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Vehicon Apocalypse

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Backed into a corner by the loathsome Resistance, the desperate Builder Assembly became willing to try anything to win the Fourth Great Cybertronian war. To this end, they allowed the unleashing of a horde of Vehicon bioweapons to quell the uprising, unaware of just what monstrosities they had unleashed.

The result of their actions was dubbed the Vehicon Apocalypse.


Beast Wars: Uprising

The Vehicon Apocalypse began with the Builder Assembly's response to the Grand Uprising: They cloned their former Guardian of Order, Lio Convoy, including a piece of the G-Virus into the mix, creating Galva Convoy. Their hope was that he would be able to use the duplicated Energon Matrix within him to create a new proto-race, one that would serve them in fighting the Resistance. And Galva Convoy was willing to provide an army. Sadly, after he had been created, a voice spoke to him, showing him the nature of Cybertronian history, constant war after war, and Galva Convoy came to a different conclusion: it all had to go, and his new army would ensure that.

What Galva Convoy and the Builders both were unaware of was that Lord Imperious Delirious, a Second-Born Intellect, had infiltrated their network, and was nudging Galva Convoy on this path so he would kill all Cybertronians, turning them into one giant sparkless organism. Not All Megatrons Derailment

Eventually, Galva Convoy managed to create three unique "anti-sparks", which had the ability to infect other Cybertronians and turn them into more Vehicons. The Builder Assembly was taken with their new warriors, with the exception of a few. Galva Convoy assured the Builders that his offspring were incapable of assimilating Macro-scale Builders. Despite this, Eject felt the need to insert safeguards, including General Order 66, preventing them from accessing the northern regions of Cybertron, including the Builder-held capital of Iacon and the Council Chambers within.

SafeSpaces Ikard.jpg

With their army ready, the decision was asked how to get the Vehicons out into the wild. Eject, inspired by his thoughts of Builder assimilation, struck upon the idea of infecting their own troops with a version of the Vehicon plague under the guise of a "combat upgrade" and letting them get captured by the Resistance. They also tested the Vehicons on Carpessa and Damaxus. Thanks to the Vehicons' abilities, the infiltrated Resistance bases and cities were quickly overwhelmed. Safe Spaces Derailment

From there, the Vehicons quickly spread, their sheer mass of numbers and assimilative abilities allowing them to overcome almost anything thrown at them. Even the Resistance's desperation move, Operation: Amputation barely made a dent in the Vehicon numbers. Within 1.42 solar cycles, the Vehicons had already taken enough lives to outnumber them. Their lack of distinction between neutral, loyal and Resistance meant they would infect anyone they found, even those who tried surrendering.

But at the same time, the horror of the Builder's actions spurred the Maximal High Council and the Tripredacus Council alike into action. Lio Convoy, meanwhile, made the decision to take his forces to Iacon and end the war then and there.

Within 2.73 solar cycles, the Vehicons had taken 70% percent of all Resistance territory, made major pushes into Rageland, and had also taken Helex, Rodion, and Cormukan. The Builders, meanwhile, were a little more concerned with the big Resistance push into their territory. Galva Convoy's assurances that within another two solar cycles the Vehicons would've taken everything south of Latitude 66 did not reassure them, and they decided then and there to rescind Order 66, and have the Vehicons deal with the Resistance.

So, with one signal, every Vehicon everywhere was summoned to Iacon, the order overriding any other concern. The great force turned as one, ignoring any potential target on the way there, unless they stood directly in their path. Bystanders witnessing the march of the Vehicons were put in mind of a giant millipede made of hundreds of thousands of bodies.

The massed army soon arrived at Iacon, where the Assembly had initiated Drosera procedure. Which, as it turned out, allowed the Vehicons, on Galva Convoy's orders, to assimilate them instead of Lio Convoy. These new Vehicons proved stronger than their fellows, forcing the Resistance into a retreat, while the Vehicons spread through Iacon, going after proto-former and Builder alike. The Darksyders managed to hold them at bay, thanks to an invention of the mad scientist Leatherhide turning the hapless Wasp into a half-Vehicon, as did Galvatron, whose G-Virus based physiology rendered him immune to the Vehicon's techniques.

Meanwhile, Lio Convoy prepared to utilize a K-Bomb set to the highest level to rid get of the Vehicons by shattering the planet, until Eject and Riker appeared to give him another way: using his Solipsistic Sword to get through the hordes and get into the Grand Mal, Galva Convoy's control center, and with the death of the Assembly, now the hub of the infestation.

Derailment SupremeCommanderLioConvoy.jpg

Together, the combined Maximal, Predacon, and Micromaster armies attacked the massed forces assembled at the Grand Mal, while Lio Convoy and his best troops infiltrated the Builder stronghold. Once inside, Lio managed to get to his double, who espoused that the Vehicons were the greatest force of order Cybertron had ever seen by sweeping away suffering, oppression, and that pesky "free will" nonsense. Lio Convoy pretended to agree with his demented counterpart, and had him summon some drones to assimilate Blackarachnia. When they arrived, Lio grabbed hold to one, and made it infect him. Having matched his spark to Galva's, the process infected him as well. Acting quickly, Blackarachnia killed Galva Convoy. But the drones outside remained functioning, for Imperious had been the one controlling them all along, and with his puppets' death, the second-born intellect was forced to assume direct control.

A fierce battle ensued between the battered and tired Cybertronian forces, and the horde, eventually ending when Rampage used a K-Bomb to take out himself, Delirious, and the Grand Mal, taking a great deal of the horde with them. Without Delirious controlling them, the Vehicons became disorganized and easily destroyed.

For all the horror and sheer loss of life the Vehicon Apocalypse caused, it did leave behind a Cybertron filled with mechanoids willing to work together to prevent more war, and soon gave rise to the pan-factional Cybertronian Parliament. Derailment

Unbeknownst to the shellshocked Cybertronians who had survived the Apocalypse, Galvatron captured and rehabilitated three Vehicons using captured Sparks, creating Jetstorm, Tankor, and Thrustor. What happened next is lost to history, but the Vehicon Apocalypse that ended the Grand Uprising was later referred to as the "First Vehicon Apocalypse". The Inexorable March

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