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Sunstorm (G1)

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The name or term "Sunstorm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sunstorm (disambiguation).
Sunstorm is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"I love to sing-a / about the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a..."

If bright colors are nature's way of saying "do not touch", then nature's got nothin' on Sunstorm. Come too close, and circuits will short, steel housing will begin to melt, and psyches will break as the mind struggles to comprehend. Science would explain that his body is aflame in radiation, but Sunstorm has different ideas.

Sometimes, Sunstorm merely believes he is secretly some kind of supernatural being, keeping his comrades away with his odd behavior. At other times, he thinks that he is the living embodiment of the Will of Primus, placed by the divine in this universe to deal righteous judgment on the blasphemous. Occasionally, he just hovers silently in the background and shoots at things.

Such is life.

Who am I? I am the presence anointed to carry forth the light. The original light, that which has no beginning and no end. Its searing heat shall purify the earth... purging this world of all flaws, and preparing it for what lies ahead.

—Sunstorm emphasizes randomly, "Black Sunshine"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Hey mom, I'm on TV!

Sunstorm was one of the Decepticon jets on Cybertron four million years ago. He was part of a Decepticon patrol that accosted Autobots Wheeljack and Bumblebee when they came near. The two were able to escape the Decepticons' attacks and plow through the patrol, Sunstorm included. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1

Japanese cartoon continuity

e-HOBBY comics

On Cybertron, as a new morning began to rise, Sunstorm appeared to bask in the rays of the sun. He enthusiastically encouraged all those around him to wake up and take a good look at the beauty of a new dawn. Unfortunately, all those around him were dead Autobots whom he had just killed. Destron Aerospace Warrior Sunstorm

Legends comic

In the late 1980s, the Decepticons attacked the Ark in an attempt to steal the Transform Super Cog. Sunstorm lay in wait till the Jumpstarters were fooled into attacking Megaplex, thinking he was Megatron. The real Megatron sicced Sunstorm on the hapless Autobots. Slugslinger's Ambition


When the Decepticons interceded in the trial of Primacron in early 2011, Sunstorm and Acid Storm engaged in a bombing run to shake up the Galactic Courts. Controverse

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

As Devastator breached Iacon's walls, Sunstorm was there with the rest of Megatron's forces. Battle Lines, Part 5

Millions of years later, Sunstorm was part of the joint Autobot/Decepticon resistance on Cybertron against Jhiaxus's Cybertronian clone army. He was stationed at Uraya under the command of Backstreet. Days after the city's forces were forced to retreat, Sunstorm and the others joined in an all-out assault on the Cybertronians. Termination They were successful in winning the war. A Common Foe


In an alternate timeline where Optimus Prime killed Megatron in the Battle of Autobot City, Sunstorm followed the newly upgraded Megascream in his attack on Autobot shuttles leaving Earth. They were recalled back to Cybertron when Unicron ate Moonbase One. Deviations

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

"I'm Sunstorm! I'm insane! FROM CYBERTRON."

Shockwave's experiments to fit a solar-powered fusion reactor into cloned Decepticon warriors reached their fruition in Sunstorm, a clone of the treacherous Starscream. Sunstorm's structure has been augmented to endure the enormous stresses involved. He was the perfect soldier; he possessed the ability to manipulate electromagnetic energy, enhanced regenerative capabilities, and a blank slate of a mind waiting to be written according to Shockwave's design.

When the Autobots took New Iacon from Shockwave, he hurriedly uploaded the compressed contents of the supercomputer Vector Sigma to multiple locations, including the hidden cloning lab near the Epsilon border where Sunstorm lay, awaiting instructions. The upload overwhelmed the lab's mainframe, spilling over into the only other available receptacle—Sunstorm. War and Peace

Fleeing the fall of New Iacon, Decepticons Runabout and Runamuck broke into the Epsilon lab, unaware of its importance, intending to use it as a safehouse. After Runamuck amused himself by frying the lab's Mini-spy attendant, the duo accidentally awakened Sunstorm, who fried them... rather badly before his scrambled programming compelled him to depart, making his way to Earth. Night of the Combaticons

And thus, Starscream was rendered sterile.

