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See also: چل, خل, and جل



Etymology 1


From the root ح ل ل (ḥ-l-l). Compare Hebrew חל.

The meaning of “sesame oil” may derive via a chain of calques from Akkadian 𒉌𒄑 (ellum), which is also homographic to 𒉌𒄑 (šamnum, oil), that, to build a bridge, might suggest that Aramaic חָלָא / ܚܠܐ (ḥallā) also had this meaning but has consistently been misread as more common “vinegar”, the etymon of Arabic خَلّ (ḵall, vinegar), if not other homographs, due to complete merger of and more likely than in Arabic itself where it also happens due to taṣḥīf.



حَلَّ (ḥalla) I (non-past يَحُلُّ (yaḥullu), verbal noun حَلّ (ḥall))

  1. (transitive) to unfasten; to untie; to unknot; to unravel; to disentangle; to loosen
    Synonym: فَكَّ (fakka, to unfasten; to unfix; to dislodge; to unscrew; to disjoint; to disintegrate; to disassemble; to unbuild; to deconstruct)
    Antonyms: عَقَدَ (ʕaqada, to tie; to knot), رَبَطَ (rabaṭa, to tie; to link), سَلْسَلَ (salsala, to chain; to serialize), رَكَّبَ (rakkaba, to assemble; to put together; to build up; to construct), لَصَقَ (laṣaqa, to paste; to glue), صَمَّغَ (ṣammaḡa, to glue)
    1. (transitive) to solve, to find an answer to or a solution for (something, such as a problem); to untangle; to crack
  2. (transitive) to liquefy; to dissolve
    Synonyms: أَذَابَ (ʔaḏāba, to dissolve; to melt; to thaw), سَيَّحَ (sayyaḥa, to melt)
    Coordinate term: بَخَّرَ (baḵḵara, to vaporize)
    Antonyms: صَلَّبَ (ṣallaba, to harden; to solidify), جَمَّدَ (jammada, to solidify; to refrigerate; to freeze), ثَلَّجَ (ṯallaja, to refrigerate; to ice, to glaciate; to freeze)
    1. (transitive) to turn into a solution
  3. (transitive) to invalidate, to deprive of effective legal or otherwise binding power; to dissolve
    وعلى الرغم من أن القرآن يُؤكد كل النبوءات السابقة، إلا أنه يحل محلها، ويميز اللغة العربية كلغة لهذا الإلغاء.
    Although the Qur’an confirms all the previous prophecies, it invalidates them, and prefers Arabic as the language of this cancellation.
    1. (transitive) to breach (a contract, an agreement, an oath, and the like); to break
      Synonym: نَقَضَ (naqaḍa, to break; to breach)
  4. to settle; to approach
    • 713AH/1313 CE, al baskari, darul habib:
      فَلَأَنْتَ أَنْتَ إِذَاْ حَلَلْتَ بــ: طَيْبَةٍ
      For when you, approach goodness(طيبة) (one of the names of Madinah)
  • Maltese: ħall



حَلَّ (ḥalla) I (non-past يَحِلُّ (yaḥillu) or يَحُلُّ (yaḥullu), verbal noun حُلُول (ḥulūl))

