[biguhêre]treatable (komparatîv more treatable, sûperlatîv most treatable)
- Yê derman dibe, yê dikare were tedawîkirin.
- In the 1980s, AIDS was not a treatable disease, and as a consequence the mortality rate at that time was very high.
- Di salên 1980yî de, AIDS nexweşîneke netedawîbar bû, û wekî netîceyê, rêjeya mirinê wê çaxê pir bilind bû.
- In the 1980s, AIDS was not a treatable disease, and as a consequence the mortality rate at that time was very high.
- (kevnbûyî) Ne zehmet.
[biguhêre]Ji îngilîziya navîn tretable, ji treten (“tedawî”) û fransiya kevn traitable, anglo-normanî tretable; wekheva treat + -able.