Flying down to Earth, Sunstorm approached Starscream as he was battling the Autobots. Believing himself to be on a holy mission from the Oracle, he tried to get Starscream to join him in his crusade, though Starscream could barely understand his clone's meaning through his religious babbling. The Decepticons turned their weapons on Sunstorm, though he easily overpowered them, using his "divine light" to overload their systems. Sunstorm was momentarily distracted by the arrival of the Orion starship, and set about attacking the "meddlesome fools" within it, allowing Starscream to flee the scene. Sunstorm soon took note of his template's departure, and pursued him all the way back to the Nemesis. Within the Decepticon base, Sunstorm demanded once more that Starscream join his holy crusade. Believing his clone to be completely insane, Starscream stalled until Jetfire could surprise him from behind. Black Sunshine Though Jetfire was shielded from Sunstorm's radiation, the clone still held his own against the Autobot. Jetfire nonetheless managed to blast Sunstorm in the face, bringing him down... but only for a few moments, as Sunstorm began regenerating instantly. By the time Sunstorm came to, his quarry had once more disappeared, and Sunstorm tracked down Starscream back to the company of the Autobots. He took on the lot of them, bringing down another ship in the process, only for Jetfire to sneak up on him once more, allowing Bumblebee to attach an inhibitor on his back. Unable to remove the device, and with it draining his power quickly, Sunstorm was force to flee from the battlefield. He tracked down Starscream once more (who had similarly fled from the Autobots during Sunstorm's confrontation against them) and begged for his "brother's" help. Starscream refused by backhanding him. Skyfire

Vegeta no waza da!!
As Sunstorm lay unconscious, Omega Supreme arrived on the scene to apprehend Starscream. Unable to deal with the giant Autobot himself, Starscream destroyed the energy siphon attached to his clone, reawakening him. Omega was ultimately successful in overpowering Sunstorm in a straight fight, but when he retracted his damaged visor in order to examine his quarry, Sunstorm blasted him right in the face with a burst of solar radiation, instantly knocking him offline. The Omega Effect

Sunstorm then fled, taking Starscream with him. He uncovered an enormous well of energy deep below the ocean, sealed with a mechanical door bearing a Cybertronian symbol. As Sunstorm demanded that Starscream, the "chosen one," open the seal, the Decepticons were accosted by Jetfire and Bumblebee. Despite the Autobots' best efforts, they were unable to stop the Decepticons from entering the underground chamber, but soon caught up to them. Jetfire was able to quickly subdue Starscream, only to be left in a stand-off against Sunstorm, who held Bumblebee in his irradiated grip. Unexpectedly, Starscream turned on Sunstorm and used his recently-modified null-rays to blast his clone. Starscream then kicked Sunstorm away, sending him tumbling down a nearby chasm. Original Sin


Sunstorm dropped into the pool at the bottom of the crevice, only to re-emerge, the energies erupting from him now more volatile than ever. Having grown tired of Starscream's numerous betrayals, he denounced his "brother," claiming he had corrupted the Oracle's divine vision with his perverse ambitions. Disabling Starscream's weapons and batting him away, Sunstorm next turned to Bumblebee, and now claimed that he had now become favored by divine forces. Seeking violent reperation against the Autobot for usurping his celestial station, Sunstorm prepared to strike Bumblebee when his arm explodes... from the inside! The substance he had been submerged in previously was beginning to react with the forces within him, tearing his frame apart. Losing control of his senses, Sunstorm flew off, vowing to push the entire Earth into oblivion. Jetfire, realizing that Sunstorm's internal fusion reactor was growing increasingly unstable and would devastate the planet if it went critical, flew the zealous seeker safely into orbit. Sunstorm's reactor exploded spectacularly, completely obliterating both of them. Atonement

Generation One ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Upon siphoning from the Well of All Sparks the power needed to create life, Shockwave loosened The Fallen's essence from within it. This essence found a home in Sunstorm, slowly driving him mad with its impurity. Upon Sunstorm's death, this essence moved on, and took root within the still-living Jetfire's spark. The Enemy Within

Universe comic

His own worst enemy.

