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Metalhawk (G1)

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The name or term "Metalhawk" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Metalhawk (disambiguation).
Metalhawk is an Autobot Pretender from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"Why does that fat guy insist on cosplaying as ME?!"

Metalhawk (メタルホーク Metaruhōku) is the leader of the Autobot Pretenders. Like all great Autobot leaders, he's a warm, noble being with a great love of life, liberty and all of that, and like all those other great leaders, he also got his crew stranded on Earth when they pursued a group of Decepticons there during the Stone Age. Metalhawk was deeply moved by the burgeoning humanity: at first seeing only frail beings that needed defending, he soon came to realize their amazing potential for love, compassion and courage, and was so struck by them that he, and his fellow Autobots, used their Pretender powers to transform themselves into human beings. With the aid of these disguises, they defended early man against the Decepticon Pretenders, who had taken the forms of monsters. They eventually defeated and sealed away the villains, inspiring a few legends themselves in the process, and then went on to help guide the evolution of Earth's society and culture.

By the early 21st century, Metalhawk had adopted the simple human alias of Hawk (ホーク Hōku), and now works as an astrophysicist at the observatory run by Professor Gō. He is close friends with both the professor, with whom he has entrusted the secret of his true identity, and with the professor's son Shūta, who looks up to him and aspires to be like him when he grows up.

Metalhawk transforms into a jet so fast that it can travel from Earth to the moon and back in only fifteen minutes. In robot mode, he has remarkable short-range leaping abilities, and is armed with the mighty Titanium Saber. His ultimate attack technique is the "Shining Arrow", which sees him leap into the air and charge his body with energy which he then rains down on his opponent in a hail of powerful bolts.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

A Tale of the Pretenders

Tale of Pretenders Bludgeon.jpg

Metalhawk initially did not enjoy his mission on Earth away from his homeworld of Cybertron. While wandering Japan in human form, Metalhawk leapt to the rescue when a cadre of Decepticon Pretenders threatened two human children. He was attacked by Bludgeon for his trouble and the Decepticon was about to strike a killing blow when the human children stood in defense of their rescuer. Fortunately for Metalhawk and the children, the other Autobot Pretenders found them and fought off the Decepticons. Inspired by the bravery of the children, Metalhawk transformed into robot mode and opened a pit of lava to sink Bludgeon in. When all was said and done, Metalhawk went back to his mission, but this time with a new passion. A Tale of the Pretenders

Super-God Masterforce Master File

Following the expulsion of the Decepticons from Earth after the battle at the North Pole, the Transformers' war shifted into a series of space-based exchanges between Athenia and Chaar known as the Master Wars. While investigating the re-emergence of Megazarak, Fortress left guardianship of the planet in the hands of Metalhawk and his Pretenders. The Headmasters Now!!

Super-God Masterforce cartoon

Voice actor: Katsuji Mori (Japan), John Culkin (English, Omni Productions dub), Marco Balzarotti (Italian)
Pretenders HIDE the Transformer INSIDE... wait, what?

Having lived among humankind on Earth for epochs, Metalhawk was the natural choice to serve as protector of the planet when the Autobot forces operating in outer space received word of renewed Decepticon activity brewing on the planet from the former Decepticon, Sixshot. Unable to spare any troops to bolster Metalhawk's forces on Earth, the Autobots in space sent a cargo ship carrying six Transtectors to the planet instead, to which human beings could bond to become new Transformers themselves. Although three of the Transtectors were stolen en route by the Decepticons, Metalhawk safely received the rest, and stored them in the fortified base that Professor Gō had arranged the construction of. Birth! Headmaster Jrs

"It's Morphin' Time!"

Some time later, Metalhawk was returning to the observatory after attending one of Shūta's soccer games with Professor Gō when he received a communiqué from fellow Autobot Diver informing him of a Decepticon attack on a cruise ship. Realizing that the villains had escaped their imprisonment at last, Metalhawk knew that the time had come to fight once again. Concerned for Shūta's safety, he elected to at last reveal his true identity to the boy, and told him the full story of the Pretenders' history on Earth. The next day, news of another Decepticon attack on a city reached Metalhawk, and he at last dropped his Pretender disguise, transforming back into his robotic form again and flying to the scene in jet mode. The Tentakil Seacons which confronted him were not particularly impressive opponents, but things took a turn for the worse when Shūta, who had followed Metalhawk to the battlefield, was captured by one of the creatures. Metalhawk was able to destroy one of the drones with his Titanium Saber, but as he moved on the second, the Decepticon Pretenders entered the fray and attacked the outnumbered Autobot. Luckily, the other Autobot Pretenders arrived to save Metalhawk, allow him to rescue Shūta and destroy the Seacon, prompting the Decepticons to flee. Rise Up!! Pretenders

While investigating Decepticon activity in the Karin Islands, Metalhawk battled Dauros and a swarm of Lobclaw Seacons. The fight, however, was witnessed by the islands' prince, Cab, who fled from the Autobot, and was followed by Shūta, who hoped to explain the situation. Calmed by Shūta, Cab tracked the Decepticons to the nearby "Isle of the Gods," and Metalhawk and the Autobots followed him there and successfully dispatched the Decepticons. Unfortunately, during their absence, Blood had attacked Professor Gō's observatory, and Metalhawk's team returned too late to save the professor's life. With his last breath, the professor handed the key to the base he had created to Shūta, and the Autobots took up residence there. Terror! The Decepticons' Manhunt

Seeking to capture Professor Blanieux, the prize-winning biologist from the Republic of Mont Parta, the Decepticons attacked a jumbo jet, which crashed in Corsica. Metalhawk headed out with the Autobots to investigate, and posed as a government investigator in order to question Minerva, daughter of Mont Parta's ambassador to Japan. After learning what they could from her, Metalhawk and the Autobots sped to Rome to quell an attack by the Decepticons' Destroids there, and then accompanied Minerva's family and Professor Blanieux on the last leg of their trip to Japan. Metalhawk's suspicions proved right, as Blood and some Overbite Seacons attacked the craft, and he and Phoenix engaged them in battle and defeated them. The true threat, however, was a Destroid stewardess planted aboard the plane, which was bested by Cab and Shūta, but not before it sent the jet into a nosedive. Metalhawk and Phoenix saved the jet by lifting it to safety on their own backs. The Autobots apologized for lying to Minerva, and she decided to attend the International School alongside Cab and Shūta. Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet

Awl beh bawk.

Seeing Shūta, Cab and Minerva's determination to aid the Autobot cause and battle the Decepticons, Metalhawk made them an offer to become true Autobot warriors. The three kids accepted and were bonded to the Transtectors sent by the space-faring Autobots, becoming Headmaster Juniors. Alas, the Decepticons had created their own Headmaster Juniors with the Transtectors they had stolen, and Metalhawk had to teach the Autobot Juniors to put rescuing humans before fighting their villainous counterparts. Shūta, in particular, had some trouble living up to the promise when all three Decepticon Juniors ganged up on him when he was attempting to save a baby from a burning building, but Metalhawk arrived to dispatch the three punks. Birth! Headmaster Jrs To prepare the Juniors for combat situations, Metalhawk then sent them to America to train with Diver, Rage!! Little Devils with No Need for Rules and when they returned, he led them and the other Autobots in defending Africa's wildlife against another Decepticon plot. Panic! Protect the Wild Animals!!

