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Windcharger (G1)

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The name or term "Windcharger" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Windcharger (disambiguation).
Windcharger is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
He tricked me...with a wooden gun!!!

Of all the Ark's crew who crash-landed on Earth, Windcharger is unquestionably the fastest on the ground, at least for short distances. Windcharger can go from zero to 60 MPH virtually instantly, limited only by the traction between his tires and their driving surface. Frequently, after tearing away with a neck-snapping jerk, he will just as rapidly squeal to a halt to investigate something that caught his eye, for Windcharger is impulsive as well as impatient, both in mind and in body.

In robot mode, Windcharger can energize his arms and make them the poles of a precisely controllable electromagnet, powerful enough to levitate ten tons of steel 700 feet away. With care, he can draw objects gently toward him or hurl them violently away. Also, as the long-suffering laws of physics dictate, this field is extremely strong near Windcharger; at close range, he can tear magnetic objects to shreds. As Cybertronians are made of metal, this makes Windcharger a genuinely terrifying force on the battlefield, and Decepticons have been known to retreat as soon as they hear that he's entered the fray.

Unfortunately for Windcharger, his power supply, biased as it is toward a brief, heavy overload, is prone to failure if the overload is too severe or too long-lasting. Even worse, his impulsive nature makes him hardly willing to exercise the mental control he needs to avoid overusing his power. As a result, Windcharger often finds himself stumbling home, reeking of ozone and burned insulation, and needing medical attention and a nice, tall, chilled glass of dielectric oil.[1]

Quick action equals quick victory.

—Windcharger's Generation 1 bio



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
AndThereShallComeALeader WindchargerSavesPrime.jpg

Five million years ago, Windcharger was part of Optimus Prime's plan to defend Iacon from the Decepticons. After Prime lured the Decepticons onto a bridge and blew it up, Windcharger used his magnetic powers to pull him to safety. And There Shall Come...a Leader!

Windcharger was among the elite few selected by Optimus Prime to join him in crashing the Ark into the Earth, to keep the ship's secrets from the Decepticons. The Transformers After the Autobots awoke in 1984, Windcharger was very concerned with how they would obtain more fuel, though thankfully a solution presented itself almost immediately; Bumblebee had befriended a human who suggested a means of converting gasoline to Energon. Power Play! After the human, Sparkplug Witwicky, was abducted by the Decepticons, Windcharger participated in the attack on Fortress Sinister to rescue him. After the clash, Windcharger looked on at Gears's body, deactivated following his fellow Autobot's plummet from the Decepticon fortress, but still salvageable. Prisoner of War! Returning to base, the Autobots busied themselves in repairing the Ark. During their work, Brawn was subjected to a powerful electrical feedback, altering his personality and making him violently irrational. The haywire Autobot stormed out and began rampaging through a nearby town, forcing Windcharger and the others to subdue him. Another electrical shock returned Brawn to his senses, but the Autobots couldn't be sure he was wholly back to normal. His test of loyalty came in the form of a trial by combat against Starscream, and though Windcharger believed that Brawn was destroyed in the duel, he was overjoyed to see that the Autobot's demise had simply been a ruse orchestrated using Mirage's holographic powers. Windcharger then cheered as Brawn was welcomed back into the Autobot fold. The Enemy Within!

When he gets done with Guardian, he's gonna erase all the big guy's VHS tapes. Just BECAUSE.

During a Decepticon attack on the Ark, Optimus Prime attempted to activate the Ark's computer, known as Auntie, to bring the defense systems back online. Unfortunately, Auntie had been damaged in the crash and become unstable. Unable to remember who was friend or foe, she used a magnetic field to subdue all the combatants aside from Windcharger and Ravage, whose magnetic powers enabled them to counter Auntie’s magnetic force. With Ravage's help, Windcharger was able to deactivate Auntie's Guardian battle droid. Once Ravage shut down Auntie, Windcharger used his powers to hurl Megatron from the Autobot base. Raiders of the Last Ark

After witnessing Huffer accuse Sparkplug Witwicky of treachery, Windcharger battled the Decepticons once more, but was defeated by Shockwave along with the rest of the Autobots. The Last Stand His deactivated body was strung up from the Ark's ceiling to be used as spare parts. The New Order

The Decepticons reprogrammed Guardian while in control of the Ark, and once they had been vanquished from the ship, the droid was reactivated. At this time, the Ark was still full of deactivated Autobots in need of repair. The few active Autobots made Windcharger's reactivation a priority so that he could use his magnetic powers to thwart the hostile droid. Ultimately, however, Windcharger did not get the chance, as Swoop stepped up to the task instead. The Wrath of Grimlock!

He just finds Gears attractive, is all.

After Ratchet had put the bulk of the Autobots back in working order, he had Windcharger and the others go on a diagnostics run through the open plains to ensure they were back in tip-top shape. DIS-Integrated Circuits! Some time later, Windcharger was gunned down by Optimus Prime's body when the Decepticons took control of it using a fake head. Prime Time!

When the Autobots were dispatched to locate the missing Dinobots, all suffering from madness due to circuit damage, Windcharger was assigned to lead "A-Team", which included Cliffjumper and Gears. The three searched for Sludge in a northern California swamp, but were captured in a Decepticon ambush led by Soundwave. They were later rescued thanks to Bumblebee. Dinobot Hunt!

He was seen much later, watching Blaster and Grimlock duke it out for leadership of the Autobots on the moon. He then took part in fighting the Decepticon forces that attempted to ambush them. Totaled!

Transformers '84

Autobot decepticon battle transformers 84.jpg

Windcharger was seen fighting against the Decepticons during one of the early battles of the war on Cybertron. Later, Prowl took him for a tour of the newly constructed Ark, the ship on which he would be serving, and which would ultimately be sent crashing into the Earth by Optimus Prime. '84 #0 Windcharger was thrown by an explosion after the Decepticons attacked the Ark in flight. Secrets & Lies issue 2

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: John Stephenson (English), Terry McGovern (English, "Masquerade"), Keiichi Nanba (Japanese), Ken Shiroyama (Japanese, "SOS Dinobots"), Takurō Kitagawa (Japanese, "Microbots", "Fire on the Mountain"), Liu Qin (Chinese), Juan Cuadra (Latin-American Spanish), André Filho (Portuguese), Antônio Patiño (Portuguese, "Fire on the Mountain"), Francisco José (Portuguese, "A Prime Problem"), Marcos Miranda (Portuguese, "Prime Target"), Roberto Macedo (Portuguese, "Masquerade"), Niko Macoulis (German, Generation 2 dub of "Masquerade"), Frank Muth (German, Generation 2 dub of "S.O.S. Dinobots"), Georges Atlas (European French), Francis Lax (European French, "S.O.S. Dinobots"), Albert Augier (European French, "A Prime Problem"), François Leccia (European French, "Masquerade"), Charlie Elvegård (Swedish, Generation 2)
"A phone booth! I need a phone booth!! ...Also, pants."

