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Lugnut (Animated)

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The name or term "Lugnut" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Lugnut (disambiguation).
Lugnut is a glorious Decepticon from the Animated continuity family.
The secret (GLORIOUS!) love child of Shockwave and Omega Supreme.

If mighty Megatron were to command Lugnut to jump, the powerful Decepticon would be in the upper atmosphere long before his master could specify how high. In Lugnut's optics, bold, heroic Megatron embodies the Decepticon cause, and his devotion is total. It's easy to misinterpret Lugnut's blind zeal for a lack of overall processing power, but this is not the case. Although he isn't much of a thinker or planner, Lugnut does not care, for wise Megatron is brilliant enough for a thousand Decepticons. His master makes the plans, and Lugnut carries them out. However, that blind loyalty is his weakness. Although innovative on the battlefield, he does little thinking about anything else.

Besides his compulsion to serve Megatron, the only other driving force in his programming is to destroy the Autobots. Renowned throughout Cybertron as one of the most destructive fighters for the Decepticon cause, Lugnut has no time or patience for contemplation or strategy when he could just as easily level an entire Autobot battalion with a single explosive punch. He knows that his unparalleled strength, endurance, and seemingly limitless missile payload is enough to serve glorious, bold, fresh-scented, bright and shiny MEGATRON! Autobots that know him know the only way to survive a fight with him is to stay clear of his path.

He will only keep company with Decepticons who are as loyal to the grand and imperious Megatron as he is. Traitors and disgraces such as Starscream and Lockdown are not worthy of mention, let alone being in the presence of the glorious Megatron. Granted, even magnanimous Megatron himself can get a little tired of Lugnut's praises, but he keeps it to himself, lest Lugnut should lose faith in mighty Megatron.

He is also Strika's "consort", whatever that means.

I believe only two things: The Decepticons will rule Cybertron, and Megatron will rule the Decepticons!

—Lugnut, Megatron loyalist, "Lost and Found"



Animated cartoon

Events from IDW Publishing or Fun Publications books are in italics.
Voice actor: David Kaye (English), Kentarō Itō (Japanese), Alexander Kovriznyh (Russian), Uwe Jellinek (German), Pietro Ubaldi (Italian), Antônio Moreno (Portuguese, "Transform and Roll Out, Part 2" only), Carlos Campanile (Portuguese, seasons 1 and 2), José Carlos Guerra (Portuguese, season 3), Marco Antonio Espina (Latin-American Spanish, seasons 1 and 2), Leonardo Salas (Latin-American Spanish, season 3), Julio Lorenzo (Castilian Spanish), Bruno Lähteenmäki (Finnish), Bruno Magne (French)
Thank the GLORIOUS Megatron I finally found my contact lens!

During the Great War, Lugnut destroyed Iota Supreme and Wedge Major as the former was in the middle of repairing himself following the Battle for Omnitron. The AllSpark Almanac II At some point in the past, Lugnut got a call from Shockwave, who had infiltrated Autobot boot camp, and allowed him to report to Megatron. Autoboot Camp

Many, many years later, Lugnut was on board the Nemesis with Megatron, Starscream, Blitzwing, and Blackarachnia when they discovered the AllSpark. Doubting that it was near, Starscream insulted Megatron (out of the latter's presence, of course) as a fool who was chasing a ghost. Furious, Lugnut leapt in and roared at the "traitor" about how Megatron would lead the Decepticons to a new age. Blackarachnia mocked him, asking if the speech was memorized or just hardwired into his one-track processor. Blitzwing indirectly defended Lugnut by insulting Blackarachnia, but soon burst into song, prompting all the Decepticons to argue until the entry of Megatron silenced them. Later, when it became clear the Nemesis was going to crash into an exploding space bridge, Lugnut showed uncharacteristic intelligence by fleeing in an escape pod. Transform and Roll Out

Lugnut and Blitzwing, upon leaving the warship, returned to New Kaon. Lugnut, refusing to believe that Megatron was offline, destroyed a statue Blitzwing had made in memory of their fallen leader. Blitzwing was not pleased. Dispatches

Delivered directly from Talos IV to serve the Almighty Megatron!