, so shiny!

When two new Decepticons, the Godmaster brothers Hydra and Buster, attacked the Mt Fuji Foothills Hang Gliding Competition Tournament in which the Autobot Headmaster Juniors were participating, Metalhawk and Lander raced to aid their young teammates, but took a severe beating from the powerful new warriors. After the villains withdrew upon the arrival of Phoenix, Super Warriors - The Godmaster Brothers Metalhawk examined videotaped footage of the battle and realized that the two Decepticons had incredible, instantaneous healing powers, proving his suspicion that they were neither Transformer nor human, but some new kind of lifeform. This information didn't offer the Autobots much of an advantage in their next battle with the Godmasters in the Karin Islands, but during that fight, Metalhawk was able to use his Shining Arrow attack to distract Buster, allowing Diver to lodge his Sea Axe in the Decepticon's arm, forcing the brothers to retreat. A Fierce Battle!! The Autobots Are in Trouble

When Diver recruited the first Autobot Godmaster, a trucker named Ginrai, in America, Metalhawk invited him to the Autobots' base in Japan where they studied the three sets of Master-Braces Ginrai had found in his Transtector. A Strange Friendship: Cancer and Minerva After helping Minerva to reconcile her differences with Ginrai after she had an argument with him, Metalhawk joined in another battle against Hydra and Buster at Mount Yatsugatake Friend or Foe!? The True Form of the Monster!! and helped the other Autobots rescue a group of captive children from the Decepticons' clutches. Heroism!! The Birth of Super Ginrai

As summer settled in, Metalhawk permitted the Headmaster Juniors to take a vacation from their duties, but the two objectives soon dovetailed with the discovery of the next Autobot Godmaster, Lightfoot. Lightfoot: A Dramatic Encounter Metalhawk and the Juniors, together with Lander, Ginrai and Lightfoot went on a camping expedition into the Rocky Mountains to search for leads on the next Godmaster, ultimately discovering that he was a forest patrolman named Ranger. An Enemy? The Third Godmaster, Ranger Metalhawk thought the final Godmaster had been found when he misinterpreted a news report on Sixknight A Powerful Foe!! Sixknight the Wanderer but the true Godmaster, Road King, was soon found, at which point Metalhawk decided to step down as Autobot leader, and appointed Ginrai to command in his place. The Autobot Warrior, Sixknight?!

Soon thereafter, word came from the Autobots in space that the Decepticon super-weapon, BlackZarak, was headed for Earth. Metalhawk, Diver and Lander met with their old comrade Grand Maximus atop a mountain, and were given the plans and materials necessary to construct "Godbomber", a drone that would merge with Ginrai, endowing him with the ability to fly and fight in space, allowing him to best BlackZarak before he reached the Earth. Life? Death? The Desperate Lightfoot Metalhawk elected to keep the construction of Godbomber secret from the Headmaster Juniors at first, but once this "Bomber Project" began in a British Motors factory donated by Lightfoot's father, he soon summoned them to the facility and told them the whole story. Super Ginrai Gets Blown Away in the Desert!? The course of the Bomber Project did not run smoothly, as the Decepticons badly injured Ginrai and attacked the facility, but through it all, Metalhawk remained at the forefront of construction, speeding the project to completion while his fellow Autobots handled the Decepticon threat. Will the Bomber Project Be Destroyed!? Although Godbomber was soon successfully completed, Metalhawk was unwilling to let the injured Ginrai combine with the drone, telling him that he could not save the Earth on his own. The support of the Pretenders and Headmaster Juniors drowned Metalhawk out, however, and Ginrai fused with Godbomber, speeding into space to battle BlackZarak and Overlord. God Ginrai - Into the Sky!! Like the other Autobots, Metalhawk was helpless to do anything but wait for updates on the battle down on Earth, but with the aid of Grand Maximus, Ginrai was able to triumph. God Ginrai - Showdown on the Surface of the Moon

Buns of die-cast.

Subsequently, Metalhawk and his fellow took something of a back seat as Ginrai and the other Autobots battled the Decepticons across the Earth, but his wits were not dulled by this period of inactivity, and he was quick to suspect Clouder, the newly discovered final Autobot Godmaster, when he discovered that the main computer in the Autobot base had been tampered with. Although Minerva took the blame, Metalhawk could tell she was covering for her new friend, and his suspicions were soon proved correct when he caught Clouder handing over information on the base to the Decepticon Headmaster Juniors. Unfortunately, exposing Clouder's true nature as a Decepticon spy did not prevent the information he had stolen from making its way into the hands of the Decepticons, who soon launched a full-scale assault on the Autobot base. Secret Orders! Destroy the Autobot Base!! A missile strike on the base's control room knocked Metalhawk unconscious, leaving the Headmaster Juniors alone in the base. After hooking Metalhawk up to some medical equipment, Minerva advocated abandoning the base, and ultimately, the Autobots were forced to do just that, as the Decepticons' attack destroyed their headquarters. Disaster! The Autobot Base Explodes

In the wake of this disaster, things only got worse for the Autobots, as BlackZarak returned and successfully landed on Earth. Metalhawk arrived too late to save New York from the villain's wrath, and soon received word from Diver of an attack on Paris by Overlord, relaying news of the devastation to Lightfoot. BlackZarak - Destroyer from Space The battle that ensued carried the Godmasters and Headmaster Juniors into space, where BlackZarak unleashed the unholy Death Para-Machine upon the Earth. Metalhawk was stationed in a human observatory at the time, where the staff quickly deduced that the evil device had drastically eroded Earth's ozone layer. Thankfully, Ginrai was able to destroy the Death Para-Machine before any further damage could be done. Crisis! The Day of Human Extinction

Following a battle with the Decepticon Pretenders in Latin America, God Ginrai - Save Cancer!? Metalhawk got a bit more proactive, positioning sonar probes across the world in hopes of locating the Decepticon base. Unfortunately, while on a mission to recover one of the probes, Shūta was kidnapped by the Decepticons, and Metalhawk had to triangulate the location of the Decepticon base in order for Ginrai to rescue him. God Ginrai: Showdown at the Decepticon Base With the location of the Decepticons' base now known to the Autobots, Metalhawk and the Pretenders hung back while the rest of their allies initiated an all-out attack on the villains' headquarters, which concluded with the base's destruction. The Ultimate Combination!! BlackZarak, the New Lifeform

With their headquarters destroyed, the Decepticons relocated to the Alps, and the Autobots pursued, splitting into teams to search for the villains. Metalhawk and the Headmaster Juniors were quickly attacked by King Poseidon, and Metalhawk was badly wounded saving Minerva from the Seacon combiner's blasts. Ginrai soon arrived to save them, but the injured quartet was forced to remain behind as Ginrai scaled the mountain to confront BlackZarak in final battle. Malevolent and Inhuman! The True Form of Devil Z After his wounds were tended to by Minerva, Metalhawk was insistent that he be allowed to accompany Grand Maximus and Shūta as they went to observe Ginrai's battle, but Grand talked him down and left him to recuperate. Ginrai's fight, meanwhile, culminated with the destruction of BlackZarak and the Decepticon emperor, Devil Z. The death of Devil Z caused the humans to become separated from their Transtectors, while the Transtectors themselves were brought to life as true super-robot lifeforms. The new-born Transformers all promptly departed the Earth to rejoin their respective factions in space, but Metalhawk elected to remain on Earth and continue his life there. A Battle... and Then...