Windcharger was part of the initial crew of the Ark, on a mission to seek out new energy sources to fuel their struggle with the Decepticons. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 After awakening on Earth over four million years later, Windcharger participated in the unsuccessful Autobot counter-attack on the Decepticon siege of Sherman Dam, which was being run at dangerous capacities to fill the Decepticons' energon cubes. More than Meets the Eye, Part 2

He was also among the group of Autobots who attempted to stop the Decepticons raiding the ruby crystal mines of Burma. He dressed up in a lab coat during an attempt to trick the Decepticons into attacking a fake rocket base, though it turned out the Decepticons they were fighting were decoys, and he and the other Autobots were forced to try and stop the Decepticons from taking off in their space cruiser. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3

Tinfoil turkey at seven o'clock.

When Optimus Prime was severely damaged, Windcharger, Brawn and Gears went to see how the repairs were going, unaware that Laserbeak had hitched a ride on Brawn's shoulder. He later helped defend headquarters long enough for a new cosmitron to be retrieved from Cybertron, so Prime could be repaired. Divide and Conquer Windcharger attended the unveiling of the Dinobots, and was knocked over by Sludge during the ensuing chaos. S.O.S. Dinobots

Of all the other Autobots, he seemed to be closest to Brawn, judging from their excellent teamwork and friendly banter while journeying with Skyfire to investigate a Decepticon super-weapon in Peru. When Windcharger was injured during the battle later in that mission, Brawn was quick to swear vengeance for the small 'bot. Fire on the Mountain

Windcharger, sitting in the rafters, waving a flashlight in a slow circle. Welcome to the worst rave ever.

When Sparkplug Witwicky was kidnapped by the Decepticons, Windcharger was in the group which tunneled beneath the Decepticon base, using his magnetic field to detect when they'd reached their destination and carrying Sparkplug from the base. Along with the other Autobots, he was unsuccessful in preventing Megatron from bringing Cybertron into Earth's orbit. The Ultimate Doom, Part 1 After Bumblebee fell into a chasm during the Autobot retreat, Windcharger used his tractor beam to pull the little Autobot out. The eruption of the volcano at Autobot HQ blew Windcharger, Ratchet and Huffer into the air, necessitating a rescue by Skyfire. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2

Windcharger's call for help from the sea creatures was unsuccessful. It was answered by a yellow Volkswagen and a kid in a hard hat.

After Insecticons were sighted in Bali, Windcharger, Brawn and Bumblebee headed there in Skyfire. They found the Insecticons feeding on a field of hay, but had trouble fighting them off. Windcharger had to set up a repulsor field to stop them from being cut to bits by the spikes from Shrapnel's grenade. The rest of the Autobots turned up in time to save their bacon, and they pursued the Decepticons to a nearby refinery. A Plague of Insecticons

Windcharger was in the group of Autobots who attempted to defend a new Air Force rocket base from the Decepticons. He and Ratchet were taken out by an attack from behind by Soundwave, who was promptly given the boot by Brawn. Windcharger was OK though, and later helped the other Autobots try to reason with Spike Witwicky when the boy was placed in a robot body and went a little nuts. Autobot Spike He gave Sunstreaker a magnetic boost, after the hot shot fell short in a stunt jump over the other Autobots in vehicle mode. The Autobot Run He was hanging around Autobot HQ when Teletraan I detected strange readings from the bottom of the Atlantic, but didn't bother volunteering to go check it out. Atlantis, Arise! At one point, he helped the other Autobots construct detection plates to increase Headquarter's security grid. Enter the Nightbird

"Silly Windcharger—did you destroy another good PC with your amazing magnetic powers?"
"...A bee flew by and I panicked."

Much like the other Autobots, Windcharger was bemused by Optimus Prime's odd behavior after one particular battle, and even more confused when a second Optimus drove into Headquarters. Their test to determine the real Prime proved inconclusive, however the Autobots were alerted by strange energy readings from the crevasse the earlier battle had taken place at. Returning to the scene, they battled the Decepticons again, however Windcharger and Spike spotted Starscream acting oddly, and found Megatron's control center, from which he was controlling the false Prime.

Before they could return to warn the other Autobots, the pair were spotted, and Windcharger was knocked into the crevasse, where he only escaped destruction by transforming—his vehicle mode tires insulated him from the korlonium crystals filling the crevasse. He was able to climb out and warn the other Autobots. A Prime Problem

"Why do I bother showing up for roll call when no one ever talks to me?"

Windcharger was around when Wheeljack attempted to demonstrate how he'd taught the Dinobots to better control their abilities. It didn't go well. Dinobot Island, Part 1 When Megatron supercharged himself with the Heart of Cybertron, Windcharger helped defend Headquarters against the Decepticon leader. Microbots All of the Autobots were banished from Earth after the Decepticons framed them with an elaborate plan. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 They almost crashed into the sun, but made it back to Earth safely. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2

After a close call with Cybertonium depletion, Windcharger was around for a ceremony honoring Spike, Carly and the Dinobots for retrieving more of the valuable substance from Cybertron. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2 He was present in the battle over the lake of electrum. The Golden Lagoon He, Huffer and Ironhide blasted Decepticon drones in New York City. Make Tracks After Tracks and Bumblebee disappeared, Windcharger took part in the search. As the other Autobots were picked off by Lord Chumley and his servant Dinsmore, Windcharger narrowly escaped one of their fiendish traps. He regrouped at HQ with the other Autobots in time for Chumley to deliver his challenge to Optimus. Prime Target

He got better... maybe.

Windcharger was among the five Autobots who disguised themselves as Stunticons in order to halt one of Megatron's evil schemes; he camouflaged himself as Wildrider. When the group was forced to become a fake Menasor, Windcharger's magnetic powers were essential to pull the Autobots together for the illusion. Masquerade

Windcharger was among the Autobots killed at the Battle of Autobot City; Arcee pulled his corpse into the shelter of a bunker and laid it alongside that of Wheeljack. The Transformers: The Movie

Windcharger’s involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series Transformers: The Animated Movie.

