June 2023, Volume 11
- 9-46 Promisiunile Inteligentei Artificiale (AI) Administratiei Publice si Oraselor Inteligente
by Catalin VRABIE - 47-55 The role of uses and gratification theory and technology acceptance model in the adoption and usage of wearable technology
by Dan Florin STANESCU & Marius Constantin ROMASCANU - 57-76 Modele de design organizational in sectorul aviatic European si efectele acestora asupra conditiilor de munca ale angajatilor
by Cristina LEOVARIDIS & Florin-Domnel GRAFU - 77-86 Towards a smart democracy: increased trust in political leaders
by Irina-Ana DROBOT - 87-104 Industrial afterlife: a tale of three cities
by Monica-Mihaela FRANGULEA & Iulia TOADER - 105-122 Implications of the circular economy for cultural heritage protection in smart cities
by Rodica-Mariana ION - 123-142 Implicatiile economiei circulare in protectia patrimoniului cultural din orasele inteligente
by Rodica-Mariana ION - 143-156 Landscaping of a park in the area of the former Military Units in the Municipality of Alexandria
by Anne Marie GACICHEVICI - 157-170 Amenajare peisagistica a unui parc in zona fostei Unitati Militare in municipiul Alexandria
by Anne Marie GACICHEVICI - 171-184 Marketing insights when shifting cybersecurity technologies to the cloud or hybrid cloud in the context of smart cities
by Guy WAIZEL - 185-196 Challenges and opportunities in designing data structures for a smart city
by Costel CIUCHI & Alin BONCIU & Ana-Maria DINCA & Mihai STOIAN - 197-222 Disinformation using artificial intelligence technologies – akey component of Russian hybrid warfare
by Ina VIRTOSU & Mihai GOIAN - 223-240 Mainstreaming New European Bauhaus for green innovationtransformation in Romanian Regions – insights into SouthMuntenia Region
by Nicoleta TOPIRCEANU - 241-252 Space technologies, smart cities, and national security: asmart(er) state synergy
by Ulpia-Elena BOTEZATU - 253-274 Collective housing for seniors in Romania,in a paradigm ofactive and healthy ageing in community–from smartadaptation to architectural and design innovation
by Mihaela ZAMFIR & Ileana CIOBANU & Andreea Georgiana MARIN & Mihai-Viorel ZAMFIR - 275-292 Digital divide, smart assistive technologies and ageing people
by Ileana CIOBANU & Matei TEODORESCU & Andreea Georgiana MARIN & Mihai-Viorel ZAMFIR & Francesco AGNOLONI & Mihaela ZAMFIR & Rozeta DRAGHICI & Alina ILIESCU & Peiman Alipour SARVARI & Jensen JOYMANGUL & Laszlo IRSAY & Mihai BERTEANU - 293-304 Regional innovative schemes of the educational capacity building for the smart specialization in the human settlements in the Republic of Moldova
by Sergiu TUTUNARU & Anatolie BABIN & Ion COVALENCO - 305-312 The role of NHIH in the digitalization of health, smart citycondition
by Cristina Teodora SICLOVAN - 313-320 Rolul CNAS in digitalizarea sanatatii, conditie smart city
by Cristina Teodora SICLOVAN - 321-332 Perspectives and implications in the use of artificialintelligence in healthcare
by Narcis Dumitru BADEA - 333-344 Teoria grafurilor in optimizarea retelelor de infrastructura urbana intr-un oras inteligent
by Florentina PANA-MICU - 363-380 The role of digitization in the architecture of the judicial system in Romania, between sustainability and innovation
by Valentin – Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 381-386 Integrated European–level measures regarding artificial intelligence in relation to human rights
by Georgiana Madalina MIHAILA - 387-392 Masuri integrate la nivel european privind inteligenta artificiala in raport cu drepturile omului
by Georgiana Madalina MIHAILA - 393-400 Hyperconnected horizons:decoding the digital sovereignty of european smart cities
