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Brawl (Movie)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Brawl (disambiguation), Devastator (disambiguation).
Brawl is a Decepticon from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.
Maybe he was talking to Devastator earlier and got confused.

To say Brawl (aka Devastator) is a warrior is like calling Cybertron a hunk of metal. Brawl does not just enjoy fighting, he is consumed by it. Tearing Autobots apart is embedded into his very core, and every fiber-optic cable of his being is obsessed with wild, unyielding combat. The only thing he enjoys, or even cares about, is the fury of battle. And he loves a good explosion. Particularly if it's one he created, and if it's an Autobot that is exploding.

While it's not uncommon for ambition or independent thinking to cause trouble in the Decepticon ranks, Brawl's never had that problem. This is mostly because he suffers from a severe lack of both qualities. Where others question orders, Brawl simply carries them out, perfectly happy to let Megatron do all his thinking for him.

Sometimes, he merges with his fellow Combaticons into the mighty Bruticus Maximus. If one of him wasn't intimidating enough, he has a couple of look-alikes, one of which also uses the name "Devastator".[Note]

See, me, I go by one guiding principle—keep it stupid... simple!Brawl's outlook on life, "Lost In Space 2: Devastator"



Transformers film

Bra—um, I mean, Devastator does not care if this is suspicious. He will shoot anyone who objects.

Devastator was lying in wait at a military depot when Starscream contacted the Decepticon infiltration team, informing them that the All Spark had been found and they were to move out. Devastator acknowledged that he was in transit and rolled out of the depot. He met up with Barricade and Bonecrusher and hit the highway, though Devastator separated from the group before Barricade and Bonecrusher got on the freeway and met up with Autobot/human convoy.

Arriving at Mission City in the aftermath of Starscream's opening attack on the Autobots and their human allies, Devastator fired shells from his main gun, narrowly missing several targets before running over vehicles abandoned by human bystanders. As the American soldiers fanned out in search of cover, the Autobots charged Devastator. He focused his attacks on Ironhide, who was forced to somersault over his shells. This distraction allowed the Autobot Jazz to jump on top of Devastator and point his cannon away from the humans. Devastator managed to transform and throw the smaller Autobot off him, but not before Jazz destroyed his left side rocket launcher pod.

Devast—um, I mean, Brawl says, "Surrender or perish!"

Damaged, but not down, Devastator fired two rockets from his remaining launcher at Ironhide, missing the heavily armed Autobot as he somersaulted over the missiles. Ironhide and Jazz managed to fire several shots at Devastator, disorienting him. Ratchet followed up by using his buzzsaw to slice off Devastator's left arm. The humans then fired a volley of sabot rounds while Ratchet supported with suppressive fire, knocking Devastator to the ground. The only thing that saved him was the Autobots and humans' retreat at the arrival of Megatron. Eventually, Ironhide and Ratchet disengaged from the battle as they left to protect ladiesman217, who was escaping with the All Spark, while Jazz took on Megatron. Now with fewer targets to deal with, Devastator sprayed heavy machine gun fire at the remaining humans, whose leader remarked that the battle was not going well.

Ah, I'll just read the bullet with my name on it. THAT should settle the argument!

Devastator continued to pin down the soldiers until the damaged Autobot Bumblebee suddenly attacked while on the back of a tow truck driven by Ladiesman217's female companion. Devastator tried to return fire, only for his machine gun, his last ranged weapon, to be destroyed by Bumblebee's plasma cannon. With the Autobot's return to battle being the deciding factor, the human soldiers rallied and fired more sabots, piercing Devastator's armor until a final shot from Bumblebee struck Devastator's spark and killed him. Devastator died as he lived: destroying things, for his chassis crashed into the building the human soldiers had taken refuge in.

Devastator's body was dumped into the deepest part of the Laurentian Abyss along with his fellow Decepticons, in the hopes the intense pressure and cold will destroy whatever remained. Transformers (film)

Brawl's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novels Transformers, Transformers: The Junior Novel, and The Quest for the AllSpark; the comic mini-series Transformers: Movie Adaptation; the activity book "Look and Find Transformers"; and the storybooks "Optimus Prime Versus Megatron", "Meet the Autobots", "Meet the Decepticons", "Transformers Mix & Match", and "Transformers: The Movie Storybook".

Titan movie comics

Yeah, I got three names - wanna make something of it?!

Brawl Devastator was known as Megatron's "pet weapon of mass destruction". Nonchalant and cavalier (he even has bandoliers of bullets!), he follows a single guiding principle—"keep it stupid... simple!"

He also looks physically similar to Brawl, who's some other guy. #3's Mech Mail

Megatron threw him at the Autobots so he could reach the AllSpark, and had armed him with a foldspace warhead. When the Autobots pointed out that at this range, the warhead would take him out as well, he replied "Eh. So?" and fired anyway. He loves a good explosion that much. Prelude: Megatron

Your gas comes out of where??

Devastator ended up warped to an uninhabited world covered with cities, and out of sheer boredom went around smashing a lot of it before he realized he should try getting off the planet. Yet every time he attempted to focus long enough to find a way to do so, he would be mysteriously and suddenly filled with a violent rage that would make him smash and blow up more stuff. Eventually he was able to concentrate long enough to find and scan a vehicle mode as well as lock onto an energy source he can use to replenish his fuel reserves to leave the planet.

