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Wheelie (G1)

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The Wheelie discussed in the page that you're on / Is the rhyming bot from Generation 1.
To view all the "Wheelie"s in just one location / Head over to Wheelie (disambiguation)!

This page's rhymed oration is a font of information!

Wheelie is an Autobot—just to clear up ambiguities / From a whole bunch of Generation 1 continuities.
You give Wheelie sass?
He will kick your ass.

The diminutive Wheelie is an Autobot child / But don't let your guard down; he gets pretty wild!
He's often sold short and gets called hurtful things / But Wheelie won't suffer such arrows and slings!

You see, he survives; that's just what he does / You can't keep him down. How so? Well, because
Of all of the years he's spent fighting in space / With Sharkticon goons and the Quintesson race.

Keeping things peaceful gets a bit tricky / When he hangs out with Daniel Witwicky.
This bot and that child are birds of a feather / And they tend to get into trouble together!

Though reasons may differ across his depictions / Young Wheelie speaks always with curious diction.
But don't be too hateful to this rhyming bot / Or you'll lose an eye to his fine slingshot!

Wheelie say find friends today!Wheelie, The Transformers: The Movie



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), John Moschitta (English, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3"), Kazue Komiya (Japanese), Gu Guoyi (Chinese), Dani Albiac (Spain-Spanish), Roberto Alexander (Latin American Spanish), Gerhard Acktun (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 - 5", "Chaos" & "Call of the Primitives"), Bernd Simon (German, "Fight or Flee"), Claus Brockmeyer (German, "The Movie" TV Dub), Francis Lax (European French, "Chaos"), Carlos Marques (Portuguese, "The Movie" TV dub), Orlando Prado (Portuguese, "The Movie" VHS dub), Úrsula Bezerra (Portuguese, "The Movie" Fox Kids dub), Mário Jorge Andrade (Portuguese, season 3)
Wheelie, you're such an insufferable brat…
Careful, you'll take someone's eye out with—

After surviving a ghastly crash-landing / Quintessa was where Wheelie found himself standing.[1]
Surviving alone quickly toughened him lots / Enough to impress the mighty Dinobots.
They'd come to Quintessa in search of their friends / And Wheelie was perfectly happy to lend
His expertise on this strange world to these strangers / To keep them from stumbling face-first into danger.
After he helped rescue Hot Rod and Kup / They hijacked a Quintesson ship and flew up
Into space where they destroyed Unicron / Before returning to planet Cybertron!
The Transformers: The Movie

Wheelie’s actions in this animation / Were also recounted in two print adaptations!

Wheelie returned in 2006 / When Metroplex got in a bit of a fix.
He hadn't received his transformation cog / And getting it to him would be a right slog!
Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1

He formed a delivery duo with Blurr / Straight away, though, complications occurred.
Galvatron left them both stuck on a moon / They needed to get the cog down to Earth soon!
Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3

Wheelie and I might have our spats,
But did he deserve to fight all these bats?

The alien lightpoles descended on them / And Wheelie and Blurr simply couldn't contend,
'Til Marissa Faireborn showed up to assist / Bringing her ship down right into their midst.
Into some missiles the lightpoles converted / Blasting her ship and leaving them deserted!
Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

Sky Lynx showed up and defeated the bats / The Predacons were similarly dispatched.
They made it to Earth in a manner quite dashing / And Metroplex gave Trypticon quite a thrashing!
Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

Wheelie listened to Kup as he yick-yacked / About how, on Dread, he had fought off an Ick-Yak.
Regarding Chaos, Grimlock was curious / But Wheelie was scared and Kup was furious.
Suddenly, in came a signal from Wreck-Gar / Someone'd attacked the EDC—heck naw!
Together with Blurr, they all boarded Sky Lynx / Ready for mystery-solving high-jinks!
While scanning the station, Kup's technobabble / Was too much for Wheelie and the rest of the rabble.
Kup said, only death crystals could do this damage / But that explanation was all he could manage
Before from the sky came Blast Off and Runamuck / With their new weapon, hoping to gun a shmuck.
Wheelie and Blurr returned fire with their pistols / As Runamuck blasted a rain of death crystals.
In typical form, Sky Lynx came to the rescue / Picking up Wheelie and all of the rest too.
Grimlock begged, once they had barely absconded / For answers, and at long last Kup responded:
There's only one place in the world you can find / Death Crystals—growing on Chaos's hide.
On Dread, Galvatron's new acquisition / Kup and Blurr went off on the mission.
Wheelie and the others followed where they had gone / And good thing—they helped to fight off the Predacons!
They were able to keep Predaking and Galvs distracted / While Kup made a plan that he quickly enacted
Freeing the miners, to Chaos he beckoned / Before blowing him up with Galvatron's weapon.
Safe back on Sky Lynx, after they'd scrambled / Wheelie groaned as Kup once again rambled...

When Optimus Prime came back from the dead / The Quintessons had secretly messed with his head.
He left now-Hot-Rod and the others for scrap / Before leading his army straight into a trap.
When Hot Rod returned, Wheelie was there / To see Hot Rod quite angrily declare:
"Where's that stupid truck of ours? / I'm going to light his darkest hour."
Dark Awakening

A Quintesson plot meant time started repeating / While, against Jazz, Wheelie was competing.
He reckoned he had crossed the finish line—a record race / But in seconds he was back a second time in second place.
Forever Is a Long Time Coming

On Earth, a dinosaur caused a strange mystery / By stealing the most famous buildings in history.
The Dinobots were suspects, but that was just hype / It was Trypticon, working for an ethnic stereotype.
Wheelie helped the Autobots save the dictator / And was there when Rodimus scolded him later.
Thief in the Night

Surprise Party Hall of Records.jpg
Daniel, we are out of time.
Yet, Wheelie must complete this rhyme!
SurpriseParty Daniel and Wheelie.jpg

Wheelie's biggest adventure began / At the surprise party for his dear friend Dan.
Combaticons crashed the event—in the madness / Wheelie's life was saved by Ultra Magnus.
To let Magnus know he was appreciated / They tried to find out when he was created
Asking around without making it known / To throw him a birthday party of his own.
First they asked Perceptor, who reckoned / The answer might lie in the Hall of Records.
Next at the Hall, they asked the librarian / Who wasn't much help, being quite the contrarian.
He explained the Autobots of the past employed / A secret archive, housed on an asteroid.
Wheelie, being a terrible influence / Stole a garbage ship. By coincidence,
When he blundered into an asteroid field / (Wheelie's too young to be behind a wheel)
The meteor into which their ship crashed / Was the very same one where the data was stashed!
Meanwhile Cyclonus, with abnormal patience / Weirdly had garbage ships under surveillance?
He told Galvatron, who swiftly commanded / He follow and spy on what Wheelie and Dan did.
Witwicky and Wheelie, assessing their freighter / Were harried by eels that flew out of craters.
Into a nearby cave the scamps fled / And Wheelie turned on the torch on his forehead.
They passed through a door with the Autobot sigil / But inside, sentry drones were keeping vigil!
With the killer robots hot on their heels / And to make matters worse, lots more air eels,
Wheelie quipped surely that their goose was cooked / The robotic sentries, in a stroke of luck,
Took out the eels they saw as invaders / Only to sight Wheelie next with their lasers!
But somehow the sentries were the ones to die—blown up / By unlikely saviours: the Sweeps and Cyclonus!
Out of the frying pan, into the fire / Hostages of the Decepticon flier,
They watched the asteroid get redirected as / Cyclonus threatened the peace conference delegates!
Locked up after Cyclonus' recap / Wheelie shone a torch, this time from his kneecap.
Before long, they heard a distant commotion / And so at last Wheelie sprang into motion
Ramming the door in his car mode, he gets through / And they found Ultra Magnus...to the Rescue?
Magnus commanded they fly off with Sky Lynx / But Wheelie, unwilling to leave him to die, thinks
Better to not do what Magnus instructs / And instead to turn on the rock's self-destruct!
With his plan foiled, Cyclonus scarpered / The Autobots made their own departure.
Back home, Daniel explained things to Spike / Who made a suggestion: he said, if they like,
Magnus doesn't know when he was born, meaning / They may as well say it's his birthday this evening!
Wheelie said, shame they only thought of this after / And the episode ended with good-natured laughter.
Surprise Party

