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Sky-Byte (RID)

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The name or term "Sky-Byte" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sky-Byte (disambiguation).
Sky-Byte is a Predacon originally from the Robots in Disguise continuity family.
Who's the greatest shark around?

Deep within Sky-Byte beats the spark of a poet, a scholar, a brilliant and cultured military general who can command armies capable of conquering worlds. But without aptitude and patience, that means jack squat, and Sky-Byte lacks both. Still, he soldiers on, for he is driven...by a desperate need for approval. He needs the blessings of his commander, Megatron, quite possibly more than he needs energon. And Megatron, being Megatron, doesn't dole out praise much, so Sky-Byte tries harder and harder, getting more and more desperate.

This drive is the root of all his problems. He's actually quite intelligent and physically powerful, but he pushes himself to extremes to impress his leader. When he's in control of a situation, he's a deadly, effective foe. But as soon as the situation begins to slip even the smallest bit, he starts to panic and usually ends up doing something to mess things up and lose the upper hand, which makes him panic more, so he overreacts, and gets in more trouble, etc., etc., etc. It doesn't help that while he's ruthless towards Autobots, humans seem quite safe from his ire. Maybe he sees a little something of himself in these underdogs. After all, they developed his new favorite form of expression, the haiku. And they do seem rather impressed by him...

Sky-Byte is in charge of the Predacon lackeys Dark Scream, Gas Skunk, and Slapper, not that they give him any modicum of respect. In fact, they're more likely to try and shuffle the blame for their failures onto the shark, a gambit that's actually moderately successful, since Sky-Byte is so very good at making things worse for himself. He has a hate-hate relationship with the new Decepticons, especially Scourge, whom he sees (rightly) as being a huge threat to his position as Megatron's second-in-command.

Poor frustrated shark.
Megatron is a dumbass.
Why do you bother?
Who's the baddest shark around? Who's the smartest shark in town?
Sky-Byte, that's me!
Who'll drive Scourge into the ground? And never let old Megatron down?
Sky-Byte, that's me!
Sky-Byte, that's him!



Cartoon continuity

2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Peter Spellos (English), Konta (Japanese), Alexandr Novikov (Russian, till Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!), Vladimir Gerasimov (Russian, from Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!), Vittorio Guerrieri (Italian), Hwan Jin Kim (Korean), Ricardo Mendoza (Latin American Spanish), Alejandro Villeli (Latin American Spanish), Clécio Souto (Brazilian Portuguese)
Come back, please, little dot! Please don't go away now.... That little red dot meant so, so much to my promising career. I'm just chum. Optimus! Optimus Prime! I'll find you! I'll find you! I swear! You're mine! I'll get you! You're mine! I'm...much better now.

—Sky-Byte, "Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!"

Finding the O-Parts was no challenge compared to finding Waldo.

As Megatron was dressing down the Predacon trio for their latest failure, Sky-Byte suddenly appeared—demonstrating a skill for either invisibility or teleportation that he would never display again. Scoffing at the other Predacons' energy-gathering abilities, Sky-Byte revealed his own plan—to recover a bomb hidden in a red sports car somewhere in Metro City. He quickly tracked down the sports car in question, startling its driver as he retrieved the bomb from its trunk. Before he could return to the Megastar though, the bomb was taken from him by X-Brawn. He tried his best to get the bomb back, but just as he was about to get hold of it, Optimus Prime blasted it and him into space with a Blizzard Storm. He survived the subsequent explosion, and returned to the Megastar to recuperate and research human culture. An Explosive Situation


After the other Predacons destroyed some goods trains, Sky-Byte came up with a loftier plan to destroy the Linear RFG bullet train. Though his mission succeeded in blowing up a bridge ahead of the train, Team Bullet Train saved the Linear RFG, and Sky-Byte was left trying to justify himself to Megatron. Bullet Train to the Rescue When the Spychangers intercepted the Predacon trio in the process of stealing the Plutonium Energy Generator, Sky-Byte came to their aid. When the situation seemed unsalvageable, Sky-Byte unleashed a Tsunami Blaster attack on the generator to destroy it, but hit the Spychangers instead. The Predacons took the generator back to the Megastar... only to find it had been switched for a fake. Spychangers to the Rescue

The cobalt ocean roils

zephyrs blow cold,

and another hapless foe is crushed beneath my heel.
Sky-Byte, "The Hunt for Black Pyramid"
SecretoftheRuins Sky-Byte with casket.jpg

While the Megastar was parked on the Black Pyramid in an attempt to extract power, Sky-Byte and Dark Scream were sent out to protect it against a civilian ship. The Autobots soon came to help the ship, and while fighting underwater, Sky-Byte was able to hold his own against Optimus Prime. Once the ship was righted, Sky-Byte found Prime a much more formidable opponent, and what's worse, the Autobot leader critiqued his poetry. The Predacons beat a hasty retreat. The Hunt for Black Pyramid Megatron and the Predacon trio distracted the Autobots while Sky-Byte went to the Payuma ruins to find information hidden by Doctor Onishi. Unfortunately he was spotted by Side Burn and Koji Onishi, who alerted Optimus to the shark's presence. Prime was unable to prevent Sky-Byte making off with a casket containing a microchip, however once out of the ruins, the Predacon was confronted by Prowl and X-Brawn, who blasted him. The Secret of the Ruins

No one could possibly see through my ingenious disguise!

