatron's arm by Prime's Combat Deck. Megatron retrieved it before boarding his space cruiser but opted, out of sadistic amusement, not to use it when Starscream made another power play. When this allowed Mirage to sabotage the ship, Megatron reaffixed his cannon and used it to punish Starscream again before the space cruiser crashed. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3

So after that defeat the Decepticons didn't show up for a few months, when they did Megatron used his fusion cannon again in a battle against Optimus Prime at a solar energy plant, firing several times before being flipped by the fusion cannon by Prime! Megatron retaliated by punching Prime in the... uhh... gut, with the cannon. The Decepticons then took the energon they stole from the plant to the space bridge. Bumblebee was spotted spying on them, and Megatron fired four times, missing on all four. He racked up even more misses in a later battle inside a cave where he fired no less than nine times and missed every single time. The cannon did manage to destroy a nice rock formation, though. Transport to Oblivion

When the Decepticons invaded a science lab to steal an antimatter formula the Autobots tried to stop them and Megatron fired at the Autobots (and their holograms) about six times, managing to destroy a floor and a wall, but no Autobots. The anti-matter formula was then used to power-up Megatron's gun mode, but not his fusion cannon. Roll for It

After Optimus Prime was injured the Decepticons pressed an attack on the Ark. Megatron fired his cannon six times during the battle, even managing to actually hit Sideswipe, blasting him out of the air. Optimus Prime (now repaired!) then showed up and the cannon shot him, rather ineffectually. It was then knocked off Megatron's arm and was useless for the rest of the battle. Divide and Conquer

At the North Pole (or thereabouts), during another battle with Optimus Prime where the fusion cannon was used to shoot Optimus in the back it was once again knocked off. This time it was knocked off by a shard of crystal thrown by Prime. Fire in the Sky

Another day, another fight at a dam. This time Megatron hooked up his fusion cannon directly to the dam as a power source. He proclaimed that the Autobots would now witness the power of his fusion cannon (actually mentioning it by name) and blasted the side of a cliff face (which was weakened by Rumble's earthquake powers), collapsing it and dumping the Autobots into the river. S.O.S. Dinobots

Meet the Soldier.

The fusion cannon's next job was blasting another hole, this time to create an entrance to a Mayan pyramid. It was then used at a battle to collect some gun-building materials where it became something of a football. First Megatron shot Brawn in the chest, knocking the Autobot over. Then Brawn knocked the cannon off Megatron's arm and fired it himself hitting Megatron and knocking him over, but the kickback from the blast knocked Brawn over (again). Finally Laserbeak retrieved the gun for Megatron and another shot was fired at Brawn, but no one had to fall down this time because the shot missed.

Back at the Mayan pyramid Megatron used the fusion cannon to cause a distraction for the Autobots by blasting a mountainside twice and causing an avalanche. Fire on the Mountain

Then there was the time Megatron tried to bring Cybertron to Earth. Remember that? The fusion cannon was present throughout Megatron's machinations. But its most notable actions were during an Autobot invasion where a single underwater blast from the cannon enveloped Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide, Prowl, Wheeljack and Bumblebee (but didn't kill any of them), repeated (about six) shots fired during a Decepticon attack on the Ark (one of which hit Prime in the back) and a single shot at the battle at Megatron's giant space bridge. The Ultimate Doom, Part 1

Yeah, I know this actually is a scope, but can you play dead, at least? Are you a Headmaster or something?

Megatron's environment-destroying plan saw the Decepticons getting trapped in their own base, so used the fusion cannon to blast yet another hole in a wall to escape. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2 The subsequent fight at Megatron's energon transport ship also saw the fusion cannon fired, this time twice (didn't hit anything, though.)The Ultimate Doom, Part 3 Despite the energon ship exploding, neither Megatron nor the fusion cannon were destroyed and Megatron employed his signature gun again in a battle outside Arkeville's lab. (This is the same battle where Megatron says, "I always hit what I aim for," which one has to assume at this stage is slight hyperbole.) Countdown to Extinction

During an incident with the Insecticons Megatron fired twice at the Autobots, then took his fusion cannon with him to an oil refinery where the Decepticons were collecting some energon. For whatever reason, Megatron took his cannon off and propped it against a wall while he was there, but fortunately he put it back on when the Autobots showed up. Fortunately because, without it, he couldn't have fired off two (unsuccessful) shots, then covered his retreat by using the fusion cannon to set fire to an oil tanker. A Plague of Insecticons