Wheelie was present when Sandstorm, the paragon / of the utopian planet Paradron,
Asked Rodimus Prime and the rest to assist / In freeing his people from Galvatron's fist.
Using a spare ship as a decoy / They let Galvatron think they'd been destroyed
Before secretly deploying a platoon / From a secret staging ground on Paradron's moon.
Wheelie was in Ultra Magnus's squadron / Planning to take back the planet's energon
But Galvatron's army was much too effective / Forcing them to change the mission objectives.
Wheelie managed to spot a trapdoor / So Magnus could get to the energon core—
See, rather than let the Decepticons have it / they decided to blow up the entire planet!
Fight or Flee

When Perceptor unveiled his new generator / Wheelie was stood in the crowd of spectators.
Grimlock's New Brain

Our energy was drained.
No jokes have remained.

When Tornedron fell into Cybertron's sink / Wheelie, Slingshot and Blades didn't blink:
They aimed at the spider while pulling their triggers / But their laser blasts only made it grow bigger!
Their bodies' energy, it drained all that too / Turning them white; they toppled like statues.
(Lucky for Wheelie, Tornedron's defeat / Presumably put him right back on his feet.)
Call of the Primitives

Rodimus led an Autobot strikeforce / To get back Optimus Prime's corpse
Making up one of the subgroups were / Bumblebee, Steeljaw, Wheelie and Blurr.
At the lab, Rodimus Prime made his entry / Ordering Wheelie and the rest to play sentry.
The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

To hear Sky Lynx tell it, Wheelie had been one / Of the Autobots hurt by a rogue Superion.
(But, that event wasn't seen in the last part / And lying there unconscious wasn't Wheelie, but Blaster!
So, maybe Sky Lynx was simply mistaken / And Wheelie had gone off on well-earned vacation.)
The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2

Tommy Kennedy was feeling quite rotten / Because he thought Optimus Prime had forgotten
His birthday, so he was nicely surprised / When the Autobots gave him a cake, robot-sized!
Tommy thanked them, and blew out the candles / And Wheelie cheered just like he had for Daniel.
Season 5: Surprise Party

Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

This later pack-in comic invents / A new scene set during the movie's events.

As they blasted off, with Kup ever-rambling / Wheelie wowed Hot Rod with his expert handling.
They set course for Magnus's last known location / And found the debris from that ship's separation.
Wheelie deduced the Autobots' gambit / And guessed that they'd fled to the nearby Junk planet.
But, at that moment, Cyclonus attacked! / On Kup's command, Wheelie fired back.
Cyclonus dodged, too agile in flight. / Then Hot Rod was struck by divine insight.
Through Wheelie, Rod hailed Cyclonus to tell 'im / Invoking the Challenge of Aria-Bellum,
He wanted to meet the Decepticon upon / The ship for a little one-on-one.
Cyclonus and Rod traded backhands, grappled. / Meanwhile, Wheelie hailed Tracks and Grapple,
Who, nearby, were doing some research / not far from the boss of the SweepsScourge!
See, as Cyclonus ranted, Kup listened / So he knew about Galvatron's competition.
By luring both lackies to the same region / They pitted Cyclonus against Scourge and his legion.
While the goons fought over who'd get the kills / The Autobots happily ran for the hills.
After they split, they landed on Junkion / Where all the new friends would soon get their funk on.
But, if you want to see them get groovy / You'll have to go watch The Transformers: The Movie.
Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

Japanese cartoon continuity

The Headmasters cartoon
Voice actor: Kazue Komiya (Japanese), Erika Robledo (Latin-American Spanish)
Headmasters Wheelie could be as snarky as you please!
His words to Chromedome? "It's too late for apologies!"

By 2011, Wheelie was too petulant to rhyme / He blamed everything on Chromedome, like, all of the time.
Although a jerk to the core, Wheelie was not all alone / He hung out with Daniel, and the two were quite danger-prone.

While chilling on Earth, the pair were met with surprise / By the titanic Trypticon with glowing death in his eyes!
The Decepticon gave chase, but Wheelie outsmarted their foe / Luring him onto a busted bridge, where he slipped and fell below.

They then stowed away on the Trainbots and returned to Cybertron / To help battle the Decepticons with their (limited) brawn.
Daniel, the wuss, was soon attacked by Tantrum / So Wheelie had to pound the bull's head like a drum!
Four Warriors Come out of the Sky

Before leaving with Hot Rod to face matters unpleasant / Blaster bequeathed to Wheelie a very special present.
It was a mixtape of music he'd composed on his own / And Wheelie played it after Blaster died in battle alone.
The Mystery of Planet Master

As Hot Rod searched Earth for the Matrix he'd lost / Kup told Wheelie to believe in him, no matter the cost.
Wheelie brushed off Kup's words, thinking them silly / And was acting all snarky, at least up until he
Was interrupted by Fortress, who had a better attitude / So he offered to help instead of standing 'round being rude.
Wheelie, however, couldn't help them one whit / So he went to an arcade with Daniel to complain about it.
He thought himself far more useful than the adults all around him / And yet even at video games, Daniel proceeded to pound him.
Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime

Next, Blaster's untimely death sent Wheelie into depression / "No one cares Blaster's gone" was his bitter impression.
But Wheelie was wrong; Rodimus Prime cared quite a bit / He knew Blaster's death was a mistake and sought to rectify it!
So Blaster was revived as Twincast, much to Wheelie's elation / And thus began the Great Cassette Operation!
The Great Cassette Operation

Wheelie hears what you mutter.
Get your mind out of the gutter.

Daniel and Wheelie then stowed away on Fortress's battleship / And accompanied the Autobots on their perilous trip
To the Beastformer homeworld, known simply as Beast / Where the 'Cons were causing trouble (to say only the least).
Wheelie and Daniel then tried to rescue the Beastformer slaves / But were imprisoned themselves in the dungeon-like caves!
Luckily for Wheelie, the Headmasters were there / They drove off all the villains and rescued the pair.
Rebellion on Planet Beast

The meteorite Metamorphose then threatened Autobot space / By warping anything metal in its magnetic embrace!
Only Daniel was safe. Only he could defeat it / Wheelie cheered Daniel on—he was sure he could beat it!
But Daniel was a crybaby, a big blubbering sack / So Wheelie chided his buddy and cut him no slack.
Daniel eventually manned up and blew up the rock / But Wheelie, such a jerk, continued to mock.
Approach of the Demon Meteorite

The Trainbots later invited both Wheelie and Dan / To come visit their birthplace in far off Japan.
Soon after arriving, Sixshot made some trouble / Stirring up the Autobots, who countered on the double!
The Headmasters went searching all over the planet / While Dan and Wheelie went shopping and...well, dammit,
The Trainbots shopped with them, and Chromedome made a fuss / Causing Daniel to run away crying. (Jeez, what a wuss.)
Terror! The Six Shadows

Wheelie later observed as the Autobots fought / To reach Vector Sigma first, for if they could not,
The Decepticons would get there, and then there'd be trouble / Because they'd use Sigma's Cybertonuron to turn the Autobots to rubble!

But they were wrong—Scorponok had a more menacing scheme: / To blow up all of Cybertron! How terribly obscene!
The bombs could not be removed, much to Wheelie's frustration / Leaving Rodimus to call for the planet's evacuation.
And so Wheelie was forced to watch his planet go KER-PEW! / Poor little guy...his day kind of blew.
Rodimus then departed on an outer space quest / Leaving Arcee to raise Wheelie (or at least do her best).
Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2

Wheelie likes to eat, drink and be merry,
His favorite cereal is Frankenberry.