The mysterious Flame, a power source that drove the planet's inhabitants to murder, tried to influence his mind towards rampaging until his fuel ran out; as he got nearer to it, it created apparitions of the other Decepticons that taunted him for his stupidity and attacked him. This failed to influence him as it would require Devastator to have introspection, or care about being stupid—instead, he simply carried on to the Flame, absorbed some of it, and left the planet. Lost In Space 2: Devastator

A mere half-hour after Megatron's death and before his body was dumped in the sea, Devastator was resurrected by Starscream as a mindless zombie, a soulless monster that would only destroy. It's what he would've wanted. Starscream's Militia

Alternate timeline

In an alternate timeline where Megatron won the battle of Mission City, that other guy Brawl, who was much more wordier when he talked, tore up part of Baltimore as part of a Decepticon campaign to force America into getting rid of the Autobots. Revolution Part 1

Ghosts of Yesterday

Brawl was oddly absent from events surrounding the Ghost 1 discovery. Whether he was aboard the Nemesis and otherwise indisposed or joined up with Starscream at a later date is unknown. Ghosts of Yesterday

IDW movie comics

Brawl keeps quiet about the fact that he'd been napping for the past 30 minutes.

Many years in the past, Brawl was a member of Cybertron's Defense Force, under the command of Protector Megatron, and was among those who rooted out and eliminated "malcontents" who protested against the dual rule of the Defense Force and Science Division. During one such mission in Tyger Pax, the malcontents surrendered, but their pleas were ignored as Brawl ripped one them in half with his bare hands. Foundation #2 After the discovery of a mysterious relic and an alien attack Defiance #1, Megatron changed significantly, altering the military's mission from one of protection of Cybertron to making war upon the hostile aliens and anybody who would stand in their way. Defiance #2 Brawl was sent on a mission to capture science division leader (and thorn in Megatron's side) Optimus and eliminate his fellow scientists and the unwitting security team sent to arrest him. Brawl fired an explosive round that scattered the "traitors", but the wily Optimus managed to bury Starscream and his fliers under a mountain of rubble. They survived and subsequently joined Megatron's new "Decepticon" faction. Defiance #3


During the war, while Starscream's forces assaulted the Autobots at Tyger Pax, Brawl bashed his way past faltering Autobot defenders, bringing news that Megatron knew where the All Spark was. When Starscream excitedly declared that he must go to the cube, Brawl questioned his loyalty, prompting Bonecrusher to threaten the latter with violence lest he not take the group to Megatron. After witnessing Megatron leave Cybertron to chase after the escaping All Spark, the Decepticons followed. Planetfall

They boarded a Decepticon battlecruiser and gave chase to Optimus Prime's starship, only to fall prey to an Autobot trap. After repairing their ship, they followed the All Spark's trace energy pulse to the fourth planet of a distant solar system, where they encountered a primitive lifeform that could have been born from the All Spark's energy. The Reign of Starscream #1

The Decepticons landed on Earth and were detected by a nearby US air base, which sent an armoured personnel carrier to investigate. Wreckage assumed the form of the carrier vehicle, destroyed it, then led Starscream's unit to the base. Brawl trans-scanned a nearby human tank and joined the others in leveling the base. Planetfall

In the aftermath of the battle in Mission City, Sector Seven hauled away Brawl's corpse along with the other Decepticon bodies. The clandestine human organisation brought the bodies to a secret facility in the Nevada desert, with the intention of getting every bit of information they can out of the dead Decepticons before they were forced to dump them into the sea. Alliance #1 One month after the battle of Mission City, the Autobots helped Sector Seven escort Megatron, Brawl, and Blackout's bodies to San Diego, where the United States Navy would transport them to the drop site at the Laurentian Abyss. Alliance #2

I Can Read! books


Brawl, Blackout and Scalpel were at a sea-side dock when they encountered Ratchet and Ironhide. The Decepticons attempted to attack, but were held off by an electrical attack courtesy of Ratchet, allowing the Autobots to escape. Ratchet to the Rescue

Toy bios


Before arriving on Earth, Brawl seriously injured his arch-enemy Jazz[1] in a battle on a barren world in deep space. Premium Series Jazz

Not many can make Brawl laugh, but one person who can is Ratchet. Watching him run around a battlefield after Brawl has sent a crowd of foes flying, trying to save as many lives as possible—that cracks Brawl right up! Rescue Ratchet Vs Decepticon Brawl Following an infusion of AllSpark energy, Brawl found his cannons more powerful than ever. AllSpark-Enhanced Brawl

In the final battle, Brawl was saturated with power from the AllSpark rather than killed. Freed from the influence of Megatron, he disappeared into the rugged land around the Hoover Dam. Making his way over the course of months to the most dangerous place on Earth (presumably the Middle East), he adapted his vehicle mode to the new environment and hid from the Autobot patrols. Brawl now gains up energy from the blazing sun and emerges only to satisfy his hunger for destruction by attacking and annihilating anything that comes across him. Desert Blast Brawl Deep Desert Brawl (Leader)

