Displaying 21-30 of 136 results found.
... 14
a(n) = 6*a(n-1)-a(n-2) for n > 2; a(1)=37, a(2)=205.
37, 205, 1193, 6953, 40525, 236197, 1376657, 8023745, 46765813, 272571133, 1588660985, 9259394777, 53967707677, 314546851285, 1833313400033, 10685333548913, 62278687893445, 362986793811757, 2115642074977097
a(n) = ((34+7*sqrt(2))*(3-2*sqrt(2))^n+(34-7*sqrt(2))*(3+2*sqrt(2))^n)/4.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
LinearRecurrence[{6, -1}, {37, 205}, 30] (* Harvey P. Dale, Aug 18 2014 *)
(PARI) {m=19; v=concat([37, 205], vector(m-2)); for(n=3, m, v[n]=6*v[n-1]-v[n-2]); v}
Positive numbers y such that y^2 is of the form x^2+(x+647)^2 with integer x.
613, 647, 685, 2993, 3235, 3497, 17345, 18763, 20297, 101077, 109343, 118285, 589117, 637295, 689413, 3433625, 3714427, 4018193, 20012633, 21649267, 23419745, 116642173, 126181175, 136500277, 679840405, 735437783, 795581917
(-35,a(1)) and ( A130013(n), a(n+1)) are solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+647)^2 = y^2.
a(n) = 6*a(n-3)-a(n-6) for n > 6; a(1)=613, a(2)=647, a(3)=685, a(4)=2993, a(5)=3235, a(6)=3497.
G.f.: (1-x)*(613+1260*x+1945*x^2+1260*x^3+613*x^4) / (1-6*x^3+x^6).
a(3*k-1) = 647* A001653(k) for k >= 1.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-3) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (649+36*sqrt(2))/647 for n mod 3 = {0, 2}.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (1084467+707402*sqrt(2))/647^2 for n mod 3 = 1.
(-35, a(1)) = (-35, 613) is a solution: (-35)^2+(-35+647)^2 = 1225+374544 = 375769 = 613^2.
( A130013(1), a(2)) = (0, 647) is a solution: 0^2+(0+647)^2 = 418609 = 647^2.
( A130013(3), a(4)) = (1768, 2993) is a solution: 1768^2+(1768+647)^2 = 3125824+5832225 = 8958049 = 2993^2.
LinearRecurrence[{0, 0, 6, 0, 0, -1}, {613, 647, 685, 2993, 3235, 3497}, 30] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jun 22 2022 *)
(PARI) {forstep(n=-36, 10000000, [1, 3], if(issquare(2*n^2+1294*n+418609, &k), print1(k, ", ")))}
Cf. A130013, A001653, A156035 (decimal expansion of 3+2*sqrt(2)), A159642 (decimal expansion of (649+36*sqrt(2))/647), A159643 (decimal expansion of (1084467+707402*sqrt(2))/647^2).
Positive numbers y such that y^2 is of the form x^2+(x+577)^2 with integer x.
545, 577, 613, 2657, 2885, 3133, 15397, 16733, 18185, 89725, 97513, 105977, 522953, 568345, 617677, 3047993, 3312557, 3600085, 17765005, 19306997, 20982833, 103542037, 112529425, 122296913, 603487217, 655869553, 712798645, 3517381265
(-33,a(1)) and ( A130005(n), a(n+1)) are solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+577)^2 = y^2.
a(n) = 6*a(n-3)-a(n-6) for n > 6; a(1)=545, a(2)=577, a(3)=613, a(4)=2657, a(5)=2885, a(6)=3133.
G.f.: (1-x)*(545+1122*x+1735*x^2+1122*x^3+545*x^4) / (1-6*x^3+x^6).
a(3*k-1) = 577* A001653(k) for k >= 1.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-3) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (579+34*sqrt(2))/577 for n mod 3 = {0, 2}.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (855171+556990*sqrt(2))/577^2 for n mod 3 = 1.
(-33, a(1)) = (-33, 545) is a solution: (-33)^2+(-33+577)^2 = 1089+295936 = 297025 = 545^2.
