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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Items and the translation is 15% complete.
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Witaj do Wikidata! Wjaselimy se, až sy how a coš wěcej wó wobźěłowanju zgóniś. Ako sy zawěsće južo cytał, Wikidata jo licha datowa banka wědy, kótaruž kuždy móžo wobźěłaś. Jolic maš konstruktiwnu ideju, zwopšawdni ju jadnorje. Klikni na rozpokazanje napšawo abo cytaj dołojce, kak móžoš zachopiś.

Items and their data are interconnected

In Wikidata, items are used to represent all the things in human knowledge, including topics, concepts, and objects. For example, the "1988 Summer Olympics", "love", "Elvis Presley", and "gorilla" are all items in Wikidata.

For those who are familiar with Wikipedia, it may be tempting to initially think of items as like the Wikidata version of Wikipedia articles. While items and articles are both pages for storing information about different concepts or topics of human knowledge, it's important to keep in mind that Wikidata is not just a database of Wikipedia content. In fact, Wikidata is actually more similar to Wikimedia Commons, the media file repository, than it is to Wikipedia—but instead of media files, Wikidata provides centralized storage for access to structured data for all Wikimedia projects, as well as for use on external websites.

There are a few important characteristics about items that contribute to the success of Wikidata:

Notable items

Wikidata items are said to be notable. This means at least one of three things:

  • a corresponding page on a Wikimedia site such as Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wikisource, Wikiquote, Wikiversity, or Wikimedia Commons,
  • a clearly identifiable conceptual or material entity that can be described using serious and publicly available references or
  • the item fulfills a structural need. For more information look at our notability policy.

Unique items

Items are also unique. Each item should represent a clearly identifiable concept or object, or an instance of a clearly identifiable concept or object. For example, in Wikidata we can have items for both the concept of planet (Q634) and an instance of a planet, Earth (Q2).

Linking items

Items can and should also be linked to each other. Each item has a unique identifier (starting with a Q prefix) and its own page in the Wikidata main namespace. For example, for the items listed above, 1988 Summer Olympics (Q8470), love (Q316), Elvis Presley (Q303) and Gorilla (Q36611) are the respective item pages. These pages are where all the data for each item is added, edited, and maintained, mostly in the form of statements.

Pages also allow items to be linked together so that all the data on Wikidata can be interconnected. A link to another page is usually added as a "property" by clicking on "edit" in the "statements" section. If no appropriate property is listed yet, it can be added by clicking on "+ add" on the bottom of the "statements" section. See: #Adding to an existing item page.

Typical properties to link one item to another:

Outside of item pages links to items can usually be placed by adding the prefix "Q|" to the item number and enclosing it in curly brackets, e.g.: {{Q|8470}}1988 Summer Olympics (Q8470)

Creating a new item

Create a new item by choosing "Create a new Item" in the menu to the left
Enter the label and description of the new item
Edit the item "Marie Curie"
Add a sitelink

Step-by-step guides to the basics of editing Wikidata items: Wikidata:Tours

Nježli až napórajoš bok za element, jo dobra ideja, až by zawěsćił, až Wikidata hyšći njama bok za toś ten element. Nejlěpšy nałog wiźeś, lěc Wikidata južo ma bok za element, kótaryž coš pśidaś, jo, pytanje element pó titelu wužywaś. Wótkaz k toś tomu pytanjeju jo na lejstwje nalěwo na wobrazowce. Standardnje jo to pěty wótkaz wót górjejce, a ma popis "Item by title". Bok za pytanje element pó titelu ma dwě zapódawańskej póli. Do lěwego póla, kótarež groni se "Site:", zapódawaš rěc Wikipedije, w kótarejž nastawk jo spisany. Gaž chapjaš pisaś, pólo napórajo padajucy meni, aby śi pomagało, rěc wubraś, kótaruž coš. Za druge pólo, "Page:" musyš eksaktny titel boka zapódaś, ako zjewijo se w dłujkem teksće górjejce na boku we Wikipediji. Jolic Wikidata ma bok wó toś tom elemenśe, buźo śi pytanje k tomu bokoju wjasć.

The item by title search page has two entry fields that are designed for searching for items that already have a page on a Wikimedia site and may be in the Wikidata system. The left field, which says "Site:" is where you put the language of the Wikimedia site page that corresponds to the item you want to add. Most Wikimedia sites have equivalent editions for different languages which are represented by a code. For example, the code for English language is en and the code for French language is fr. This code can be found in the URL; so is the English Wiktionary and is the English Wikipedia, while is the French Wiktionary and is the French Wikipedia. A screenshot that shows where to locate a language code for a Wikimedia site is available here.

For the second field, "Page:", you must put in the exact title of the page as it appears at the top of the page on its Wikimedia site. This is important for retrieving the right item because there may be multiple items with the same label in Wikidata. For example, if you wanted to know if there was already an item page for capital (the concept referring to non-financial assets) in Wikidata, you must search "capital (economics)"—the title of the page on Wikipedia—and not "capital" which would instead give you the item page for the Wikipedia disambiguation page on capital.

When Wikidata already has a page on that item, the search will take you to that page.