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Story of Binaltech
Outlier WindchargerVDecepticharge.jpg

In the 2004 of a split timeline, Wheeljack was granted a vision by the time-tossed Decepticon Ravage of Windcharger's looming death in the year 2005. The scientist resolved to save his life. Project: Bodyshop

Two BT-16 Honda S-2000 Aero Style bodies were built for Windcharger to use, but the EDC shuttle they were on disappeared during delivery. One of the BT-16s ended up being possessed by the spark of a future Transformer, while the other was implanted with an evil laser core by Unicron and became Decepticharge. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/08

Windcharger would nevertheless still receive a Binaltech body. When Decepticharge and Blackarachnia attacked the EDC Space Center, Windcharger went face-to-face with Decepticharge and seemingly took both his double and himself out with the full might of his magnetic powers. Outlier

Generations Selects Special Comic

Under circumstances undisclosed, Windcharger came back to life. In 2050, Windcharger was among the Autobots defending Neo Scramble City against the Selector revolt. Volcanicus comic 1

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

Windcharger greeted Kenji, the Autobots' new human friend, when he came to visit their headquarters in Japan. Shortly afterwards, the city of Yokohama came under attack from the Decepticons, and Windcharger followed Optimus Prime to the site of the battle. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #4

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

After the Autobots had foiled the Decepticons' latest plan, Windcharger and dozens of other Autobots arrived at the villains base alongside Scramble City to punish them for their misdeeds. Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

By 2012, memorial statues of Windcharger, Huffer, Red Alert, and Wheeljack had been built at Autobot City. A Flash Forward, Part 2 Windcharger's legacy as one of the fastest Autobots on land was carried on by his relative Windbreaker. Windbreaker bio


Prior to his departure on the Ark, Windcharger was witness to the incursion into their spacetime by another Optimus Prime and Megatron from Cloud World. He got knocked around as the foreign Megatron unleashed the power of SARA. Rampage


In an alternate timeline where Optimus Prime survived the Battle of Autobot City, Windcharger's body was lined up with other victims of the battle to be honored. Deviations

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Dinobots Strike Back

Slagging magnets, how do they work?

When Bombshell used a cerebro-shell to control the Dinobots and send them on a violent rampage, Optimus Prime had few options. One option involved letting Mirage use a hologram of Optimus Prime to lure the Dinobots over a cliff. The other was to allow Windcharger to use his magnetic powers to remove the shells from a distance. Windcharger was eager to be chosen.

But how far away should he stand? If he stands too close, he may cause a whirlwind of magnetic destruction that would rip the Dinobots to shreds, causing dino-corpse parts to fly about and knock the Autobots around! But if he stands too far away, his powers may have no effect and everyone will die helplessly at the hands of their brainwashed comrades.

Windcharger stood 40 feet away:

"The magnetism is too much - they'll be ripped apart!" shouts Prowl as bolts, screws, and bits of metal fly away from the whirling Dinobots. "I'm afraid you're right," Windcharger replies with a frown, "but there's nothing we can do."

Let's stand a little further away next time, Windcharger. You murderer.

In the alternate path, he did just that. From 100 feet away, his magnetic field harmlessly popped all four shells right off.

The next day, in one possible path, Skids returned to the Ark to report Bumblebee disappearing after radioing him about a secret base inside Mount Lomas where the Decepticons were ready to process black coral into superfuel. While Prowl wanted to have the Dinobots infiltrate and back-stab the Decepticons, Windcharger advocated an immediate all-out assault, partly for Bumblebee's sake. Turns out either course of action would produce an Autobot victory, but Topspin didn't fare as well if Optimus selected Windcharger's plan. Dinobots Strike Back



In one possible sequence of events, Windcharger was sent out alongside Powerglide and Beachcomber to investage a secret Decepticon fortress discovered by Beachcomber. Once the three Autobots arrived at cliff face that concealed the Decepticons' base, the three of them debated on which course of action they would take.

If the three Autobots decided to walk through the main entrance of the Decepticons' base, Windcharger was the first to charge forward. Unfortunately for Windcharger, the doors slammed shut upon him, crushing him into a heap of smoking metal. Fortunately for Windcharger, Rumble was tricked into creating an earthquake that incapacitated the Decepticons almost immediately, allowing for Powerglide and Beachcomber to retrieve his remains, and bring them to Ratchet for repairs.

If the trio decided instead to look for an alternate entrance into the Decepticon fortress, they discovered a narrow passageway hidden behind bushes and scrubs. Beachcomber then led his squad into the passageway until they emerged into a storage room. Leading out of the storage room was a passage not unlike the one from which they had just emerged, and a brightly lit corridor. Windcharger voted to explore the other dark passageway.

If Beachcomber joined Windcharger, the two of them soon found themselves before a heavy stone doorway. Hearing Decepticon voices beyond the door, the pair argued whether or not to try spring a surprise attack on the Decepticons.

If Beachcomber decided to proceed with Windcharger and attack, the two Autobots started to argue once more on how to get through the heavy door. While Windcharger was eager to use his magnetic abilities to bust it down, Beachcomber considered attempting to decode the door's access lock.

If the pair managed to decode the door's password, they found themselves intruding upon Megatron's secret chamber. Upon hearing Megatron approaching, the pair grabbed him from behind. Taken by surprised, the Decepticon leader was tricked into thinking that the Autobots had has base surrounded, and was made to have the Decepticons surrender. After contacting Optimus Prime, to send reinforcements, the Decepticons’ ploy was successfully undone.

If the pair were unable to decode the door's password, Windcharger attempted to smash the door down, despite Beachcomber's protests. All Windcharger managed to do was make a lot of noise, and the two Autobots fled. Unfortunately, as they retreated, they were spotted by Megatron, who blocked off their exit in his weapon mode. The Decepticon leader then promptly slaughtered the pair.

If Beachcomber decided to explore the brightly lit corridor with Powerglide, Windcharger was unable to find anything of importance on his own. But the other two Autobots shortly met up with him once more, and informed Windcharger that they had uncovered the Decepticons’ ploy. The trio returned to Autobot headquarters to relate their findings to Optimus Prime. The Decepticons planned to use a Destruction Beam to create a fault line near Center City, which would in turn be exploited by Rumble's earthquake-inducing abilities to destroy the entire area. The Autobots then decided to split up in two groups, one to attack the Decepticons’ fortress, the other to attempt to stop Rumble in Center City. It is unknown which group, if any, Windcharger was assigned to.

Alternatively, if Beachcomber decided to have Windcharger, Powerglide and himself each investigate a different area of the Decepticons’ fortress, Beachcomber would get himself captured, leading to his teammate's capture. Windcharger was ordered executed by Buzzsaw while the Decepticons carried on with their evil deeds. Earthquake

Desert Flight

Windcharger was part of a group of the Autobots’ best scouts, led by Optimus on a fuel-finding mission. He rescued Powerglide from crashing before the Autobots’ newest adventure could even begin when P.G.’s engines stalled, through the use of his magnetic abilities. The noise the convoy had heard, which had led to Powerglide stalling out, was a large explosion in the distance. Optimus sent Cosmos to investigate the noise.

If Cosmos radioed his findings to Optimus immediately, Optimus’s convoy moved in to investigate a nearby Decepticon base. En route, the Autobots passed near a human town, but began floating in mid-air before being able to reach it. Evidently, the phenomenon was caused by a Decepticon anti-gravity weapon.

If Optimus ordered his troops to come to the humans’ aid, they found themselves taking part in a struggle in futility, as the entire town was near-weightless, meaning they couldn't put the humans anywhere where they wouldn't float away once more. Then, the Autobots heard Decepticons approaching. Helpless in their current position, the Autobots were quickly eradicated by the Decepticons.