After finding out Blitzwing had made arrangements with a bounty hunter in order to locate and exact revenge on the Autobots, Lugnut was furious. His fury (along with Blitzwing's responding fury) were taken advantage of by an unscrupulous arms dealer seeking to make a profit off the two in a never-ending escalating arms race. Things ended poorly for said arms dealer, however, once Lugnut and Blitzwing caught on to the fact they were both being played. The Arrival issue 5 (Although odds are, if Lugnut had known just what Blitzwing had offered Lockdown, he may not have been so forgiving). The Arrival issue 4

When the Allspark gave off the radiation burst during Prime and Starscream's battle, the signal served as a beacon, the Decepticons on New Kaon picking up the signal. Lugnut took this as evidence his leader was still online. The Arrival issue 1

After arriving on Earth's Moon, Lugnut and Blitzwing discovered the Nemesis, near where Blitzwing mentioned that Lockdown had last reported. Lugnut did not care for the bounty hunter or his mission, for he still believed that Megatron was alive. Heading to Earth, the two crash landed at a construction site, where Lugnut interrogated a crane on Megatron's whereabouts with little success. After randomly destroying everything in sight, Lugnut and Blitzwing had a battle with the Autobots. Utilizing his back-mounted missile arsenal, Lugnut easily outgunned the Autobots himself, and was able to throw Bulkhead around like he was nothing. When he demanded to know where Megatron was, Bumblebee mentioned that he was reduced to a "fireball somewhere over Cleveland". Screaming "Megatron lives", Lugnut knocked out the Autobots with his Punch of Kill Everything (at which Blitzwing said he had told Lugnut "a thousand times" to warn him before using), which convinced Megatron that Lugnut could be trusted. He contacted only Lugnut, who, in his eagerness, dragged a confused Blitzwing away from the fight. Blitzwing thought that Lugnut had finally overheated his motherboard and headbutted him, who responded in kind and sent Blitzwing plummeting straight smack dab in the middle of a military base. When they heard police cars approaching, Blitzwing suggested that they lay low to determine their strengths, but Lugnut planned to slaughter them en masse. An annoyed Megatron promptly ordered him to shut up and get a disguise.

That evening Megatron contacted Lugnut, uploading a sample of the AllSpark Key's energy signature, and instructed him to use it to find the AllSpark itself, which would restore Megatron. Heading for Lake Erie, the two Decepticons tracked down the Autobots' ship. Once they'd followed the Autobots below its surface, Lugnut showed remarkable intelligence by being reluctant to enter the underwater smokescreen Optimus Prime had created, although he still entered to follow Blitzwing. Obscured by kicked-up dust, his targeting systems still found a body in the haze. Pleased that his targeting sensors had not failed him, he fired – on Blitzwing. The Autobots seemed to have the upper hand when Lugnut again displayed unexpected smarts by transforming and using his jet thrusters to blow away the obscuring dirt. Unfortunately for him and Blitzwing, just as they were going destroy the Autobots, Ratchet and Sari Sumdac brought the weapon systems of the Autobots' ship online. The two Decepticons were blasted to the shores of Lake Erie in several pieces, severing Megatron's radio link with Lugnut and thus leaving the poor lunk to believe that his master had forsaken him. The next morning, Starscream appeared and promised to repair them – if they swore loyalty to him. Lost and Found

Keep trying, Lugnut. Keep trying.

For reasons beyond understanding, Lugnut agreed to Starscream's request, or at least paid lip service to him, but was quick to remind the upstart that they served him not by choice. However, when Megatron contacted him, Lugnut immediately repledged himself to Megatron. The Decepticon leader told Lugnut to locate the AllSpark Key and bring it to him. Taking it from Ratchet, they flew to Sumdac Tower, where Lugnut blabbed the whole Decepticon thing to Isaac Sumdac, forcing him to kneel to Megatron. Now that he knew Lugnut wasn't totally bonkers (like him), Blitzwing used the Key to help Megatron repair his body and restore him. Megatron Rising - Part 1

Looks like Team Decepticon is blasting off again!

