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Terrorsaur (BW)

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The name or term "Terrorsaur" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Terrorsaur (disambiguation).
Terrorsaur is a Predacon from the Beast Wars portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Smugly Starscreamish

Power-hungry, cunning, and opportunistic, but somewhat lacking in the courage department, Terrorsaur never misses a chance to improve his standing within the Predacons. From cutting deals with Maximals to finding and keeping new power sources for himself, he is always thinking two steps ahead. Unfortunately, the big guns of the Beast Wars are usually thinking at least four steps ahead, and Terrorsaur always ends up on the short end. However, as the war progresses, he matures into a more reliable subordinate to Megatron, perhaps even more loyal.

As the only fliers in the Predacon platoon, Terrorsaur and Waspinator are permanent partners. The two seem to get on, working as a somewhat formidable team and sometimes having banter about their mission. They have their fair share of knocking down Optimus Primal with every chance they get.

Think of the cosmic magnificence. Together we'll overthrow these low-grade metal knock-offs you've joined, and then rule the Predacons with two iron fists! NOTHING CAN STOP US!Terrorsaur reveals his ambition to Dinobot, "Equal Measures"



Toy bios

Megatron personally supervised Terrorsaur's genetically engineered creation, resulting in a stealth fighter who remained hidden until the opportunity to strike arose! Terrorsaur was nothing short of absolutely terrifying, having been compared to a demonic dragon. On top of it all, he was an absolute glutton, devouring entire flocks of birds by simply flying mouth-opened through their flight formations. Terrorsaur bio

Not only did the quantum surge resulting from the destructicon of an "alien planetary destruction device" enhance Terrorsaur physically, but it had also pushed his destructive tendencies to new heights. Not only had his rage towards the Maximals intensified to an alarming degree, but his greater resilience had filled him with new found courage... giving him a new battle strategy of crashing into things at high speeds, kamikaze style. To top it all off, he possessed a pyromania that he satisfied by igniting the terrain as he flew above it. Transmetals Terrorsaur bio

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

Voice actor: Doug Parker (English), Nobuo Tobita (Japanese), Teng Kuixing (Chinese), Alexandr Novikov (Russian, 1st dub), Marcos Henrique Melo Hailer (Portuguese), Oliviero Corbetta (Italian), François Siener (French, season 1), Pierre Forest (French, season 2), Holger Potzern (German), Héctor Lee (American Spanish, 1st voice), Herman López (American Spanish, 2nd voice), Luis Gaspar (Castilian Spanish)
One primary color plus a bunch of silver and black! I'm live-action movie style!

Terrorsaur was one of the original members of Megatron's crew. After the Darksyde crashed on a mysterious planet, he picked a Pteranodon for his beast mode, and the Predacons began searching for the Maximals. Terrorsaur took part in the first battle, until the Maximals retreated and the Predacons started suffering from Energon buildup. Beast Wars (Part 1) The Predacons followed the Maximals to their base and attacked Optimus Primal and Dinobot as the two battled on a natural rock bridge. When the attack failed to eliminate any Maximals, Megatron thumped Terrorsaur out of frustration. The uncovering of a large cache of Energon gave the Predacons a new mission, and Waspinator and Terrorsaur attempted to slow the Maximals down so that the Predacons could get there first. They were seen off by one of Primal's missiles, but rejoined the other Predacons and took part in the battle atop the mountain of energon. Beast Wars (Part 2)

I don't think they had pteranodons in mind when they built this thing, Chewie.

Much later, Terrorsaur and Scorponok were assigned to install a mega-cannon as part of the defences for the Predacon base. The Web When an energon accident caused Cheetor to be teleported into the Predacon base, Terrorsaur gave him a warm welcome. Cheetor managed to throw him through the teleport to the Axalon, where he attempted to talk Dinobot into teaming up with him to defeat both sides. Dinobot went along with him long enough to get information, and then stuffed him into a waste disposal unit. Terrorsaur returned to the Predacon base, where he and Megatron cornered Cheetor, only to discover that the Maximals had sent a bomb through the teleport. Once Cheetor detached the bomb from the console, Terrorsaur flew it into the sky and was blown up for his troubles. Equal Measures

During a battle at the Standing Stones, Terrorsaur blew up the pile of energon in the center, earning Megatron's ire at the loss. Whatever punishment he got wasn't enough to prevent him from taking part in a subsequent attack on the Axalon. He was able to bring the ship's shields down, but Rattrap managed to raise the shields again, as well as blasting Terrorsaur out of the air. He was still able to attempt to stop the Maximals retrieving Primal from an alien probe, but the Maximals ultimately succeeded, and the Maximal leader chased off the Predacons. Chain of Command


Terrorsaur's shining moment came when he discovered a flying mountain with a huge source of powerful energon at the top. Powered-up, he immediately returned to the Darksyde and blasted Megatron to scrap, declaring himself the new leader of the Predacons. Having exhausted his charge, Terrorsaur left Tarantulas in charge and went to refuel at the mountain. (None of the other Predacons paid attention to any of the commands Terrorsaur had made.) Unfortunately for him, Optimus Primal and Rattrap had already found the mountain. While he was able to defeat Primal, Rattrap had set up charges, and Terrorsaur was forced to flee. When he returned to the Predacon base, he discovered that Megatron had been repaired in his absence and was very, very angry. All he could squawk was "Help!" while turning a ghostly white. Power Surge

When a Maximal stasis pod crashed, Waspinator and Terrorsaur ambushed Optimus Primal outside the Maximal base, taking the Maximals' only flier out of the game. After reporting back to Megatron, the pair were dispatched to reach the pod first and ensure the protoform inside became another Predacon. On the way, Terrorsaur and Waspinator encountered the Maximals, going by ground, and delayed them by knocking out an ice bridge. The two Predacons reached the pod first, but a transmission sent by Primal and Dinobot had already activated the protoform, and they were attacked by Tigatron. Fallen Comrades

A pet mouse, just what I've always wanted!