A native of Primax 1087.09 Alpha, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11 Sunstorm was radioactive, a condition resulting from an accident at the manufacturing facility during his birth. His condition led him to develop a personal sense of mysticism. Universe Sunstorm profile Sunstorm became a follower of the Megazarak of Viron 403.0 Beta after Megazarak's soldiers Dreadwind and Smokejumper visited his world. He followed his new boss to Aurex 304.0 Epsilon and helped kill the hell out of it. Despite all that, when Unicron abducted him for the Universe War, Sunstorm's delusions of grandeur led him to sign up with Primus! Dreadwind and Smokejumper used this to make contacts with the Children of Primus in case they wanted to jump ship, eventually joining him in the Children as well. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11

Lil Formers

Sunstorm blabbered on about destiny and infidels, which probably led to his defeat as enemy reinforcements would show up before he'd be done talking. Lil Formers

Kre-O cartoon

Kreon Sunstorm wallpaper.jpg

Sunstorm was hanging around the work site as the Decepticons made a grilled cheese sandwich for Megatron, and was therefore on hand to help capture Wheeljack and Cliffjumper when the two Autobots came snooping around. Unfortunately they were a diversion, and the Decepticons were subsequently pelted with molten cheese and caught in a net. Quest for Energon, Part 2

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #7
"*sigh* I will get a Masterpiece toy. Someday..."

Three years after Megatron was defeated on Earth, Sunstorm was among those Decepticons who managed to escape the human homeworld and was now under the command of the (self-proclaimed) Decepticon leader Starscream. However, with the lack of resources, poor morale and Starscream's weak leadership, the Decepticons largely collapsed into anarchy and resorted to cannibalism with not enough energon to go around. After another pointless patrol, Sunstorm and Acid Storm dejectedly sat in front of what remained of the ship that carried them to the asteroid that they now called home. All His Engines Sunstorm was present when Megatron recovered and took back leadership of the Decepticons. Spotlight: Megatron

After the war between the Autobots and Decepticons ended, Sunstorm fell victim to Bombshell's experiments with brainwashing individuals into mindless shells for the sake of creating the perfect combiner. Before the Dawn When Prowl had discovered Bombshell had murdered Skydive and came to arrest him, Bombshell had the mind-controlled Sunstorm hold Prowl and Arcee off while he made his escape. The altercation ended with Sunstorm being stabbed and killed by Arcee. Devisive

BeCool shorts

Yellow Jet (黄色のジェット機 Kiiro no Jettoki) was part of the audience of Quiz! BeCool. The Story of Quiz! BeCool


Sunstorm was one of many offworlders in Axiom Nexus's Under City. Sunstorm was part of a crowd in Seeker-Shinai that C-81 attempted to disperse through intimidation. Unfortunately, all the Seekers present were too stunned to see a "Megatron" in Axiom Nexus to budge. Cybertron's Most Wanted

Beast Wars: Uprising

Sunstorm was a minister at the First Church of Primus in Dodecahex, built into the structure of his church when his mobility was lost. He was attended by a pair of Micromasters, Gran Arm and Crush Bull, who came to him after the rest of their Micromaster squad had been killed. They formed a bond, and Sunstorm loved them as his own children.

When the Resistance came to Dodecahex, Sunstorm met with Lio Convoy and they reached an understanding. Sunstorm and his congregation were left alone by the Resistance, and they were free to continue their worship in peace.

Nevertheless, peace did not last the coming of the Vehicon Apocalypse. Sunstorm housed those he could inside the church, but the Vehicons soon began forcing their way in. Sunstorm bade Gran Arm and Crush Bull to get his congregation to safety through the tunnels under the church. Staying behind, Sunstorm allowed the light from Cybertron's sun to ignite his old fusion reactor, causing a meltdown which destroyed a few Vehicons while sealing the congregation's escape. Derailment

Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons


The Mistress of Flame ordered Sunstorm and the other members of the Elite Air Resistance Squadron to attack Trypticon, but they were all completely overwhelmed by the Titan. Our Heroes Respond

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #24
TestFlightI Sunstorm.jpg