Though the Autobots never found him, Brawl had seethed with rage at hiding in defeat and having to wait for a new leader to emerge. With Megatron back from the dead, Brawl is ready to tear into the Autobots again! Deep Desert Brawl (Deluxe)

Brawl is one of the most experienced and cunning warriors to ever emerge from Cybertron's great war: a vicious, instinctive fighter, bred for victory. This stands in stark contrast to the tactical mind of Ironhide, the Autobot weapons-master. As they hunt each other through a desolate desert, they both know that only one of them will walk away from their inevitable battle. Deep Desert Brawl (Titanium)

As Brawl advanced with a horde of his fellow Decepticon warriors towards an Autobot force entrenched among ancient ruins in a desert, he presumably had no idea that Jolt was eyeballing him for a take-down. Desert Ruins Brawl

Beast Wars Diorama Story

At some point, Brawl and multiple Autobots and Decepticons traversed dimensions and found themselves on a different Earth, in the distant past. They crossed paths with new Transformer factions, the Maximals and the Predacons, who were engaged in a conflict called the Beast Wars. A battle broke out between the four factions. The Autobots and the Decepticons eventually returned to their home dimension, leaving the Maximals and Predacons behind to settle the Beast Wars. Beast Wars Diorama Story

Unite for the Universe

Following Brawl's death, his body was moved to the N.E.S.T. N.B.E. Resource Redistribution Plant in Toronto, Canada to be melted down by NEST. Ambition Instigated

BeCool shorts

Voice actor: Yoshinori Tsushima (Japanese)

Tank (戦車 Sensha) was a tough customer who let his strength solve his problems when angry. The Self-Introduction Chapter Among others, he was caught in a traffic jam, but Trailer made them all transform into robot modes so that they could walk past the jam. The Story of the Surprising and Big Traffic Jam! Tank was again stuck with others because of a hole in the road. When Trailer used his body to fill the hole, Tank drove through. The Story of Mister Trailer's Big Success!

Tank was one of the players on Quiz! BeCool, on a team with Battle Tank, whose incomprehensible utterances he translated for. They ended up winning when Battle Tank correctly answered the last question. The Story of Quiz! BeCool Tank was later caught in a big traffic accident after Yellow Sports Car slipped on a banana peel and crashed into a crowd. The Story of Protecting the Signal! At some point, Tank watched the filming of a movie that a fire brigade mistook for an emergency. The Story of the Fire Brigade Dispatch!


Flight of the Bumblebee

Brawl joined Wreckage, Scorponok and Barricade in trying to destroy Bumblebee in a canyon. Flight of the Bumblebee

Transformers The Game (console)

Voice actor: David Sobolov (English), Iñaki Alonso (Castilian Spanish)

Autobot campaign

*snikt* *snikt*

Brawl arrived in Mission City shortly after Jazz took down Starscream, Blackout and a pair of Dreadwings single-handedly. The Autobot's victory was short-lived... and so was the Autobot, as Brawl punctured Jazz's chest with his claw, extinguishing his spark whilst commenting on how he loved the way that Autobots died. Ironhide arrived just in time to witness the killing, and fought through a horde of Decepticon units to destroy Brawl. Man Ironhide is obsessed. Transformers The Game (console)

Decepticon campaign

I have many, many guns; I can call myself whatever I want! From now on, you will all refer to me by the name...Betty.

Brawl, Bonecrusher and Starscream were hiding out in a human military installation in the desert when they received word that Frenzy and Barricade had discovered the location of the AllSpark. When the three Decepticons mobilized, the two ground-based machines were assaulted by tanks designed to fire holding beams of electrical energy, forcing Starscream to back-and-forth babysit the two Decepticons as they tried to escape.

Brawl later stood by Megatron's side in Washington D.C. after they had retrieved the All Spark from the destroyed Autobots and had decimated pretty much everything in their path. Transformers The Game (console)

Brawl was not a playable character in the console versions of the game.

Transformers: Autobots

As Optimus Prime attempted to rendez-vous with the other Autobots near Hoover Dam, Brawl blocked his only path — a hidden Air Force hangar tunneled into the canyon. He fought Prime with all his might, but the Autobot leader was too much for him. As Sector 7 tanks arrived, he converted to his vehicle mode, managing to con the tanks into his own reinforcements. In his tank mode, Prime could no longer damage him as much and had to resort to smashing the tanks into Brawl to damage him. In the end, Prime put him out of commission. Transformers: Autobots

Transformers: Decepticons

Brawl was stationed in Qatar where he greeted a Create-A-Bot and Blackout, the latter of whom he was happy to see again for the first time since a ruckus they inflicted at Tyger Pax. The former, he wasn't too pleased to see once he learned that the young bot was his current field commander. When the rookie tried to pull rank on him, Brawl sneered and warned him of the dangers of friendly fire, but Blackout managed to defuse the situation. Brawl was assigned to wiping out any humans who tried to escape the nearby military base during Blackout's raid, though first he advised Create-A-Bot to take on a helicopter alternate mode to maneuver the large airspace more easily. Brawl did have some fun wiping out some fleeing military convoys (recognizable by moviegoers as the town where Lennox fought Scorponok) to prevent the humans from getting an upper hand over the N.B.E.s and even got the chance to do battle with an Autobot strike team led by Ratchet. After Ratchet was defeated and fled, Brawl regrouped with his field commander and told him he was welcome to party with him at any time. "Party" meaning "destroy stuff", naturally.

