Displaying 1-7 of 7 results found.
Number of partitions of n into 6 squarefree parts.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 8, 8, 11, 13, 18, 19, 25, 27, 36, 39, 48, 52, 66, 70, 85, 91, 111, 117, 139, 148, 176, 185, 214, 227, 266, 278, 318, 336, 387, 405, 459, 482, 550, 574, 644, 676, 764, 796, 885, 929, 1038, 1082, 1194, 1247, 1385, 1440, 1580
a(n) = Sum_{m=1..floor(n/6)} Sum_{l=m..floor((n-m)/5)} Sum_{k=l..floor((n-l-m)/4)} Sum_{j=k..floor((n-k-l-m)/3)} Sum_{i=j..floor((n-j-k-l-m)/2)} mu(m)^2 * mu(l)^2 * mu(k)^2 * mu(j)^2 * mu(i)^2 * mu(n-i-k-j-l-m)^2, where mu is the Möbius function ( A008683).
Table[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[MoebiusMu[i]^2*MoebiusMu[j]^2*MoebiusMu[k]^2* MoebiusMu[l]^2*MoebiusMu[m]^2*MoebiusMu[n - i - j - k - l - m]^2, {i, j, Floor[(n - j - k - l - m)/2]}], {j, k, Floor[(n - k - l - m)/3]}], {k, l, Floor[(n - l - m)/4]}], {l, m, Floor[(n - m)/5]}], {m, Floor[n/6]}], {n, 0, 50}]
Sum of all the parts in the partitions of n into 6 squarefree parts.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 16, 18, 40, 55, 96, 104, 154, 195, 288, 323, 450, 513, 720, 819, 1056, 1196, 1584, 1750, 2210, 2457, 3108, 3393, 4170, 4588, 5632, 6105, 7276, 7945, 9576, 10286, 12084, 13104, 15480, 16605, 19278, 20726, 24200, 25830, 29624, 31772
a(n) = n * Sum_{m=1..floor(n/6)} Sum_{l=m..floor((n-m)/5)} Sum_{k=l..floor((n-l-m)/4)} Sum_{j=k..floor((n-k-l-m)/3)} Sum_{i=j..floor((n-j-k-l-m)/2)} mu(m)^2 * mu(l)^2 * mu(k)^2 * mu(j)^2 * mu(i)^2 * mu(n-i-k-j-l-m), where mu is the Möbius function ( A008683).
Table[n*Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[MoebiusMu[i]^2*MoebiusMu[j]^2*MoebiusMu[k]^2* MoebiusMu[l]^2*MoebiusMu[m]^2*MoebiusMu[n - i - j - k - l - m]^2, {i, j, Floor[(n - j - k - l - m)/2]}], {j, k, Floor[(n - k - l - m)/3]}], {k, l, Floor[(n - l - m)/4]}], {l, m, Floor[(n - m)/5]}], {m, Floor[n/6]}], {n, 0, 50}]
Sum of the smallest parts in the partitions of n into 6 squarefree parts.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 9, 9, 12, 15, 21, 23, 31, 32, 45, 50, 61, 66, 87, 94, 114, 123, 154, 165, 199, 212, 261, 276, 323, 345, 418, 438, 507, 538, 637, 672, 771, 810, 947, 999, 1130, 1192, 1381, 1445, 1625, 1716, 1955, 2045, 2289, 2399, 2720
a(n) = Sum_{m=1..floor(n/6)} Sum_{l=m..floor((n-m)/5)} Sum_{k=l..floor((n-l-m)/4)} Sum_{j=k..floor((n-k-l-m)/3)} Sum_{i=j..floor((n-j-k-l-m)/2)} mu(m)^2 * mu(l)^2 * mu(k)^2 * mu(j)^2 * mu(i)^2 * mu(n-i-k-j-l-m)^2 * m, where mu is the Möbius function ( A008683).
Table[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[m*MoebiusMu[i]^2*MoebiusMu[j]^2*MoebiusMu[k]^2* MoebiusMu[l]^2*MoebiusMu[m]^2*MoebiusMu[n - i - j - k - l - m]^2, {i, j, Floor[(n - j - k - l - m)/2]}], {j, k, Floor[(n - k - l - m)/3]}], {k, l, Floor[(n - l - m)/4]}], {l, m, Floor[(n - m)/5]}], {m, Floor[n/6]}], {n, 0, 50}]
Sum of the fourth largest parts in the partitions of n into 6 squarefree parts.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 18, 22, 32, 34, 47, 52, 71, 78, 102, 116, 154, 170, 217, 243, 305, 329, 406, 445, 546, 587, 702, 768, 921, 982, 1147, 1240, 1459, 1562, 1811, 1948, 2260, 2401, 2748, 2943, 3387, 3596, 4087, 4381, 4987, 5288, 5959
a(n) = Sum_{m=1..floor(n/6)} Sum_{l=m..floor((n-m)/5)} Sum_{k=l..floor((n-l-m)/4)} Sum_{j=k..floor((n-k-l-m)/3)} Sum_{i=j..floor((n-j-k-l-m)/2)} mu(m)^2 * mu(l)^2 * mu(k)^2 * mu(j)^2 * mu(i)^2 * mu(n-i-k-j-l-m)^2 * k, where mu is the Möbius function ( A008683).
