Displaying 1-10 of 18 results found.
Odd primes generated recursively: a(1) = 3, a(n) = Min {p is prime; p divides Q+2}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
3, 5, 17, 257, 65537, 641, 7, 318811, 19, 1747, 12791, 73, 90679, 67, 59, 113, 13, 41, 47, 151, 131, 1301297155768795368671, 20921, 1514878040967313829436066877903, 5514151389810781513, 283, 1063, 3027041, 29, 24040758847310589568111822987, 154351, 89
The first five terms comprise the known Fermat primes: A019434.
a(7) = 7 is the smallest prime divisor of 3 * 5 * 17 * 257 * 65537 * 641 + 2 = 2753074036097 = 7 * 11 * 37 * 966329953.
a={3}; q=1;
For[n=2, n<=20, n++,
AppendTo[a, Min[FactorInteger[q+2][[All, 1]]]];
Primes of the form 8*k + 3 generated recursively. Initial prime is 3. General term is a(n) = Min_{p is prime; p divides 2 + Q^2; p == 3 (mod 8)}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
3, 11, 1091, 1296216011, 2177870960662059587828905091, 76870667, 19, 257680660619, 73677606898727076965233531, 23842300525435506904690028531941969449780447746432390747, 35164737203
2+Q^2 always has a prime divisor congruent to 3 modulo 8.
D. M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, McGraw-Hill, Sixth Edition (2007), p. 191.
a(3) = 1091 is the smallest prime divisor congruent to 3 mod 8 of 2+Q^2 = 1091, where Q = 3 * 11.
a = {3}; q = 1;
For[n = 2, n ≤ 5, n++,
q = q*Last[a];
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[2 + q^2][[All, 1]], Mod[#,
8] \[Equal] 3 &]]];
(PARI) lista(nn) = my(f, q=3); print1(q); for(n=2, nn, f=factor(2+q^2)[, 1]~; for(i=1, #f, if(f[i]%8==3, print1(", ", f[i]); q*=f[i]; break))); \\ Jinyuan Wang, Aug 05 2022
Primes of the form 22k+1 generated recursively. Initial prime is 23. General term is a(n) = Min {p is prime; p divides (R^11 - 1)/(R - 1); p == 1 (mod 11)}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence and R = 11*Q.
23, 4847239, 2971, 3936923, 9461, 1453, 331, 81373909, 89, 920771904664817214817542307, 353, 401743, 17088192002665532981, 11617
All prime divisors of (R^11 - 1)/(R - 1) different from 11 are congruent to 1 modulo 22.
M. Ram Murty, Problems in Analytic Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, NY, (2001), pp. 208-209.
a(3) = 2971 is the smallest prime divisor congruent to 1 mod 22 of (R^11-1)/(R-1) =
= 2971 * 357405886421 * 914268562437006833738317047149 * 7925221522553970071463867283158786415606996703, where Q = 23 * 4847239, and R = 11*Q.
a={23}; q=1;
For[n=2, n<=2, n++,
q=q*Last[a]; r=11*q;
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[(r^11-1)/(r-1)][[All, 1]], Mod[#, 11]==1 &]]];
Primes of the form 12k+7 generated recursively. Initial prime is 7. General term is a(n)=Min {p is prime; p divides 3+4Q^2; Mod[p,12]=7}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
7, 199, 7761799, 487, 67, 103, 1482549740515442455520791, 31, 139, 787, 19, 39266047, 1955959, 50650885759, 367, 185767, 62168707
All prime divisors of 3+4Q^2 are congruent to 1 modulo 6.
At least one prime divisor of 3+4Q^2 is congruent to 3 modulo 4 and hence to 7 modulo 12.
The first six terms are the same as those of A057204.
a(3) = 1482549740515442455520791 is the smallest prime divisor congruent to 7 mod 12 of 3+4Q^2 = 5281642303363312989311974746340327 = 3562539697 * 1482549740515442455520791, where Q = 7 * 199 * 7761799 * 487 * 67 * 103.
a={7}; q=1;
For[n=2, n<=7, n++,
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[4*q^2+3][[All, 1]], Mod[#, 12]==7 &]]];
Primes of the form 10*k + 9 generated recursively. Initial prime is 19. General term is a(n) = Min_{p is prime; p divides 100*Q^2 - 5; p == 9 (mod 10)}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
19, 7219, 462739, 509, 129229, 295380580489, 9653956849, 149, 110212292237172705230749846071050188009093377022084806290042881946231583507557298889, 157881589, 60397967745386189, 1429, 79
100Q^2-5 always has a prime divisor congruent to 9 modulo 10.
a(3) = 462739 is the smallest prime divisor congruent to 9 mod 10 of 100Q^2-5 = 1881313992095 = 5 * 462739 * 813121, where Q = 19 * 7219.
a={19}; q=1;
For[n=2, n<=6, n++,
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[100*q^2-5][[All, 1]], Mod[#, 10]==9&]]];
Primes of the form 12k+1 generated recursively. Initial prime is 13. General term is a(n)=Min {p is prime; p divides Q^4-Q^2+1}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
13, 28393, 128758492789, 73, 193, 37, 457, 8363172060732903211423577787181
All prime divisors of Q^4 - Q^2 + 1 are congruent to 1 modulo 12.