Part of Team Stream Mark Two, Sunstorm was a Riser who was assigned to claim the Winged Moon after it had been saved from flying into the sun. Wheeljack: Orbital Decay Along with Shadow Striker, he began blasting his way through the moon's innards where the two found Enemy. Following the arrival of the Autobots, Sunstorm attempted to break into the bunkered control room only to be caught at ground zero of an artificial singularity, bathing him in exotic radiation. Recovered by his retreating comrades, Sunstorm muttered randomly as his body burnt anyone who touched him. Moon

Transferred into Shockwave's care, Sunstorm was placed in a sealed tube as he continued to spew deadly radiation and professed "understanding", constantly asking to be let out. When Shockwave decided to question Team Stream about Sunstorm's change, he left him under Onslaught's guard. Undeterred, Sunstorm asked Onslaught to release him. Test Flight I When Onslaught pawned the job onto Vortex, Sunstorm again asked to be let out. Test Flight II

Upon Exarchon's return, he took an interest in the irradiated Seeker, despite Shockwave's warnings that Sunstorm was too dangerous to be released. When Megatron arrived to speak with Exarchon, Shockwave left to collect him, the Threefold Spark taking the chance to release Sunstorm. Before Exarchon could usurp him, Megatron arrived and opened fire on Exarchon. Wounded, Exarchon stumbled into Sunstorm's arms, the Seeker's touch melting his current body into a puddle of slag. Megatron then ordered the nigh-invulnerable Nova Storm to put Sunstorm back in the tube. War's End Part Three


Revenge of the Fallen - The Game (Xbox 360/Sony PS3/PC)

Need a light?
Voice actor: Charlie Adler

While Sunstorm seems to lack his atomic touch and pure insanity, he does have a pair of kickass flamethrowers! Revenge of the Fallen

On August 27, 2009, Sunstorm was one of a handful of downloadable characters in a downloadable content pack for Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation 3. He could be used in multiplayer games and as an alternate model/colour scheme for Starscream in the single player Decepticon campaign.

Bot Shots Battle Game!

"Primus has seen fit to make me dangerously cheesy!"

Sunstorm participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!

Transformers Legends

Sunstorm and his team unsuccessfully attempted to intercept Bumblebee and Cliffjumper as the pair returned to Iacon after an energon scavenging mission. More than Meets the Eye

Sunstorm was among the Seekers who went on a worldwide rampage, until they were thwarted by the Autobots. Robots in the Sky During a battle in Autobot City, Sunstorm pinned down a group of Autobots until he was stomped on by the Dinobots. S.O.S. Dinobots

Angry Birds Transformers

Sunstorm appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by a Minion Pig. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Sunstorm participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 450 units of Cybermetal, 155 units of Transmetal, 90 exclusive cores, and 7 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Sunstorm was in command of the sixth Decepticon base attacked and destroyed by the Autobots during a series of raids. He fought the invaders using his air advantage, but was eventually defeated. Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers Roleplaying Game

A failed drone-clone of Starscream, Sunstorm’s malfunctioning fusion power core—which he believed made him a supernatural avatar of the sun’s power—made him a danger to allies and enemies alike. Decepticon Directive


Collector's Edition

Creamsicle creamseeker.
  • Sunstorm (Jetron, July 2003/February 2009)
    • ID number: 89
    • Accessories: 2 missile launchers, 2 rifle-missiles, 2 rockets, left & right fists, left & right wings, left & right tail-wings, landing gear
Collector's Edition Sunstorm is a redeco of the original Starscream toy, transforming into an F-15 fighter jet. His coloration is inspired by—but not wholly accurate to for a variety of reasons—a previously-unnamed "generic" Decepticon seen in the episode "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1". All of the factory-applied stickers of the original mold, namely the detailing on his wings and tailins, have been replaced with tampographs. Being a Japanese release, his spring-loaded missile launchers are fully operational.
Sunstorm was only available with Road Hauler in a separately-packaged set exclusive to e-HOBBY. Pre-orders for the set closed on May 15, 2003, with the toys shipping out in July.
The figure was released again in February of 2009, once again exclusive to e-HOBBY, in slightly altered packaging to coincide with TakaraTomy's Encore reissue of Starscream, but this time with an exclusive comic by Hidetsugu Yoshioka. Strangely, Sunstorm's stock picture in his e-HOBBY manga presents him with fists sporting circular peg holes similar to the one seen in the previous Transformers Collection #9 Starscream release. In Asia, a small number of remaining stock (all unopened) were dumped to many hobby shops.
The same base sculpt is used by Dirge, Ramjet, Skywarp, Thrust, and Thundercracker.
The Transformers mold: Decepticon Jets (Seekers)

