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Starred repositories
Unstructured-IO / danswer
Forked from danswer-ai/danswerGen-AI Chat for Teams - Think ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge.
This plugin allows you to add every command to Obsidian's right-click context menu and add custom icons.
paulowe / paulowe-web
Forked from brianlovin/briOSMy personal site
Autumn theme for the JSON resume project
A compact-based theme for a json-resume (http://jsonresume.org/)
Developer ATS friendly JSONResume theme
Xancoding / workouts_page
Forked from ben-29/workouts_pageMake your own workouts page
Quorafind / better-fn
Forked from aidenlx/better-fnFootnote hover preview for Obsidian.md
Quorafind / obsidian-lineage
Forked from ycnmhd/obsidian-lineageGingko-like interface in obsidian
retoaccess1 / haveno-reto
Forked from haveno-dex/havenoDecentralized P2P exchange built on Monero and Tor
mischavandenburg / zettelkasten
Forked from jackyzha0/quartzMy public Zettelkasten hosted at https://zettelkasten.mischavandenburg.net. Rendered by Quartz
Google Chrome and Firefox extension that prevents the blocking of pasting into input fields
A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
DophinL / raycast-extensions
Forked from raycast/extensionsEverything you need to extend Raycast.
Deeptechia / geppetto
Forked from CoinFabrik/geppettoGeppetto: Advanced Slack bot using multiple AI models for interactive conversations and creative image generation. Enhances Slack with automated responses and intelligent dialogues, supporting flex…
Emoji Shortcodes Autocomplete for Obsidian
lpsantil / doslinux
Forked from haileys/doslinuxRun Linux programs on DOS
Allows WhatsApp users to extract their cipher key and databases on non-rooted Android devices.
qnblackcat / uYouPlus
Forked from MiRO92/uYou-for-YouTubeuYou+ is a modified version of uYou (made by @MiRO92) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users!
ThaddeusJiang / Projectify
Forked from NicolasPetton/ProjectifyProject management in TiddlyWiki
NeoApplications / Neo-Feed
Forked from iTaysonLab/HomeFeedera custom Google Now Feed alternative for launchers
Ads97 / WhatsApp-Llama
Forked from meta-llama/llama-recipesFinetune a LLM to speak like you based on your WhatsApp Conversations
kyegomez / EXA-1
Forked from pliang279/awesome-multimodal-mlAn EXA-Scale repository of Multi-Modality AI resources from papers and models, to foundational libraries!
skeeto / emacs-web-server
Forked from jrhbailey/emacs-http-serverExtensible Emacs HTTP 1.1 server
zalo / mujoco_wasm
Forked from stillonearth/MuJoCo-WASMSimulate and Render MuJoCo Models in the Browser!
0x6b / libgsqlite
Forked from x2bool/xliteA SQLite extension which loads a Google Sheet as a virtual table.
antimatter15 / alpaca.cpp
Forked from ggerganov/llama.cppLocally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM
gavinmn / obsidian-minimal
Forked from kepano/obsidian-minimalMeticulously designed to make Obsidian feel native on desktop, mobile and tablet. You can customize colors, fonts and more with the companion plugin Minimal Theme Settings.