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Banking reform, risk-taking, and earnings quality – Evidence from transition countries. (2014). HASAN, IFTEKHAR ; Fang, Yiwei ; Li, Lingxiang.
In: BOFIT Discussion Papers.

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  1. Watch out for bailout: TARP and bank earnings management. (2020). Liu, Frank Hong ; Jiang, Yuxiang ; Huang, Yichu ; Fan, Yaoyao.
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  2. Women on boards and bank earnings management: From zero to hero. (2019). Zhou, Yue ; Zhang, Xuezhi ; Jiang, Yuxiang ; Fan, Yaoyao.
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  3. What Drives Heterogeneity of Cyclicality of Loan-Loss Provisions in the EU?. (2017). Pipień, Mateusz ; Olszak, Małgorzata ; Roszkowska, Sylwia ; Kowalska, Iwona.
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  4. Macroprudential policy instruments and procyclicality of loan-loss provisions – cross-country evidence. (2016). Olszak, Małgorzata ; Kowalska, Iwona ; Roszkowska, Sylwia.
    In: Faculty of Management Working Paper Series.

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    In: Faculty of Management Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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