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Ti Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas
(dialihkeun ti Chili)
República de Chile  (Basa Spanyol)
Republik Cilé
Bandéra Cilé
Por la Razón o la Fuerza
  (Basa Spanyol): "By right or might"[1])
Himno Nacional de Chile  (Basa Spanyol)
Location of Cilé
Location of Cilé
Ibu kotaSantiago1
33°26′S 70°40′W
Kota panggedéna ibu kota
Basa resmi Spanyol
Démonim Chilean
Pamaréntah Republik demokratik
 -  President Gabriel Boric
 -  President of the Senate Álvaro Elizalde
 -  President of the Chamber of Deputies Raúl Soto
 -  President of the Constitutional Convention María Elisa Quinteros
 -  President of Supreme Court Guillermo Silva
Merdika ti Spanyol 
 -  Pamaréntahan Junta
Nagara Anyar

18 Séptémber 1810 
 -  Déklarasi 12 Pébruari 1818 
 -  Diakuan 25 April 1844 
 -  Cai (%) 2.1 (as of 2015)[2]
 -  Sénsus 2017 17,574,003[3] (64th)
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2022
 -  Total $550.450 billion[4] (43rd)
 -  Per kapita $27,629[4] (57th)
GDP (nominal) Perkiraan 2022
 -  Total $352.664 billion[4] (45th)
 -  Per kapita $17,702[4] (55th)
Gini? (2021) 46 
HDI (2019) 0.851 (43rd)
Mata uang Péso (CLP)
Zona wanci t/a (UTC-4)
 -  Usum panas (DST) t/a (UTC-3)
TLD Internét .cl
Kode telepon +56
1 Badan legislatif oprasi di Valparaíso.
2 Kaasup Easter Island jeung Isla Sala y Gómez; teu kaasup 1,250,000 km² teritori nu diaku di Antarktika.

Cilé, resmina Républik Cilé (Basa Spanyol: República de Chile ), nyaéta hiji nagara di Amérika Kidul nu nempatan widang basisir nu panjang jeung heureut nu dicepit ku pagunungan Andes jeung Samudra Pasifik. Pacific ngawates sakabéh wates béh kulon, Peru di béh kaler, Bolivia di wetan kaler, Argentina di béh wetan, tur Drake Passage dina tungtung pangkidulna nagara ieu. Cilé ngaku 1,250,000 km² wewengkon di Antartika.

Tempo ogé

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Rengking internasional

[édit | édit sumber]
Publisher Index Overall ranking Lat. Am. ranking Countries surveyed Top % Date
Freedom House Freedom in the World 2007 Free Free 193 January 2007
Heritage Foundation/The Wall Street Journal 2007 Archived 2008-02-04 di Wayback Machine Index of Economic Freedom 11 1 157 7 January 2007
Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World - 2007 Annual Report Archived 2006-09-04 di Wayback Machine 11 1 141 8 September 2007
Fund for Peace Failed States Index 2007 Archived 2007-06-20 di Wayback Machine 159 (18)[5] 20 (1)[5] 177 10 July 2007
Transparency International 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index 22 1 179 12 September 2007
The Economist The Global Peace Index, 2007 16 1 121 13 May 2007
World Health Organization The world health report 2000 - Health system performance (overall) 33 2 191 17 June 2000
The Economist The World in 2007 - Democracy index, 2006 30 3 167 18 November 2006
World Bank Doing Business - Ease of Doing Business, 2008 33 2[6] 178 19 September 2007
World Economic Forum The Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008's Global Competitiveness Index 26 1 131 20 October 2007
UNDP Human Development Report - Human Development Index 2006 38 2 177 21 November 2006
AccountAbility Responsible Competitiveness Index 2007 24 1 108 22 July 2007
Reporters without borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2007 39 3 169 23 October 2007
World Economic Forum The Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007's Networked Readiness Index 31 1 122 25 March 2007
International Living Quality of Life Index 2007 Archived 2007-10-23 di Wayback Machine 49 9 193 25 January 2007
World Bank Where is the Wealth of Nations? (2005) - Total wealth per capita Archived 2008-10-16 di Wayback Machine 32 4 118 27 September 2005
The Economist The World in 2005 - Worldwide quality-of-life index, 2005 31 1 111 28 November 2004
Yale University/Columbia University 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index Archived 2006-11-23 di Wayback Machine 42 9 146 29 January 2005
Freedom House Freedom of the Press 2007 66 2 195 34 May 2007
FedEx The Power of Access - 2006 Access Index 32 1 75 43 May 2006
Brown University Seventh Annual Global e-Government Study (2007) 85 8 198 43 July 2007
IMD International World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007 26 1 55 47 May 2007
Economist Intelligence Unit/Business Software Alliance IT industry competitiveness index 2007 Archived 2007-07-16 di Wayback Machine 31 1 64 48 July 2007
World Economic Forum The Global Gender Gap Index 2007 86 16 128 67 November 2007
A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy Magazine Globalization Index 2007 Archived 2007-12-01 di Wayback Machine 43 2 72 78 Nov./Dec. 2007

Catetan jeung rujukan

[édit | édit sumber]
  1. Banknotes and Coins. Chilean Central Bank. Retrieved on 2007-11-11.
  2. "Surface water and surface water change". Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Diakses tanggal 11 October 2020. 
  3. "RESULTADOS CENSO 2017" (PDF). RESULTADOS DEFINITIVOS CENSO 2017. National Statistics Institute. 1 January 2018. Diakses tanggal 18 January 2017. 
  4. a b c d "Chile". World Economic Outlook Database, October 2021. International Monetary Fund. Diakses tanggal 23 February 2022. 
  5. a b Reversed ranking in parentheses
  6. Second after Puerto Rico, which is not an independent country


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