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Arcee (G1)

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The name or term "Arcee" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Arcee (disambiguation).
Arcee is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Sorry, boys, she's got a girlfriend.

Most make the mistake of noticing only Arcee's gender, but these first impressions are quickly expanded upon. Sure, she's pink, but she'll have swords down on you by the time you remember that's just the color of Transformer blood. Arcee is a ruthless and deadly warrior who's an expert in hand-to-hand combat and one of the best sharpshooters on record. The reason for her ferocity is how much she cares for her fellow Autobots and especially the humans they protect. She knows how fragile her organic companions are, and she's equally aware of the evils of which the Decepticons are capable. Peers such as Hot Rod and Springer may be more durable than the humans, but she no less fights to defend them as well. They get in plenty of trouble, so someone has to keep their wits about them to pull them out of the fire when they get in over their heads.

Ferocity without compassion is brutality.

—Arcee's Earthrise[1] motto



Generation 1 cartoon continuity


A close associate of Hot Rod and Springer, Arcee fought in both the Battle of Autobot City and the Unicron War in 2005. Following that, she continued working closely with Rodimus Prime as one of his primary warriors. In 2006, she binary bonded with Daniel Witwicky to save his life, becoming a Headmaster.

In a splinter timeline, Arcee was a member of the Female Autobots and fought in the resistance against the Decepticons on Cybertron while Optimus Prime's crew lay dormant on Earth. In 2011, Arcee had not become a Headmaster in this timeline; she instead becomes a secretary for Fortress Maximus.

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel UK future timelines

The movie adaptation, originally published by Marvel US, is in italics
They're not men, Arcee. Transformers have no gender. We've been over this!

Arcee was constructed by the Autobots in an alternate future 1995 as a goodwill attempt to placate angry feminists who thought that they were "sexist" for having no women in their group. After trying multiple times to explain that Autobots, being robots, had no gender, Optimus Prime surrendered and ordered the creation of a new Autobot who would meet the humans' demands for sexual equality. However, when Arcee was unveiled at a public ceremony, her pink, skinny and curvaceous form enraged the very audience Prime intended to placate. Shockwave, Horri-Bull, Fangry and Squeezeplay immediately attacked, looking to crush the "secret weapon" that was promised. Prime warned Arcee to stay back, lest she get hurt in battle, but the female Autobot, rightfully annoyed at the Autobots' lack of faith in her equal ability, singlehandedly forced the Decepticons into a retreat. Hot Rod thought that was pretty hot. The feminists were enraged beyond words. Prime's Rib!

Arcee was present at the opening of Autobot City in 2004 when a group of Decepticons led by Shockwave launched an attack, hoping to ruin Autobot-human relations permanently by assassinating several diplomats present. She helped shield the diplomats from harm until Hot Rod drove the attackers away. Aspects of Evil!

Springer arcee the planet eater.jpg

Arcee was present when the Decepticons launched a major offensive against Autobot City in the year 2005. She and Springer transformed the outpost into its defensive mode, but the Decepticons nonetheless managed to breach its walls. The Autobots eventually drove Megatron and his troops away, but at a steep cost: Optimus had been fatally wounded in battle against his nemesis. Arcee afterward stood in solemn silence as Optimus passed on the Matrix of Leadership to Ultra Magnus before expiring on his death bed. The Planet-Eater!

After a brief respite, Arcee and the other Earthbound Autobots received dire news from Spike Witwicky and Bumblebee; a monster planet, Unicron, was advancing menacingly towards Cybertron. When perched on Arcee's shoulder, Daniel was apprehensive about what would happen to his father should Unicron attack. There was little time to contemplate the situation, however, as a new enemy then assaulted the Autobots: Galvatron. The Autobots were forced to split up into two groups and blast off aboard a couple of shuttles in their attempt to escape him, but Galvatron remained in pursuit. In a last-ditch effort to lose the Decepticon, Magnus ordered an emergency separation of the shuttle. After Galvatron destroyed the jettisoned portion of the vessel (and declared the Matrix destroyed), Arcee's group landed their craft on the Planet of Junk for repairs. Judgment Day!

Arcee daniel the final battle.jpg

When Daniel asked to be allowed to help with the repairs, Arcee brought out one of his father's Exosuits from storage and helped the boy put it on. Though Daniel had trouble with the suit's workings, Arcee assured him that he was doing well for his first time operating it. The Autobots barely managed to get any work done before Galvatron tracked them down again. Galvatron blew Ultra Magnus to pieces in the ensuing battle and left with the Matrix of Leadership in hand. Arcee and her teammates gathered to look over Ultra Magnus afterward, only for the hostile Junkions to then spring forth! Thankfully, another ship carrying Hot Rod and several other Autobots arrived and managed to talk peace with Wreck-Gar, the Junkions' leader.

Wreck-Gar's troops rebuilt Ultra Magnus, and everyone on Junk readied for a confrontation against Unicron. This clash ended with the Autobots' ship spearing through the titan's eye. Arcee and the others were separated from Hot Rod within Unicron, but her group found Spike, Bumblebee, and Jazz. Hot Rod soon rejoined them, but in his absence, he reacquired the Matrix of Leadership, which both upgraded him into "Rodimus Prime" and begun a chain reaction inside Unicron, culminating in his destruction! With Unicron's threat now dealt with, the Autobots gathered around Rodimus Prime, who announced that this day would mark a new chapter in Cybertronian history, one that would hopefully contain much peace and happiness. The Final Battle!

Y'know, Arcee, if you'd stop running pigeon-toed, maybe we'd be out of here by now.

Though they had been quite friendly beforehand, Arcee and Hot Rod began to drift apart after his ascension to Prime status in 2006. She remained stationed at Autobot City on Earth but grew bored by her duties. One day in 2008, Arcee decided to be a bit adventurous, rationalizing that ditching her duties and returning before anyone noticed wouldn't amount to any harm. After a quick drive through the countryside, she returned to base to find it under siege by the Quintessons. Arcee was accosted, wounded, and strategically placed as bait so that Rodimus would see her upon investigating the attack on the outpost. Sure enough, when he spotted her, Rodimus rushed to his "childhood" friend's aid. When he tried to use the Matrix to heal her, Arcee tried to warn her leader of the set-up, but the trap was already sprung; the Quintessons stole the Matrix, and Rodimus Prime reverted to Hot Rod. Despite her injuries, Arcee was soon back on her feet and assisting Hot Rod in a last-ditch effort to thwart the invaders' plans. While she, and a few cassette-Transformers the Quintessons had overlooked, distracted the enemy army, Hot Rod awakened Metroplex, leading to the devastation of the Quintesson fleet. Arcee witnessed Hot Rod retrieve the Matrix from the Quintesson who had swiped it, Ghyrik, after defeating him through trickery. Seeing him hold his own without the Matrix's power renewed Arcee's wavering faith in her Commander. Space Pirates!

In 2009, Arcee tracked down Soundwave and the Terrorcons on Earth, where they were planning to use a laser bore to leech energy right from the planet's core. Joining a small Autobot detachment, they destroyed the drill. They returned to Autobot City to face the more significant threat: a timestorm that threatened 20 years of history with destruction. As Galvatron had spent months back in the 20th century, the universe was unraveling from the anomaly.