by Adrian-Victor VEVERA & Ulpia-Elena BOTEZATU - 401-408 Smart parking solutions: a comparative study of parking space subleasing models in smart cities
by Mihai Adrian LUNGU - 409-418 Un studiu comparativ al modelelor de subinchiriere a locurilor de parcare in orase inteligente
by Mihai Adrian LUNGU - 419-422 Natural disaster and measures needed to reduce them
by Cristiana SIRBU - 423-432 Smart and empathetic: the dual imperatives of effective political leadership
by Ioana Andreea DOGEANU - 433-442 How research and development spending shapes societal welfare and sustainability metrics in Europe
by Ioana-Maria URSACHE & Madalina-Ioana PETREA - 443-498 Energy ecosystems layered over hydrogen valleys for sustainable smart communities. Strategic framework for the Green Deal Industrial Plan implementation in Romania
by Vlad STOICESCU & Catalin VRABIE & Teodora BITOIU - 499-514 Smart public transit insights
by Alexandru SIROMASCENKO & Cosmin POPA & Corina DIMA - 515-526 IoT systems for efficient preservation of cultural heritage
by Andrei DANILA & Robert-Alexandru STRECHE & Filip-Emanuel OSIAC & Andrei-Mihai STEREA & Cristina DOBRE & George SUCIU - 527-538 Educational needs in green education: a survey-based exploration among Romanian students
by Miruna-Elena ILIESCU - 539-548 Employing AI in Regional Development: The Need for a Strategic Approach
by Gabriela MARCHIS - 549-558 Citizenship and Public Space. A Gender Perspective
by Catalina FRANCU - 559-569 Enhancing irrigation systems with SolarEdge technology
by George SUCIU & Robert FLORESCU & Stefania DINU & Maria NICULAE
November 2022, Volume 10
- 9-32 Deep Learning. Viitorul inteligenței artificiale și impactul acesteia asupra dezvoltării tehnologiei
by Catalin VRABIE - 33-46 Using a modern honeypot model to defend smart cities and provide early detection to APT and ransomware attacks
by Guy WAIZEL - 47-60 Guarding the Digital Health Data as Front Gate: Strengthening Healthcare Data Security in Indonesian Smart Cities
by Juan Anthonio SALAS & Muhammad IQBAL & Lakuntara PALLAHIDU - 61-68 Protecting Sensitive Data in LoRa Based Smart City Networks: Challenges and Best Practices
by Lakuntara PALLAHIDU & Muhammad IQBAL & Juan Anthonio SALAS - 69-98 Some considerations regarding the trilemma of technological civilization: between tradition, conservatism and revolution or about Traditional Education vs. Digital education
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 99-128 Unele considerații referitoare la trilema civilizației tehnologice: între tradiție, conservaționism și revoluție sau despre Educaţia tradiţională vs. Educaţia digitală
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 129-136 Creation of a distinct culture for the overall system Compliance, IT security and Data protection in municipalities in Germany
by Christian SCHACHTNER - 137-148 Health Policies in Times of Crisis
by Narcis Dumitru BADEA - 149-166 URBAN IDENTITY Highlighting the Landmarks - The Tale of One City
by Monica Mihaela FRANGULEA - 167-170 On the need to create a monitoring system for safe gas consumption in multi apartment residential buildings for a smart city
by Archil PRANGISHVILI & Nugzar IASHVILI & Iuri KHUTASHVILI - 171-180 Smart Aspects of Academic Life: Research and Education
by Irina Ana DROBOT - 181-190 The Future of Education: Considerations on Technology and Peer Interaction in Facilitating the Learning Process for a Personalised Education
by Manuela Elena CONCIOIU & George Eduard RISTOSCU - 191-205 Sustainable architecture for smart people a topic for lobbying activities
by Ioana Andreea DOGEANU & Alexandru ZORLESCU - 207-214 Monitoring city water incidents via an Internet of Things-based sensor network
