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Eject (G1)

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The name or term "Eject" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Eject (disambiguation).
Eject is an Autobot Mini-Cassette (ready for some football!) from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Skree! Unnecessary roughness, unnecessary roughness!

The best way to describe Eject is that he is always ready for some football! A confirmed Earth-sports junkie, Eject constantly scans the airwaves for everything from baseball, basketball, football, soccer, hockey, anything, from professional to academic-level competition. This occasionally interferes with his job as a surveillance agent, should a game go into overtime when he should be monitoring Decepticon activity. Sports clichés and terms litter his speech: "home runs", "touchdowns", "gooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooal!!" and, of course, "Are you ready for some football?!"

For Eject, sports are more than a form of entertainment. To his mind, they are also the answer to the war. He feels that sports could replace the way Cybertronians traditionally settle disputes: with bloody arena combat or a millennia or two of killing each other in mass numbers. He tries to get the other Autobots in on the idea, and envisions one day a Cybertron free of the horrors of war, where arenas are filled with fans cheering a three-point shot rather than a decapitation, where all Transformers are united in being truly READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon


During the Battle of Autobot City, Eject sacked Frenzy in mid-air while defending Perceptor in the communications tower. They continued grappling with each other as the "Mini-Cassette War" raged on. The Transformers: The Movie

Eject’s involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series "Transformers: The Animated Movie".

After the defeat of Unicron, Eject was first seen stationed inside Metroplex when Blaster was calling for help from Earth Defense Command on Mars. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 Sometime later, he joined Blaster and his fellow cassettes in traveling to Menonia, looking for the missing Grimlock and Daniel Witwicky. The strong silent type, Eject still helped overthrow Mara-Al-Utha and bring the Golden One back into power. Madman's Paradise

Japanese cartoon continuity

The Headmasters cartoon
HMep4 ramhorn eject.jpg

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The Mystery of Planet Master The Great Cassette Operation The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1) The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Legends comic

In the year 2021, Eject and the other cassettes were inside Twincast when a battle caused many Autobots to be infected with "blackballs", fortunately saving them from the same fate. They left Twincast's body before it was shrunken into nothingness by blackballs, and aided in converting him and others into Headmasters. Headmaster Chapter Prologue The Autobots then traveled to the Legends World where Twincast, returned to being Blaster, released Eject and the rest from his service to find their own happiness. Bonus Edition Vol. 27

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

When the Decepticons posed as Autobots to defame their enemies in the eyes of humanity, Eject and Rewind rode inside Prowl when the Autobots busted up a Decepticon-run anti-Autobot rally. Eject and Rewind fired their blasters at a pair of hooded-and-robed figures, who were revealed as the Decepticons Frenzy and Rumble.

The two small Autobots then beat the ever-loving snot out of the two small Decepticons. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7

Ask Vector Prime

In an 'amalgam' reality engineered by Sideways and Gong, Eject was one of the many cassettes whom Blaster deployed against Re-Volt, Chaos, and Traitor when the Renegades tried to breach Autobot City. Echoes and Fragments

Marvel UK future timelines

"Usually the team that scores the most points wins the game."

Eject was stationed on Cybertron in 2008. He fielded a distress signal sent by an unknown party, and then passed the ball to his coach, Ultra Magnus, to call the play. Ultra Magnus decided that they would play ball, and Eject was among the players he brought to the field. Together, they helped Soundwave's team in driving the Quintessons off the home court. Space Pirates!

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Ready for a game that won't be invented for millennia!