Terrorsaur, Waspinator, and Tarantulas reached another stasis pod, this time with success, and set an ambush for Primal and Dinobot. As Waspinator took the pod away to the Darksyde, Terrorsaur shot Primal in the back to prevent him from gaining the Predacons' prize. This led to the initiation of the new Predacon, Blackarachnia. Later, Terrorsaur spotted Rattrap in Sector 12 and had him outmatched. As he was about to finish his adversary, he instead became intrigued by the Maximal's sudden change of allegiance. Together, they teamed up with the Maximal and overthrew Megatron. After having Rattrap and Megatron both locked up (the former to be released in case he was needed later), Terrorsaur took control of the Predacons once more. Little did he know that Rattrap's "defection" was planned by Optimus Primal from the start to infiltrate the Darksyde and retrieve a Maximal computer chip from the Predacon console; the Predacons were deprived a strategic advantage, right under Terrorsaur's nose. Meanwhile, Terrorsaur had a tough time keeping Scorponok, Megatron's most loyal follower, in line on the subject of who was in charge. He momentarily found himself at a loss when the Maximals attacked and the other Predacons looked to him for leadership. Megatron, having freed himself, deferred leadership until it was made plain that Terrorsaur was incompetent as leader. Double Jeopardy

Terrorsaur was subsequently assigned with Waspinator and Blackarachnia to dig under the Maximal base, so that they could use a sonic emitter to break in. When Waspinator left in frustration, Terrorsaur commanded Blackarachnia to "start digging." Unfortunately for him, Blackarachnia held him at blaster-range and forced him to use his heat vision to create a bigger hole for the device. To make matters worse, Waspinator unwittingly alerted the Maximals to their presence, and while he managed to give Optimus Primal the slip, he, Terrorsaur, and Blackarachnia were arguing over when to set the device off. Finally, Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia agreed that Primal would never discover them in time; they were right on that aspect, at least, because Tigatron found them instead. Once the emitter was set, Tigatron attacked the Predacons and stole it. The trio tried to get it back, but Tigatron triggered the emitter and the three Predacons fled before it exploded. A Better Mousetrap After Scorponok's Cyberbee turned Primal into a berserker and he invaded the Darksyde, Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia attempted to keep the other Maximals out of the Predacon base. They were unable to stop Cheetor from slipping inside to rescue Optimus. Gorilla Warfare


When Scorponok spotted the Maximals building a communications array, he passed footage of the device to Terrorsaur, who flew it back to Megatron. The Predacons quickly discovered the tower was meant to communicate with a Maximal temporal probe which was passing through the system. Terrorsaur successfully distracted the Maximals at the array long enough for the other Predacons to sneak up from the other direction-a strategy that would lead to the eventual destruction of the array. The Probe Terrorsaur took part in a mock rebellion after he discovered that he and other Predacons had been bugged. After making the Maximals believe they'd been destroyed, the Predacons hid in a crevasse until the Axalon was made operational, intending to take the ship themselves. While waiting, Terrorsaur started to become hysterical in the cramped hiding place and wanted to leave now. But Megatron reminded him that no one was leaving until he said so. When their hiding place was discovered by Dinobot, Terrorsaur and Waspinator were the first to pursue their former comrade, only to be squashed by a large rock. Terrorsaur still recovered in time to rejoin the fight outside the Axalon, managing to shoot down a distracted Optimus Primal before Cheetor blasted him out of the sky. Victory

After Rhinox was turned into a Predacon by Megatron's Transmuter, Terrorsaur realized that Rhinox was actually working to undermine Megatron's leadership. Terrorsaur suggested teaming up to overthrow the Predacon commander, but was somewhat roughly turned down and forced to shut up. Once Megatron discovered Rhinox's deception, the former Maximal was able to reveal Terrorsaur's duplicity, and an outraged Scorponok attacked Terrorsaur, until the both of them were pounded by Rhinox. After the whole sorry affair was over, Terrorsaur attempted to explain to his less-than-receptive leader. Dark Designs

-Awwww, Hell.

Terrorsaur "helped out" Dinobot one time, when Dinobot was complaining of being bored. Terrorsaur lured him into a cave and trapped him there, so that Megatron could put into effect a plan involving a clone of Dinobot. Double Dinobot After another stasis pod crashed, Terrorsaur and Waspinator arrived to face Cheetor. Although Waspinator was quickly defeated, Terrorsaur blasted Cheetor and proceeded to the pod, only to encounter the newly awakened Airazor, who blasted him to pieces. The Spark

I'm sensing...

Waspinator and Terrorsaur attacked Tigatron while the Maximal was trying to radio base. The pair pursued Tigatron into a cloud, only to be blasted by some sort of flying island, and subsequently reported back to Megatron. Finished, Terrorsaur fainted on top of Waspinator, pinning him to the floor. The Trigger, Part 1 After repairs were made, the two fliers started back for the island. On the way, they found and attacked Optimus Primal and Rattrap. At first Optimus was at a major disadvantage because Rattrap was riding on his back in rat mode. Suddenly, either Waspinator or Terrorsaur shot them, causing them to split and fall down. Optimus managed to gain control, but was kept busy with the flying Predacons. Terrorsaur couldn't resist a chance to tease Rattrap up close while matching the speed of his falling adversary; he even had the nerve of scratching Rattrap's chin and flicking his nose, the jerk! But at the last moment, Rattrap transformed and blasted Terrorsaur at point blank range, forcing him to resort to beast mode. Terrorsaur found himself acting as Rattrap's transport at a blaster's edge, temporarily at least. While arriving on the island, he dislodged Rattrap by running him into a tree branch. He and Waspinator later attempted to catch up with Blackarachnia on the island, but she tricked them into firing, so that the island's defenses took them out. While falling, Waspinator went as far as calling Terrorsaur a "pterodactyl idiot." The Trigger, Part 2

During a Predacon attack on the Axalon, Terrorsaur and Waspinator stole the rectifier coil from the Maximal base. When remaining in their beast modes drove the sleep-deprived Maximals to be overcome by their beast instincts, the Predacons hunted them through the jungle, at least until the Maximals were able to regain control and fight back. Call of the Wild After some of the Maximals were blinded by an energon explosion, Terrorsaur was sent to help Waspinator find and finish them off. Unfortunately, even blinded, the Maximals were able to fight them off. Dark Voyage

...a trend here.

After Waspinator was possessed by the spark of Starscream, the Predacons attacked the Axalon. Terrorsaur attempted to stop Primal from escaping, only to get a face full of monkey fist. In the end, the attack was successful; the Maximals were driven out and the Predacons now had control of the Axalon. When Starscream was subsequently given command of the Maximal ship, Terrorsaur complained about the Decepticon getting promoted, but was swiftly silenced by Megatron. Possession Later, Terrorsaur, Inferno, and Waspinator served as a distraction while attacking the Axalon from the air. This gave Tarantulas the chance to shoot Rhinox with an energon discharge virus. Seeing the mission a success, Terrorsaur gave the order to fall back. While being the last to leave, he had the misfortune of having his tail literally toasted by a hiccup blast from Rhinox. He yelped like a scared puppy all the way back to the Darksyde. He was still recovering when news of Tarantulas' disappearance came around. Terrorsaur was among the Predacons blasted into a tree by Rhinox's almighty fart. The Low Road On another mission, Terrorsaur was given leadership of Waspinator and Inferno. Partway through the battle, Terrorsaur realized that Waspinator wasn't doing anything—as it turned out, he was still awaiting Terrorsaur's signal to attack. Later, the trio successfully defeated Dinobot, but their victory was short-lived, as Optimus turned up and blew Terrorsaur and Waspinator away. Law of the Jungle

Terrorsaur, Scorponok, we're condemning you to a fiery death cause Waspinator has a bigger fan club.