Crippled with sorrow over Cybertron's end / The Autobots threw a party to help their wounds mend.
Wheelie, the hedonist, had too much to drink / And got drunk and passed out, that little rat-fink!
The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok

Along with Daniel and Spike, Wheelie went to Peru / To prevent the members of the Decepticon crew
From making a volcano blow up sky-high / Leaving the villagers below to helplessly fry.
As the mountain erupted, they approached in Broadside / But he couldn't beat the heat, no matter how hard he tried!
So Wheelie tried once again, this time with the Trainbots / But the heat drove them off too, just like they were lame-bots!
With no options left, they evacuated the town / Saving the villagers while the magma poured down.
The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts

"Excuse me, good sir, I'm beggin' your pardon,
But might Wheelie assist in planting your spice garden?"

On Athenia, Daniel was planting some seeds / And began watering them to tend to their needs.
As Wheelie observed this dull gardening show / He was shocked when he saw the plant starting to grow!
The plant was a creature from the world of Darhos / That could grow to great heights, turning slimy and gross!

Wheelie and Daniel called to Spike for some aid / Spike then looked to Arcee (since she was their maid).
But they could do nothing, and the plant almost trashed their base / Luckily, Fortress wiped it out, leaving not even a trace.
Head On!! Fortress Maximus

HM14 Daniel trips Wheelie.jpg

When Wheelie and Daniel went to Mars on a geological mission / They found that the red planet was in perilous condition!
Scorponok had planted bombs near the planet's core / And once they went off, Mars would then be no more!
Then the pair were attacked by the Terrorcon Rippersnapper / Who easily abducted the duo of lame whippersnappers!

Imprisoned deep underground in a series of caves / Daniel concocted a scheme to trick the foul knaves.
He staged an argument with Wheelie and even a fake brawl / Which let him secretly send an Autobot distress call!
The Headmasters then arrived and rescued the youths / But could not find the time bombs. (What terrible sleuths!)
Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in Danger

Returned to Athenia, Wheelie looked on in fright / Praying Fortress would survive his terrible fight!
When they found that their leader had been injured severely / Wheelie swore to the skies that the Decepticons would pay dearly!
But Wheelie's swearing and screeching couldn't stop what was fated / Mars was blown into bits and Mega Zarak was created.
Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears

With the threat of Mega Zarak now looming ahead / Wheelie admitted to Daniel his feelings of dread.
But Daniel wouldn't hear it; he knew Fortress was stronger / He'd had enough of Wheelie's crap, and he'd take it no longer.
So with inhuman strength (and overreacting a bit) / He shoved Wheelie into a lake after throwing a fit.

Before Wheelie could crush him with his mighty robot fist / A flying saucer zoomed past. (Oh my gawd, aliens do exist!)
Daniel thought that the alien might be friend and not foe / So he tried to use a keyboard to communicate with it and, whoah,
Daniel was completely wrong—about as wrong as you can get / The alien was Galvatron. (He was off by more than a bit.)
Humiliated by his actions, Daniel started to weep / Leaving Wheelie no choice but to soothe the little creep.
Return of the Immortal Emperor

HM17 Daniel and Wheelie have fun with hoses.jpg

When the planet called Sandra sent an SOS into space / Asking for Energon cubes to save their dying race,
The Autobots, always kindly, agreed to give them their aid / And Wheelie and Daniel tagged along to see the delivery made.
Then the Decepticons attacked! But Spike knew that they would / And he set up a small cargo ship just so that they could
Slip away in the battle and deliver the cubes / Wheelie and Daniel laughed out loud at the Decepticon rubes.
And so the cargo was delivered and Sandra was saved! / Wheelie didn't do much this time, but at least he behaved.
SOS from Planet Sandra

Normally, this would bring Wheelie to tears,
But he wouldn't touch a bug in a million years!

When the Decepticons Apeface and Snapdragon showed up at last / Brainstorm told Wheelie all about their mysterious past.
He revealed unto Wheelie that they used to be friends / But when they joined Scorponok, they could not make amends.
Daniel Faces His Biggest Crisis Ever!!

Wheelie and the Autobots then found themselves stuck in a race / To prevent the Decepticons from plundering space.
The planet of Hive was the villains' first victim / But they were thwarted when the Autobots arrived to evict 'em.
Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!!

As for the twin planets of Sperity and Toruin / Galvatron planned to ransack them and bring them to ruin.
As Sperity was attacked for its huge energy stash / Wheelie was sent to Toruin before he could do anything rash.

And on that barren planet Wheelie made a find: / The people of Sperity had left their old planet behind!
They had taken their energon far away from there / Which is why Galvatron couldn't find it anywhere!
Eventually, Galvatron was forced to just call it quits / And the Autobots left the Speritans to start over in the pits.
Battle for Defense of the False Planet

At Video Challenger, Daniel proved very skilled / But Wheelie's reaction to him was a little less thrilled.
So he challenged the kid to shoot an apple that he held up / But Daniel shot his arm instead when his aim got fouled up.

A penal colony on Daros was their next landing point / So they could rescue some war criminals being slaughtered in the joint.
One of the criminals, though, tried to cut Daniel's neck / And Wheelie was helpless to stop him, but hey, what the heck.
As it turns out, the criminal wasn't really that bad / And when he let Daniel go, no one really got mad.
He gave information that helped them unravel a serious knot / And let them defeat MegaZarak. (Though they hadn't found his weak spot.)
Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!

So when Wheelie is horny his eyes glow like the Devil's?
This is unsettling on soooo many levels...

The Decepticons drew them next to the jungle planet Paradise / Where they were plundering energy and doing things not-so-nice!
So with the Headmasters setting out to solve their enemy's tests / Daniel and Wheelie met Papika and her voluptuous... face.
Wheelie was smitten quite quickly, and his eyes glowed deep red / It's best not to imagine the thoughts that went through his head.

After learning to fish, Wheelie tried his best to impress her / By transforming into a car, but his skills proved the lesser
When compared to Papika's; she could talk to beasts large and small / Making it clear that Wheelie couldn't impress her at all.
Later, the Headmasters won the day, just like they always did / And Wheelie gave up on Papika. (She was out of your league, kid.)
Head Formation of Friendship

On their travels, the Decepticons proved formidable foes / Having stolen energy from six planets. Why? Lord only knows.
Approaching Pirate Planet, Wheelie spotted something quite freaky: / An old space pirate ship that was battered, damaged and leaky.
And then an awesome adventure immediately began / Involving pirates! And pyramids! Treasure! Clones! And...aw, man.
Wheelie sat the whole thing out, letting Daniel have all the fun / Of all the adventures to miss, he had to skip out on that one?
Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship

As Highbrow struggled in vain to crack Scorponok's secret code / Daniel and Wheelie tried to help him cross that long, bumpy road.
Unfortunately, their "help" proved far too insufficient / And they had to start over from scratch (not very efficient).
Then Sixshot attacked and blew Ultra Magnus into bits / And Wheelie attended his funeral between crying fits.
Ultra Magnus Dies!!

From the Athenia base, Wheelie watched Spike blow his top; / The 'Cons were ransacking Earth and weren't going to stop!
They were blaming Chromedome for the team's lack of success / But Arcee told them to chill and to give it a rest.
The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg

Wheelie likes to blame Chromedome for all that he can.
He's a serious douchebag in this cartoon from Japan.

On a mission to Earth, Chromedome had just one simple job / To keep Spike from getting killed, but that big robotic knob
Screwed it all up and Spike went into intensive care / Daniel forgave Chromedome, but Wheelie wouldn't let it end there.
Chromedome tried to say sorry, but Wheelie said it wasn't enough / Even by Wheelie's standards, he was treating Chromedome pretty rough.

