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Spike Witwicky (G1)

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The name or term "Spike" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Spike (disambiguation).
Spike Witwicky is a human and sometimes Autobot ally and Headmaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Wait till you see my sweet future jumpsuit!

Spike Witwicky is the son of Sparkplug Witwicky. Like most Witwickys, he has a tendency to form close bonds to the Autobots and become one of their main human allies. 'Cause let's face it, there are advantages when your best friend is a car.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Otherwise known as the dork who brought Soundwave into the base.

Despite being too young to qualify for a driver's license, Spike worked with his father Sparkplug on an offshore oilrig in 1984 and became one of the first human allies of the Autobots. Spike soon became friends with the Autobot Bumblebee and more than friends with the human Carly. By 2005, he'd had a son named Daniel and was stationed on the Cybertron Moon Base. Narrowly surviving the Unicron War, Spike continued to aid the Autobots in missions both deadly and diplomatic, eventually becoming the Headmaster partner of Cerebros in 2006.

In another timeline, Spike did not become a Headmaster at first, and by 2011 had focused his energies on diplomacy. He eventually journeyed to planet Master and became a Headmaster via a modified Exo-Suit. In 2021, Spike was embroiled in a scheme concocted by Old Snake that briefly saw him framed for crimes he didn't commit. His name was cleared by his old friend Bumblebee, though.

Marvel coloring books

Spike and his father joined the Autobots on a mission to stop the Decepticons from acquiring sunken treasure in Alaskan waters. As they sailed northward in a boat of Wheeljack's creation, Spike commented on the beauty of the scenery. He and Hound were then ambushed by Ravage. Thanks to Hound's holographic powers, they both escaped the encounter unscathed. After Bumblebee had been captured by the Decepticons, Spike and Sparkplug tagged along with Optimus and the rest of the Autobots in order to rescue him. They remained safe from Decepticon fire within Brawn's durable car mode.Search for Treasure Under the Sea

When all of the Autobots except Bumblebee were captured by the Decepticons, a plan was devised and implemented — Sparkplug and Spike constructed a giant cut-out Autobot which was placed outside Decepticon headquarters as a diversion while Bumblebee slipped in and freed everyone. Bumblebee to the Rescue!

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The Big Book of Coloring Fun

Big Looker Storybooks continuity

BattleforCybertron bumblebee spike sparkplug.jpg

Spike Witwicky and his father Sparkplug were investigating the damage done by a volcanic eruption close to their home town of Kimball when they witnessed a fleet of jet planes emerging from a spaceship buried within the volcano that the tremors had exposed. Spike was vocally opposed to Sparkplug's desire to examine the ship in search of "a little adventure", but ventured into the crater nonetheless, where he and his father were met by a talking Volkswagen named Bumblebee, who brought them into the ship and introduced them to his fellow Autobots. After helping the Autobots tap the volcano's energies to re-power their ship, Spike and Sparkplug were given a lift back home by Hound, but on the way, they witnessed the Decepticons draining the energy of a nearby power plant. Knowing that Hound wanted to return to his Autobot comrades to warn them that their enemies had re-powered themselves, Spike told him he could use "a little more adventure". The message was delivered, and as the Autobots readied for battle, Bumblebee took Spike and Sparkplug to a safe distance, where he would serve as a lookout and warn of a potential second wave of Decepticons approaching from the rear. Unfortunately, the battle lasted through the night, and when the rear wave appeared, Sparkplug realized that Bumblebee's signal—a flash of his headlights—was being lost in the rising sun. Spike, Sparkplug and Bumblebee raced into the battlefield to alert the Autobots, and they were able to get ready for the attack just in time. Optimus Prime credited victory in the battle to Spike and Sparkplug, and Spike affirmed his father's belief that the Autobots were their kind of machines. Battle for Cybertron

Spike and Sparkplug watched as the Autobots participated in a race to win a year's supply of gas and oil. The Autobots won, but Spike decided he'd stick to hot dogs and soda! The Great Car Rally

Ladybird Books continuity

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When a lighting storm spooked the Autobots, Spike wrote about the experience in his diary the next morning, then tried to explain the phenomenon to his robot friends with the aid of his father. Intrigued by the idea of energy that fell from the sky, Optimus Prime had Huffer construct a lightning rod to collect it, and Spike and Sparkplug were on hand as the finishing touches were added to the project. That night, Spike monitored weather forecasts and alerted the Autobots to the arrival of a new storm so they could see the machine in action. Autobots' Lightning Strike

Spike was instrumental in breaking the Decepticons' control over a human solar power station when he snuck into the facility with the intent of disabling the power-collecting machinery. Finding the door to the control room locked, Spike at first thought to pick the lock with his pen-knife, but quickly dismissed the idea and instead used the blade to alert the Autobots, watching nearby, flashing them a message in morse code by allowing the sun to glint off the knife. Optimus Prime sent Roller to deliver a sonic multi-tool to Spike, which allowed him to unlock the door and use the machinery to destroy the energon cubes the Decepticons had already gathered, sending them fleeing. Megatron's Fight for Power

AutobotsFightBack spike jump.jpg

While he was in town with Ironhide to buy groceries, Spike spotted a flier for a car rally that he realized passed through the region where the Decepticons had set up a new temporary base. Spike suggested using the race as cover to investigate the Decepticons' activities, and so he and Jazz joined the rally, with Spike stealthily jumping from the moving Autobot as they neared the area in question to avoid detection. He discovered the Decepticons testing a new ion drive in an abandoned mineshaft, and hit on an idea: he had Jazz push a row of mine-cars down into the tunnel, destroying the ion drive and collapsing the tunnel on the evil robots. Autobots Fight Back

Investigating a report of Decepticon activity near a small village, Hound and Spike discovered that they had taken an interest in a local windmill. Spike and his father had to explain the concept of a non-electromagnetic mechanism to the baffled Autobots. When battle erupted around the windmill, Spike ran to the top of the structure to get a better look at the fight, but a blast from Laserbeak caused him to lose his footing and he fell onto the breaking lever, freeing the windmills sails to spin. Laserbeak was knocked from the sky by a sail and the Decepticons were panicked by the primitive machine, causing Rumble to destroy it. Spike was able to get to safety before it collapsed, and the next day, consoled the worried Optimus Prime with the new that their battle hadn't even made the front page: the town was buzzing about Laserbeak's appearance a local disco! Laserbeak's Fury

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When Spike joined the Autobots on a salvage mission to gather useful materials, it quickly became apparent that the Decepticons had developed a new method of spying on their enemies from orbital satellites. Remembering a story his father had told him when he was younger about two giants that were tricked into fighting each other, Spike suggested using the same tactic on the satellites. His aid didn't stop there: he was able to provide information about the Aurora Borealis and its radio-scrambling effects, allowing the Autobots to duplicate it as part of their plan to make the satellites crash into each other. Galvatron's Air Attack