Sky-Byte concocted another plan, to capture Side Burn and use him as bait to draw Prime into a trap. Though it was successful in ensnaring Prime, the rest of the Autobots turned up to rescue their comrades. Sky-Byte later successfully deflected the blame onto Gas Skunk and Dark Scream. Sideburn's Obsession The Predacons extracted information from a stolen disk belonging to Dr. Onishi, leading them to believe that the steam engine "Grandpa" was a weapon of extraordinary power. Megatron sent Sky-Byte and the other Predacons to capture it. Sky-Byte made an unsuccessful attempt to infiltrate the engine via the smoke stack, and the other Predacons didn't have any better luck, though they temporarily gained possession of the steam engine after it had offloaded its passengers. The mission was ultimately a failure. Secret Weapon: D-5

After Dark Scream planted a bug in Mirage, the Predacons overheard him breaking up with Ironhide. Mirage's words moved Sky-Byte to tears. He later suggested that they try and persuade Mirage to defect to their side. Although it seemed for a time that they'd succeeded, even to the point where Sky-Byte showed off the new Mega-Laser Cannon, it was a ruse. Mirage and the Spychangers destroyed the cannon. Mirage's Betrayal Sky-Byte tried a similar trick on the rogue Autobot Skid-Z with no success. When the Predacons discovered that the Autobots had entered the International Grand Prix, Sky-Byte cunningly disguised himself as a red racing car and entered as well. After being chatted up by a suspicious Side Burn, Sky-Byte was inadvertently fragged by Megatron in the early moments of the race. Then when he was able to catch up with the Autobots, he was mistakenly blasted by Megatron again. Skid Z's Choice

I spy, with my telescopically enhanced robot eye... a giant Buddha?

Still believing he could convert an Autobot into a Predacon, Sky-Byte captured new recruit Tow-Line. After suffering through the other Predacon's attempts to hypnotise the Autobot, he used a special CD to brainwash Tow-Line. Unfortunately it was only partially successful—Tow-Line started towing away the other Autobots, but he took them to the wrong place. By the time Sky-Byte worked out what was happening, the rest of the Autobots were alerted, and promptly battled him into retreat. Tow-Line Goes Haywire Investigations into reports of a transforming statue took Sky-Byte to the Cave of the Dragon in China. Luckily the Autobots were able to save the cave via an elaborate deception involving Prime and Team Bullet Train disguising themselves as a statue and dragon. The Ultimate Robot Warrior Despite these indignities, he was still viewed as "sneaky, clever and dangerous" by the Autobots. Hope for the Future

Freedom is the right of... LINE!

Sky-Byte led a mission to dig up some Autobot protoforms, and took them to McKinley Army Base with the other Predacons while Megatron kept the Autobots busy. There, they reformatted the protoforms into the Commandos. Sky-Byte created Movor when he fell, aiming the stasis pod's scanner at a space shuttle in orbit. The Decepticons Scourge and the Decepticons proved much more competent than the Predacons, and Sky-Byte was driven to desperate measures to try and regain his lost status in Megatron's eyes. He and the Predacon trio disguised themselves as Optimus Prime in an attempt to ruin the Decepticons' mission to destroy Sherman Dam. Though Sky-Byte attempted to gain Megatron's favor by blowing up the dam himself, he was unsuccessful. Commandos

Disappointed at the failure, Megatron assigned Sky-Byte and Scourge to guard a location on Montrose Island while the Predacon trio dug in search of geothermal energy. After Prime showed up with the Spychangers, Sky-Byte took advantage of the chaos in battle to try to slag Scourge. Volcano While the Decepticons put another plan into action, they distracted Sky-Byte by getting him and the Predacon trio to mark out a rendezvous location. When the four Predacons finally tried to get in on the action, Sky-Byte barely had time to transform before Movor blasted him from orbit. Attack from Outer Space

Another happy Charles Atlas customer

Sky-Byte trashed an oil rig on Megatron's orders, only for Scourge to show up and attack him. After reporting to Megatron, the shark eavesdropped on Mega-Octane meeting with Prime as a prelude to defection. He continued to spy as the Decepticons attempted to prove themselves sincere to the Autobots, and eventually could stand it no more. Although his attack on the traitors was futile, he inadvertently caused Scourge to expose the entire ruse. The Test Sky-Byte's self-esteem was soon nonexistent (especially after an on-line Fish Personality Test told him he was a jellyfish), and he became desperate to gain Megatron's approval. He and the Predacon trio disguised themselves as Autobots and interfered in a Decepticon mission to raid a storage plant. Unfortunately this went disastrously wrong, resulting in him being chewed out by Megatron. His next attempt to set the real Autobots on the Decepticons went awry when he sent them to the wrong power plant. As he moped on a seaside cliff, the other Predacons talked him into attacking a power plant in an attempt to outdo the Decepticons. When this went badly as well, Sky-Byte took his frustrations out on the computer, only to get electrocuted for his troubles. The Fish Test

Determined to discredit the Decepticons, Sky-Byte came up with a new plan, having his henchmen attack a diamond mine in the Antarctic to lure the Autobot Brothers into a trap. When the Build Team turned up instead, Sky-Byte took Wedge hostage, and Heavy Load bargained for the young 'bot's return with a disk containing a map of the Autobot Global Space Bridge. Despite interference from the Decepticons, Sky-Byte and his cohorts used the map to enter the tunnel indicated on the map, only to discover that the disk only contained a map of the sewers. They were subsequently drenched by Optimus Prime's Blizzard Storm. Wedge's Short Fuse