If Optimus ordered his troops to attack the Decepticon base, they soon reached an area free of the anti-gravity beam's influence. They were then attacked by a small fleet of Decepticons. The Decepticons were quickly forced to break off their attack and retreated. But with the battle over, the Autobots noticed a small human boy at their feet. The Autobots then headed for the Decepticon base, with their stowaway. Megatron delivered an ultimatum; if the Autobots did not surrender Optimus Prime to the Decepticons immediately, he would use his gravity beam to have the nearby humans float off into space.

If the Autobots decided to continue with their initial plan to simply attack the Decepticon base, their advance was halted by a force field. Megatron then fired his beam in all directions, causing a ripple effect that sent everything not fastened down to the Earth's surface to float helplessly out into space.

Alternatively, the Autobots could concoct a plan where Optimus would pretend to allow himself to be taken prisoner, per Buddy's suggestion. In actuality, Windcharger and the rest of the Autobots were hidden away inside Optimus's trailer. The Autobots then led a surprise attack on their unsuspecting foes. Windcharger was tasked with disabling the Decepticons’ forcefield, so that further Autobot reinforcements could allow for a quick victory. Seeking out the control room, Windcharger came face-to-face with a Decepticon drone, demanding a password. The Decepticons being rather uncreative with the passwords, Windcharger settled on two possible phrases that had a high possibility of being correct.

If Windcharger guessed that the password was "MEGATRON IS SUPREME!" he was promptly executed by the Decepticon drone.

If Windcharger guessed that the password was "DEATH TO OPTIMUS PRIME!" the guard drone allowed him safe passage. Windcharger then easily turned off the bases's forcefield.

In the event that Buddy tampered with the gravity gun in the ensuing battle, the Autobots would emerge victorious.

In the event that Buddy instead entered a space-time anomaly created throughout the course of the battle, the Autobots would lose their fight against the Decepticons, and Windcharger wound up either injured or dead.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, wherein Cosmos had taken off to explore the Decepticon base on his own, The Autobot convoy were surprised to see two Cosmoses flying back towards them some time later. Both Cosmoses declared themselves to be the real one, and urged Optimus to destroy the other.

If Optimus destroyed the wrong Cosmos, the duplicate obliterated Windcharger and the rest of the Autobots with the proton bomb it housed within its body.

If Optimus destroyed the duplicate Cosmos, the real one would inform the Autobots of the Decepticons’ schemes, and the convoy would roll out to take on their adversaries. They were soon met by a squad of flying Decepticons, but were at a strict disadvantage against their adversaries as their vehicle modes possessed no weapons. The Autobots nonetheless managed to fight their way to the Decepticons’ base, one way or another, and defeated the Decepticons by using their own gravity weapon against them. Desert Flight

Decepticon Poison


Windcharger's magnetic powers come from his magnetic gun, rather than being built into his superstructure. In one possible scenario, Windcharger was amongst the troops that Optimus brought to the Decepticons’ poison lab, in order to foil the Decepticons’ plan of poisoning the humans’ nearby water supply. Upon seeing the Decepticons hauling out barrels of poison, Windcharger suggested that he drive down and use his magnetic powers to cause a ruckus. The rest of the Autobots would then be able to come in and take care of the Decepticons easily.

If Optimus went along with Windcharger's plan, WIndcharger would levitate the barrels over the Decepticons’ head with his magnetic abilities, leading to Jazz and Prowl working together to ignite their contents over the Decepticons’ heads. The Decepticons were forced to retreat, and the lab was destroyed, allowing the Autobots to drive back to base victoriously. Decepticon Poison

Sticker Adventures books

Windcharger helped fend off a Decepticon attack. He and the other Autobots then enjoyed an unusual lull in Decepticon activities for the next several days, only to find out they had been lulled into a false sense of security; the Decepticons had stolen the Autobots’ entire supply of fuel during this quiet time. Windcharger set out to find more fuel before it was too late, only for Hound to tell him that the Decepticons were already approaching. Thankfully, Optimus returned just in time with a new shipment of fuel.Re-energized, the Autobots forced the Decepticons to flee once again. Revenge of the Decepticons

Marvel Storybooks continuity

"I'll repel their fire with my magnetic field, by which I mean my head!"

Windcharger was one of the thirty-five Autobots rebuilt on Earth as terrestrial vehicles. Learning that Megatron was once more up to no good, Windcharger joined Optimus and the rest of the Autobots in an assault on the Decepticon base. Finding themselves welcomed with open arms into the enemy stronghold, Windcharger gave Optimus a confused look in response to these bizarre happenings. The Decepticons' act was soon revealed as a distraction, and Windcharger engaged Soundwave in combat, repelling the Decepticon with a magnetic field. The Autobots were expelled from the Decepticons' headquarters, but soon returned to do battle with the evil robots once more when Megatron executed his plan to take millions of humans hostage in a bid to gain the Earth's unconditional surrender. In the fight that followed, Windcharger was blasted by Devastator. The Autobots eventually won the conflict thanks to the Dinobots' timely intervention, and Windcharger drove away with the rest of the Autobots. Battle for Earth

In order to liberate a group of Autobot hostages from the Decepticons, Windcharger helped build a statue of Devastator, from within which the Autobots could hide. Windcharger helped bring the false peace offering before the Decepticons' headquarters. From this point on, it was up to the Autobots hiding within the statue to rescue the hostages. They ultimately succeeded. The Autobots' Secret Weapon

Marvel coloring books

Windcharger was part of the Autobot convoy that followed Optimus Prime into battle when the Autobots learned that the Decepticons were using a molecular transfer device to steal fuel from all over the globe. He helped Huffer fight Starscream by using his magnetic powers to pull the Decepticon down into Huffer's range. Having expended a lot of his energy during the fight against the Decepticons, Windcharger was tended to by Ratchet, and received a fuel transfer from the much less fuel-efficient Ironhide.Summertime Coloring Book

Ladybird Books continuity

Windcharger was part of a battle unit assembled by Optimus Prime to stop the Decepticons from seizing control of...a single windmill. (No, really.) Laserbeak's Fury

Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity

Voice actor: ??

