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Alternative forms




puxar (first-person singular indicative present puxo, past participle puxáu)

  1. to push, pull
    Tamos puxando'l carru pela cuesta
    We are pushing the cart down the slope
  2. to bid, auction
  3. to make an effort, force
    La muyer puxó muncho pa parir
    The woman made a big effort to give birth







From Old Galician-Portuguese puxar (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), from Latin pulsāre, present active infinitive of pulsō (I push), frequentative of pellō (I drive, I strike). Cognate with Portuguese puxar, Asturian puxar, Spanish pujar and English push.





puxar (first-person singular present puxo, first-person singular preterite puxei, past participle puxado)

  1. to push (with movement)
    Synonyms: apuxar, empurrar, empuxar
  2. to pull
    Synonyms: tirar, turrar
  3. to drive, force, impel
  4. (archaic) to throw
    • 1455, X. Ferro Couselo (ed.), A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI. 2 vols. Vigo: Galaxia, page 322:
      Ano de LV, sábado á noyte, que eran viinte dias do dito mes de setenbro, aas noue horas da noyte, foy conbatido por força de armas os paaços et curral do bispo d'Ourense et a hua ora, sobre médea noyte, foy entrado a poder de armas et non foy ende nehuún ome morto, saluo foron feridos dos do conçello ata noue ou des personas et dos do curral tres o quatro de seetadas, et en outro dia, o domingo, combateron a torre bella con Roy de Caldellas et con Johán de Canba et outro omee et puxaron de çima da torre hun canto e deu en hua perna Afonso da Proua et morreu dela.
      Year of 55, Saturday night, twenty days of said month of September, at nine hours at night; the palace and yard of the Bishop of Ourense was combatted forcibly with weapons, and at certain time, around midnight, it was forcibly penetrated; no man was killed then, but nine or ten persons of the Council were wounded and of the yard three or four, of arrow shots; and the other day, sunday, they combatted the old tower with Roi de Caldelas and with Xoán de Camba and with another man, and they threw from the top of the tower a stone which hit Afonso da Proba in a leg, and he died of it
    • 1458, X. Ferro Couselo, editor, A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI, Vigo: Galaxia, page 340:
      et que, yndo él fogindo, lle lançara duas lanças e hua que lle dera por lo braço e llo pasara et a outra que lle puxeran [puxaran] por lle dar por lo ventre, et que, quando a vira vir, que a tomara por lo ferro, viindo por lo ayre, et que cortara a maao
      and that, while he was fleeing, they threw two spears: one that hit him in the arm and pierced it and another one that they threw for hitting his abdomen, and that, while he saw it coming, he took it by the spearhead, while coming through the air, and it cut his hand









From Old Galician-Portuguese puxar, from Latin pulsāre (to push). Doublet of pulsar, a learned borrowing. Compare Galician puxar and Spanish pujar.



  • Hyphenation: pu‧xar



puxar (first-person singular present puxo, first-person singular preterite puxei, past participle puxado)

  1. to pull (to apply force to something so it comes towards one)
    Antonyms: empurrar, empuxar
  2. to drag (to pull along a surface)
    Synonyms: arrastar, tracionar
  3. to draw (pull out) a weapon
    Synonym: sacar
  4. (Brazil) to initiate (to cause to begin) interaction with someone else
    Puxou papo com os vizinhos.
    He initiated a chat with the neighbours.
    A gente puxava briga com qualquer um.
    We initiated fights with anyone.
  5. (Brazil, informal) to take after; to inherit traits in appearance or behaviour
    Synonym: sair
    Maria puxou seu cabelo castanho de seu pai.
    Mary inherited her brown hair from her father.
  6. (Brazil, slang) to smoke marijuana
    Synonym: dar tapa na macaca



Derived terms