Eventually, to get attention, Sky-Byte led the Predacons in the attempted destruction of the new CGA Tower This plan would've worked, except the Autobots, thinking the humans in the tower were the Predacon's hostages, asked what demands he wanted met for their safety. Wanting to seem like he knew what he was doing, Sky-Byte made up a random demand on the spot that by sheer chance was interpreted as a demand for O-Parts. He'd achieved accidental success, only to take out the tower's last support by mistake and be forced to stop it collapsing so he'd still have his hostages. This single-minded desire to keep the tower up was interpreted by the hostages and TV news crews as the Predacon trying to save them for altruistic reasons, and when the hostages started to cheer him on, Sky-Byte gave his all to keep them safe out of an increasingly genuine desire to save them. ("My hostages need me!") It was only hours after the tower was saved and the Predacons were nursing their damaged backs that they remembered about getting the O-Parts... Sky-Byte Saves the Day

Some time later, while spying on the Decepticons, this accidental heroism came back to haunt him, as he was pestered by a group of kids led by Koji Onishi, who wanted his autograph. A proud Predacon, Sky-Byte was bewildered by this attention, although he briefly thought of using it as a way to get his haikus published.

Forced Fusion Skybytedelusion.jpg

Despite all his failures, Sky-Byte was still regarded as extremely loyal. As a result, Megatron sent him to get the remaining O-Parts...with Sky-Byte unaware he'd been fed false info and was being used by the Decepticons to draw the Autobots into an ambush. Poor Sky-Byte spent ages digging, finding only the detritus of Humanity and war surplus Ultra Magnus, and was still digging long after Megatron thought he'd have stopped. In a stroke of luck, though, this allowed him to notice Optimus Prime was wounded and track him to where he was being repaired. He could now kill Optimus when he was weak and Megatron would reward him! Unfortunately, the Decepticons, Megatron and Ultra Magnus had all tracked him, and poor Sky-Byte was left surplus to requirements once again. Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!

Sky-Byte made an attempt to persuade Ultra Magnus to join the Predacon cause. When the Autobot Brothers interceded, they were promptly captured by the Decepticons, and Ultra Magnus continued to feign interest in Sky-Byte's offer. After extracting the location at which the Autobot Brothers were being held, Ultra Magnus turned on him along with Team Bullet Train. The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus Sky-Byte joined Scourge, Megatron, and the Commandos in watching archival footage of Ultra Magnus in order to get a better understanding of their newly arrived enemy. Mystery of the Ultra Magnus He and Megatron joined the Decepticons during another battle with the Autobots, though after Magnus and Prime formed Omega Prime, he quickly ran and hid. Power to Burn!

Robots in Disguise referenced Portal not just before it was cool, but also before it even existed!

More information extracted from Doctor Onishi led the Decepticons to venture into the subway system under Metro City. Sky-Byte followed them, but soon lost track of his quarry, and instead came upon a giant cake. Though it turned out to be stale (and actually a subway car), he caught up with the Decepticons and continued spying, only to be washed away by a torrent of water. Fortress Maximus

Sky-Byte does his best impression of a football team logo.

Sky-Byte took Dr. Onishi out of the Predacon base to help search for Fortress Maximus, in an attempt to find it before Scourge. In the process, he ran into Koji, who appealed to him to help rescue his father or at least to pass on a birthday present. The Predacon actually felt bad for Koji and was reduced to a blubbering wreck by the boy's appeal, but was mortified to find Koji didn't believe he was a threatening villain any more. Sky-Byte later became so preoccupied with battle that he tossed Dr. Onishi to Koji, leading the youth to believe Sky-Byte had deliberately rescued his father out of the goodness of his heart. The Autobots believed this too and apologized to Sky-Byte for fighting him (after they'd already blown the tar out of him). Koji Gets His Wish

Sky-byte's little known "Roadkill" mode.

When the Autobots and Decepticons set about finding the rest of the O-Parts, Sky-Byte came up with a series of cunning plans, including fake O-Parts, to ensure that he and Slapper would get to them first. Unfortunately the plans all backfired, and a last-ditch attempt to swap the fake O-Parts for the real ones left them all in Autobot hands. A Friendly Contest Despite this failure, Megatron allowed Sky-Byte to take part in a mission to the Sahara Desert to find the artifact that the Autobots were after—the Orb of Sigma. His attempts to prevent Side Burn escaping with the Orb only resulted in him being run over by both the Autobot Brothers and the Decepticons. Peril from the Past With Megatron gone, Sky-Byte and the Predacons found that Scourge was even more unpleasant to work for than their former leader. They attempted to get into Scourge's good graces by snatching Cerebros from the Autobots and greasing up to the Decepticon. In the following battle for Fortress Maximus, Sky-Byte was delighted by the arrival of his former leader, resurrected as Galvatron. Maximus Emerges