The Decepticons headed back to Tranquility so Barricade could decode the Project Ice Man file. As they plotted their next move, Barricade sent Create-A-Bot to take out Sector 7's defenses, and Blackout confided in Barricade and Brawl that he'd found evidence that Sector 7 had access to a Cybertronian power source. Brawl wondered aloud where they'd get that, and guarded the perimeter while Barricade cracked the file. After the Decepticons headed to Hoover Dam, Brawl set up some bombs along the dam as a back-up plan, though he was disappointed to not be allowed to set them off early. Brawl was then sent to capture a human tank, and had to be threatened with the confiscation of his weapon chip in order for him to retrieve intact so as to interrogate the occupant human. Once the interrogation was done, the tank didn't stay intact long, as he could be seen merrily destroying it while Create-A-Bot conversed with Barricade. The gang was surprised to learn that the AllSpark was on Earth, but were glad to have Create-A-Bot on their side as they revived Megatron, who later gave a rousing speech only to be interrupted by Brawl announcing that the Autobots were taking the AllSpark to Tranquility.

Once the Decepticons arrived at the city, Megatron declared all-out war, and sent Blackout and Brawl to destroy everything in their path until they stopped Starscream, the Autobots, and recovered the AllSpark. Brawl got the chance to face off against Ironhide in a 1-on-1 street brawl involving an apparent grudge over a past encounter and emerged triumphant over the Autobots' muscle.

Transformers: Decepticons

Brawl and Megatron are the only Decepticons to survive this game, but Brawl is never seen again after the player wins the boss battle with Ironhide.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen the Game

Brawl was never in the game as a boss or playable character, but a cutscene that plays when the campaign is first started shows Optimus Prime and Brawl (or maybe someone who looks like him) fighting each other, with NEST firing shots that don't seem to make much of an effect. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

Allspark Highway

Brawl and the Decepticons fought hard to keep the Allspark from reaching Optimus Prime. There were lots of him. Allspark Highway

Transformers Video Mash-Up

Various short clips featuring Brawl were available for users to custom-create their own short film about the Transformers.
Transformers Video Mash-Up

Bot Shots Battle Game!

BotShots Brawl.jpg

Brawl participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!


Transformers (2007)

Legends Class toys

You can take my articulation, but not my desire to kill!
  • Rescue Ratchet vs. Decepticon Brawl (Legends Allspark Battles two-pack, 2008)
"Decepticon Brawl" was part of the first wave of "AllSpark Battles" Legends Class two-packs, which was part of the "AllSpark Power" subline imprint of the Movie toyline. He transforms into a tiny tank, features limited articulation, and came with Rescue Ratchet.
This mold was redecoed to make Revenge of the Fallen Tankor.

Deluxe Class toys

Don't let them know about my arm problem, or they won't buy me.
  • Decepticon Brawl (Deluxe Class, 2007)
Part of the second wave of Movie Deluxe Class toys, "Decepticon Brawl" transforms into a heavily-modified M1A1 Abrams tank, fitted with angular reflective armor, a mine plow, and external spare fuel canisters. Mounted upon the turret is a smaller sub-turret housing two anti-aircraft cannons and rocket launchers. The spring-loaded main cannon fires a translucent red projectile.
During transformation to robot mode, pushing down on the front of his tank mode automorphs the front section of his treads and his head up into their proper robot position mode, and raising the front up returns the treads back down to their tank mode configuration. He is armed with his spring-loaded main gun on his right arm and a flip-out blade on his left. The barrel of the gun can be removed and the remaining section rotated to create a more screen accurate quad missile rack, but the barrel cannot be stored properly on the figure when doing so.
There is a design flaw in the way Brawl's arms attach to his torso: The rhombic peg and socket system used does not fit together, and thus the arms cannot attach at the shoulder. There have also been quite a few reports of the teeny-tiny automorph gears—molded out of fragile, translucent plastic—cracking and breaking into pieces, leaving the automorph non-functional. A variant of him fixes the problem by replacing the red transparent plastic gears with solid red plastic gears.

  • Deluxe Class three-pack (Multi-pack, 2007)
  • Accessories: Missile
This Sam's Club exclusive three-pack contains an unchanged Deluxe Class Decepticon Brawl together with equally unchanged Deluxe Class Bonecrusher and Autobot Jazz toys. It also comes with a nifty poster depicting all three toys in a standoff scene. Not so nifty is that the box accidentally places Brawl and Bonecrusher's bios underneath each other.

  • Deluxe Class three-pack (Multi-pack, UK 2007)
  • Accessories: Missile
This three-pack, which was available at general retail in the United Kingdom, contains an unchanged Deluxe Class Decepticon Brawl together with equally unchanged Deluxe Class Protoform Optimus Prime and Autobot Jazz toys.

  • Ultimate Bumblebee Bonus Value pack (Multi-pack, 2007)
  • Accessories: Missile
A Walmart exclusive special pack of Ultimate Bumblebee with Deluxe Class Decepticon Brawl and Scorponok as bonus figures. None of the three toys are changed from their respective original releases.