Following a failed Decepticon attack on Autobot City, Bumblebee and Spike secretly trailed the retreating Onslaught to the Decepticons' new hidden base in a nearby industrial estate. Instructed by Bumblebee to wait outside while he went spy, Spike paid a visit to an adjacent scrap yard and asked the manager to help him find some some bronze-chrome wheel trims for Hot Rod. When Spike saved the man from a collapsing pile of junk, in gratitude, he gave him the wheel-trims for free. Bumblebee, meanwhile, had been spotted by Swindle, and hidden in vehicle mode in the junkyard, where he was almost scrapped by an electromagnet until Spike distracted the magnet's operator and save his little Autobot buddy. Subsequently, Spike and his father were used as the Autobots' human eyes and ears in the industrial estate, and learned for them that it was about to close down for a few weeks. The Autobots used this as a chance to take the fight to the Decepticons hiding there, and during the battle, Spike used several pieces of construction equipment to aid the Autobots, first drawing their fire with a calorifier on a chain, then using the electromagnet to trap several smaller Decepticons, before using a wrecking ball to attack Galvatron himself! Finally, Spike used the wrecking ball to collapse the entire building, burying the Decepticons in the rubble. Decepticon Hideout

Generation 1 toy bio

Spike was a "Nebulan leader" and Cerebros's binary-bonded Headmaster partner.[1] Generation 1 toy bio

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Man, those Witwickies love pink shirts, don't they?

Spike Witwicky was away at college for the first few years of the Autobot/Decepticon war on Earth, and was entirely unaware of his family's involvement in the robot conflict until the day he returned home to find his father's garage a pile of rubble. Spike was relieved to find his father alive and well, but this sense of relief did not last long, as Sparkplug explained that the damage was the work of the Decepticon Ratbat, and told Spike of Buster's involvement with the Autobots. Intent on ensuring his brother's safety, Spike headed up to Mount St. Hilary, but found the volcano abandoned. Presently, the Autobot splinter group led by Fortress Maximus, who had recently arrived in Earth orbit after departing the planet Nebulos, entered the caverns, having followed distress call broadcast by Goldbug. Finding Goldbug's brain module in a toy car on the cavern floor, Chromedome replayed recent images from the disembodied Autobots' memory, including Buster's capture by Ratbat. Seeing this image, Spike stepped forward and petitioned the Autobots for aid in saving his brother, but they turned him down and departed.

"Though maybe the giant boxy shapes under my conspicuous trenchcoat should have been a clue."

Spike bedded down in the cave overnight, but when he awoke the next morning, it was to the sight of Scorponok's Decepticons arriving in search of the Autobots. Despite their brushing him off, Spike believed the Autobots deserved a warning, and used the machinery in the cave to replay Goldbug's distress signal, summoning Maximus's team back to the volcano in time to save him from a vengeful Scorponok. As battle erupted, Spike sought safety deeper in the volcano, but was pursued into its confines by Scorponok's Nebulan component, Lord Zarak. Fortress Maximus's Nebulan component Galen followed, but was killed when Zarak triggered a rockslide. In his last moments, Galen passed his control helmet to Spike, who took control of Fortress Maximus and used his firepower to send the Decepticons into retreat. Trial by Fire!

The Autobots offered to properly binary bond Spike with Fortress Maximus, transforming him into a Headmaster, and Spike accepted, believing it to be his best chance of finding and rescuing Buster. He returned home to tell his father the news just as Sparkplug received a call from Walter Barnett of RAAT to let him know that Buster had been located. Using his new Headmaster powers to trace the call, Spike led the Autobots to a desert island that soon proved to be a Decepticon base in disguise. Prohibited from joining the fight by the other Autobots due to their fears his concern for Buster would short out Maximus's logic circuits, Spike complied with their wishes at first, but when the Decepticons' base also proved to be a rocket that took off for space, Spike was forced to take action, linking with Fortress Maximus and pursuing. Although he was able to use Maximus to shoot down Shockwave, Spike was unable to get Buster free of the island's protective dome before the rocket outpaced him. The Desert Island of Space!

Returning to the Steelhaven to build a new body for Goldbug, Spike was alerted by a bugging device he had left in his father's home to a phone call from Ethan Zachary, and learned that the human had preserved the deceased Optimus Prime's mind as a computer program. Pretender to the Throne! Rendezvousing with the other Autobots in the Ark to gain the resources to build Prime a new body, Spike earned the ire of current commander Grimlock, who violently rejected the notion that a human could lead any Autobots. Totaled!

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When Optimus Prime was restored to life on Nebulous and returned to Earth, Spike, as part of Fortress Maximus, fought alongside him during the "Time Wars". Time Wars Soon after, the Decepticons' island base resurfaced, and Spike took Optimus Prime and Blaster aboard Fortress Maximus to investigate. But by the time they arrived, the island had been relocated to the Arctic. Cold War! Following a distress signal sent out by Buster, the Autobots tracked down the younger Witwicky on the verge of hypothermia in the frozen wastes. In order to save his brother's life, Spike used Fortress Maximus to carefully raise Buster's body temperature with infra-red heating. However, the Autobots' intrusion near the Decepticons' secret base at that time had been orchestrated by Starscream, and they came to blows against the evil robots once again. When Ratbat learned that he was being forestalled from chasing Starscream, who had designs for the legendary Underbase, he brokered a ceasefire with Maximus. Temporarily united, both of their teams could now focus on stopping the treacherous Seeker.


The Autobot/Decepticon alliance headed into space in pursuit of Starscream, and though they interrupted his absorption of the Underbase's energies, the portion he managed to consume was enough to grant him unimaginable power. Spike had to once more store Buster within Fortress Maximus as Ratbat's ship was destroyed, saving him from the vacuum of space. After they had boarded the Ark, the Autobots followed Starscream back to Earth. This time around, Optimus insisted on staying back with Buster while the others dealt with Starscream's rampage. Spike protested, but Optimus assured him he wouldn't do any less to keep Buster safe than Spike would. Spike was sent to Buenos Aires, where he and Maximus were bested in battle. Thankfully, due to their partially-organic nature, they were able to survive exposure to Starscream's cosmic blasts. Dark Star

With Buster saved, Spike considered his work as Fortress Maximus's partner done, and following Starscream's defeat, announced his intent to leave the Autobot ranks despite their current depleted state. Leaving Maximus's body to gather dust in storage on the Ark, Spike returned to his normal life on Earth, but found himself plagued by nightmares full of mechanical imagery, prompting him to throw away his control helmet—kept for security's sake at the urging of Optimus Prime—in a junkyard to make a totally clean break from his brief time as a Headmaster. Unfortunately, Decepticon Pretender Beasts Snarler and Carnivac, who had been sent to kill Spike by Scorponok, located the discarded helmet and proceeded to track Spike to California, where he was on a ski trip with his friend, Cliff Dietz. Taking refuge in a cave, Cliff helped Spike realize that his nightmares held a deeper meaning: that binary-bonding went far deeper that he had ever realized, and that even without his control helmet, separated by millions of miles, he and Fortress Maximus were still connected, two minds in one being. With this realization, Spike was able to summon Fortress Maximus from the Ark to battle Snarler and Catilla, though his responses proved far more sluggish than usual. Recovering his control helmet from Snarler's disabled Pretender shell, Spike fully re-established his connection with Fortress Maximus and combined with him once more to defeat the two Decepticons. The Man in the Machine!