As Spike recovered from surgery, Wheelie was then put to work / Helping to find Mega Zarak's weakspot for Chromedome (that jerk).
After tens of minutes of labor, they all figured it out / The weak spot was on his chest beyond all shadow of a doubt!
I Risk My Life for Earth

With the Decepticons banished from Earth, the Autobots needed aid / In gathering Plasma energy bombs so the humans would not be afraid.
To accomplish this goal, Wheelie offered to call on friends that he knew / But Daniel laughed in his face! Wheelie was friendless and a fibber, too!

Then much to Daniel's surprise, Wheelie proved him totally wrong / When his good "friends" Pointblank, Crosshairs and Sureshot came along!
Those Autobots were great warriors! Daniel was very impressed! / But at being called Wheelie's "friends" the trio became very distressed.
As it turns out, they weren't his "friends"; Wheelie was an absolute liar! / They were his superior officers! His robo-pants were on fire!
Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)

With Wheelie's good "friends" now turned into powerful Targetmasters / The veterans began insulting the obsolete Headmasters.
In front of Daniel and Wheelie, Pointblank came down on Chromedome / Who feared the after effects of the disrespect he was shown.
But Daniel and Wheelie didn't respect Chromedome any less / (If they respected him at all is, well, anyone's guess).
Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2)

Okay, sure, Wheelie. Whatever you say.
Daniel can't be a Headmaster (in this continuity, anyway).

While set down on planet Master, Wheelie became full of himself / Vowing to become a Headmaster by improving fitness and health.
Daniel rolled his eyes and laughed out loud; Wheelie's dreams were too silly / Wheelie told Daniel he could never be one; he was too fleshy and frilly.
Very early the next morning, Wheelie snuck outside for a run / Only to be captured by Sixshot, whose evil scheme had begun!

Sixshot threatened to dip Wheelie in acid if Fortress didn't agree / To give up the Master Sword's secrets and to do it quickly!
Pointblank coldly suggested they just let Wheelie melt and die / But Daniel and Chromedome disagreed! They'd save the little guy!
Going against orders, the pair snuck inside of Scorponok / With Daniel using his size to sneak past the energy locks.

They got Wheelie out safely, but alas, their rescue was too late / Fortress had just handed over his secrets! Well, ain't that just great?
Furious at the trio for leaving the ship without orders / He gave them a mop and a bucket and said to wash all the quarters.
The Master Sword Is in Danger!!

Thanks to Wheelie's epic failure, the Decepticons took what they stole / And began construction of the Zarak Shield as their ultimate goal.
As the Headmasters traversed Master to thwart the sinister plan / Wheelie stood ontop of Battleship Maximus, hanging with Dan.
They were startled by Weirdwolf, who had concocted a plan all his own / He'd set bombs on the ship and didn't want their cover to be blown!
Weirdwolf's plan was a success; the bombs completely ruined the ship / And with his fancy new shield, Zarak prepared to beat on the crip.
The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide

While Raiden and Defensor worked double time on repairs / Wheelie and Dan found themselves useless to help with such affairs.
As the grown-ups worked diligently to create tactics and plans / The kids went to play video games at their elder's demands.
Operation: Destroy the Decepticons

With the Maximus repaired, the Autobots set off into space / After Mega Zarak whom they once again had to chase.
In an effort to kill time, Wheelie had his greatest idea yet: / He and Daniel would see what it was like inside a laser turret!
Then the turret was damaged with Daniel still stuck inside / And jettisoned away from the ship; Wheelie just about cried.
Daniel made it back (with Sixshot's help), much to Wheelie's relief; / If he had caused Daniel's death, Wheelie would have been crippled with grief!
My Friend Sixshot!

Sixshot may have saved Daniel, but he was still no Autobot friend / And challenged Chromedome to a duel where he'd surely meet his end.
Wheelie, that eavesdropping punk, heard about the whole situation / And ran and told Daniel, who wasn't keen on the confrontation.
Duel on the Asteroid

Here's a joke that's a real zinger.
Go ahead, Daniel, pull my finger!

Because of that stupid duel, Mega Zarak made it to Earth first / Once again, it was all Chromedome's fault (that guy is really the worst).
Daniel was busy pouting, thinking Sixshot had died in the fight / Wheelie teased the brat, anyway (never one to pass on a slight).
They eventually reached Earth, but tragedy wasn't far behind: / Spike's plane crashed down in the Andes and they were all in a bind!
Wheelie followed his good buddy, who had to rescue his mother / And Daniel saved the day, yet again! A true hero! (Oh brother...)
The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)

It turned out Scorponok's master plan involved blowing up the Earth / And gathering up the released energy (which was of tremendous worth).
With friends and justice, the Autobots joined hands in formation / And prevented Scorponok's insidius detonation!
Mega Zarak destroyed and the Decepticons driven away / Wheelie and Daniel were left with only goodbyes to say.
Wheelie promised to visit Daniel again when he was older / And though they were apart, their passions would forever smolder.
The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

15 Go! Go! comics
Forget about how he speaks:
Rag on him for being a freak!

While Teletraan 15 performed her / Task, to learn about Transformers,
Wheelie, being a nasty pervert / Kneeled down and lifted her skirt,
Pleased to see the snow-white lace / 'Til 10 kicked him in the face.
After that, the little pest / Transformed, perhaps to dodge arrest.
Wheelie Volume

Thankfully, Kup grabbed the bastard / And yelled at him for his harassment.
Kup Volume

Legends comic
Wheelie concedes that soccer is fun,
So long as the ball is also a gun.

Scorponok came back ten years later / With a plan to detonate a
Black hole, absorbing its energy / And destroying all his enemies.
Fortress and his crew attempted / To reach the bomb, and intercept it.
But, they forced Scorponok's hand / To blow it sooner than he'd planned.
Thinking of the children, Fortress / Turned to Wheelie with new orders:
Take the Junior Headmasters / On a ship to dodge disaster.
The black hole turned to searing white. / Did Scorponok win? Not quite.
The effect was not what he'd been thinking / Rather, they all started shrinking!
Fortress quickly gave a lecture: / Black balls, pulling each transtector
From inside the body cavity / Had formed from the black hole's gravity.
The fact that Wheelie left before'd / Kept him alone from being deformed.
The other bots all had to shed / Their bodies, just becoming heads.
To get new ones, they all hurled / Headfirst to the Legends World.
Headmaster Chapter Prologue

Later, at a soccer game / Having clearly felt no shame,
Wheelie (christ, this sucks, dear reader) / Flipped the skirt of a cheerleader.
Shūta wished Wheelie was paying / More attention to him playing.
Wheelie argued soccer's boring / Not at all like real warring.
With a blast, a pitch invader / Put a pin in that for later—
Galvatron had stormed the field / With Megatron's head under heel!
Transforming, the boys sprang to action. / The head was kicked—meaning, match on.
Leaping up from Wheelie's cockpit / Shūta met the play and blocked it,
Converting to head mode, such / That Wheelie got the touch.
The crowd knew to root, and roar / For Shūta Gō did shoot—and score.
Galvatron fell to the grass / And, out climbed Tarantulas!
"Maybe soccer has its kicks" / Wheelie said, assaulting chicks.
Bonus Edition Vol. 29

TV Magazine comic continuity

The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers

In 2010, Galvatron hatched a plan,
To gobble up spaceships as fast as he can!
To accomplish this, he built a mechanical creature
With huge, toothy jaws as its primary feature.

Want to compensate for being a tiny one?
Then just buy yourself an enormous gun!

The Autobots found out and were quickly deployed,
Vowing not to give up until the beast was destroyed!
Wheelie was among the heroes enlisted to fight,
And helped Rodimus sneak inside the gargantuan blight.
Rodimus blew up the creature with a smartly placed bomb,
And when the Autobots celebrated, Wheelie joined right along.
The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #1

When planet Feminia and its Prime Energy Tower
Came under attack from Decepticon power,
Wheelie joined the Autobots in defending the thing,
Though their best efforts proved futile against Predaking.