As Megatron proceeded to beat up the Autobots, Blitzwing and Lugnut decided not to intervene, but to keep an eye on Professor Sumdac. When Megatron called his loyal troops to him, Lugnut prostrated himself before his master, where he briefly found himself humiliated by Starscream, but then got to look on as Megatron made an example of the schemer. The Decepticons took to the air, locating and attacking the Autobots' ship as it travelled from the lake to the Tower, then from the Tower to Dinobot Island, where it was shot down. Bulkhead leapt into the air and onto Lugnut, and the two landed in the forest. Although Lugnut was the physically stronger of the pair and tossed Bulkhead around like a beach ball, his zeal let him down. He prepared to use his explosive punch...and Bulkhead slammed the ignition point with his wrecking ball, causing a powerful explosion that defeated the brute. Megatron Rising - Part 2

After the battle with Bulkhead, Lugnut helped the Decepticons set up a base in a mine, even though his left arm kept falling off. Not realizing that the mine's carbon deposits shielded their energy signatures from Autobot detection, Lugnut did not understand why they had to hide. He was even more confused by Megatron's plan to conquer Cybertron, but this didn't prevent him from hitting a doubting Blitzwing. Things became clearer to Lugnut when Megatron said that they would use space bridge technology, one of the two reasons they lost the Great War, to reach and conquer Cybertron. First, they needed Isaac Sumdac, who had been captured by Megatron, in order to reverse-engineer the missing pieces of the space bridge data Megatron had copied. When a servant-bot in Sumdac's enclosure malfunctioned, Lugnut accused the professor of sabotaging Megatron's plans. However, he backed down at the behest of Megatron, who learned the servant-bot had acted as it did because it had a fragment of the AllSpark in its circuits. The Elite Guard

The dancing lessons weren't going that well!

Lugnut and Blitzwing were sent by Megatron to steal a tachyon generator from the Elite Guard's ship. Lugnut was able to acquire the generator, when Starscream appeared and tried to destroy Megatron. After the Decepticon leader offlined him, Lugnut confirmed that Starscream was dead. After all, there was no spark in his spark chamber, so he had to be dead. Despite this, Starscream kept coming back and trying to kill Megatron, and Lugnut spent the rest of the night repeatedly throwing his corpse into a river. Mission Accomplished

Stop! Hammertime!

When Lugnut later detected an AllSpark fragment, Megatron sent him to retrieve it, partially to be rid of his sycophantic subject for a while. Discovering it in a garbage truck, Lugnut believed it was being transported by a human. He was thus surprised when the truck transformed into a robot named Wreck-Gar. The simple-minded robot soon confused poor Lugnut with his habit of mirroring what was being said to him, so Lugnut came to believe that Wreck-Gar was a Decepticon like him. Pleased that the new Transformer was a Decepticon, Lugnut celebrated the discovery with a resounding cry of "All hail Megatron!" Wreck-Gar followed suit...then asked who Megatron was.

When the Autobots arrived and verbally accosted Wreck-Gar, Lugnut came out of hiding and prepared to use his bomb punch on Ratchet. Wreck-Gar then responded to the threatened use of the Punch of Kill Everything with the universal greeting...and a high-five. Despite the premature detonation, Lugnut was left unharmed, but grew increasingly impatient with Wreck-Gar's lack of comprehension. Attempting to attack the Autobots, he took off in plane mode with Wreck-Gar still on his back. However, when Wreck-Gar caused his tail/mace to become infected with matter-eating microbots, Lugnut panicked and demanded that Wreck-Gar get the microbots off him. The obliging robot responded by simply unscrewing Lugnut's tail assembly, leaving Lugnut rather unsteady in the air. Garbage In, Garbage Out

Later on, Lugnut was sent with Blitzwing to recover parts for Megatron's new space bridge, and the two began stealing caches of construction materials. During one such raid, the Autobots became involved, and Lugnut's singlemindedness meant that he practically ignored Bumblebee's stinger attack, not even slowing down until a pipe fell in his path and sent him falling. He then departed in his bomber mode to unload the material. Sometime later, he and Blitzwing began moving two huge containers of heavy supplies, and Lugnut was most offended when Blitzwing noted how Megatron was curiously absent when they were moving such heavy equipment. Soon afterward, they encountered the Constructicons. Lugnut was suspicious of these newly created machines, but Blitzwing convinced him to allow them to do the heavy lifting until they reached base, at which point they would eliminate the two newcomers. At base, Blitzwing kept them distracted so Lugnut could activate his rocket punch, but at the last second, Megatron told him to stop. Unfortunately, this caused poor Lugnut to lose balance, fall into a cave and detonate his weapon in his own face. Ever the trooper, he tersely acknowledged he was still all right. Rise of the Constructicons