Dinobots 1, Chivalry 0

Arcee, Rodimus, and several other Autobots traveled back in time to 1989 to retrieve the Decepticon villain. Unfortunately, the Autobots of that day mistook them for imposters and tried to kill them. Arcee was nearly mauled to death by the Dinobots before Goldbug explained that they were travelers from the future. Even more, unfortunately, Galvatron had acquired some allies in the past: Scourge, Ravage, and the mighty Megatron. She joined Kup and Ultra Magnus in trying to triple-team Megatron, but was only swatted aside like a bothersome insect. Arcee survived, however, and managed to take a few cheap shots at Galvatron later on in the fight. Eventually, the timestorm asserted itself on the battle and consumed Galvatron utterly, ending the temporal distortion. Time Wars

Arcee and the Autobots returned to their time only to find it had reset, so Galvatron never time-jumped and had instead conquered Cybertron. Arcee and the returnees adjusted as best they could, but the odds were hopelessly against them. The resistance on Cybertron ended when Galvatron and his men ransacked a resistance station, killing Blurr and the other Autobots present. Galvatron mutilated the corpses to drive Rodimus Prime into a killing frenzy, hoping to corrupt the Matrix through its host. As she felt fire in the depths of her soul, Arcee managed to talk Rodimus down, reminding him of the actual values of an Autobot leader; compassion and mercy. Despite this moral victory, the Autobots' resistance movement was quickly crushed, and they were forced to leave their homeworld. Aspects of Evil!

"Newt, WAIT!"

Arcee joined a hundreds-strong Autobot team in fleeing to Earth to regroup. The Void When the Matrix-imprisoned Unicron possessed Rodimus and disabled the ship's retro-rockets, Kup had Arcee make her way to the damaged systems through the ship's air ducts. She successfully reached the sabotaged machinery and repaired them, but a crash-landing became inevitable by that time. After the Autobots' ship made landfall, their possessed leader began advancing on them, vowing to tear them apart for their interference. Edge of Impact Arcee showed a more ruthless side in being the only one of the Autobots to advocate using lethal force on him. Kup was more hesitant in doing so but eventually agreed with Arcee that Unicron had to be stopped, even at the expense of Rodimus's life. Shadow of Evil

Kup changed his mind when Unicron's assault came to an abrupt end; Rodimus was fighting back, distracting Unicron from the goings-on in the physical realm. The dark god regained control briefly, killing Strafe in the process, and Arcee declared that Unicron had been "faking it" to lure them into a false sense of security. But Kup suspected otherwise and tackled down Rodimus to rip the Matrix out of his chest compartment. Though this released Rodimus from Unicron's control, it did not eliminate his threat; Rodimus declared that one day, he would have to venture back within the Matrix to confront Unicron again. White Fire As Unicron would go on to possess Rodimus again and devastate Cybertron in 2010—an event she witnessed—Arcee's ruthless attitude appeared to have been the right one all along. Yes, Rodimus Prime managed to contain Unicron again, but at what price...? Aspects of Evil!

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Hot Rod, sent on a journey through time and space via Primus, was sent to Junkion and came across the deceased crew of an Autobot shuttle. One of the victims was Arcee. Less Than Zero

Royal Mail stamp bio


Long before she joined the Autobots, Arcee of the Darklands was renowned for her sharpshooting, sword skills, and merciless retribution against her enemies. After befriending Daniel Witwicky on Earth, she is learning to trust others and move away from her violent past.

Sticker Adventures books

Arcee was part of the crew of an Autobot ship that was studying the Universe. She asked Springer to make a note of a specific star. After being hit by meteors, they were forced to make landfall on the nearby Junk planet. There, she helped Springer and Perceptor fix the ship until the native Junkions attacked them. The fighting stopped when Kup arrived on-world and used the universal greeting to calm down the Junkions. Now friends, the Junkions and the Autobots, worked together to fix the damaged ship. Arcee and the Autobots then blasted off and went on their way. Battle on the Junk Planet

Big Looker Storybook continuity

Look, Dinobots, do you get along with Arcee or not?

Kup led Hot Rod, Arcee, and the Dinobots on a special mission to take supplies from Earth to a space station on Cybertron's second moon. Despite Kup's warnings, the Dinobots loaded too many supplies onto the ship, and the ship crashed on a planet. Everyone landed safely, but Kup recognized the place. It was the planet Quintesson! They were interrupted by a tribal scream and a flurry of firestones. However, the boy who made his presence known was not aiming at them but the Quintessons behind them. The boy's name was Wheelie, and he had been abandoned on the planet when his ship crashed there earlier.

Wheelie led them through the jungle, battling Quintessons along the way until they reached Wheelie's crashed ship. Hot Rod was able to fix it, and everyone left the planet Quintesson, Wheelie included! The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson

Marvel coloring books

Arcee didn't get a seat during a meeting and later shot at Decepticons. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

After digging his way out from underneath a sudden rockslide caused by an unexpected energy surge from a damaged stasis pod, Rattrap demanded to know what in the name of his great-aunt Arcee was going on. Transmutate

3H comics

The following takes place during the Beast Era, specifically its cartoon continuity, which took from both the original cartoon and the Marvel Comics. However, these stories seem to be written to be specifically taking place solely after the events of the original cartoon.
I liked her better when she had that kid in her head.

Devcon, "Betrayal"

Gothy 'cuz all her toys get canceled.

During a battle against a horde of killer Nightbirds, Wheelie and Daniel (now an adult) sacrificed their lives to end the threat. Daniel's death took a severe toll on Arcee, who became reclusive, preferring to sit alone with images of her former Headmaster partner. Over time, she slipped away from her friends entirely, disappearing within Cybertron. After an unspecified event, she took on the form of a techno-organic spider and learned the skills of both Crystalocution and the previously lost art of Tekkaido. She firmly believed that she had omens of her friends' deaths before they would happen, and this knowledge had driven her insane. She hid away, hoping to spare herself the pain of experiencing this phenomenon.

Don't underestimate me, I'm more than just a pretty fa— well, just don't underestimate me, okay?

Hundreds of stellar cycles later when Predacon Megatron returned from Earth's past and conquered Cybertron with his army of Vehicons, Arcee's solitude spared her from the onslaught. Hot Rod, now known simply as Rodimus, had helped form a new team of Wreckers and wished to enlist Arcee. But Arcee rejected his offer as she was still too embittered by her experience, though she was touched by the Wrecker Fractyl's words. Rodimus's Wreckers were followed by Megatron's new Vehicon generals, Quake and Blastcharge, causing a battle that resulted in Fractyl's near-death. Refusing to lose another, Arcee used her spark to save Fractyl, also reformatting him into a Transmetal body. Arcee agreed to depart with the rest of the Wreckers, and she and Fractyl assisted them in defeating a vast Vehicon army to reach an old Autobot shuttle. Departure

But the Autobot bounty hunter Devcon had snuck aboard their ship and attacked some of their group. Arcee and the others raced to the rescue, and Arcee was quickly felled by Devcon, despite his new, smaller Vehicon body. After things were sorted out, Arcee tended to Fractyl, whose new Transmetal form was wildly unstable. At Arcee's insistence, Apelinq created a crude medical bot, CatSCAN, to assist Fractyl's recovery. Arcee was oddly unable to foresee the deaths of Spittor and Sonar, a result of a yet-unknown saboteur amongst their ranks, as she happily watched CatSCAN discover himself while working on Fractyl. Their ship set down on their Oracle-given destination, the remote planet of Archa Nine. Arcee stayed behind with a few others to repair damage to their ship by their mysterious saboteur, who turned out to be the fellow Wrecker Cyclonus. Cyclonus stole the Divine Light, the artifact the Wreckers were searching for, and returned to his true master, Cryotek. Betrayal

Just like old times, but smaller.