During a rare truce between the two sides, Terrorsaur found Tigatron snooping around the Predacon base and sounded the alarm. He and Scorponok collided while trying to prevent the Maximal's escape and were sent out to try to get Tigatron back. The Maximals employed "non-violent" means to aid in Tigatron's escape, and Terrorsaur found himself running into a piece of bulkhead. He then attempted to charge Rattrap, only to be sat on by Rhinox. He returned to base by stretcher. Before the Storm

Terrorsaur was one of the Predacons who turned up at the alien bungalow. He was blasted by Rattrap and left lying over a rock as the construct blasted a signal into space, exposing one of the moons as a Planet Buster weapon. Other Voices, Part 1 A short time later, he was back at the Predacon base, able to monitor the escalating situation. Megatron's admiration for the aliens surprised him, and he pointed out loudly that the aliens were trying to kill them. As it turned out, Megatron had matters in hand, and the alien weapon was soon destroyed. Other Voices, Part 2 The weapon's explosion sent out a quantum surge, which began mutating the forms of some of the Transformers. Both Terrorsaur and Scorponok lost control of their hover platforms, colliding with each other and plunging to their apparent doom in the lava below. Blackarachnia later pointed out that Terrorsaur and Scorponok's deaths meant Megatron was short on troops, which narrowly spared her from being executed by the Predacon leader. Aftermath

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity


Terrorsaurer (テラザウラー Terazaurā) was upgraded by Megatron into a gaudy purple body that increased his speed and evasion. He was renamed "Terrorsaur" (テラソー Terasō). Beast Wars Official Guidebook

Terrorsaur became even more of an obnoxious chatterer after his Metals upgrade and he still sought to be Predacon leader. However strong his new body may have been, he was still a small-thinking wimp at heart. Metals Terrorsaurer bio

Yokohama Decepticon Secret Base

Terrorsaur was witness to NAVI-ko being sent through transwarp to acquire Nemesis Prime for the Predacon forces. Yokohama Decepticon Secret Base


While the Maximals were trying to help out the wayward Hot Rodimus and SARA of the Cloud World, they investigated an energon mine, only to find the Predacons waiting there. The two sides battled, and Hot Rodimus took the opportunity to transform into helicopter mode to pursue his true quarry. Bemused by the presence of this larger Transformer, Megatron sent Waspinator and Terrorsaur to give chase. Rodimus was able to shoot down Terrorsaur and shred Waspinator to ribbons with his rotors. Wild

In another fight with Shockwave, Hot Rodimus thought back to their confrontation with the Beast Warriors, including Terrorsaur. TFC-A03

Universe comic

You all fight Razorclaw, I'll go make sure the escape routes are... clear. Yes.

The Terrorsaur of Primax 1103.12-R Gamma was one of the many Cybertronians kidnapped from his universe by Unicron and held in the Cauldron. Terrorsaur was plucked from the lava just before his death during the Beast Wars, at a much earlier point in his reality's timeline than his fellow abductees Thrust and Rattrap. While in the Cauldron, Terrorsaur gave into his base urges, arguably becoming a Minion of Unicron. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/20 However, Terrorsaur escaped in a mass jailbreak instigated by Trailbreaker and Silverbolt. Along the way, he teamed up with Snarl to fight Reptilion and Tankor. Presumably, Terrorsaur returned to his home reality as did the other escapees. Escape

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Shell Game was never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

While traveling back to Cybertron at the conclusion of the Beast Wars, Optimus Primal reflected on past battles, including those in which Terrorsaur fought. Shell Game #1

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Terrorsaur served under Megatron at the tail-end of the Great War. Though the Tripredacus Council sought to let hostilities between the Autobots and the Decepticons die out after Optimus Prime and Galvatron both fell in combat, Megatron had more aggressive plans. His squadron attacked Tigatron when he approached them to broker peace between the two factions. While Predaking dealt with Tigatron's entourage, Megatron and his troops headed off for the Primal Council's base of operation to bring them down. Once there, they managed to surround their targets, only for Silverbolt, Ironhide, Prowl, Unit-3, and Tigatron (who had caught up to them) to combine into Magnaboss and strike back. Terrorsaur was sure to take a jab at Megatron's leadership capabilities at this point in time. As they were being pushed back, the Tripredacus Council arrived on the scene, and surrendered to the Autobots on behalf of all Decepticons, ending the war. Dawn of the Predacus

While Magmatron was surveying the timeline, he witnessed several key moments during the Beast Wars. Among those moments was Terrorsaur blasting away at Cheetor. The Gathering #1

Terrorsaur survived the quantum surge, along with Scorponok and became a Transmetal. They awoke after a period of stasis lock and after the Beast Wars ended. Beast Wars Sourcebook #4


TheftOfTheGoldenDisk Terrorsaur.JPG

While the Predacon Megatron stole the Maximal relic, the Golden Disk, the Predacon who would later call himself Terrorsaur, along with the future Waspinator and Buzzbomb, secured a getaway ship from Predacon Transwarp Research Center D-F. They were meant to be working for Cryotek—however, Megatron had his own agenda that "Terrorsaur" was in on and Buzzbomb wasn't. True to form, "Terrorsaur" shot Buzzbomb in the back. Theft of the Golden Disk

Don't let him name your stolen ship.

"Terrorsaur" and "Waspinator" stole the Predacon gang's ship. The two had a contest to decide who would get to name the ship, and "Terrorsaur" won. He settled on Darksyde, though Megatron agreed that the loser's suggested name, Buzzerbot, would have been more desirable.

Picking up the rest of their group, with the Golden Disk in tow, they left Cybertron's orbit. After a space battle with the Axalon, the Chromia 10, and an unidentified Predacon ship, both the Axalon and the Darksyde entered a transwarp portal to an undisclosed time and place. Dawn of Future's Past

Two weeks after Airazor was reborn on Earth, Terrorsaur fought to defend an orbital weapon from the Maximals. Terrorsaur and the launching pad were handled with by Airazor. The Razor's Edge

Waspscream continuity

In Primax 208.06 Zeta, the Starscream of Primax 206.15 Gamma arrived and joined Megatron's forces, armed with knowledge of Optimus Primal's gambit. The resulting defeat of the Maximals prompted the Vok to try and fail to sterilize their experiment, the resulting quantum surge granting Terrorsaur a Transmetal form. Terrorsaur subsequently joined the hybrid "Waspscream"'s successful coup against Megatron. While Waspscream's crew was en route back to modern day Cybertron, a temporal disturbance sent Megatron ahead to Cybertron, where he conquered the planet with a transformation virus and converted the populace's bodies into Vehicons. Upon arrival, Terrorsaur's transmetallization protected him from the virus; he and Waspscream's Predacons were drawn to the Oracle, who granted them technorganic bodies. The Predacons waged a valiant Spark War against Megatron, prompting Megatron to unleash a new Vehicon general: Obsidian. After overthrowing Megatron, Obsidian used increasingly barbarous tactics against the anti-Vehicon forces: Silverbolt and Terrorsaur died screaming at his command. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/16

Beast Wars Metals comic

How the hell does this work?