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Ginrai: God On of Rage!! Save the Little Girl! The Chōjin Warriors, the Godmasters Expose the Decepticons' Dark Trap! Battle to the Death!! God Ginrai VS Darkwings Reborn

Zone cartoon

Metalhawk was among the Autobots standing on stage when the injured Victory Saber passed the mantle of Supreme Commander on to Dai Atlas. Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Metalhawk was one of many spectators for the second week of the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

TV Magazine comic continuity

Super-God Masterforce comic

Spaaaaace Ghooooost!

After escaping their imprisonment, the Decepticon Pretenders made their first attack on the modern world by laying siege to the Karin Islands. Metalhawk and Shūta responded to the attack, and Metalhawk stunned the assembled islanders by transforming from human form to robot mode. Easily evading Blood's "Bloody Moon" attack, Metalhawk dispatched the Decepticons with his Shining Arrow, and island elder Donq proceeded to lead the islanders in praising Metalhawk, recognizing him as a god from Karin Island mythology. Metalhawk attempted to explain that he wasn't a god, merely a Pretender, but the islanders continued to chant "Pretender" despite his protests. Gods? Demons? The Pretenders

Metalhawk and Shūta were accompanied back to Japan by the islands' prince, Cab, and the two boys, along with their schoolmate Minerva, all requested that Metalhawk allow them to become formal members of the Autobots. Metalhawk eventually capitulated, and after a tough training regimen, transformed the three youngsters into Headmaster Juniors. Their first battle, against a Lobclaw, did not go so well, and Metalhawk had to arrive to bail them out, admonishing them for a lack of teamwork. The Birth of the Junior Headmasters

Responding to an attack by Blood on Tokyo, Metalhawk called on the Headmaster Juniors to perform rescue operations in the surrounding area. Unfortunately, Metalhawk did not realize that this was a trap laid by the Decepticons, and his young charges ran afoul of the Decepticon Headmaster Juniors. Thankfully, they were able to defeat them, and Metalhawk arrived in time to see the punks fleeing the scene. As the sun began to rise, Shūta and Cab groaned that it would soon be time for school, but Metalhawk calmed them down by pointing out it was Sunday. The Battle of Destiny - Children of Good and Evil

News of the discovery of the first Autobot Godmaster, Ginrai, in America soon reached Metalhawk, and he and the Headmaster Juniors gathered at Harumi Wharf to greet their new comrade when he arrived. Concerned by Ginrai's late arrival, Metalhawk contacted Diver, but was assured that everything would be fine, because Ginrai resembled a "hero". The four Autobots were soon attacked by the Decepticon Godmasters Hydra and Buster and Metalhawk was quickly taken down, but at that moment, Ginrai arrived, and Metalhawk understood Diver's words—for Ginrai was the very image of the legendary Optimus Prime. After Ginrai sent Hydra and Buster packing, Metalhawk wondered if Ginrai could be Prime's reincarnation, but Ginrai dismissed the notion, explaining that he had chosen to do this specifically because he had only one life to live, and wanted to use it in service of the forces of good. On Scene! Our Savior's Name Is Ginrai!

Metalhawk wants YOU!

Later, Metalhawk joined with the other Autobots in charging out to investigate a mysterious Decepticon plot, only to be stunned by the sight of Galvatron and a legion of legendary Decepticons barring their way. Metalhawk could immediately tell that something was off, since he knew that Galvatron was supposed to be dead, but after a battle with King Poseidon, it was soon revealed that they had been duped with holographic images. Burn, Chokon! New Commander Super Ginrai!

In unison with the spacebound Autobots, the Earthbound Autobots started the Bomber Project, with Chromedome personally assisting. When Jin and Mirai appeared to threaten the project, Metalhawk and Chromedome set out to defend it, only to be defeated when the two "Getmasters" combined with the mysteriously appearing Super Megatron. A quick rescue by Chromedome's Headmaster comrades with the Godcannon managed to chase away the Decepticon, who left behind the humans. Later, Metalhawk saw the redeemed pair enjoying Christmas festivities and bade them to care for one another. Headmasters VS Masterforce After this, Metalhawk and the Pretenders monitored a two-pronged attack by the Decepticons against Earth. God Ginrai's Amazing Divine Combination!

They returned to the front lines during Ginrai's final battle with the Decepticons, during which the Decepticon emperor, Devil Z, turned on his subordinates, and attempted to absorb their Jinchōkon in order to transform himself into the ultimate lifeform. Metalhawk and the Pretenders hurled themselves into the path of the villain's Jinchōkon-absorbing beam, saving Ginrai and the Decepticons from its effects, and remaining unharmed themselves, since, as true robots, they possessed no Jinchōkon of their own. Metalhawk subsequently joined with all the other Autobots and Decepticons in combining their energies into the "Perfect Transform Attack", which destroyed Devil Z once and for all. With the alien's death, the humans were separated from their Transtectors, and the Transtectors themselves were brought to life as true super-robot lifeforms. While the new-born Transformers departed Earth to rejoin their respective factions in space, Metalhawk elected to remain on Earth and continue his life there. The Birth of the Super Life-Forms

Victory comic

Metalhawk meets jean.jpg

When Shūta and Cab befriended Jan Minakaze, the adopted human son of the new Autobot Supreme Commander Star Saber, they introduced him to Metalhawk as well.[1]

Marvel The Transformers comics

Dreadwind had never heard of Metalhawk. Dread Tidings

Wings Universe

Before the War, Metalhawk served aboard a cargo vessel known as the Starduster. Hearing about the newly formed Elite Guard, Metalhawk resigned his commission and entered the Autobot Military Academy, eager to serve his planet. Thanks in part to his impressive knowledge of alien martial arts techniques, 'Hawk rose quickly through the ranks and, in just under two cycles, became the faster recruit to advance to command status. He also underwent the flying upgrade process, taking to the air with natural ease. Metalhawk's friendly demeanor and skills earned him the respect and admiration of his men and fellow command officers, even the normally unapproachable Halonix Maximus. Metalhawk's profile in Club magazine #34

Sometimes he wears a helmet over his helmet.

Metalhawk received command of the 201st division, the Strike Team. During one of the Guard's battles, Metalhawk's squad found themselves facing a horde of Virulent Clones along with Thunder Clash's squad. He was just a little peeved when his subordinate Ironfist's explosives nearly took them out along with the Clones. When it turned out that the Clones could also fly, Metalhawk ordered another squadmate, Over-Run, to provide them with some aerial support.

Landshark hoped to see the two "upgrades" show off their new flying abilities, but Over-Run took out the Clones with his personal remotely-controlled helicopter instead. The two squads then relaxed for a moment, with Metalhawk removing his helmet and chest armor while chit-chatting with Thunder Clash.

Their chit-chat was soon interrupted, however, by a call from Magnum ordering Metalhawk to escort Thunder Clash's squad to Space Port Bravo. After giving Thunder Clash a bit of friendly teasing, the two squads loaded up their gear onto the Hawk's Claw and disembarked. Once they arrived at the spaceport, the two squads' leaders bid their goodbyes to each other, and Thunder Clash's squad headed inside.