( A130005(1), a(2)) = (0, 577) is a solution: 0^2+(0+577)^2 = 332929 = 577^2.
( A130005(3), a(4)) = (1568, 2657) is a solution: 1568^2+(1568+577)^2 = 2458624+4601025 = 7059649 = 2657^2.
(PARI) {forstep(n=-36, 50000000, [3, 1], if(issquare(2*n^2+1154*n+332929, &k), print1(k, ", ")))}
Cf. A130005, A001653, A156035 (decimal expansion of 3+2*sqrt(2)), A159627 (decimal expansion of (579+34*sqrt(2))/577), A159628 (decimal expansion of (855171+556990*sqrt(2))/577^2).
Nonnegative values x of solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+343)^2 = y^2.
0, 77, 132, 245, 392, 585, 728, 1029, 1428, 1725, 2352, 3185, 4292, 5117, 6860, 9177, 10904, 14553, 19404, 25853, 30660, 40817, 54320, 64385, 85652, 113925, 151512, 179529, 238728, 317429, 376092, 500045, 664832, 883905, 1047200, 1392237, 1850940, 2192853
Also values x of Pythagorean triples (x, x+343, y); 343=7^3.
Corresponding values y of solutions (x, y) are in A157246.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-7) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (3+2*sqrt(2)) / ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^2 for n mod 7 = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6}.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^5 / (3+2*sqrt(2))^2 for n mod 7 = {0, 3}.
Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients, signature (1,0,0,0,0,0,6,-6,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1).
a(n) = 6*a(n-7)-a(n-14)+686 for n > 14; a(1)=0, a(2)=77, a(3)=132, a(4)=245, a(5)=392, a(6)=585, a(7)=728, a(8)=1029, a(9)=1428, a(10)=1725, a(11)=2352, a(12)=3185, a(13)=4292, a(14)=5117.
G.f.: x*(77+55*x+113*x^2+147*x^3+193*x^4+143*x^5+301*x^6-63*x^7 -33*x^8-51*x^9-49*x^10-51*x^11-33*x^12-63*x^13)/((1-x)*(1-6*x^7+x^14)).
a(7*k+1) = 343* A001652(k) for k >= 0.
132^2+(132+343)^2 = 17424+225625 = 243049 = 493^2.
LinearRecurrence[{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1}, {0, 77, 132, 245, 392, 585, 728, 1029, 1428, 1725, 2352, 3185, 4292, 5117, 6860}, 50] (* Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky, Feb 13 2012 *)
(PARI) {forstep(n=0, 1400000, [1, 3], if(issquare(n^2+(n+343)^2), print1(n, ", ")))}
Nonnegative values x of solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+2401)^2 = y^2.
0, 539, 924, 1220, 1715, 2744, 3503, 4095, 5096, 7203, 9996, 12075, 13703, 16464, 22295, 26640, 30044, 35819, 48020, 64239, 76328, 85800, 101871, 135828, 161139, 180971, 214620, 285719, 380240, 450695, 505899, 599564, 797475, 944996, 1060584
Also values x of Pythagorean triples (x, x+2401, y); 2401=7^4.
Corresponding values y of solutions (x, y) are in A157247.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-9) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (3+2*sqrt(2)) / ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^2 for n mod 9 = {1, 2, 6}.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^5 / (3+2*sqrt(2))^2 for n mod 9 = {0, 3, 5, 7}.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (3+2*sqrt(2))^3 / ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^7 for n mod 9 = {4, 8}.
Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients, signature (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,-6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1).
a(n) = 6*a(n-9)-a(n-18)+4802 for n > 18; a(1)=0, a(2)=539, a(3)=924, a(4)=1220, a(5)=1715, a(6)=2744, a(7)=3503, a(8)=4095, a(9)=5096, a(10)=7203, a(11)=9996, a(12)=12075, a(13)=13703, a(14)=16464,a (15)=22295, a(16)=26640, a(17)=30044, a(18)=35819.