Version 1 (standard):

Version 2 (Coneheads):

V1: Kōjin Ōno
V2: Takayoshi Doi

Titanium Series

Hey, remember that body I never had in that comic I wasn't in? Well, now you can buy it!
  • Sunstorm (6-inch Cybertron Heroes, 2007)
    • Accessories: Stand, name placard
Titanium Series Sunstorm is a redeco of War Within Thundercracker, transforming into a Cybertronian "tetrajet" as reimagined by Don Figueroa. As with all 6-inch Titanium Series Cybertron Heroes, he has large portions of his body constructed with fully-painted die-cast metal.
This mold was also used to make War Within Starscream, Skywarp, and Thrust.


"What was the melting point of plastic again?"
  • Sunstorm (Micro-Changer, 2012)
    • Kit number: A1009
    • Bag number: 21451 9
    • Accessories: Built-up blaster, 2 clip-on rifles
Part of a six-figure "preview" wave of Micro-Changer Kreons, Kre-O Sunstorm is a blindpacked bagged mini-figure. He comes with extra parts which help him form a crude jet form. These parts, while in robot mode, also configure into a weapon.
Obviously, Sunstorm uses the helmet, wing-pack, and arm-guns originally made for Starscream. The entire set was redecoed to make Acid Wing.


If I have a cape and crown, why am I not on Fire?
  • Sunstorm (August 25, 2012)
    • ID number: MP-11S
    • Accessories: Crown, pauldrons (left and right), cape, 2 null rays, hologram pilot figurine
A redeco of Masterpiece MP-11 Starscream, Sunstorm comes with redecoed versions of Starscream's coronation gear from The Transformers: The Movie, including crown, twin shoulder pads, and a sculpted plastic cape (rather than a fabric one). As a redeco of the retooled MP-11 Starscream (instead of the original Masterpiece Starscream), Sunstorm features the same extensive retooling to wind his Masterpiece design back into Kawamori's original, more Generation 1-accurate look, with most of the robot mode being newly tooled parts, including chunkier legs that now incorporate his tail-fins, retooled shoulders and wingtips that no longer curve into one another, a new head (with collapsible head fins), new heel spurs that flip out for added support in robot mode, and re-engineered null rays attached to extending armatures that mean they no longer have to be removed for transformation. Despite the similarity to the original MP-3 prototype, the retooled parts are in fact a whole new design heavily based on the original concept. Additionally, Sunstorm (like MP-11 Starscream) comes with a chromed jet pilot figure instead of Doctor Arkeville.
Unlike previous Sunstorm toys, Masterpiece Sunstorm's colors replicate his color layout as seen in his cartoon appearance, with white arm blasters, biceps, fists, and shoulder intakes. This includes a shift to a more yellow color scheme than creamsicle orange, now featuring a yellow-to-orangey yellow gradient across the surface of the jet mode and additional flame deco on his wrists and jet intakes.
As a redeco of the MP-11 release, Sunstorm is likely to be plagued with the same quality control issues.
If purchased from a retailer supplied by Hasbro Asia, he comes with a Sunstorm collectible coin.
Masterpiece mold: Seeker (MP-11)

Version 1:

Other versions:

Hironori Kobayashi & Shogo Hasui
See also: MP-3 Starscream | MP-52 Starscream

  • Sunstorm (2014)
    • ID number: MP-05
    • Accessories: 2 null rays, hologram pilot figurine, stand
A Toys"R"Us exclusive, Masterpiece Sunstorm is a redeco of the Masterpiece MP-11 Starscream mold. Hasbro's release of Sunstorm has significant differences from the Takara version, with some of the most noticeable differences being his head, null rays and other previously black plastic being molded in a bronze/brown color; his body being an almost uniform shade of yellow (save for the flame deco on his wings), and his main accent color of red being reminiscent of Animated Sunstorm.
For some reason, his stock photography (which is also featured on the box) shows Sunstorm as a redeco of the MP-03 Starscream sculpt, rather than the actual MP-11 version of the sculpt.
This figure was also available as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in many international Hasbro markets such as Canada, Australia, and Europe.
This sculpt was also released by Hasbro in the US, also as Toys"R"Us exclusives, as Thundercracker, Acid Storm, and Starscream.

