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Optimus Prime (Movie)/games

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TransformersGame DS Autobotbox.jpg

Lots of games involve Movie Optimus Prime!


Transformers: Rise of the Chevy Autobots

Using the callsign 10-22, Optimus Prime stepped up to replace the missing Bumblebee as field director for the Chevy Autobots in their struggles against Mainframe. Under 10-22's leadership, the Chevy Autobots learned that Bumblebee and their other comrades survived inside their foe. Mainframe was capable of devouring the sparks of his opponents to increase his power, but the new sparks remained distinct within him for a time. Locating Mainframe in the Arctic, 10-22 dispatched the entire crew of Chevy Autobots to confront the Decepticon villain, and soon joined them himself. They fought their way through Mainframe and Maelstrom, defeated their foes, saved their friends, and made the universe safe for femmebots and protoforms everywhere. Transformers: Rise of the Chevy Autobots

Transformers (Glu)

Upon his arrival on Earth, Optimus Prime was damaged and trapped inside Hoover Dam. You assisted him by monitoring his progress and directing his efforts with your cell phone. Well done, flesh creature. Transformers (Glu)

Transformers - The Game

Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English), Patrick Borg (French), Alfredo Martínez (Castilian Spanish)

Xbox 360/Sony PS3/PC/Wii/PS2

Autobot campaign

Optimus Prime provided intelligence and missions to Bumblebee in his search for the AllSpark. Eventually, the clues led the Autobot to Sam Witwicky. After saving Sam from Barricade, Bumblebee finally completed preparations for the Autobots to arrive on Earth. Once on Earth and disguised as a truck, and having informed the two teenagers of their mission, Prime and the Autobots were discovered by Sector Seven. Optimus sent Jazz on a high-speed destruction distraction mission, then sent Ironhide to rescue Jazz from a double-threat posed by the government agents and various Decepticon scouts. When Bumblebee was captured, Optimus Prime chased the helicopter which from which the small Autobot was dangling. After a lengthy pursuit, Optimus managed to catch the net, only to be thrown off by another Cybertronian meteor passing nearby. As Bumblebee was carried away, Optimus promised he would not fail him again. Jazz informed him that the meteor was not an Autobot and Optimus confronted the new threat, who turned out to be the Decepticon triplechanger Shockwave. The two battled it out across Tranquility before Optimus finally destroyed him, and in doing so, overheard Starscream's transmission revealing the location of the AllSpark.

Optimus then returned to an intel role as he guided Bumblebee in his mission to retrieve the AllSpark from Hoover Dam. Unfortunately, the Decepticons managed to free Megatron, leading to the final battle in Mission City. As the Autobots engaged in an all-out urban war with the Decepticons to protect Sam and the AllSpark, things seemed to take a turn for the worse as Megatron finally arrived. But before the Decepticon leader could claim the Cube, Optimus Prime attacked. The two leaders duked it out until Megatron was finally on the ground, seemingly devoid of life. Optimus knelt to take the AllSpark as Sam handed it to him, but Megatron suddenly awoke, leaping at the Autobot with his chain-flail out, and making one last attempt at defeating his adversary. Optimus grabbed the chain, pulling Megatron in closer, and with the AllSpark clutched in his fist, delivered a punch through Megatron's spark. As Megatron died Optimus reflected on the losses and rewards of this battle, as the Autobots have a new home. Optimus planned to guard the humans in secret, "For freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Transformers The Game

Decepticon campaign

After Bumblebee, Jazz and Ironhide were all killed in Mission City, Sam and Mikaela informed their deaths to Optimus. Optimus noted their sacrifice and decided to defeat Megatron, he transformed and took them both to a safer location. In the final battle, Optimus Prime had summoned all of his autobot forces to stop Megatron, but was confronted by Megatron himself at the top of a building, he fought back against Megatron and had a banter before they fought again, all the while protecting Sam. Prime faced the decepticon tyrant and his underlings with great might. Eventually Prime was beaten to the ground, and as he desperately crawled for the AllSpark, Megatron smashed his head with his flail, Sam came to his aid too late, as Megatron used the Cube to destroy humanity. Transformers The Game

Transformers: Autobots

Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English)