Although this realization about the nature of his connection with Fortress Maximus seemed to change Spike's tune, at some point over the next few years, he reverted to his old outlook, and returned Maximus to the Ark so he could get back to his human life. When the Ark crashed back on Earth in 1991, Fortress Maximus urged Spike to investigate the crash site and recover his body so they could become one again and stop the menace posed to Earth by Galvatron. Accepting his responsibility as the last Autobot currently on Earth, Spike acquiesced, but once he had re-combined with Maximus, found his will subsumed by the Autobot, who elected to actively pursue Galvatron. Maximus found himself no match for the deranged future Decepticon, however, and called out for Spike's aid, but Spike refused to make a point, before the two came to an understanding and united their minds to bring Galvatron down. The Last Autobot?

Marvel UK future timelines
The movie adaptation, originally published by Marvel US, is in italics
Bumblebee and spike the planet eater.jpg

By 2005, Spike had sired a son, the young Daniel Witwicky. At this time, the Decepticons had conquered Cybertron, relegating the Autobots to its two moons and Autobot City on Earth. Still playing an active role in his allies' struggle against the Decepticons, Spike was stationed on Moonbase Two alongside Bumblebee. Spike instructed Ironhide as he departed for Autobot City to tell Daniel that his father missed him, and that they would see each other as soon as Megatron was defeated. The Planet-Eater!

But Spike found himself facing down an even greater threat when Unicron began encroaching on Cybertron's orbit. The "monster planet" gobbled up Moonbase One, and Spike reported the disastrous turn of events to Ultra Magnus on Earth. As Unicron moved on to Cybertron's second moon, Spike rigged the satellite's entire stockpile of weapons to blow up after a twenty-second delay. He and Bumblebee then hopped on a ship and watched from afar as the moon exploded while Unicron was devouring it. The pair cheered until they realized that Unicron had been left completely unscathed by the explosion. They then attempted to flee, to no avail; Unicron sucked up their ship and swallowed it. Judgment Day!

White jumpsuits were so 2006.

Fortunately, a group composed of Springer, Arcee and others found Spike and Bumblebee within Unicron during the Autobots' last stand against him. Spike was reunited with Daniel before Rodimus Prime gave them both a ride to safety, while Unicron was destroyed around them. The Final Battle!

In the year 2009, Decepticons had built an energy leech to destroy Earth while a space-time anomaly was eating entire planets. After Rodimus Prime orchestrated a plan to travel twenty years back in time to the source of the anomaly, Spike Witwicky and his son Daniel accused Rodimus of shirking his responsibilities towards Earth and guilted Rodimus into allotting more troops to help destroy the Decepticons' machine. Time Wars

Rhythms of Darkness!
In 2009, jheri curls returned with a vengeance. Don't you remember that?

In an alternate timeline in the year 2009, Spike Witwicky was part of a very small Autobot/human resistance movement in a world where Galvatron's Decepticons controlled North America. The handful of Autobots who remained alive despaired and were on the cusp of giving up, but Spike and Lisa (who shared growing feelings for each other) guilted them into one last suicidal attack on the Decepticon Powerbase in New York before the rest of the world could unleash a nuclear holocaust onto America at midnight. Though there were several casualties, Spike managed to hoist an American flag on the Decepticon stronghold on live television, a symbolic measure which prompted the end of the planned nuclear strike. Before Galvatron could respond, the Decepticon despot was abducted by Hook, Line, and Sinker into another timeline Rhythms of Darkness!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Now the jumpsuit's in BROWN?

Despite the conclusions he had come to and the newfound unity he had forged with Maximus during his battle with Galvatron, it was apparent that old habits proved hard for Spike to shake. He again returned Maximus's body to the ruined Ark and tried to get back to life, presumably on the basis that so much time passed on Earth without any Transformer activity that he believed it was "all over". All or Nothing! A few years later, however, when Megatron returned and a small squad of Autobots came to Earth to battle him in Milleville, Spike was drawn to the site of the battle, and snuck back aboard the Ark, now restored and under Megatron's control. Final Transformations

Discovering that Megatron was holding Sidney Biggles-Jones captive, Spike realized that he had no choice but to bond with Fortress Maximus once more, only to find that Megatron had disabled Maximus's dormant body while rebuilding the Ark, leaving him under-equipped for combat. Caught in the act of donning his armor by fellow stowaway Skydive, Spike combined with Maximus (curiously omitting Cerebros from the process) and explained his presence, then charged Skydive with rescuing Doctor Biggles-Jones while he and Maximus took Megatron on. Unsurprisingly, Megatron grievously wounded the pair, forcing Skydive to step in and distract him long enough for Maximus to escape, and make his way to the Ark's anti-matter power core. Intended to breach the core with his body and destroy the ship, hoping to take Megatron with it, Maximus instructed Spike to disconnect and escape, but Spike resolved to stay with his partner to the end to ensure their success. They smashed into the core together and perished in the resultant ship-destroying explosion, but alas, their sacrifice was in vain, as Megatron survived. All or Nothing!


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
Well, it beats a jheri curl.

Spike retained his duties as Fortress Maximus's binary-bond partner for decades, and eventually he was stationed in South America. He was present one day in 2012 when Rad reported from the Ironworks base in Oregon about a foiled attack by Gigatron and his Decepticons. Soon thereafter, due to the actions of an evil Ultra Magnus from another dimension, a rift of space time opened over Earth, causing catastrophes worldwide. Spike, merged with Cerebros, gathered civilians inside Fortress Maximus for safety. Invasion

When the Rarefied Energon of his world caused Earth to come alive as the entity called Gaea, Spike and all other Earth-lifeforms were teleported across dimensions to inhabit a new Earth. The Future Buried... Spike and his allies set out to uncover the mysteries of this new world; while all the cities and animals on this planet were the same as their old one, no humans appeared to have called this Earth home prior to their arrival. Buster set up Spike, Vroom, Crossblades, and Elizabeth with an apartment in Yucatán, but the group found it difficult to both get themselves employed and investigate a mysterious radio signal burst detected in the area.