G.f.: x*(539+385*x+296*x^2+495*x^3+1029*x^4+759*x^5+592*x^6 +1001*x^7+2107*x^8-441*x^9-231*x^10-148*x^11-209*x^12-343*x^13 -209*x^14-148*x^15-231*x^16-441*x^17) / ((1-x)*(1-6*x^9+x^18)).
a(9*k+1) = 2401* A001652(k) for k >= 0.
924^2+(924+2401)^2 = 853776+11055625 = 11909401 = 3451^2.
(PARI) {forstep(n=0, 1100000, [3 , 1], if(issquare(n^2+(n+2401)^2), print1(n, ", ")))}
Nonnegative values x of solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+16807)^2 = y^2.
0, 2145, 3773, 6468, 8540, 12005, 19208, 24521, 28665, 35672, 41148, 50421, 61388, 69972, 84525, 95921, 115248, 156065, 186480, 210308, 250733, 282405, 336140, 399797, 449673, 534296, 600600, 713097, 950796, 1127973, 1266797, 1502340
Also values x of Pythagorean triples (x, x+16807, y); 16807 = 7^5.
Corresponding values y of solutions (x, y) are in A156713.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-11) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^5 / (3+2*sqrt(2))^2 for n mod 11 = {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (3+2*sqrt(2))^3 / ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^7 for n mod 11 = {0, 3, 5, 9}.
Limit_{n -> oo} a(n)/a(n-1) = (3+2*sqrt(2)) / ((9+4*sqrt(2))/7)^2 for n mod 11 = 7.
Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients, signature (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,-6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1).
a(n) = 6*a(n-11)-a(n-22)+33614 for n > 22; a(1) = 0, a(2) = 2145, a(3) = 3773, a(4) = 6468, a(5) = 8540, a(6) = 12005, a(7) = 19208, a(8) = 24521, a(9) = 28665, a(10) = 35672, a(11) = 41148, a(12) = 50421, a(13) = 61388, a(14) = 69972, a(15) = 84525, a(16) = 95921, a(17) = 115248, a(18) = 156065, a(19) = 186480, a(20) = 210308, a(21) = 250733, a(22) = 282405.
G.f.: x*(2145+1628*x+2695*x^2+2072*x^3+3465*x^4+7203*x^5+5313*x^6+4144*x^7+7007*x^8+5476*x^9+9273*x^10-1903*x^11-1184*x^12-1617*x^13-1036*x^14-1463*x^15-2401*x^16-1463*x^17 -1036*x^18-1617*x^19-1184*x^20-1903*x^21 )/((1-x)*(1-6*x^11+x^22)).
(PARI) {forstep(n=0, 1600000, [1, 3], if(issquare(2*n^2 + 33614*n + 282475249), print1(n, ", ")))}
Positive numbers y such that y^2 is of the form x^2+(x+857)^2 with integer x.
697, 857, 1117, 3065, 4285, 6005, 17693, 24853, 34913, 103093, 144833, 203473, 600865, 844145, 1185925, 3502097, 4920037, 6912077, 20411717, 28676077, 40286537, 118968205, 167136425, 234807145, 693397513, 974142473, 1368556333
(-185, a(1)) and ( A129857(n), a(n+1)) are solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+857)^2 = y^2.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-3) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (907+210*sqrt(2))/857 for n mod 3 = {0, 2}.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (1208787+678878*sqrt(2))/857^2 for n mod 3 = 1.
a(n) = 6*a(n-3) -a(n-6) for n > 6; a(1)=697, a(2)=857, a(3)=1117, a(4)=3065, a(5)=4285, a(6)=6005.
G.f.: (1-x)*(697+1554*x+2671*x^2+1554*x^3+697*x^4)/(1-6*x^3+x^6).
a(3*k-1) = 857* A001653(k) for k >= 1.
(-185, a(1)) = (-185, 697) is a solution: (-185)^2+(-185+857)^2 = 34225+451584 = 485809 = 697^2.
( A129857(1), a(2)) = (0, 857) is a solution: 0^2+(0+857)^2 = 734449 = 857^2.