Having survived the quantum surge, Terrorsaur was upgraded into a Transmetal. However, these days were short-lived. After recovering the mindless body of Optimus Primal, Megatron attempted to turn it into a Predacon slave. Rhinox was able to return Primal's spark to its body just in the nick of time. Now a Transmetal himself, Optimus Primal proceeded to go on a rampage, taking out all of Megatron's drone forces and slicing Terrorsaur in half with his mace. Terrorsaur showed woeful disappointment in this turn of events. Beast Wars Metals #1 He survived the experience, only to be shot dead by Jaguar. Beast Wars Metals #3

When Megatron freed the sparks eaten by Rampage, their energies revived Terrorsaur as a mindless zombie. He attacked Optimus Primal alongside several other zombies, but was destroyed for good by Primal's rocket-fists. Beast Wars Metals #5

Transformers Legends anthology

When human archaeologists uncovered a cave filled with primitive language, Mini-Con Laserbeak translated it for them. The markings told of a time when the Maximals and Predacons crash-landed on prehistoric Earth, though the stranded Transformers were seen by the protohumans as gods. One in the form of a "flying lizard with fangs and claws" was among them. Fire in the Dark

Legends World

The Legends World's Terrorsaur attended the Transformers Celebration 2014. Legends Bonus Vol. The head of factory lines at Tera-Kura Co., he sought to overthrow Megatron and become the new company president. Rivals! Tera-Kura Co.! At one point, he witnessed Megatron break Waspinator into pieces for talking about Transformers instead of doing his job. Buzz Buzz Buzz, Wasps Flyyy

During a work day, Terrorsaur, Scorponok, and Waspinator admired Slipstream's and Blackarachnia's looks, but their attentions quickly switched to Nightbird when she took off her mask. Terrorsaur immediately proposed that the company sell this kind of cuteness, which they did with "Nightbird Maskless Version". LG-15 Nightbird Shadow Sequel When the giant Waspinator of another world took over Tera-Kura Co., he forced Terrorsaur to fan him with a palm leaf. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Following a merger with the Decepticon Headmaster faction, Terrorsaur made his move, reaching out to Scourge and the Sweeps with an offer to build them transtectors in exchange for capturing Alpha Trion. With Trion's Matrix powers under their control, they could then overthrow Chairman Megatron together... or so Terrorsaur had hoped, but once Scourge had Trion, he saw no reason to have to share leadership with Terrorsaur and blasted his benefactor. Bonus Edition Vol. 26 After Decepticon Tera-Kura acquired Metroplex as their base, Terrorsaur laughed smugly at the previous Autobot owners. Bonus Edition Vol. 31

Terrorsaur let the Decepticon Headmasters the Tera-Kura facilities to finish constructing the stolen Godbomber. Bonus Edition Vol. 42 He and his fellow employees were later charged with hiding Metroplex's transformation cog, but they were located by Full-Tilt who stole the cog. Decepticon Civil War

Beast Wars: Uprising

IdentityPolitics beatdown.jpg

On a dystopian post-war Cybertron, Terrorsaur was a high-ranking thug in the employ of the Maximal crime boss Thunderhoof. When Thunderhoof met with an ambitious Predacon named Gnashteeth about a supply of black-market energon cube, Terrorsaur accompanied his boss. The negotiations quickly soured, and so Thunderhoof wound up beating Gnashteeth senseless. When Gnashteeth threatened violent retribution on his tormentor, Terrorsaur mockingly nicknamed the upstart "Megatron".

It wasn't so funny a deca-cycle later, as Gnastheeth had found a way to ruin Thunderhoof's criminal enterprises by framing him for the murder of the Builder Double Punch. When Gnashteeth offered the gang a second chance at negotiations, Thunderhoof, Terrorsaur, and Scavenger attended the meeting. What Thunderhoof didn't know was that Gnashteeth had bribed his two henchmen–who were sick of Thunderhoof's abuse–with a warehouse full of Energon. When he gave the word, the duo killed their old boss and joined up with Gnashteeth... who soon adopted the name of "Megatron". Identity Politics


Over the next few years, Terrorsaur served as a loyal second-in-command for his new boss as the Grand Uprising began and threw Cybertron into chaos. Musing on the best way to take advantage of the Maximal and Predacon rebellion, Megatron determined that their species' thirst for energon would forever shackle them to Cybertron's crumbling industry; hoping to find a way to circumvent said thirst, Megatron began work on an experimental procedure that would allow Cybertronians to metabolize their own energon by adopting mechanimal alternate modes. The process was imperfect, and after Terrorsaur procured a "volunteer" for one of the fatal experiments it turned out that Terrorsaur had unwittingly picked up a member of the Predacon Secret Police who had been tailing the illegal activities of the Darksiders. Though displeased with Terrorsaur's incompetence, a brief interrogation revealed that an ex-Autobot by the name of Leatherhide had conducted similar experiments, and so Megatron sent Terrorsaur to the Toxic Sludge Swamps to find and recruit the scientist.

Working alongside local guide Darksteel, Terrorsaur encountered a group of Slicers, which were revealed to be the handiwork of their quarry; successfully convincing the skeptical Builder to work alongside Megatron, Leatherhide and Terrorsaur returned to Megatron's base of operations to further their experiments. The gambit paid off when Leatherhide proved able to successfully hybridize Cybertronians with mechanimals, creating Formikon as the first Transformer to have undergone the "Beast Upgrade." Terrorsaur was one of the last members of Megatron's inner retinue to undergo the process, but, after Leatherhide forcibly shoved the fearful Predacon into the machine, Terrorsaur safely emerged, pleased by his new beast mode. Not All Megatrons

Leasing the upgrade to all paying customers, the Darksyders swiftly used their wealth and power to relocate into a new headquarters as Leatherhide and Labrat continued to innovate. In the final days of the Grand Uprising, the Vehicon Apocalypse ravaged Iacon; from their new base, Terrorsaur and the other Darksyders helped to repel the Vehicons as they threatened to overrun their position. They were saved by Leatherhide and Labrat, who deployed an experimental weapon designed to hack into the Vehicon network, using Wasp as a guinea pig, they were able to safely redirect the unstoppable tide of Vehicons around their base. Derailment