Personality component not included.
  • All Spark-Enhanced Decepticon Brawl (Target Exclusive Deluxe Class, 2007)
  • Accessories: Missile
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
A Target exclusive in the "AllSpark Power" subline, "All Spark-Enhanced Decepticon Brawl" (Phew!) is a repaint of his Deluxe Class toy, with the only difference from his standard release being that key robot mode parts are highlighted in "Allspark Blue" for no other reason than to sell toys. He is packaged in robot mode in a unique, clear-plastic cylindrical container, most likely to show off his new paint job.
This toy was also sold exclusively at The Warehouse in New Zealand.

  • Transformers Commemorative Box Set (Decepticon) (2008)
Released an an exclusive for Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACG, also known as Ani-Con) 2008, The regular Deluxe Brawl toy is released without any changes along with Premium Series Megatron, Premium Barricade, Premium Blackout, and a Deep Space Starscream. The toys are packaged with a synthetic, leather-like box with a half-trimmed Decepticon Symbol, and it comes with a sheet of Certificate of Authenticity.
As the toy is released after 2007, this Brawl is very likely to use the solid plastic gears variant. The boxsets are limited to 100 pieces.

Leader Class toys

I think Demolisher's as good a name as any... WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S TAKEN?!
  • Decepticon Brawl (Leader Class, 2007)
Part of the third wave Transformers Leader Class toys, A larger, more heavily armed version of Brawl, this figure is more accurate to the character's CGI model, and has more articulation and weapons than the Deluxe-class figure.
While having no firing missiles, it does feature a number of Automorph gimmicks. First, pressing the button on the front of the tank causes his head and chest pieces to move into position. A scoop/claw (based on the one from the mine clearance kit that supplied the plows for the prop tank) has been added to the front of the tank, probably to make the lever to push his head back down stand out less. Second, pressing the floodlights on either side of the front end causes the paneling to swing back into place. These panels have a hair-trigger and are very hard to get to stay locked in vehicle configuration. Finally, Brawl has automorph weapons on each of his forearms - his right arm has a quadruple-barreled cannon that extends as you slide a switch forward, while his left features a swing-out claw, deployed by pulling back the arm's cannon. His hands have individually articulated fingers, like all Transformers Leader Class figures.
Other features include lights and sounds, activated by pushing back on the main cannon or turning the upper turret. The turret sounds can also be activated by pressing the two small buttons on the top of the turret, on either side of the machine gun. A pair of blades can also swing down from the legs.
Possibly due to safety reasons, or just the desire on the part of the designers to not see fragile parts break, the main cannon and anti-aircraft guns on Brawl's turrets detach from their mounting points rather easily.

... Sandstorm? Is that you?
  • Deep Desert Brawl (Leader Class, 2008)
An extensive redeco of Leader Class Brawl in desert colors, as part of the "AllSpark Power" refresh of the movie toyline. His vehicle mode comes with battle damage carbon scoring as well as Autobot "kill" markings. His clear plastic parts are cast in bright translucent blue, along with the bright blue paint seen on his robot mode, a color accent he has in common with the rest of the AllSpark Power toys.

Fast Action Battlers

Do not taunt Happy Fun Brawl.
  • Double Missile Decepticon Brawl (Fast Action Battler, 2007)
  • Accessories: upper turret, 2 missiles
Part of the second wave of Movie Fast Action Battlers toys, "Double Missile Brawl" is a simplified version of Brawl. Designed for younger children, his transformation is designed with speedy conversion in mind, with relatively few steps compared to the Deluxe class Brawl. Additionally, in an effort to keep the design sturdy for play and safety, he has relatively low articulation for a figure of his size, while the design style of the figure is more rounded and 'friendly'. Two pressure-launched missiles are fired from his two missile pods.

  • Desert Blast Brawl (Fast Action Battler, 2008)
  • Accessories: upper turret, 2 missiles
Part of the sixth wave of Movie Fast Action Battlers toys, "Desert Blast Brawl" is a redeco of Fast Action Battlers Brawl in desert colors.

Cyber Slammers

"Daddy, what's my name?"
"Well, son, your mom and I never decided between Brawl, Devastator, Demolisher..."
  • Decepticon Brawl (Cyber Slammer, 2007)
Part of the second wave of Cyber Slammers toys, Brawl is an amazingly cute tank that transforms into an amazingly cute sentient machine of mass destruction. "Slam" his robot mode down into tank mode and he rolls along, slowly transforming back up into robot mode. Like most Cyber Slammers, Brawl manages to cram most of his vehicle mode's major details into a compact, super-deformed version of that mode.

Revenge of the Fallen

My shoulder's fixed. Now buy me.
  • Deep Desert Brawl (Deluxe Class, 2009)
  • Accessories: Missile
Part of the second wave of Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Class toys, Deep Desert Brawl is a redeco of 2007's Deluxe class Brawl in a desert camouflage color scheme similar to the 2008 Fast Action Battlers Desert Blast Brawl. The toy was slightly retooled, fixing the arm issue from the previous release. The transparent plastic gears of the initial release have also been replaced with less fragile opaque plastic.
The stock photo pictured on the back of his package is clearly a hand-painted toy with a lot of differences from the final product. The chocolate-brown plastic is nowhere to be seen, and the entire toy is done up in a much more subtle, natural blend of tans and browns.
During part of 2010, Hasbro did a promotion wherein US fans could receive three free Deluxes in exchange for receipts showing the purchase of $25 or more of select Transformers product. As noted in this thread over at Allspark.com, and later confirmed by this listing here, this version of Brawl was one of a pool of eight figures (all from the same wave) from which the free Deluxes were drawn.