While on a walk, Spike ruminated about his current situation. His reverie was interrupted by a crash, and Spike ran to assist a father and daughter trapped in an overturned car. He was helped in this task by Vroom and Crossblades, though all three had to hide their Cybertronian strength during the rescue, so as to avoid anti-Transformer sentiments. The trio then returned home, where they met with Metalhawk and Elizabeth. After taking a video-call from Buster (and dodging inquiries over when he'd be getting a job) Spike joined his roommates on an outing to an Italian restaurant. After their meal, they were accosted by a mugger. Assembly In the altercation that followed, Metalhawk was shot in the chest, and though it did him little harm, it did betray his human disguise. After Vroom and Crossblades had restrained the mugger, Metalhawk tried figuring out what to do with their attacker, only for two local police officers to turn up and take them all in for questioning. Though Metalhawk stumbled through his words, Spike was able to give his statement to the officers interviewing them, glossing over whatever details needed to be glossed over for their true identities to remain secret. Spike and the rest of the group were told they were free to go, but as soon as they exited the building, they were approached by a mysterious man. This new player informed the Autobots that he knew of their true identities, and warned them that an evil force was coming... Insight

Though Spike and company were highly suspicious of the man, they agreed to follow him nonetheless, as he claimed to have a spaceship stashed nearby. Upon coming upon the craft however, the man revealed himself to be a Decepticon Pretender, and opened fire on Spike to provoke the Autobots into unveiling their true natures as well. Elizabeth managed to shove Spike out of harm's way, and the Autobots battled their new opponent: the universe's native Megatron! History

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Divination Pandora's Gift Finale (OMAM)

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Spike was able to keep everyone from poking around in the Ark for a year or two, but he eventually stopped being Fortress Maximus full-time so he could live his life. Unfortunately, that meant some greedy/bored people were able to sneak into the Ark and fiddle with what it held in 1994... awakening Megatron! Loose Ends, Part 3 Even with nuclear weaponry turned against Earth's cities by the Ark's computer and zombie Decepticons roaming the Earth, Spike struggled with becoming Fortress Maximus again—and his hesitation cost the lives of his brother, Buster and Buster's wife, Jessie. Less Than Zero

Powered by Blackrock ingenuity and 90s angst.

Spike finally became Fortress Maximus again and led a final battle alongside Josie Beller and G.B. Blackrock. The final battle was a bust: Fortress Maximus was killed and Spike's mind and nervous system went with him. Blackrock, however, used Beller's neural-cybernetic technology and bonded them with Spike's Headmaster parts, bringing him 'back to life', retarding his aging, and giving him powerful electric powers. Taking up the name Circuit-Smasher, Spike became the main weapon for the rebels in Argus Base against Megatron's genocide. Unfortunately, he could only do so much and the Decepticon corpses were incapable of being permanently killed (again), and by 2012 he was angry enough to attack the first Autobots he saw on sight, blaming them for Earth's demise. Loose Ends, Part 2

Only some appeals from Topspin and fellow rebel Gordon Kent calmed Spike down. He led the Autobot Wreckers to Argus Base, filling them in on the destruction of Earth and how it was due to the Ark being left behind, unattended by the Autobots. He then formed part of a conference with Springer, Blackrock, Kent, and Sandstorm, running through their new options now that the Wreckers were on Earth, only to be interrupted by a broadcast from Megatron, taunting the Autobots with the tortured body of Kup. Loose Ends, Part 3

Spike, along with a few of the Wreckers and a handful of humans armed with Battlesuits, attacked the Ark, with the intention of shutting down its supercomputer Auntie. Before attacking, Spike made it clear that they were to deactivate the Ark, and if he began to suspect any of them were thinking of trying to get it back under control and using it to leave, he would crash every single one of their circuits. Their initial progress through the Ark's defences started well, with Spike picking off any projectiles that managed to get through their formations. After Leadfoot was blasted by the Ark's auto-turret defenses, Spike coldly commanded everyone to keep moving, saying that all of the Wreckers were expendable. Once the troupe broke through the Ark's outer defenses, Auntie deployed Guardians to protect herself. Loose Ends, Part 4 As the Wreckers and humans fought the Guardians, Spike infiltrated the Ark, but was detected by Auntie, who detained him. However, Spike was still able to use his powers to smash every single one of Auntie's circuits, deactivating her and the Guardians. Loose Ends, Part 5

After Megatron and his army were taken care of, Spike came to Optimus Prime, telling him that he and the others had unanimously decided on the Autobots leaving Earth for good. When Prime offered to help, Spike angrily rejected the offer, warning Optimus not to make him ask them to leave more than once. Natural Selection, Part One


Spike was, naturally, very angry to find out that Optimus Prime had chosen to stay behind, despite their wishes, and proceeded to brutally attack him upon encountering him in Wyoming. Only the intervention of other humans kept Circuit Smasher from finishing Optimus off, and their commander, Linda Chang, agreed to allow Optimus to speak to the human leadership, but if he were to deviate in any way from their orders, she would allow Spike to finish him off. As he was led away, Optimus asked Spike if she was his commanding officer; he revealed that she was his wife!

At the human encampment, Optimus proposed uniting the people of Earth with Nebulos in a joint effort to rebuild both their worlds. The Nebulans' advanced science and technology could speed the rebuilding of Earth, while the Earthlings' strength and tenacity could help the Nebulans recover from the mass mental trauma inflicted upon them by the recently revived Scorponok. Circuit Smasher was quick to shoot down the idea, but the other humans, including G.B. Blackrock, proved more receptive, and agreed to give careful consideration to Prime's plan. Destiny, Part Two

Primus identified Spike to Rodimus Prime as one of four threats to the Great Plan. Destiny, Part Five With his anger, it was easy to see why—even after the human coalition voted to accept Prime's offer of rigging a space bridge to connect them to Nebulos for mutual gain, Spike less-than-subtly implied he might destroy the Bridge anyway. The War to End All Wars, Part 1

Spike was as surprised as anyone when the Space Bridge first opened, and Fortress Maximus emerged. His "other self" had been reconstituted with his original head thanks to Nebulos's bio-metasynthesis program, but he was also corrupted by the Dark Matrix. Fortress Maximus blasted Optimus Prime into submission and kidnapped the stunned Spike. The War to End All Wars, Part 3 In Zero Space, the Dead Matrix entity revealed Spike's unique blend of human-Nebulan-Cybertronian anatomy made him the perfect key to accessing the rest of the multiverse. The entity psychologically tortured Spike to bring forth the power necessary to achieve its ends. The War to End All Wars, Part 4 Rodimus Prime was eventually able to reach Spike in Zero Space, convincing him to let go of his anger, denying the entity the power it needed for passage to other worlds. Spike returned to Earth with a great burden lifted from his conscience, and assisted with the reconstruction of human civilization. The War to End All Wars, Part 5

Project Brain Drain

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Spike set out for a rock concert taking place at Heywood Heights with some friends, unaware that his father had just discovered that the Decepticons were planning on using a brain drain device to syphon all of the concertgoers’ brain power away.

Whether or not Spike's father and the Autobots succeeded in saving Spike depended on the choices they made throughout the adventure that followed.