While spying on the Decepticons, Windcharger found out that they were intending to use Doctor Heath Blaisedale's solar reactor to drain all the Sun's energy for their own use, spelling doom for Earth. He returned to headquarters to warn Optimus Prime and found that Dr. Blaisedale had already been persuaded to help the Autobots. They raced to the solar plant to defend it against the Decepticons, but when Blaisedale was kidnapped by Ravage, Windcharger was part of a team led by Optimus to rescue her. By the time they got back to the solar plant, Cliffjumper had run out of energy, and Windcharger had to push him clear of the battle. Sun Raid (Listen 'n Fun)

The Battle for Planet Earth

Voice actor: Peter Marinker (English)

After a day of hard work repairing the Ark, Windcharger and the other Autobots relaxed in front of the television, only to discover the Decepticons were kidnapping humans. Bumblebee to the Rescue He, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and Beachcomber kept the Decepticon base under constant surveillance via a shift system. When Windcharger spotted the Decepticons leaving for Stanley Lake, he alerted the other Autobots and was part of the mission to save the dam there. Menace at the Dam When Starscream attempted to defect to the Autobots, Windcharger thought that the Decepticon would have much useful information for them. As it turned out, it was a trick so Starscream could pass on information to the Decepticons, but the Autobots were able to use it to their advantage and destroy the Decepticon base. Espionage!!!!!

Deadly Paradise

Oh, okay, that's how they work. Yikes.

Windcharger was part of a team of Autobots who traveled to Carob Island to investigate suspected Decepticon activity. Upon discovering Decepticon machines digging for a unique ore, he helped destroy them using his magnetic abilities. It soon transpired that the Decepticons were forcing local roboticist Madame Cee to build fake Autobots, and after rescuing Bumblebee and Hound from her grasp, Windcharger and the others made it to the Decepticon base on the island. They were initially captured and imprisoned, but were soon busted out by Prowl and started attacking their captors. During the battle, Windcharger grabbed Starscream and crushed him to death using the full force of his personal magnetic field. Deadly Paradise

Big Looker storybooks

When Grapple was brainwashed by Bombshell's cerebro-shell, Windcharger was able to magnetically remove the shell from his head on the battle field, in a manner that apparently caused no lasting brain damage. Hooray! Insecticon Attack!

When the Decepticons invaded a car show at the Coliseum, Windcharger was one of the robots in disguise who infiltrated the show to thwart the Decepticon plot. Car Show Blow Up

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Events from The Transformers Trilogy novels are in italics.

When Optimus Prime and Megatron joined forces against the U.S. military, Windcharger was on hand with the Autobots in confronting the President's forces. He was one of the first to fall before the assault of the deconstructionites. Fusion

This looks familiar....

When Optimus Prime and a number of other Autobots were forced to surrender to Shockwave's forces and return to Cybertron, Windcharger was part of a small unit that managed to sneak away and remain in hiding on Earth. These 'bots, led by Jazz, were tasked with investigating Scourge's prior arrival on Earth, to gain further insight on the unfolding events. Brothers' Burden Windcharger, Jazz, and Brawn returned to the Alaska battlefield, only to discover that Scourge's body had vanished. Baffled by this turn of events, Windcharger suggested that the group return to base, and leave the brainier 'bots to figure out what to do next. Cold War

After the end of Shockwave's despotic rule over Cybertron, the Autobots on Cybertron made contact with Windcharger's crew for an update and promised to send supplies. Generation 1 #0 Unfortunately, a group of Decepticons returned to Earth under Starscream's command first. Windcharger was deactivated battling the brutal Bruticus, and subsequently left to rust at the bottom of a lake. Night of the Combaticons Black Sunshine He was eventually fished out by Warpath and Bumper (who had arrived from Cybertron with Bumblebee with supplies), but they were waylaid by Earth Defense Command. The Omega Effect Bumper, Warpath, Windcharger and the other unconscious Autobots were then transported to a secret underground facility. Atonement There, the EDC began repairs on the Autobots, though Windcharger needed more work than most, and was still off-line when several other Autobots accompanied Marissa Faireborn and her soldiers on a mission to San Desto. Infestation

By the time the San Desto mission had been completed, Windcharger was back on his feet. He and the rest of Jazz's team said their goodbyes to Marissa before departing in the Orion. Lost and Found The Autobots traveled to Alaska, where Prowl and the troops serving under him had already begun construction of Autobot City. The Route of All Evil

The Beast Within

After a brutal battle during which The Beast, a monstrous gestalt of unimaginable power, was released, Windcharger's butchered form lay smoldering in a mass grave of both Autobot and Decepticon corpses. The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Megatron Origin #3
Magic arms!

Windcharger was an "outlier": a Transformer who had some abnormal skill or attribute that had nothing to do with his alt mode. (He called them his "magic arms".) Functionists hate that crap, so he kept it secret and hung out at the Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology, where Senator Shockwave had created a safe haven for outliers. Windcharger owed so much to Shockwave that he joined him and Orion Pax in a heist, risking his life against a Senate conspiracy; his magnetic powers were used to "fly" the thieves into the Primal Basilica to steal "the Matrix" (actually a bomb) without tripping any alarms. He also used his magnetism to stop the bomb falling when Ratchet accidentally dropped it. Sadly, his Academy home was destroyed and his mentor Shockwave brainwashed in an Institute branch. An Intimate Beheading

The Outliers stuck with Orion Pax and aided him in defending a hot spot in Alyon from Sentinel Prime's forces. With help from a group of time travelers from the Lost Light of the future, the group took down a weapons platform sent to irradiate the hot spot's sparks: in Windcharger's case, he magnetically hurled Pax through the platform. They then had their memories of the travelers wiped by Chromedome. All Our Parlous Yesterdays

Some time later, after Bumper and Fastback were killed in the line of duty, Windcharger attended their funeral. Most mourners were Autobots working in Kaon Security Services, with Sentinel Prime present, so Windcharger may or may not have switched to the Security Services. Megatron Origin #3

Look, Windcharger, you've already got the magnet thing. Let Blurr have the speed thing.

Windcharger responded to Optimus' rallying call for additional support and fought in the following battle for control of Cybertron. Broadcast Windcharger later met the Autobot leader personally (again). Endgame

As the war spread across Cybertron, Windcharger became a soldier in the Autobot army under Optimus Prime's command. When they were defending a city from the Decepticon advancing force, Optimus Prime ordered Blurr to use his speed to break through the enemy ranks and sow confusion. Windcharger volunteered his own rapid movement, but Optimus Prime rebuffed him due to Blurr's superior speed, and asked Windcharger to hold the line with Groove and Prowl. After their victory, he was seen at a celebration talking with Hound. The Iron Age

Much, much later, Windcharger made it to Earth, along with Seaspray and Jetfire after the Decepticons wiped out Autobot outposts across the galaxy. Ride-Along At one point, Windcharger was captured by Skywatch, along with Gears. ...For All Mankind


He was released from captivity once the Autobots and Skywatch settled their differences, but it wasn't long before the Decepticons struck once again. Forced to abandon their Skywatch base, Windcharger and the other Autobots fled towards Omega Supreme only to find themselves under attack, first from humans with anti-Transformer sentiments, then from Megatron himself. Even the Autobots' combined firepower failed to put a scratch on the Decepticon's brand new body, and they were defeated in short order. Woken Furies

Most of the Autobots left Earth a while later, intending to return to Cybertron. They took a captive Megatron with them, and seeing the powerful Decepticon leader in bonds was a source of great interest to Windcharger and others. Chaos Theory #1 Once back on their home planet, the Autobots fought against Galvatron's Sweep army. Numbers

Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-

Windcharger stood behind Optimus Prime with his fellow Autobots, ready to fight. Visualize Shot 1

Kre-O cartoon

Windcharger was a goalie in in a game of soccer against Airachnid and the Constructicons. Ultimate Defender

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material


The Autobot warrior Windcharger could enhance his electromagnetic powers by linking with Prime Masters. Power of the Primes Windcharger packaging bio

For a list of powers manifested by Windcharger, see this chart.