During another attempt on Scourge's part to control Fortress Maximus, Sky-Byte watched nervously, as he knew every one of the Decepticon's victories would mean Galvatron ignoring him even more. During the fight after the arrival of the Autobots, Sky-Byte accidentally saved Koji's life and was horrified at the idea Galvatron would find out. The Human Element Later on, while talking to himself, he would admit to having a friendship with Koji, though it was nothing to getting into Galvatron's good books, and he still attempted to kidnap the boy to help control Fortress Maximus (being Sky-Byte, he grabbed the wrong person). He accompanied Megatron and Scourge as they attempted to get the boy Carl to control Maximus. When Scourge finally showed his true colors, turning on Galvatron, Sky-Byte unexpectedly found himself back in Galvatron's good books. His leader tasked him with carrying Scourge's stasis-locked body back with them. Mistaken Identity

Galvatron remarked the Predacons had always been trustworthy and gave Sky-Byte command of the Decepticons. Proud to finally be where he belonged again, Sky-Byte even managed to locate the Autobot base by following Koji and led an assault on it. He and the Predacons pursued Optimus Prime into an Autobot trap. The array of Autobot firepower caused him to cower behind rocks, crying for his "blankie". Surprise Attack!

No, not the final scene from Free Willy.

During the final battle, Sky-Byte was almost killed when he led the Predacons into the Global Space Bridge after the Decepticons—not realising Galvatron intended to kill them. Sky-Byte was left on his own Galvatron's Revenge and escaped certain death just in time to be ordered to hold off the entire Autobot army. This did not go well for him, oh no.

Following Autobot victory, every Decepticon and Predacon was rounded up to be incarcerated, but the Autobots hadn't captured Sky-Byte. (Whether they'd forgotten about him or he was hiding well is unknown.) He was left to spend the rest of his life on Earth, a fate the other Predacons seemed to view as worse than death, though his own attitude as he swam off into the sunset singing suggests he felt quite differently... The Final Battle

Dreamwave Robots in Disguise comic

Where the heck is the rest of him?

Sky-Byte and Scourge were sent on a joint mission, although they did nothing but bicker until Optimus and Ultra Magnus showed up. While Scourge battled them, Sky-Byte took advantage and made off with the goods, leaving Scourge with a haiku to keep him thinking. Ultra Magnus...to the Rescue?

Hall of Fame bio

Left behind on Earth after the final battle, Sky-Byte devoted his time to attacking illegal fishing vessels. Go, Sky-Byte! Transformers Hall of Fame

Ask Vector Prime

Sky-Byte was grateful to Optimus Prime for allowing him to remain on Earth. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/04


Sky-Byte somehow ended up at Axiom Nexus and was "processed". Transcendent: Part 1

Ask Shark Sonnets.jpg

This Sky-Byte or another one was given Vector Prime's old column Shark Sonnets, 2015/10/21 in the hopes a charismatic ex-baddie would recapture the popularity of Cy-Kill's run but without using it to recruit a terrorist army. Axiom Nexus News Editor, 2015/10/21

Sky-Byte was really eager to please and tended to waffle until he was encouraged to do more haikus. Among other answers, Sky-Byte told us:

  • In peacetime, he lived a life of "unfilled yearning". Megatron gave him a chance to change that!
  • Predacons have "too delicate a temperament" to become a combiner and have their minds hardwired together.
  • He doesn't recognize the name Vector Prime (perhaps there's some relation to Optimus?).
  • Arriving at Axiom Nexus left him disoriented, and it got worse when he went to a Predacon bar to recover and learned it wasn't the right Predacons, and he'd have to crouch to fit. "They served me energon, but I felt distinctly unwelcome." There aren't many true Predacons around and he feels lonely.
  • Every Marxsol, Sky-Byte's down at Destron Pizza's open mic night. His dream is to perform at the Blue Deployer (Cobratron can get him an in!).
  • He thinks calling Slapper, Gas Skunk and Dark Scream "stooges" is hardly a fair characterization. They have skills and Dark Scream is a great tenor!
  • He's seen both Finding Nemo and Jaws (and swears he didn't cry during the former).
  • He thinks of himself as a strong warrior behind his more gentle poet facade.
  • He's encountered a Klud before, and thinks of them as "magestic".
  • He loves a nice glass of Old Corroder.
  • Even he doesn't know who's in the Predacon Council or their main agenda.
  • The bad things he's done do weigh on him but "Second chances are most rare / I shall do my best"

He likes a massive list of poets, including (deep breath): Keats, Tennyson, Bashō, Shiki, the Brontes, Homer, Ovid, Dickenson, Hughes, Bai, Lord Byron, Abī Sūlmā, Shelly, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Hugo, Hölderlin, Dante, Mayakovsky, Poe, and the immortal bard, William Shakespeare.

He quit the position when his haikus were insulted by the very audience that had asked for them, commenting that he had been hired by The Blue Deployer. He left with one last sonnet after thanking the audience for their (mostly) praise. Shark Sonnets

Legends/Unite Warriors

The events of the Robots in Disguise cartoon occur in Japanese continuity as noted above, except that they take place in the world of the original Generation 1 cartoon where the Transformer cast are time travelers from the Beast Era to Tokyo in the year 2000.
Who's the prime-est shark around?