Upon being asked by Over-Run what he thought their next assignment would be, Metalhawk expressed a hope for something quiet. He was amused by Dion's teasing about how he would be happy to beat up some Decepticons, but was displeased by Over-Run's snide question about whether Dion had ever seen a Decepticon up-close, and troubled by Dion stalking off in response.

They eventually headed over to Elite Guard HQ. There they were greeted by Magnum, who noted that he thought Metalhawk's squad was performing above expectations, and sometimes even better than Thunder Clash's squad at that—which Metalhawk was all too happy to note for his and Thunder Clash's "boasting contest". Magnum then explained that, as a result, he was sending Metalhawk's squad on a special mission—one that would involve a new special ops group Magnum had formed. The Coming Storm: Part 2

This mission was supposed to be an oilcake-walk, a gesture of good will towards the civilian guilds to keep them from interfering too seriously in Elite Guard operations. An archeological dig in Median had uncovered a number of relics from Cybertron's forgotten history and, according to their civilian guest Alpha Trion, some expertise with explosives and demolition was needed to help clear out the dig site. Hardly enthused with the assignment, Metalhawk nonetheless did Magnum proud and very diplomatically told Alpha Trion they would be honored to assist his team of scientists, in the name of Cybertron and the Elite Guard.

Autobots can't fly!

Lending aid to Median turned out to be less simple than they expected. The team led by Glyph and Flipsides had unearthed a powerful artifact called the Heart of the Dragon, and were expecting to be attacked by Decepticon raiders within a few solar cycles. Thank the One for good intel. Metalhawk and the Combaticon leader Onslaught quickly began working to fortify Median, alongside the dig team's security chief, Strika. They arranged several traps and pitfalls for the Stormtroopers and their advance guard, and set up to greet their inevitable foes.

The groups separated for the assault, with Metalhawk and most of his team with Blast Off and Swindle as Squad B, while Ironfist joined Strika, Onslaught and the Combaticons. After Squad A dealt with the Stormtroopers' "hitter", Roadgrabber, they fell back for Metalhawk's group to oppose the next wave. Metalhawk used their scientist recruit Lancer as a decoy, drawing Rage and his Stormtroopers into a snare. Unfortunately, he then made several mistakes in a row. Firstly, he gave the Decepticons an honest chance at surrender. Secondly, he didn't take Rage's chemical cannon seriously. And thirdly, he didn't anticipate that the fuzzy...the fuzzy p-petro-rabbits tasted like...yellow...grishy boushy vroom vroom...

By the time Metalhawk recovered from the chemically induced stasis lock, the battle was basically over and the Decepticons had successfully stolen the Heart of the Dragon. The Elite Guard began pursuit, and tracked the Stormtroopers back to their mobile fortress, the Metrotitan. They made their way past the boastful bash brothers, Terror-Tread and Cement-Head, the menacing Minotorons, and the bombastic Brimstone, empowered by the Heart of the Dragon itself. The Heart proved to be too much for his tiny frame, however, unleashing an explosion of such indescribable power that the Elite Guard, the Metrotitan, and everything in a 50 hic radius was consumed in a fiery inferno and consigned to the Pit.

...or so Metalhawk's incident report read. In fact, the Elite Guard survived and made their way to safety with a new recruit, the former Stormtrooper Drench. Artistic license aside, Magnum congratulated Metalhawk and Onslaught on a job well done. The two teams were almost immediately reassigned to another mission in Praxium. Flames of Yesterday

Autobots can't fl—dammit, Metalhawk, cut that out!

As time passed, Metalhawk's team and the Combaticons continued to work in close proximity with each other, developing a strong bond. Metalhawk and Onslaught even got into a habit of exchanging war stories, like the one about Thunderwing's failed grenade, or the amusing fate of Blue Bacchus. They separated after a mission against Shadowcaster, as Metalhawk's strike team reported back to Magnum while the Combaticons remained in the field. The Coming Storm: Part 3

The helmet wasn't lonely. He had all this other armor, too. Look how well it served him.

When the Combaticons never returned from the field, they were listed as MIA and potential casualties. Magnum reassigned Metalhawk and the 201st away from the front lines, fearing emotion over the loss of his comrades might cloud his judgement. A Team Effort While on a tedious search for possible Decepticon activity in the wastelands, Metalhawk and the Strike Team received an SOS from Elite Guard Headquarters—Sentinel Major was under attack! They raced back to base but found the rest of the Elite Guard had succeeded in disabling most of the attackers. Surprisingly, the Combaticons were among the Decepticon warriors left standing. They apparently chose to switch sides after being captured, and worse, were altered by Deathsaurus's technology. As Metalhawk watched aghast over Ricochet's holo-imager, the Combaticons merged to form Bruticus, destroying Sentinel Major with one fist as the battle began anew. The Coming Storm: Part 5

Racing to the side of their fellow Guardsmen, Metalhawk's team arrived at a scene of carnage, as Bruticus obliterated all opposition in his path. Over-Run and Ironfist fell in battle alongside the rest of the Guard. The crazed giant was only halted when Dion boosted into Bruticus's face and blew out his optics. Dion was swatted away from the battlefield, but the damage was enough to force the Combaticons to revert to their individual forms. As Onslaught and his comrades prepared to return to Deathsaurus for repairs before heading out after Magnum and the council, Metalhawk placed himself in his former friends' path, bravely ordering them to stand down. Metalhawk got into trouble at Median for giving his foes an honorable chance to surrender, and this was no different. After a moment's hesitation, Onslaught drew on his friend and fellow soldier, gunning Metalhawk down in cold blood. The Coming Storm: Part 6

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Drift #1
Wonder why he left.

Metalhawk and Sunstreaker were two survivors of the Autobots' battle with Deadlock's forces on Dabola. Drift #1 The massacre caused him to despise Turmoil, the Decepticons' commander, but he refused to be consumed by anger and become a killer. Interference Patterns Inspired by the Circle of Light, he instead abandoned the war and left Cybertron with many others, feeling that although the Senate was corrupt, the Autobots and Decepticons' war was no better. The Death of Optimus Prime His group settled in a region that allowed them to use Shanix as currency. Stick Together

Metalhawk has spent the last few millennia on a hunger strike.

More than 2,600 years later, Metalhawk returned to Cybertron. In the aftermath of D-Void's attack on the planet, he arrived as part of the first wave of NAILs, and served as their de facto representative in negotiations with Autobot High Command. When Optimus Prime returned after his short disappearance following the battle with the Darkness, Metalhawk had some choice words for the "hero". Behind the scenes, Metalhawk admitted to Zetca that he understood how the Autobots felt, but he still wished to maneuver them into a situation he felt was better for the future of Cybertron.