Arcee blamed herself, as she hadn't been able to foresee death since she saved Fractyl. Demoralized, Arcee and the Wreckers left Archa Nine and headed to another planet at the insistence of their divinely-inspired leader, Primal Prime. They landed on a small icy planet, and a small scout team, including Arcee, was sent to investigate. After searching for hours, they stumbled upon Al-badur, a Quintesson scientist. Arcee immediately readied her weapon, as she and Rodimus had had enough of the Quintessons for several lifetimes, but Primal Prime asked her to lower them. Al-badur was a somewhat welcome source of information regarding their quest, and before they could leave the planet with him, they were under attack by a horde of Sharkticons sent by Cryotek. Arcee and Rodimus quietly bonded as they battled the Sharkticons; it was just like old times. Slowly but surely, Arcee's demeanor had lightened. After the Sharkticons were defeated, Al-badur explained their problem. The Divine Light was an ancient Quintesson piece of technology that allowed them to tap directly into the power of Primus, and now Cryotek had it! Disclosure

But when they returned to Cybertron, it had changed during their absence into a technorganic paradise by the Great Transformation. Quintessons had seized the opportunity to invade the planet, but Primal Prime assured Arcee and the others that Cryotek was their only concern. Primal Prime, Apelinq, Ramulus and Tigatron left them to find Cryotek, leaving Arcee and the others to take their injured to safety before joining the counterattack forces on the ground. Instead, their shuttle took heavy damage and descended in a ball of fire and smoke—Arcee, grabbing Fractyl's body and what life support she could, abandoned ship with the rest. Disregarding Primal Prime's orders, Arcee suggested they find Cryotek and help the other Wreckers defeat him. Descending into the layers of Cybertron, they met Cheetor, who joined them on their journey.

Finding the battleground between Cryotek and Sentinel Maximus (the combined form of Apelinq and Primal Prime, newly merged by Primus), Arcee reluctantly set aside Fractyl and his life support to join the fight. She helped Devcon defeat Cryotek's mutated pet Chro, using her weblines to hold the monster still so the bounty hunter could shoot at it. But Cyclonus and Rodimus had disappeared beneath some rubble, so Arcee, Fractyl (who had been magically repaired by Tigatron expending all of his Vok powers) and the others went digging for him... and instead found Botanica, Nightscream... and Arcee's nephew, Rattrap. They avoided each other's glances awkwardly.

They found Rodimus, but he was in rough shape, having fought nearly to the death with Cyclonus. Arcee and the others agreed to follow Al-badur's instruction in defeating Cryotek and helped direct the battle between Sentinel Maximus and Cryotek to a chamber deep within Cybertron. Arcee asked Fractyl to keep on Rodimus, who was extremely weak. Their group arrived in the desired room, but Arcee had a bad feeling about the place. It seemed familiar. She recognized it too late. It was a Quintesson banishment chamber, and Al-badur had activated the containment shield within, locking Sentinel Maximus, Cryotek, and himself inside a forcefield bubble that fed into a strongly gravitational portal into nothingness. To Arcee's initial horror, despite her pleas, Rodimus stood up to deal with the situation. She knew that his following action would kill him in his weakened state, but after his assurances, she resigned herself to the outcome. Rodimus and Cheetor, both Matrix Templars, used their skills to drain Cryotek of his Primus-stolen powers. As expected, this was too much for Arcee's long-time friend, and though they succeeded in saving Cybertron, Rodimus was dead.

But she realized death isn't an ending; it was just another change. "And change is what we do." Arcee and Fractyl gathered his body to take it to a secret burial ground that Arcee knew. She promised that this time, she wouldn't disappear forever. Wreckers: Finale Part II

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

"Sigh...Hot Rod, I'm breaking up with you."
"Wait, we were dating??"

Before the war, Arcee worked in a hazardous materials treatment plant. Transformers: The Ultimate Guide She became a member of Hot Rod's underground rebellion team headquartered in the Wastelands during the reign of Shockwave. She was regarded as one of the team's odd ones along with Gnaw, though neither were unappreciated. Both Springer and Hot Rod quickly fell in love with her. Passive Aggression What no one knew, however, was that Arcee was a sleeper agent of the Quintessons and a member of their elite warriors. Her task was to keep an eye on the war's proceedings, particularly Autobot activity, and the location of the Matrix of Leadership and any Transformers with an affinity for the object. The Route of All Evil As such, Arcee was delighted when Optimus Prime was brought to the rebels' base, much to Hot Rod's misguided annoyance. Passive Aggression Since the Dinobots were making a mess in Iacon at the time, Shockwave unleashed the Omega Sentinels on the polity, forcing the rebels to make their final stand against him immediately. Arcee ended up teamed up with Prowl and Kup—a situation that bugged Hot Rod because he couldn't keep an eye on her. Halfway through the battle, Arcee witnessed Shockwave's Tower shooting a beam of sorts to an unknown destination. Countdown to Extinction Shortly after, she also witnessed the Decepticon hijack of Sky Lynx. Even with these setbacks, the Autobots won and reclaimed Iacon. Revelation

"I'm glad you said that. I'll invite them over right away."

The Autobots set up a new Autobase in Iacon, where Springer and Hot Rod used relative peacetime to win Arcee's affection. Hot Rod had a date of sorts with Arcee to help prepare and watch the shuttle that would send a group of Autobots to Earth take off, but only after he'd be done training. Springer jumped onto the opportunity and offered to go with Arcee while Hot Rod was busy. Arcee accepted, much to Hot Rod's annoyance. At Landing Platform A, after they were done loading baggage, Arcee was lost in thoughts, of which a few she shared with Springer when he asked what was on her mind: Arcee wasn't sure of her purpose in life and if she belonged on Cybertron. Springer assured her she belonged with her friends.

Over at Quintessa, Arcee's masters observed the proceedings on Cybertron with glee, noting that not only had they found another Transformer with an affinity for the Matrix in Hot Rod, but their own agent Arcee would work perfectly as a key to break his will. Lost and Found The Quintessons' plans would even be able to be executed well ahead of time by the Autobots' next move. Arcee was selected to leave with Kup, Springer, and the Dinobots to set up a new moonbase, while Hot Rod was chosen for guard duty at Autobase with only Gnaw and Wheelie to assist him. Arcee's report on this situation got the Quintessons to send her colleagues for Hot Rod and the Matrix. The Route of All Evil

Generation One ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

In the shuttle, taking them all to one of Cybertron's moons, Arcee witnessed an amusing conversation between Kup and Sludge. The view outside drew back her attention, though, where an odd-looking object floated in wait for the shuttle. Generation 1 #11

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

TheArtofWar1 girltalk.jpg

To oversee the decommissioning of all Cybertronian technology on Earth, Arcee was sent to the planet alongside Perceptor, Grimlock and Bumblebee, the last of which whom she had a mutual attraction. Shortly after the group arrived at Area 52, the facility came under attack by Cobra, and Arcee helped fight them off alongside Scarlett, who was surprised over the existence of "girl robots." The Art of War #1 Upon hearing about a security breach in the lower levels of Area 52, the group headed there and, to Arcee's horror, found Bumblebee injured and low on energy. Before the group could do much about him, they were attacked by Serpent O.R., who took control of G.I. Joes' mechs and forced them to fight the Autobots before bringing the roof down on everyone. The Art of War #2

The Autobots and Joes survived and quickly followed Serpent O.R. through a warp gate to Cybertron, where they were attacked by cannibalizers. Arcee didn't think they were very threatening but suggested that they retreat to protect the humans. During their escape, she promised that she'd rotate Bumblebee's tires if he could outrace her... only to run straight into Serpent O.R. and his new army, who remorselessly killed Bumblebee and captured the others. The Art of War #3 They eventually managed to escape thanks to their G.I. Joe friends. The Art of War #4

After hearing that Serpent O.R. had captured Optimus Prime, Arcee and the others made their way to his chambers, only to find that Cobra Commander had taken control of Serpent O.R.'s body after he had seized the Matrix of Leadership. "Serpentor Prime" effortlessly defeated most of the Autobots and Joes, but Arcee dodged his tentacles and managed to rip his chestplate off, allowing Hawk to take the Matrix's power and defeat him. Sometime later, Arcee cried for Bumblebee during a memorial service for him. The Art of War #5

Mini Mayhem!

When a surprise party was thrown for Optimus in honor of the 20th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, Arcee wound up not getting invited. Mini Mayhem!

2005 IDW continuity

She does this a lot.