As we know, all Transformers (or at least Decepticons) get their special powers from power chip rectifiers, so when Megatron was preparing for a one-on-one duel with Optimus Prime he took the chips from all his fellow Decepticons into himself. During the duel this allowed him to fire cluster bombs from his fusion cannon; but Megatron still used what appeared to be three normal fusion cannon blasts to finish off Prime during the battle. Heavy Metal War

An attempted coup from Devastator is another matter. The shots continuously bounced off his armor and Megatron had to resort to a 5-way fistfight with Starscream, Astrotrain, and Blitzwing as an alternative. Triple Takeover By 2005, Megatron's fusion cannon was far more powerful than it was twenty years earlier in that was able to kill a ship-load of Autobots, including Ironhide. Megatron lost his fusion cannon in his final battle with Optimus Prime, and the weapon needed to be carried by Rumble as the Decepticons fled. When Megatron was reformatted by Unicron into Galvatron, his fusion cannon was remade alongside its wielder, being transformed into an arguably far more effective particle cannon, which he promptly used to kill Starscream. The Transformers: The Movie

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers manga
Can we have a Green Lantern / Transformers crossover now?

The Megatron Corps (メガトロン軍団 Megatron Gundan) are a horde of six Megatron clones created by Galvatron to overwhelm the Autobots. Each clone is gifted with a unique Fusion Cannon and they are capable of combining their blasts into a single devastating attack, called the self-explanatory "Combined Fusion Cannon attack." No member of the Megatron Corps is gifted with sentient intelligence, however, as they are all controlled by the will of Galvatron who was, in reality, the original Megatron before his upgrade from Unicron. Galvatron would keep this hidden by also posing as a Megatron Clone... using a Particle Cannon instead of a Fusion Cannon.

As soon as Galvatron lost control over the Megatron Corps in a fight with Rodimus Prime, the clones lost all their power and were easily disposed of. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #2

Wings Universe
Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Megatron clone Megaplex brandished a fusion cannon as a secondary weapon. Termination

Squadron X survivors Ferak and Tornado escaped Torax Prime aboard a modified escape pod, refitting it with warp thrusters, proton bombs, and a small fusion cannon. The pod, however, was no match for the firepower of an Autobot Vanguard class fighter. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur


After Megatron had been slain in the Battle of Autobot City, Starscream retrieved the fusion cannon from the corpse as proof of his passing for the other Decepticons. Claiming the weapon for himself, the fusion cannon was upgraded along with Starscream when Unicron reformatted the new Decepticon emperor into "Megascream" and was ultimately destroyed with him. Deviations


Megatron's nuclear-charged fusion cannon was, as usual, the Decepticon leader's weapon of choice. In one notable scenario, Megatron turned the weapon on Soundwave and Starscream when he discovered they were plotting to overthrow him. Earthquake

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Having defeated Megatron, Optimus Prime ripped the fusion cannon from his arm and used it to destroy the SPS Satellite. It supposedly was the only thing the G.I. Joe, Cobra, Autobot, and Decepticon troops gathered at Cobra Island had that could reach something in space. Thereafter, the fusion cannon was brought to Area 52. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6

2005 IDW continuity

Megatron's first fusion cannon was a gift from Starscream. Megatron Origin #4 Ironically, Megatron decided to pay him back a few million years later by blowing a huge hole in his torso. Infiltration #6 Whenever they met in combat, Optimus Prime would always go for Megatron's cannon arm. Chaos Theory Part 1 During their battle in Brasnya, a well-aimed shot from Optimus destroyed the weapon. Escalation #5 During a showdown in New York City, Optimus Prime ripped the fusion cannon off Megatron's arm and beat him with it until it broke. All Hail Megatron #12