Soon, the returning NAILs grew frustrated with the Autobots' "occupation" of Cybertron, and they began rioting outside their headquarters. When the Autobots let the imprisoned Decepticons loose to enforce crowd control, Metalhawk was hit in the crossfire. Optimus Prime ordered Sideswipe to bring him inside. As tempers flared amongst the Autobots, with Metalhawk's presence inflaming things even further, Optimus Prime decided that (as a living symbol of the war) he should leave Cybertron. The Death of Optimus Prime Metalhawk and Bumblebee later greeted some NAILS who arrived on Cybertron. Hipotank stated that the planet attacked them and Metalhawk took this as an advantage to convince them the Autobots weren't trustworthy. Metalhawk later talked about Tappet's release and the Lost Light memorial. The Autonomy Lesson Metalhawk and Bumblebee later discussed the Horri-Bull incident and said he will not endorse Bumblebee if he harmed another Cybertronian—no matter what kind. He was interrupted by the arrival of Starscream. Later, during the Lost Light memorial, Metalhawk pledged his devotion to a new Cybertron. The World & Everything in It When mysterious explosions issued from all around Cybertron, Metalhawk rebuked Prowl's blaming of the Decepticons and vouched for allowing Starscream to take part in the interim government. Stick Together Bumblebee, Metalhawk, and Starscream held a speech on their government though Starscream did most of the talking, much to Bumblebee's disagreement on most of his statements. Devisive

"Hi, Screamer. Hi, Fatso."

Later, Metalhawk went to greet a new arrival and introduced him to the NAILs after Starscream left him in Metalhawk's hands. There, Sky-Byte learned of recent events from Zetca. A Better Tomorrow Later, when the Decepticon captain, Turmoil, had landed on Cybertron and revealed himself, Metalhawk changed his original decision of sparing the ship and told them to kill Turmoil due the disaster that happened because of him. Turmoil then informed everyone that it had been the then Decepticon, now Autobot known as Drift's work. Starscream later took Metalhawk to Maccadam's Old Oil House to talk to the bartender, Blurr about his experience with Turmoil. When Wheeljack got caught sneaking around in the ship, Metalhawk rescued him from Turmoil's forces and once they had escaped, he ordered the Autobot forces surrounding the ship to move in and capture the Decepticons. Interference Patterns

Metalhawk and Omega Supreme Primus All Good Things.jpg

Metalhawk later confronted Bumblebee at Autobot High Command alongside Starscream, inquiring as to when free elections were finally going to begin. When Bumblebee promised to have elections once the Autobots were ready, the pair begrudgingly left. Dinobot Hunt Later that night, Metalhawk and Starscream went to Wheeljack's lab to check up on how he had been recovering, and offered Bumblebee their assistance in finding Ironhide and the Dinobots after they had gone missing in the wilderness. Bumblebee argued that the two would just get in the way of the Autobots' own rescue efforts, and Metalhawk expressed his doubts at Starscream's claim that Bumblebee just didn't want them looking in case one of them found the missing Autobots and increased their chances of winning the election. Night and the City

The next morning, while searching for Ironhide's wayward team, Metalhawk and Starscream came across Blurr, who was also looking for the team. Metalhawk was saddened that Bumblebee had indeed apparently not wanted he or Starscream to find Ironhide and the Dinobots, and went to help Blurr when he was caught in a blast. Blurr refused to share what was in the hole he had found, and Metawlhawk watched solemnly as Prowl, Sideswipe, and Wheeljack arrived to investigate and continued to keep what Blurr had found off-limits. Later on, after Starscream called in several NAILs and Decepticons to the area to pressure the Autobots into telling them what was underground, Metalhawk followed them all inside to the ruins of the ancient Crystal City and witnessed a Titan declare Starscream to be the "conqueror" destined to unite all Cybertronians. After fleeing the city's destruction and arriving back in Iacon, a contemplative Metalhawk found himself unable to join in the celebration over his friend's apparent destiny. He was then surprised to find himself approached by Omega Supreme, who told Metalhawk of how he knew the Titan and conversed with the NAIL representative on its last words. When Omega speculated that the Titan had actually returned to pose questions in Cybertronians' minds about their species' destiny and perhaps force them to change, Metalhawk came to the realization that change is something brought about by the individual, and perhaps he could bring it about for Cybertron. All Good Things

IDW's Robots in Disguise Season 1, folks.

Metalhawk later visited Starscream and tried to convince the schemer that the Titan's words had greater implications than just facilitating the seeker's ambitions. Starscream dismissed this interpretation as nonsense, making it clear that he saw the prophecy as a means to fulfill his own ends. The brief conversation was interrupted by a huge explosion with Omega Supreme at the centre. Starscream was frustrated at the inconvenient timing of this and flew off to the scene before Metalhawk could determine what he knew. Metalhawk quickly followed and discussed the implications with the Autobot responders. When a crowd of NAILs started to blame Starscream, Metalhawk tried to defend the Decepticon only to be lambasted by an angry Bumblebee. Metalhawk managed to calm Bumblebee by telling him that he trusted the Autobot leader to carry out a fair investigation, though he managed to make his distrust of Prowl and his methods clear too. When Prowl responded angrily to the accusation, Metalhawk made his disdain for him quite clear, stating he did not want to turn into another Ratbat and that he was willing to serve the city if that was what was needed. This statement was picked up by the news services leading some to speculate on Metalhawk's own political manoeuvring. However, such considerations had to be put aside when soon after Megatron returned. The End of the Beginning of the World

Moonlights as Wonder Woman's Highly-Visible Plane.

Starscream alerted everyone to his former leader's approach and Metalhawk joined a large force of Autobots who went to intercept him. Metalhawk watched as, in spite Megatron's peaceful claims, the Autobots opened fire on their nemesis. Needlenose managed to stop the Autobots, claiming that Megatron was no longer a threat. When Starscream retorted that Megatron is always a threat, Metalhawk agreed but pointed out that Starscream was motivated by his own desire for leadership. Once Megatron was taken into custody, Metalhawk bemoaned the likely fate of the NAILs if hostilities were to resume. Initially annoyed, Bumblebee soon agreed and together with Wheeljack the three realised that there had been some strategy at play with big hitters from both factions being recently removed. Considering who could be behind such a plot, Metalhawk's first instinct was to accuse his friend, Starscream. City on Fire

As the city descended into violence and revolt, Bumblebee seemed powerless to take control. Metalhawk urged him to stop shouting at the situation and told him though his spark was in the right place, that counted for little. Bumblebee agreed and they resolved that things would change if they could get through this crisis. Bumblebee acknowledged the need for prompt elections and conceded that Metalhawk would likely win due to the NAIL majority, a majority that could be mobilised to quell the rioting. Bumblebee urged Metalhawk to go to Maccadam's and broadcast a rallying cry to the NAILs. Upon arriving, Metalhawk got Circuit to relay a message of hope and unity to the populace; encouraging them stand against factionalism, violence and hatred. The Verge

Metalhawk's impassioned speech done, Circuit asked him how it might affect the election. The NAIL leader tried to brush aside the implication but was soon left hanging as the news service had found a bigger story to cover. On the comm, Bumblebee explained that there had been a breakout at the prison holding Megatron and that Starscream was present. Metalhawk was concerned that the two Decepticons would join forces but Blurr interrupted with information implicating Prowl. Looking for answers, the Autobots and Metalhawk converged on Prowl's quarters. Upon arrival they were surprised by Astrotrain and Blitzwing, the latter managing to hit and injure Metalhawk. Bumblebee helped the wounded bot into the cover of the Black Room, only to be confronted by a large contingent of supposedly dead Decepticons and their ally Prowl holding Wheeljack and Starscream prisoner. Initially accusing Starscream of causing the current chaos, Metalhawk soon accepted that Prowl had been to blame all along. Megatron then entered and revealed the truth; that Prowl had been mind controlled by Bombshell to manipulate events in the Decepticons favour. Metalhawk was forced to watch on helplessly as the modified Prowl combined with the Constructicons to form Devastator and Megatron crushed Bumblebee's head. Before the Dawn

Curse your sudden-slash-inevitable betrayal!