Eject was among the many Autobots who congregated in a secret base during the Age of Internment, when the recently returned Megatron's Aerospace Extermination Squadron covered the planet Cybertron, capturing countless Autobot heroes and sending the remnants of the army underground. The Age of Wrath Pt.2 During some downtime, Eject listened to Slamdance tale of how he narrowly escaped death at Starscream's hand before Perceptor broke up the story-telling session. The Age of Wrath Pt.3

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Eject accompanied Blaster as he used an ancient map of Cybertron's depths to infiltrate Megatron's slave camp, only for them to be discovered by Megatron himself. The Age of Wrath Pt.4

At a later time, Eject was with Blaster when Optimus rallied the splintered Autobot forces into an organized resistance movement against Shockwave's totalitarian rule of Cybertron. He presumably participated in the final conflict against the Decepticons and the Guardian robots, bringing the planet back under Autobot control. Countdown to Extinction

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

The CHIFFON! Pick the CHIFFON! No, not the taffeta!

Eject was part of Prowl's team, working in conjunction with Hawk to round up stray Cybertronian technology on Earth. When the Autobots disrupted one of Destro's sales on a dock in Cuba, Eject wound up taking on eight S.N.A.K.E. armored robots by himself.

And he won.

Back at the submerged space ship Arc II, he was having a pleasant day watching reality TV shows with Firewall until the Pretender Monsters attacked. While Prowl, Skids, and Sideswipe all fell before the Decepticons' assault...

Eject got away without a scratch.

Eject carried Firewall to the surface for Cosmos to pick up, before heading below to recharge and help the others. Whether this "help" consisted of single-handedly driving off their attackers is not made clear, but really, his track record points that way. Black Horizon, Part 1 of 2

After Unicron was defeated, Eject happily went back to watching bad television with Firewall. He was elated when Optimus Prime chose to join them. Black Horizon, Part 2 of 2

Beast Wars: Uprising

After the Autobots’ and Decepticons’ conflict came to an end due to Earth's forces relegating them back to Cybertron, Eject came to be known as The Administrator. As one of the smaller Autobots, he was one of the few original "Builders of Cybertron" who had managed to keep his mobility in energon-starved times. His position as supervisor of Cybertronian sports, most importantly the gladiatorial Games, allowed him a place of prestige among the elite ruling class. On top of all this, Eject managed to secure a CNA sample of Lio Convoy, bearer of the energon matrix. He held onto this sample as leverage should ever have need to placate the Builder Assembly; a clone of Lio Convoy would also yield a cloned matrix.

The Games were fought between Predacons and Maximals, oppressed descendants of Eject's generation. To ensure that the Games could always be fixed so that the status quo was maintained, Eject took Lio Convoy under his tutelage to do the rigging in person. Eject became rather fond of his protégé, often giving him constructive criticisms and advice if he ever erred. His affection towards Lio Convoy was enough that when he learned the Maximal had taken part in some rebellious activities in-between games, Eject used all of his political influence to keep the absent Lio Convoy out of trouble. Though the idea of not being able to fix the upcoming match made him nervous (and excited), Eject didn't need to deal with such a situation as Lio Convoy returned to his post before the Game took place. Instead, a much worse scenario arose; Lio Convoy revealed the Builders' selfish motives to the masses, engendering a revolution that swept across the planet.

Protecting Lio Convoy had put Eject in a rather precarious position with the other members of the Builder Assembly. To avoid a horrid fate, Eject presented his "Galva Contingency" plan to his peers. Ratbat and the other assemblymen were receptive to his proposal to create their own pawn to raise a battle-ready army. Broken Windshields

Eject derived samples of the G-Virus from the Forever Vaults, using the virus to reconstruct Lio Convoy's CNA data to create a wholly unique being called Galva Convoy, who retained access to the Energon Matrix and the font of life. Unfortunately, Galva Convoy could not produce this new army on the Administrator's time table. Even four years into the Uprising and months after Galva Convoy was brought online, he still wasn't ready to bring life to a new proto-race for the Builders. Eject grew impatient with Galva Convoy's requests for more time, but he ultimately had little choice but to accept his creation at his word. Micro-AggressionsNot All Megatrons

Eventually, the time came. Galva Convoy created his first Vehicon, powered by an anti-spark instead of a traditional spark. The first Vehicon created more, and had the ability to convert any proto-race Cybertronian to their cause as well. Eject was thrilled, but also cautious about creating another new race of Cybertronians that could potentially turn on the Builders. Galva Convoy insisted the Vehicon nanovector could not work on any Cybertronian larger than a Micromaster, but Eject pushed for contingencies. His major score was General Order 66, a hard-wired programming command that prevented the Vehicons from passing above 66 degrees latitude on Cybertron. Since uncontested Iacon was at the north pole and the battle front was all below the 66th, it seemed prudent.