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #30
Peace was never an option.

Windcharger was one of Pyra Magna's Companions, being intensely loyal to the Great General. His particular special ability made him a greatly-feared name among experienced soldiers. When Pyra met with Strika to parlay, the Companions hid nearby within a shimmer field in case things went south. Sure enough, Strika had prepared an ambush for Pyra Magna, and sicced a squad of Decepticons on her. The Companions leapt into action against Pyra's attackers and once Red Wing realized that he was up against Windcharger, he quickly fled the scene. Nacelle wasn't so informed, and wound up being nearly pulled apart by Windcharger's magnetic powers. After driving the Decepticons off, Pyra announced that they would be putting their support behind Optimus Prime for the time being. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

Today was meant to be a display of your power. Instead, I give you a glimpse of the devastation my power can unleash upon you.

Windcharger was part of a strike team sent aboard Sky Lynx to rescue Termagax from an Insecticon clone horde. Once they had secured the area, Pyra Magna obtained permission from Termagax to set up a defensive position against an incoming Decepticon assault. Windcharger, Arcee, and Sureshot were stationed atop House in anticipation of the Rainmakers leading off the attack. While Arcee and Sureshot picked off Acid Storm and Ion Storm with sniper shots, Windcharger was tasked with halting the nigh-invulnerable Nova Storm's advance. He snared her with his magnetic powers, but she proved able to keep flying and dragged him straight through House's walls. Windcharger bypassed her invulnerability by magnetically crushing her internals, finally taking Nova Storm out of the fight. Sea of Rust II

Exarchon was spotted in the Sonic Canyons, and Pyra Magna brought out her Companions to finish the last war. Windcharger and the others found Sixshot's Decepticons also opposing the Threefold Spark, although some members of The Rise had thrown in with Exarchon. War's End Part Two Their first assault was repulsed, and Pyra Magna regrouped with Sixshot to plan tactics. Windcharger checked on Jumpstream, who had visited a future where Exarchon won, and seemed to be at the axis point where that future either came to pass or was averted. War's End Part Three Circumstances improved when Mindwipe, Bitstream, and Sparkstalker arrived with a solution—a Titanspark in a modified cage, designed to capture Exarchon's unique spark and prevent it from escaping again. The plan was put into motion, and the united Cybertronians succeeded in containing Exarchon's spark before destroying it altogether. The truce had reached its breaking point, though, and the Autobots and Decepticons soon returned to their respective camps. War's End Part Four


Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons

Windcharger had been taken prisoner by the Decepticons, and was hidden away in their maze-like base along with several other Autobots. This prompted Optimus Prime to embark on a rescue mission. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game

Transformers Legends

Windcharger was among the Autobots handpicked by Jazz for a mission to deliver energon to a hidden Autobot base. Unfortunately their plan was foiled by the interference of Rampage, Tantrum and Headstrong. Road to Ruin

Windcharger was part of Drift's team which had to speed a vital component to a power station to prevent it from exploding. They made it, despite interference from Breakdown and Wildrider. Rushdown Road

Windcharger and a few other Autobots were heading back from a charity event when they received a distress signal from a nearby human military base. Investigating, they found the Decepticons scouring the base for the MacGuffin Generator. Though Windcharger learned of the device's location, he was too late to prevent Ruckus from stealing it. Though the Decepticons appeared to have won as they activated the device, it proved too volatile and blew them off into the distance. Windcharger helped the humans rebuild the base in the battle's aftermath. Raiding Party

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Windcharger participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Uncommon character that could be recruited by collecting 35 units of Cybermetal, and 16 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics


The Transformers

What, no face? Ripoff!
  • Windcharger (Minicar/Mini Vehicle, 1984/1985)
The Transformers Windcharger was part of the original assortment of Autobot Minicars released in 1984, transforming into a Pontiac Firebird Trans Am sports car.
He was re-released in 1985 with his hood insignia sticker replaced with a heat-sensitive rubsign; this release also came with a blue "Motorized Transformer" (aka "Mini-spy") in one of four styles. There are reports of darker-red 1985-release Windchargers, but we have not been able to confirm that this is not simply an instance of photodegradation.
There are also a number of variant Windchargers released in countries south of the US, though Windcharger does not seem to have quite as many as other Mini Vehicles. The Mexican IGA and Venezuelan Rubiplas releases are incredibly similar to the Hasbro version (though quality of materials and construction can differ, and not for the better), but lack face paint. The more unusual/different colorations will be covered in individual entries below.
The mold was first released in 1983 as part of Takara's Micro Change line, but evidence exists to suggest it was originally designed by defunct American toy company Knickerbocker for the cancelled toyline, Mysterians. This mold was also used to make Camaro (which was repurposed as Shattered Glass Windcharger), and was retooled to make Tailgate (or, in Mexico's case, redecoed to make Tailgate).
The Transformers mold: Windcharger

Version 1 (Windcharger):

  • 3H ProductionsExpanded Universe Rook

Version 2 (Tailgate):

  • Takara/TakaraTomyFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers C-61 Tailgate

Hideaki Yoke

  • Camaro (Robocar, 1985)
Released in Brazil by Estrela in 1985, Robocar "Camaro" was available in two color schemes: red and grey (Windcharger's original colors), and white and grey. Both versions lose the Autobot insignia sticker, replaced with a sticker based on the original chest-sticker from the Micro Change version.
Whether or not Robocar Camaro is the same character as the evil Malignus Camaro is unknown.
No, he's not actually a Camaro.

  • Camaro (Robocar, 1985)
Released in Argentina by Antex, Robocar Camaro was available in two color schemes: blue-and-black and yellow-and-black. The face paint can vary from sample to sample, coming in either silver or white. Initial batches of the figure feature the same Micro Change-inspired chest sticker as the Estrela versions, while later releases replaced them with a different design that also ended up on "Carrera". In either case, the stickers have really weak glue and don't particularly like to stay in place. The Estrela-design sticker is also prone to misprints.
While Camaro's cardback depicted the white and red versions of the toy, it is believed this was merely a holdover from the Estrela-designed packaging, and that neither coloration was never sold in Argentina.