As Devastator attacked the city, Metalhawk and Bumblebee remained captive until Arcee showed her true colors and rescued them. Barely able to speak, Metalhawk encouraged Bumblebee to go and save Starscream finally believing that all three of them had stood together for something important. Plan for Everything Metalhawk fought with the Autobots in an attempt to rescue his friend. While Bumblebee concentrated on Megatron, the NAIL leader went alone to save a shocked Starscream, successfully defending the Decepticon from Astrotrain before Turmoil shot his left arm off. Already in a weakened state there was nothing Metalhawk could do, but Starscream, ever the opportunist, used Metalhawk's severed arm to attack Turmoil, cutting off his cannon arm and slicing his head open. Elsewhere Devastator had been neutralized and Bumblebee managed to disable Megatron. The battle over, Metalhawk explained to Starscream that he had rescued him because he believed the Seeker could grow to accept the responsibility placed on him by the Titan's words, rather than seeing them as a chance to get ahead. Unfortunately, Metalhawk had misjudged the Decepticon, who saw another opportunity to further his own cause. Lifting Turmoil's cannon, Starscream aimed it at his former ally and, to the NAIL's disappointment, killed him with a single shot through the spark. The opportunist then used the apparent death of his friend at the hands of a faction-related battle to implore the population of the city to follow him into a new era. Using Metalhawk's words, he claimed he had accepted the responsibility handed to him by the Titan, removed his insignia, renounced factions and encouraged all others to do the same. Spurred on by Starscream's impassioned words, Metalhawk's former supporters accepted Starscream as leader and turned on the Autobots. Heavy Is the Head Second Exodus

Starscream later apologised to Metalhawk's dead body, thanking him for his advice and explaining that he wasn't used to having friends. In the end though, while he was sorry for killing him, it really was in the greater good, which apparently is OK then. Three Monologues

Starscream paid another visit to Metalhawk's body to mull over the appearance of a Titan. A wave of energy unleashed by said Titan abruptly returned Metalhawk to life, and after kicking Starscream around a bit, he grabbed the imprisoned Megatron and took the former Decepticon leader to Shockwave. Winners & Losers He stood by Shockwave as the Decepticon used the space bridge in Megatron to link to the Dead Universe and begin to bring Nova Prime and Galvatron through. Into the Abyss When a combined Autobot/Decepticon force arrived, Metalhawk defended the lab against them. Bumblebee attempted to appeal to Metalhawk to help them, only for Metalhawk to accuse him of letting Starscream take over. The battle abruptly ended when Shockwave called on the Titan for help. Finest Hour

"Metalhawk? Is that you?"

Metalhawk was still hanging around as Jhiaxus arrived with his men. The Dead Are Not Enough With the plan swiftly coming to a head, Shockwave ordered Metalhawk to dispose of Waspinator, however Metalhawk instead listened in as Shockwave began to outline his real goal. Finis Temporis With the enormity of the plan becoming plain, Metalhawk resolved to warn the others, and received help from Skywarp in teleporting to Iacon. After failing to resist the urge to shoot Starscream on arrival, Metalhawk was witness to the arrival of billions of Ammonites over Cybertron. The Becoming

They soon found Bumblebee preparing to take a team into Shockwave's inner sanctum and joined the party. Utilizing Skywarp's teleportation, they warped directly there. Metalhawk headed for Jhiaxus's laboratory with Starscream and Rattrap in tow, only to run into Jhiaxus himself on the threshold. Black Planet While Starscream kept the scientist busy, Metalhawk entered the laboratory and discovered that Shockwave was using the many Energon Ores in balance to collapse the Universe. Realizing that the only way to stop the process was to throw it off balance, and that the Ore-14 that remained in his system after his resurrection would do just that, Metalhawk sacrificed his own life to thwart Shockwave's plan. ...And the Damage Done During the final battle for Earth, Soundwave glimpsed Metalhawk's spirit as the Decepticon used the Enigma of Combination to assist Optimus Prime against Unicron. Ceremony


Never lead a bunch of guys with newer toys into battle.

Metalhawk's calmness and adherence to formality earned him the leadership of the Pretenders and the rank of Skyhammer Commander. From the Autobots' Skyhammer base, he kept vigil over the nation of Japan. BotCon 2012 Metalhawk profile card Frequently he clashed with Gigatron and his Decepticons, particularly during Gigatron's search in Kitakyushu for Musashi's sword. But more recently, Gigatron had been attempting to steal the cache of Rarified Energon guarded within Ironworks. Thankfully, Metalhawk and his troops thus far impeded Gigatron's efforts. Invasion Prologue

It was during the reconstruction following one of these raids that a portal opened up above Ironworks and strange, evil Autobots from another dimension appeared. Metalhawk was on hand, and he took a squad with him to counter this attack. Unfortunately, nearly all of this squad was wiped out by an evil Ultra Magnus and his Terminus Blade. Metalhawk and his remaining soldier, Scoop, were rescued from certain doom by another raiding party from another dimension, this time heroic Decepticons. Via Autobot Regulation R71-B, Metalhawk demanded to know what was going on, and their rescuers were content to oblige.

Metalhawk and Gigatron working together, mass hysteria.

The evil Ultra Magnus intended to use the Rarified Energon and his Terminus Blade to bring Earth to his dimension's Cybertron. Metalhawk, his Autobots, and the Heroic Decepticons battled the evil Autobots at all costs to prevent this. Even Gigatron's Decepticons fell in against the invaders, and Metalhawk and his frequent foe teamed up against Ultra Magnus, dealing him a devastating blow. But, ultimately, Magnus succeeded... mostly. Though a heroic Soundwave was able to save Earth itself, Magnus managed to destroy the rest of the entire universe! With Earth now in a new dimension near the invaders' Cybertron, Magnus and his remaining troops fled.

Metalhawk despaired for the fate of his home universe, giving in to sorrow, so a heroic Straxus recited a hopeful poem. Invasion

Metalhawk helped the Autobots of his universe adjust to cooperating with the heroic Decepticon faction in their new home. Solar Requiem Metalhawk attended to the arrival of another group of interdimensional explorers from the planet GoBotron. He gave support and respite to the GoBots at Iron Works as they continued their quest to restore the fabric of their home universe. Cliffjumper directed them towards the Caretaker supercomputer as a means to do so. Journey's Eve To speed them on their journey, Metalhawk provided the GoBots with a ship and their own pilot, named Skyklik. Last Sunset

Shortly after their Earth was displaced, it also started to come alive. Calling itself Gaea, the Earth mysteriously transported the entire human population to another Earth in another universe. For reasons unknown, Metalhawk and his Pretender companions were displaced with them. The Future Buried...