Jolic element felujo, móžoš ty sam ten napóraś. Móžoš to pśez kliknjenje na wótkaz dołojce pśi pytanju elementa pó titelu cyniś, abo kliknjoš na Create a new Item na lejstwje nalěwo. Pó standarźe jo to stwórty wótkaz wót górjejce. Wót kuždego z toś teju wótkazowu wjadu śi k bokoju, kótaryž śi pšosy, nowemu zapiskoju pomjenjenje a wopisanje daś. Jolic sy pytanje elementa pó titelu wužył, buźo pówjerch teke dwě póli wopśimowaś, kótarejž sy za pytanje wupołnił. Jolic sy wótkaz "Nowy element napóraś" wužył, njedaj se wót togo zmóliś, až wónej njedatej. Wupołni wšykne póla a klikni na "Create", gaž sy gótowy. (Glědaj bok 3 rozpokazanja "How to Edit Wikidata" za dalšne informacije)

Adding to an existing item page

Mimo pomjenjenja a wopisanja stej aliase a mjazyrěcne wótkaze dwa drugej elementa boka, kótarejž by měłej se podaś.

A label is the most common name that an item would be known by. Labels are added to the text fields at the top of an item page to the "Label" column. Click "edit", type in the label, and click "publish". A description is a short phrase designed to disambiguate the page in question from other pages with the same or similar labels. Descriptions are added in the same way as labels, to the "Description" column. See Help:Label and Help:Description for more on using labels and descriptions.

Móžoš aliase pśidaś, za tym až kliknjoš na tłocašk "[add]" w smužce, kótaraž zachopina se z "⧼Wikibase-aliases-label⧽". Smužka wuzwignjo se swětłomódra a běłe pólo se zjawijo. Móžoš prědny alias do póla zapisaś, pón zjawijo se druge pólo. Zapódaj wšykne aliase, až njamaš wěcej alternatiwne mjenja, a klikni pón na "[save]".

Aby wótkaz we Wikidata pśidał, źi k wótrězkoju boka pód wjelikim nadpismom, kótarež groni se "Sitelinks" a klikni na tłocašk "[add]" w proznej smužce. Dostanjoš pón dwě proznej póli: jadne groni se "wiki" a druge groni se "page". Do lěwego póla, kótarež groni se "wiki", zapódawaš rěc Wikipedije, ku kótarejž nastawk słuša. Do pšawego póla, "page", zapódawaš titel nastawka, ako zjewijo se we wjelikem teksće górjejce na boku Wikipedije. Toś tej wóbej póli wopśimujotej padajucy meni, kótaryž buźo śi pomagaś, informacije zapódaś, gaž chapjaš zapisowaś. Gaž sy wobej póli wupołnił, klikni na "[save]". (glědaj bok 4 rozpokazanja "How to Edit Wikidata" za dalšne informacije)

Please note: When clicking on any "edit" or "+ add" before the page has fully loaded you might be taken to a separate page with a special interface. This will also let you make the intended changes but it is more difficult to use. If the page does not appear as depicted on the images to the right after clicking "edit" or "+ add" you might want go back, wait for the browser to finish loading the page (usually there is an indication on top of the browser's tab) and then click "edit" or "+ add" again.

Examples of four fields filled out for the item Marie Curie (Q7186)

Language Item Label Description Aliases Link to Wikipedia Page
engelšćina (en) Q7186 Marie Curie Polish and French physicist and chemist (1867–1934) Maria Salomea Skłodowska; Marie Skłodowska-Curie Marie Curie
francojšćina (fr) Q7186 Marie Curie physicienne et chimiste polonaise et française Maria Salomea Skłodowska herb Dołęga; Maria Skłodowska-Curie; Marie Sklodowska-Curie; Maria Skłodowska Marie Curie
pólšćina (pl) Q7186 Maria Skłodowska-Curie polsko-francuska uczona, noblistka z fizyki i chemii Maria Curie-Skłodowska; Marie Curie; Maria Skłodowska Maria Skłodowska-Curie

Editing an item page

How an item page is build up

Wšykne styri póla, pomjenjenje, wopisanje, aliase a mjazyrěcne wótkaze, su wobźěłujobne. Aby eksistěrujucy zapisk wobźěłał, klikni na tłocašk "[edit]" na pšawej smužce a zapiš pón nowu abo zaktualizěrowanu informaciju. Klikni pón na "[save]". Jolic alias abo mjazyrěcny wótkaz jo wopak, móžoš jen wótpóraś. Aby to cynił, klikni nejpjerwjej na tłocašk "[edit]" na pšawej smužce a klikni pón na módry X w pólu z aliasom, kótaryž coš wótpóraś abo na tłocašk "[remove]" za mjazyrěcny wótkaz, kótaryž coš wótpóraś. Klikni pón na "[save]". Zapisk zgubijo se ned a wótpórajo se z datoweje banki.

Documentation for items

The template {{Item documentation}} provides documentation for items. It can be added in the talk page of an item. See Talk:Q56061 for an example for administrative territorial entity (Q56061).

Deleting an item page

Only admins can delete items. Deletions are done via Wikidata:Requests for deletions. Please give a short reason.

See also

Za pśidatnu pomoc, glědaj:

For related Help pages, see:

  • Help:Label, wujasnja, což pomjenjenja su a kótare pšawidła za nje płaśe
  • Help:Description, wujasnja, což wopisanja su a kótare pšawidła za nje płaśe
  • Help:Aliase, wujasnja, což aliase su a kótare pšawidła za nje płaśe
  • Help:Wugronjenja, wujasnja, což wugronjenja su a kótare pšawidła za nje płaśe
  • Help:Sitelinks, wujasnja, což sedłowe wótkaze su a kótare pšawidła za nje płaśe
  • Help:Merge, which explains how to merge items (in case interwiki links to Wikipedia articles in different languages but on the same subject exist on more than one Wikidata page)

For additional information and guidance, see:

  • Project chat, for discussing all and any aspects of Wikidata
  • Wikidata:Glossary, the glossary of terms used in this and other Help pages
  • Help:FAQ, frequently asked questions asked and answered by the Wikidata community
  • Help:Contents, the Help portal featuring all the documentation available for Wikidata