When Lockdown announced he had captured Starscream, whose head Megatron had set a bounty on, Lugnut was among the Decepticons who accompanied Megatron to collect the traitor and apprehended Prowl when he tried to intervene. However, when the Autobots arrived with another Starscream, it was revealed that both Starscreams were actually booby-trapped sparkless clones. Lugnut followed Megatron in escaping forcibly through the ceiling. However, when Prowl used the upgrades given to him by Lockdown to send the clones into the air, the bombs exploded, not too far from the fleeing Decepticons A Fistful of Energon

Soon after the space bridge was near completion, the Autobots found the Decepticons' hideout and attempted to stop them. Lugnut and Blitzwing attacked the Autobots invading their underground base, but they ended up getting stasis-cuffed by Blurr. A Bridge Too Close, Part I

Lugnut was soon freed by the Constructicons and cheered when Megatron announced they'd be invading Cybertron via space bridge, but was interrupted by the invading Autobot ship. When given the task of stopping Omega Supreme, Lugnut remarked that the large Autobot's size was no match for their leader's glory. This inspired Slipstream to attack Omega's legs. Lugnut attempted to stop Omega Supreme by firing his entire missile supply at the enormous Autobot. Instead, he was blown away by Omega's lasers. A Bridge Too Close, Part II

Lugnut survived the battle, and later was found by the Autobots after Professor Sumdac disabled the Decepticon signal dampers. He attacked, demanding the whereabouts of Megatron and creating the world's biggest pothole in the road. After a brief battle, the Autobots managed to cuff him, but found he was too heavy for them to pull out. When Bulkhead sent a distress call, Prime decided Lugnut wasn't going anywhere and went to rescue Bulkhead. Upon returning, however, they found the pit empty and Lugnut out of scanner range. He had been freed by Ramjet, who wholeheartedly promised Lugnut he'd never reveal his humiliating defeat to Megatron. What a guy. Three's a Crowd

At some later point, Lugnut was captured by Lockdown and given to Sentinel Prime in exchange for Energon and parts. As a safety precaution, Sentinel had his POKE removed. Five Servos of Doom Along with the other captured Decepticons, Lugnut was transported back to Cybertron. Predacons Rising

When the Autobots became trapped in Soundwave's virtual reality, Lugnut was among the Decepticons who invaded and attack Detroit.Human Error, Part I

It is an honor to serve as mighty Megatron's Garfield window sticker. Inside or outside of the ship.

The Decepticons' capture did not last long, however, as Sentinel Prime steered the Elite Guard's ship into a stormy nebula, creating a chain reaction which freed Swindle from his transformation lock. When Lugnut ordered him to release the others in the name of the glorious Megatron, Swindle was happy to oblige on behalf of his best customer. The freed Decepticons then made short work of the "Elite" Autobots, but not before Sentinel had sent an SOS to Optimus Prime. When Optimus arrived, he led the Decepticons on a run-around, eventually freeing the captured Autobots. Their attempt to escape led Lugnut to POKE a hole in the ship, venting everyone in the room into space, where the Autobots were more limited than the flying Decepticons. Lugnut ordered his comrades to Transform and Rise Up, and they attacked, but ultimately Lugnut was thrown clear of the battle when Optimus used Sentinel as a bludgeon to knock him away... leading to Lugnut being picked up by the glorious Megatron in Omega Supreme. Decepticon Air

Let the butt-kissing contest begin!