Metalhawk took up the codename "Hawk," and he and his allies set out to uncover the mysteries of their new world; while all the cities and animals on this planet were the same as their old one, no humans appeared to have called this Earth home prior to their arrival. All the while, they had to conceal their Cybertronian nature to avoid anti-Transformer sentiments from the humans. After being alerted that Vroom, Spike, Crossblades, and Elizabeth were slacking off in their own investigation, Metalhawk joined their group to get them back on track. He met up with them and discussed their mission statement over dinner, only to be accosted by a mugger after their meal. Spike wound up getting shot during the altercation. Assembly The bullet wound caused Metalhawk little damage, but it was enough for his attacker to realize he wasn't human. Crossblades and Vroom restrained the mugger, but before Metalhawk could come up with any ideas on how to deal with him, a couple of officers from the local police force turned up. The whole group was taken to the Mérida Police Station. While they were waiting to be questioned on the incident, Metalhawk's self-repair systems were able to cover up his tell-tale wound. To his relief, he learned that his attacker, Sr. Mendez, hadn't talked at all after his capture, for fear of implicating himself in his crime. Metalhawk and his friends weren't quite off the hook yet though, as the two officers who interviewed them knew that a gunshot had been fired, but no bullet had been found on the crime scene. Despite this, there was no reason for them to be held, and Metalhawk's group were told they were free to go. As soon as they exited the police station, they were met with a mysterious man who claimed he knew the truth about the Cybertronians' identities, and that an evil force was coming... Insight

Though Metalhawk and company were highly suspicious of the man, they agreed to follow him nonetheless, as he claimed to have a spaceship stashed nearby. Upon coming upon the craft however, the man revealed himself to be a Decepticon Pretender, and opened fire on Spike to provoke the Autobots into unveiling their true natures as well. Metalhawk was first to "suit on" and fought off the Decepticon as the latter explained the recent history of the Autobot/Decepticon war in the local universe. Metalhawk demanded to know who they were dealing with, and the Decepticon complied, revealing himself to be none other than Megatron! History

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Divination Pandora's Gift Finale

Kre-O online manga


Metalhawk was one of several Autobots reeling from the appearance of the mighty Devastator. A New Menace! The Giant Soldier Devastator Appears!


General Hawk clarified that while Metalhawk was a Pretender, he was not. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 2016/05/01

Titans Return marketing material

SiegeOnCybertron-Pounce versus Metalhawk.jpg

Metalhawk was partnered with the Titan Master Professor Go, who granted him the power to manipulate cosmic matter.[2] In a mission led by Magnus Prime on Cybertron, Metalhawk clashed with Pounce.[3]

Power of the Primes marketing material


Metalhawk was a Prime Master who housed the spark energy of Vector Prime, able to grant time travel abilities to other Transformers. Power of the Primes Metalhawk / Vector Prime online bio

For a list of powers manifested by Metalhawk, see this chart.

2019 IDW continuity

Metalhawk was stationed aboard the Black Hub, a maintenance, supply and transit station for what remained of Cybertronian space and its colonies. Light/Star


Transformers: Earth Wars

Alpha Trion told the story that long ago a whole universe was annihilated by the dark god Unicron, with Metalhawk and his rival Bomb-Burst being the sole survivors. He could have fled to another universe, but instead chose to remain in the resultant Cosmic Void to safe guard the Star Saber. Metalhawk was summoned by Windblade into another reality as the Star Saber was moved there. He interrupted a battle between Autobots, Maximals, Predacons and Decepticons over the Dark Star Saber. Optimal Optimus had a feeling that the Star Saber did rightfully belong to Metalhawk. Optimus told him to take it and end the conflict, but Metalhawk feared it was already too late as Bomb-Burst was there. However, all the Decepticons and Predacons stood against Bomb-Burst in addition to the Autobots and Maximals. Void Rivals (Earth Wars) Metalhawk warned everyone they face an extinction-level event. He told them that Bomb-Burst was enslaved by the Dark Star Saber and that perhaps he and Optimal Optimus should go pay their respects to Sentius Magnus and Sentius Malus, who Rhinox had mentioned. Countermeasures

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

Who needs feet when you can stand on sticks?
  • Metalhawk (Pretenders, 1988)
  • ID number: C-201
  • Accessories: 2-piece Pretender shell, helmet, "Titanium Saber", "Jet Rifle," left & right "Rifle Wings"
  • Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy)
Available exclusively in Japan, Metalhawk is the only Pretender to feature die-cast metal (a lost art, nowadays). The figure transforms into a blue, gold, red and gray Cybertronic jet (something like a souped-up F-15 Eagle), the gray tailfins of which double as two handheld "Rifle Wing" blasters for his robot mode. Metalhawk is the only 1987-88 regular Pretender where the vehicle mode seems to be prioritized over the robot mode, having a robot mode with jet wings hanging off and limbs with jet engine or vent detailing, as opposed to a vague vehicle with obvious robot limbs hanging off like the others.
Metalhawk's outer Pretender shell resembles a human in a red, white, and blue armored space suit, distinguished from other 1988 Pretenders by the presence of a full human face, unobscured by armor like the other Autobots of the year, as well as boxier armor lacking a belt accessory, and having much more heroic proportions compared to the more bulbous original Pretender shells. The Metalhawk shell's helmet is removable and is used to help "lock" the two shell-halves together. The shell is armed with the Titanium Saber and Jet Rifle; the Rifle Wings can also plug into the sides of the Jet Rifle when the robot is stored within the shell, transforming it into the "Wing Blaster". Like his contemporary Japanese exclusive cohort, Grand Maximus, Metalhawk has silver paper decals as opposed to clear plastic decals like the other Pretenders.


Metalhawk, in the flesh!
  • Invasion (Box set, 2012)
  • Accessories: 2 missile launchers, 2 missiles, recon drone
A retool of Generations Thunderwing, Metalhawk is a blue and red fighter jet loosely based on an F-22 Raptor, with different wings but retaining the F-22's characteristic zigzag patterns sculpted on the hull. In addition to a new fleshy head, the nose of the jet can detach and become a separate aerial drone, while the two missile launchers can detach from the wings and become handheld weapons or clip together into one massive gun. The middle section of the sculpted missiles on the sides of the guns are also compatible with C joint accessories. Metalhawk's colors are based on the original toy's Pretender shell rather than the inner robot, much like other recent new toys of Pretender characters.
Metalhawk was released in a BotCon 2012 exclusive box set with Soundwave, Tracks, Treadshot, Gigatron, and Ultra Magnus.
This sculpt was also retooled to make Generations Sky Shadow.

Titans Return

"He traded his entire body made out of awesome lost art material to Rodimus? That's so lameeee!"
  • Siege on Cybertron (Gift set, 2017)
A retool of Titans Return Triggerhappy, Metalhawk transforms from a robot based on his original inner robot mode into a Cybertronian starfighter based on Triggerhappy's original vehicle mode. Metalhawk has 5mm post holes on the underside of his wings and the inside of his built-in non-firing blasters, accessible in robot mode. The holes on his shoulders can also accept 5mm posts, but are covered by his wings or blasters in both modes. Like most Titans Return figures, he has a port for a generic pose/flight stand on his backside.
He includes two blasters that can combine into a larger weapon that his Titan Master partner Professor Go can sit in. Unlike most Deluxe and larger figures, however, there does not appear to be a way to mount the combined weapon in vehicle mode, and while Professor Go can peg in, it does not appear to have a proper seat.
Metalhawk and Professor Go were only available as part of the "Siege on Cybertron" set, which also includes Ginrai & Magnus Prime, Fathom & Tidal Wave, Decepticon Pounce, and Thunderwing. In the United States, this set was exclusive to BigBadToyStore, but it saw a wider release in Canada where it was available at Toys"R"Us, Amazon, the Canadian Walmart online store, book store chain Indigo and several PC retailers (seriously!). Additionally, it was also available at retail in Hong Kong and Singapore and even saw an official release in the Netherlands, where it was exclusively available from BOL.