In one notable scenario, Sparkplug searched the crowd of concert-goers frantically for Spike, as his Autobot friends were being destroyed by Galvatron and his troops. Upon being found, Spike had already been drained of his brain power, and was confused as to why Sparkplug was looking so sad, though Spike was unable to recognize the man as his own father. Project Brain Drain

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Events from The Transformers Trilogy novels are in italics.
DW Witwicky family and Bumblebee.jpg

Spike, his brother Buster, and his father Sparkplug met the Autobots early on in their time on Earth. The Route of All Evil Spike formed a close friendship with Bumblebee. Extermination

Somewhere in the time after 1984, Spike married Carly, who then gave birth to Spike's son, Daniel. Extermination After the explosion of the Ark II in 1999, which caused the death of Spike's father Sparkplug, Spike tried to leave his involvement with the Transformers behind and settled down with his wife and son in Cleveland, Ohio, trying to live a new life as a normal family. The newfound peace wouldn't last for long, though, as Spike was soon recruited by a shady military official named General Hallo seeking his help in reviving Optimus Prime, whose body his men had recently found in the Arctic. Prime Directive #1 Spike, who had been entrusted by Prime with a fragment of the Matrix, used that fragment to bring Prime back to life.

Optimus Prime subsequently used the Matrix to revive and assemble a group of his Autobots, which he would then lead against Megatron's Decepticons. Prime Directive #2 Spike, however, revealed he had become disillusioned with the Autobots' war. Having its the human cost, he could no longer give Optimus his full support in his crusade against the Decepticons. Spike's words hit Prime hard, and the Autobot leader opted to confront the Decepticons without any human back-up once their location had been pinpointed. But General Hallo had double motives behind reviving the Autobots. He and Spike followed them in a helicopter, and once Hallo noted that the Decepticons were no longer under human control, ordered the delivery of a bomb upon all robot combatants. Spike futilely tried to intervene, and the payload exploded, enveloping all Autobots and Decepticons in its radius. Prime Directive #3 Spike was subsequently taken prisoner by Hallo, and locked up within the Pentagon. However, he apparently had an ally within the building; a note telling him to be ready when he would soon be broken free was slipped under his cell's door... Prime Directive #4 His benefactor was Larry, the World's Most Resourceful Janitor, and with his help, Spike was able to escape his cell. Once freed, he uncovered the Lazarus Project and Hallo's sinister schemes, but not in time to stop him from launching a nuclear strike against the Autobots. Prime Directive #5

Spike confronted Hallo, brandishing the files on the Lazarus project. But Hallo revealed he no longer cared about being found out, pulled out his firearm, and forced Spike to watch with him as the missile he had launched streaked towards Los Angeles. Spike accused Hallo of being a lunatic, caring only for power. Hallo agreed, positing that safety could only acquired through power. Hallo was interrupted mid-rant by the arrival of the secret service, who gunned him down when he refused to surrender. The Autobots' destruction was ultimately averted when Superion sacrificed his life in order to make it detonate before it could reach its target. Afterwards, Spike made his way to Optimus's side as he rebooted. Spike had hoped that Optimus would be happy after achieving another victory against the Decepticons, but Optimus remained crestfallen, his eyes now opened to how much suffering he had brought to Earth with his war. Prime Directive #6 Sometime after, Spike bore witness to Optimus Prime suffering some kind of seizure and falling off a cliff. Transformers Volume 2 Preview

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The Transformers Trilogy (Hardwired / Annihilation / Fusion)
DW Extermination Witwickyfamily.jpg

Following these events, Spike once again returned to his family and tried to leave his past with the Transformers behind. A few months later, though, his old friend Bumblebee, who had just decided to quit the Autobot army following a fierce battle against Sunstorm, showed up by his house. Spike, frustrated that the Autobots refused to leave him alone, hurled a few nasty insults against his old buddy Extermination before changing his mind and joining him on a men's night out in the city, where they stopped a mugging. Lost and Found

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

In response to the forming of the terrorist organization Cobra and its commandeered Transformers, the United States government assembled a strike team dubbed G.I. Joe. Spike Witwicky (codename Spike) was listed on the roster, but was never seen. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2

Transformers Legends anthology

In a reality where the Dinobots consisted of Grimlock, Slag, Snarl, and Paddles, Spike befriended the first three, but never got a chance to meet the latter. Paddles

Spike was out driving with Bumblebee and Hound when, to their surprise, they stumbled on a badly-damaged Starscream. Though Spike was all in favor of leaving the Decepticon there, Bumblebee insisted they take Starscream back to the Ark with them. Redemption Center

Bumblebee gave Spike a ride to his high school, but while Spike was in class, his Autobot pal got carjacked. When Spike emerged, he found a smug Bumblebee sitting in the carpark with two wet seats. Joyride

2005 IDW continuity


Transformers: All Spark

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The Fated Rival, Once Again... To Earth Reunion and Parting Plans of the Emperor of Destruction Revenge The False Power Ray of Hope Great Aspirations Conclusion

Kre-O online comic

Autobot-X Kre-O Character Image.jpg

Spike and Minerva ran away from Mega-Megatron in terror. Defend the Blocks! Autobots, Dispatch!

"Autobot Spike" ran away in fear from Predaking, the combined form of the Predacons. Behemoth Combination! But They're Cute? The Predacon Unit

The "Autobot Spike" robot was later seen among a group of Earth's most wanted criminals. They attacked Metroplex together, though Spike seemed more confused than actively malevolent throughout the venture. Despite their best efforts, the villains were repelled, and left the battlefield empty-handed. The Brick List: Earth's Most Wanted

Beast Wars: Uprising

Spike Witwicky had already been binary bonded to Cerebros when the Decepticons threatened Nebulos. Together, they bonded themselves to Fortress Maximus to combat MegaZarak. By the time that MegaZarak was present on Rebirth a few years later, Spike had presumably died, leaving his son Daniel to fill his shoes. A Brush With Infamy–Prologue

When Cerebros got wind of the Human Confederacy's Eutychus Project, he asked them to resurrect his former human partners, but they refused and gave him the energon matrix instead.

An etching of "Spike Witwicky" existed in Fortress Maximus, along with "Daniel" and "Galen Witwicky". Plasma, part of the trio that controlled Fortress Maximus, claimed to be Spike, among many other individuals related to the giant. Head Games

Energon Universe

Spike gained his nickname from his late mother, who used to call him "Spikey" due to his hair. Transformers #2 As a youth, Spike and his older brother Jimmy used to sneak out to a nearby abandoned quarry and mess with the old equipment.

TF2023 – Spike and Carly to the Rescue!.jpg

When Spike was older, Jimmy was killed in a space shuttle accident. Despite this, Spike hoped to become an astronaut and had dreams of attending the University of California, Berkeley—dreams he kept from his father, who'd spiraled into alcoholism. One evening after checking on his dad (and having a brief argument over bringing Jimmy's telescope), he and Carly went up to Hanger's Rock to look at the full moon. However, an earthquake sent them falling into an alien ship full of robots. He watched as the robots were reactivated, and would have been killed by one of them if not for the protection of a heroic robot. While Carly initially wanted to run, Spike stopped to help the robot, pushing his blaster close enough to reach. They managed to escape, riding in the cab of the alien, Optimus Prime; when the robots took refuge in the old quarry, Spike and Carly watched on as Optimus cradled his dying friend, Jetfire. Transformers #1

Don't worry; he's more scared of you than you are of him.