by Ioan Florin VOICU & Daniel Constantin DIACONU - 215-225 Azerbaijan s smart cities villages concepts for Karabagh region. How real and doable to lead to success
by Hakim ALASGAROV - 227-236 Transformarea societății românești în era talentelor digitale. Rolul resursei umane
by Madalina Georgiana MIHAILA - 237-246 Transforming Romanian society in the age of digital talent. The role of human resources
by Madalina Georgiana MIHAILA - 247-262 Knowledge dynamics for smart leaders and smart cities
by Andreea Bianca CAMARA - 263-272 Urban mobility and accessibility of public transport in Bucharest
by Alexandra IANCU - 273-282 Digital twins, the software solution for safer cities
by George SUCIU & Cosmina STALIDI - 283-288 eWarranty, the solution for buyers, stores and services
by Adriana MALUREANU & Gabriel LAZAR - 289-298 The Role of Small Medical Units in a Smart City The Case of Timisoara
by Daniela REISZ & Raluca TUDOR & Iulia CRISAN - 299-310 Accelerating innovation at the confluence of public, political, citizen interests
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 311-322 Accelerarea inovației la confluența intereselor publice și cetățenești – cu privire deosebită asupra lumii juridice din România
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 323-336 Implementation of digital reforms in public administration through efficient management of intelligent systems
by Grigore Teodor SAMOILA - 337-344 Bias in artificial intelligence
by Grigorina BOCE - 345-356 Designing an integrated modern parking in a crowded city area a case study
by Lucian LOBONT & Robert Razvan Cosmin MUNTOIU - 357-366 Dynamic Management of Traffic and Public Transport at the level of an Integrated Management Center of Urban Mobility
by Silviu Constantin DOBRE - 367-374 Automatic Number Plate Recognition using YOLOv5
by Agnia CODREANU & Razvan Alexandru BRATULESCU & Pavel MURESAN & Mari Anais SACHIAN & George SUCIU - 375-380 The role of small and medium enterprises in smart life anddevelopment
by Hasan MAKKAWI & Jamal DAWOUD - 381-386 Shaping smart sustainable urban futures
by Mauro ROMANELLI & Antonella ROMANELLI - 387-394 Blockchain applications in smart grid
by George SUCIU & Mari Anais SACHIAN & Grigor PARANGONI & Maria NICULAE & Robert FLORESCU - 395-406 Smart Cities linking cyber resilience to outer space security
by Ulpia Elena BOTEZATU - 407-416 The Symbiotic Threat of Human Error, Intended Action and Cybernetic Security System
by Dragos Cosmin Lucian PREDA & Monica Mihaela FRANGULEA - 417-431 The development of e health in the health system of the Republic of Moldova a tool for sustainability in the context of European practices
by Svetlana GOROBIEVSCHI & Corina CAUSAN & Daniel Cornel IVAN
November 2021, Volume 9
- 9-26 Cyberbiosecurity. A short review
by Caterina TOMULESCU - 27-40 Sustainable solutions for corporate governance
by Diana Georgiana MOSNEANU - 41-61 Digitalizarea administratiei publice din Romania intre nevoile si aspiratiile unei societati moderne a secolului XXI
by Cezar Corneliu MANDA - 63-69 About security culture
by Sebastian SARBU - 71-78 Academic perspectives on the specific challenges of urban resilience management
by Dorel BADEA & Diana RANF & Marian COMAN - 79-111 Accelerating history and the birth of a new science chaos theory
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 113-123 Smart citizens, smart administration between rights and responsibilities
by Mihaela STANCIULESCU - 125-135 Cetateni inteligenti si administratie inteligenta intre drepturi si responsabilitati
by Mihaela STANCIULESCU - 137-149 Critical aspects of health security of the Republic of Moldova compared to eastern European countries, in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic
by Marica DUMITRASCO - 151-164 Social networked cities: the portals