I am, in fact, a multiversal singularity and thus every Brawl! At least, that's what I say to impress the girls.
  • Bruticus Maximus (2009)
  • Accessories: Energon Gun-radar/hand, Decepticon-type energon star
Revenge of the Fallen Decepticon Brawl is a redeco of Energon Blight and Kickback, transforming into an anti-aircraft tank similar to a Gepard. He was available with the Revenge of the Fallen Bruticus Maximus giftset, and when combined with the other Combaticons, Brawl forms a limb. His tank mode is adorned with the text "1MJ9" in a font that says "brwl" when read upside-down.
The mold was also redecoed into Timelines Landquake and Revenge of the Fallen Blast Off. Decepticon Brawl and Blast Off are indistinguishable from Universe (2008) Decepticon Brawl and Blast Off. Another planned redeco, movie Gunbarrel, was canceled.

Transformers (2010)

  • Decepticon Brawl (EZ Collection, 2010)
EZ Collection Brawl is a redeco of the first Legends Class figure, featuring darker olive green plastic.

"You know what? I'm sick of being Brawl and Devastator. I'm going by 'Warpath' from now on!"
  • Brawl Desert Mode (EZ Collection, 2010)
Transformers "Brawl Desert Mode" is a redeco of Legends Class Brawl in desert camouflage, with some light blue details based on the Leader Class Deep Desert Brawl toy. Brawl Desert Mode was only available in Japan.

I'm newly painted! Entirely newly painted!
  • Desert Decimation (Legends Class multi-pack, 2010)
A redeco of Legends Class Brawl which is... entirely different! Sandy tan and greyish brown replace the solid green plastic of the original release. Brown desert camo is painted along the sides of the vehicle mode.
This version of Brawl was only available in the market six-exclusive Transformers: Hunt for the Decepticons "Desert Decimation" 4-pack together with Ironhide, Ratchet, and Bonecrusher.

Fiesta Brawl.
  • Desert Ruins Brawl (Walmart exclusive multi-pack, 2010)
  • Accessories: Missile
Part of the Walmart exclusive Hunt for the Decepticons "Desert Ruins Brawl" multi-pack, this iteration of Brawl is a rather bizarre redeco of Revenge of The Fallen Deep Desert Brawl in slightly greenish yellow, brown, green, and gray. He comes with a redeco of Legends Class Jolt. This set was later sold in the Family Dollar store chain, and spotted at Rossy stores in eastern Canada.


  • Brawl (EZ Collection, 2010)
Yes, you read that correctly. The Legends-class Brawl was released under the Transformers Animated brand in Japan, as part of the second assortment of blind-packed "EZ Collection" toys, which was half-Animated, half-movie. This version of Brawl is cast in dark, desaturated pine-green plastic.

Bot Shots

  • Decepticon Brawl (Bot Shot, 2012)
  • Series: 1
  • Number: B007
    • Fist strength: 580
    • Blaster strength: 910
    • Sword strength: 120
Part of the second wave of Bot Shots Series 1 single-packs, "Decepticon Brawl" is a teeny little tank with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when the front is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. He is based heavily on live-action movie Brawl, but with a more "traditional" face.
He was redecoed into Super Bot Blitzwing and Protectobot Groove. He shares parts with Megatron and Shockwave.

Did "Tankor" not clear legal?
  • Decepticon Brawl / Shockwave / Ironhide (Multi-pack, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: BP009
      • Fist strength: 825
      • Blaster strength: 490
      • Sword strength: 305
Part of the second wave of Bot Shots Series 1 three-packs, this is a blue and gold redeco of Brawl. He comes with Shockwave and Super Bot Ironhide.

"Grr, green make Brawl very, VERY..."
  • Battle for the Matrix (Multi-pack, 2012)
  • Series: 1
  • Number: UB004
    • Fist strength: 520
    • Blaster strength: 870
    • Sword strength: 230
Part of a large multi-pack, this version of Brawl is cast in green plastic and features silver paint operations.
The set also comes with Megatron with his launcher, Optimus Prime with his launcher, Bumblebee, as well as a cardboard token representing the Matrix.

"... ANGRY!"
  • Cliffjumper / Decepticon Brawl / Dirt Boss (Multi-pack, 2013)
  • Series: 2
  • Number: BP002
    • Fist strength: 535
    • Blaster strength: 300
    • Sword strength: 790
Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 2 three-packs, Brawl transforms into a different type of tank compared to his earlier Blitz Shot toy. As a Flip Shot, an impact to the front of his vehicle mode causes him to flip up when autotransforming. He comes with Flip Shot Cliffjumper and Super Bot Dirt Boss.
He was retooled into Warpath and Onslaught.