Brought inside Omega Supreme, Lugnut recovered a transwarp cell, allowing Megatron to regain control of the ship. Lugnut was quick to point Megatron's numerous achievements to a moaning Starscream, explaining how they now both had the freedom to come and go as they pleased and had regained the ability to transform Omega. However, Lugnut was annoyed when Shockwave joined their crew, which wasn't helped by Megatron referring to Shockwave as "my most loyal servant". Lugnut's inner rage was noted by an amused Starscream. This Is Why I Hate Machines

As Shockwave tried to recover the Omega activation codes from Arcee, Starscream egged Lugnut about Shockwave being Megatron's new lapdog. Lugnut easily fell for it, starting an epic butt-kissing, ego-pissing contest between the two purple giants while Starscream sneaked back to the Nemesis. Megatron eventually got the two separated and sent them to start building three clones of Omega Supreme. Shockwave later tore the activation codes from Arcee, and when Starscream tried to interfere again, Lugnut loyally leapt to his master's aid—just as Megatron was planning. Lugnut became the template for the three new Decepticon war machines and almost wagged his tail at being chosen for such an honor. Shockwave then discovered that there was a missing security patch, requiring Lugnut to be wired into Omega Supreme for the "Lugnuts Supreme" to be operational, so Lugnut had to remain on the Moon while the purple ships themselves flew to Earth with Megatron aboard. Endgame, Part I

"Hey Megatron..."
"What is it?"
"We're in prison, Megatron."
"I see that, Lugnut."

Lugnut guided the Omega Supreme clones to Earth, where he continued to congratulate his great and glorious leader. Megatron was a little...impatient...with this and asked Shockwave if there was a way the Supremes could be controlled without Lugnut's worshipping. Shockwave took great pleasure in informing his commander there was no other way (showing that he still held his little rivalry with Luggy). After taking a pounding from Prime (armed with the Magnus Hammer), the Lugnut Supremes crash-landed on Dinobot Island. Megatron ordered Lugnut to return them back to the Moon, but Lugnut regretfully informed him the clones were too damaged to fly. The Autobots eventually managed to regain control of Omega Supreme, who then chucked Lugnut off his control chair and out the back of the giant robot, causing him to go bouncing away along the Moon's surface. The Autobots then captured Lugnut and took him back to Cybertron alongside Megatron and Shockwave so they could face justice for their crimes. Endgame, Part II

Lugnut and his fellow Decepticons were imprisoned in Trypticon Prison, where Team Stunticon tried and failed to break them out. The Stunti-Con Job

Animated shorts

As Starscream heckled Megatron during a rousing speech, Lugnut looked on in utter horror until Megatron eventually dispatched Starscream straight through a wall. The sight of such brutality caused Lugnut to wince. Starscream Heckles Megatron

After the defeat of the Autobots, Lugnut hailed Starscream as the supreme Decepticon leader...or, at least, the imagined version in Starscream's dream did. The real Lugnut was none too pleased about Starscream falling asleep in the middle of the Decepticons' staff meeting. Starscream's Fantasy

Later, Lugnut used his Punch of Kill Everything to create gigantic craters in a forest. As it turns out, he was helping Blitzwing build a new Decepticon swimming pool, but the lunatic couldn't settle on where it should be located, forcing Lugnut to explode things over and over and over. Explosive Fist

Lugnut found himself befuddled when Blitzwing began repeatedly spinning a tiny medallion in his face while humming. Eventually, he got fed up enough that he conked Blitzwing on the head, seemingly freeing him from his trance. Logo

Titan Animated comic

A stick?! What happened to your mace?!

Lugnut was part of Megatron's assault on the Autobot base and got beaten very quickly off panel. Megatron's Revenge

He later went along with Blackarachnia's plan of isolating and terminating a lone Autobot. He was very eager to be the one who got to break the captive, including ripping a stalactite off a cave roof so he could use it as a stick to Prowl's piñata. (He did wonder if it was too small a stick, though.) Unfortunately for Lugnut, the tracer used to track Bumblebee was whacked onto his "robo-butt" (no, really, Lugnut said that) and this, along with him mega-bombing a cave roof, led to the Decepticon's defeat.

Sometimes the captions write themselves.

Lugnut also admitted to Blitzwing that he's scared of the dark. The Race

The Cool comic

Lugnut was part of Megatron's band of Decepticons, chasing down the Autobots who had rediscovered the long-lost Allspark. He displayed exhasparation when Megatron along with the Autobots disappeared through a Space Bridge gate. The Cool Extra #3

Lugnut joined Soundwave in an assault on Dinobot Island for nefarious purposes unknown. As Soundwave kept the Autobots occupied with his sonic attacks, Lugnut dropped a payload of bombs on them, remarking that all who crawl beneath him are his inferiors. Suddenly, he was knocked out of the sky by a blow from Swoop, who continued to battle him on the ground. As the rest of the Dinobots showed up, Lugnut realized they were outnumbered and ordered a retreat. The Cool Episode 3