by Monica FRANGULEA - 165-178 Gestionarea durabila a padurilor urbane in orasele inteligente
by Laurentiu CIORNEI & Paula MUNTEANU - 179-190 GIS solutions for smart city development
by Ana Cornelia BADEA & Gheorghe BADEA - 191-202 Pandemic drive for synchronized smart political atmospheres
by Iulia Maria COTOVANU TOADER - 203-214 Sincronizarea atmosferelor smart
by Iulia Maria COÈšOVANU TOADER - 215-236 The role of the religious authorities and leaders in making or expanding new civilizations in the cyberspace
by Sayed Muhammad HASAN SHAFIEE - 237-248 Coridor de mobilitate urbana integrata in municipiul Alexandria si proiecte complementare aflate in implementare
by Anne Marie GACICHEVICI - 249-258 Nonformal learning a key concept for smart education
by Roxana Andreea ANDREI - 259-276 Factori cheie si provocari privind guvernanta inteligenta si rolul autoritatilor publice in dezvoltarea ecosistemelor de inovare urbana in cadrul modelului Cvadruplu Helix
by Ani MATEI & Elena Alexandra DOBRE - 277-283 Intelligent cities dealing with technology for sustainability
by Mauro ROMANELLI & Antonella ROMANELLI - 285-296 Smart city a solution for dealing with climate change in European cities
by Oana Georgiana SECUIAN & Anamaria Gabriela VLAD & Mihaela VLAD - 297-304 Smart toilet cleanliness detection system using IoT
by Eduard Nicolae HANGANU & Oana ORZA & Sabina BOSOC & Cristina BALACEANU & George SUCIU - 305-320 Study on state of the art in reusing recyclable waste materials in orange, circular and green economy
by Elena NEGRUSA & George SUCIU & Andrei Cristian BIRDICI & Ana Garcia LOPEZ & Giacomo Di BENEDETTO & Giuseppe Falvo D URSO LABATE - 321-331 Digitalizarea educatiei din Romania, planul pentru 2021 2027
by Georgiana Madalina MIHAILA - 333-339 Monitoring water parameters using IoT technology
by Ioana Alexandra ESANU & Sabina BOSOC & Oana ORZA & Cristina BALACEANU & George SUCIU - 341-349 The use of smart sensors in viticulture
by Elena Camelia MORARU & Oana ORZA & Sabina BOSOC & Roxana ROSCANEANU & Cristina BALACEANU & George SUCIU - 351-360 Arhitectura contemporana, intre tabula rasa si adaptarea existentului
by Iris GANEA CHRISTU - 361-366 Smart cities development based on S4ALLCities project
by George SUCIU & Daniel Marian DUTU & George IORDACHE & Mari Anais SACHIAN & Ana Maria TUDOR & Cornelia ALEXANDRU & Victor SUCIU - 367-377 Reducing city household water consumption with internet of things devices
by Ioan Florin VOICU & Daniel Constantin DIACONU - 379-392 Smart consumption behavior? An approach related to fast fashion industry
by Miruna PATRICHE - 393-407 Space as integrator from horizontal to vertical urban planning
by Ulpia Elena BOTEZATU & Olga BUCOVETCHI - 409-424 Ageing in COVID era Social isolation risk factors, outcomes and smart solutions
by Ileana CIOBANU & Mihaela ZAMFIR & Andreea Georgiana MARIN & Mihai Viorel ZAMFIR & Rozeta DRAGHICI & Alina ILIESCU & Laszlo IRSAY & Mihai BERTEANU - 425-435 Rolul IoT in dezvoltarea administratiei publice. Administratia 2.0
by Larisa Florentina BUTNARIU (BADEA) - 437-460 Vatra Luminoasa, age friendly study of intergenerational architecture in a Bucharest neighborhood
by Mihaela ZAMFIR & Ileana CIOBANU & Mihai Viorel ZAMFIR - 461-474 Digital democracy in Peril. Safeguarding edemocracy by boosting cybersecurity
by Claudiu Mihai CODREANU - 475-484 Artefacts conservation using an IoT system
by Cristina BALACEANU & Roxana ROSCANEANU & Robert Alexandru STRECHE & Filip Emanuel OSIAC & George SUCIU - 485-496 Private initiative and public management factors in the development of smart cities in Romania
by Aurelian Virgil BALUTA & Alexandru Cristian RADA - 497-504 Can we speak of smart education during the COVID-19 pandemic?