Sibling of Galvatron, Arcee of the Darklands was an ancient warrior, hailing from the prehistoric era that predated modern Transformer civilization, serving under the fearsome tyrant Megatronus during the wars that led to the unification of Cybertron under the Thirteen. Origin Myths "Forged male," Arcee would eventually seek out the assistance of the amoral scientist Jhiaxus for assistance, after the First Cybertronian Civil War. Seeking to reintroduce the concept of "gender" to the species after its mysterious elimination, Arcee would be altered at the genetic level—but Jhiaxus's callous treatment of his patient would change Arcee into a raging berserker. She could only focus on exacting bloody revenge against him and all that he had created, Spotlight: Arcee Post finally getting even with her tormentor after the thwarting of Nova Prime's Expansion. Spotlight: Sideswipe

It would not be until after the end of the Great War that Arcee would truly embark on the long road to recovery; first falling in with the amoral Prowl as a private enforcer, A Better Tomorrow and later with Optimus Prime, The Mind Bomb Arcee was able to slowly work past her many demons, finding companionship, camaraderie, and even love in her new role as Optimus Prime's advisor—having lived through the era of the Thirteen and experienced their many atrocities firsthand, Arcee remained unafraid to call out her new leader as he verged closer and closer to repeating their mistakes. But when those mistakes came home to roost in the form of Unicron, Unstopped and Unstoppable Arcee played an instrumental role in the battle against the planet-eater before settling into a new life on Earth with Aileron. Post

Robot Heroes

Arcee was Optimus's strong-willed and humble friend. With the rest of Autobots, they boarded the Ark to search for Energon among the stars. They came to Earth and fought back against the Decepticons when they started trouble. Arcee leaped up to bring Starscream down to the ground, where Drift shoved him into a river! The Autobots then decided to keep vigil over the Earth, should the Decepticons ever return. I Am Optimus Prime

Unit:E comic

Upon approaching the planet Earth, the artificial intelligence Synergy presented footage of the Autobots to her crew-mate, the young Acroyear so that he could learn about his potential allies and enemies on the alien world. Arcee could be seen standing side by side with Jazz on one of Synergy's view screens. Unit:E

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe


Known as the guardian of Plasma Energy Chamber, Arcee was a Rescuebot, and one of the Autobots stationed in Metroplex under Grimlock's command when a patrol brought back several captured G.I. Joes. She was opposed to Grimlock decision to sentence the invaders to death and gave them their weapons back so they could fight off the Sharkticons used for the execution. Funeral for a Friend This compassionate act allowed the Joes to survive and broker a truce with the Autobots, and both sides celebrated with a dance party. As Grimlock explained how he came to be leader after Optimus Prime fled, Arcee protested that no one knew if that was the real truth. Form Follows Function


When the Decepticon-Cobra alliance attacked Metroplex, Arcee, Inferno, and Seaspray took some Joes to Fortress Maximus to free U.S.7 from within the giant and bring him to his senses. Together with Tunnel Rat, she made her way to Maximus's brain, found that it was being corrupted by Blackarachnia, and defeated her. The three Autobots and their human allies then moved to attack Trypticon, only to be captured. Everybody Hates Metroplex They were sent to the Polyhex Killway and mind-controlled into fighting each other, with Arcee being forced to try and run down Dusty and Stalker with her car mode. Expelled from the Garden The captives were then moved to Scorponok, where the Autobots were trapped, unresponsive, in their vehicle modes but recovered after the Joes used them as getaway vehicles to break out of the city. Headmasters

The Rescuebots swore to protect humanity by forging a "combination lock," merging into the giant Defensor. Arcee became Defensor's... er, crotch. At any rate, Defensor helped take down Trypticon. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12 Arcee later participated in the final battle against DeceptiCobra. The War Never Ends

Angry Birds comic

A.K.A. "Seattle."

Arcee was part of the shuttle crew carrying the AllSpark and helped defend it from a Decepticon attack. Angry Birds Transformers #1 The AllSpark was lost in space during the battle. Just as Arcee and the others were lamenting the difficulty in finding it, it came back to them, crashing through one of the shuttle's windshield alongside a Minion Pig. Hard Boiled

Legends World

Definitely nothing unprocessed happening here.

The aunt and caretaker of Rattrap, the Arcee of the Legends World was shocked when her nephew was turned into an actual Transformer. Bonus Edition Vol. 1 Then, when he was turned into a technorganic Transformer, she just responded with "Again?" LG03 Tankor Prologue Eventually, the Transformers sickness caused by Rattrap's toy collection got to her, too, and she became a full-size transforming version of herself. She didn't worry too much about that, though, as Rattrap was late for work, so she quickly made him lunch and personally drove him to work with her new car mode. Ai attempted to arrest Arcee before she could cause any trouble like other Transformers had, but was talked out of it by Rhinox and Tigatron, who recognized Arcee's new form from The Transformers: The Movie. Out of gratitude, Arcee made dinner for the whole Axalon Trading Company. Bonus Edition Vol. 10

Rhinox and Tigatron were jealous of Rattrap's relationship with Arcee, who had bathed him and slept in the same bed as him when he was young until he explained that she hadn't always been a giant robot. When she was officially diagnosed with Transformers sickness by Bump and told to throw out Rattrap's toys so she could recover, Arcee flatly refused, knowing how much her nephew loved his collection. Instead, she just continued living her everyday life as a giant robot body. Arcee Chapter Arcee was later caught up in the massive world-ending storm summoned up by Windblade. Bonus Edition Vol. 12 She later heard Rattrap yell out in surprise upon finding his Mini-Con collection missing. Bonus Edition Armada Megatron

Completely normal storyline.

Arcee was among the defenders of the Legends world who helped defeat Slipstream when she showed up to cause trouble. Bonus Edition Vol. 16 During Halloween, she dressed up as a maid and set out alongside Windblade and Chromia to stop Megatron's trick-or-energy scheme, only for Megatron's new minion, Blackarachnia, to web them up. Bonus Edition Vol. 17 Tigatron later had a dream of Arcee and Chromia wearing each other's armor. Chromia Chapter Upon overhearing Slipstream telling Rattrap that she'd gotten a facelift back in her universe, Arcee jealously wished that she could go there too. Rattrap assured her she looked plenty young already and didn't need remodeling. LG-16 Slipstream Sequel

"Doc why do you keep asking about my relationship with my mother."

The Springer of the G1 World harbored regrets over a failed relationship with his own universe's Arcee, leading to him traveling to the Legends World to remodel his body into something better looking. LG19 Sprung Prologue There, he ran into the local Arcee and decided to try again by asking her out, but she turned him down, explaining she was much too busy taking care of Rattrap. Bonus Edition Vol. 19 She later witnessed Deadlock enter the Legends Universe, Bonus Edition Deadlock and was caught up in Galvatron's attack on the city. Bonus Edition Vol. 23 On accepting a package from Blurr's delivery service, Arcee was taken aback by how chatty he was. Bonus Edition Vol. 25

While acting as a cheerleader at a soccer game, Arcee found herself targeted by the prank-loving Wheelie, who flipped her skirt and kicked soccer balls at her. Bonus Edition Vol. 29 She later visited Rattrap's job to bring him lunch and made Chromedome blush by telling him he'd been working hard lately. Bonus Edition Vol. 32 Arcee was home when Shūta of the Astrotrain Transport Company delivered a package, Bonus Edition Vol. 40 was seen driving on the roads of Neo Akihabara City, Targetmaster Chapter Prologue and got covered in bugs when tiny Kickback clones swarmed the city. Bonus Edition Vol. 47 Metroplex later recalled that she was present when he arrived in this world. Bonus Edition Metroplex When Windblade attacked again, Arcee kept Rattrap from being blown away. Bonus Edition Vol. 65

Q-Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Sumire Uesaka (Japanese)

Seeking a new way to increase the Transformers brand's popularity, Optimus Prime suggested sex appeal and fantasized about Arcee taking a bath. The Road to Winning a New Fanbase

Legends comic

Arcee summed up the ending of Beast Machines to those of you who didn't watch it. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Just in case you only bought one of the toys telling the story, she also recapped Rattrap and Waspinator's journey into the Legends Universe, Bonus Edition Vol. EX as well as Waspinator's possession at the hands of Starscream. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Ask Vector Prime

In a reality where the Cybertronian civil war had ended relatively early, Arcee was a biologist protoformed with a male chassis. Post-war, she was sent to observe several organic-populated worlds, where she discovered the organic concept of "gender dysphoria disorder," something which applied to herself. Returning home, she released a paper on the subject. Arcee and several others like her underwent reformatting and replacing bits of their genetic code to rectify the dysphoria between their neural/spark programming and their CNA.