Optimus helped to advise his warriors in some of their mission to try locate the Allspark. Arriving on Earth, Optimus met up with the other Autobots to give further commands to his troops. Create-A-Bot, the new rookie, was eager to help in the cause, but Optimus tells him to sit back while the grown-ups take care of business. After Jazz learned that Sector 7 possessed both Megatron and the Allspark, Optimus solemnly decided to kill his brother, a notion Jazz questioned. Optimus deemed it a necessary killing, and ordered Bumblebee to create a diversion so that they could get out of the city, but Create-A-Bot, fed up with the bureaucracy defied Optimus's orders and interfered in Bumblebee's mission, resulting in the scout's capture. Optimus decided not to rescue Bumblebee, deeming their mission for the AllSpark more important. Ironhide was enraged by this, voicing his opinion that Optimus cared for none of his troops, only for besting his brother. Optimus voiced no argument against this attack, and restated their mission to retrieve the AllSpark. With that, the Autobots began making their way to the Hoover Dam.

Jazz was able to locate Bumblebee in the dam, and Ironhide apologized for his outburst, though Optimus said no apology was needed between the two old friends. Optimus took pity on Create-A-Bot and allowed him the chance to redeem himself by freeing Bumblebee. After guiding Bumblebee to his weapon chip and the Allspark, Optimus and Bumblebee made their way down the highway when they were confronted by Barricade and a drone, and after defeating them Optimus realised they were a diversion so that they could unfreeze Megatron. Searching for his nemesis, he instead encountered Brawl, who he eventually killed before returning to the city, where he rendezvoused with Create-A-Bot and Bumblebee with the Allspark, Megatron arrived and grabbed the Allspark from him. To stop Megatron Optimus followed him, ordering Create-A-Bot to stay behind with Bumblebee. During the confrontation Megatron set Allspark drones on Prime, but Create-A-Bot, who tailed Prime to the fight sacrificed himself to weaken Megatron. Galvanized by the rokkie's sacrifice, Optimus fought Megatron in a final duel. After besting Megatron, Optimus decided the Allspark was worth sacrificing to stop Megatron. Megatron defeated, Optimus commended the dying young Autobot and swore he would always be remembered as a war hero, and sent out an interstellar message to any Autobots living among the stars to join them. Transformers: Autobots

Transformers: Decepticons

Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English)

Optimus Prime was the leader of the Autobots and Megatron’s old brother-in-arms with countless Decepticon casualties to his name, many of whom thought they could take him on solo. Despite acknowledging how powerful he was, the most loyal Decepticons regarded Prime as a zealot who promoted weakness and fear, and regarded his Autobots as ignorant fools.

During a visit to Tranquility, Blackout reported that Optimus would be arriving soon with a wave of Autobot reinforcements to Barricade’s dismay. Landing on Earth, Optimus Prime quickly joined the other Autobots to attempt to stop the Decepticons. The rookie made short work of his soldiers, but when he prepared to go after Optimus, Barricade ordered him to stand down, knowing the kid would inevitably end up on the Scrapheap.

Optimus didn't appear on the battlefield until Megatron himself was released and Starscream escaped with the AllSpark. He stepped in to thwart the maniacal leader of the Decepticons, vowing to never let him build an empire again, but alas, was struck down, left in the streets while Megatron gave chase to his traitorous second-in-command. Transformers: Decepticons

Transformers: The Game (PSP)

Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English)

After the AllSpark had been lost and Megatron followed it, the Autobots tracked both down to Earth, Optimus sending Bumblebee to scout the planet. After confirming the Decepticon presence, Bumblebee summoned the rest of the Autobots. Upon being informed that Megatron had not been seen, Optimus sent Hound and Trailbreaker to investigate what had become of him following the humans finding the Decepticon while Optimus led the rest to search for the AllSpark. After Bumblebee had been abducted by Sector Seven and brought to the Hoover Dam, where the AllSpark was, he broadcast another signal. As Optimus led the Autobots to the signal, he was forced to leave Ratchet and Ironhide behind to hold off the increasing amount of Decepticon drones. When the two learnt of the origin of the drones from Thundercracker, Optimus sent Hound and Trailbreaker to deactivate them. Though successful, the mission cost Hound's life.