When he returned in a new body, Megatron had replaced his trademark cannon with a rail gun. Enemy Mine The change didn't last long, as he went back to the trusty ol' fusion cannon for his next body. Before the Dawn After he surrendered and joined the Autobots, Optimus Prime had him dissolve his fusion cannon in acid as a symbol of giving up on the war. slaughterhouse When Brainstorm built him a new one in preparation for the DJD's attack on Necroworld, Megatron rejected it at first. At Close of Day Upon learning that Fool's Energon was nothing more than a placebo and seeing Ravage getting ripped in twain by Tarn, Megatron attached the weapon to his arm and waded into the battlefield, slaughtering Decepticons with renewed vigor. Megatron demanded Tarn come face him in battle, but a well-placed shot by Nickel and Vos damaged the cannon, rendering it unusable. Rage, Rage Despite this, Megatron kept it attached to his arm, even after the battle was over. When Ravage succumbed to his injuries, Megatron flew into a rage, refusing to part with the weapon and even threatening the Autobots; Terminus's arrival, however, prompted Megatron to detach the cannon without hesitation. Do Not Go Gentle

The fusion cannon had been made from the Necrobot's teleport chamber. Following its destruction, Brainstorm turned it back into a makeshift teleport "den". Some Other Cybertron

As leader of the Decepticon Justice Division, Tarn sported a double fusion cannon. Rules of Disengagement In their final confrontation on Necroworld, Megatron ripped the weapon off with ease, mocking Tarn for his zealotry. Do Not Go Gentle

Galvatron also possessed a fusion cannon while on Earth. He mockingly compared it to Sunstreaker's pistol when the Autobot tried to arrest him. As Above...So Below During Galvatron's final stand in the atmosphere of Jupiter, Arcee overloaded the weapon, causing an explosion that grievously damaged his right side. No Fair Fights

2019 IDW continuity

Whoops, nuclear discharge in your everything.

Fusion cannons were among The Rise's armory. Megatron regarded one for a moment before he used it as a bludgeon against Shockwave. The Change In Your Nature Part Three After the Decepticons had taken over the Senate and murdered Sentinel Prime, Megatron affixed a fusion cannon to his arm. When Termagax came to denounce what the Ascenticons had become, she mocked Megatron's cannon who responded by opening fire on her, discovering that his mentor was but a drone. Awakenings

When Exarchon returned, Megatron met with the Threefold Spark in Flatline's body. After some false pleasantries, Megatron fired a blast from his cannon at Exarchon, sending him tumbling back into Sunstorm's lethal touch. War's End Part Three Not long afterwards, Megatron removed his cannon to grapple with Optimus Prime only to reattach it after Computron intimidated the Decepticons into letting the Autobots pass. Fate of Cybertron

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

The fusion cannon was Megatron's primary weapon. Earthrise webpage[1] An "ultra" version of the fusion cannon was one of Galvatron's weapons and powers. Kingdom webpage[2]

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

After doing some maintenance on the fusion cannon, Megatron threatened to turn its power on Shockwave after his chief scientist gave him lip. Siege episode 3 After Ultra Magnus had deceived the Decepticons, Megatron fired a point-blank round from his cannon that killed the Autobot commander. Siege episode 4

My Little Pony/Transformers

When the Decepticon/Changeling alliance marched on the Crystal Empire, Megatron used his fusion cannon to blast a hole in the castle wall. During the battle that followed, he attempted to use it to exterminate Discord and the Wonderbolts before Twilight Sparkle used her magic to block the weapon. Finale

Transformers/Back to the Future

In the original timeline, the Decepticons had been all but destroyed by the Autobots. When Rumble called that he had secured the DeLorean time machine, a critically damaged Megatron used his cannon to blast an entrance into Doc Brown's laboratory. When he tried to execute the human however, the overworked weapon finally gave out, falling to pieces when Megatron opened fire. Witnessing this, Rumble decided to win the Great War retroactively.

Travelling back to 1974 to build his strength and bounty of energon, Rumble reactivated the Ark passengers with Megatron turning his fusion cannon on the inert Autobots and the temporally anomalous Rumble. When the Decepticon data cruncher Gigawatt later scanned the DeLorean and tried to flee, Megatron managed to shoot him directly in the flux capacitor. Transformers/Back to the Future #2

Energon Universe

During the Decepticon assault on the Ark, Megatron threatened Starscream with his cannon, Transformers #5 before his right arm, along with the fusion cannon, was sliced off by Optimus Prime. Transformers Energon Universe Special story When the Ark was reactivated and the Autobots were forced to flee, Ratchet loaded Megatron's severed arm into Prime's Combat Deck along with what Autobots he could. When Prime later lost his own right arm, Ratchet suggested Optimus use Megatron's arm until they acquired more energon and raw materials. Optimus was hesitant, but after a combination Ratchet's urging from Ratchet and Sparky Witwicky having a potential solution to the Autobots' energy problem, Optimus relented. Transformers #4

Such villainous nonsense.