Later, in Detroit, as Blackout found himself on the losing end of a battle with Safeguard, Lugnut ordered Blackarachnia to retreat, as getting captured would negatively impact their mission for their glorious Emperor of Destruction. Lugnut then took off, leaving Blackout to his fate. The Cool Episode 4

Lugnut was present at Sumdac Systems headquarters for the revival of Megatron. When Blitzwing offered to destroy the Autobots, Lugnut berated him for attempting to horn in on Megatron's good time. Then Starscream swooped in and landed on his head. The Cool Episode 5

Lugnut later joined the other Decepticons in intercepting the rogue Starscream from the bounty hunter Lockdown. When the "Starscream" they were given turned out to be a bomb, Lugnut and the other Decepticons fled into the sky, only to be caught in the explosion anyway after Prowl launched the clones at them with his rocket packs. The Cool Episode 6

During the battle for the Decepticon space bridge, Lugnut attempted to keep Blurr and Bumblebee from interfering with Megatron's battle against Optimus Prime. The speedsters proved too much for him, however, and after confusing him with their dashing about and interrupting his Punch of Kill Everything, they slapped a pair of stasis cuffs on him. The Cool Episode 7


Voice actor: David Kaye (English)

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Bee in the City 2: Electric Bugaloo


Transformers Animated: The Game

Voice actor: David Kaye (English)
TFAnimated Game Lugnut.jpg

When Megatron was preparing to have his men attack Cybertron, Lugnut contacted his leader to report that the Decepticon forces were standing ready to invade the planet on his command, thanks to his "infinite wisdom and magnificent leadership". Transformers Animated: The Game

Transformers Animated: Action Packs

Lugnut is featured as a playable game card. He is a purple card, has a value of 10 points, and has the following power: "-2 to any Bulkhead in play."
Transformers Animated: Action Packs



Made tiny in name of the glorious Hasbro toy race! (Hasbro version pictued)
Gloriously shiny! (TakaraTomy version pictured)
  • Lugnut (Voyager Class, 2008 / 2010)
  • Takara ID number: TA-15
  • Takara release date: April 24, 2010
  • Accessories: Tail assembly/power mace
  • Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro)
Part of the third wave of Animated Voyager Class toys, Luggy transforms into a big ol' retro-futuristic bomber plane that includes features from many historic designs, including the B-25 Mitchell and the Heinkel He 111. As he is a very squat and wide design, he ends up considerably shorter than other contemporary Voyager-class toys in robot mode. A good portion of his vehicle mode transforms into his big-ass "power mace", almost as big as Lugnut himself. He features three Autotransform gimmicks in his head, mace, and hands. Pushing down the area on his back where the mace is stored flips his head up and splits his cockpit halves to the sides of his chest. The small purple tabs on his lower arms open and close his claws in unison. Pushing the mace into one of the hands causes it to close around the mace. The mace connects with a special tab into Lugnut's hand that activates its gimmick: tapping the bottom of the mace on the ground while he holds it causes the engine pods to pop open.
The mace can also be activated with any Mini-Con figure.
The figure's paint deco shown in promotional photography and the boxart depicts Lugnut's teal areas with highly metallic, almost silver coloration and a slightly lighter shade of purple. The final figure, however, has a darker purple with an much more show-accurate flat teal with no trace of the metallic coloring.
There have been reports of his cockpit halves not closing properly in vehicle mode due to an overly tightened screw inside his torso. It cannot be corrected without dismantling the figure. The head automorph area also tends to flop slightly, not staying in place in vehicle mode. It is unknown if later releases remedied this.
TakaraTomy's release of Lugnut, released in the second wave of their Animated toyline, was redecoed with most of the flat purple plastic now covered in shiny metallic purple paint. His red eye appears to be brighter as well. Also, the Animated gold sigils were replaced by white-outlined purple ones, as on all Japanese Animated toys.

"Now I'm radioactive! That can't be GLORIOUS!"
  • Atomic Lugnut (Voyager Class, 2009)
Part of the sixth (and ultimately final) wave of Animated Voyagers, Atomic Lugnut is a redeco of the Voyager Class mold in a color scheme inspired by World War II era B-29s.
He retains all of his previous gimmickry.