by Irina Ana DROBOT - 505-517 Registrul sectiilor de votare din tara
by Alexandra IANCU - 519-526 The implementation of smart government of Iraq and its impact on the transportation
by Ghanim Ahmed KAMIL & Cristian Silviu BANACU & Mamoun Walid ARIDAH - 527-532 Risk management in Palestine in the small insurance industry
by Hasan MAKKAWI & Duha SAADEDIN - 533-549 The impact of using electronic audit programs on auditing during the Corona crisis
by Mamoun Walid ARIDAH & Akad Yassar AL KHASAWNIH & Nuha ELAYAN & Ghanim Ahmed KAMIL - 551-568 Managementul deseurilor medicale si gestionarea acestora in timpul pandemiei Covid 19
by Narcis Dumitru BADEA
November 2020, Volume 8
- 9-25 Romania s position in the global value chains in comparison with European countries
by Marica DUMITRASCO - 27-35 Utilizarea Sase Sigma in administratia publica
by Larisa-Florentina BADEA (BUTNARIU) - 37-45 The importance of intelligent urbanism
by Alexandra IANCU - 47-64 Digitalizarea administratiei publice din Romania in raport cu tendintele europene
by Robert DAMASCHIN & Madalina Georgiana MIHAILA - 65-77 Fog Computing: Modeling the future of smart cities
by Costel CIUCHI & Gabriel PIRLOGEANU & Gabi CROSMAN - 79-89 Improving risk management in (SMEs) insurance companies and adapting them to the Corona crisis
by Hasan MAKKAWI & Mamoun Walid ARIDAH - 91-101 Galati – smart city? Desideratum or reality
by Manuela PANAITESCU - 103-111 The economic importance of transportation and the circular economy of Iraq
by Ghanim Ahmed KAMIL & Cristian-Silviu BANACU & Mamoun Walid ARIDAH - 113-138 Weirder than we can imagine: the historical evolution / involution of the region in Romanian law
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 139-163 Mai ciudat decat ne putem imagina: evolutia/involutia istorica a regiunii in dreptul romanesc
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 165-176 Overcoming challenges of managing urban parking space in developing cities
by Michael GALUKANDE-KIGANDA & Ronald MUHWEZI - 177-184 Learning religious knowledge in the context of a smart city
by Sorayya SAGHA & Kamran OVEYSI - 185-194 Creative philanthropy and smart cities
by Ani MATEI & Menachem ZILBERKLANG - 195-214 The tale of two smart cities
by Iulia-Maria COTOVANU TOADER - 215-233 Povestea a doua orase inteligente
by Iulia-Maria COTOVANU TOADER - 235-252 Intelligent safety and emergency lighting solutions in disaster situations
by Monica Mihaela FRANGULEA - 253-258 Industrial research and experimental development vehicles with brushesless electric motors powered by lithium-ion batteries for personal transportation-gentle electric
by Cristiana SIRBU - 259-271 Smart mobility - Challenges for mobility policies and spatial planning
by Mihaela Hermina NEGULESCU - 273-281 The infosecurity polygon concept
by Ion BOLUN & Rodica BULAI & Rostislav CALIN - 283-302 The role of PPPs in creating sustainable cities
by Thekiso MOLOKWANE & Alex NDUHURA & Lukamba Muhiya-TSHOMBE & Innocent NUWAGABA - 303-320 Smart mobility: a comparison between the social media strategies for the public urban mobility services of Rome and Bucharest
by Marta Christina SUCIU & Marco SAVASTANO & Gheorghe Alexandru STATIVA & Irina GORELOVA - 321-329 Overview of smart governance: A new approach to Jambi city policy innovation
by Rio Yusri MAULANA - 331-341 Smart city cyber-physical security
by Ana-Maria TUDOR & George SUCIU & George Valentin IORDACHE & Gabriela BUCUR & Hussain IJAZ & Marius VOCHIN - 343-349 Improvement of the quality in smart toilet
by Cristina BALACEANU & George SUCIU & Oana ORZA & Sabina BOSOC - 351-359 Visible light communication for smart cities
by George SUCIU & Ana Lavinia PETRACHE - 361-367 Innovative automatic sorting system of the construction and demolition waste materials
by George SUCIU & Ioana PETRE & Andrei SCHEIANU & Cristian BECEANU & Denisa PASTEA - 369-376 Adaptarea politicilor fiscale la pandemia Covid 19. Crearea unui sistem fiscal adaptat la lumea digitală
by Lilian ONESCU & Daniela FLORESCU - 377-381 Liderii politicii trebuie sa devina smart
by Alina DICU - 383-392 The future of bioenergy as a component of smart cities
by Rafaela MATEI & George SUCIU - 393-410 Cyberbiosecurity. A short review
by Caterina TOMULESCU - 411-440 The effect of adding corporate environmental reports in the annual financial reports on corporate governance and sustainable development of companies in Jordan
by Mamoun Walid ARIDAH & Ghanim Ahmed KAMIL & Areej Ahmad HAMAD
November 2019, Volume 7
- 9-25 Smart environment management through the public solutions contest. The case of Cluj-Napoca
by George-Cristian GAVRILOAIA - 27-36 The missing coordinates of the sharing economy: Intellectual capital and intergenerational learning
by Ramona–Diana LEON - 37-49 Dynamics of technological readiness competitiveness of the Moldovan economy
by Marica DUMITRASCO - 51-64 Can we use waste generation as a smart indicator?
