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Demolishor (ROTF)

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The name or term "Demolishor" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Demolishor (disambiguation).
Demolishor is a Decepticon Constructicon from the Revenge of the Fallen portion of the movie continuity family.
You know that guy in college? The one who juggled and rode a unicycle everywhere? Yeah, we hated him too.

One of the Constructicons, the gigantic Demolishor (aka Wheelbot) may not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Luckily, he is smart enough to know when to fight openly and when to stick to the shadows. When he arrived on Earth to find Megatron dead, Demolishor went into hiding, gathering smaller Decepticons who needed a big, blunt instrument to cower behind. Now in charge of this little Con-munity, he awaits the day when a new Decepticon leader will rise.[1]

He may or may not form the upper torso of Devastator. Then again, he's too busy looking after other Decepticons to combine anyway.

This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again!

—Demolishor's last words, Revenge of the Fallen



Revenge of the Fallen film

Voice actor: Calvin Wimmer (English; credited as "Wheelbot"), Gu-han Gang (Korean), Andrés García (Latin American-Spanish), Maurício Berger (Brazilian Portuguese), Thomas Hailer (German), Francesco De Francesco (Italian), Oğuz Özoğul (Turkish)

NEST arrived in Shanghai with a cover story from the Chinese government that there was a chemical spill in the area. Major Lennox and his men followed a radiation blip to a construction site where a massive excavator stood. Suddenly, the excavator transformed and revealed itself to be Demolishor! In fury, he smashed his arms on the ground, flinging concrete pipes onto approaching NEST troopers, crushing them, before rolling away. NEST's firepower availed them little as Demolishor shrugged off their attacks and smashed his way to the nearby freeway. Most of the Autobots were soon deployed to deal with his running comrade Sideways, leaving NEST with only Ironhide to deal with the massive Constructicon. Overhead, a C-17 Globemaster III circled, dropping the most powerful Autobot onto the battle field: Optimus Prime had entered the game.

Prime is his bling!

As Demolishor rolled along the freeway, crushing cars, destroying barriers and casually tossing nearby cars to their doom, Optimus intercepted him at an overpass and leaped onto his head as the Decepticon reduced the overpass to rubble. Demolishor declined Optimus' demand for him to "pull over" forcing the Autobot leader to fire his Ion blaster into the former's head, soon followed by Ironhide jumping on and shooting out his massive wheel. The crippled Decepticon crashed into a warehouse district and was helpless as Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and the rest of the NEST soldiers advanced.

"Goodbye, Scavenger."
"Who cares?" *BOOM*

Standing before the "Punk-ass Decepticon" as Ironhide dubbed him, Optimus inquired if there were any last words he wished to convey. In defiance, Demolishor declared with his dying breath that Earth was not their planet to rule, and that The Fallen would rise again. Optimus Prime disagreed and shot him through the face, destroying him. Revenge of the Fallen

IDW movie comics

Impress the ladies with a new move...the incredible Double Pits to Chesty!!

In the distant past, the AllSpark Cube created a race of powerful, trans-dimensional beings as the first inhabitants of Cybertron. The Cube gave these beings mighty powers, as well as terraforming their world, but it was not limitless, and gradually became depleted. The first beings learned that the AllSpark's power could be replenished by harvesting the energy of stars, but they were unable to locate new stars to suit their purposes, despite their amazing ability to travel between dimensions. Once again, the Cube came to the rescue, creating a race of workers, who had the ability to change their shape.

The "Demolishor" body-type was among the very first of these new beings, one of several "builders" who would construct a harvester when a suitable sun had been found. Once built, the device would drain the energy of these stars, thus replenishing the AllSpark. Defiance #4 It is assumed that at some point during the civil war on Cybertron, a surviving Demolishor(s) sided with Megatron, the new protégé of his only surviving ancient master, The Fallen. During the war on Cybertron, Demolishor was used as a shock trooper, sowing terror amongst settlements of displaced Autobots. At one of his massacres there was a survivor, the Autobot Sideswipe.

Demolishor's modus operandi continued when he arrived on Earth, wreaking havoc in human cities, literally daring the Autobots to stop him so that, once baited, he could slaughter the Autobot forces. This caught the attention of Sideswipe, whom Demolishor had assumed was already dead. Delighting in the return of his old playmate, the Decepticon led Sideswipe on a destructive chase through Montevideo in Uruguay to Buenos Aires in Argentina. Ultimately he was driven to ground again by the arrival of Optimus Prime and the human-Autobot NEST team. Tales of the Fallen #2 He was later detected in Shanghai, China, prompting NEST to mobilize once again. Alliance #4

Toy bios

Painting the town red! With the blood of all those dead people.