Now with the arm and cannon equipped, the Autobots made use of homebuilt turbine to draw on the hydroelectric power of a dam before they were set upon by the Decepticons. Prime was set upon by Reflector, but Prime obliterated the camera Decepticon with one shot of the fusion cannon. Seeing the cannon in use by Optimus enraged Starscream, who raged at the Prime for using such a "precious" weapon for himself. Prime responded by pointing out how much the cannon scared Starscream and how it served as a reminder of what he would never be before opening fire. Starscream managed to dodge the fusion blast, destroying the Autobots' turbine only for his boasting to leave him open to a shot in the back. Transformers #5

When the Autobots tried to take back the Ark, they were met by Devastator. After breaching the ship, Optimus opened fire on the combiner with both the fusion cannon and his ion blaster, before he began leading Devastator to a cliff, the fusion cannon manifesting on his alternate mode's roof. Transformers #6

To sever the space bridge link between Earth and Cybertron, Optimus Prime - over Elita One's protests - turned the fusion cannon on Shockwave's pilfered energon, the resulting explosion separating the two planets. Transformers #12

This section covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help by updating it.

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

When Megatron broke into the Ark, he had Blackarachnia turn the ship's fusion cannon against the Maximals. A precise shot from Rattrap disabled the fusion cannon, causing a power surge that jammed the door controls. The Agenda (Part III)

A powerful fusion cannon was installed on the underbelly of the Nemesis. Though a formidable weapon, it required a full charge from the ship's fusion reactor to fire. Megatron first used the weapon to destroy the former Vok emissary Tigerhawk. When the Nemesis sailed over the new anthropoid settlement, Megatron, over Dinobot's advice, turned the fusion cannon on the anthropoids but only succeeded in killing Inferno and Quickstrike. This meant the fusion cannon needed time to recharge when the Nemesis arrived above the Ark. Though Megatron bought the time for the weapon to recharge, Rhinox slammed Autobot Shuttle Omega Delta through the Nemesis's coning tower before the Predacon could fire. Nemesis Part 2

Beast Machines

Megatron's personal chariot Mechatron comes equipped with a fusion cannon to nullify any accursed Maximal that it comes across.

Live-action film series continuity

Back in the day when he needed both hands to hold/use it.

Megatron's fusion cannon is one of the most powerful weapons known to Transformers. Drawing energy from an unknown interdimensional source, the fusion cannon fires gamma-irradiated plasma at a target.[3] It is also mentioned on Ironhide's toy packaging that he also carries a fusion cannon; presumably it is the blue glowing laser weapon on his left arm, though it is obviously much smaller than Megatron's.

Hey, I can see Starscream's house from here. *fires*

Megatron's cannon is presumably telescopic, as he keeps a pair of smaller, pistol-like cannons in each arm when not in use that combine to form one larger cannon. Its powerful blast is enough to send another Transformer flying back three city blocks. Megatron used it on several occasions, most notably to injure Jazz and to knock Optimus Prime into a building. Transformers

After his resurrection, Megatron still possessed his fusion cannon, but in a more compact form from which he could now access with his Death-lock pincer, a lobster-like blade. A point blank shot can still send another Transformer flying back several football fields. During his battle with Optimus Prime in a forest, Megatron used the fusion cannon to knock the Autobot leader backward after shattering his mouthplate. Later, after impaling Optimus with the bladed pincer, Megatron finished the job by firing the fusion cannon right through Optimus. During the final battle in Egypt, Megatron used the fusion cannon to shoot down a military helicopter. Following his resurrection, Optimus turned the fusion cannon against Megatron, blowing off half of his face and then severing it and Megatron's arm off with his Energon sword. Revenge of the Fallen

Megatron unleashes his inner John Wilkes Booth.

Megatron later adopted a hand held fusion cannon that resembled a stockless shotgun. He used it to cripple Sentinel Prime before he was decapitated and Optimus used the weapon to slay the ancient Prime. The deed done, Optimus threw it down in disgust. Dark of the Moon

I have my arm-mounted cannon. Y'all happy now?