( A129857(3), a(4)) = (1696, 3065) is a solution: 1696^2+(1696+857)^2 = 2876416+6517809 = 9394225 = 3065^2.
LinearRecurrence[{0, 0, 6, 0, 0, -1}, {697, 857, 1117, 3065, 4285, 6005}, 50] (* G. C. Greubel, May 14 2018 *)
(PARI) {forstep(n=-188, 10000000, [3, 1], if(issquare(2*n^2 +1714*n +734449, &k), print1(k, ", ")))}
(PARI) x='x+O('x^30); Vec((1-x)*(697+1554*x+2671*x^2+1554*x^3 +697*x^4 )/(1-6*x^3+x^6)) \\ G. C. Greubel, May 14 2018
(Magma) I:=[697, 857, 1117, 3065, 4285, 6005]; [n le 6 select I[n] else 6*Self(n-3) - Self(n-6): n in [1..40]]; // G. C. Greubel, May 14 2018
Cf. A129857, A001653, A156035 (decimal expansion of 3+2*sqrt(2)), A160207 (decimal expansion of (907+210*sqrt(2))/857), A160208 (decimal expansion of (1208787+678878*sqrt(2))/857^2).
Positive numbers y such that y^2 is of the form x^2+(x+601)^2 with integer x.
425, 601, 1261, 1289, 3005, 7141, 7309, 17429, 41585, 42565, 101569, 242369, 248081, 591985, 1412629, 1445921, 3450341, 8233405, 8427445, 20110061, 47987801, 49118749, 117210025, 279693401, 286285049, 683150089, 1630172605
(-297, a(1)) and ( A111258(n), a(n+1)) are solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+601)^2 = y^2.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-3) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (843+418*sqrt(2))/601 for n mod 3 = {0, 2}.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (361299+5950*sqrt(2))/601^2 for n mod 3 = 1.
a(n) = 6*a(n-3) - a(n-6) for n > 6; a(1)=425, a(2)=601, a(3)=1261, a(4)=1289, a(5)=3005, a(6)=7141.
G.f.: (1-x)*(425 +1026*x +2287*x^2 +1026*x^3 +425*x^4)/(1-6*x^3+x^6).
a(3*k-1) = 601* A001653(k) for k >= 1.
(-297, a(1)) = (-297, 425) is a solution: (-297)^2+(-297+601)^2 = 88209+92416 = 180625 = 425^2.
( A111258(1), a(2)) = (0, 601) is a solution: 0^2+(0+601)^2 = 361201 = 601^2.
( A111258(3), a(4)) = (560, 1289) is a solution: 560^2+(560+601)^2 = 313600+1347921 = 1661521 = 1289^2.
LinearRecurrence[{0, 0, 6, 0, 0, -1}, {425, 601, 1261, 1289, 3005, 7141}, 50] (* G. C. Greubel, Apr 22 2018 *)
(PARI) {forstep(n=-300, 10000000, [3, 1], if(issquare(2*n^2+1202*n+361201, &k), print1(k, ", ")))}
(PARI) x='x+O('x^30); Vec((1-x)*(425 +1026*x +2287*x^2 +1026*x^3 +425*x^4 )/(1-6*x^3+x^6)) \\ G. C. Greubel, Apr 22 2018
(Magma) I:=[425, 601, 1261, 1289, 3005, 7141]; [n le 6 select I[n] else 5*Self(n-3) - Self(n-6): n in [1..30]]; // G. C. Greubel, Apr 22 2018
Cf. A111258, A001653, A156035 (decimal expansion of 3+2*sqrt(2)), A160099 (decimal expansion of (843+418*sqrt(2))/601), A160100 (decimal expansion of (361299+5950*sqrt(2))/601^2).
Positive numbers y such that y^2 is of the form x^2+(x+953)^2 with integer x.
845, 953, 1093, 3977, 4765, 5713, 23017, 27637, 33185, 134125, 161057, 193397, 781733, 938705, 1127197, 4556273, 5471173, 6569785, 26555905, 31888333, 38291513, 154779157, 185858825, 223179293, 902119037, 1083264617, 1300784245
(-116, a(1)) and ( A129975(n), a(n+1)) are solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2+(x+953)^2 = y^2.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-3) = 3+2*sqrt(2).