Table[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[k*MoebiusMu[i]^2*MoebiusMu[j]^2*MoebiusMu[k]^2* MoebiusMu[l]^2*MoebiusMu[m]^2*MoebiusMu[n - i - j - k - l - m]^2, {i, j, Floor[(n - j - k - l - m)/2]}], {j, k, Floor[(n - k - l - m)/3]}], {k, l, Floor[(n - l - m)/4]}], {l, m, Floor[(n - m)/5]}], {m, Floor[n/6]}], {n, 0, 50}]
Sum of the third largest parts in the partitions of n into 6 squarefree parts.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 14, 15, 23, 28, 39, 43, 62, 70, 98, 115, 152, 175, 227, 253, 319, 356, 441, 485, 599, 656, 793, 864, 1026, 1121, 1344, 1453, 1709, 1865, 2184, 2357, 2747, 2964, 3449, 3719, 4289, 4618, 5330, 5693, 6494, 6956, 7922, 8430
a(n) = Sum_{m=1..floor(n/6)} Sum_{l=m..floor((n-m)/5)} Sum_{k=l..floor((n-l-m)/4)} Sum_{j=k..floor((n-k-l-m)/3)} Sum_{i=j..floor((n-j-k-l-m)/2)} mu(m)^2 * mu(l)^2 * mu(k)^2 * mu(j)^2 * mu(i)^2 * mu(n-i-k-j-l-m)^2 * j, where mu is the Möbius function ( A008683).
Table[Total[Select[IntegerPartitions[n, {6}], AllTrue[#, SquareFreeQ]&][[All, 3]]], {n, 0, 60}] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jan 31 2022 *)
Sum of the second largest parts in the partitions of n into 6 squarefree parts.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 20, 32, 38, 60, 70, 100, 112, 157, 181, 231, 259, 341, 382, 479, 531, 672, 743, 917, 1013, 1253, 1378, 1658, 1819, 2205, 2392, 2832, 3065, 3638, 3909, 4572, 4890, 5726, 6104, 7027, 7495, 8656, 9187, 10455, 11130
a(n) = Sum_{m=1..floor(n/6)} Sum_{l=m..floor((n-m)/5)} Sum_{k=l..floor((n-l-m)/4)} Sum_{j=k..floor((n-k-l-m)/3)} Sum_{i=j..floor((n-j-k-l-m)/2)} mu(m)^2 * mu(l)^2 * mu(k)^2 * mu(j)^2 * mu(i)^2 * mu(n-i-k-j-l-m)^2 * i, where mu is the Möbius function ( A008683).
Table[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[i*MoebiusMu[i]^2*MoebiusMu[j]^2*MoebiusMu[k]^2* MoebiusMu[l]^2*MoebiusMu[m]^2*MoebiusMu[n - i - j - k - l - m]^2, {i, j, Floor[(n - j - k - l - m)/2]}], {j, k, Floor[(n - k - l - m)/3]}], {k, l, Floor[(n - l - m)/4]}], {l, m, Floor[(n - m)/5]}], {m, Floor[n/6]}], {n, 0, 50}]
Table[Total[Select[IntegerPartitions[n, {6}], AllTrue[#, SquareFreeQ]&][[;; , 2]]], {n, 0, 60}] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jun 16 2024 *)
Sum of the largest parts in the partitions of n into 6 squarefree parts.
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 5, 13, 19, 34, 38, 55, 74, 110, 125, 173, 206, 292, 333, 433, 493, 662, 729, 929, 1034, 1323, 1441, 1770, 1955, 2403, 2598, 3096, 3376, 4066, 4360, 5121, 5566, 6584, 7064, 8183, 8832, 10326, 11021, 12626, 13592, 15701, 16743, 18957
a(n) = Sum_{m=1..floor(n/6)} Sum_{l=m..floor((n-m)/5)} Sum_{k=l..floor((n-l-m)/4)} Sum_{j=k..floor((n-k-l-m)/3)} Sum_{i=j..floor((n-j-k-l-m)/2)} mu(m)^2 * mu(l)^2 * mu(k)^2 * mu(j)^2 * mu(i)^2 * mu(n-i-k-j-l-m)^2 * (n-i-j-k-l-m), where mu is the Möbius function ( A008683).
Table[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[(n - i - j - k - l - m)*MoebiusMu[i]^2* MoebiusMu[j]^2*MoebiusMu[k]^2*MoebiusMu[l]^2*MoebiusMu[m]^2*MoebiusMu[n - i - j - k - l - m]^2, {i, j, Floor[(n - j - k - l - m)/2]}], {j, k, Floor[(n - k - l - m)/3]}], {k, l, Floor[(n - l - m)/4]}], {l, m, Floor[(n - m)/5]}], {m, Floor[n/6]}], {n, 0, 50}]
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