At some point, Arcee ended up in Axiom Nexus. She gave a lecture on Cybertronian gender, which Vector Prime attended. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/12/23

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material

POTP vote Arcee.jpeg
I will never stop fighting for the future I know is possible.

Arcee was a potential bearer of the Matrix of Leadership. As a force for honor, Arcee planned to continue Optimus Prime's legacy by abandoning her past as a warrior and making reparations for the damage caused by the war. Instead, the Matrix went to Optimus Primal. Power of the Primes fan poll

Aw Yeah Revolution!


Arcee was battling the Decepticons alongside Optimus Prime and Bumblebee until Baron Karza abducted the Autobot leader, leaving the two Autobots baffled at the mysterious disappearance of their leader. Aw Yeah Revolution! #1

Star Trek vs. Transformers


Part of the crew of the Ark when the ship left Cybertron four million years ago, Arcee, the other Autobots, and Megatron's Decepticons crash-landed on Earth some four million years ago, reawakening to wage a secret war for control of Earth's energon. Eventually, the outbreak of the Eugenics Wars and World War III around the turn of the millennium prompted them to flee the planet aboard the Titan Fortress Maximus and search for Energon elsewhere in the galaxy. The Autobots were unaware that the Decepticons had done the same until they were attacked by the Decepticon Titan Trypticon over the barren moon of Cygnus Seven. In the ensuing battle, the damaged Fortress Maximus crashed into the surface of the planet, knocking him and all of his passengers—Autobot and Decepticon alike—into stasis lock for some two hundred years.

In the 23rd century, Federation colonists conducting a routine dilithium mining operation stumbled on the dormant Transformers, inadvertently triggering the Titan's autonomous repair protocols. First, bringing the Decepticons online, the evil Transformers attacked the Federation colony. At the same time, Optimus Prime gave chase, Prime's Directive, Part Two and the other Autobots had only just been restored to full functionality before Captain Kirk and the crew of the starship Enterprise sent an away team to investigate the mineshaft. Prime's Directive, Part One


Though the Autobots, distrustful of humanity after witnessing their ancient wars, attempted to capture the humans, Kirk convinced them of their good intentions. The two factions brokered an alliance to rescue the wounded Optimus—only for the Decepticons to cave in the mineshaft. It was Ratchet who hatched a new plan to bring Fortress Maximus back online, Prime's Directive, Part Two with Arcee watching as he rigged up a device that would reactivate the Titan by analyzing Kirk's brainwaves. Despite Windblade's doubts, the plan worked, and Fortress Maximus was restored to full functionality, his alternate mode reconfigured into a copy of the Enterprise linked to Kirk's consciousness. Blasting his way to freedom, Arcee and the other Autobots rolled out to take on the Decepticons and their new Klingon allies, with Arcee facing off against her old nemesis Airachnid until the arrival of Trypticon. After Kirk rescued the Federation miners by beaming them and Arcee aboard, he transformed the ship into the mighty "Fortress Tiberius." Prime's Directive, Part Three

Though Kirk successfully defeated Trypticon, the heroes learned that Starscream already absconded with a load of stolen dilithium, intent on conquering the Klingon Empire and their capital world of Kronos, Prime's Directive, Part Four forcing the two Enterprises and their crews to give chase. Joined by a series of custom-built mechanical suits, the Autobots leaped into action against Megatron and his allies. Though one of Soundwave's sonic frequencies paralyzed them, it would be the Klingons themselves who successfully thwarted the attempted invasion. In the aftermath, Arcee and the other Autobots chose not to return to Earth with the crew of the Enterprise, preferring to travel the stars, but Prime pledged that he and his soldiers would be on call if Kirk ever required their assistance. Prime's Directive, Part Five

An Arcee Sort of Day


When the Great War ended, Arcee was left feeling rudderless in this era of newfound peace. Despite having a bad day in which she had her housing loan rejected, and later picked a fight with a reckless driver, a greeting from her pet robot cat when she came home prompted her to muse that maybe peacetime wasn't so bad. An Arcee Sort of Day

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #4
"I've only had Gauge for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."

Arcee was a particularly feared soldier during the War of the Threefold Spark and spearheaded at least one assassination mission that targeted one of Exarchon's many iterations. Following the end of the war and the ratification of the Nominus Edict, Arcee settled into a peaceful civilian life and eventually a romance with Greenlight. However, she remained a skilled fighter with a short temper. Arcee/Greenlight: Run

Following Brainstorm's murder, the Senate authorized the forging of a new Transformer and selected Arcee to mentor the young Cybertronian. At the customary ceremony at in Iacon's Forge Pyramid, Arcee and Greenlight met their new ward Gauge and helped welcome her into the world. Observing these events, Bumblebee told Rubble that the newborn had essentially received two mentors for the price of one. The World In Your Eyes Part Four

Arcee grew very protective of Gauge, quick to lash out when people suggested she had been forged as a political move to take people's minds off Brainstorm's death. As tensions grew between the Autobots and Ascenticons, Greenlight initially suggested taking Gauge off-world aboard an outbound Reversionist vessel: a suggestion that Arcee initially disagreed with, fearing that uprooting Gauge at this crucial stage might impact her development. Following Vigilem's destruction of the Tether, however, the three tried to help with rescue efforts until a confrontation with Gutcruncher and Singe at a nearby energon storage field made up Arcee's mind. The three raced to board the Reversionist starship Exodus on the outskirts of Iacon. Although Arcee nearly sacrificed herself to get her ward safely off-planet, she was able to board the ship at the last moment and rejoined her family. Arcee/Greenlight: Run

"Throw her in the brig!"
"We don't have a brig."
"Then throw her in the laundry room. Which will hereafter be referred to as 'the brig'."

However, Reversionist plenary Heretech was displeased by the presence of non-Reversionists aboard the ship, fearing that they would interfere with his grand plan to cleanse Cybertron of heresy. He and the other Reversionists forcibly separated Gauge from her mentors and had them imprisoned in a makeshift brig in the bowels of the ship's engine room. The Reversionist curate Accelerator reprogrammed Gauge so that she'd forget her old life with her mentors. A Truth for a Truth Aware that Heretech was planning something sinister, but unaware of the specifics, Greenlight was able to hack into the ship's systems and sent a message to Gauge telling her to come and find them. When she did so, Arcee and Greenlight introduced themselves to their former mentee and explained that they wanted to tell her the truth. Gauging the Truth: Part One

Using a psychic patch, Arcee and Greenlight got Gauge to trust them by helping her remember what happened before boarding the Exodus. Then they asked her to deactivate the bars to their cage—a dangerous task that would involve infiltrating Heretech's private quarters. Gauge did so, and as the Exodus returned to Cybertron, Arcee and Greenlight successfully broke out and subdued the guards sent to stop them. A Truth for a Truth As the Reversionists began their attack on the planet, Arcee and Greenlight escaped the Exodus to warn Cybertron's inhabitants of the impending attack, then intervened to help Gauge stop Heretech using their alternate modes. Arcee and Gauge teamed up to incapacitate Heretech with a mass of exploding Energon; in the aftermath, the three elected to stay behind on Cybertron together. Moment of Truth