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (969+124*sqrt(2))/953 for n mod 3 = {0, 2}.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (1947891+1218490*sqrt(2))/953^2 for n mod 3 = 1.
a(n) = 6*a(n-3)-a(n-6) for n > 6; a(1)=845, a(2)=953, a(3)=1093, a(4)=3977, a(5)=4765, a(6)=5713.
G.f.: (1-x)*(845+1798*x+2891*x^2+1798*x^3+845*x^4) / (1-6*x^3+x^6).
a(3*k-1) = 953* A001653(k) for k >= 1.
(-116, a(1)) = (-116, 845) is a solution: (-116)^2+(-116+953)^2 = 13456+700569 = 714025 = 845^2.
( A129975(1), a(2)) = (0, 953) is a solution: 0^2+(0+953)^2 = 908209 = 953^2.
( A129975(3), a(4)) = (2295, 3977) is a solution: 2295^2+(2295+953)^2 = 5267025+10549504 = 15816529 = 3977^2.
LinearRecurrence[{0, 0, 6, 0, 0, -1}, {845, 953, 1093, 3977, 4765, 5713}, 30] (* Harvey P. Dale, Feb 18 2024 *)
(PARI) {forstep(n=-116, 10000000, [3, 1], if(issquare(2*n^2+1906*n+908209, &k), print1(k, ", ")))}
Cf. A129975, A001653, A156035 (decimal expansion of 3+2*sqrt(2)), A160213 (decimal expansion of (969+124*sqrt(2))/953), A160214 (decimal expansion of (1947891+1218490*sqrt(2))/953^2).
Nonnegative values x of solutions (x, y) to the Diophantine equation x^2 + (x + 41)^2 = y^2.
0, 36, 39, 123, 319, 336, 820, 1960, 2059, 4879, 11523, 12100, 28536, 67260, 70623, 166419, 392119, 411720, 970060, 2285536, 2399779, 5654023, 13321179, 13987036, 32954160, 77641620, 81522519, 192071019, 452528623, 475148160, 1119472036
Also values x of Pythagorean triples (x, x+41, y).
Corresponding values y of solutions (x, y) are in A157257.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-3) = 3 + 2*sqrt(2).
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (7 + 2*sqrt(2))/(7 - 2*sqrt(2)) for n mod 3 = {1, 2}.
lim_{n -> infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = (3 + 2*sqrt(2))*(7 - 2*sqrt(2))^2/(7 + 2*sqrt(2))^2 for n mod 3 = 0.
a(n) = 6*a(n-3) - a(n-6) + 82 for n > 6; a(1)=0, a(2)=36, a(3)=39, a(4)=123, a(5)=319, a(6)=336.
G.f.: x*(36 + 3*x + 84*x^2 - 20*x^3 - x^4 - 20*x^5)/((1-x)*(1 - 6*x^3 + x^6)).
a(3*k + 1) = 41* A001652(k) for k >= 0.
LinearRecurrence[{1, 0, 6, -6, 0, -1, 1}, {0, 36, 39, 123, 319, 336, 820}, 40] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jan 18 2015 *)
(PARI) forstep(n=0, 1200000000, [3 , 1], if(issquare(2*n^2+82*n+1681), print1(n, ", ")))
(Magma) m:=25; R<x>:=PowerSeriesRing(Integers(), m); [0] cat Coefficients(R!(x*(36+3*x+84*x^2-20*x^3-x^4-20*x^5)/((1-x)*(1-6*x^3+ x^6)))); // G. C. Greubel, May 07 2018
Cf. A157257, A001652, A156035 (decimal expansion of 3 + 2*sqrt(2)), A157258 (decimal expansion of 7 + 2*sqrt(2)), A157259 (decimal expansion of 7 - 2*sqrt(2)), A157260 (decimal expansion of (7 + 2*sqrt(2))/(7 - 2*sqrt(2))).
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