When Galvatron resumed his identity as Megatron, his new body possessed a new fusion cannon mounted on his right forearm. In addition to powerful energy bolts, the cannon could also act as flamethrower. It was separated from Megatron when Optimus Prime severed his right arm... again. The Last Knight

Animated cartoon

Given time, Starscream may simply develop an immunity to the cannon. Then again, maybe not.

Megatron's iconic cannon served admirably as a cutting torch when Megatron sought to gain access to the Autobots' ship.[4] Transform and Roll Out After Megatron's revival, his newly rebuilt fusion cannon proved even more effective against the Autobot ship by knocking it clean out of the sky in under a minute with some help from Lugnut and Blitzwing. It also has an optical targeting lens... sometimes. Megatron Rising - Part 2 It was instrumental in repeatedly killing the newly-immortal Starscream, Mission Accomplished and was effectively used in the capture of Bulkhead. A Bridge Too Close, Part I

Eventually, it and his other miscellaneous weapons were removed when he was captured by Omega Supreme's internal defenses. Optimus Prime discovered painfully that Megatron was not as weak without it as he had hoped. TransWarped

After the Decepticons had claimed control over Omega Supreme, Megatron restored his cannon to its rightful place on his arm. After Starscream cloned a new body for himself, Megatron turned the cannon on the inert clones. When Starscream later outlived his usefulness, Megatron unleashed a point-blank shot from his fusion cannon on Starscream, bisecting the traitor. Endgame, Part I

Not long afterwards on Earth, Megatron deployed his fusion cannon against Optimus Prime in an aerial battle, the Autobot deflecting the shots with the Magnus Hammer. Alongside its user, the fusion cannon survived the self-destruct of the last Starscream Supreme before being turned against Optimus Prime in a final barrage. Though the first shot hit true, Optimus was able to destroy the cannon with the Magnus Hammer. Endgame, Part II


High Commander Megatron's main weapon was his Tetra-Singularity Fusion Cannon, a weapon that harnessed a small black hole as its power source and had no equal in Axiom Nexus. Rook - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/05/13 It has only been fired at full power once. TransTech Megatron's profile

Shattered Glass continuity family

Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity

Rumbler was Megatron's loyal sidearm. He was a semi-sentient drone in the shape of a fusion cannon. Do Over

Optimus Prime later gained a Quantum Fusion Cannon upon his transformation into Nova Prime. Timelines Nova Prime profile card

IDW Shattered Glass continuity

During the final battle against the Decepticons on Earth, Bumblebee took a point-blank shot from Megatron's fusion cannon, surviving only because the Autobots had a spare protoform to revive him with. Shattered Glass #4 Later in the battle, Optimus Prime used his ion blaster to disable Megatron's fusion cannon. Shattered Glass #2

Aligned continuity family

The Fusion Cannon could tap into interdimensional power sources to blast through almost any armor. Megatron had one, Megatron's Battle Bio and so did The Fallen when he was Megatronus.[5]

Prime cartoon

Megatron's fortress of Darkmount was armed with several fusion cannons. When a human army military force arrived at the fortress to wage a counterattack on the Decepticons, Megatron had one of the cannons fired at them, annihilating the humans and destroying the nearby abandoned city of Jasper in the process. Megatron warned Fowler that further human interference would result in the fusion cannons being turned on several major cities, including Washington, D.C. Darkmount, NV When Ultra Magnus arrived on Earth and reunited the majority of Team Prime, Prey he and Fowler resolved to disable the fusion cannons before destroying Darkmount with the help of Earth's military. While Bulkhead and Wheeljack created a distraction at the base of the fortress, Arcee and Bumblebee attempted to sneak into the fortress to disable the cannons, but when met with heavy resistance, Magnus took matters into his own hands and mounted a one-bot assault on the cannons. He was stopped by Megatron, and though the Autobots were all captured, Optimus Prime's arrival quickly resulted in the fusion cannons being crippled, and then destroyed by Fowler's Skystrikers. Rebellion


Megatron himself also had a fusion cannon[6] on his right arm, which seemed to be a standard arm-mounted energon cannon simply enhanced by Dark Energon, but he promptly abandoned it when he got a dead Prime's arm to replace his own in order to activate the Forge of Solus Prime to create the arguably more effective Dark Star Saber. Alpha/Omega Later, however, he lost that arm Darkest Hour and got his original arm back along with his fusion cannon. Darkmount, NV He was still able to use the Dark Star Saber with his fusion cannon arm in a final battle with the Autobots. Deadlock After being killed, he lost it again upon being resurrected by Unicron, though he was able to access two Dark Energon cannons that were also extremely effective. Predacons Rising