2021 Beast Wars comic


Terrorsaur was part of Galavar's cell of Predacon separatists in the service of the Tripredacus Council. Savage Landing Part 1 Power-hungry and cruel by nature, he took a particular delight in bullying his fellow Predacon, the insecure Skold—ostensibly as part of a plan to ensure that the timid Predacon never used her formidable strength to the fullest and seize the power he craved. Pod Part 1

When Galavar, now going by the name of "Megatron", launched a plan to steal the Golden Disk from the Maximal's Ministry of Science, Terrorsaur, Dinobot, and Scorponok attacked the facility that held the disk, easily overwhelmed the Maximal guards, and stole the relic. After meeting up with the other half of their crew, who'd hijacked the Maximal warship Darksyde, the Predacons fled Cybertron with the intent of using the ship's Transwarp Drive to follow the coordinates inscribed on the disk to an unknown planet. Their heist caught the attention of the Maximal crew of the science vessel Axalon; after the Maximals pursued them across space and time, the ensuing space battle disabled both ships and caused them to crash-land on the planet below, where their ship's computer reformatted the Predacons with new beast modes to protect them from the planet's high levels of ambient energon radiation. Savage Landing Part 1


Shortly after reactivating, Terrorsaur glimpsed a momentary flash of light—unbeknownst to him, this was the only sign of the three invisible Vok as they returned to unspace. While on a reconaissance flight in his new pterosaur form, Terrorsaur encountered the Maximal flyer Nyx on a scouting mission of her own. After a brief aerial dogfight, Terrorsaur was able to outmaneuver her, incapacitate her with his blasters, and carry her unconscious form back to base. Savage Landing Part 2 When Megatron and Tarantulas's attempts to interrogate Nyx went nowhere, Terrorsaur joined in the fun as the Predacons tried to execute her. However, this callous behaviour provoked a crisis of conscience in Dinobot, and the Predacon warrior turned on his former allies, defeating them one by one before using a voice command to lock them all in the Darksyde. Savage Landing Part 3 After Tarantulas overrode the locks, Megatron ordered Terrorsaur and Waspinator to scout ahead to find Dinobot. Savage Landing Part 4

The Predacons followed Dinobot to the crash site of the Axalon, and after spying on the Maximals for some time Megatron decided to launch a full-scale attack on his enemies. In the ensuing battle, Terrorsaur and Waspinator teamed up to fire on Cheetor, but the young Maximal was able to evade their shots. Savage Landing Part 5 While observing the battle from on high, and musing that Megatron's potential death could open up a power vacuum that he'd exploit, Nyx jumped Terrorsaur and, after a brief struggle, threw him into the path of Megatron's cannon arm. As the Maximals retreated behind the ship's shields, Dinobot's Predacon spark signature left him unable to fall back with his new allies. As Tarantulas stabbed him in the back, the other Predacons closed in to beat him to death, but Optimus was able to man the Axalon's weapons in time to save Dinobot's life and convince the other Predacons to retreat. Savage Landing Part 6

You'll be sorry...

Several weeks later, Megatron grew increasingly withdrawn and obsessed with decoding the Golden Disk. While arguing with Scorponok, Terrorsaur speculated that their leader was losing his mind and it wouldn't be long until someone else seized power. As he and Waspinator prepped for their energon gathering mission, the flying Predacon took a moment to push Skold around some more, and explained his strategy to keep Skold in her place to Waspinator. Pod Part 1

Once Blackarachnia joined the Predacons, Terrorsaur took part in the celebration commemorating their new arrival, but his ambitions far outstripped his actual tactical acumen—a comment about using time travel to change history earned him a harsh rebuke from Megatron, and when he brought Blackarachnia's loyalty into question he wound up on the receiving end of a humiliating beatdown from the newest Predacon. Thicker Skin One day, Terrorsaur pulled a cruel prank on Skold by pushing her down the stairs and "accidentally" locking her in the ship's brig, but later watched in shock as the little Predacon escaped after befriending and subsequently beheading their prisoner Powerhug. Skold's No Good, Very Bad Day

See what I mean?

Finally, during a routine training session, an impatient Terrorsaur snapped that he'd had enough of Megatron's indecisive leadership and that it was time for a new Predacon to take command. Unfortunately for him, Terrorsaur had the bad luck to say this within earshot of Megatron himself; although Megatron offered him the opportunity to prove himself in pitched combat then and there, Terrorsaur first tried to flee, then wound up pinned underneath Megatron's foot. Ultimately, however, it was Tarantulas who saved him from complete deactivation—not out of any affection for the loudmouthed backstabber, but because if he'd been melted then the mad scientist wouldn't be able to scavenge anything from his corpse. Moments later, a sudden fusillade of explosive material heralded the arrival of the Maximals, who'd launched a preemptive strike on their enemies in an attempt to take back the Golden Disk. Maximals Strike Back, Part 1

In the ensuing battle, Terrorsaur faced off against the Maximal's newest recruit, Razorbeast. However, when Razorbeast abandoned their battle to try and stop his friend Skold from fighting the Maximals, Terrorsaur took advantage of his lapse in concentration to swoop down in his beast mode, pluck Razorbeast from the battlefield, and drop him into a nearby floating mountain of energon crystals, causing a cataclysmic explosion that instantly killed the Maximal. Upon returning to the battlefield, Terrorsaur found a traumatized Skold trying to process the loss; when he threatened to do to her what he'd just done to the "stupid Maximal", however, Skold finally snapped, killed her tormentor by ripping his spark out, then quickly covered her tracks by lying that he'd fallen in combat. Maximals Strike Back, Part 2

Although the Maximals retreated empty-handed, the Predacons had lost a crucial chance to eliminate their foes once and for all. Without Megatron's knowledge, Tarantulas salvaged Terrorsaur's corpse and brought it back to his laboratory; pledging that his deceased comrade could still serve in death, Tarantulas began experimenting on Terrorsaur's corpse. Maximals Strike Back, Part 3


Eventually, Terrorsaur found new life, after a fashion, as "experiment ZT-Omega", a monstrous, mindless, physically-enhanced zombie programmed to obey his creator. Eventually, Tarantulas abandoned the other Predacons and declared allegiance to the Vok; after catching wind of this treachery, Megatron and Dinobot successfully captured the traitor, but the mad scientist remotely activated Terrorsaur and ordered his creation to free him. Terrorsaur easily trounced Megatron, Dinobot, and Rhinox, and when Scorponok attempted to send a distress message to the Axalon, Tarantulas sicced Terrorsaur on his former ally. Terrorsaur quickly killed and devoured Scorponok, and stood by as Tarantulas transmitted a secret message to Cybertron. The Beginning of the End During the Vok's final assault on the Maximal-Predacon alliance, Terrorsaur joined the Children of the Vok when they led an assault on the crashed Darksyde. Although his appearance briefly caused Skold to panic when he menaced her once more, Rhinox used his beast mode strength and dual chainguns to finally put the monster down for good. The End