Four years after being left on Earth, Sky-Byte reemerged in a new body and attacked the Autobot base where Jetfire and R-Blade were working with solitarium ore. When he blasted them with his Maser Storm, however, the explosion of the solitarium sent him to another dimension inhabited by cartoony talking animals and where Transformers were but fictional characters. Initially assuming himself to be the #1 popular character, Sky-Byte was angered when the native Rattrap told him his popularity couldn't compete with that of another Optimus Prime and set out to ruin the Prime's reputation by doing evil dressed as him. This scheme didn't last long: the local children were just so gosh-darn happy to see "Optimus Prime" that Sky-Byte quickly realized he couldn't bring himself to stomp all over their dreams. Instead he settled down in this world and began working odd jobs, including a stint as a scary shark attraction. Bonus Edition Vol. 6

Hired to act in a Transformers show at Tokyo Toy Show 2015, Sky-Byte ran into his not-so-good old friend, Scourge, who had ended up in the Legends world after escaping from prison. Though Scourge suggested they team up again, Sky-Byte was outraged to find that the Decepticon was holding one of the children in the audience hostage and challenged him to a fight to save the kid. He lost, but Scourge was impressed by his bravado and let the hostage go, then told Sky-Byte he was planning to return to the prison and save Gigatron and the others. Mention of his beloved leader was enough to convince Sky-Byte, and he tearfully left the children he'd befriended and returned to his home dimension with Scourge. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Not shown: Sky-Byte cheering to himself over Scourge falling off.

While in the process of reformatting the Combatrons back to their original programming, the Autobots of the post-Cybertron Alliance era recounted how they were corrupted by Gigatron and his Predacons. Ruination Chapter, Part One

Following their departure from the Legends World, Sky-Byte and Scourge traveled to Cybertron in 2021 where Sky-Byte blasted Grand Scourge, who was impersonating Scourge, just as he was about to kill Ruination. After he was done helping defeat Unicron, Ruination joined the duo on their quest, and together they departed for the future era in which Gigatron was imprisoned. Ruination Chapter, Part Two Their journey to rescue their leader was put on hold while the Combatrons enjoyed their baths, to Scourge's annoyance. Strategy Meeting in an Earth Bath?!

Sky-Byte and the rest attacked Neo Brave Maximus where Gigatron was being held, only learn from the 'bot himself that he had given up on his evil ways and joined the Dimensional Patrol. When Scourge refused to join the side of good and attacked his former leader, the ever-loyal Sky-Byte intervened and held him back, allowing Gigatron to extract his evil essence. LGEX Scourge Prologue Sky-Byte subsequently joined the Dimensional Patrol himself, convincing them the Legends World wasn't the threat they thought it was and to release Dark Scream, Slapper and Gas Skunk, who also joined up. When the Legends World was attacked by Scorponok and the Zamojin, Sky-Byte and the rest of the Patrol traveled there to defend it from the Zamojin army. Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One

Sky-Byte continued serving with the Dimensional Patrol, and marveled at Devil Gigatron and God Fire Convoy's new combination technique during a battle in space. Epiloge

Wings Universe

Here to you Dantes! This is for Pushkin!

Created as an agent of the Quintessons, Sky-Byte was the commander of the new generation of Sharkticons. Unlike his dim-witted troops, Sky-Byte exhibited a scientific and creative nature, whether it be by making new advances in technology or writing haiku to express himself during tense and exciting moments.

In 2010, Sky-Byte was sent to Earth by the Quintessons as part of an alliance with the Decepticon outlaw Clench. His army of next-generation Sharkticons successfully empowered Clench's Decepticon Syndicate, and they were able to take control of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.

There, Sky-Byte worked with Clench to realize the potential of the low-grade fuel forestonite. He determined that bombarding the forestonite with high-energy particles allowed it to alter Transformers, granting them extraordinary power. Pyro teased Clench for hanging around with Quintesson flunkies, and Sky-Byte responded with pride about how his new forestonite fuel would tip the balance of power. Sky-Byte may have oversold the stuff, however, as Clench impulsively fed some to Cindersaurand it wasn't meant to be taken orally!—and then insisted that Sky-Byte himself be one of the next round of test subjects.


When the Autobots burst into the facility in an attempt to rescue Spark, Sky-Byte taunted them with a haiku and, when that was poorly received, then tried to zap them all with his "Tsunami Blaster", a new and deadly ability bestowed upon him by the forestonite. The battle was ultimately decided when a nervous Breakdown shot the canisters of forestonite, thinking they would explode. Instead, the chemical spread out in gaseous form all over the remaining Transformers, equaling the balance of power for the Autobots. Rapido gained the power to outrun Sky-Byte's shark missile attack, and soon the Decepticons were thoroughly routed. At this point, Sky-Byte fled the scene with his Sharkticons and a sample of forestonite. Without his additional muscle, Clench was forced to retreat as well.

And, yes, even while running for his life, Sky-Byte had the frame of mind to write a pretty haiku. Generation 2: Redux

Two years later, Sky-Byte teamed up with Jhiaxus, providing the Decepticon with large quantities of forestonite. A Flash Forward, Part 2 His duties included preparing the ship for takeoff to Nebulos. A Flash Forward, Part 3
He was almost run down by Side Burn as the latter drove through the base, prompting him to shoot a furious haiku at the Autobot. A Flash Forward, Part 5 Following the destruction of Jhiaxus's base on Qre, Sky-Byte and his associate watched the Autobots leave with several of the clones, and Jhiaxus confided in him that the whole experience had been a test. A Flash Forward, Part 6

At some point, Sky-Byte secretly joined forces with the Predacons. A Common Foe After the construction of a massive clone army and its prolonged siege on Cybertron, Sky-Byte accompanied Jhiaxus when he arrived on the planet to offer the native Autobot-Decepticon resistance and his wayward clone commander a final choice. Termination Despite Sky-Byte's assistance, the Cybertronian invasion lost the following battle. The Predacon fled and raided Jhiaxus's secondary laboratory of its stasis pods before the laboratory could be discovered by the Autobots and the Decepticons. The stasis pods were brought to the other Predacons so they could create their own army in the aftermath of the peace treaty between the Autobots, Decepticons, and Jhiaxus's clones. Included in the batch were four mysterious capsules, one of which included Tarantulas. A Common Foe

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Robots in Disguise #5
Who's the most moderate shark in town?