by Mehtap ÇAKMAK BARSBAY & M. Kemal OKTEM - 65-75 Educatie prin gamificare
by Ionut-Cristian BARU - 77-86 A comparative approach to smart features of higher education institutions: Uni Konstanz and UAIC Iasi
by Bianca-Iuliana MISINCIUC - 88-98 Smart (Re)Evolution: Dezvoltarea ecosistemelor de date si servicii din administratia publica
by Costel CIUCHI & Eduard MITITELU & Bogdan ROȘAN & Sabina-Daniela AXINTE - 99-116 Transformations of administration and administrative law in the national and European space after 1989
by Valentin-Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 117-134 Transformari ale administratiei si ale dreptului administrativ in spatiul national si european dupa anul 1989
by Valentin-Stelian BADESCU & Ruxandra Ioana BADESCU - 135-141 Smart grids: levers towards reducing disparities between cities or targets on the European energy innovation map?
by Andrada S. VASII - 143-155 Sustenabilitate si rezilienta in localitatile afectate de seism - Exemplu de caz Norcia, Italia
by Stefania TRIFAN & Cristina Olga GOCIMAN & Cristina Victoria OCHINCIUC - 157-163 Memorie si monument in context urban contemporan
by Iris GANEA-CHRISTU - 165-176 Corporate governance of the future
by Diana MOȘNEANU - 177-183 Smart healthcare for smart cities
by Răzvan Daniel ZOTA & Antonio CLIM - 185-188 RECICLETA – cel mai ecologic colector de materiale reciclabile
by Gabriela IORDAN - 189-203 Reconfiguration of the road and the pedestrian traffic in the central area of the Municipality of Alexandria - Road passageway
by Anne Marie GACICHEVICI & Cristina TEODORESCU - 205-218 Reconfigurare trafic rutier si pietonal în zona centrala a Municipiului Alexandria - Pasaj Rutier
by Anne Marie GACICHEVICI & Cristina TEODORESCU - 219-224 Project management of road infrastructure in Iraq
by Kamil Ghanim AHMED & Cristian Silviu BANACU - 225-233 Production of surface agents for limiting the growth of bacteria and fung based on silver nano and microparticles made by electrochemical methods on an industrial scale
by Bartosz STEMPSKI & Grzegorz GRODZICKI - 235-244 Technology for accurate positioning of agricultural machinery in precision agriculture based on the GPS satellite signal using the Internet of Things, big data and cloud solutions
by Grzegorz GRODZICKI & Piotr MATUSZAK - 245-255 Technology to provide continuous monitoring services of inland and coastal waters with the use of bioindication organisms
by Jakub DELIKAT & Mariusz CZERWIŃSKI - 257-267 Technology of multidimensional contextual analysis using the Internet of Things, data with a large volume of Big Data as well as cloud and mobile solutions
by Mariusz CZERWIŃSKI & Piotr MATUSZAK - 269-278 Technology of auscultatory data analysis obtained in a non-invasive home examination of the fetal heart rate in the prevention of prenatal diseases and defects
by Piotr MATUSZAK & Bartosz STEMPSKI - 279-289 Take the risk or lose the chance – the impact of social media on the developing of businesses today
by Oana-Georgiana SECUIAN & Anamaria-Gabriela VLAD & Mihaela VLAD - 291-297 Sustenabilitatea in administratia publica – un nou cadru de organizare si functionare
by Luminita IORDACHE
November 2018, Volume 6
- 9-22 Rolul Autoritatii Electorale Permanente in organizarea si desfasurarea alegerilor la nivel national
by Alexandra IANCU - 23-31 Regandirea oraselor inteligente de la zero
by Constantin FURDU - 33-46 Smart City si optimizarea utilizarii resurselor in cadrul comunitatilor urbane