  1. (intransitive) to dismount; to stop, to halt
  2. (intransitive or transitive) to stay, to settle [with بِ (bi) or فِي () or accusative ‘in a place’; or with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘with someone’]
  3. (intransitive) to visit [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘someone’]
  4. (transitive) to live in, to reside in (a place)
    Synonyms: بَقِيَ (baqiya), أَقَامَ (ʔaqāma), قَرَّ (qarra), مَكَثَ (makaṯa), سَكَنَa (sakanaa, to inhabit, to settle), وَطَنَ (waṭana), عَاشَ (ʕāša), عَمَرَ (ʕamara, to settle; to colonize)
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 13:31:
      وَلَا يَزَالُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا تُصِيبُهُم بِمَا صَنَعُوا قَارِعَةٌ أَوْ تَحُلُّ قَرِيبًا مِّن دَارِهِمْ حَتَّىٰ يَأْتِيَ وَعْدُ اللَّهِ
      walā yazālu llaḏīna kafarū tuṣībuhum bimā ṣanaʕū qāriʕatun ʔaw taḥullu qarīban min dārihim ḥattā yaʔtiya waʕdu l-lahi
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  5. (transitive) to occupy, to take (someone's place)
    • 2018, وَجْدِيّ الْأَهْدَل [wajdiyy al-ʔahdal], أرض المؤامرات السعيدة, Bayrūt: Nawfal / Hachette Antoine, →ISBN, page 83:
      كان في أحد الأكياس تشكيلة من البسكويت القديم الذي اندثر من بقالات صنعاء وغيرها من المدن. هذه الأنواع من البسكويت كانت متوفرة عندما كنت صغيراً وعمري على ما أذكر 4–7 سنوات، ثمّ اختفت بالتدريج، وحلّت محلّها أصناف أخرى.
      In one of the bags there was a pack of ancient biscuits the kind of which disappeared from most grocers of Ṣanʻāʼ and other cities. This type of biscuit was widespread when I small and my age, as I remember, 4–7, then it left sight gradually, and other kinds took its place.
  6. to descend, to go down
  7. to occur, to happen [with بِ (bi) ‘to someone’]
    Synonyms: حَصَلَ (ḥaṣala, to come about; to happen), حَدَثَ (ḥadaṯa, to happen; to eventuate), جَرَى (jarā, to occur)
  8. to befall [with بِ (bi) or عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘someone’] (of punishment, suffering, hatred or something else negative)
    Synonyms: نَزَلَ (nazala, to befall), وَقَعَ (waqaʕa, to befall)
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 20:81:
      كُلُوا مِنْ طَيِّبَاتِ مَا رَزَقْنَاكُمْ وَلَا تَطْغَوْا فِيهِ فَيَحِلَّ عَلَيْكُمْ غَضَبِي وَمَنْ يَحْلِلْ عَلَيْهِ غَضَبِي فَقَدْ هَوَىٰ
      kulū min ṭayyibāti mā razaqnākum walā taṭḡaw fīhi fayaḥilla ʕalaykum ḡaḍabī waman yaḥlil ʕalayhi ḡaḍabī faqad hawā
      Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and transgress not in respect thereof lest My wrath come upon you: and he on whom My wrath cometh, he is lost indeed.
  9. to overwhelm [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘someone’] (of sleep)
  10. to arrive, to begin (of a season or time)
  11. to become incarnate [with فِي () ‘in someone’] (of God)



حَلَّ (ḥalla) I (non-past يَحِلُّ (yaḥillu), verbal noun حَلَال (ḥalāl) or حِلّ (ḥill))

  1. (intransitive) to be or become permissible or lawful
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 2:229:
      وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَكُمْ أَنْ تَأْخُذُوا مِمَّا آتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ شَيْئًا
      walā yaḥillu lakum ʔan taʔḵuḏū mimmā ʔātaytumūhunna šayʔan
      And it is not permissible for you that ye take aught of what ye have given them.



حَلّ (ḥallm (plural حُلُول (ḥulūl))

  1. verbal noun of حَلَّ (ḥalla) (form I)
  2. (countable) a solution
    لِكُلِّ مُشْكِلَةٍ أَلْفُ حَلٍّ.likulli muškilatin ʔalfu ḥallin.For every problem, there are a thousand solutions.
  3. (obsolete) sesame, or sesame oil
    Synonyms: زَيْت سِمْسِم (zayt simsim), سَلِيط (salīṭ), شِيرَج (šīraj), سِمْسِم (simsim), جُلْجُلَان (juljulān)
    • 850–861, علي بن سهل ربن الطبري [ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī], edited by Oliver Kahl, ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī’s Health Regimen or “Book of the Pearl” كتاب اللؤلؤة (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies; 115), Leiden: Brill, published 2020, →ISBN, § 252, page 153:
      وتعجن بدهن اللوز أو الحل، الشربة منه حبة إلى دانقين بسمن بقر أو بدهن الحل.
      And knead with almond oil or sesame oil, the dose of it is one pill to two dāniq, with butter or with sesame oil.
    • a. 1050, مروان بن جناح [Marwān ibn Janāḥ], edited by Gerrit Bos, Fabian Käs, كتاب التلخيص [kitāb at-talḵīṣ] [On the Nomenclature of Medicinal Drugs], Leiden: Brill, published 2020, →DOI, →ISBN, 232 (fol. 22v,5–8), page 421:
      دهن الحلّ هو عند الرازي غير دهن السمسم وهو عند الإسرائيلي وفي كتاب مسيح دهن الحلّ أي الشيرج الذي لم يقشر سمسمه.
      Duhn al-ḥall is according to Rhazes not sesame oil but according to al-Isrāʾīlīy and Masīh duhn al-ḥall or šīraj is that where the sesame has not been peeled.