Observing the fight, Wheelie compared it to a game,
Prompting Kup to lash out, calling him stupid and lame!
The Decepticons eventually lost and were driven away,
When the Omnibots arrived to help win the day!
The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5

The Great Transformer War

During a battle between Abominus and Computron,
Wheelie mocked and insulted the defeated Terrorcon!
But Wheelie's cries of joy soon became cries of horror,
When the Terrorcons brainwashed the Technobot warrior!

The Cohesive Control Liquid had seized Computron's mind
And forced him to join up with the Decepticons' kind!
Luckily, Spike was there, observing the fight,
And used a special device to turn everything right!
The Great Transformer War #2

The Headmasters comic
When you have at this frame peered,
You'll have to admit, it's pretty weird.

Shortly after the defeat of Mega Zarak,
Soundblaster showed up and began to attack!
Wheelie, unprepared, took a kick right to the face.
All can agree he was put in his place!

When Slugfest and Overkill took hostage Carly and Spike,
Daniel went berserk and started to strike!
Sending the Cassette dinosaurs running back home,
Soundblaster was left open to an attack from Chromedome.

As the Autobots left Earth, Wheelie and Daniel said "Goodbye."
They cuddled and they snuggled and started to cry.
The Headmasters #8

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

We don't see him giving the Dinobots trouble
His part was chopped down to just one speech bubble.
Though his speech filters through a rhyming prism,
Wheelie still can manage a Furmanism!
Below, the italics is just a mnemonic / To show that this happened in the UK comic.

In one possible future timeline / Wheelie appeared suddenly on the sidelines
He'd found a ship while on the run from Quintessons / To which Hot Rod was welcome—good first impression!
Judgment Day!

On Junkion, when their ship made its arrival / Wheelie bore witness to Magnus' revival.
(One can assume things went otherwise similar / To Wheelie's adventure as was seen in cinemas.)
The Final Battle!

Wheelie later returned to Quintessa / Acting as Rodimus Prime's intercessor.
Wreck-Gar, about to be Sharkticon chowder / Was rescued by Wheelie, who dropped him a ladder.
With Quintesson fighters patrolling, they waited. / Unsure whether to run, they debated.
Wheelie convinced him, and so they scrambled / Using emergency thrust as a gamble.
Jets overheating, pursued by a squadron / Wreck-Gar set course for the Delta Six quadrant.
There, on an asteroid, his Junkion friends / Had the message canister ready to send.
In a flash, Wreck-Gar's radio station / Successfully ruined the Quints' reputation.
Space Pirates!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

In the background, he briefly emerged / On a Cybertron highway near Blurr and Scourge.
The Power and the Glory

Marvel coloring books

Wheelie's battery-powered and knows how to vibrate!
(No, that's not what we meant, you perverted primate.)

Wheelie and others were enjoying a picnic / When Kup chose to share an unusual titbit:
Long ago, back when the Ark crashed / They lost some energon cubes—a large cache!
Hot Rod thought it was a no-brainer / To go on a hunt for the missing container.
But Laserbeak, who had been secretly spying / Escaped with the news thanks to his clever flying.
With no time to waste they went back to the city / Where Ultra Magnus gathered up a committee.
But by the time they arrived at Mt. St. Hillary / Galvatron was claiming the cubes for his villainy!
Starscream saw everyone caught up with brawling / Opened his mouth, and shovelled the cubes all in!
Galvatron, not similarly energon-empowered / Was still an even match for the coward.
So, while the two would-be leaders were bickering / The Autobots sidled off home, snickering.
The Lost Treasure of Cybertron

When Hot Rod and Daniel were attacked by Scourge and the Sweeps,
Those wicked Decepticons were playing for keeps!
He fled from the scene to go fetch some reinforcements.
Wheelie moved so fast he could've had NASCAR endorsements!
At Autobot City, Ultra Magnus heard the news
And soon those evil Decepticons were singing the blues!
Hot Rod's Escape

Big Looker storybooks

So you think that Wheelie's stupid and just hate his guts?
Well Wheelie's ten times cooler than you are, you sniveling putz!

While Wheelie was flying through space with his parents / Their corkscrew-shaped rocket ran out of propellant.
When it exploded, Wheelie was thrown forth and / Left on the planet dazed, lost, and orphaned.
The Quintessons came across the boy where he fell / And dragged him away to one of their cells.
Not long after regaining consciousness / Wheelie got a taste of Quintesson justice:
When he was pushed out over a Sharkticon tank. / But, leaping up in an arc from the plank,
Wheelie fled out through the halls to the jungle / And attempts to recapture the boy were all bungled.
Thanks to a firestone sling and a laser knife / And the love of his parents, he eked out a life.
On Earth, loading up boxes one by one / Hot Rod and friends prepared for a supply run,
But the Dinobots loaded too much shipment on / And so they too wound up crashed on Quintesson!
Luckily Wheelie leapt out from the treeline / To take out the Quintessons creeping up behind.
Wheelie turned to go, but got stopped / By a friendly greeting from Hot Rod.
With more reinforcements quick to follow / Wheelie and his friends fled into the hollow.
Together with Hot Rod, Wheelie raced / To his parents'—and their ship's—resting place.
The others bought them the time they required / For Hot Rod to fix the ship so they could fly her.
Wheelie, on watch, thought he felt an earthquake / But it was only the Dinobots making the ground shake.
He motioned for them to get onto the corkscrew / And waved, sad he'd soon have nobody to talk to.
But at the last minute, Hot Rod made him get on! / So went The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson

Toy pack-in material

On a moon base, Wheelie helped Rodimus Prime. / Hot Rod was weirdly there at the same time...?
Decipher the Decepticon

3H comics

For Daniel only Arcee cried,
But poor Wheelie also died!

Wheelie and Daniel, now much better fighters / Helped Arcee hold off an army of Nightbirds
So Doc Fujiyama, the legion's creator / Could make an escape on a Micro Trailer.
Just as the doctor made it to evac / A ninja-bot stabbed Wheelie in the back.
As Wheelie lay dying, his friend Daniel stayed / To make a last stand, pulling out a grenade.
Together they went out in a blaze of honor / As Arcee watched on from the shuttle in horror.

This Wheelie's not one for hawing and hemming,
He'll jump into lava pools like a lemming.

A different Wheelie to that old one / Plucked from his home timeline, wound up in the Cauldron,
Where kidnapped Transformers were forced into duels / Releasing their sparks to give Unicron fuel.
Freeing the prisoners, Trailbreaker and Silverbolt / Led Wheelie and countless more abductees in revolt.
Wheelie helped stop the two sparring brothers / Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, from killing each other.
After watching Optimus Primal take / A leap of faith into a molten lake
Only for Primus to come to his rescue / Wheelie jumped in, passing the test too.
In beams of light, the Children dispersed. / Maybe Wheelie went back to his universe?

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Wheelie's gone feral!
(Let's hope he's sterile.)
Dreamwave made one good decision:
Giving Wheelie supervision.
In Dreamwave's Generation 1 reboot / Wheelie was depicted as totally mute.

When Shockwave took over as Cybertron's commander / Not every bot fell for his propaganada.
Out in the Wastelands, the rebels met freely / And at some point they picked up Gnaw and Wheelie.
Wheelie was an orphan—the Sharkticon / Had decided to act as the little bot's guardian?
Later, after Gnaw rescued Optimus / It was Wheelie and Blurr who stopped him just
In time from killing the shark by mistake / In his confusion once he was awake.
Wheelie, taking after his new dad's example / Gave Optimus Prime a bite on the ankle.
Passive Aggression

Convening once Shockwave's rule was no more / Magnus gave Wheelie and Hot Rod a chore,
One that Hot Rod thought a waste / Of their talents: to guard Autobase.
The Route of All Evil

The following issue was cancelled abruptly / Because of Dreamwave Productions' bankruptcy.