Eject and the Builder Assembly then authorized the deployment of Vehicons, with test runs on the isolated city-states of Damaxus and Carpessa, followed by a Trojan horse play getting infected Micromasters taken as P.O.W.s to Protihex. Soon, the Vehicons were in play, and the Resistance was on the run.

Unfortunately, they were running north. The Resistance's cautious advance on the front turned into a mad dash towards the Builder Assembly in Iacon. Even unaware of General Order 66, the Resistance had clearly decided this was their last chance to seize control of Cybertron and possibly stop the Vehicons as well. With Lio Convoy's troops closing in on the High Pavilion, the Assembly ignored Eject's caution and rescinded General Order 66, allowing the Vehicons to come right to their doorstep in the hopes of finding salvation. Foreseeing disaster, Eject readied his helicopter, Black-Out, to reach Hot Rod on the front.

Sure enough, Galva Convoy betrayed the Builder Assembly, assimilating them into the latest formats of his Vehicons. The Vehicon Apocalypse began, with Builder, Micromaster, and protoformer alike being consumed by it. Seeking allies anywhere he could find, Eject and the surviving Micromaster Assemblybot Riker approached Lio Convoy on the battlefield. Eject reached out to his old protégé, offering intelligence and transport to the Grand Mal, where Galva Convoy was based.

Black-Out was blasted out of the sky as Eject, Lio Convoy, and his commando team of Resistance troops approached the Grand Mal. Eject took the control and tried to auger in. The rest of the team made it in one piece, but Eject was impaled on a shard of debris when they landed. He apologized to Lio Convoy that they wouldn't have time to settle accounts, then shooed the protoformers out of the helicopter before it caught fire, exploding and consuming everything inside. Derailment

INSIRT continuity

After Rewind died, Brainstorm set Chromedome up on a blind date with Eject. Recordicons #27

Transformers Go! Go!

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Transformers G1: Awakening

Gluawakening eject.jpg

Eject was among the Autobots who left Cybertron aboard the Ark, and spent four million years in stasis after it was shot down over Earth by the Decepticons. As Blaster had been damaged in the crash, Eject was forced to remain inside him until he could be repaired sufficiently to return to combat. This was eventually achieved shortly before the Autobots returned to Cybertron to assault the Decepticon fortress in an attempt to free the enslaved Autobots there. Transformers G1: Awakening

Transformers Legends

When the Decepticons seemed to be having a run of luck, Eject helped Blaster, Prowl, and Nightbeat uncover Soundwave's infiltration. Covert Operations

Angry Birds Transformers

Eject appears as a wearable accessory in the game.

Angry Birds Transformers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Who is he an accessory for? Does he do anything, game-play wise? How about adding to the note how much it costs?

Transformers: Earth Wars

Eject - alongside Ramhorn, Steeljaw, and Rewind - are minions released by Blaster as the larger bot's special ability.