Bot Shots

  • Sunstorm (Bot Shot, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: Super Bot 001
  • Fist strength: 310
  • Blaster strength: 930
  • Sword strength: 280
Sunstorm is a redeco of Starscream from the first series, with translucent orange plastic. He turns into a tiny jet and automatically converts to robot mode when his nosecone is pressed.


BotShots BeCool YellowJetAirBaseSunstorm.jpg
  • Yellow Jet and Air Base (Sunstorm) (2013)
    • ID number: BS03
In the Japanese BeCool line, Sunstorm comes with a redeco of Starscream's Harbinger launcher, which can attach to him as a trailer or open up into a base mode. This version of Sunstorm is bright yellow with blue paint details, and features three new chest stickers depicting the inside of a cockpit, Sunstorm combined with the Air Base, and the Air Base on its own. He also comes with a sticker sheet for decorating the Air Base trailer.


Wait a minute... I thought they said I WASN'T one of the Rainmakers? Now I am? I'm confused....
  • Rainmakers [sic] (Convention 3-pack, 2013)
    • Accessories: Left & right missile launchers, 2 missiles
A redeco of the Classics Starscream mold, Timelines Sunstorm transforms into a F-15 Eagle, but has the nose of an F-14 Tomcat fighter jet. His missile launchers can mount under his wings, on his shoulders, or in his fists, and fire spring-loaded projectiles. The large size of his launchers (necessary for safety reasons) restricts his arm movement somewhat in robot mode, as they bump into his wings. All three Rainmakers have slight tolerance issues with the white parts, making key joints juuuuuust a bit too tight.
He was only available in a BotCon 2013 exclusive souvenir set with Bitstream and Hotlink, limited to 2500 pieces. All three toys use exactly the same paint operations and plastic layouts, with the only difference between the three being their primary plastic color. Confusion arose when Sunstorm and his newly named companions from "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1" were released as a pack titled "Rainmakers". However, Fun Publications employees subsequently confirmed that the pack's title was an error, and that there was no intention to link the "welcoming committee" to the trio from "Divide and Conquer".
The atypical inclusion of black and silver in Sunstorm's color scheme is the result of convoluted mix-ups during production. Early in the BotCon set's development, Fun Publications learned that e-HOBBY had their own plans for a Classics-mold Sunstorm toy, and in deference to the character's creators, changed their own Sunstorm into a different character named "Hotlink", giving him an altered color scheme. Ultimately, e-HOBBY's Sunstorm was abandoned at TakaraTomy's request (possibly due to them erroneously believing Hasbro was still releasing the character via BotCon!), and so Fun Publications hurriedly changed their toy's identity back to being Sunstorm. However, there was insufficient time before the convention to adjust the toy's deco to match. The name "Hotlink" was reassigned to another member of the three-pack.[1]
Classics mold: Seeker
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Million Publishing:

Henkei! Henkei! Starscream Ghost Version


Before I get an Earthrise Starscream redeco, this will have to do....
  • Sunstorm (Alt-Modes, 2016)
    • Series: 1
    • Collection: 3
A redeco of Alt-Modes Starscream, Sunstorm is a super deformed toy whose body transforms into a jet when the Decepticon faction symbol on his head is flipped. He was blind-boxed and available in one of the first three cases of the toyline.
This mold was also used to make Alt-Modes Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Acid Storm, and would have been retooled into Dirge.