SeaOfRustII SniperArcee.jpg

Arcee took up arms with Optimus Prime and the Autobots against the conquest of Cybertron by the Decepticons. Test Flight I As Iacon fell to the Decepticons, Arcee, Greenlight, and Gauge joined Optimus Prime as they relocated to Crystal City and all formally became Autobots. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two She assisted Pyra Magna at Protihex to recover who and what they could before the city-state fell. Test Flight I Arcee was at the Autobranding ceremony in Crystal City where those opposed to the Decepticons united under the Autobot badge. Sea of Rust I

When they learned Termagax had the Enigma of Combination by the Sea of Rust, Arcee joined Pyra Magna and a tactical unit in securing the location. She was positioned on the roof of Termagax's House as a sniper with Sureshot and Windcharger. They shot down the Rainmakers when the Decepticons arrived to make their own claim to the Enigma. Sea of Rust II Still, she and Sureshot were unprepared for the sudden arrival of the teleporting Skywarp. He evaded their sniper fire, and the Enigma was ultimately lost in the Sea of Rust. Enigmatic


After returning to Crystal City, Smokescreen recruited Arcee and a small team to break into Iacon and rescue Ultra Magnus from Decepticon captivity. The group used one of Swindle's old tunnels to get into the city, then launched a rooftop attack on the former Senate building to rescue their prisoner. on returning to Swindle's casino to coordinate their exit strategy. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two However, when the ruling Decepticons caught wind of Autobot intruders working with Swindle, Sixshot and his troops launched an attack on the casino, and Arcee was injured in the subsequent shootout before Smokescreen and Chromia could bring down the casino on top of their pursuers and make a clean getaway. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Three As a result, Arcee was out of action during the subsequent siege of Crystal City; as Ratchet worked to repair her shoulder, Greenlight reminded her that Arcee couldn't recklessly risk her life to protect her family. A Dust of Crystals

By the time that the Autobots withdrew to neighbouring Darkmount, Arcee had made a full recovery in time to join Sureshot and fend off a last-ditch Decepticon assault intended to prevent the Autobots from leaving the planet, but promised Greenlight and Gauge that she'd make it aboard. Arcee survived the battle, and once their Ark left the planet she, Greenlight, and Gauge all stood together to listen to Optimus Prime's final speech. Fate of Cybertron

Transformers vs. the Terminator


Arcee was one of the many dormant Autobots aboard the Ark in 1984. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two In the original timeline, she survived long enough to become known to Skynet and receive a threat level of "maximum."

After being reactivated and reformatted in the altered timeline, Arcee became the reluctant overseer of the T-800, a time-traveling android whose interference spared the Autobots from being executed by the Decepticons. After showing him the Ark's weapon locker and conducting a perimeter sweep, unaware that he'd secretly scattered explosives around the area, Arcee responded to Bumblebee's call for reinforcements at a Cyberdyne Systems facility. Eager as ever for a fight, Arcee threw herself at Thundercracker, impaling the Seeker's nosecone with her sword. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three

Though Arcee managed to slay Kickback, the Autobots were still outnumbered and quickly boxed in. Salvation came when Starscream betrayed the Decepticons and shot Soundwave in the back; the distraction allowing Arcee to slam Skywarp into Thundercracker and take both out of the fight. After Bumblebee and Velocity had defeated the other two Insecticons, Sarah Connor called the Autobots to aid the bisected T-800. Arcee threw him into Megatron's open wound and allowed him to destroy the tyrant from inside. After Arcee loaded the captured Decepticons into Optimus' trailer, the Autobots returned to the Ark to find the volcano destroyed. Recognizing that the T-800 had done this, Arcee cursed herself for trusting the android before the Autobots and Decepticons agreed to a truce. In the months and years that followed, Sarah Connor got a job at Skywatch and used her connections to keep an eye on her Cybertronian friends, including Arcee. Enemy of My Enemy Part Four

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


After Cybertron fell, the Autobots left their homeworld aboard the Ark, traveling through space in pursuit of the AllSpark. Arcee was a Ground Command Special Ops Sergeant, Earthrise toy packaging whose function was a warrior. Her primary objective was to achieve victory, and her primary weapons were Energon pistols. Earthrise webpage[2]

Closer than ever to reaching the AllSpark, the Autobots awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice Age Earth. While battling the Decepticons, both sides were joined by the Maximals and Predacons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies.

During this period, Arcee trans-scaned into a sports car. Her Energon pistols and speed were her powers and weapons, and her core traits were her ferocity, fearlessness, and protectiveness. Arcee's message from the future was that her cooperation with mysterious new allies will lead to heroic ends. Kingdom webpage[3]

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Jessica DiGiovanni (English), Suzuka Kimura (Japanese), Isabelle Auvray (French), Franziska Endres (German), Gabriela Bicalho (Portuguese), Ana Richart (Castilian Spanish), Adriana Olmedo (Latin-American Spanish), Renu Sharda (Hindi)

Arcee accompanied the Energon scavenger Bumblebee, and fellow Autobot Cog on a mission to steal a supply of Energon to fuel The Ark. Bumblebee brought them to the den of the mercenary Soundblaster. On approach to Soundblaster's throne, Arcee pointed out that he looked like Soundwave; Bumblebee suggested not bringing up the topic to Soundblaster, as he was sensitive about being a failed clone. Bumblebee successfully deceived Soundblaster into thinking that Arcee and Cog were his new apprentices in the Energon scavenging business. Taken down to the vault, Arcee sprung into action, with Cog transforming into a weapon for her to use and holding back the guards while Bumblebee stole Energon. However, before the trio could leave, Soundblaster arrived, having caught on from the start thanks to surveillance from Buzzsaw. Soundblaster also decided that since Arcee and Cog were valuable as Autobots, he'd cash them in for profit. He then had Arcee, Cog and Bumblebee surrounded. Siege episode 5

Outnumbered, Arcee and the others prepared for the inevitable fight, but the arrival of Shockwave's virus affected the Dome Guards' weapons. The distraction gave the Autobots the chance to escape. Yet, with Bumblebee incapacitated from the sudden loss of the Alpha Trion Protocols, Arcee was left to take the wheel of a speeder, which she used to escape with Bumblebee and Cog. They reached Autobot Command with the needed energon just as the Decepticons launched their attack. Arcee and Cog brought the Energon to the ship, enabling it to take flight. Arcee remained aboard the Ark for the duration of the battle and assisted in holding back the attacking Decepticons. She was aboard the Ark when it flew into the space bridge. Siege episode 6

Having been knocked unconscious by the jump, Arcee was among the Autobots captured by Doubledealer and the crew of the Fool's Fortune and brought to the Quintesson Deseeus on Chaar for judgment. However, after teaming up with the Mercenaries that had first captured them, the Autobots fought off Deseeus' private army and escaped back aboard the Ark. Earthrise episode 2 Arcee joined Optimus, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, and Sideswipe aboard Nebulos Station and helped fight off Scorponok, sealing the door to keep him out and providing cover fire for Optimus. Earthrise episode 3 While Scorponok was preoccupied fighting the Decepticons, she and the other Autobots made their escape, only for Starscream to fire on the station, sending the Ark and its crew into the Dead Universe. Earthrise episode 4

Arcee remained on board the Ark while Optimus spoke to Sky Lynx and later observed Earth once they escaped. Earthrise episode 5 However, the Decepticons were close behind and boarded the Ark. Their fight was then interrupted by the Fool's Fortune's arrival, helmed by a Deseeus-controlled Doubledealer. As a result of the Mercenary ship's destruction, the Ark and its crew were sent crashing down to Earth. Earthrise episode 6

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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My Little Pony/Transformers

"So, Rarity, have you ever stabbed someone through the chest?"

