Successful spin-off businesses
CWI has followed a dual mission since its foundation in 1946. Our pioneering mathematics and computer sciences research of the highest international calibre continues today, however, at the same time we aim to put our discoveries at the disposal of society. One of our most effective windows to the market is a growing panel of successful spin-off businesses.
Many of our key research projects have evolved into powerful independent trading companies - some achieved a world wide impact. Our relationships with these visionary enterprises take several forms. Whilst we often hold a financial shareholding at the beginning, some companies move on to become major partners in high profile mergers and buy-outs. Others deliberately foster continuing research links with us as one of their prime strengths. A number operate independently, happy to co-operate with us in a variety of ways as they grow.
In 2000 CWI founded CWI Incubator BV to generate high tech spin-off companies. CWI Inc. is established as a dedicated company with the aim of providing an ideal environment for researchers to measure their abilities in the business world with minimum early risk, and successful ventures to accelerate on a firm footing into the mainstream of world commerce. The role of CWI Inc. is to be the fertile seedbed where sound new ideas can be prepared to succeed in rapidly advancing, but fiercely competitive, high-tech marketplaces.
More details on the start and end dates of individual spin-off companies can be found on the spin-off companies' details page.