When the Autobots prepared to face the Chaos Bringer, Bumblebee took stock of the arsenal aboard the Nemesis, which included a complement of fusion cannons. Predacons Rising

Cyberverse cartoon

Attached to his right arm, Megatron's fusion cannon was his primary weapon, doubling as the main weapon of his tank mode. The weapon could be charged for more devastating attacks. Bad Moon Rising

During Megatron's travels across the multiverse, The Judge he upgraded his weapon into a double-barrelled cannon. The End Of The Universe IV Silent Strike

Alternate universe

In another reality, when Optimus Prime refused to stand with Megatron, the tyrant fired a point-blank fusion cannon round at the newly minted Prime, fatally wounding him. The Other One


War for Cybertron

WFC Bazooka Fusion Cannon.jpg

Megatron's precious cannon fired explosive charges into the faces of his enemies. Oddly enough, Optimus Prime could also use one.

Carried by: Leaders, Megatron

  • Damage: 10
  • Range: 9
  • Accuracy: 7
  • Rate of Fire: 4

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

When Metroplex appeared above him, Megatron bravely fired his fusion cannon at the Titan only for it to be crushed into scrap metal by Metroplex. When Soundwave rebuilt Megatron, he replaced Megatron's totalled fusion cannon with a Riot Cannon. Fall of Cybertron

Transformers Devastation

The Fusion Cannon is a Grenade Launcher class weapon that can be unlocked by beating the game on any difficulty. When aiming, it will create a shield that blocks damage from the front. It can be equipped by Optimus Prime, Grimlock, and Wheeljack.

Megatron, of course, uses the Fusion Cannon as his primary weapon. He's also able to use the Fusion Cannon to create a forceful but harmless energy waves to fling his enemies away from him.

Another variant, "Fusion Cannon (Mod)", instead works like a shotgun; as one can guess, this variant is based on movieverse Megatron's fusion shotgun, down to its appearance. This weapon lacks the aforementioned shield function.


Megatrons with Fusion Cannons

So many Fusion Cannons, so few targets.
As the Fusion Cannon is Megatron's signature weapon, we at the wiki quickly realized that posting every instance of a Megatron with a Fusion Cannon would be perhaps a bit much. Not to mention, it would be shorter to list those who didn't have one. For brevity, and sanity, the following Megatrons (Megatronii?) are commonly known to carry Fusion Cannons into combat on their toys and merchandise:
Meanwhile, the following toys either feature one-shot (continuity wise) Megatrons with Fusion Cannons, or other characters with toys who have been issued Fusion Cannons:

Beast Machines

BM Mechatron toy red version.jpg
  • Mechatron (Beast Rider, 2000)
    • Accessories: 2 missiles
Mechatron features a central fusion cannon.
  • Mechatron (Beast Rider, 2001)
    • Accessories: 2 missiles
Later on, Mechatron was given a running change redeco into a shocking purple, yellow, and copper coloration, though the packaging was not changed in any way to reflect this.


I don't feel like I fit in here.
  • Nova Prime (Deluxe, 2015)
While he didn't have one as Optimus Prime, the redeemed former leader of the evil Autobots wound up receiving a Quantum Fusion Cannon from his benefactor Unicron. It does look a lot like the Ion Blaster his heroic counterpart has, though.


  • Darkside Optimus Prime & Darkside Megatron (Deluxe Class two-pack, 2011)
    • Accessories: Cannon/missile launcher, energy-blast missile
Part of a Tokyo Toy Show 2011-exclusive United two-pack with Darkside Optimus Prime, Darkside Megatron is a black redeco of Generations: War for Cybertron Megatron. Megatron's spring-loaded Fusion Cannon can still attach to either arm.

Dark of the Moon

I don't belong here eithe— well, actually...
  • Sentinel Prime (MechTech Voyager, 2011)
    • Accessories: MechTech Boom Lift/Fusion cannon
Sentinel's voyager figure comes with a MechTech weapon that converts from his vehicle mode boom lift into a big ol' fusion cannon, named as such on the packaging. Why Sentinel has a fusion cannon isn't explained; maybe he ganked it from Megatron?