While battling for control of a malfunctioning spacebridge, Arcee was among the many Cybertronians magically transported to Equestria by Queen Chrysalis. Transformation Is Magic After crash-landing in Manehattan, she singlehandedly rescued Rarity and her employees from Starscream. After befriending Rarity, she teamed up with her to defeat Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp. Shine Like a Diamond

When the Decepticons and changelings attacked the Crystal Empire, Arcee was part of the force that defended it, slamming into Skrapnel before engaging Crasher. When the Autobots later returned to Cybertron, Arcee confirmed that everyone who had been dragged to Equestria had been returned home. Finale

Following the release of King Sombra on Cybertron, Arcee and Greenlight began noticing the strange effects his presence was having on Cybertron before they ran across Holiday and Lofty who were seeking their niece, Scootaloo. Though Arcee readily offered her aid, a magically enthralled Killmaster arrived. Though both ponies and Autobots initially tried their hand at defeating the Decepticon, he was only defeated when Greenlight wrapped the ponies' yarn around him, which allowed Arcee to send him flying off. It was then that Scootaloo showed up, accompanied by a few Cybertronian youths. Content that the children were safe, the four adults enjoyed a picnic. A Real Mother

When the alliance sought to prevent King Sombra from reactivating Scorponok, Arcee wielded Applejack as a weapon and treid out some Equestrian slang before they defeated the unicorn tyrant and established a temporary truce with the Decepticons. Finale

Last Bot Standing

Arcee was among the many Autobots who fought against the Decepticons as both sides drained the universe of its resources. Last Bot Standing #2

Transformers Go! Go!

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Go! Go! issue 28 Go! Go! issue 29 Go! Go! issue 32 The Trick to a Healthy Autobot Warrior Extra Volume Search Quiz Go! Go! issue 42

This section covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help by updating it.

Energon Universe

When Arcee was young, her clan was killed during the siege of Cybertron. Luckily, she was saved by Ultra Magnus, who became her inspiration and took her on as his Iron Apprentice. But Arcee's wish for justice for her clan would get Magnus killed, which Arcee never forgave herself for. Transformers #7

TF2023 no. 5 – Arcee Revived.jpg

Arcee was one of countless Autobots lying in stasis aboard the Ark after it crashed to Earth. She and numerous other dormant Autobots were taken by Optimus Prime and Ratchet as they were forced to flee the Ark under pressure from the Decepticons. Transformers #1 While some other Autobots were awakened after that, they lacked the energon to revive Arcee until Ratchet, Sparky Witwicky, and a half-rebuilt Wheeljack hit upon the idea of using a human-built dam and a jerry-rigged turbine to produce the energon necessary to revive the remaining Autobots. Arcee was the first to be revived this way, and she eagerly greeted her old friend, Ratchet.

A girlboss cares not for things such as gravity.

But right at that moment, the Autobots came under fire from a Decepticon "violence party," and Arcee had to tackle Ratchet aside to dodge some strafing from Seekers (apparently not an uncommon occurrence with those two). Arcee and Ratchet then dragged a dormant Jazz over to the turbine for revival. Then, Arcee saw the Autobots' human friend Carly tumble over the side of the dam. Despite not knowing Carly, Arcee figured that if Optimus cared about her, then so should she, and used her new Earth-based alternate mode to drive up the face of the dam and save the human from her fall. The battle ended with Jazz successfully reawakened, but the turbine was damaged before any more Autobots could be revived.

Optimus then decided to act on the apparent numerical advantage they had over the Decepticons and launched an offensive to recapture the Ark. However, they were met by a Constructicon welcoming committee, and Arcee and Jazz were tossed back by Scrapper. Transformers #5 Arcee and the other Autobots retreated to the Ark, but not before witnessing Optimus Prime be pummeled by Devastator. She then dragged Optimus Prime into the starship before getting him onto a table to get him help with his wounds, noting that the Decepticons were trying to break in from outside. Pleading for Optimus to not die, she watched the Prime attempt to pass the Matrix onto one of them before the artifact hit the ground. After his injuries dissipated, the Decepticons burst into the room and Arcee faced off against Thundercracker. Transformers #6

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Some time later, Arcee caught Carly training herself on how to use a rifle. Arcee tried to join in, but overdid it. She then remarked that she wished she wasn't so good at shooting, which puzzled Carly, who was eager to fight the Decepticons to avenge her dead father and wounded boyfriend. Seeing the same sort of hate in Carly's eyes that she had once had, Arcee related her story to the human, trying to explain that a thirst for vengeance creates more problems than it solves. Carly, however, was unreceptive. Arcee subsequently attended a discussion among the Autobots as they debated their next steps. Transformers #7

Arcee accompanied Cliffjumper, Spike, and Carly to a beach for a bit. Later, back at the Ark, Carly accidentally fired an RPG at the Teletraan One-embedded Skywarp, but to Carly's shock, Arcee blocked the shot with her body. This display managed to convince Skywarp to repair Wheeljack's legs. Since the Ark was so low on energon, they weren't able to repair Arcee, but she still tracked down Carly at her van to check in with her again, explaining to her that while Optimus sought peace, he was intimately aware of what loss felt like.

When the Autobots detected Decepticon activity, Prime initially wanted Arcee to join in on a party to sort it out, but when Carly expressed intentions to come along, Arcee proposed that she take the human on as her Iron Apprentice – just as Ultra Magnus had done with her – since it would mean that Carly would at least have someone with her. Carly agreed, and the two of them stayed behind to guard the Ark with Wheeljack. Transformers #8

They forgot to turn on the green screen.

The three of them then set out for Farmingham Dam to try and repair the turbine that had brought Arcee online so they could revive more Autobots. On the way, Arcee tried to explain to Carly what it meant to fight in tandem with an ally, but her simile flew right over Carly's head. Before they could make it to the dam, they encountered a roadblock set up by a human militia from Farmingham. Carly stepped in front of Arcee and Wheeljack to vouch for the Autobots. Transformers #9 As they were siphoning energy, Optimus returned with Elita One and someone damaged beyond recognition. To Arcee's shock, it was her mentor Ultra Magnus, not dead but tortured at Shockwave's hand. Magnus told her he didn't want her to see him like this as Arcee wept over him. Transformers #10

This section covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help by updating it.


Transformers Legends

Hold still, you've got a little Aligned on ya.

Arcee was part of Elita 1's team as they made a series of raids on Decepticon bases. Unfortunately, her nemesis Flamewar's knowledge of her tactics allowed the Decepticon to put a stop to the team's successful run. Fatal Furies At some point, she changed her color scheme from blue to pink. She took part in the defense of Cybertron against Unicron. 'Til All Are One She and Daniel Witwicky encountered a group of Decepticons while hunting for their friends inside the monster. After fending off an attack by Unicron's internal defenses, the pair managed to reunite with their friends and escape before Unicron exploded. Belly of the Beast

There. All better.

Arcee was still an active participant in the Autobot/Decepticon war when Ultra Magnus decided to reunite with his unit from the planet Junkion, only to be attacked by the Insecticons. Junkion Reunion When Ultra Magnus, Kup, and Spike were abducted by Skuxxoids during the Galactic Games, Arcee, and Springer gave chase. Instead of finding the Skuxxoids, they caught up with Rodimus Prime, just as their leader had a vision that the Quintessons were behind the kidnapping. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1

Following a Decepticon assault led by Galvatron, Arcee, alongside Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Spike, were forced into taking cover within the Autobot Mausoleum; this did little to improve their situation, however, as the Decepticons continued their advance. Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime rose from his tomb, providing hope that the tide may yet turn in the Autobots' favour. This was not to be, unfortunately, as the resurrected Autobot leader left the group stranded after having received the Matrix of leadership from Rodimus. After Optimus regained his senses, the Autobots were left to mourn their leader as he sacrificed himself once more to undo the Quintessons' trap. Dark Awakening Arcee, Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, and Springer were trapped in human bodies by Victor Drath and Old Snake, but still managed to foil the pair's plan to destroy Autobot City. They were later successfully returned to their robot bodies. Only Human

In the aftermath of the restoration of Cybertron, Arcee was part of a team led by Sky Lynx which attempted to map the changes to their planet. They were briefly delayed by Spinister and Acid Storm. The Autonomy Lesson

Angry Birds Transformers

Main article: Stella (AB)#As Arcee

Arcee appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events and through Special Missions. Stella portrays her. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

If you have any loved ones, say goodbye to them now.

