Rosa cultivars B
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Baccara, Meilland 1954
Bad Birnbach, Kordes 1983
Bad Füssing, Kordes 1980
Bad Nauheim, McGredy 1973
Bad Neuenahr, Kordes 1958
Bad Wörishofen, Kordes 1972
Bad Wörishofen 2005, Kordes 2005
Badener Traberchampion, McGredy 1990
Bajazzo, Kordes 2001
Ballade, Tantau 1991
Ballerina, Bentall 1937
Ballet, Kordes 1958
Banksiae Banksiae, Kerr 1807
Banquet, Noack 2001
Bantry Bay, McGredy 1967
Banzai 83, Meilland 1983
BAR 6185, Barni 2011
Barkarole, Tantau 1988
Barock, Tantau 1999
Baron Girod de l'Ain, Reverchon 1897
Baron J.B. Gonella, Guillot 1859
Baroness Rothschild, Pernet 1868
Baronne Edmond de Rothschild, Meilland 1968
Baronne Prévost, Desprez 1841
Baxter Beauty, Grimwade <1938
Bayerngold, Tantau 1990
Bea, Muñoz 1984
Beaute, Mallerin 1953
Bees Knees, Zary 1998
Belami, Kordes 1985
Belgian Lace, Lens 1994
Belle Poitevine, Bruant 1894
Bella Rosa, Kordes 1981
Belle de Crécy, Roeser <1836
Belle Symphonie, Meilland 1996
Belle Vichyssoise, Lévêque 1895
Belvedere, Tantau 1996
Bengale à Bouquets, Pépinières de Trianon <1818
Bengale Animee, Laffay 1832
Bengale Bichonne, Gauche <1820
Bengale Rouge, Gaujard 1955
Bengali, Kordes 1966
Bengt M. Schalin, Kordes 1956
Benita, Dickson 1994
Benjamin Britten, Austin 2001
Bennet's Seeding, Bennett 1840
Berleburg, Poulsen 1996
Berliner Luft, Cocker 1985
Bernadette Chirac, Delbard-Chabert 1979
Bernard Palissy, Margottin 1863
Bernd-Weigel-Rose, Tantau 2003
Bernstein-Rose, Tantau 1987
Berolina, Kordes 1986
Betsy Ross, Delbard 1969
Betty Bland, Skinner 1925
Betty Boop, Carruth 1999
Betty Prior, Prior & Son 1935
Betty White, Meilland < 2000
Betty Will, Erskine 1963
Beverly, Kordes 2007
Bicentenaire de Guillot, Massad 2003
Bicolor atropurpurea, before 1590
Biedermeier Garden, Tantau 2006
Big Purple, Stephens 1985
Billet Doux, Delbard 2010
Billy Boiler, Clark 1927
Bingo Meidiland, Meilland 1993
Bischofsstadt Paderborn, Kordes 1964
Bishop's Lodge Linton Boy, Bishop's Lodge Heritage Rose Garden < 1927
Bishop's Lodge Linton Gold, Bishop's Lodge Heritage Rose Garden
Bishop's Lodge Precious Porcelain, Bishop's Lodge Heritage Rose Garden
Black Baccara, Meilland 2000
Black Boy, Clark 1919
Black Boy, Kordes 1958
Black Cherry, Zary < 2006
Black Forest Rose, Kordes 2000
Black Lady, Tantau 1976
Black Magic, Tantau < 1995
Black Queen, Tantau
Blairii No. 1, Blair 1830
Blanc Double de Coubert, Cochet-Cochet 1893
Blanche de Belgique, < 1820
Blanchefleur, Vibert 1835
Blanche Moreau, Moreau-Robert 1880
Blaze, Kallay 1932
Blaze Superior, Böhm 1935
Blessings, Gregory 1968
Bloomfield Abundance, Thomas 1920
Blossomtime, O´Neal 1951
Blue Bayou, Kordes 1993
Blue Chip, Warriner 1983
Blue Eyes, James < 2008
Blue Girl, Kordes 1964
Blue Moon, Tantau 1964
Blue Nile, Delbard 1981
Blue Parade, Poulsen 1988
Blue Parfum, Tantau 1978
Blue Ribbon, Christensen 1984
Blue River, Kordes 1979
Blueberry Hill, Carruth 1996
Bluenette, De Ruiter 1983
Blühwunder, Kordes 1995
Blush Noisette, Noisette 1814
Blush Rambler, Cant 1903
Blushing Knock Out, Bell 2001
Bobbie James, Sunningdale 1961
Bonanza, Kordes 1983
Bonica ´82, Meilland 1981
Bonnie Jean, Archer 1933
Bonny, Nieborg 1996
Boomerang, Spooner 1992
Bordeaux, Soupert & Notting 1908
Borderer, Clark 1918
Bordure, Barbier 1911
Bordure Blanche, Delbard 1991
Bordure Nacrée, Delbard 1973
Bordure Vive, Delbard < 1984
Botticelli, Meilland < 2003
Bouquet d´Or, Bucher 1872
Bourbon Rose, before 1819
Bourgogne, Interplant 1983
Boursault, Boursault 1820
Braithwaite, David Austin 1988
Brautzauber, Noack 1999
Breeze Hill, Van Fleet 1926
Bremer Stadtmusikanten, Kordes 2000
Brenda Colvin, Colvin 1970
Brennus, Laffay 1830
Bridal pink, Boerner 1967
Bright Smile, Dickson 1980
Brilliant Pink Iceberg, Weatherly 1995
Britannia, Fryer 1998
Broadway, Clark <1933
Brocéliande, Adam 2002
Brokat, Tantau 2000
Brother Cadfael, Austin 1990
Brown Velvet, McGredy IV 1984
Brownie, Boerner 1958
Brunonii flora plena, G. Paul 1899
Bubikopf, Tantau 1986
Buff Beauty, Bentall 1939
Buisman's Triumph, Buismann 1952
Bullata, Duhamel ~1801
Burg Baden, Kordes 1955
Burghausen, Kordes 1991
Burgund 81, Kordes 1981
Burgundy Iceberg, Swane 1998
Burnaby, Eddie 1954
Busybody, Clark 1929
Buttercup, Dobbie 1930
Buttercup 98, Austin 1998
Buttons 'n' Bows, Poulsen 1981
Buxom Beauty, Kordes 1991