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

A quantum surge killed nearly every Maximal and Predacon, with Terrorsaur being one of the sole survivors. Golden Disk Collection Chapter 3

Terrorsaur, submerged in the lava, was protected from the quantum surge by the lava. Some of the surge's energy still reached Terrorsaur, giving him the power to breathe fire. Finding the other survivor, Tigatron, he took advantage of the Maximal's amnesia and made him his new second-in-command. With no known opposition, he started enacting his plan: utilizing a transwarp drive planted by Tarantulas in the Nemesis to travel back in time, eliminate Megatron, and become the ruler of the Predacons. By the time they found the ship, however, Puffer, Jackpot, and Sights, had caught wind of this plan, and ambushed the two. Terrorsaur, in the midst of the fight, dropped the Golden Disk he had found, and sent Tigatron to retrieve it. However, Tigatron, once he touched the disk, regained the memories of the Maximal warrior he once was, and turned on Terrorsaur. With the help of the Autobots, Terrorsaur was quickly subdued. The timeline was then promptly restored via Tigatron sacrificing himself by ramming the Nemesis into the quantum surge, with Terrorsaur's death via lava happening without any interruptions. Golden Disk Collection Chapter 4


Beast Wars: Transformers video game continuity

Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic

Upon arriving on "Planet Energon," the dangers of Energon radiation forced the six surviving Maximals and their Predacon adversaries to take on beast alternate forms. Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic

Beast Wars: Transformers video game

Voice actor: ??? (English), ??? (Japanese)
Maximal Campaign

When the Predacons were on the verge of defeat, Terrorsaur was the last Predacon that stood between the Maximal and entry to the Predacon ship. He rained down laser blasts onto the Maximal while strafing him aerially, but was ultimately defeated and sent skywards upon his destruction.

Predacon Campaign
Terrorsaur is a playable character for "rescue missions" gameplay.

Terrorsaur was absent from the main conflict with both Maximals and the Skriix, instead he flew rescue missions, using his flight capabilities to rescue captured Predacons from the Maximals' prison ships. Beast Wars: Transformers

Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)

All your favorite 3D Transformers...and Transmetal Terrorsaur.
Voice actor: Doug Parker (English), Nobuo Tobita (Japanese)

Thanks to Megatron's temporal meddling, the timeline was altered such that Terrorsaur not only avoided his demise during the quantum surge, but gained a powerful new Transmetal form. At the end of a decisive battle, Terrorsaur stood the victor, having defeated all of the other beast warriors. As a result, Terrorsaur took command of the Predacon forces, dethroning Megatron. Under his leadership, the Maximals were beaten into submission, and the Predacons took control over them. Unfortunately, Terrorsaur loved being in command too much... so much so that he forgot to devise a plan to escape prehistoric Earth. Then the Ice Age came around, and froze the entirety of the Predacon forces. Terrorsaur thus had the next hundred thousand years to contemplate his fate, as he remained encased in an icy prison. Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)

Each character possessed an alternate ending, displayed if Arcade Mode was beaten with said character. Each character has only their own ending listed on their pages; see the other characters' pages for Terrorsaur's fate in those outcomes.

Move list

This list only includes the character's unique special moves in Beast Mode, as their attacks in Robot Mode and Vehicle Mode are identical to those of every other character.
Beast Attacks
C-Right Sonic Scream
C-Up Spiral Crusher
C-Left Terror Talon

Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

Megatron was capable of summoning Terrorsaur forth to the battlefield in his attempts to acquire the super-powerful Energon Quartz. Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

Transformers Legends

Terrorsaur, along with Blackarachnia and Waspinator, arrived at the crash site of a large stasis pod marked with a red "X". Finding the Maximal Silverbolt already there, the trio overpowered the Maximal. But Terrorsaur inadvertently unleashed the content of the pod in the scuffle... And from within the monstrous Rampage emerged! The fighting began anew with both Maximals and Predacons having to contend with the newly emerged monster. Later, after being rejoined by Blackarachnia and Silverbolt, who had been blown away earlier in the fight, Terrorsaur, Waspinator and Depth Charge managed to defeat Rampage. When Sparks Fly


Beast Wars

You ignore my god-damn throat-legs. (Hasbro version)
Amazing what releasing a toy a year after the show model was made can do for show-accurate toy decos. (Second Takara version)
  • Terrorsaur (Basic Class, 1996)
Part of the first wave of Beast Wars toys in both Hasbro and Takara markets, Terrorsaur transforms from an organic Pteranodon to robot mode with a spring-loaded mostly-one-step transformation, activated by pulling back on his beast-mode head. (His hands and feet need to be folded out separately.) His handgun folds up to store inside the empty area behind his robot mode head, tucking away neatly in beast mode.
As a first-wave figure in the US, Terrorsaur initially shipped on cards with "rocky" plastic bubbles. This was quickly changed to a smooth rounded-off bubble with wave 2, and Terrorsaur continued to ship on this card style. The "rocky bubble" cards are harder to find and somewhat more expensive on the secondary market if you care about things like that.
In Japan, there are two different versions of this toy. The initial releases are functionally identical to the Hasbro version. In January 1998, many of the first-wave figures were given new decoes with varying degrees of "show-accuracy": Terrorsaur was cast in a darker red base plastic, dark-gray plastic replaced the black, yellow paint was added to his beak, the green spots were removed altogether, and his purple paint changed to a medium-gray. So... very show-accurate in this instance.
There are also two different versions of this toy in the European market, but they're much more subtle. The initial releases are the same as the North American version, but later releases actually use the completely-new tooling developed for Lazorbeak. The Lazorbeak-mold version also has his robot nose painted purple rather than white.
This mold was later used to make Fractyl, and Age of Extinction Strafe (no, seriously). The Lazorbeak version of the mold was used to make Hydra and Dinobots Terranotron.
Beast Wars mold: Terrorsaur
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • 3H Productions:
  • Men in Black Productions:

BW-toy VS05 Rattle Terrorsaurer.jpg
  • Iwayama no Taiketsu: Rattle VS Terrorsaurer (Vs pack, July 1997/January 1998)
  • ID number: VS-5
  • Release date: July ?? 1997 (standard deco), January ?? 1998 (redeco)
  • Accessories: Pistol
In Japan, "Terrorsaurer" was available both separately and in a "Rocky Mountain Showdown" (岩山の対決 Iwayama no Taiketsu) two-pack with Rattle.
Two variants of the set exist, including the original and redecoed versions. In both instances, the toys are identical to the individual releases.
  • Lazorbeak (Basic, 1997)
  • Accessories: Pistol
Lazorbeak was repurposed(?) by Beast Wars Official Guidebook as "Terrorsaur", an upgraded form of "Terrorsaurer".
The only new toy in the third wave of year-two Beast Wars Basics, Lazorbeak is actually an entirely new mold-set based on the original Terrorsaur mold, transforming from an organic Pteranodon to robot mode with a spring-loaded mostly-one-step transformation, activated by pulling back on his beast-mode head. (His hands and feet need to be folded out separately.) His handgun folds up to store inside the empty area behind his robot mode head, tucking away neatly in beast mode.
Lazorbeak's most immediately-noticeable physical change from Terrorsaur is the addition of an indent for an energon chip under his beast-mode right wing, but there are lots and lots of small proportion and detail changes throughout the two toys, especially in the faces.[1]
Lazorbeak was also repurposed as Beast Wars Shattered Glass Terrorsaur.