More than four million years ago, Sky-Byte was a Decepticon, but atrocities committed by the Constructicons on Varas Centralus convinced him to flee the war and his homeworld. Before Sky-Byte's retreat, he had a rivalry with Ironhide. A Better Tomorrow At some point during the war, a statue of Sky-Byte was made by the Necrobot. The Not Knowing

In the current era, Cybertron was rebooted into a primordial state and Vector Sigma sent out a signal to its planet's scattered people to return. Sky-Byte heeded this call, but had reservations about the uneasy politics between the Autobots, the Decepticons, and the nonaffiliated. The ex-Decepticon poet pursued some solitude, musing over a decapitated Sweep, when he was interrupted by Ironhide. Sky-Byte expected a fight from his old rival, but Ironhide surprised him with his ease and candor. Still, Sky-Byte expressed his suspicions towards the Autobots, and so Ironhide suggested he check out the Decepticons as well to see if they were any better. Sky-Byte followed Ironhide's suggestion and met with the Decepticons, but he was followed by Prowl's Autobots so that they could make arrests. Things quickly got out of hand and a battle erupted until Ironhide settled everyone down.

Kids these days and their music!

Later, Sky-Byte joined Prowl for a drink at Maccadam's Old Oil House, which Ironhide and Blurr had re-opened as a place where Transformers could meet in peace regardless of affiliation. Ironhide explained to them why he had changed—he had seen a vision of the distant future where he was alive but the war was dead... because so were Sky-Byte, Prowl, and the rest of the Autobots and Decepticons. A Better Tomorrow Sky-Byte was later performing a musical/poetic duet with Jazz at Maccadam's Old Oil House. Interference Patterns Some time after sharing some poetry with Starscream, Sky-Byte joined a crowd of neutrals and Decepticons recruited by him in an attempt to pressure Prowl into revealing one of his secret discoveries below ground on Cybertron. When they followed Starscream and Prowl into the cave, they witnessed a Titan declare that Starscream was the Cybertronian destined to unite their whole race. Primus: All Good Things

When the Decepticon population began rioting in the wake of Megatron's return, Sky-Byte holed up inside Maccadam's alongside Jazz and some other neutrals. City on Fire They were eventually forced to abandon their hideout after the rioters burned it down, The Verge and relocated to Fixit's med-center. Before the Dawn During Megatron's subsequent conquest of the city, the med-center was the attacked by Devastator, and Sky-Byte offered to help his partner Jazz fight the giant. Jazz turned him down, telling him to get the injured to safety instead. Plan for Everything Together with some of his neutral friends, he later prevented Needlenose from killing Swindle for helping injured Autobots. Heavy Is the Head

After the battle ended with Starscream claiming leadership of the neutrals and banishing both Autobots and Decepticons, Sky-Byte returned to Maccadam's to help rebuild it. Three Monologues When the Necrotitan unleashed a destructive energy wave upon Iacon, Starscream used his body to shield several of his citizens, including Sky-Byte. Winners & Losers In the wake of the destruction, the poet listened to Scoop accuse Starscream of embodying a dark prophecy that would destroy them all. Into the Abyss He was then injured during the Necrotitan's assault on the city and had to be carried to safety by Scoop and Rattrap. Burning Bright He recovered in time to celebrate the Titan's defeat alongside other survivors. The Becoming


Six months later, Sky-Byte was still hanging out at Blurr's bar. Windblade didn't know what to make of him. A 'Bot and Her City When Windblade and several neutrals were imprisoned by Starscream, he and Swindle aided Chromia in breaking them out. Windblade vol. 1 #3 Around that time, having returned to a life of war, Jazz would fondly remember his duets with Sky-Byte. Full Fathom Five

Sky-Byte continued frequenting Maccadam's and helped celebrate Wheeljack's return there. He and Waspinator shared a song. The World of Tomorrow A statue of Sky-Byte was present on the Necrobot's world when the Lost Light stopped there. The Not Knowing After the establishment of a Decepticon commune, Sanctuary Station, near Jupiter, Sky-Byte traveled there on the Peace Without Tyranny. Aphelion When Cosmos came aboard the commune and voiced his anger at Soundwave and Galvatron's plans, Sky-Byte did not join his fellow Decepticons in aiming their weapons at the Autobot and merely looked on. After Soundwave ordered the Decepticons to stand down, Sky-Byte voiced his approval, stating that they would win because of their ideals and not because of their firepower. Lagrange When Sky-Byte learned the other Decepticons had raided the Ark-7, possibly killed everyone on board, and pointed it at Earth to begin a new Decepticon invasion, he was...not as approving. Perihelion