Heroes of Cybertron

This will put your kids through college!
  • Sunstorm (OTFCC 2004 preregistration incentive, 2003)
Heroes of Cybertron Sunstorm is a repaint of the mold first used to make Starscream. Sunstorm's colors are inspired by the e-HOBBY toy, but given more variety in its shades of orange to better fit the overall color layouts of the animation models. He is cast entirely in clear-red plastic painted over except for his eyes and a small portion of the back of his head, in an attempt to give him light-piped eyes. It is only marginally successful.
Sunstorm was given as a freebie at OTFCC 2003 to people who preregistered for the next year's convention. He was later made available for sale through the 3H Productions website.
This mold was also used to make the Air Warriors, Skywarp, and Thundercracker. The base mold with some new parts was used to make Dirge, Ramjet and Thrust.


  • Sunstorm (Palisades, 2005)
A Previews-exclusive redeco of the Starscream statue, Sunstorm is a six inch tall statue with articulated head and arms. He can stand normally or use a stand to take on a "hovering" pose. Sunstorm was limited to 300 pieces, and sculpted by 3L Creation Group from a design by George Tremarco.[1]

Diamond Select

  • Sunstorm (Diamond Select, 2010)
Sunstorm was planned to be a repainted and slightly-altered version of the Starscream bust sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum. Along with a new head and a differently-posed left hand, Sunstorm was going to be limited to 600 pieces.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

The Loyal Subjects

  • Sunstorm (2013)
The Loyal Subjects Sunstorm is a San Diego Comic Con Exclusive figure. He uses the Starscream mold, and is consequently less articulated than the Coneheads and Skywarp.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Sunstorm, Fusion Flyer (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T38/T40
    • Stars: 11
Sunstorm, Fusion Flyer is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game.


  • Sunstorm (2024)
  • Series: Shining Version 02 - Shining 1985

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If you build it, they will play.

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Look just above Astro Magnum Galactic Man grey Shockwave's gun-arm.
  • An orange Cybertronic "pyramid jet" is depicted in a Cybertronian battle scene by Studio OX that appeared in TV Magazine (and was reprinted in Transformers Generations and Transformers Visualworks). Hmm. You don't think...?
  • A common piece of fanon identified the all-yellow Rainmaker as the partially yellow Sunstorm. However, even taking into consideration the haphazard coloring typically given to generic Seekers, chances were not in favour of their being the same guy. After being asked the question during the August 2010 Q&A, Hasbro confirmed that the yellow Rainmaker was not Sunstorm, but some as-yet-unnamed guy.[2] Old Yeller was eventually named as Nova Storm in 2015.
  • Hirofumi Ichikawa, who both named Sunstorm and wrote his original bio, also considered the names Flareburst and Flarestorm for him.[3]
  • Sunstorm is apparently a fan of professional wrestling, having performed both a Stone Cold Stunner and a DDT when engaging in close combat with Jetfire.
  • The Transformers: Legends mobile game uses our TFWiki.net entry here for Sunstorm's card bio, word for word. So... Yay?
  • Sunstorm was considered as a redeco from Unite Warriors Ghost Starscream (itself a new-head retool of Deluxe Class Skydive) for the final Transformers Figure Subscription Service figure but was replaced at the last minute with Shattered Glass Starscream.[4] Randy Para drafted the profile for Sunstorm, later recycling fragmentary elements for SG Starscream.[5]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Sunstorm (サンストーム Sansutōmu)


  1. Post by Fun Publications' Jesse Wittenrich on the Allspark Forums, 15 January 2019
  2. August 2010 Q&A on ASMzine: "When the right opportunities arise, the other Seekers seen in the original television series such as Acid Storm have been named and given official backgrounds. Unfortunately, not every character that has appeared on screen has made the transition into other forms of media or even product. Because of this fact, there has been no official backgrounds created for these characters."
  3. Doug Dlin reporting personal communications with Ichikawa, alt.toys.transformers
  4. "That's correct. The original idea for the final TFSS "freebie" figure was Sunstorm. It was switched to SG Starscream at the last minute. Sunstorm would have been the last component needed to defeat Thunder Mayhem. Showing up almost like a deus ex machina during the final fight."—Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2020/05/27
  5. Post by Powered Convoy on The Allspark Forums, 2 July 2017
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