While hiding in the crowded, twisted streets of a Shanghai slum, Demolishor broke the quiet night with explosions of fire and debris. Desperately smashing his way through apartments, shops, and roadways, he attempted to escape the Autobots that were hunting him. It fell to Skids and Mudflap to stop him before he destroyed enough of the city to be beyond repair. Shanghai Showdown

Unite for the Universe

Following Demolishor's death, his body was moved to the N.E.S.T. N.B.E. Resource Redistribution Plant in Toronto, Canada to be melted down by NEST. Ambition Instigated


Battle for the Matrix

Battle for the Matrix is a simplified retelling of the events of Revenge of the Fallen. It can be played from the perspective of either Bumblebee or Optimus Prime.
Prime being stalked...

Demolishor uses his wheels to smash Autobots. Transformers: Battle for the Matrix

Revenge of the Fallen - The Game

Voice actor: Fred Tatasciore (English), Jorge Teixeira (Castilian Spanish)

Xbox 360/Sony PS3/PC

Autobot campaign
Oh, it's that dream again.

NEST communications in a Shanghai construction site were disrupted by the Decepticons, prompting Optimus Prime to investigate. There, the Autobot leader found Demolishor, a massive, powerful Constructicon who pummeled him with missiles, but was eventually defeated. As he lay dying, the Decepticon spat that the Fallen would rise again, and was then executed by Optimus Prime. Revenge of the Fallen (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)


Autobot campaign

During the battle in Shanghai, Demolishor obtained the remaining AllSpark fragment, and tried to get out of the city before the Autobots could get their hands on it. However, the Autobots crippled him and forced him into battle. One short fight later, Demolishor was beaten, but not before he could tell the Autobots that their victory would be short-lived, and the Fallen would rise again.

Oh, the Decepticons still had the AllSpark fragment, somehow.

Decepticon campaign

Soundwave ordered Demolishor to obtain the AllSpark fragment from a convoy driving around in Shanghai. He obtained it, but perished during the escape. None of the Decepticons actually cared, however, because they got the AllSpark fragment. Revenge of the Fallen (PSP)


Soundwave ordered Demolishor and Sideways to attack a NEST truck, containing an ancient Cybertronian artifact. While Sideways escaped with the artifact, Demolishor held off the Autobots. Optimus Prime ordered Ironhide to take out Demolishor, and after a brief chase, Ironhide knocked him off a bridge. Demolishor hurriedly tried to dig for something in the ground, and whenever the Autobot approached, he either swatted him away or attempted to crush him. Eventually, Ironhide blew up Demolishor's head, neutralizing him. Revenge of the Fallen (Wii/PS2)


Revenge of the Fallen

Legends Class

  • Demolishor Shanghai Attack (EZ Collection, 2010)
A redeco of EZ Collection (Legends Class) Scavenger that was exclusively available at Toys"R"Us Japan for customoers who purchased at least 3,000 Yen worth of Transformers Animated toys. As a Scavenger redeco, Demolishor can form the upper torso of Legends class Devastator.
While this figure was referred to as "Demolishor Shanghai Attack" on TakaraTomy's official website, the included instruction sheet simply calls it "Demolishor".

Voyager Class

Well... this will be fun to pose.
  • Demolishor (Voyager Class, 2009)
Demolishor transforms from a red Terex RH400 mining excavator into a unique robot mode via a surprisingly complex transformation. His Mech Alive gimmick in robot mode is a drum in each arm that spins when you move his lower arm (not in the shoulders as the packaging call out states). He has real rubber treads that sadly can't move, and no little plastic wheels that help it move either. He is almost impossible to stand up—let alone pose—but it can be managed.
In the film, Demolishor's vehicle mode features a lot more white. This toy's colors are actually a match to Scavenger's colors.
Like several Revenge of the Fallen toys, such as Voyager class Starscream and Leader class Optimus Prime, Demolishor is yet another victim of late mold changes due to 2008-2009 economic problems. On the back of the box, his treads are pictured as being made of several individual, linked plastic sections. The sections were apparently recast as a single rubber tread ring for the final toy. Unfortunately, over time, this rubber material doesn't last. It tends to eat away at surrounding plastic, a process that manifests as strange distortions on the mold wherever the rubber rests.