After freeing Bumblebee, Optimus served as his bodyguard against the remaining Decepticon army, briefly abandoning his charge to defeat Bonecrusher. As Optimus caught up to Bumblebee, so did Megatron, landing atop and killing the scout while absorbing the AllSpark into himself. With the cube's power still not fully integrated into his archenemy, Optimus managed to separate it from the warlord, whereupon Sam Witwicky inserted it directly into Megatron's spark chamber, killing the Decepticon leader. In the aftermath, Optimus sent out a beacon to any other Autobots in the galaxy to meet with him on Earth, though he was convinced that the Decepticons would one day return. Transformers The Game (PSP)

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Autobots/Decepticons

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots/Decepticons

Datafile Decoder

Optimus Prime contacted the Lunchables Brigade and asked them to bypass Decepticon jamming and download essential datafiles for him via Cybertron Galactic Systems. Datafile Decoder

AllSpark Wars

After the first battle with the Decepticons on Earth, Optimus Prime and the other Autobots went into stasis lock, held in storage around the world. He was revived in America during the course of the AllSpark Wars, which eventually led to the Decepticons' defeat, who were forced to flee soon thereafter. AllSpark Wars

Allspark Highway

The Autobots obtained the AllSpark, and needed to bring it to a secure location. Relaying it to one another, Optimus being the last link in the chain, the Autobots kept the AllSpark out of Decepticon hands until the evil robots simply gave up the chase. Allspark Highway

Transformers Video Mash-Up

Various short clips featuring Optimus Prime were available for users to custom-create their own short film about the Transformers.
Transformers Video Mash-Up

Autobot Stronghold

The Decepticons were invading an Autobot stronghold in the city, and Optimus Prime and the Autobots placed themselves at key positions to defend it from attack. Autobot Stronghold

Transformers: Battle for the Matrix

BattlefortheMatrix Optimus on Sun Harvester.jpg
Battle for the Matrix is a simplified retelling of the events of Revenge of the Fallen. It can be played from the perspective of either Bumblebee or Optimus Prime.

Transformers: Battle for the Matrix

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Game

Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English), Dariusz Odija (Polish), Patrick Borg (French), Alfredo Martínez (Castilian Spanish)

Xbox 360/Sony PS3/PC

Autobot campaign

One shall stand, one sha— oh, you know the drill.

Optimus Prime served as the Autobots all around fighter. Weapons wise, he possessed dual laser rifles and dual shell cannons. In melee combat, he possessed Dual Energy Swords in each hand. Finally, with his valiant leader ability, he could generate a shield around himself which would prevent his energy from dropping past 1%.

After overseeing Ironhide's defeat of Sideways and Ratchet's rescue of Ironhide, Optimus Prime took to the field when a previously unknown Decepticon named Demolishor began attacking the Shanghai waterfront. Optimus was finally able to defeat him, but Demolishor gave a single warning before he was killed: "The Fallen shall rise again". Optimus and the Autobots were at a loss as to what he meant. Back in the United States, Sam Witwicky gave Mikaela Banes a fragment of the AllSpark that he had discovered, which the Decepticons soon sought. Prime dispatched Bumblebee to rescue her. Following this, the Decepticons launched a raid on the city's oil refinery, where Ratchet rescued several engineers. Finally, Ironhide escorted a NEST team to safety in the city's canals. Their victories were short lived. The Decepticons soon learned about the AllSpark shard on Diego Garcia, stealing it to revive Megatron. Although Breakaway managed to save the fleet, Megatron was reborn. He soon made an attack on Sam, trying to access information in his mind downloaded from the AllSpark. Bumblebee managed to rescue him. In light of these attacks, Optimus decided to give NEST the Axiom Gun to better defend themselves against the Decepticons. The escort came under Decepticon assault, but Prime was able to beat back the attackers and deliver the Axiom Gun to NEST. Soon afterwards, Bumblebee escorted Sam to meet with Seymour Simmons, who told him of Jetfire, who then took the boy to Egypt.

While there, Jetfire explained what was going on: Eons ago, Optimus's ancestors, the 13 founders of the Dynasty of Primes, built a star harvester to convert the energy of the sun into Energon. When they discovered the humans, they upheld their rule of the sanctity of life, but one of the Primes defied the rule and murdered his twelve brothers. This Prime was known as The Fallen, but the star harvester was hidden from him. While Sam made inquires to the Tomb of the Twelve, Megatron and Starscream arrived in an attempt to learn the harvester's location and kill Sam. Optimus Prime was able to defeat both Decepticons with Jetfire's help, but Jetfire was stabbed in the back by Megatron. Dying, Jetfire offered his parts to Optimus, as only a Prime could defeat The Fallen. Finding the harvester at the Great Pyramid of Giza, Optimus challenged The Fallen. Despite The Fallen's powerful command of telekinesis and pyrokinesis, Optimus Prime was able to get past his defenses and kill The Fallen by stabbing him through the face. On the return trip home, Sam expressed gratitude at seeing the sunrise, and told Optimus he would have to trust him on it. Optimus Prime replied that he had always trusted Sam, and always would. Revenge of the Fallen (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

Decepticon campaign

Aw, shucks.....not again!