by Dumitru ZAMFIR - 47-61 Optimul in administratia publica
by Ioan-Liviu CHIRCA - 63-78 E-leadership ecosystem in higher education: Building and sustaining an effective educational environment
by Tatiana CHIRIAC & Elena TAP - 79-97 CitiSim – IoT platform for monitoring and management of the city
by George SUCIU & Teodora USURELU & Ioana ROGOJANU & Ruxandra Ioana RADUCANU & Raluca IOSU & Felix Jesus VILLANUEVA & Maria Jose SANTOFIMIA & David VILLA - 99-104 Consideratii privind pregatirea pentru dezvoltarea de orase inteligente: Comparatia dintre unele tari din ECE cu UE15 si Norvegia
by Raluca-Ioana IORGULESCU & John M. POLIMENI & Carmen Beatrice PAUNA - 105-116 Cum influenteaza fenomenul imigratiei ilegale sistemul de guvernanta al oraselor din perspectiva Institutiilor politienesti
by Adrian NECULITA - 117-128 Smart cities, Smart governance, Smart data (3S): Mecanism de modelare a proceselor administrative la nivelul comunităților locale pentru o mai bună guvernare electronică
by Costel CIUCHI & Eduard MITITELU & Gabriel PETRICA - 129-136 Mitigation of seismic risk through monitoring structures in Romania
by Stefan Florin BALAN & Alexandru TIGANESCU & Bogdan Felix APOSTOL - 137-146 The Accelerated Development Of Information And Communication Technologies And Their Role Within Smart Cities
by Marta Christina SUCIU & Adrian PETRE - 147-160 Evaluating preconditions for implementing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Romanian context
by Ilariana Maria JORS & Ruxandra PUSCASU - 161-167 Implicatii ale economiei subterane in dezvoltarea orasului inteligent
by Lilian ONESCU & Daniela FLORESCU - 169-193 Suveranitate nationala/administrativa nationala versus cooperare administrativa interstatala
by Valentin Stelian BADESCU - 195-205 The smart city as dynamic digital ecosystem
by Carmen SAVULESCU & Corina Georgiana ANTONOVICI - 207-217 Local government action and happiness. Case of Romania
by Dragos DINCA - 219-224 Noua paradigma e economiei circulare si implicatiile ei asupra dezvoltarii inteligente a localitatilor
by Alina DICU - 225-234 One small step for e-voting, one giant leap for democracy
by Marina GORBATIUC - 235-255 Respectarea drepturilor procesuale la judecarea cauzei in lipsa inculpatului
by Arina IALANJI - 259-265 Efectele internetului asupra creierului uman
by Monica Mariana GHITA - 267-277 E-guvernarea, Romania 2000-2030. Orase inteligente si dezvoltare urbana
by Madalina Georgiana MIHAILA - 279-286 You shall not pass. The untouchable pillar of governments; Education and the rapidly innovative Technology of today
by Andrei POP
November 2017, Volume 5
- 7-28 Implementarea in Romania a agendei digitale pentru Europa. Studiu de caz: Sistemul national electronic de plata (
by Andreea Cristina KISPAL - 29-33 Pilot project for the introduction of modern and intelligent public lighting in the Municipality of Resita
by Daniel BREBENARIU - 34-44 Clusters and smart cities as innovative partnerships for economic growth and new jobs in Romania
by Christina LEUCUTA - 45-54 Smart city – o etapa noua in evolutia vietii, societatii si afacerilor
by Aurelian Virgil BALUTA & Eduard DUMITRASCU - 55-68 Energy - efficient home design: Learning from the past
by Andra Jacob LARIONESCU & Michael MONTANARI - 69-77 Rolul economiei circulare in dezvoltarea orasului inteligent
by Lilian ONESCU - 78-89 Emerging trends: how is the Internet of Things (IoT) transforming our homes
by Andreea NEDELCU & Andrada NIMU