As they watched over Prime, still in stasis / The sound of a space bridge put shock on their faces.
Come to steal Prime from his unconscious swimmin' / Was the worst enemy they'd yet faced: women,
Designed by a Quintesson illuminati / To conquer with feminine skill and karate.
Elita stomped Hot Rod, grinding her heel in. / Wheelie stayed back and hid in the ceiling.
Seeing his shark dad fall to one chop / He waited 'til they walked below him, then dropped.
Moonracer fell but before he could beat her / Wheelie was kicked to the floor by Elita.
As she loomed over and readied her spear / Grimlock, Slag and Sludge appeared!
Though they saved Wheelie, they were too late / The Quintesson agents left through their gate.
Generation 1 #11

Lil Formers

Wheelie thought his last role would prove he / Had acting chops for the live-action movie.
Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club issue 15

Even though he talked in rhyme / Wheelie could one day be Prime!
Alpha Trion checked the list / He'd come after Roller and Twin Twist.
Spotlight: Wheelie

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Spotlight: Optimus Prime
Wheelie is sad,
For once again he's been had!

Wheelie's actions in Cybertron's war / Weren't the type that you'd write verses for.
When Magnus's launcher ran out of rockets / Wheelie'd be standing by to restock it.
Finally, Hot Spot gave him a mission: / To find a new planet that they could exist on.
Of course, with Wheelie's luck being the worst / His ship hit a radiation burst.
Systems crashing—and with them his vessel / Wheelie could only send a distress call.
Spotlight: Wheelie

(The message made it to Optimus Prime / Who had better things to do with his time.)
Spotlight: Optimus Prime

The place he arrived at sure wasn't heaven / But Wheelie's own hell: LV-117.
Salvaging all that he could from the wreck / Wheelie got by with some jury-rigged tech,
Including a transmitter up in his aerie / Along with a slingshot for when things got hairy.
Hoping to find a lifeform worth meeting / Wheelie would try the universal greeting,
But all the fauna was numb to his charm / And worse, a Chaosteros bit off his arm!
Though he rescued his limb (from the creature's manure) / The injury wasn't so easy to cure;
For from that point, when he'd convert / His presumably-dead arm would hurt.

After meta-cycles passed / A shooting star gave hope at last.
Wheelie set out on the trek / To find any surviving mechs.
But on the way to find the ship / A spiderweb caused him to trip—
Buried in the desert floor / There waited an arachnosaur!
His energon converter pack / Was all that stopped him being a snack.
The unit, though, was worse for wear / And took him ages to repair.
He came across a lake of lava / With a bridge to take him farther.
Changing mode despite the pain / He thus drove down the cryptic lane.

At last he saw the ship's detritus / And, with it, Spectro and Spyglass!
The pair of mean Decepticons / Had an alien in bonds.
His slingshot destroyed the cuffs / Distracting them just long enough
For Wheelie to sneak on their ride / Only to find a corpse inside!
Seeing Viewfinder's Decepticon symbol / Wheelie knew the choice was simple:
Even if the ship could fly / He'd never let a stranger die.

Following traces, bit by bit he / Tracked the fleshling to a city.
There, he found a waiting vessel / But its owner sought to wrestle!
Wheelie quickly called a truce / And asked if he could be of use.
The alien's translator chimed: / He needed to speak in rhyme!
So, he tried a little harder / And soon he could converse with Varta.
The only thing the rocket needed / Was a little fuel to feed it.
His energon converter mustered / Just enough to prime the thrusters!
But when they would least expect so / Wheelie's friend was shot by Spectro!
Forced to choose between departure / Or to save his new pal Varta,
Wheelie let them steal the rocket / But minus one important socket.
So, the converter overloaded / and the rising ship exploded.

Using all the scrap that fell / The pair soon made a place to dwell,
And by the time of one year later / Speaking rhyme was second nature.
Spotlight: Wheelie

Wheelie has done things he cannot forget.
(But he'd do them again without regret.)

Proving that he wasn't feckless / Wheelie wore a tooth-filled necklace
And a furry cloak he'd gained / From some monsters that he'd slain.
To finally breach the atmosphere / He and Varta buccaneered
Another ship, shaped like a corkscrew / Filled with wildlife to talk to.
Just in time—armageddon / Came to LV-117.
Its blue sky turned to bloody red / As the great destroyer fed.
But in a crazy twist of fate / Optimus showed up—bit late!
(We must ask you for your patience / This part takes some explanation.)
Shockwave had seeded the planet / As part of his Regenesis plan: it
Had become unstuck in time / And the same happened to Prime,
Named once more Orion Pax as / He chased Shockwave's coach, Jhiaxus.
Bludgeon ran poor Varta through / So Wheelie opened up his zoo;
The Chaosteros and arachnosaur / Duked it out with Monstructor.
Jhiaxus, from the corkscrew's heights / Gloated he held the device
Shockwave built to wield the power / Ore-1 had to shape the hours.
Wheelie shot up at the ship / And knocked it from the madbot's grip.
In a flash, the rest were gone / Leaving him the only one.
Syndromica (2)

Wheelie, forced to relocate / Flew to LV-118.
There, he took up playing music / Which he found quite therapeutic.
The Chaosteros he'd brought along / Could be wrangled with his songs.

He shared the planet with a crew / Of aliens who'd crashed there too.
They nicknamed him the "Jangle Man" / But they weren't his biggest fan;
They stripped his ship for all its worth / Then gave the 'bot a wider berth.

After several years passed by / Rodimus fell from the sky.
Stranded, acid-tossed and lost / He angered the Chaosteros,
Wheelie, though, was there to save / His life inside the monster's cave.
Dragging him back to the ship / Wheelie fixed his damaged hip.
Rodimus was much surprised / To learn that Wheelie had survived
But Wheelie couldn't quite recall / Being an Autobot at all.

The two of them were found by Garnak / But Wheelie gave his head a hard smack
So that, while he was unconscious / He could be tied up by Rodimus.
Their goals, it turned out, were compatible / So they went to lure the Admiral
Out from the organics' spaceship / Which couldn't fly without the Matrix.
While Codder and the Admiral / Fought off Wheelie's animal
The three of them, aboard, were able / To connect some jumper cables
From the Matrix, fast enough / To send them safely blasting off.
After Rodimus passed out / Wheelie had to set the route!
The Stars My Destination

Wheelie thought it would be best / To take the Matrix from his chest.
When Rodimus found out they'd gone / "home"—as in, to Cybertron
He became extremely panicked. / He'd meant Earth—a different planet!
Luckily, the "things" outside / Were Sunstreaker and Ironhide!
Thrilled to meet old friends once more / Wheelie gave Ironhide a tour
But their tales would have to keep / They were spotted by a Sweep!
Rodimus and Wheelie chased / The scout across the empty waste;
With his slingshot, Wheelie aimed / And shot down the spying plane.
But, despite their best intentions / They had Galvatron's attention!
They fled, a squadron giving chase / And hoped their ship could get to space;
The Matrix spent, it'd haveta fly on / A battery left by Alpha Trion.
Thankfully, the engines started / And so, to Earth, they all departed.
Out of the Silent Planet Heart of Darkness #4

Inside, there's a voice, real small
That says, They didn't miss you at all.

There, the Autobots were thrilled / To reunite with those thought killed.
Orphans of the Helix

Cliffjumper and Wheelie went / To spy on Galvatron's intent.
Wheelie aimed his sniper rifle / From a tower to get an eyeful.
Not content to simply peep / Wheelie had to kill a Sweep!
With one shot, he blew the mission / And gave away their team's position.
A savior came, but though they'd begged for one / They didn't think it would be Megatron!