K. Ireland and M. Rosen, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, NY, Second Edition (1990), p. 63.
a(3) = 128758492789 is the smallest prime divisor of Q^4 - Q^2 + 1 = 18561733755472408508281 = 128758492789 * 144159296629, where Q = 13 * 28393.
a = {13}; q = 1;
For[n = 2, n ≤ 8, n++,
q = q*Last[a];
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[q^4 - q^2 + 1][[All, 1]],
Mod[#, 12] == 1 &]]];
Primes of the form 8k+1 generated recursively. Initial prime is 17. General term is a(n)=Min {p is prime; p divides (2Q)^4 + 1}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
17, 1336337, 4261668267710686591310687815697, 41, 4390937134822286389262585915435960722186022220433, 241, 1553, 243537789182873, 97, 27673, 4289, 457, 137201, 73, 337, 569891669978849, 617, 1697, 65089, 1609, 761
All prime divisors of (2Q)^4 + 1 are congruent to 1 modulo 8.
G. A. Jones and J. M. Jones, Elementary Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, NY, (1998), p. 271.
a(3) = 4261668267710686591310687815697 is the smallest prime divisor of (2Q)^4 + 1 = 4261668267710686591310687815697, where Q = 17 * 1336337.
Primes of the form 12*k + 5 generated recursively. Initial prime is 5. General term is a(n) = Min_{p is prime; p divides 1 + 4*Q^2; p == 5 (mod 12)}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
5, 101, 1020101, 53, 29, 2507707213238852620996901, 449, 433361, 401, 925177698346131180901394980203075088053316845914981, 44876921, 17, 173
All prime divisors of 1+4Q^2 are congruent to 1 modulo 4.
At least one prime divisor of 1+4Q^2 is congruent to 2 modulo 3 and hence to 5 modulo 12.
The first seven terms are the same as those of A057207.
The next term is known but is too large to include.
a(8) = 433361 is the smallest prime divisor congruent to 5 mod 12 of 1+4Q^2 = 3179238942812523869898723304484664524974766291591037769022962819805514576256901 = 13 * 433361 * 42408853 * 2272998442375593325550634821 * 5854291291251561948836681114631909089, where Q = 5 * 101 * 1020101 * 53 * 29 * 2507707213238852620996901 * 449.
a={5}; q=1;
For[n=2, n<=5, n++,
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[4*q^2+1][[All, 1]], Mod[#, 12]==5 &]]];
Primes of the form 12k+5 generated recursively. Initial prime is 5. General term is a(n) = Min {p is prime; p divides 4+Q^2; p == 5 (mod 12)}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence.
5, 29, 17, 6076229, 1289, 78067083126343039013, 521, 8606045503613, 15837917, 1873731749, 809, 137, 2237, 17729
Since Q is odd, all prime divisors of 4+Q^2 are congruent to 1 modulo 4.
At least one prime divisor of 4+Q^2 is congruent to 2 modulo 3 and hence to 5 modulo 12.
The first two terms are the same as those of A057208.
a(3) = 17 is the smallest prime divisor congruent to 5 mod 12 of 4+Q^2 = 21029 = 17 * 1237, where Q = 5 * 29.
a={5}; q=1;
For[n=2, n<=5, n++,
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[q^2+4][[All, 1]], Mod[#, 12]==5 &]]];
Primes of the form 10k+1 generated recursively. Initial prime is 11. General term is a(n)=Min {p is prime; p divides (R^5 - 1)/(R - 1); Mod[p,5]=1}, where Q is the product of previous terms in the sequence and R = 5Q.
11, 211, 1031, 22741, 41, 15487770335331184216023237599647357572461782407557681, 311, 61, 55172461, 3541, 1381, 2851, 19841, 151, 9033671, 456802301, 1720715817015281, 19001, 71
All prime divisors of (R^5 - 1)/(R - 1) different from 5 are congruent to 1 modulo 10.
M. Ram Murty, Problems in Analytic Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, NY, (2001), pp. 208-209.
a(3) = 1031 is the smallest prime divisor congruent to 1 mod 10 of (R^5 - 1)/(R - 1) = 18139194759758381 = 1031 * 17593787351851, where Q = 11 * 211 and R = 5Q.
a={11}; q=1;
For[n=2, n<=6, n++,
q=q*Last[a]; r=5*q;
AppendTo[a, Min[Select[FactorInteger[(r^5-1)/(r-1)][[All, 1]], Mod[#, 10]==1&]]];
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