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Starred repositories
Simple and efficient template to build your second brain in Obsidian
A lightweight REST framework that wraps the Apprise Notification Library
Memogram is an easy to use integration service for syncing messages and images from a Telegram bot into your Memos.
A User-Focused Photo & File Management System
GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
Some tools I used for making Windows 11 look nice.
Gromit-MPX is an on-screen annotation tool that works with any Unix desktop environment under X11 as well as Wayland.
rewind.ai x cursor.com = your AI assistant that has all the context. 24/7 screen & voice recording for the age of super intelligence. get your data ready or be left behind
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An awesome & curated list of tools and apps for Windows 10/11.
Awesome Twitter threads by Various Twitter Content Creators on Web Development, Freelancing, Investments, Progarmming, Tech, Devops and Guidance.
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我在 Obsidian 中用的各种模板(Dataview,Templater,QuickAdd)
Securely Synchronize your Vault on a self-hosted server
An abstract networking layer over multiple transports, client/server agnostic with support for E2EE (nodejs/browser)
Quickly select items in any modal using keyboard shortcuts. Supercharge your workflow with fast, efficient item selection in Obsidian modals.
📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
Calibre-Web but automated and with Calibre features! Fully automate and simplify your eBook set up!
Box Breathing Technique: A visual animation to help with calmness, mindfulness, stress and anxiety
Collection of publicly available libraries
Safely execute untrusted Javascript in your Javascript, and execute synchronous code that uses async functions
By leveraging only CSS and callout, elegantly implement marginal notes
Tips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.