When the revenant Megatron and the Decepticons rampaged across the United States of America, Optimus Prime faced him in a major city on the East Coast. The two leaders engaged in a titanic struggle that shook the city, but despite being aided by many Autobot drone units, Optimus was seemingly destroyed. However, much later, Optimus Prime reappeared when Megatron's master, The Fallen, activated the Star Harvester to drain Earth's Sun. The Autobot leader revealed that The Fallen's promise to make Megatron a Prime was a lie, as Primes were born, not made. When Megatron demanded his reward, The Fallen reneged on his promise. As the master and disciple of evil began to fight, Optimus left to find a way to disable the Harvester. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)


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The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Wii/PS2)


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The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (PSP)

Transformers Battle Universe

At the edge of time, when the Matrix needed a new host, Optimus Prime was among several warriors (and Primes) summoned from the multiverse to battle for control of the prize. Transformers Battle Universe

Starscream Showdown

After Starscream faced off against the bulk of NEST's forces, Optimus Prime intervened and attempted to destroy the rampaging Decepticon. If Starscream managed to defeat Optimus, the Decepticon successfully completed his mission. Starscream Showdown

Transformers RPMs: Devastator's Demise

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Optimus Prime was both fast and sturdy. His firepower blew obstacles to smithereens.

In order to defeat Devastator, Bumblebee, Optimus and Ironhide drove through Cairo and avoided obstacles. Transformers RPMs: Devastator's Demise

Hunt for the Decepticons

Optimus coordinated the Autobots' efforts to hunt down the Decepticons still active around the globe. He assigned Bumblebee to take care of Axor in Shanghai before allowing you in the field alone to tackled the Decepticon threat. Once you proved your mettle against Terradive and Starscream, Optimus granted you access to the Autobots' secret training facility, so that you could ready yourself against the greatest opponent of them all: Megatron. When Optimus was satisfied that your speed, firepower, strength and skill were up to the task, he sent you out to tackled the Decepticon leader. If you were victorious in stopping Megatron from destroying New York City, Optimus would congratulate you, and give his sincere thanks on behalf of the Autobots for your contribution to their cause. Hunt for the Decepticons

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mobile game

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After Megatron's destruction, Optimus hoped that they'd seen the last of the Decepticons and the Autobots began working with NEST. A signal in Shanghai led Optimus to discover a Decepticon invasion force there. He fought the foe solo, and followed an AllSpark signal to Starscream. Starscream managed to escape, and NEST reported that HQ was under attack. As he had to hang around to help clean up the mess in Shanghai, Optimus sent Bumblebee and Ironhide to help. Bumblebee was defeated by Starscream, but told Optimus that Starscream had said something about the Matrix of Leadership. Believing he knew where the Decepticons were headed, Optimus went to find an old friend, Jetfire.

In Egypt, Optimus lost contact with NEST while investigating an area. He told Bumblebee to rendezvous with Jetfire at the Great Pyramid, warning Bumblebee that he believed an energy signature he was detecting was The Fallen. Bumblebee later reported that Devastator had defeated Jetfire and taken the Matrix. By the time Optimus reached the site, Megatron had taken Bumblebee hostage and had possession of the Matrix. Optimus combined Jetfire's parts with his own, gaining enough strength to defeat Megatron. Exhausted by the fight, Prime was then confronted by The Fallen, but used the power of the Matrix to defeat the ancient Decepticon. Revenge of the Fallen (Glu)

Victory Is Sweet

When Bumblebee was in the process of stopping Starscream's plan to destroy a city, Optimus turned up at the last moment to defeat the Decepticon and hog the glory. Victory Is Sweet

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - The Game

Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English), Alfredo Martínez (Castilian Spanish), Patrice Melennec (French)

(Xbox 360/PS3)