  • Windcharger (Mini Vehicle, 1986)
Manufactured by Argentinean company Lynsa but sold in Peru, Windcharger was sold in at least three different confirmed color schemes (all lacking paint or chrome): the original red-and-gray, light-blueish-gray-and-blue, and green-and-yellow. It is claimed that there may be six different versions of Peruvian Windcharger all told, with the three others being unique to that market, but no-one has been able to find and confirm the others so far.
Peruvian company BASA (which eventually changed to HUDE) apparently also (briefly) sold Transformers in Peru, but these were straight imports of Hasbro Mini Vehicles with a company sticker applied to the packaging.

G1-toy WindchargerKeychain.jpg
  • Windcharger (Keychain, 2002, 2007)
A keychain version of Windcharger was released by Hasbro licensee Fun4All as part of the second wave of Transformers keychains. Though based on the original toy, this is an entirely new set of molds, with a number of small differences throughout (minor proportion differences and generally softer edges), but the most immediately obvious one is the small plastic ring added to the front bumper, which the metal key chain attaches to. This version also lacks the silver paint on his robot-mode face. The keychains came on pretty close reproductions of their original cardbacks from 1984. These were originally sold in chains like Hot Topic and video game stores, but over the course of several years, found their way even to the racks of Wal-Mart.
In 2003, Takara released all four of the keychain Minibots (Cliffjumper, Bumblebee, Windcharger, and Brawn) as 7-Eleven exclusives. They came in blind-packed boxes so you don't know which one you got until you open 'er up, plus each one could also come in a "chase" all-black version exclusive to this release (weirdly, the black version did have silver face paint while the normal color release still didn't!). The black deco was later repurposed as an evil clone of Windcharger.
All four keychains were re-released in 2007 under the Heroes of Cybertron banner by Basic Fun (Fun4All having gone bankrupt in 2004). Sold on new cardbacks with the Heroes look, these releases are functionally identical to the originals except for the actual chain part, which is a different style with an additional black plastic tab attached. Unlike the other three re-released keychains, 2007 Windcharger does not have a change to his company stamping, because bizarrely there is no company stamping on any iteration of the Windcharger keychain for reasons unexplained.
This version of the mold was redecoed to make the BotCon Europe 2002 exclusive Rook.


Who am I and what happened to my gun?!!
  • Windcharger (Alternator, 2004)
Originally designed to be an updated version of the Omnibot Overdrive, this Alternators toy ended up having its name changed to "Windcharger" by Hasbro after they were unable to obtain the trademark for "Overdrive". (The toy was released as Overdrive as part of the Japanese Binaltech line, however.) His alternate mode is a licensed 1:24 scale Honda S2000 sports car with a removable "ragtop" roof, which doubles as a shield in robot mode, plus a replacement "folded down" ragtop roof piece. Like most Alternators toys, Windcharger features rubber tires, opening doors, hood and trunk, a detailed driver/passenger compartment complete with seats, dashboard and steering wheel and a working "steering" mechanism (though not connected to the steering wheel).
Differences between Alternators Windcharger and Binaltech Overdrive go beyond the different names and the usual mix of die-cast metal and plastic parts for the Binaltech version's vehicle mode shell (including a fully painted car exterior) versus the Alternators version's all-plastic car shell: At the request of Honda's USA branch, who didn't like the idea of "their" toy toting a gun around, Windcharger lacks the long drive-shaft/barrel for the rifle accessory formed from his engine block, which was even called a "shield" on the packaging. Since Honda's Japanese department had no such objections, however, Binaltech Overdrive did include an unchanged barrel. Other minor differences include slightly differently-shaped visors, the paint operations on the front grille, and their dashboards sculpted as mirrored counterparts of each other, with Overdrive having the steering wheel on the rights side (like a Japanese car) while Windcharger has it on the left side (like an American car) for all the Hasbro markets he was released in.
This sculpt was retooled into Decepticharge, which was planned to get a Binaltech counterpart (with Overdrive's Japanese-car dashboard) as Wildrider and eventually as "Blackwidow", but those plans were ultimately scrapped. The intended "Blackwidow" version was later released in different colors as Binaltech Arcee.
Alternators mold: Windcharger
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:

Transformers (2010)

Fire, water, air and dirt, ****ing magnets, how do they work?
  • Windcharger (Scout Class, 2010)
Part of the fourth wave of 2010 Transformers Scout Class toys (the first wave under the Reveal the Shield banner), Windcharger transforms into a genericized modern muscle car that's a cross between a fifth generation Ford Mustang and a fifth generation Chevrolet Camaro. In robot mode, Windcharger features flip-out arm cannons in his wrists, noted in his bio to fire blasts of electromagnetism. His head sculpt is based on the same "modified animation model head" design as Alternators Decepticharge's head, which had originally been designed with Windcharger in mind (see below). His cannons also feature C joint bars that can be used even when they are folded away into his forearms. As part of the Reveal the Shield subline imprint of the 2010 Transformers toy line, he features a heat-sensitive rubsign.
Like many other Reveal the Shield toys, Windcharger fell victim to the discontinuation of the 2010 Transformers line by all major US retail chains in favor of the then upcoming Dark of the Moon line. While he was widely available in foreign markets such as the United Kingdom, Canada, or Germany, US fans who didn't want to import him could initially only buy him from online retailers. Windcharger, together with several other Reveal the Shield toys, later showed up at discount stores such as Ross and Five Below, where he sold for a mere $5 a pop, and CVS Pharmacies, who charged more than MSRP for him. Coupled with the demand for a new-sculpt toy of a 1984 character, this resulted in a situation where you could either buy him locally for cheap if you were lucky, or had to resort to importing him or even buying from scalpers. On the upside, at least he got officially released, unlike the subsequent Scout Class wave.


Now with less ambiguity!
  • Windcharger vs Decepticon Wipe-Out (Multi-pack, 2012)
Windcharger is part of wave five of United, and comes packaged with his redeco, Wipe-Out. United Windcharger replaces the rub sign with a tampographed Autobot symbol. While there are the slightest of plastic shade differences from the Hasbro release, they're pretty much visually negligible.
Like the 5th and 6th wave figures, The packaging feature a sticker that said "limited quantity (数量限定)", indicating that this set is released in limited numbers after its first and only shipment.


KreO-Toy WindchargerKreon.jpg
  • Mech Venom Strike (Beast Force Figure Pack, 2013)
  • Set number: 2235
  • Pieces: 49 pieces
  • Accessories: Stand-brick, scoped pistol, Gun emplacement
The "Mech Venom Strike" Beast Force set includes a Windcharger Kreon who can be rebuilt into a muscle car. Extra details are provided by customer-applied stickers. He also has an adjustable gun emplacement with a pressure-launch missile.
Windcharger reuses Hound's helmet and Sentinel Prime's pistol.
The set also comes with a buildable brick-beast Corhada.