The next day, Spike watched as Optimus Prime accidentally stepped on and killed a deer. He came forward to console the Autobot and tell him it wasn't his fault. Spike asked Optimus how the Autobot got his name, which lead to a discussion about family. Spike told Optimus about his mom and dad, and, in turn, Optimus told Spike about the war on Cybertron and the Autobots' flight from their homeworld, only for the most powerful Decepticon to chase after them. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the newly revived Cliffjumper, who rejected Spike's attempt at a handshake due to his unfamiliarity with organics. Later, when Ratchet explained the Autobot's lack of energy to Optimus, Spike questioned what Energon was, with Carly positing that it must be for Autobots like what food is to humans.


Upon hearing a nearby explosion, Spike noticed that the rising smoke cloud was coming from the power plant where his dad worked. Spike insisted Optimus take him along, explaining to Carly that it's what Jimmy would do. Transformers #2 The pair arrived just in time to prevent Skywarp from killing Carly and Cliffjumper. Optimus told Spike to take cover as he battled the Decepticon alone. Unfortunately, Spike's father and his friends didn't realize the difference between the two robots, leading to Danny firing a rocket into Prime's arm before the Autobot could finish his foe. As Skywarp gained the advantage, Spike attempted to rush in and help, but Sparky and his men had begun to open fire on the robots. A stray bullet caught Spike in the abdomen, leaving him unconscious and bleeding profusely. Seeing Spike fall, an enraged Optimus then brutally beat down Skywarp. Once the battle was over, Prime was reminded of the deer he had trampled, and determined to not repeat that mistake, took Spike and Sparky into his truck mode to save the boy. Transformers #3

Spike was rushed to the nearby hospital, cradled the whole way by his father. Upon arrival, Sparky and Optimus offered him to the doctors, pleading with them to save him. His condition deteriorated by the second, and the situation only worsened when Starscream opened fire on the hospital, damaging the generator needed to power the breathing machine Spike needed. Once the battle outside ended, the doctor informed Sparky that without power, Spike and several other patients would die. Sparky held his son, assuring him that he was there with him, an act that prompted Optimus to use the Matrix of Leadership to restore the hospital's power. Despite receiving the proper medical attention, Spike fell into a coma. Transformers #4

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He wouldn't come to until much later. The doctor cautioned him to not speak, so instead Spike wrote down a message asking where his father was, unaware Sparky had given his life to re-energize the Matrix during a battle with the Decepticons. Transformers #6 Later, he would be informed of his father's fate, and Optimus Prime and Ratchet checked up on him at the hospital. Spike clarified that he didn't blame Prime for what had happened, but asked for time to process it all. Transformers #7

Carly hit upon the idea of taking Spike to a lake along with Arcee to help clear Spike's head. It failed to have the desired effect, and Spike noted how overwhelmed he felt with how much things had changed in such a short time. Carly tried to explain that now the two of them had the Autobots to help them avenge their fathers, but Spike pointed out how Sparky had willingly sacrificed himself for the Autobots, and how now every time he saw them, he was reminded of all he'd lost. Their discussion was interrupted when Cliffjumper arrived bringing drinks. Spike was confused when Carly, angry with Cliffjumper for refusing to kill Starscream, wouldn't give Cliffjumper the time of day. As Carly stormed off, Spike tried to console the dejected Mini Vehicle. Transformers #8

In a follow-up appointment at Farmingham Hospital, Spike learned that due to damage the militia bullet had inflicted on his spine, the odds of his ever walking again were slim – but not necessarily zero. However, it was then that the Decepticon Astrotrain appeared at the hospital, demanding they hand Spike over. The Triple Changer was about to fire on the hospital when Spike – over the doctor's protests – gave himself up, refusing to let anyone else die on his account, and Astrotrain departed with him on board.

TF2023 no. 9 – Spike & Astrotrain.jpg

From Astrotrain's cockpit, Spike saw a beam from the Decepticons' project, prompting Astrotrain to explain to Spike that the Decepticons meant to extract every resource they could from the Earth in order to restore Cybertron to its former glory. A regretful Astrotrain also informed Spike that Soundwave wanted to give Spike over to his new partner to be tortured as a live human specimen. Before Spike could inquire further, a device planted on Astrotrain caused him to crash, whereupon the Autobot Beachcomber breached Astrotrain's hull to rescue Spike. Transformers #9

This section covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help by updating it.

Commercial appearances

Spike brought some friends to visit an Autobot base in the dead of night. They were briefly stopped by the base's guards, who shined their headlights down on them to verify their allegiance. The three boys were cleared for entry, since they were wearing Transformers reflective patches! Prizes in Disguise contest/reflective patches commercial


Transformers Legends


Spike, along with Warpath and Hoist, was transported back in time to the sixth century, where they joined with Lord Aetheling, and were forced to combat similarly displaced Decepticons at a medieval technology level. They eventually triumphed and returned to the present with the Decepticons as prisoners. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court After Spike was gravely wounded during a Decepticon attack on an air force base, Wheeljack transferred Spike's mind into Autobot X. The trauma made Autobot X go berserk, and he fled the base, eventually being found by Skywarp and Thrust, who convinced him to turn on the Autobots. When his father was injured in the battle, Spike came back to his senses and after the Decepticons were defeated, Wheeljack transferred his mind back to his healed body. Autobot X Spike suggested the Autobots hold a charity race. It did not go as planned. Autobot Run Hoist was out driving with Spike and Carly when they happened on a film shoot, leading to the Autobot being cast in a film. Hoist Goes Hollywood

During Unicron's attack on Cybertron, Spike and some Autobots were lost inside the giant, resulting in Arcee and Spike's son Daniel searching for them. They were reunited and escaped Unicron prior to his destruction. Belly of the Beast

Ultra Magnus, Kup, and Spike were kidnapped by Skuxxoids during the Galactic Games. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1 Though the trio were sentenced to death by the Quints, the other Autobots arrived in time to save them. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2 When the Quintessons later used an ancient device to deactivate the Transformers, Spike was able to destroy it, saving the lives of his friends. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3

Following a Decepticon assault led by Galvatron, Spike, alongside Rodimus Prime, Arcee, and Ultra Magnus were forced into taking cover within the Autobot Mausoleum. This did little to improve their situation, however, as the Decepticons continued their advance. Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime rose from his tomb, providing hope that the tide may yet turn in the Autobots' favour. This was not to be, unfortunately, as the resurrected Autobot leader left the group stranded after having received the Matrix of leadership from Rodimus. After Optimus regained his senses, the Autobots were left to mourn their leader as he sacrificed himself once more to undo the Quintessons' trap. Dark Awakening


The Transformers

Finally, your favorite Transformers character!
  • Fortress Maximus (Headmaster, 1987)
The Transformers Spike is a Headmaster figure that comes with Fortress Maximus. Gray and blue, it transforms into Cerebros's head, which then in turn becomes Fortress Maximus's head. Although the on-package bio refers to 'the Nebulan leader, Spike', most assume it is supposed to represent the character from TV, making this the first Transformers toy of an Earth human.
This toy was repurposed in the Marvel comic as Galen. This mold was also redecoed as Gran, Car Robots Plasma, and Robotmasters Master. The run of this mold from the Encore reissue of Fortress Maximus was retooled to make BotCon 2014 Olin Zarak.