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Eject was Rewind's twin brother. Decepticon Directive. He loved life on Earth, as it gave him the chance to learn new sports. Transformers Roleplaying Game bonus material

Eject, Blaster, and the other Mini-Cassettes were guarding a shipment of energon cubes in an abandoned Colorado railyard when a group of Decepticons led by Astrotrain launched an ambush. Although they fought valiantly, the Decepticons triumphed and stole the energon for themselves. The Great Energon Robbery


The Transformers

RIBEIB, or EIBRIB? The question no-one is asking...
  • Ramhorn / Eject (Mini-Cassette 2-pack, 1986)
Released in the third year of original Transformers toyline, Eject is among the first new-mold cassettes in the line (rather than being pre-Transformers Microman toys). He uses the same mold as Rewind, transforming into a blue microcassette. In this mode, he can fit in the chest compartment of the Blaster or Soundwave toys.
He was available only in a two-pack with Ramhorn in the Hasbro line.
The initial Hasbro releases of Ramhorn/Eject had chromed-gold weapons; subsequent releases used chromed-silver. There are also variations of all new-mold cassettes from this series, in which the cassette back detailing is either a factory-applied foil decal, or painted-on detailing. It is unknown what (if any) correlation there is between the weapon and detailing variants. An even later variation of Eject (with the painted tape details) has the rubsign indent on his arm filled in.
This mold was (much) later used to make Flip Sides, Rosanna, Solarbot, and Shattered Glass Rewind.
The Transformers mold: Rewind/Eject
  • Hasbro:
  • Platinum Edition Eject
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
    C-67 Rewind
  • C-118 Rewind (The Headmasters)

  • C-68 Eject
  • C-117 Eject (The Headmasters)
  • e-HOBBY:

  • Eject (Cassettebot, 1986/1987)
  • ID number: C-68, C-117
  • Accessories: 2 "electrical overload guns"
  • Known designers: Takashi Matsuda (TakaraTomy)
In Japan, Eject — like most of the "Cassettebots" and "Cassettetrons" — was originally available only as in individual, on a single card. He was also released again during the Headmasters-themed series in new packaging under a new ID number. It is uncertain how many variants were available throughout his run in Japan; silver weapons with sticker tape detailing has been confirmed with on-card samples.


Eject gets confused when Soundwave shouts his name.
  • Cassette Dai Sakusen vol.1 (Multi-pack, 2009)
  • ID number: 15
  • Accessories: 2 "electrical overload guns", tape case
As part of TakaraTomy's Encore Generation 1 reissue line, Eject was released along with Rewind, Ravage, and Buzzsaw in a "Great Cassette Operation" (カセット大作戦, kasetto dai sakusen) multi-pack, named after the Headmasters cartoon episode. This release of Eject features silver weapons and sticker tape detailing like the original Japanese release, but adds a tiny Autobot symbol tampograph to his stomach. Each tape also comes with a clear cassette storage case.
In 2014, Eject and the rest of the Cassettes were re-released as a lucky draw prize (along with the other two box sets) for the Transformers Celebration 2014 event held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City store's Toys"R"Us, though this was very likely just leftover stock.

The Transformers mold: Rewind/Eject
  • Hasbro:
  • Platinum Edition Eject
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
    C-67 Rewind
  • C-118 Rewind (The Headmasters)

  • C-68 Eject
  • C-117 Eject (The Headmasters)
  • e-HOBBY:

Universe (2008)

Sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, sports... Marge, Eject gets to be in this boxset tonight because he's a good guy at sports.
  • Autobot Blaster (Multi-pack, 2010)
  • Series: G1 Series
  • Accessories: 2 "electrical overload guns"
Another redeco of the original Eject was part of a San Diego Comic-Con 2010 exclusive reissue of Blaster, alongside Steeljaw and Ramhorn. Similarly to the Encore release, he has an Autobot symbol tampographed on its abdomen, decaled "Side A" details, and comes with silver chromed weapons. However, this release features a red face (instead of orange), silver plastic (over gray), and the aforementioned symbol tampograph is slightly different from the Encore version.
Released as part of the 2008 Universe toyline, the packaging also has a special foil-detailed outer slip case.
This set was also made available at the Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong Fair 2010.
The Transformers mold: Rewind/Eject
  • Hasbro:
  • Platinum Edition Eject
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
    C-67 Rewind
  • C-118 Rewind (The Headmasters)