SDCC2014 KreonClassof1984 Windcharger.jpg
  • Kreon Class of 1984 (Kreon figure set, 2014)
  • Set number: B0090
  • Voted: Most Likely to Run Out of Energon
  • Accessories: Scoped pistol
This version of Windcharger has more extensive toy-based tampographs than his prior version, including a visored-and-masked face. Oddly, he has a door-wing backpack, despite neither the original toy or cartoon model having such a feature.
He was only available in a San Diego Comic-Con 2014 exclusive pack of 30 Kreons dubbed the "Kreon Class of 1984". Remaining stock was to be sold at Hasbro Toy Shop online, only there was no remaining stock after the show.

Combiner Wars

I sense my better toy nearby..
  • Windcharger (Legends Class, 2015)
Windcharger, released as part of the first wave of the Generations line's Combiner Wars subline imprint, is a retool of Generations Tailgate with a new head, which heavily resembles that of the Reveal the Shield figure. Because the head sculpt and the center of his vehicle mode hood are one piece, the latter is also changed, now sporting sculpted details instead of Tailgate's smooth surface. The 5mm peg hole is retained.
His lower legs feature details that are intended to evoke the look of rear window shades. While both the original Windcharger toy and the Reveal the Shield figure actually had rear windows with sculpted "shades" that ended up on his legs, Combiner Wars Windcharger has a smooth rear window, and the details on his legs are a case of "faux-parts". They weren't as obvious on Tailgate due to the latter's plastic color layout and the lack of paint, but on Windcharger, they're painted the same color as his actual rear window, making them stand out much more.
He includes a collector card featuring art from the "Road to Ruin" episode of Transformers Legends (art which is highly evocative of the Reveal the Shield toy and not this one).
Though Windcharger's wave was scheduled for a first quarter 2015 release, it actually arrived on U.S. store shelves in late 2014.
The original version of this mold was redecoed into Timelines Nightracer and served as the model for the non-toy Shattered Glass incarnation of Tailgate.

Power of the Primes

...after a quick face swap.
(Paper cut-out labcoat not included.)
  • Windcharger (Legends Class, 2018)
Power of the Primes Windcharger transforms from a robot into a fictionalized Pontiac Firebird Trans Am sports car that is based on his Generation 1 toy. He also features an opening canopy on his alternate mode to let any Titan/Prime Masters to ride in.
Although sample pictures and renders depict Windcharger's head as being elevated oddly high above his shoulders, it can be further collapsed down by angling his back half further down, which is how the toy is packaged. He was retooled into Tailgate.
Though designated for a first quarter 2018 release, Windcharger's wave actually reached U.S. store shelves in November 2017.



  • Windcharger (Decoy, 1987)
    • Decoy ID number: 25
Decoy Windcharger is a small, red rubber figure depicting his robot mode. Like all Autobot Decoys, he was randomly packaged with Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots, and Technobots.

Transformers Gum

Kabaya DX Fort Max Command Base.JPG
  • Command Base + Charger (2012)
    • Accessories: Photon Rifle, Dual Laser Blaster
Part of the first wave of the Transformers Gum DX series, the Command Base is a snap-together model kit of Fortress Maximus’s torso in city mode, including his central tower. Also included is a tiny but still transforming figure of "Charger" (Windcharger), accurate to his original toy. The kit must be assembled from unpainted blue, gray, and red sprues, with customer-applied stickers providing all of the non-moulded details. It also comes with something that could charitably be called chewing gum.
The Command Base has its own action feature: once the tower is tilted backwards, the space underneath can be raised by a lever, deploying Windcharger down the ramp. This kit can combine with the Launcher Base and the Sky Base to create a fully transformable Fortress Maximus, with the Command Base providing his rifle, blaster, and the twin cannons concealed inside the tower.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Windcharger, Autobot Warrior (2020)
    • Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T43/T46
    • Stars: 7
This card's set was originally set for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.


"Look alive, men—oh, sorry, Windcharger."
  • Windcharger had the preliminary name of Sprint.[2]
  • Early in development, Bob Budiansky's original profiles for the Transformers characters also included nicknames by which they were known; Windcharger went by "Jack Rabbit". These nicknames were removed from the profiles when they were published as Marvel's Transformers Universe series, but some of them saw publication in The Transformers Comics Magazine.
  • Poor ol' Windcharger is the only Autobot who doesn't get a name-check or a chance to use his special powers at any point during the show's three-part pilot, "More than Meets the Eye". All he gets to do is get beat up by Reflector. Per the episode's original script, he was supposed to get a brief spotlight helping Brawn and Huffer fight the oil rig fire at the conclusion of the first episode, but with the removal of this scene, he didn't even get to speak until "Divide and Conquer".
  • In an early draft of The Movie, Windcharger's fate was much more gruesome. He survived the initial assault on Autobot City, true, but was present when Galvatron and his new troops came back to finish the job. Windcharger was launched into the air by a volley of missile fire that obliterated Gears, and was ripped to pieces in midair by Cyclonus and his "armada" flying through him. His dismembered parts rained down on Blaster, who then ran for it.[3]
  • Windcharger makes a post-mortem appearance in the third-season episode "Call of the Primitives" as the energy creature Tornedron attacks Cybertron. Whether this appearance was accidental or if he "got better" (like Wheeljack) is unknown.
  • Whether the Alternators Windcharger toy actually represents G1 Windcharger or the Omnibot Overdrive, whom it was originally designed as (and actually released as under Binaltech), is up for debate. The toy's packaging lacks a bio, it even predates the addition of mottos to Alternators packaging, and with Alternators designs not appearing in any fiction whatsoever (with one exception), all we have to go by is his name. Since Windcharger predates the practice of using the name of an established character as an alternate name for a toy of a different character from the same continuity whose name is unavailable for trademark (or other) reasons (see "Snarl", "Strafe", and "Caliburst" for a few examples), we have chosen to keep the figure listed on Windcharger's page, not least because the Binaltech version is listed on Overdrive's page after all.
  • The retool of Alternators Grimlock was originally planned to be Windcharger (presumably in red) with his own head, with the vehicle mode being a convertible.[4] Ultimately, however, the toy ended up as Wheeljack instead, with a new head sculpt. The head sculpt originally intended for Ford-Windcharger eventually ended up being used for the retool of the actual "Windcharger" toy (the Honda S2000 mold) instead, now named "Decepticharge".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Charger (チャージャー Chājā), Windcharger (ウィンドチャージャー Windochājā; ウインドチャージャー Uindochājā)
  • Czech: Náprava
  • French: Rapido (Canada), Wintor (European French cartoon dub)
  • Hebrew: To'én Rúah (טוען רוח, "Wind Charger")
  • Hungarian: Széllovas ("Wind-rider")
  • Italian: Lampo ("Lightning Flash")
  • Mandarin: Chōngdiànqì (China, 充电器, "(Electrical) Charger")
  • Portuguese: Ventania, Vendaval, Giro (Brazil comics), Camaro (Brazil toys)
  • Russian: Razrjadnik (Разрядник, "Discharger")
  • South American: Camaro


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