Things only got worse as the Decepticons began to merge / Creating the Deceptigod; a most terrible scourge!
Wheelie fell back with the others as the monster did advance / And it destroyed Omega Supreme, who didn't stand a chance.

Wheelie could do nothing but scramble in the huge creature's wake / But luckily Hot Rod was around to make Optimus break
Open the Matrix so its energy could be released / And with no thanks to Wheelie, the monster's threat suddenly ceased.

Underage drinkin' is hella bitchin'!
(This stays between us; don't be snitchin'!)
"Hey, let's all shit on Wheelie! That sounds like plenty of fun!"
Writers hate this guy more than that certain other someone.

With his mind not so well after years of taking flight / Wheelie sought active duty to keep his brain going right.
So he accompanied Hardhead and Garnak with a smile / Guarding the sinister Jhiaxus in self-imposed exile!

On Arduria, Wheelie became discombobulated / When Bludgeon had Jhiaxus fiercely liberated!
In pursuit of Regenesis, the villains immediately fled / To the distant LV system (a place that messed with Wheelie's head).
Syndromica (1)

He and his friends gave chase through space's vast infinity / But found not their quarry but another 'Con trinity.
It was none other than the trio that should have been dead. / And yet somehow they were out piloting a spaceship instead!

The reason for this soon became known (if not so much clear) / When they followed them to a place that filled Wheelie with fear.
It was the very same planet where Wheelie had been stranded / (And the same place where Reflector had gotten his ass handed).
For Shockwave had tampered with this world, long long ago / And plucked it from the lockstep of time's regular flow.
Flashes of the past and future collided, cor blimey! / All in all, it was an adventure most timey-wimey.
Orion Pax went back in time on some ridiculous trip / And in the end Jhiaxus made away with the 'Con's spaceship.
Syndromica (2)

HardheadShootsWheelie Homecoming.jpg

They chased that evil rascal all the way to Gorlam Prime / In the desperate hope that they could possibly stop him in time.
Their investigation led them deep beneath the surface / To an abandoned city that served no obvious purpose.
Wheelie found out the hard way to keep his hand in his pocket / As a corrosive dissolved his arm right up to its socket.
The city turned out to be a slumbering Titan / Whom Jhiaxus awoke, primed and ready for fightin'!
With his colossal new pal, Jhiaxus quickly flew the coop / Leaving Wheelie behind to disintegrate alongside his group.
Gorlam Prime was dissolving, but Orion wasn't scared: / For just such an occasion, he had an escape ship prepared!
At last understanding Jhiaxus's convoluted scheme / One-armed Wheelie set course for Cybertron (along with his team).

The ship tried to escape Gorlam's gravity well / But they couldn't break free! Things didn't look swell.
The Lost Light soon saved them, and blasted ahead / All the way home, while Wheelie spoke with Hardhead.
Wheelie said that the Knights were a lie, and he didn't believe / But there was no time to argue, because Orion had to leave!
Dark Dawn

Pax left for the Dead Universe, that cold, morbid realm / Wheelie wished him farewell and let Pax take the helm.
Black Metal

While Orion embarked on his perilous trip / Wheelie and Garnak remained behind on the ship.
Orion, in trouble, asked the pair for a lift / But Wheelie informed him that there was no more rift!
The former Prime was stranded, he couldn't get through / And poor Wheelie had no idea what he could do.
The Becoming

But Wheelie and Garnak hadn't thrown in the towel! / Though we don't know how, they met up with Prowl.
The redoubtable trio—plus new friend, Stardrive— / Were next to be seen on Regalis Five.
Marooned Throttlebots were under some threat / From bad Maximals—but weren't dead yet!
The Dead Come Home, Part 1

They boarded Prowl's ship, and all took a seat / Put it in gear, and made hasty retreat.
The Dead Come Home, Part 2

The crew persevered despite Cybertron's scouring / Then helped save the Earth! Pretty empowering!
Road's End Assembly Ceremony

Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga

When your parents have a new kid,
Out you go on the dustbin lid!

As a full-on member of the Minibot team,
Wheelie went on a mission that was more than it seemed.
Following energy signatures, the group of peons
Unearthed a dino-Transformer who'd been buried for eons!

Wheelie wasn't congratulated for his hard work.
Instead, the confused Dinobot up and went berserk!
Hot Shot intervened and handed the Predacon defeat,
Which was good news for Wheelie, who almost became dead meat.
Henkei! Henkei! volume 11


Bumblebee was mistaken, by the bots he'd meet, for / Wheelie, Hot Shot, Side Burn, T-Bob, and Cheetor.
Bee in the City

Makes you lose respect for
Transformers collectors.

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

A harvester unit was spotted by Flagg / Picking up Wheelie to melt him to slag.
Pax Megatronus

But he survived that, and all the duking! / He lived on to salute Rodimus, the new king.
The War Never Ends

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material

Wheelie was gunning to take the lead / Over Blurr, on the planet of speed,
With Scourge and Crashbash shooting their tyres / To kidnap Blurr's partner Hyperfire!
Titans Return: The Power of the Titan Masters

Last Bot Standing

How time takes its toll.
You know how the saying goes:
One day, heads will roll.

The most annoying
Bot in Steeljaw's whole crew was
Named the Veteran.

Steeljaw used the group's
Food supplies to first revive
All the better ones.
Last Bot Standing #2

He was brought online
To talk to Rodimus, who
Wasn't much psyched to

Learn that he, Wheelie,
Reduced to a rolling head,
Now spoke in haikus.

Kindly, Wheelie let
Rodimus embrace Shib, who
He wanted to eat.

Not the same writer—
How strange they too think Wheelie's
An ankle-biter.

To his shock, Shib used
Her key to put Rodimus
Back up on two feet.

Sending goons to warn
Steeljaw, he made his last stand
(So to speak), floored it—

And chomped on Rod's leg.
Unimpressed, Rodimus kicked
Him into orbit.
Last Bot Standing #3

His head, stuck in space,
Could be glimpsed, even after
The end of their race.
Last Bot Standing #4

Commercial appearances

Being lunch is not a lark
Better punch this rotten shark.

Wheelie fought with Hot Rod and Kup / As Sharkticons tried to gobble them up!
Sharkticon commercial

Joined by Blurr, they thought they could stack up / Against Galvatron—but he brought backup.
Using a pistol instead of his slingshot / Wheelie couldn't do much to stop Sixshot.
Sixshot commercial


The Transformers (PS2)

An NPC, you fight Wheelies in the same way / Many times during Decepticon gameplay.

The Transformers

Transformers Legends

Unlocking him ain't all that hard
First, you draw your credit card...

Ultra Magnus, having beat Unicron / Met up with Wheelie for a reunion
With Wreck-Gar, deciding to take pity / And fly back to help rebuild Autobot City.
Having at some point picked up a grievance / The Insecticons meanwhile were plotting malfeasance.
Taking poor Wheelie quite by surprise / They beat him (and probably unlocked a prize).
Junkion Reunion

When the trial of Kup and Rodimus commenced / Wheelie was a key member of the defense.
Wreck-Gar, Swoop, and Grimlock nudged / The Sharkticons to turn on the judge.
Mockery of Justice

On Earth, it seems that Wheelie liked / To hang out with kids on bikes.

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Usually considered kind of a "meh" pick
This is the one time he's been called "epic".

Wheelie (Gen) fought, heedless of faction. / Multiple Wheelies got in on the action!
This Epic character could be yours / For the low, low price of 650 Cybermetal 350 Transmetal 150 Exclusive Cores 50 Wheelie (Gen) Cores
Transform and Roll Out!