  • C-68 Eject
  • C-117 Eject (The Headmasters)
  • e-HOBBY:


Are you ready for some RIGGED FIGHTING TO THE DEATH!?
  • Eject (TFSS 2.0, 2014)
  • TFSS2 number: 6b
  • Accessories: Left & right cannons
  • Known designers: Nick Roche (concept artist)
Part of the 2014 Figure Subscription Service, Timelines Eject is a redeco of his packaging mate Rewind, who himself was a redeco/retool of Transformers: Reveal the Shield Scout Class Demolition Rumble, transforming into a dual-cannon anti-aircraft tank. In robot mode, his arms can transform into spring-loaded pile-driver weapons, and his two C joint guns can be attached to bars on either his arms or back.
Eject was the intended secret bonus seventh figure from the subscription service.
Transformers (2010) mold: Rumble
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:

Platinum Edition

  • Autobot Intel Ops (Multi-pack, 2015)
  • Accessories: 2 "electrical overload guns", tape case
Hasbro again released Blaster in 2015 as part of the Platinum Edition toyline. He was co-packed with Perceptor, Eject, Ramhorn, and Steeljaw in a box with an opening front cover.
This release of Eject was, bizarrely, given Ratbat's cassette-mode tampograph. Sure makes it easy to tell which release this one is!
In the United States, this set was officially a Target exclusive, though it was initially only ever found at a single Target store, otherwise only available via the company's website. It was later revealed that multiple Target stores had kept it in their stockroom and eventually put it out on instant clearance many months later. However, it was also stocked by US-based online retailers BigBadToyStore and TFSource, who supposedly obtained it as an import from Asia. It was available in several of Hasbro's Asian markets (namely Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore; it's currently unknown whether it was exclusive to any particular stores there or not). In Australia, it was sold at Toys"R"Us stores.
In the United Kingdom, it was both sold at Toys"R"Us stores and officially available via the UK division of Amazon, making this the first official UK release of all the toys contained within! In Spain, it was officially available via the Spanish division of Amazon. In Germany, it was originally available via Bankroft, an online retailer that otherwise specializes in Nerf blasters and accessories, as part of a special "Fan Edition" arrangement through Hasbro Germany, with the help of several German fan sites. Due to low sales, the unsold stock was later sold to Actionfiguren24, a German online retailer that specializes in imported toys, who was able to lower its price for its existing stock of imported Autobot Intel Ops sets as a result.
The Transformers mold: Rewind/Eject
  • Hasbro:
  • Platinum Edition Eject
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers
    C-67 Rewind
  • C-118 Rewind (The Headmasters)

  • C-68 Eject
  • C-117 Eject (The Headmasters)
  • e-HOBBY:

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

  • Autobot Blaster & Eject (Voyager Class, 2021)
Part of the fifth wave of War for Cybertron: Kingdom Voyager Class toys, Eject is included with Blaster. He transforms from robot to a stereo cassette that can fit into Blaster's chest (as per the norm), as well as inside the chest of any version of the Siege Soundwave mold. While he lacks fist-holes, he features a hexagonal 5 mm port on each of his forearms, though his translucency makes them difficult to notice.
Arriving in stores in December 2021, this set was planned as a package refresh for Legacy wave 1, and to bridge the two lines, Eject is composed of translucent plastic for an "Energon-infused" look that fits in with Legacy's play pattern... which unfortunately can be fragile when used as part of transformation joints. While he's not been reported to be susceptible to breakage, and his joints are fairly thick... take care, just in case.
Like Blaster, Eject's unpaintable parts (notably the torso) are prone to photodegradation.
Though Blaster and Eject were scheduled for a first-quarter 2022 release, they arrived on U.S. store shelves in December 2021.
Eject was redecoed into Shattered Glass Collection Rewind and Legacy: Evolution Rewind.