  • Decepticon Brawl (Flip Shot, 2013)
  • Series: 2
  • Number: B006
    • Fist strength: 865
    • Blaster strength: 320
    • Sword strength: 425
Part of the second wave of Bot Shots Series 2 single-packs, this redeco of Flip Shot Brawl features a brighter green and bluish-silver treads.


"Phew, Brawl not so angry in Japan..."
  • Tank (Decepticon Brawl) (2012)
  • ID number: B06
BeCool "Tank" is practically identical to the multi-packed blue version of the Bot Shots Brawl toy, the only difference being that his stickers don't depict power levels but instead drawings of his tank mode firing its turret, a tiny map of a city block and an arm flexing its muscles.

Dark of the Moon

"Nah, Warpath sucks. Call me 'Blitzwing' instead!"
  • Decepticon Brawl (Leader Class, 5-31-2013)
  • Asia ID number: APS02
Asia Premium Series "Decepticon Brawl" is an extensive, movie-accurate redeco of the 2007 "movie" Leader Class Brawl toy. He was available exclusively in non-Japanese Asian markets. It used a darker olive drab than the 2007 version and had orange detailing in its legs. Additionally, all clear plastic parts were painted with olive drab or dark grey.

Studio Series

His name is Robert Brawlson.
His name is Robert Brawlson.
  • Decepticon Brawl (Voyager Class, 2018)
  • Movie: Transformers
  • Hasbro ID number: 12
  • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-12
  • TakaraTomy release date: July 28, 2018
  • Accessories: Cannon, claw, gun, "Mission City Battle" backdrop
  • Known designers: Mike Booth (Hasbro)[2]
Studio Series Decepticon Brawl transforms into a modified M1A1 Abrams tank. He includes a cannon and a claw which can mount on his forearms, the top of his tank mode, or be held in his hands. The claw has a removable gun on it which can also be in any of the 5mm ports on the figure. He also comes with a cardboard backdrop depicting the battle of Mission City.
An alternate head with an open mouth went unused, as the head on the final toy is more accurate to the film.[2]
In a very embarrassing touch, Hasbro stock photography of this figure's robot mode that depicts a near-final sample features a pair of very visible dimes as a stabilizer for his right foot (the final figure, meanwhile, can stand on its own just fine). The arms are also badly mis-transformed and the torso treads aren't positioned correctly in robot mode.

Masterpiece Movie Series

Collectors worldwide tank him for completing their Transformers collection.
  • Decepticon Brawl (2024)
Masterpiece Movie Series Brawl is an incredibly faithful recreation of his CGI model, transforming into a modified M1 Abrams Tank once again.
He's absolutely armed to the teeth with 2 shoulder-mounted missile launchers and arm-mounted machine gun. He also has a lot of fire blast effects that he can use to display him opening fire.
Unfortunately for Brawl, he also comes with blast effects meant to be mounted on his chest to represent his injuries in the film, and his left arm can be ripped off to mimick how Ratchet sawed it off. Ouch.
Brawl was revealed by Hasbro's Chinese department on April 19.
  • Designer commentary on Masterpiece Brawl from Sam Smith on Instagram:


3D Battle-Card Game

Super Smash Bros. Devastator
  • Brawl (3D Battle-Card, 2007)
  • Card number: 17
Brawl is a 41-point "Rare" piece in the 3D Battle-Card Game. Constructed of punch-out pieces from plastic cards, he can be assembled into his tank mode, or a sort of representation of his robot mode. Oddly enough, he does not actually have his movie-model head; rather, he uses a recolored version of Barricade's noggin slapped on the Brawl body.
He uses the same construction as the Wreckage, Blitzwing and Warpath cards.
His card art was done by Lucio Parrillo.

Transformers (2007)

Transformers Movie Danglers

Movie Brawl dangler.jpg
  • Decepticon Devastator (2007)
Released by Tomy Yujin in November 2007[4] as part of the Danglers Collection, this toy is a weird plastic super-deformed version of Brawl/Devastator that pops out his vehicle mode when you squeeze him. This little figurine has a little strap on it so that it can be put on cell phones or portable gaming devices.
This product is one of the few that uses Brawl's on-screen name "Devastator".

Titanium Series

Why do I not look this cool?!!
  • Decepticon Brawl (3-inch Robot Masters, 2007)
Part of the third wave of Movie Titanium Series 3-inch Robot Masters figurines, Brawl is a die-cast metal and plastic figurine, with an accurate sculpt based on the CG model (or the concept designs) owing to the fact he doesn't need to transform. Being a figurine, he only has articulation in his shoulders and waist. Brawl comes with a Movie-style Decepticon symbol display stand.

Robot Heroes

Oh my God, who touched Sasha!?! WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?!!?
  • Protoform Jazz & Decepticon Brawl (Two-pack, 2007)
Part of the second wave of movie tie-in Robot Heroes, this adorable, super deformed soft-plastic PVC of Brawl came in a two-pack with "Protoform Jazz". He has swivel joints at the neck and shoulders.

RobotHeroes BattlefortheAllspark.jpg
  • Battle for the AllSpark (Multi-pack, 2009)
A slightly redecoed Brawl is part of a set depicting the battle in Mission City with Megatron, Ratchet, Sam Witwicky, Optimus Prime in truck mode, Starscream in fighter mode and Bumblebee in car mode.