He stands up straight to look good for his master.
  • Lugnut (McDonald's Happy Meal Toy)
  • McNumber: 6
A simple version of Lugnut with a very simple transformation sequence. Like most of the McDonald's Animated toys, he gave up a show-accurate robot mode for a show-accurate vehicle mode.


Gloriously Adorable.
  • Lugnut (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
  • Collection: 2
  • Bag number: ***** 75
  • Accessories: Logo brick (or plate, 2015 releases only), shock-prod staff
  • Known designers: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
As part of the second wave of Kre-O blindpacked Micro-Changers, Lugnut is a Kreon that can be rebuilt into a purple bomber plane. He reuses Mirage's helmet and shares the majority of his extra parts with wavemate Powerglide. His weapon was originally wielded by Knock Out.
This Collection was still in circulation at "dollar" stores and drug stores up through 2015. They eventually lost the individual-identifying bag codes, but other changes were hidden inside the bag. The 2015 releases replaced the 2x4 logo stand-brick with a new 3x4 logo plate. The Kreon was also given the slight retooling to the arm seen in the 2014 Kreons, making the "cuff" parts more sharp-cornered and better adapted to being used as studs. Some of the add-on pieces may also be slightly off-color, possibly due to a change in factories in mid-production.

  • Lugnut (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2016)
  • Collection: 2
  • Accessories: Stand-plate, shock-prod staff
In 2016, Collection 2 was re-released in a whole new production run for Dollar General stores in the US as part of a large collection of re-released Kre-O sets. But where most of these releases are nigh-identical to the originals, the re-released Micro-Changer blind-bags use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon, with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. (It is possible for some of the add-on pieces to be in the older hues.) Lugnut's paint operations have also been altered, giving him gray chest-windows instead of black, as well as changing his faction symbol from a black outline to a white-outlined purple. Lugnut also has a parts change, replacing the clip-on domes with newer clip-on turbines.
Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.


  • Lugnut's name derives from an earlier stage in his development; at one point he was going to be more Frankenstein's Monster-esque, with giant bolts (or "nuts") sticking out from his neck. While this concept was effectively discarded, the character kept "Lugnut" for his final name... but it works well enough on its own, as he is a big lug and a bit of a nut.
  • Of the five main Animated Decepticons, Lugnut is the only one without a "counterpart" from a prior series.
  • According to the Decepticon character descriptions sent out in the initial Cartoon Network press release for Transformers Animated, Lugnut "carries a payload of mega-bombs and can spew liquid napalm with laser-like accuracy". Alas, his napalm-spewing ability hasn't shown up anywhere. The bio on the Latin America McDonald's website used this character description as well when promoting his toy.
  • Derrick Wyatt and Marty Isenberg admitted at BotCon 2008 that they didn't know that Lugnut's toy had the battle mace, as it was a Hasbro creation. Once they learned of its existence, they slipped it into season 2, and it makes its only appearance in "Garbage In, Garbage Out".
  • At Botcon 2008, Marty Isenberg took a liking to the term Punch of Kill Everything used in the fandom to refer to Lugnut's attack, and said he would find a way to work it in. Sure enough, in the comic The Arrival #4 penned by Isenberg, Lugnut's attack was named as such.
  • The four small red dots (two to either side) on Lugnut's head, according to the series' creators, are secondary optics.[1] This means Lugnut actually has five eyes, rather than the one he appears to have at a casual glance.
  • According to his on-package bio, Lugnut is known as the 'Kaon Krusher'.
  • In the Japanese dub of Animated, Lugnut has a verbal tic where he adds the syllable "ttsu" (ッツ) to the ends of most of his sentences. In the intro voiceover for "Three's a Crowd", he explains that he simply does this "because [I'm] Lugnut", as in Japanese, his name is pronounced "ragunattsu".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Lugnut (ラグナッツ Ragunattsu)
  • Mandarin: Luōmǔ (螺母 , "Lugnut")


  1. Derrick J Wyatt, in response to a question on his blog: "I've always thought of Lugnut as having five eyes. One main, and four smaller peripheral vision eyes. Although the other eyes are probably pretty dim, as Lugnut is pretty singularly focused."
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