Three years after the defeat of the Fallen, Optimus attempted to hack into Decepticon transmissions in order to turn the tide in the war. He ordered Bumblebee to implant a virus into the transmissions. Just when Bumblebee was on his way out, a few Decepticons discovered him and decided to report back to Megatron. Optimus ordered Bumblebee to destroy their communications and after Bumblebee accomplished that task, he and Sideswipe saved him from a Decepticon ambush. However, the information in the transmissions allowed Optimus to get Ironhide and Ratchet to take care of an attack in Detroit. Later, Megatron learned of the virus and got Soundwave to remove all of the Decepticon information, getting rid of the Autobot's advantage. Starscream did, however, take a MechTech weapon with a tracking device on it. This allowed the Autobots to find the Decepticon hideout and attack it. Optimus got inside and fought Megatron. However, Megatron defeated Optimus and sent him down to a cryo chamber. Optimus would later discover that the chamber contained Shockwave and his pet Driller, who had been frozen by the Soviets and that Megatron's plan was to free them out of captivity. After a brief battle, Optimus had failed to prevent Shockwave from emerging out of his frozen state and was about to kill him when the Driller arrived and escaped with Shockwave. Optimus then vowed to not rest until every Decepticon was found and brought to justice. Dark of the Moon


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Concerned that the Decepticons were behind recent attacks downtown, Optimus sent Bumblebee to investigate and, it turned out, he was right. With more information, Optimus contacted Ironhide to alert him that the Decepticons were up to something involving the possible resurrection of the Constructicons. He encountered Ratchet in the field, and took over Ratchet's mission as the medic was more valuable at base. During the course of the mission, Optimus encountered Soundwave and chased him to a stadium where the Autobot leader was triumphant. Sometime later, the Decepticons attacked the Autobots' Pacific island base, and Ratchet and Wheeljack warned Optimus that Crowbar was around somewhere. Optimus bashed many Decepticons but didn't find Crowbar. When the Decepticons invaded a NEST base, Optimus was surprisingly keen for the Autobots to let Soundwave get away. They eventually tracked the Decepticons to a base in Siberia, and Optimus insisted on going in alone, only to be overcome by Megatron and Shockwave, who got away despite the best efforts of the other Autobots. Dark of the Moon: Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers: Dark of the Moon mobile game

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Dark of the Moon

Cyberverse Battle Builder

Optimus Prime joined his Autobot troops in combating the Decepticons on battlefields on Earth, the Earth's Moon and on Cybertron. Sometimes he was armed with the Armored Weapons Platform. Sometimes there were many of him! Cyberverse Battle Builder

Transformers: The Ride – 3D

"Great job doing nothing, recruits"

Detecting the distress signal of Evac, who had just arrived on Earth, Optimus welcomed the newcomer to the Autobot ranks. When Evac explained that he was the last of the Knights of Cybertron, Optimus showed him the last remaining shard of the AllSpark, the energy of which unexpectedly reconfigured Evac with a super-speedy new alternate mode. Optimus appointed him "Guardian of the AllSpark", assigning him to use his new form to transport the shard and NEST personnel from base to base. Prime instructed Evac to keep his origins secret to everyone, so that the Decepticons wouldn't find him. Prepare for Battle

It was while Evac was carrying out his duties that the Decepticons struck. Optimus attempted to guide Evac to safety, but wound up embroiled in battle with Megatron, trying to restrain the Decepticon leader as he pursued Evac and the AllSpark fragment. The pair's battle took them to the top of a building, where Evac, fed up with doing nothing but running, decided to fight back. He charged into the middle of Optimus and Megatron's fight, and while Optimus held the Decepticon in place, Evac thrust the AllSpark shard into Megatron's chest, overcharging him and killing him. In the aftermath, Optimus congratulated Evac and the NEST recruits on their bravery. Transformers: The Ride – 3D

Outside the ride, meet and greets can be held with Optimus Prime.

MechTech Weapons Challenge

Mechtech Weapons Challenge Optimus Prime.jpg

After the Decepticons stole MechTech weapons technology from the Autobots, Optimus Prime sent Bumblebee out on missions on Cybertron, Earth and the Earth's Moon to retrieve it. MechTech Weapons Challenge

Web Wars

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Optimus battled the Decepticons across the digital frontier, defending numerous websites across the internet from their encroachment! Web Wars

The Fabulous Ponymaker


Available as an online game on Hub Network's website beginning in summer of 2012, The Fabulous Ponymaker invited players to "build your own custom pony" based on the series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. One of the options allowed the creation of an Optimus Prime pony using parts like a film styled helmet, chestplate and boots. (Despite the presence of The Aquabats' logo among the cutie marks, there is no Autobot symbol. Sad.)

