Rosa cultivars F
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F95040, Ferrer 2002
Fabulous!, Zary 1998
Fabvier, Laffay 1832
Fair Play, Ilsink 1977
Fairest Cape, Kordes 1994
Fairlie Rede, Clark <1937
Fairy Crystal, Harkness 1988
Fairy Prince, Harkness 1982
Fairy Wing, Takii 1995
Faithful Friend, Dickson 2001
Fanal, Tantau 1946
Fantasia Mondiale, Kordes 2006
Fantin Latour, 1900
Farquhar, Dawson 1903
Fassadenzauber, Noack 1997
Fatima, Gaujard 1955
Favorita, Boerner 1954
FE00241, Ferrer 2005
Federico Casas, Dot <1929
Fee des Neiges, Kordes 1958
FEgesa, Ferrer 1999
FElfut, Ferrer 2007
Felicia, Pemberton 1928
Felicitas, Kordes 1998
Félicité et Perpétue, Jacques 1828
Felicité, Bohem
Fellowship, Harkness 1992
Fellowship, Harkness 1992
Femme, Delbard 1970
FEpionaje, Ferrer 1993
FEpoc, Ferrer 2013
FEporra, Ferrer 2011
Ferdinand Pichard, Remi Tanne 1921
Ferdy, Suzuki 1984
Fernand Tanne, Tanne 1920
Festival Meidiland, Meilland 1990
FEtino, Ferrer 1996
Feuerwerk, Tantau 1962
Feuerzauber, J.C. Schmidt 1913
FEUsa, Ferrer Marti <2010
Fimbriata, Morlet 1891
Fiocco Bianco, Barni 1988
Fiona, Meilland 1979
Fiona Gelin, Massad 2006
Firefighter, Orard <1998
First Choice, Morse 1958
First Lady, Tantau 2005
First Love, Swim 1951
First Prize, Boerner 1970
Fishermen's Friend, Austin 1987
Flambée, Mallerin 1954
Flaming Peace, McGredy IV 1965
Flamingo (1979), Kordes 1979
Flammentanz, Kordes 1955
Flash Meidiland 2005, Meilland 2004
Flirt 2000, Kordes 2000
Flora McIvor, Penzance 1895
Floranje, RVS 1985
Florentina, Kordes 1973
Florian, Meilland 1971
Floricel, Dot 1957
Florina Pita-Romero, Meilland 1980
Flower Carpet Amber, Noack 2005
Flower Carpet Gold, Noack 1994
Flower Carpet Pink, Noack 1988
Flower Carpet Red, Noack 1986
Flower Carpet Red Velvet, Noack 1998
Flower Carpet Scarlet, Noack 2005
Flower Carpet White, Noack 1991
Flower Girl, Fryer 1998
Fluorette, Lens 1971
Flying Colours, Clark 1922
Focus, Noack 1997
Foliacée, <1810
Folklore, Kordes 1977
Folksinger, Buck 1984
Folle Courtisane, Delbard 1988
Fontaine des Loups, Louette 2006
Fontaline, Laperrière 1987
Fortuna 1977, Kordes 1977
Fortuna, Kordes 2002
Fortuniana, Fortune ~1840
Fourth of July, Carruth 1999
Foxi, Tantau/Uhl 1993
Fragezeichen, Böttner 1910
Fragola, Croix 1975
Fragrant Cloud, Tantau 1963
Fragrant Plum, Christensen 1990
France Bleu, Adam 1998
Frances Ashton, De Puy 1937
Francesca, Pemberton 1922
Francis, Fauque et fils 1908
Francis E. Lester, Lester 1946
Francis Meilland, Meilland 2006
François Arago, Trouillard 1858
François Juranville, Barbier 1906
Françoise Gaujard, Gaujard < 2006
Frankfurt, before 1583
Franz Deegen, Walter & Hinner 1901
Frau Astrid Späth, Späth 1930
Frau Karl Druschki, Lambert 1901
Frau Liesel Brauer, Thönges 1938
Fred Howard, Howard & Smith 1952
Fred Loads, Holmes 1968
Frederic Mistral, Meilland 1993
Frederyk Chopin, Żyła 1980
Freedom, Dickson 1984
Freisinger Morgenröte, Kordes 1988
Frensham, Norman 1946
Friedrich Heyer, Tantau 1956
Friesensonne, Tantau 1982
Friesia, Kordes 1973
Frisson Frais, Lens 1990
Fritz Nobis, Kordes 1940
Frohsinn '82, Tantau 1982
Fru Dagmar Hartopp, Poulsen 1914
Frühlingsanfang, Kordes 1950
Frühlingsgold, Kordes 1937
Fruite, Meilland 1985
Fuggerstadt Augsburg, Kordes 1985
Fukuyama-Rose, Tagashira 1988
Funkuhr, Kordes 1984