Arcee participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots, and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of her! She was an Epic character who could be acquired as a reward in the "Combiner Hunters" event and "An Uneventful Night" Space Bridge offer. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

Appearances... can be deceptive. Quick-witted and formidable in battle, Arcee is compassionate to her allies but utterly ruthless to her enemies. Streamlined bodywork and light alloy construction only mean she's faster, more agile, and ultimately deadlier than most of her fellow Autobots. Arcee Bio

Arcee had been dispatched on a mission by Optimus Prime but ran into trouble when Nightbird caught up to her. The two have been crossing paths routinely as Nightbird tries to put an end to Arcee's do-good acts. However, as the battle on Earth heats up, Optimus sent a signal for Arcee to return to the Autobots. Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Warrior
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Weapons: Arcee uses an ion pistol to blast things. Once she does, she closes in and punches/kicks the target.
  • Ability: Holo Decoy - Deploys a decoy that will soak up damage. It cannot damage targets, but it can stun them.
    • Cost 3 ability points. +3 for reuses.

Arcee at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Online (2017 video game)

Arcee TFO.jpg

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers Online

Transformers: Forged to Fight

Boom. Bodyshot that counts as a Headshot.

Arcee was one of the Autobots pulled from her universe by the Quintessons. Because of illusions created by the Quintessons, she mistook Prowl as well as the others to kidnap Daniel. She eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of her running around! Transformers: Forged to Fight

Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Arcee took part in a series of attacks against multiple Decepticon bases, destroying them and defeating all enemies in the process. 800 Armor, 800 Blaster Strength, Score x6, Coins x3, Blaster Speed: Very Fast Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Arcee warrior sentinel core rulebook ttrpg.jpg

Although Arcee was a ferocious melee fighter and a proficient sharpshooter, she was also a caring and compassionate individual who enjoyed defending the downtrodden. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook At some point, Arcee entered into a romantic relationship with Greenlight and worked to train a new generation of Autobot resistance fighters that included Gauge. Transformers Roleplaying Game Starter Bundle

Overwatch 2

You see this orb? That's the unbridled power of the sun.

After catching wind of Megatron's pact to share his power with the revolutionary Omnic Ramattra, Optimus Prime gathered Bumblebee and Arcee together to even the playing field by sharing their power with some of Earth's heroes. Transmission Arcee later chose to share her power with the heroic Illari. Overwatch 2


Main article: Arcee (G1)/toys


G1ArceeModelComp.jpg FriedmanAuctionArceeModelEdit.jpg
And they were absolutely resistant to Arcee. I said I had a daughter who loves this stuff. There are other girls that like it. Put in a female Autobot!Ron Friedman,[4]
  • As quoted above, Ron Friedman fought for Arcee's inclusion in The Transformers: The Movie because his daughter was a fan of that type of cartoon. From the known production timelines, we know she was created about ten months before the Female Autobots were created for the show.
  • In the original treatment, Arcee was going to have to put up with Wheeljack being sexist and underrating her skills... unaware she's saving his life in the background![5]
  • Arcee had two different character models in 1980s Transformers media. An earlier model served as the basis for her original unproduced toy, which was also the model used for most of her Marvel Comics appearances and parts of the episode "Only Human." Meanwhile, her appearances in The Transformers: The Movie, the rest of her season 3 appearances, and her Japanese Headmasters appearances used her final model.
  • Arcee's finalized character model was used to make many background female characters during the movie and season 3. Various Junkion ladies and the Paradron Medics share her design, only without the shoulder-thingies, and a more "shaped" version of her earlier model appeared in "Starscream's Ghost."
  • When asked about Arcee's design in an interview, Floro Dery's reply was, "Arcee is the naked mechanical equivalent of Princess Leia of Star Wars."[6] Well, that answers that question... while raising a whole bunch of others!
  • In 2010, a set of Arcee's original color models from The Transformers: The Movie went up for sale on Heritage Auctions, sold from Ron Friedman's collection of Sunbow Productions materials. In contrast to her final model and her original toy prototype, this early color model depicted her almost exclusively in shades of pink, save for some lavender on her collar, anklets, and vehicle mode seats.
  • Men in Black Collectibles, the organizers of BotCon 1996, attempted to produce an original "Action Master-inspired" Arcee figure as the '96 convention exclusive. As the steel tooling required to produce plastic action figures costs in the tens of thousands of dollars, this idea never went anywhere, and it is unknown whether MiB had entered into any actual discussions to license the use of the character besides. This figure was presumably unrelated to the actual Hasbro/Takara Action Master Arcee conceived a few years earlier.
  • In 2000, Japanese publisher Kodansha released "The Official Guide to Takara SF Land", a book paying tribute to various sci-fi toylines produced by Takara over the years. As part of a tie-in Lucky Draw promotion, Takara released a special redeco of the Replica Microman "Lady Command" figure (itself a reissue of a 1977 toy) in white and gold chrome named Arcee. Whether or not she represents "our" Arcee is unknown, though the name was likely chosen in homage to the shared history of Transformers and Microman, as well as due to it beginning with an "A", like the regular Lady Command figures (Ann, Alice, Annie, and Ai). Only five Arcees were produced.
  • Arcee has the most romantic attachments of any Transformers character: Hot Rod in the movie, Marvel Comics, the Big Looker Storybooks, and Dreamwave continuities, Springer after the movie, Chromedome (and possibly Rodimus Prime) in The Headmasters, Bumblebee in Devil's Due continuity, Aileron in the 2005 IDW continuity, and Greenlight in both the 2019 IDW continuity and the My Little Pony/Transformers crossover miniseries. Then there's the weird affection shown toward Daniel in "The Rebirth, Part 3", but most fans won't read too much into it for their sanity.
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker: "NOOOO, you can't just steal the alternate-mode that's been our recurring trademark vehicle for almost 40 years!"
Arcee: "Haha, italian car goes vroom, vroom..."

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Arcee (アーシー Āshī)
  • French: Arcie (Canada), Archère (France, Dark Awakening, "Female archer")
  • Hungarian: Arszi, Arcee, RC (The Movie)
  • Italian: Saturnia (The Headmasters and second dub of The Movie)
  • Mandarin: Yǎxī (Taiwan, 雅希), Arcee (China, 阿尔茜 Āěrxī)
  • Russian: Arcee (Арси Arsi)
  • Spanish: Silvia (America The Headmasters)


  1. Earthrise website
  2. Earthrise website
  3. Kingdom webpage
  4. Interview with Todd Mathy
  5. "Wheeljack and Arcee have a bickering relationship throughout the draft, the misogynistic Wheeljack constantly underrating her skills, oblivious to the fact she's constantly averting disaster and saving his life in the background. (4/22) https://t.co/WuFAcXwMQI"—Chris McFeely, Twitter, 2022/08/20
  6. TransFormers Philippines: Interview With Floro Dery
  7. New Info About War For Cybertron and More from the Hasbro Preview Breakfast
  8. Post by Verity Carlo on the Allspark Forums, 2017/02/12
  9. "So I've seen a preview of TF vs Terminator #3 floating around the web, so I figure it's ok to post this since she appears in the preview. Here is my design for Arcee. She is based on a 1983 Ford Mustang. #IDWPublishing #Transformers #Terminator #Arcee https://t.co/MMiHJmSc5M"—Alex Milne, Twitter, 2020/08/11
  10. {{citesocial|[Takeover interview with Daniel Warren Johnson, 6/10/2024}}
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