Etymology 2




حُلْ (ḥul) (form I) /ħul/

  1. second-person masculine singular imperative of حَالَ (ḥāla)

Further reading


Moroccan Arabic

ح ل ل
3 terms



Etymology 1


From Arabic حَلّ (ḥall).



حل (ḥallm (plural حلول (ḥulūl))

  1. solution

Etymology 2


From Arabic حَلَّ (ḥalla).



حل (ḥall) I (non-past يحل (yḥull))

  1. to loosen
    Synonym: فك (fakk)
  2. to open
    Synonym: فتح (ftaḥ)
  3. to solve
    Conjugation of حل
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m حلّيت (ḥallīt) حلّيتي (ḥallīti) حلّ (ḥall) حلّينا (ḥallīna) حلّيتوا (ḥallītu) حلّوا (ḥallu)
f حلّت (ḥallāt)
non-past m نحلّ (nḥull) تحلّ (tḥull) يحلّ (yḥull) نحلّوا (nḥullu) تحلّوا (tḥullu) يحلّوا (yḥullu)
f تحلّي (tḥulli) تحلّ (tḥull)
imperative m حلّ (ḥull) حلّوا (ḥullu)
f حلّي (ḥulli)

Ottoman Turkish


Alternative forms




Borrowed from Arabic حَلّ (ḥall).



حل (hal)

  1. untangling, unravelling, unfolding, unknotting
  2. solution, explanation, remedy
  3. melting, fusion
  4. (chemistry) analysis, dialysis



See also

  • حال (hal, situation)
  • خال (hal, mother's brother)
  • خال (hal, spot on the skin)
  • خل (hal, vinegar)
  • خلع (hal, removal)







Borrowed from Arabic حَلّ (ḥall).



Classical reading? hal
Dari reading? hal
Iranian reading? hal
Tajik reading? hal



حل (hal)

  1. solving; resolution
    حل مسئلهhal-e mas'aleproblem solving
    حل منازعهhal-e monâza'econflict resolution
  2. (chemistry) analysis, dialysis

Derived terms


South Levantine Arabic

ح ل ل
7 terms



From Arabic حَلَّ (ḥalla).


  • IPA(key): /ħall/, [ħal]
  • Audio (al-Lidd):(file)



حلّ (ḥall) I (present بحلّ (biḥill))

  1. to solve, to resolve
  2. to undo, to untie, to unfold, to untether


    Conjugation of حلّ (ḥall)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m حلّيت (ḥallēt) حلّيت (ḥallēt) حلّ (ḥall) حلّينا (ḥallēna) حلّيتو (ḥallētu) حلّو (ḥallu)
f حلّيتي (ḥallēti) حلّت (ḥallat)
present m بحلّ (baḥill) بتحلّ (bitḥill) بحلّ (biḥill) منحلّ (minḥill) بتحلّو (bitḥillu) بحلّو (biḥillu)
f بتحلّي (bitḥilli) بتحلّ (bitḥill)
subjunctive m احلّ (aḥill) تحلّ (tḥill) يحلّ (yḥill) نحلّ (nḥill) تحلّو (tḥillu) يحلّو (yḥillu)
f تحلّي (tḥilli) تحلّ (tḥill)
imperative m حلّ (ḥill) حلّو (ḥillu)
f حلّي (ḥilli)





Borrowed from Arabic حَلّ (ḥall).



حل (halm (Hindi spelling हल)

  1. solution, resolution
    Synonym: سَمادھان (samādhān)

Derived terms