Red-and-white color schemes are not always given to ambulances.
  • Demolishor Shanghai Attack (Voyager Class, 2010)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: RD-19
Demolishor Shanghai Attack redecoes Demolishor's Voyager Class toy with colors that more closely resemble those seen in his film appearance.

  • Shanghai Showdown (Multi-pack, 2010)
Hasbro's release of the screen-accurate Demolishor features brown dirt decos on his treads and body. He is packed with more accurately decoed versions of Skids and Mudflap in their ice cream truck bodies.


Robot Heroes

He's trying to tickle Prime's foot.
  • Shanghai Shootout (Multi-pack, 2009)
"Shanghai Shootout" replicates the opening action scene from Revenge of the Fallen, featuring figurines of Skids & Mudflap in ice cream truck mode, Sideways in vehicle mode, Optimus Prime, Demolishor, and Sideswipe in vehicle mode. Demolishor is a slightly-oversized figure and the centerpiece of the box set. He features articulation at the shoulders.


The best view of his color scheme in the film is a static shot of his vehicle mode, you say? Well, we're shocked.
Silly Demolishor, your wheels are supposed to spin, not you.
  • Demolishor is identical in design and vehicle form to Scavenger. In the film itself, Demolishor is mostly white with red striping and signage, but in other places his coloration matches Scavenger, such as his first toy, his Robot Heroes figure, and in his appearances in the video game and the comic adaptation. Repurposing is quite fitting, if one so chooses.
    • Additionally, the red deco for Demolishor lasted all the way up until the CGI modeling phase. Why this was scrapped in favor of a white color scheme is anyone's guess. This version of the model did, however, get used as a basis for Scavenger's Studio Series toy, so it didn't entirely go to waste.
  • Demolishor's demise in the movie may be viewed as a rather unfortunate moral grey area on the Autobots' part, and was at one point the focus of heated discussion by some fans. Though likely as vicious as every other Decepticon shown in the movie continuity, he seemed to just be hiding, and did not attack until his discovery was imminent. To make matters worse, his toy bio, while far from flattering, seems to imply that he takes care of smaller frightened Decepticons out of the goodness of his spark. To top things off, his completely accurate statement that Earth was not the Autobots' to rule never actually implies that it is the Decepticons' either, although in that same statement he also menacingly mentions "the Fallen [rising] again." Again, clearly a monstrous mechanical bully... but how he died in the movie was still slightly unsettling.
    • On the other hand, he was casually picking up passenger-filled cars in his hands and flinging them off the highway overpass to their doom as he was fleeing from NEST, even though they weren't in the way of his wheels (and mercilessly crushing those that were in his way), so it's not like the movie made no effort to paint him in a negative light. In addition, "Tales of the Fallen #2" painted him as a Decepticon that revels in destruction and creating collateral damage, and one that is responsible for several large-scale Autobot massacres in the past, making Demolishor's execution seem more justified.
  • During the production of Revenge of the Fallen, the as-yet-unnamed Demolishor was referred to with the simple if descriptive moniker of "Wheelbot". Although Hasbro went on to provide a proper name for the character, Demolishor still wound up being listed as "Wheelbot" in the credits of the film itself.
  • Okay, what's a giant mining excavator doing anywhere near a steel mill, exactly? Isn't that like having an amphibious vehicle in the Rocky Mountains?
    • In 2010, Terex sold its mining products line (including the Terex RH400 excavator, Demolishor's alternate mode) to Bucyrus International. That means that Demolishor's altmode was then a Bucyrus RH400 mining excavator. Bucyrus, in turn, was purchased by Caterpillar Inc. in 2011, so Demolishor's alternate mode is now a Caterpillar 6090. Whatever the name, it is still gigantic.
    • In the comic adaptation, Demolishor's alternate mode is a different model of steam shovel. It is a smaller model that could more realistically hide out in a big city than the very large mining excavator of the toy and movie.
  • Strangely, even though explosions that are targeted at NEST occur all around him at the steel mill, Demolishor has no guns or any other ranged weapons, using his size, weight and strength to cause destruction. Of course, in the Revenge of the Fallen game, he is equipped with missile launchers.

Foreign names

See also

  • Scavenger, the other Decepticon excavator in Revenge of the Fallen.
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