Power of the Primes

Sadly, does not give the toy the power of lost art.
  • Vector Prime (Prime Master, 2017)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: PP-03
  • TakaraTomy release date: May 25, 2018
  • Accessories: Metalhawk decoy armor, cannon
  • Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro)
Power of the Primes Vector Prime is a Prime Master with Metalhawk decoy armor, visually based on the original Pretender's inner robot and shell.
This toy has identical features to the other Prime Masters in the line. The decoy armor has a weapon piece which can fold out to create a weapon mode, or detach and be held in the armor's 3 mm-compatible hand. The Titan Master-like robot can store inside the decoy armor or ride Legends Class figures in vehicle mode, and is fully compatible with toys from the previous Titans Return line. The "Power Swap" gimmick means its spark form can plug onto any decoy armor's weapon form (which has a 5 mm post to be held by larger figures), Deluxe Class figures' chest armor, Voyager Class figures' bucklers, Leader Class figures' Matrix (in place of their Matrix core), combiners' torsos (in place of their Enigma of Combination), or the Scepter of Sparks. With the power of your imagination, this bestows the Prime Master's unique power on the larger figure.
Unlike every other Titan Master/Prime Master, Vector Prime and his fellow first wave Prime Masters feature backpacks/symbols secured by pins instead of screws.
Though designated for a first quarter 2018 release, Vector Prime/Metalhawk's wave reached U.S. store shelves in November 2017.
Vector Prime/Metalhawk was retooled with a new Prime Master sigil and decoy armor front as Alpha Trion/Landmine, and again replacing the entire gray sprue with new parts for Quintus Prime/Bludgeon. Vector Prime alone was given a different replacement sprue for the Thirteenth Prime.


The lost art was forsaken in the name of screen accuracy.
  • Metalhawk (Voyager Class, 2023)
Part of the fifth wave of Legacy Voyager Class toys, Legacy: Evolution Metalhawk is an extensive retool of Kingdom Cyclonus that transforms into a Cybertronian jet in 18 steps. Compared to the previous Legacy Pretenders, his robot mode is accurate to the Super-God Masterforce anime, invoking the inner robot rather than the outer shell. His jet mode is also based more on its cartoon appearance than the original toy.
Metalhawk includes two blasters based on his original toy that form a pair of tailfins of his jet mode or can combine into a double-barreled weapon as part of the "Evo-Fusion" gimmick. He also includes the sword associated with his Pretender shell. It can store on his back or the top of the jet.

The original version of this mold was also retooled into Ferak.

Like his wavemates, Metalhawk was revealed on the 2023 January 31st Hasbro Pulse stream. He and his wavemate Twincast were shipped from BigBadToyStore within a few days of their reveal.

Not today, Satan!
  • G1 Universe Metalhawk (Voyager Class, 2024)
Part of the final wave of 2024 Legacy Voyager Class toys, Legacy: United G1 Universe Metalhawk is a redeco of the above Evolution release, now shifted into hues more indicative of his original toy.[6]
While initially intended to be a package refresh, the color layout was reworked, but remains similar to that of the original release. The lack of gold tint from the original is deliberate, due to potential longevity issues caused by the use of molded gold plastic.[7] The Hasbro Pulse listing repeatedly refers to the figure as "Super-God Masterforce Metalhawk," though that lengthy term does not appear on the packaging.
This figure was revealed by Maher via his social media account on June 12, as a part of daily product reveals hosted by the Transformers design team, with pre-orders going up on June 13.[8]


Transformers Gum

TFgum metalhawk.jpg
  • Metalhawk (Candy toy, 1988)
  • Accessories: 2-piece Pretender shell, 2 shell arms, helmet, "Titanium Saber", "Jet Rifle," left & right "Rifle Wings"
Released in the eighth wave of Kabaya's Transformers Gum line of snap-together "candy toy" model kits, this version of Metalhawk stands at about four inches tall in robot mode, and is cast in red, white, and blue plastic. He includes all the accessories and features of his larger figure, save one difference: the arms of his Pretender shell are removable, and used to hold the shell closed. As a Transformers Gum kit, he featured no paint applications, but came with stickers for detail, and a piece of terrible gum.

Super Collection Figure

Halt or I'll fall off my stand!
  • Metalhawk (with Minerva) (2001)
  • Act: 5
  • Accessories: Stand
A PVC figurine of Metalhawk in his Pretender armor was available in the fifth, Masterforce-centric "Act" of Takara's Super Collection Figure line. He came packaged with a figurine of Minerva in her human form; the pair were available in both full color and metallic silver "pewter" versions, at a ratio of one per each case of twelve blindpacked figures. His incredibly wide stance makes it nigh-impossible to properly use the stand he comes with, as one foot will always be at least on the very edge of the stand.
In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter version of the figures came with the right arm of the wave's collectible BlackZarak "build-a-figure". This part could be in either full-color or clear plastic, packed at a ratio of 4:4.


  • In the design stage, Metalhawk took inspiration from Magne Robo Gakeen.[9]
  • Like all non-toy robot Kreons in the Kre-O manga, Metalhawk is made from existing Kre-O parts. He uses the Sideswipe helmet, and has a clip-on wing attached to each arm. He also carries a katana-style sword.

Foreign names

  • Italian: Optor
  • Mandarin: Hank (China, 汉克 Hànkè)
  • Russian: Kogot' (Коготь, "Claw")
  • Spanish: Hook (Latin America)


  1. TV Magazine artwork, reprinted in Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: The Comics.
  2. Trypticon's Titan Master Crunch
  3. Titans Return Siege on Cybertron pack-in blurb
  4. Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream on January 31, 2023 on the official Transformers YouTube channel
  5. Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream on January 31, 2023 on the official Transformers YouTube channel
  6. May 14, 2024's Hasbro Pulse | Transformers Fanstream | May 2024 on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks and Kelly Rose.
  7. "honestly molded plastic gold is kind of a headache in production and there is only a few pantone golds I know are solid in terms of color pop and longevity."—Mark Maher, Instagram, 2024/06/12
  8. "The team will be bringing you reveals each day starting #TransformersTuesday June 11th which will all lead up to pre-orders on Thursday June 13th."—Ben MacCrae, Mark Maher, and Evan Brooks, Instagram, 2024/06/11
  9. "玩具のスタイルを『超神マスターフォース』でどう新しくデザインするか、原案の段階で参考にした一つが「ガ・キーン」でした。逞しい多くのロボットと違って人型のスマートなデザインがプリテンダーTFの特徴です。"—Masumi Kaneda, Twitter, 2023/02/18
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