Revenge of the Fallen

RPMs - Robot Powered Machines

I see dead characters. Getting toys like regular characters. They don't know they're dead!
  • Autobot Jazz Vs. Decepticon Brawl (2-pack, 2009)
  • Series: Battle Series
  • Number: 02 of 08
Robot Powered Machines Brawl is a small, heavily modified M1A1 Abrams tank. Both turrets can be rotated, making him one of the few RPMs with any kind of articulation. He does not transform, but has his robot mode sculpted on the underside of the tank alongside four wheels (as treads wouldn't be very fun to race around on). These wheels use through-axle construction to let his zip along smooth surfaces with very un-tank-like speed. He was only available in a two-pack with Jazz.

Titanium Series

"Keep it stiff, simple!"
  • Offroad Ironhide & Deep Desert Brawl (Titanium Series 2-pack, 2009)
  • Accessories: Decepticon logo base
A Toys"R"Us-exclusive redeco of the original Titanium Series Brawl figure in tan. Like the original, it comes with a Movie-style Decepticon logo base to stand on.
It was only available in a two-pack with an unchanged version of Titanium Series Ironhide, despite the package suggesting that Ironhide would also be redecoed.

Figure Collection

Shhhh, I'm pretending to be E.T.
  • Brawl (2010)
  • Accessories: Stand
The Figure Collection edition of Brawl a small plastic representation of Brawl, based on his Fast Action Battlers toy. As with the other figures in this line, he was available from Gacha International's dispensers in 2010, and again in 2011.

Prime 1 Studio

Premium Bust

Prime 1 Studio Premium Bust Brawl.jpg
  • Brawl (2015)
  • Movie: Transformers
  • ID number: PBTFM-05
Prime 1 Studio Premium Bust Brawl is a highly detailed sculpture of his head and torso attached to a base. He features light-up LED eyes.

Museum Masterline

Prime 1 Studio Museum Ironhide Brawl.jpg
  • Ironhide (2016)
  • Movie: Transformers
  • ID number: MMTFM-11EX
Limited to 350 pieces, the exclusive version of Museum Masterline Ironhide comes with a heavily damaged Brawl head attached to a base.


Protoform Brawl.
  • The name "Brawl" was previously also a working name for the character ultimately called Barricade.[5]
  • According to Picture Vehicle Coordinator Steve Mann, the filming prop of Brawl was a redress of a tank prop made for another movie.[6] Specifically, it was the "stealth tank" seen in the 2005 film xXx: State of the Union. The tank prop from xXx was allegedly based on a used truck chassis that was shortened and equipped with a Freightliner diesel truck engine, "stealth" panels to give the tank its unique look, treads from another piece of heavy equipment and a double turret that could counter-rotate. Since this information comes from an IMDB trivia note, take it with a grain of salt.[7] Notable changes for Transformers include the addition of missile launchers on the sides of the secondary turret and a mine plow on the front end of the tank.
  • Jazz's move of racing-transforming-boarding Brawl is very reminiscent of the scene in The Transformers: The Movie where Kup does the same thing with Blitzwing. The DVD's special features confirm this was indeed the inspiration.
  • According to a press kit released in conjunction with the movie, Bonecrusher was supposed to form Brawl's left arm, and also insinuated that both of them were Constructicons. Thus far, no reported evidence of combination between the two has surfaced, however. Of course, this could be because his name was Devastator originally...but then again, the page calls him Brawl. And then we got an actual Devastator in the next movie...


Maybe his combat subroutines are interfering with his memory.
  • During production, Brawl went by the working name "Devastator", which had also been a working name for Blackout at one point.[8] In April 2006, screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman confirmed the character's final name to be "Brawl".[9] A month later in May, Michael Bay confirmed that "Devastator" was not the final name in support of Kurtzman and Orci.[10]
  • Although Hasbro used the name "Brawl" for all their toys based on the movie tank character, he identifies himself as "Devastator" in a subtitle in the movie itself. He is not credited in the film under either name.
  • According to a fan who attended the Australian press conference, Bay had confirmed that he had decided to use the name "Devastator" because he had preferred it.[11] However, Hasbro considered the name in the movie a "continuity error",[12] with Orci claiming that he and Kurtzman had pointed out said "error" in the editing room twice.[13]
  • Titan Comics did two strips with "Devastator". The editor hurriedly stated in #3's letters page that Devastator was a different guy, honest, and a cover for a later issue made sure to identify Brawl as Brawl; so now there's two of them (and Brawl nicks Devastator's toys, the dastard).
  • IDW's Reign of Starscream would retcon the misunderstanding, stating that he was called Brawl at Mission City all along.
  • Another working name for Brawl was "Demolisher", which erroneously ended up on a wallpaper hosted on Hasbro's website.[14]
  • Revenge of the Fallen would later introduce a character actually named "Devastator".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Brawl (ブロウル Burōru), Devastator (デバステーター Debasutētā)
  • Hungarian: Huligán ("Hooligan"), Pusztító ("Devastator")
  • Mandarin: Hōngtiān Léi (Taiwan Brawl, 轟天雷, "Rumbling Thunder"), Pòhuài Zhě (Taiwan Devastator, 破壞者, "Devastator"), Chǎonào (China, 吵闹, "Brawl")


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