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  • ID number: MP-10
Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy comes with a small figure of Spike. Standing at about an inch tall, he features articulation in his shoulders, hips and knees, and is scaled to be able to sit in all the cockpit spaces that Diaclone figures could occupy on the original Generation 1 Optimus Prime figure, such as Prime's passenger compartment while in vehicle mode, Roller's seats, the consoles on the floor of the Combat Deck, and the cockpit of the Combat Deck's artillery robot.
As this smaller incarnation of Convoy is in scale with them, Spike is also capable of riding Alternity figures!

Looks like Shinji ran away again...Spike, you're hired!
    • ID number: MP-10
For Transformers × Evangelion Convoy Mode "Eva", an Evangelion-themed redeco of MP-10 Convoy, the Spike figure was redecoed in a color scheme based on Nerv uniforms.

  • ID number: MP-22
Masterpiece MP-22 Ultra Magnus includes articulated figurines of Daniel and his father Spike, based on their appearances in the movie and Season 3 of the cartoon. Both can fit in seats inside the truck cab.

It might be his after-school job... if he ever actually went to school.
  • ID number: MP-711
Available exclusively from Japanese 7-Eleven stores, MP-711 is a 7-Eleven-themed Optimus Prime, with the Spike figurine sporting a 7-Eleven uniform.

  • Bumblebee & Exosuit Spike Witwicky (2016)
  • ID Number: MP-08
The Hasbro release of Masterpiece MP-11 Bumble comes with a Spike clad in the exosuit he wore in The Transformers: The Movie. While the figure is identical to the Daniel Witwicky figure in the Takara release, Spike features a darker tone of light blue.
His vehicle mode is mistransformed in his stock photography.

  • ID number: MP-44
This figure of Spike Witwicky is scaled to fit inside Convoy's cab mode. He is about two inches tall and has ball-jointed articulation at the head, arms, hips, and torso, as well as swing-jointed knees. In a reference to the classic Diaclone pilot figures, he also has tiny magnets in the soles of his feet, allowing him to stand on several magnetized panels scattered around Convoy's trailer. He can also pilot Roller or the Auto-Launcher mounted on the deck. However, like his other human friends packaged with Convoy, the tiny size of his ball joints make them rather weak, and he is prone to falling apart when his limbs are moved.

  • ID number: MP-45
  • Hasbro release name: Bumblebee and Spike 2.0
This figure of Spike is included with MP-44 Bumble Ver. 2.0.
This mold was later redecoed in transparent plastic for inclusion with MP-54 Reboost.

  • ID number: MP-47
This figure of Spike is included with MP-47 Hound.

Transformers (2010)

  • Masterpiece Optimus Prime (2012)
A Toys"R"Us-exclusive in the 2010 Transformers toyline, Hasbro's release of the MP-10 figure and its accessories features various plastic color and paint detail changes, yet Spike appears to be no different.


  • Earth's Most Wanted (Souvenir set, 2015)
Part of the BotCon 2015 Earth's Most Wanted Souvenir Figure Set, "Autobot Spike" is a Kreon based on his appearance in the cartoon, albeit with some slightly different details.

Titans Return

If I change my name, they'll never realize that I'm the guy that shot Scrapper.
The Titans Return Emissary figure is based on the 1987 Spike figure, but whether it truly qualifies as a version of the Spike character is ambiguous.
Only available with his partners (both medium and large), Emissary forms the head of Cerebros who in turn forms the head of Fortress Maximus. Emissary can also be used as a head for any other Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader figure in the Titans Return subline of Generations. His robot mode is based on the Headmaster Spike figure, whilst his head mode is the mouthplated design of Cerebros's character model.
Fortress Maximus was reissued in February 2024. This mold was later retooled into Legends Fortress' Headmaster stage, and into Transformers & Downtown No Gaki No Tsukai Ya Arahende! Crossover Donarimasu & Guchirimasu Headmaster units.

  • Fortress Maximus Convention Edition (Titan Class, 2016)
The San Diego Comic-Con 2016 release of Fortress Maximus comes with a different head piece for Emissary, which resembles Fortress's Headmaster form in The Headmasters cartoon.


His face is in our nightmares.
  • ID Number: LG-54
Legends "Excelsuit Spike", a different tooling to the Emissary releases, transforms from a small robot based on Spike's exosuit into Cerebros's head which is compatible to any Deluxe-to-Larger Legends Headmaster/Titans Return figures, although he is meant to form Fortress's head. His smaller head is cast in transparent plastic.
Excelsuit Spike comes with Bumble, a redeco of the Titans Return Legends Class Bumblebee figure. This mold was redecoed into The Transformers Excelsuit Chama.

War for Cybertron Trilogy

And I have all these parts... left over...
  • Cog (Siege Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Six-Gun (Siege Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Brunt (Siege Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Cromar (Generations Selects Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Zetar (Generations Selects Deluxe Class, 2019)
  • Ironworks (Earthrise Deluxe Class, 2020)
  • Greasepit (Generations Selects Deluxe Class, 2020)
Using Cog's right arm, Six-Gun's upper and lower torso and left arm, Brunt's thighs, Powerdasher Cromar's lower torso, Powerdasher Zetar's thighs, lower left leg and drill, Ironworks's right leg, left arm, and blasters, and Greasepit's right leg, Neo Cybertron X (ネオサイバトロンX Neo Saibatoron Ekkusu, "Neo Autobot X") can be assembled! Components are sold separately.
Despite debuting in the Japanese-published story Generations Selects Special Comic Abominus comic 2, not all components of Neo Cybertron X have been made domestically available in Japan; as Cromar and Greasepit are very unlikely to be released by TakaraTomy, so the Japanese customers must import them to complete the character.

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

White is sus.
  • Bumblebee & Spike Witwicky (2021)
  • Series: War for Cybertron Trilogy
As part of the cross-Generations Buzzworthy Bumblebee subline, War for Cybertron Trilogy Spike Witwicky accompanies the Core Class Bumblebee figure. Spike is depicted in his traditional exosuit from The Transformers: The Movie, and features an incredibly simple conversion—you just flip down his backpack and lie him down on his stomach. He has a vestigial pin hole molded through his hips, hinting that he was intended to have leg articulation at one point, but was eventually changed during development.
The CG stock render of his vehicle form depicts his backpack flap being flipped down in standing mode instead.
Much like the rest of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee toys, the box is in the style of the 2018 Bumblebee toyline, with additional renders of the evergreen Bumblebee design. Additionally, the toy features Kingdom-style package art with the War for Cybertron logo present.