Transformers Roleplaying Game

He picked out his Alt Mode sooner than most did / But Wheelie's friends still thought of him as a kid.
Still, he was charming, speaking in rhyme / A habit he'd maybe grow out of in time.
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook


The Transformers

You think I'll get taller when I get older?
Right now, my head's lower than both my shoulders!
  • Wheelie (Mini Vehicle, 1986)
  • Takara ID number: C-80
  • Known designers: Floro Dery (concept artist)
In just a few steps, Wheelie's G1 toy / Turns from "minicar" to a strange looking boy.
We think his alt-mode, which looks pretty nifty / Was based on the Fiat Abarth 750.
Of the Minibots from 1986 / Wheelie's the only new mold in the mix.
He came with a rubsign, for checking his faction / And early ones came with a badge you could patch-on.
Instead of a blister, when sold by Takara / He was packed in a box with a card of his artwork.
This mold was redecoed into Orion / Pax's old dockworker friend, Dion.

The Transformers Collection

The latest trend in space fashion:
Making your face ashen.
  • Future Cybertron (Multi-pack, 2005)
  • ID number: 20
When reissued for The Transformers Collection / Wheelie was given a brand new complexion
To match with the show—no longer orange / His face, now gray, smiles out from under his door hinge.
But that's not all! The set also includes / Kup and Recoil, Targetmaster dudes.

Universe (2008)

Bumblebee swine,
Your alt mode's mine!
  • Autobot Wheelie (Legends Class, 2009)
  • Series: G1 Series
  • Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro)
Universe Wheelie, from the Legends Class / Is still pocket-sized but much more badass.
He now turns into a "Junk Planet speeder"[2] / Sculpted with a slingshot for spooking the reader.
If a redecoed version is something you lack / "You can have any colour, so long as it's black."

Henkei! Henkei!

Wheelie's popular in Japan, but hey, that ain't a crime.
Why do they like him so much? Because he doesn't... talk poetry.
  • Minibot Spy Team (Multi-pack, 2009)
  • ID number: C-19
The same as above, but a little more mellow / Henkei! Henkei! Wheelie's a light orange-yellow.
With one more friend, they could've sold us a four-pack / Alas, he just came with Adams and Warpath.


Recently Wheelie has gotten much buffer
From lugging about a pair of subwoofers.
  • Wheelie (Deluxe Class, 2012)
  • Accessories: Two speakers, slingshot/blaster
The beefiest Wheelie was from Generations / The "Global Development Organization"
Used the mold of Reveal the Shield Jazz / With the C-clip speakers that other toy has.
Aside from a new head, Wheelie also swapped / Jazz's dumb gun for his classic slingshot!
But in a bit of a branding disaster / The package art still shows him with Jazz's blaster.
The toy was exclusive to Asia, before / Hasbro released it in Toys"R"Us stores.
Aside from Jazz, the original tooling / Was used for a few other figures including:
United Stepper, and from Shattered Glass / Stepper again and Longarm's Custom Class,
Treadshot employed the mold's alternate head / While Kick-Over tooled a brand new one instead.
Transformers (2010) mold: Jazz
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:


So what if no other Transformer listens?
He's compatible with other building-brick systems!
  • Autobot Wheelie (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
  • Collection: Age of Extinction Collection 2
  • Accessories: Logo brick, large rifle
This blind-bagged Wheelie, made up of bricks / Was part of Kre-O Micro-Changers Wave 6.
Molded in orange that borders on neon / He can be built as a car or a Kreon.
The helmet he uses is borrowed from Hound / He has no ID code, and so, to be found,
You'll either have to buy his whole damn box / Or stand in the aisle feeling for his blocks.
Toys"R"Us dropped the line, so every fan had ta / Buy them from Asia, Australia or Canada
In 2015, though, the fans were in luck / Dollar Tree sold them each for just a buck.

Titans Return

Hey, world, are you jelly?
I fit tiny men in my belly!
  • Autobot Wheelie (Legends Class, 2016)
For Titans Return, Wheelie's new figure / (another Legends, but a little bit bigger)
is more closely based on the show than his last was / and turns into a car which can seat Titan Masters.
In robot mode, he stands just shy of four-inch / Tastefully decked out in two shades of orange,
But his collector card's art is differently hued / And depicts a slingshot he doesn't include.
A space for a badge sits just under his chin—though / the final toy puts it right on the window.
Tolerances vary with this toy, some copies / Don't quite peg together and seem a bit floppy.


Run to order me on your computer,
I come packaged with a little Go Shooter!
  • Wheelie & Goshooter (Two-pack, 2016)
Takara's release of that same Wheelie lavished / Him with tons of paint to make him more slav-ish.
The clear windshield lets his insignia come through / But in car mode one more's stuck right on the front too!
Goshooter and Wheelie were sold as a pair / The former can sit inside if you so care.

Studio Series

Hasbro you big jerk,
My legs won't work!
  • Grimlock & Autobot Wheelie (Leader Class, 2021)
In 2021, Hasbro devised / To sell the Dinobots at the right size.
At long last the fans would finally snag / The full team, starting with Grimlock, then Slug
And all the rest under Studio Series / Why does this matter? Well, here's our theory:
Hasbro's designers began with a fear / That with only three or four Leaders per year
And rising production costs on the horizon / How could they do them all without downsizin'?!
Simple: start small, and with the leftover budget / Try something—surely the fans won't begrudge it
If maybe they threw in a fun little freebie / A Core Class figurine of their little pal Wheelie.
But pretty soon they had the realization / They could only afford five-point articulation[4]
So when they revealed him, the fans all seethed / "Why, this Wheelie's got no knees!"
"Since when did you guys care about Wheelie?" / "Uhh, since always, we care EXTREMELY."
"He can ride Grimlock! Isn't that fun? / And he looks just like he did in G1."
They raged: had it really come to this? / A squatting, smirking, rhyming homunculus.

Smaller than the rest,
I can still tussle with the best!
  • Autobot Wheelie (Core Class, 2022)
When Studio Series added the Core Class / Hasbro could engineer Wheelie with more mass,
Still smaller than Titans Return in height / So, next to others, he scales just right.
His window opens, but there's no throne / The only head Wheelie seats is his own.
The front of the car mode's a little bit square / And his fists are just hanging back there
But that's just the price you pay / For an accurate robot-mode on display—
Plus his slingshot kind of rocks! / Quintessa's printed on his box.
The first place where fans could buy one / Was where he was first sighted—Taiwan.[6]


Transformers Choco

In the show, Wheelie's fate's vague.
But looks like he caught the Hate Plague!
  • Wheelie (1986)
This Kabaya candy kit / Is a sprue of Wheelie's bits
Cast in red, blue, grey, or green / And maybe others we've not seen
Put together in a snap. / He transforms, just looks like crap.
Like his fellow candy bots / He came packed with "Chocolate Dots".

Imaginarium Art

This midlife crisis
Looks the nicest!
  • Grimlock (2018)
A static Wheelie came attached to / This 20-inch-high Grimlock statue,
Slingshot pulled back to deliver / Death to a Sharkticon shiver.
150 made, it cost two grand: / Hope your wife will understand.


  • Grimlock (2023)
    • Accessories: Wheelie figure, mind transfer helmet, apron, serving tray, 6 drinking glasses, fish, crown, 6 sets of dino forelimb claws
Roses are red
Violets are blue
A non-transforming figurine of Wheelie was included with Transformers ULTIMATES! Grimlock


I could've had a touch of blue,
But Hasbro said "that just won't do."
It sure is a good thing I'm not black and yellow;
You might've confused me with some other fellow!
Two designs that we were spared,
Because nobody really cared.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Wheelie (ウィーリー Wīrī)
  • English: Willy (Omni Productions dub)
  • French: Tourbillo (Canada)
  • Hungarian: Ugrabot (The Movie)
  • Italian: Scooter, Saetta (The Movie)
  • Korean: Wheelie (휠리 Hwilli)
  • Mandarin: Wiley (Taiwan, 威利 Wēi Lì), Zhuàn Lún (China, 转轮, "Reel")
  • Portuguese: Rodinhas (Portugal Comic)


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