Gaburincho! Pteragordon!!
  • Terrorsaur (Deluxe Transmetal, 1998)
  • Takara name: Metals Terrorsaurer
  • Takara ID number: D-43
  • Takara release date: September 1999
  • Accessories: Left & right wing-blades
Part of the third wave of Transmetal Deluxes, Transmetal Terrorsaur transforms into a robotic Pteranodon. He has a third "vehicle" mode; reconfiguring his wings and revealing VTOL fans, plus its tail section splits open to reveal twin thruster engines. In robot mode, its wing-tips detach to form blade weapons.
In Japan, "Metals Terrorsaurer" had silver detail added to its face, and had the word "Destron" replace the "Terrorsaur" tampographed onto his beast butt.
This mold was later redecoed and slightly retooled to make Beast Machines Terranotron, and then redecoed and retooled differently to make Armada Terrorsaur. The mold was also the base model for the non-toy Wreckers iteration of Fractyl as well as Legends of the Microns Ravenus.

BW-toy RattrapVsTerrorMetals.jpg
  • Senkō no Taiketsu: Metals Rattle VS Metals Terrorsaurer (VS set, 1999)
  • ID number: VS-43
  • Release date: September ??, 1999
  • Accessories: Left & right wing-blades
In Japan, Metals Terrorsaurer was available both as an individual and in a "Flash Showdown" (閃光の対決 Senkō no Taiketsu) VS pack with Metals Rattle. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.

Combiner Wars

He's a smirker! Don't let him combine with anybody!
  • Terrorsaur (Deluxe, 2016)
  • Accessories: Double barreled gun
A BotCon 2016 exclusive, Terrorsaur is a redeco and retool of Combiner Wars Air Raid, who is in turn a retool of Deluxe Class Skydive, transforming into a red F-14 Tomcat fighter jet. He is also capable of turning into an arm or leg for any Combiner Wars-style Voyager figure. Unlike many Combiner Wars Deluxes, he does not include the hand/gun/foot weapon.
Terrorsaur was free for customers who bought the Primus Package or Golden Ticket during registration.
This version of the mold was redecoed into Wrecker Fractyl, while the mold was differently retooled and redecoed into Unite Warriors Curse Armada Thrust. This version of the mold also served as the basis of the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Hydra.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive

Version 1:

Version 2:

Other versions:

  • HasbroCombiner Wars Strafe
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Dreadwind
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Blackwing

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

Constantly doing the "Jurassic Chicken Dance".
  • Terrorsaur (Deluxe, 2022)
  • Chapter 4: The Terrorfying Conclusion
  • Accessories: Golden Disk, blaster, 2 arm blades
  • Known designers: Yam (sculptor)
The final release in the Golden Disk Collection, War for Cybertron: Kingdom Terrorsaur is a retool of Airazor from the same line, transforming into a Pteranodon in 22 steps. He retains the forearms, hands, lower legs, and various structural parts from Airazor. His beast mode is more posable than it has ever been, with multiple joints in his wings, legs, and head, including an opening beak; however, said beast mode also ends up front-heavy compared to the placement of his ankle joints. He includes a blaster, arm blades to attach to his forearms for show-accuracy, and the Golden Disk. The product description claims it is the Voyager Golden Disk,[2] though the actual toy comes with the Vok disk, redecoed from Kingdom Autobot Ark. As such, it is a strange amalgamation of both, with The Sounds of Earth on one half and the Vok Disk on the other. His blaster can store on his thighs or under his wings in both modes.
Many copies of Terrorsaur shipped with misassembled wings; the friction joints that attach the wings to the body are reversed in package. Luckily, these joints are held by friction and can be carefully removed and put back in the proper position. Common tolerance issues on the toy's joints mean that the wingtips can pop off easily, and loose ankles make it tricky for him to stand. Caution is advised when discarding Terrorsaur's packaging, as his arm blade accessories are taped to the back-side of the cardboard insert, wrapped up in tissue paper, meaning they can easily be missed if one doesn't know where to look for them.
Terrorsaur was revealed and made available for pre-order on September 30, 2021, and was the last of the four daily announcements concerning the Golden Disk Collection; as with the other sets in this series, Terrorsaur's packaging is printed with a portion of a Golden Disk graphic, and customers are encouraged to collect all four packs to unite the full image. The figure is an Amazon and Hasbro Pulse exclusive in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Kingdom mold: Airazor

Version 1 (Raptor):

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
  • TakaraTomyBeast Wars Again BWVS-07 Airazor

Version 2 (Pteranodon):


Buzzworthy Bumblebee

"Local legends call him Rodan, the Fire Demon."
  • Evil Predacon Terrorsaur (Deluxe Class, 2022)
  • Series: Legacy
  • Accessories: 2 arm blades, blaster
Part of the cross-franchise Buzzworthy Bumblebee line, "Evil Predacon Terrorsaur" is a '90s toy-inspired redeco of the above Kingdom figure, and is even cast in a brighter shade of red plastic. His color scheme is not entirely accurate, as the original toy had black shoulders and thighs in robot mode, whereas they are red here.
Terrorsaur's arm blades are packaged in a small paper sheet inside the packaging, so care must be taken not to accidentally throw them away.
As with other figures in the line, Evil Predacon Terrorsaur was exclusive to Target in the United States, and a Toys"R"Us exclusive in Canada.

Vintage Beast Wars

  • Terrorsaur (Reissue, 2022)
  • Accessories: Pistol
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, the original 1996 Basic Class Terrorsaur was reissued under the Vintage Beast Wars lineup, now reclassified as a Deluxe Class and priced as such. While largely identical to the original figure, there are some notable differences. The green spots on his beast mode back are desaturated compared to the original, the tops of the robot fists are left unpainted, and the arms are incorrectly installed at the shoulders. The latter can be remedied by simply popping the arms off and swapping them from left to right. Terrorsaur is packaged on a card with a round bubble as opposed to the rocky style seen on earlier Vintage waves. Overstock of the figures, sometimes in the dozens, later showed up at closeout stores like Ollie's for $9.99.