ItsBeginningToAndBackAgain Sky-Byte.jpg

Sky-Byte watched as Soundwave rejected Galvatron once and for all, reminding the former that they had all been duped as he was. Once Upon a Time on Earth When Optimus Prime and Thundercracker came to Sanctuary Station to meet with Soundwave, Sky-Byte was one of the Decepticons to greet them. The Medium and the Message Sky-Byte then went with the combined Autobot and Decepticon battalion to lay siege to the Nemesis, delivering a poem at the start of the battle. Arcee didn't appreciate it very much. It's Beginning To And Back Again When Kup violently took down Blitzwing at the end of the battle, Sky-Byte asked him not to mistreat the Decepticon too much since he'd merely been deceived by Galvatron. White Light

During a visit by Thundercracker to Sanctuary Station, Sky-Byte greeted the Seeker, and later composed a haiku about the conflict he believed was coming. Primeless, Part 2 Sky-Byte found the time to appear in two films, playing the role of Metalhawk in Starscream: The Movie, and the role of a boat-eating metal shark in Dark Invasion. Starscream: The Movie

When the Maximal Army heralding Unicron's arrival in Earth's solar system attacked Sanctuary Station, Sky-Byte joined Cosmos, Laserbeak, and Buzzsaw in a heroic delaying action to buy time for the commune to be evacuated. Sky-Byte was eventually surrounded and stabbed to death by numerous Maximals, his last words being a haiku about his own mortality. Road's End Sky-Byte's ethereal spirit was among the many deceased that Soundwave channeled through the Enigma of Combination as he sacrificed his own life to help defeat Unicron. Ceremony

Kre-O online comic

Kreo fallen skybyte.JPG

Sky-Byte was witness to the Predacons combining into Predaking. Behemoth Combination! But They're Cute? The Predacon Unit

When Autobot City was repainted as Decepticon City, Sky-Byte repurposed T-AI's swimming pool for his own use, playing with a beach ball. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!

Legends World

In the Legends World, a tiny Sky-Byte appeared in the hands of a bathing T-AI in a risqué TV show. Bonus Edition Vol. 3

Shell Game continuity

In Viron 704.31 Epsilon, Sky-Byte refused to serve the megalomaniacal Megazarak, risking his life to ensure that Dark Scream, Gas Skunk, and Slapper could escape Megazarak's clutches. They later came to the aid of Defensor during the last Autobot's final confrontation with Megazarak! What a legend! Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30 and 2015/09/07

Spychanger continuity

In Viron 1103.12 Gamma, Sky-Byte accidentally poisoned all of Earth's energon in a scheme and the Autobots all had to go Spychanger. He shamelessly pretended he'd meant to do it, only for Daytonus and X-Brawn to blow up the Predacons' only remaining energon stash; with them unable to go Spychanger, the war ended with a whimper. What a... something else that begins with L. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/18

Beast Wars: Uprising

When Preditron led the Legion of the Inferno in song as they rallied for battle, it reminded Dark Scream of his friend Sky-Byte. Derailment


Transformers Legends

TFLegends SkyByte.jpg

Sky-Byte was part of a group of Decepticons who were sent to investigate a mysterious enemy. They teamed up with Nightbeat and Windblade to fight the Ammonites, but soon fell out with their Autobot allies. Defeated by the pair, the Decepticons returned to their own starship. Into the Abyss


Robots in Disguise (2001)

Love child of Peter Benchley and H.R. Giger.
(Hasbro version pictured)
  • Gelshark (2000) / Sky-Byte (Mega Class, 2001)
  • Takara ID number: D-005
  • Accessories: Launcher, 2 missiles
First available as part of the Car Robots line in Japan, Gelshark is an extensive redeco of the Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Maximal Cybershark, transforming into a large, monstrous, bio-mechanical great white shark. His tail has a gear system that spins the fins like a propeller when a wheel in his side is turned; this mechanism can be locked in place by pushing a switch just behind the tail (which can be locked in place thanks to a slot in the robot-mode right arm nearby). This system becomes his left arm, forming a spinning claw weapon. He also has a double spring-loaded missile launcher concealed in his shark mouth, which can be fired by pulling back the shark's nose and serves as a hand-held weapon in robot mode. His front fins can be removed and used as hand-held blade weapons.
He was released in Hasbro markets as "Sky-Byte" in the first wave of Mega-sized toys, replacing the translucent blue plastic found in the upper arms, thighs, shoulder kibble, and shark head of his Car Robots release with an opaque blue of a slightly brighter shade. His instructions show an awkward "attack mode" variant to his beast mode that pulls out his side-panels along with exposing the missile launchers and opening up the claw on his tail. This can be safely ignored.
Compared to Cybershark, Gelshark/Sky-Byte is much more stable, as his parts are less likely to pop off.
Sonokong also released Gelshark in Korean markets in a deco similar to that of the Hasbro toy.