  • Autobot Blaster & Eject (Voyager Class, 2022)
Part of the first wave of Legacy Voyager Class toys, Blaster is a package refresh of the previous Kingdom figure above, now in all-new packaging. As such, there's no new changes to Eject.
Blaster and Eject were discovered on shelves in France in late January.

Studio Series

He’s been drinking Fight Milk to strengthen up those clear plastic joints.
  • Autobot Blaster & Eject (Voyager Class, 2024)
Once again packed in with Blaster, Eject is a redeco of his War for Cybertron: Kingdom figure, but now cast in non-translucent plastics.
Eject and Blaster were revealed two hours ahead of the March 7 Hasbro Pulse fanstream via Hasbro Pulse's social media accounts.[4][5] A Target exclusive in the US, the pair went up for preorder later that morning on their website, along with a small number of stock on Pulse.


G.I. Joe and the Transformers

GIJoe Epic Conclusion Blaster and cassettes.jpg
  • The Epic Conclusion! box set (2013)
Among the accessories included in the San Diego Comic-Con 2013 exclusive G.I. Joe and the Transformers box set "The Epic Conclusion!" is a non-transforming, 3.75" scale Blaster boombox accessory with cassette pieces representing Eject, Steeljaw, and Ramhorn. Eject is solid blue and features sculpted accessories based on his original toy. The three cassettes can fit into a slot above Blaster's tape door, and the boombox itself can mount on a G.I. Joe figure's back.
The set also comes with a retooled Sky Striker representing Jetfire, a G.I. Joe VAMP redecoed into Hound, a new Snake-Eyes figure bearing an Autobot symbol, a Baroness figure with Ravage on a leash, and a Bludgeon figure. The three cassette molds were later redecoed into Crusticons.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Eject, Electronic Surveillance (2019)
    • Blaster vs. Soundwave: 35th Anniversary Edition
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T02/T08
    • Stars: 5
Eject, Electronic Surveillance was released in the Transformers Trading Card Game Blaster vs. Soundwave box set. The box also includes the character cards Blaster, Communications, Soundwave, Communications, Ramhorn, Warrior, Steeljaw, Tracker, Buzzsaw, Spy, Frenzy, Warrior, and Ravage, Saboteur, along with two ready to play 40 card battle decks themed around both Blaster and Soundwave.
In order to represent Eject's size as a Mini-Cassette, the card is the same size as a battle card, about half the size of a standard character card.
The first release of this set was a 35th Anniversary Edition was initially released at San Diego Comic-Con 2019 alongside the TCG's Omnibot Convention Pack, and later available online on Hasbro Pulse. The 35th Anniversary Edition features throwback artwork, with the original G1 Eject packaging art on the Bot Mode side, and original artwork matching the G1 packaging art aesthetic for Alt Mode. This original Alt Mode artwork was drawn by Marcelo Matere and colored by Brian Valeza.

  • Eject, Electronic Surveillance (2019)
    • Blaster vs. Soundwave
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T02/T08
    • Stars: 5
This version of Eject, Electronic Surveillance was released as part of the general retail version of the Transformers Trading Card Game Blaster vs. Soundwave box set.
Gameplay-wise the card is identical to the 35th Anniversary Edition of the set, and features different artwork reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game.


  • For the original draft of The Transformers: The Movie and several revisions, there was going to be only one humanoid Autobot Mini-Cassette, who was going to be called Bolts.[6][7] Between the original draft and actual product, Bolts's role was split in two; his attitude and tussle with Frenzy went to Eject, while his fight with Ravage sort of went to Rewind. During their initial ejection from Blaster however, both Eject and Rewind swap color schemes multiple times for the duration of the scene.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Eject (イジェクト Ijekuto)
  • French: Ejecteur (Canada, "Ejector")
  • Italian: Catapulta
  • Mandarin: Pēn Shè (喷射, "Eject")
  • Russian: Effect (Эффект Jeffekt)


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