Matrix inverse of A124645.
Let L(n,x) = Sum_{k=0..n} T(n,k)*x^(n-k) and Pi=3.14...:
L(n,x) = Product_{k=1..n} (x - 2*cos((2*k-1)*Pi/(2*n+1)));
Sum_{k=0..n} T(n,k) = L(n,1) = A010892(n+1);
Sum_{k=0..n} abs(T(n,k)) = A000045(n+2);
T(2*n,k) + T(2*n+1,k+1) = 0 for 0 <= k <= 2*n;
T(n,0) = A000012(n) = 1; T(n,1) = -1 for n > 0;
T(n,2) = -(n-1) for n > 1; T(n,3) = A000027(n)=n for n > 2;
T(n,n-3) = A058187(n-3)*(-1)^floor(n/2) for n > 2;
T(n,n-2) = A008805(n-2)*(-1)^floor((n+1)/2) for n > 1;
T(n,n-1) = A008619(n-1)*(-1)^floor(n/2) for n > 0;
T(n,n) = L(n,0) = (-1)^floor((n+1)/2);
L(n,2) = 1; L(n,-2) = A005408(n)*(-1)^n;
L(n,13) = A085260(n);
Row n of the matrix inverse (A124645) has g.f.: x^floor(n/2)*(1-x)^(n-floor(n/2)). - Paul D. Hanna, Jun 12 2005
From L. Edson Jeffery, Mar 12 2011: (Start)
Conjecture: Let N=2*n+1, with n > 2. Then T(n,k) (0 <= k <= n) gives the k-th coefficient in the characteristic function p_N(x)=0, of degree n in x, for the n X n tridiagonal unit-primitive matrix G_N (see [Jeffery]) of the form
(0 1 0 ... 0)
(1 0 1 0 ... 0)
(0 1 0 1 0 ... 0)
(0 ... 0 1 0 1)
(0 ... 0 1 1),
with solutions phi_j = 2*cos((2*j-1)*Pi/N), j=1,2,...,n. For example, for n=3,
(0 1 0)
(1 0 1)
(0 1 1).
We have {T(3,k)}=(1,-1,-2,1), while the characteristic function of G_7 is p(x) = x^3-x^2-2*x+1 = 0, with solutions phi_j = 2*cos((2*j-1)*Pi/7), j=1,2,3. (End)
The triangle sums, see A180662 for their definitions, link A108299 with several sequences, see the crossrefs. - Johannes W. Meijer, Aug 08 2011
The roots to the polynomials are chaotic using iterates of the operation (x^2 - 2), with cycle lengths L and initial seeds returning to the same term or (-1)* the seed. Periodic cycle lengths L are shown in A003558 such that for the polynomial represented by row r, the cycle length L is A003558(r-1). The matrices corresponding to the rows as characteristic polynomials are likewise chaotic [cf. Kappraff et al., 2005] with the same cycle lengths but substituting 2*I for the "2" in (x^2 - 2), where I = the Identity matrix. For example, the roots to x^3 - x^2 - 2x + 1 = 0 are 1.801937..., -1.246979..., and 0.445041... With 1.801937... as the initial seed and using (x^2 - 2), we obtain the 3-period trajectory of 8.801937... -> 1.246979... -> -0.445041... (returning to -1.801937...). We note that A003558(2) = 3. The corresponding matrix M is: [0,1,0; 1,0,1; 0,1,1,]. Using seed M with (x^2 - 2*I), we obtain the 3-period with the cycle completed at (-1)*M. - Gary W. Adamson, Feb 07 2012
Friedrich L. Bauer, 'De Moivre und Lagrange: Cosinus eines rationalen Vielfachen von Pi', Informatik Spektrum 28 (Springer, 2005).
Jay Kappraff, S. Jablan, G. Adamson, & R. Sazdonovich: "Golden Fields, Generalized Fibonacci Sequences, & Chaotic Matrices"; FORMA, Vol 19, No 4, (2005).
Reinhard Zumkeller, Rows n = 0..150 of triangle, flattened
Henry W. Gould, A Variant of Pascal's Triangle, Corrections, The Fibonacci Quarterly, Vol. 3, Nr. 4, Dec. 1965, p. 257-271.
L. Edson Jeffery, Unit-primitive matrices.
Ju, Hyeong-Kwan On the sequence generated by a certain type of matrices. Honam Math. J. 39, No. 4, 665-675 (2017).
Michelle Rudolph-Lilith, On the Product Representation of Number Sequences, with Application to the Fibonacci Family, arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.07894 [math.NT], 2015.
Frank Ruskey and Carla Savage, Gray codes for set partitions and restricted growth tails, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 10(1994), pp. 85-96. See Table 1 p. 95.
T(n,k) = binomial(n-floor((k+1)/2),floor(k/2))*(-1)^floor((k+1)/2).
T(n+1, k) = if sign(T(n, k-1))=sign(T(n, k)) then T(n, k-1)+T(n, k) else -T(n, k-1) for 0 < k < n, T(n, 0) = 1, T(n, n) = (-1)^floor((n+1)/2).
G.f.: A(x, y) = (1 - x*y)/(1 - x + x^2*y^2). - Paul D. Hanna, Jun 12 2005
The generating polynomial (in z) of row n >= 0 is (u^(2*n+1) + v^(2*n+1))/(u + v), where u and v are defined by u^2 + v^2 = 1 and u*v = z. - Emeric Deutsch, Jun 16 2011
From Johannes W. Meijer, Aug 08 2011: (Start)
Triangle begins:
1, -1;
1, -1, -1;
1, -1, -2, 1;
1, -1, -3, 2, 1;
1, -1, -4, 3, 3, -1;
1, -1, -5, 4, 6, -3, -1;
1, -1, -6, 5, 10, -6, -4, 1;
1, -1, -7, 6, 15, -10, -10, 4, 1;
1, -1, -8, 7, 21, -15, -20, 10, 5, -1;
1, -1, -9, 8, 28, -21, -35, 20, 15, -5, -1;
1, -1, -10, 9, 36, -28, -56, 35, 35, -15, -6, 1;
A108299 := proc(n, k): binomial(n-floor((k+1)/2), floor(k/2))*(-1)^floor((k+1)/2) end: seq(seq(A108299 (n, k), k=0..n), n=0..11); # Johannes W. Meijer, Aug 08 2011
t[n_, k_?EvenQ] := I^k*Binomial[n-k/2, k/2]; t[n_, k_?OddQ] := -I^(k-1)*Binomial[n+(1-k)/2-1, (k-1)/2]; Table[t[n, k], {n, 0, 12}, {k, 0, n}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, May 16 2013 *)
(PARI) {T(n, k)=polcoeff(polcoeff((1-x*y)/(1-x+x^2*y^2+x^2*O(x^n)), n, x)+y*O(y^k), k, y)} (Hanna)
a108299 n k = a108299_tabl !! n !! k
a108299_row n = a108299_tabl !! n
a108299_tabl = [1] : iterate (\row ->
zipWith (+) (zipWith (*) ([0] ++ row) a033999_list)
(zipWith (*) (row ++ [0]) a059841_list)) [1, -1]
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, May 06 2012
Reinhard Zumkeller, Jun 01 2005
Corrected and edited by Philippe Deléham, Oct 20 2008