Studio Series

Yeah, sure guys, ignore the GAPING HOLE in the back of my skull.
  • Exo-Suit Spike Witwicky (Core Class, 2022)
Part of the second wave of Studio Series's 2022 Core Class offerings, Exo-Suit Spike Witwicky transforms from his exosuit to its vehicle mode in 11 Steps. Unlike the previously released Daniel mold included with Slug, this exosuit features articulation on par with Core Class figures, alongside a translucent cockpit dome with a head modeled inside, though the head cannot point Spike's face forward in vehicle mode. However, the head can rotate left and right through a slider in the back. Neat! He also comes with two unique fire blast effects, which can be pegged into the thrusters in his vehicle mode.
Despite the Core Class lacking the backdrops included with all other Studio Series classes, the insides of Spike's packaging is decorated with the artwork used for the "The Depths of Unicron" backdrop.
The figure showed up in Dubai prior to any official announcement from Hasbro.[3] It then didn't show up very much in US stores, being (so far) only available in the second Core Class wave and not carried over into wave three, with the first wave being massive pegwarmers that made restocks uncommon.

Robosen Collector's Edition

  • Optimus Prime Auto-Converting Trailer and Roller (2022)
An articulated Spike figure is included with the Robosen self-transforming programmable Combat Deck. Spike can be posed as a passenger in this set's Roller.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


Super Collection Figure

SCF Bumblebee.jpg
  • Bumble (2001)
    • Act: 3
    • Accessories: Stand
PVC figurines of Spike and Bumblebee were sold together in the third "Act" of Takara's Super Collection Figure series. Like all the figures in the wave, the pair were available as both regular full-color figures and clear plastic versions, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures. Spike has tiny peg-holes in the soles of his feet, but they're far too small to work with the accompanying stand.
In two out of every ten cases, the full-color version of the set came packaged with the torso piece of the wave's Fortress Maximus "build-a-figure", itself in either full-color or clear versions in an equal 1:1 ratio. Yikes.

Heroes of Cybertron

"Spike" refers to his Iguanodon-like thumbs.
  • Autobot Espionage Team (2003)
Super Collection Figure Spike and Bumblebee were later released by Hasbro in the fourth wave of their Heroes of Cybertron line, sold under the name "Autobot Espionage Team," as Hasbro did not have the trademark rights to Bumblebee's name at this point in time. This version of Spike was cast in transparent-blue plastic then wholly painted over. Nominally in the line, this was used to do a light-piping-like effect for the figures, but obviously that's not something that's gonna work for the human.
Unlike the blindpacked Japanese version, they were sold on an individual blister card with an included bio card, and came packaged with the right leg of the Fortress Maximus build-a-figure.

History Collection

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  • Spike (2004)
A PVC figurine of Spike was the rare chase figure of Takara's History Collection. Spike was the only piece in the series who did not come with a circular "bottlecap" display base, instead, coming crouched on Optimus Prime's hand, from which he could be removed. Additionally, Prime's hand could plug into the wrist socket of the 20th Anniversary/Masterpiece Optimus Prime figure.


BraveGoukin exosuit.jpg
  • Excel Suit (2014)
A poseable "Excel Suit" toy was to be produced by CM's Corporation as part of their Brave-Goukin line, complete with vehicle mode and transforming arm blasters. It would have included static figures of Spike and Daniel who could be displayed separately or have their heads placed inside the suit, with alternate upward-looking heads included for the vehicle mode. The Exosuit would also have come with a small figurine of Grand Galvatron and the Master Sword data disk from the Headmasters episode "The Master Sword Is in Danger!!".
This toy only made it as far as the painted prototype stage before CM's Corporation was forced to file for bankruptcy, leaving it unreleased.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Optimus Prime (ULTIMATES!, 2021)
A small, static mini-figurine of Spike was included with Super7's Transformers ULTIMATES! Optimus Prime.
Preorders for Optimus (and the rest of Wave 1) opened on January 29, 2021, and closed on February 28, with the toys shipping in winter of that year.

XM Studios

If your dad looked like this, you'd worry too.
  • Bumblebee (2022)
XM Studios' statue of Bumblebee is 13" tall, made of hand-painted porcelain. Bumblebee has light-up eyes and two different head sculpts, one with his standard face and one with his battle mask. Bumblebee is accompanied by Spike, wearing an exo-suit. The set also includes a sculpted representation of Bumblebee's car mode that can be displayed next to the robot.
258 pieces were produced, with a suggested price of about $1,200 US.


  • Spike and Buster were both derived from the same "young male human friend" character in early backstory material. For more on the name variation see Butch Witwicky.
  • Spike Witwicky is named after a person in real life! According to the BotCon 2010 panel hosted by Bob Budiansky, Jim Shooter (editor-in-chief at Marvel at the time) chose the name based on one of his real-life friends. The name Witwicky had previously shown up in Marvel's Dazzler comics, as co-plotted by Shooter.
  • While being a patchwork like the original cartoon Autobot X, it is clear that the details on the comic version of Autobot Spike are mostly by the use of paint, complete with the use of the Bluestreak helmet with only one crest painted red (though the crests are bigger than normal) and a green-grey wing-door piece. He also utilizes the Shockwave gun hand to simulate the original's own. The BotCon 2015 Kreon faithfully replicated this design, except the right door wing, which remains white instead of being painted green.
  • Spike's voice actor, Corey Burton based his voice for the character after Mark Hamill's portrayal of Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy. To his surprise, he would meet Hamill proper years later.[4]
  • Spike's character design was based on the likeness of Gregg Davidson.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Spike Witwicky (スパイク・ウィトウィッキー Supaiku Witowikkī)
  • English: Sparkle (Omni Productions dub)
  • French: Laflèche (Canada, "The astute")
  • Hungarian: Spike Witwicky, Csuka (The Movie first dub, "Pike")
  • Mandarin: Spike (斯派克 Sīpàikè)
  • Ukrainian: Spys (Спис, "Spear")


  1. It would seem that Spike being portrayed as a Nebulan in his toy bio was either a mistake or a decision made by Hasbro to match the other Headmaster toy bios. Bob Budiansky, the writer of most of the Generation 1 bios that would get shortened for inclusion on the toy packaging, was also the writer of the US Marvel comic Headmasters, which portrayed Spike as a human and a comic universe counterpart to the Generation 1 cartoon character of the same name.
  2. Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2024 with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Marcelo Matere, and Nate Purswell.
  3. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/core-class-spike.1225718/page-19#post-19946726
  4. [1]
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