Age of Extinction

I don't think I belong here, either.(TakaraTomy version pictured)
  • Evasion Mode Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2014)
  • Evolution 2-Pack Optimus Prime (Voyager Two-Pack, 2014)
  • Optimus Prime & Grimlock (Platinum Edition Voyager 2-pack, 2014)
  • Optimus Prime Battle Damage Color (Milk Magazine exclusive, 2014)
  • Rusty Ver. Optimus Prime (Voyager, 2014)
  • Gold Classic Optimus Prime (Battle Command Campaign, 2014)
  • Autobots United (Platinum Edition 5-pack, 2014)
  • Breakout Battle (Platinum Edition, 2014)
A weapon based on Megatron's hand held Fusion Shotgun (named Ion Cannon) is available with this Optimus Prime and his redecoes. The said weapon can also attach to Dark of the Moon Voyager Class Megatron's hands.
See also: Movie The Best Optimus Prime

Knights of Unicron

Possibly the most unlikely Megatron ever.
  • Megatron (Knights of Unicron Reunion Tour Set, 2014)
    • Accessories: clear purple missile, Fusion Cannon
Knights of Unicron Megatron is a redeco of Thrilling 30 Deluxe Class Megatron, transforming from a rocker-themed Cybertronian self-propelled gun into a rocker-themed robot. Yes, he still has the Fusion Cannon.


Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Fusion Cannon of Megatron
As a part of the games first wave a rare upgrade was made of the fusion cannon. When equipped to Megatron it provides pierce 3. The card was also re released with different art as a part of the Energon Edition set.


G1 megatron weapons instructions.jpg
  • Neither Generation 1 Megatron's toy instructions nor his packaging bio make any reference to his fusion cannon. In the instructions, what we would recognise as his "fusion cannon" is labelled as a "3-piece telescopic sight" and the user is directed to "slide sight onto black mount on robot's right arm". Instead, his robot mode weapon is labelled a "high density infrared laser cannon", referring to the chromed silver gun he came with, while his sight, stock and silencer could be combined into a "particle beam cannon" and the sight and silencer could differently combine with Megatron himself to form a "telescopic laser cannon". Correspondingly, his packaging bio refers to his primary weapon as the "particle beam cannon".[7]
...or you could do that instead, sure.
  • His Generation 1 on-package bio also mentioned he can "link up interdimensionally to a black hole and use anti-matter from it for use as a weapon," without elaborating further.[7] This, however, is a truncated version of the full bio provided to Transformers writers and later published in The Transformers Universe, which explains that his cannon draws on the antimatter as a power source.[8] Apparently working from the shortened version, Simon Furman wrote two stories in the Marvel UK comics where Megatron channeled the antimatter through his body, unleashing it through his hands the first time and through his eyes the second time. It manifested as a black, starry cloud that caused explosions. A similar situation occurred in the cartoon. Megatron was never shown to possess antimatter-channeling abilities, but he was shown to possess an anti-matter blaster in "Enter the Nightbird". Like every Decepticon weapon in the cartoon, it produced a purple laserbeam, though one that "absorbed" energy. The fusion cannon-power-source interpretation has never featured in a story.
  • The deep percussive note at the beginning of the iconic fusion cannon sound effect (used throughout Generation 1 and Animated) is an old "stock" sound used frequently in American animation, most notably within Hanna-Barbera's Scooby Doo where it was used to signify cast members or objects falling on the ground, running into walls, etc.
  • According to the Transformers: Mystery of Convoy strategy guide, Megatron's fusion cannon functions as a flame thrower. No wonder he got defeated easily.
    • Megatron's cannon in The Last Knight functioned as a flamethrower in one scene, possibly alluding to this... or following the "rule of cool".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Yūgō Cannon Hō (融合カノン砲, "Fusion Cannon Gun")

See also


  1. Earthrise webpage
  2. Kingdom webpage
  3. Battle Bios at Hasbro.com
  4. Use of sound-effects from the original cartoon only served to enhance the weapon's coolness.
  5. AllSpark.com description of BotCon 2010 Hasbro designers' panel (via the Internet Archive)
  6. Though unnamed in the series, it was named as such in the toyline.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Generation 1 Megatron's original on-package bio (scan at BotchTheCrab.com)
  8. Generation 1 Megatron's extended bio (transcription at NTFA.net)
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