Beast Wars Again

Yeah! Still!
  • Daizekkyō no Taiketsu (Multi-pack, 2023)
Part of the fifth release in the TakaraTomy Beast Wars Again line, "Terrorsaurer" is a redeco of Kingdom Terrorsaur is an attempt at a cartoon-accurate deco based on his appearance in the first season of the Beast Wars cartoon. It uh... doesn't score well on that front in robot mode.
Terrorsaurer was only available in the "Screaming Showdown" (大絶叫の対決) set, along with a similarly-questionably-show-accurate Rattle. This set was originally planned for release on 30 December 2023, but was delayed.



  • Terrorsaurer (candy toy kit, 1997)
A Kabaya "candy toy" version of Terrorsaur was made available in Japan. Since he was gang molded with the other three toys in the Beast Wars Gum DX assortment, this unpainted plastic kit was mainly peach and yellow.

Beast Wars magnet set

  • Beast Wars magnet set (1997)
An adorable "super-deformed" magnet of Terrorsaur was made as part of a set of show-cast Beast Wars magnets in Japan.

Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game

Seen here in his rarely-used Skesis mode.
  • Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)
Terrorsaur was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game.

First 4 Figures

  • Terrorsaur (2006/2007 unreleased)
This was to be a 7-or-8-inch tall resin bust of Terrorsaur released as part of a Beast Wars tenth anniversary series by model company First 4 Figures. Terrorsaur would have been sculpted to be accurate to his Beast Wars cartoon design, and would likely have been depicted from the waist and upwards on a base or pedestal. Unlike most of the other mini busts in this range, Terrorsaur's sculpt has never been shown publicly, with the figure's existence only being known due to First 4 Figures allowing BigBadToyStore to solicit him for sale.[3][4]
Mini busts in the planned Beast Wars line were designed to reflect the scale of the characters as seen in the cartoon, and each was set to be limited to 1,996 pieces, in a nod to the franchise's year of origin.[5] Unfortunately, Terrorsaur and the rest of the Beast Wars bust line were cancelled, with First 4 Figures citing a challenging marketplace and lack of retailer interest.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Terrorsaur is an obvious homage to the crafty and backstabbing Decepticon Air Commander Starscream. The two are practically identical characters, featuring a screeching voice, being aerial-combat based, are constantly seeking to lead their respective armies and more often than not fail miserably due to overestimating their chances and ability. Despite this, even after a disembodied Starscream himself appeared among the Predacons, the parallels between the two were never acknowledged.
  • As Dinobot's beast mode takes many Jurassic Park-style liberties, so too does Terrorsaur's beast mode bear little resemblance to an actual Pteranodon. The Beast Wars cartoon continually depicts his beast mode as bipedal, walking around on the ground on his hind legs like a bird—while on the ground, pterosaurs were actually quadrupedal creatures who used their long arms and powerful flight muscles to pole-vault themselves into the air. Instead of scales, real pterosaurs possessed a coat of fluffy, hair-like pycnofibers as a kind of insulation. Terrorsaur's proclivity for snatching things with his feet like an eagle is dubious; real pterodactyloid feet were comparatively small, limited in their range of motion, and not well-adapted for grabbing things. The presence of teeth in his beak is another bit of artistic license—although many other pterosaur species had teeth, Pteranodon (literally "toothless wing") did not.
  • Terrorsaur apparently knows how to disarm a bomb (if he has enough time), since in "Equal Measures" Megatron orders him to disarm the Maximal bomb that was sent into the Predacon base.
  • As Terrorsaur was dying in lava, his hand was briefly seen glowing, indicating that Terrorsaur was going through transmetalization. This was probably included as a backdoor so the writers could resurrect Terrorsaur or Scorponok if they needed them later. Incidentally, the original plan for Season 2 of Beast Wars had Terrorsaur survive and become a Transmetal. However, the popularity of Waspinator convinced the writers to spare him instead.
  • Terrorsaur's CGI model in "Theft of the Golden Disk" is a virtual redeco of Energon Skyblast. However, his CGI model is somewhat different from his appearance in "Dawn of Future's Past".
  • The "Theft of the Golden Disk" character Backslash follows a similar pattern in having Armada Terrorsaur's coloration on the Energon Skyblast body.
  • Terrorsaur is the first known contributor to the plight of the bald eagle, by eating one.
  • In the Japanese dub of Beast Wars, Terrorsaur's verbal tic was a habit of punctuating sentences with ginsu (ぎんす), the Japanese equivalent of the "caw" onomatopoeia for birds.
  • In the 2021 Beast Wars comic, Terrorsaur's vehicular Cybertronian body is a revamped version of his Combiner Wars toy featuring lime-green detailing and purple shins and head in homage to his original Beast Wars toy.[6]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Terrorsaurer (テラザウラー Terazaurā),[7] Terrorsaur (テラソー Terasō)
  • French: Terrosaure (France, cartoon dub), Dinomenace (Canada)
  • German: Terrorsaurus
  • Italian: Metal Terrorsaur (Transmetal)
  • Mandarin: Yì-lúng (Taiwan, 翼龍, "Pterosaur"), Shé Niǎo​ (China, 蛇鸟, "Snake Bird")
  • Portuguese: Terrorssauro
  • Russian: Pterodactyl (Птеродактиль Pterodaktil')
  • Spanish: Terrorsaur (Spain), Terrorsaurio (Latin America)


  1. "Terrorsaur was identical to the NA Terrorsaur, with no space for an Energon chip. This is because the master Terrorsaur tooling wasn't changed for Lazorbeak, rather an entirely new mould was created. We know this not just because of the Euro TS but also due to the Japanese TS"—Slightlyonfire, Twitter, 2020/05/25
  2. Amazon product description: "Includes a Golden Disk (Voyager) accessory and his blaster accessory."
  3. "Update from BigBadToyStore.com: Transformers and G.I.Joe Statues and Busts!!!" on Seibertron.com
  4. BigBadToyStore's listings for First 4 Figures' busts (archived)
  5. "First4Figures Limited Transformers Statues and Busts Info!" at ASMzine.com (archived)
  6. "Didn't base Nyx on anything in particular! Dinobot is much the same. I picture the orb on his chest as a nod to the spark gem gimmick but other than that I just wanted a samurai kinda look to his silhouette. The arm mounted blades kind of a nod the Gundam Spiegel"—Josh Burcham, Twitter, 2021/02/03
  7. Japanese sources consistently romanize the name as "Terrorsaur". This, of course, skips over the fact that the katakana indicates the last vowel sound to be an extended "a" sound.
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