This mold's not for Scourge?
At the time we were confused.
Now we understand.
  • Generation 2: Redux (Multi-pack, 2010)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles
  • Known designers: Joe Moore (concept artist)[1]
Timelines Sky-Byte is a retool of Energon Combat Class Sharkticon with a new head, transforming into a Cybertronic submarine/battleship with dimly animalistic styling. His small gun turrets can rotate and elevate their cannon-barrels, plus his side panels can extend outward to reveal spring-loaded missile launchers in both modes. The area where Sharkticon's spark crystal once resided is now considered Sky-Byte's "Tsunami Blaster".
Sky-Byte is part of the BotCon 2010 boxed set, alongside Breakdown, Autobot Spark, Streetstar, and Clench. A limited number of unboxed versions of this set, packed in a large plastic bag, were also made available to people who had purchased the boxed version.
The original version of this mold was also used to make Sky-Byte's fellow BotCon 2010 exclusives, the Sharkticons, as well as United Axalon.


I'm a shark, I'm a shaaaark...
  • Sky-Byte (Voyager Class, 2014)
Released in the fifth wave of the Generations Thrilling 30 Voyager Class toys, Sky-Byte once again transforms into a bio-mechanical shark. He lacks the mouth-based missile launcher of his previous toy, instead having a single spring-loaded missile firing from the center of his (still gear-activated) spinning claw weapon. His beast mode articulation consists of an opening mouth and a tail that moves up and down. As with many Generations toys, he has a hexagonal peg-hole on his underside which is compatible with some collector display stands.
In robot mode the missile launcher in his claw weapon still functions. Sky-Byte is much less of a shellformer than his original form, with many parts of his robot mode actually becoming parts of the shark mode, though much of it still piles up on his back. These parts can be arranged in a variety of ways to form a more show-accurate or cleaner robot mode. He also features several design elements from his IDW design, most notably the small wrist-gun detail on his right arm.
This mold was also used to make Cloud Hellwarp.


The baddest shark in town deserves the most badass paint-job!
  • Gelshark (Sky-Byte) (Voyager, 2014)
  • ID number: LG06
  • Release date: December 27, 2014
  • Accessories: Missile
Legends "Gelshark" is TakaraTomy's version of the Generations Voyager Class Sky-Byte mold. This version has considerably more paint applications than its Hasbro counterpart to create an overall more show accurate color scheme. It notably includes the two-colored chest, a much darker shade of blue, and less use of white. Some of the yellow plastic on the Hasbro version has also been replaced with dark blue.
He comes with the Legends "Bonus Edition Volume 6" mini-comic.


KT Figure Collection

  • Ai-chan (KT Figure Collection, 2004)
If you bought this... we have some bad news.
This figurine was produced by KT Figure Collection, and included in a set of four others. It is notable in that not only is this the only non-Generation 1 PVC in the entire set, but Ai-chan is portrayed bathing in a hot spring, and is thus completely nude, aside from her hat. A super deformed Super Fire Convoy is seen peeking over the side, and a miniature Sky-Byte bath toy is in Ai-chan's hands.
Yes, it's creepy. And you may find her face is familiar, BECAUSE the figure is designed by Yuki Ohshima, who did the creepiest thing in the Transformers brand ever.

Tiny Titans

I am small and blue.
I cannot transform at all.
Curse you, Autobots!
  • Sky-Byte (Tiny Titans, 2016)
    • Series: 6
    • Number: 2/12
Part of the sixth blind-bagged assortment of Tiny Titans, this small, soft-plastic figurine of Sky-Byte is based on his original Robots in Disguise toy.
He comes with a trading card, which renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise series style. This card also has a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.


  • Sky-Byte's Japanese name, "Gelshark", is pronounced with a hard G (as in "Gigatron") rather than a soft one (as in "gelatin"). "Gel-" is fairly common as a kind of meaningless “cool prefix” in Japanese sci-fi that started with Gel-Shocker from Kamen Rider. It's possible that Gelshark's name is an even more direct reference to Gel-Shocker; in addition to their similar spellings (ゲルシャーク versus ゲルショッカー), Gelshark loosely shares the famous blue-and-yellow colors of the Gel-Shocker henchmen.
  • During the Hasbro designers' panel at BotCon 2009, it was stated that if Sky-Byte were to get a toy in the Universe line, its bio would be written as a haiku in homage to his love of poetry. The bio on the back of his 2014 Generations toy's box has a haiku at the very end.
  • The identity of Sky-Byte was the subject of the "Who is the Wildcard?" contest held by Fun Publications on their Transformers Collectors' Club forums, with Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Megatron and Breakaway as prizes to who guessed the character first. Other than the "wildcard" hint, the only other hint given was that the character was "never seen in Generation 2". TCC board member EmeraldBeacon guessed Sky-Byte soon thereafter, ending the contest, but whose among all the guesses that day was the correct guess was not known until the BotCon 2010 brochure went online.
  • Kreon Sky-Byte uses Sharkticon parts, alongside what looks to be some kind of backpack assembly and whatever it is that's plugged into his left wrist socket. It looks like one of the claw pieces like Scorponok uses, but smaller. Who knows for sure?

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Gelshark (ゲルシャーク Gerushāku), Sky-Byte (スカイバイト Sukaibaito)
  • Korean: Gelshark (게르샥 Gereusyak)
  • Mandarin: Tiān Shā (China, 天鲨, "Sky Shark")
  • Russian: Zubastik (Зубастик, "Toothy")

See also

You look familiar...

Versions of Sky-Byte have appeared in other continuity families, including:

For more information, see Sky-Byte (disambiguation).


  1. "Skybyte was actually one of the first two things I ever proposed to the Club, I believe in 2005 right around the con time before I was asked to help out. It took 5 years, but he eventually got made. There were some changes between concept and release."—Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
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