Transformers: Human Alliance

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Human Alliance

Transformers: Age of Extinction mobile game

Optimus Prime was one of the Autobots, who helped destroy the Decepticons on streets of Texas, Detroit and Chicago. Age of Extinction

Dinobot Hunt online game

Optimus Prime teamed up with Grimlock to destroy some Decepticon encampments, and collect some Energon along the way. Dinobot Hunt

Bumblebee Blast online game

Optimus Prime sent Bumblebee to the Autobot training simulator so that the young Autobot could hone his marksmanship skills, in anticipation to future Decepticon attacks. Bumblebee Blast

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English)


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Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


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The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Rise of the Dark Spark

Transformers Ultimate Allstars

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Ultimate Allstars

Transformers (Hasbro Arcade)

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Optimus Prime chased a Decepticon ship while trying to avoid getting hit by obstacles. Transformers (Hasbro Arcade)

Transformers: Battle Masters

Battle Masters game Silver Knight Optimus.jpg

Silver Knight Optimus Prime was a participant of the Battle Masters contest, trying to become a champion and win the Earth Belt, the Cybertron Belt, the Galactic Belt, the Unicron Belt and the Primus Belt. The winner of each championship is player dependant. Battle Masters

See here for Optimus Prime's other depictions in the game.

Transformers Online (2017 video game)

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Nemesis-Prime TFO.jpg
If it is not your sacrifice, then it is mine.

At the Battle of Chicago, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, repelled the Decepticons. However, planet Earth lost faith in the Transformers, which led to mankind establishing the "Cemetery Wind" task force to hunt them down. From the wreckage of Chicago, a mad scientist unearthed the secret of Cybertronian transformations, ultimately resulting in the creation of Galvatron from Megatron's remains. With Earth in danger once more, Optimus left hibernation to rise up and fight once more for the planet!

In battle, Optimus Prime wielded the "Sword of Judgment" and the rapid-firing "Cosmic Crazy Shark". His active skill was the "Verdict of Justice":

  • Verdict of Justice — For 7 seconds, Optimus is suspended in midair with his shield raised against enemy attacks. Holding down the left mouse button will initiate a 360-degree onslaught to any surrounding enemies. Transformers Online [1]

Transformers: Forged to Fight

All Warrior bots shall heed to me, and GIVE ME THEIR FACES.

Optimus was one of the Autobots pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! He was one of the bots subjected to delusion and the effects of Dark Energon.

As a Brawler, He has strong Armor and Melee buffs, when Bleeding his Willpower lets his attacks recover some health and Power, and Bleeds enemies with his blades. At low health, He'll Take Them All On with a burst of damage and armor buffs. Transformers: Forged to Fight

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The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Shadows Rising

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Shadows Rising

Adventures of Bumblebee

Adventures of Bumblebee game Optimus.jpeg

After Bumblebee collected some Energon and successfully evaded Sector 7, Shatter and Dropkick, Optimus Prime congratulated him through a hologram and told him to fight on. Adventures of Bumblebee


Voice actor: Peter Cullen (English), Patrick Messe (French), Víctor Hugo Aguilar (Latin-American Spanish)

Observant loopers discovered a mysterious transmission playing on loop through one of the channels of the Fortnite island's vehicles' radios, which turned out to be messages from Optimus Prime. Four of these transmissions were broadcast over the course of the following ten weeks, and an additional fifth message from Prime was found by interacting with a crystal located in front of a mural in Rumble Ruins depicting the Autobot insignia. Altogether, these messages painted a somewhat-dire picture: the island's power had faded, evil forces had taken notice, and the loopers had to somehow escape. The answers to doing so were apparently located up in the stars, and the loopers would have to cooperate with the previously-treacherous Doctor Slone in order to utilize the artifacts left behind by the island's ancient civilization to figure them out. In his final transmission, Optimus emphasized that the key to the island's future lay in the past, before giving a hearty "Fight on, and roll out!" Fortnite


  • Optimus Prime's Rise of the Chevy Autobots codename, "10-22", is CB radio slang for "report in person to." As in "Bumblebee, 10-22 to 10-22." Cute, huh?


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